University of South Carolina Libraries
* * -- 1 ? 1 , . ' ^ 1' R O S r E V T IS I OF Til E LITEE1KV UULLCTH. Charleston, ?S'. IN offering to the patronage ol li.e public, a new 1 ^ literary paper, we are pertecfy uwaro that wo , are bat repealing an oil-trie ! t-uietiuit ut. The re-1 t?ultv Lowever, we would lam !<? .eve, will be diitoreut. Wo tue. it is true, Conscious of tin* possession i ot* no talent or ability sup -nor to taut ot'our predo ccssors. b it wv rely, (perhaps, indeed, with too much ol the ardor of all experiments,) upon the increasing taste of the age of literature ; u tnste, the evidence of which is before us in the number of periodicals, engaged solely in its cultivation?in the lyoeuuis, the libraries ami academies devoted to scienoo and learning. Whilst the North and the . West are thus assidiously employed in the exeni* plary task of mental improvement, we will not sup- | { pose that the South intends longer to bear the | j weight of that heavy incuinbns which heretofore'! lias whclmeJ it 111 an intellectual slumber more t last in; and profound tlian that physical one which < crewhile enwrapped the seven sleepers of hlphesus. < It is with a hope tints founded, and with an in- < tention ifwecaunot win succes3,at least to deserve i it; that iiolwilhstau ling the uniform failure of tnose who liave preceded us, we have ventured to claim the patronage and to labor for the applause ol the .? ?ri..? i,.. m. .11 K.. ..i. i m.. ,i.? > ??v ovum on hi i/i; vu i?#* j uvif iiiv gimu is to end, time only cm determine. Our object will be to render the col mini cl the , Bulletin both useful and amusing. For this purpose, while one p >rli<>n is devoted to original IdsBays, Tales and Poems, furnished from time to time by our Correspondents and collaborators, another portion shall be occupied by selected ma'tor culled from every spot of interest and instruction, in the va-t tield of liter iture. The productions of the press shall pass in ieview before us, and on every work which merits our i notice, an impartial criticism shall be bestowed ? To light luarature and to learned science shall alike ' be meted their due portion cl censure or uf praise, and it shall not be our faults if our patrons do not know the intrinsic value of every book, (at least in ' vnr own opinion) before they l*)gin to tead. lie, says Or. 1 ranklin, \vl?o is good at excuses, is Seldom good at any thing else; and the same we ! opine may be Baid of promises; lest therefore our , readcis copnc to some such conclusion as this, we will, without furihsr ado, make our b<>w, a <1 louvo them in future to judge from <?ui labor,; whetn r we <lo, or do not, deserve their patronage. Feb. 3 10 THE PILOT O That Weathered the * tor aw! i * During the prevalence of these truly | times, Sylvester has pursued ! tend; irt uudeviuting course?:\ rsurso paoducWtivc of the inost benefici ?1 ctlVcts to all erjwho have addressed themselves to him for goo?& share of those pecuniary favors i i the shape of prizes which he settlers with s>? F liberal a hand. Again we renew the brilto ?Jiant opportunity of obtaining a panacea j v/oi'for the evils of an empty pocket, and rr- 1 tior,fer to the lid, 9th, iCtbl 23d auJ 30th ofi Uhr hunc as the imporian tdays?and let rhem Cjiot be neglected?but send your orders S'early to the cver-lucky S.J. SYLVESTER, 130 iiroati<ra ij, Vttc York 13 drown numbers in each pad; of 25 tick, Vir^iaiiti Slate iiOltery, for the beueiit of the Richmond \cade- ; my. Class No. 3 "T1 L. J ^ | s r . vSCUEME. 1 Prize ol 30,000 1 ? 10,000 i ?* ;o,ooo 1 ? 5,000 J ? -1,000 1 *? 2,500 25 " 1,000 or, " 500 2S " 300 ?Vo. ike. Tirkots 10 t!*"? 1 In A Certificate of a Package ??t \K> vV!?olc tickets *rill be sent tor lilt) Dollars?Packages of halves jn proportion Rich and Splendid Scheme. Virginia Mate lottery, Class I. For the benefit of the Mechanical ficncvo lent Society of Norfolk. -? irrTo be drawn at Alexandria, Va June [) ? X CAPITALS. ? ?33,000! 15.000 ! 5,000 12,000 2,200 most ~5 i?rize< 1000 for the 75 <? 500 beside: CJ ' XjO hour Ace Arc. | go thi Tickets for Ten Dollars. 5cnj?"Certificate of a Paeknge of 05 whole Ticket* ' cost only 130. Halves and l^uartnr* in pro- 1 *ai(|>ortion. Delay not to send your orders U' For sePtune's Home. th GRAND SCIIEMK. ?/ Virginia Stale Lottery* For the bcjiclit of the Lcesburj Acade ,n>'' Class 1 for ISSS. To be drawn at Aloxandria'Vu. Saturday June 10CAPITALS. $30,000 0000, 5,000 1,00ft! 3000! f> Prize of 1500 Doll are * ft Prizes of li!5o Ddi ug 75 Prizes of 60 ) Dollars | 12<3 Prizes of 20i) Dollars Tickets $10?Shares in proportion, CLASS 9. To be drawn at Wilmington. June 30. SCHEME. j >-!j,i>00! 8,090 4,000 0,000 j i of f*oo 10 of 1000 Tickets 5 Dollars. Certificate of n purKag of 25 whole Tickets in this vlagnilicent Scheme may be had for 110 Dollars?Packages of tJalve-. and Quarters m proportion. 100 frizes of ->00 Dollars: S VI. V EST EIVS l<\ VO It IT R. Vlt'Kiuia "ilalt ViOHcrv. ~ Class No. 3, for 1838. To be drawn at Alexandria Va. May 20 SCHEME. 1 prize of 30,000 I) 8,000 I) "4,000 D.illars ' 3,000 Dollars ' Ticl'^s 1 i FresliOardenSeedH, JUST received and forsaie by f March 3 41 J. K. M'KAIN; c PROSPECTUS OF THB L4D1??' COMPANION, (H3 A4 A BUSHED IN iSjt.) 1 popular uitd highly esteemed Magazine of Gonerul Lillet at ufu and the Ftilo _ Arts?uihbelished with gorgeous un.l costly Engravings, on Steel, Coonper and \Vootlj* and ?l?o with t'uhiouahU and vlusic,'arranged for the Fiano-Forte, Guitar ami AAuop. KDifORS, Mas. Ann S. Stkpuens. WlLLUM W. S.NOWJjEN. Assisted by many of the most popular tcfiters, ( Since the publication of the May number, the Jo-1 niund lor the Ladies' ?Nonpaniou, hus been un>reccdeuted and beyond t!ie moot sanguine anticipa- ' ions. At the romnuMiee merit of the volume an udhtioiial nuiulier of copies were printed, which was soiit idcred at the time auvjaate to satisfy all the orders which might be received, and leave a considerable number on hit ml f?-r sulnequeiit calls. Tlie publisher is more than gruiiHed in sliding that the whole edition was nearly exhausted before the issuing of ;hc seventh noi'b ei oi the volume; a..<l ut this time but very few complete tets remain in iiand, io ottpp'r the numerous orders which arc inly received Irom every a ction ol t'?e U. S. in coiibeqiu ncv ol this ,>i?unf r.<e? i. incr ;.r.c <- ! new s'i .hi" i . i la; !; . t. m.uied to u? .1 . V t'n* number of i: 1 rrs^ioi s t ?r t .in* ?t;?v,i yea:; while he must ordelullv appreciates ti?e Miprece J-Mitcil eneouruy> iik ut extended ir> the L.adios Companion, ainl at tli- n.uue ? no, he b <gd to ?n:?hr * the readers of tho maga&inc and the public in general; that it is Inn ardent r?M"!utien to meet il with a correspondigg liberality on Ins pat to merit its euntiriunuce. SPLENDID STEKL t NV. K .W I N'OS l?v our best artist>, .rcotnpnuv <; < !> hum <t?-ilius tiatml by Tales and spirited Sketches ?w hic.h will, as heretofore, continue to !> > juagniiiccnt and lai superior to mono published in any olLei magazine in America. 1 ho Ladies' (Jonpn'ii. <v.??t bus a V? y r qui. .tity of reading th.n ??.y . . : .u:i 'i.'.'i i -uc-1 in !hw country, uutl iU 9un?t'.i'i|>v,jii j>ri"<-* * "til t three dollars a year, while the ?:ro.,i coinluu Jii-n ot u>' : secure I;? w?.. it..!-. k une<j;.at ted by ant'other periodi :d. U'S LITER.UlY ( JLUi t. TKR! Will undergo coTisideiablo oii'ipgc, m the |?UoiL!u r of trie 1 .nines' t.'i mpaniun, in ordci lo show in.npprcei dioii of the public i\v-t already* e*i-cudi-J to turn suhucrally, has secured ti t aid ot Mas. Ann S. ,VnvMr.\s' lafo Kditor ol i'ie !a' i via-;,/. fie,' and author 'it a series of the >j?? beautiful .? id popul ir tai. - ever presented ' < a i \ineru in .< . do lad} possessiu</ yrc '.or \ i"t \ la lit, <?r be1 tor ;dcutared to aid ?n ei.orlueii ; / a Lotus ma " '..;:e ? odd Lave been'iK e u d fiu;a '!?c gdaxy ot ?. .1. e"" us which i -- the glory ot our count r?\ !. ? a Idi.iou to tile powerful t al-uts of iNfrs Stephens, t tie pioprh to; tias secured a list of contributors, wliich combined will render the L ubes' Ooinpu.i'M one ot ilio most interesting and laieuted magazines ot the day. Mrs. L. II. Slgourney, Greenville Mrllen, " Jane 12. I?ucke, A'. C. IIrooks, A. M. .? W.I,./J hull S! P " Emma C. Embury, J time# Furbish, Miss A. D. Wondhridge, William Cutter, 41 II. 1,, tteaslry, Juhn Seal, 44 Charlotte Cash nan, Henry F. Harrington, 44 Mary Emily Jackspti Ixuec Fray. Jr. Ilnbrrt. Hamilton, Jams* E. Viiil, J. N. M'Jtllun, E hoard Maturin, i ... James Iironks, Jonas II. I hi'hps, i ICCb. J. II. Clinch, 1 II. Sfiellon M irkmztc j Ret>. A. A. Lipscomb. j L. L. I). iWith many others who will naeasiouaily coutribut to the pages of the work, and . wry exertion will b made to render the Ladies' < 'oinpsnion, what :t ivorl devoted to the female portion of the e.oimnumt: should be, interesting, useful and instructive. THE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT Is under the supervision of Air. J. Watson, whost qualifications for the task are too well known to re . quire our testimony. This department of the Ladies' Companion, hai ever commanded a large share of att> ntion, and In been looked upon with no little interest by its re t ders, and more especially the Ladies, whom tin publisher is in the burliest leirree nnvi.nn In ^ rj r " ! It will continue to he a subject of more than n-oni rare to him, and to the Prv.fe*-or under whose sn pervisio it is placed, to make tlint portion of tin magazine allotted to music, more than ever doscniuj; of the countenance of every lover of music. !t hot ever Iwon and will continue to he the desire to hav? ill pieces of music printed correctly and free Iron errors. THE WOIUv IV GF.NP R \L. Over every department an equally careful super vision will he strictly exercised bv the F.dilors ?n?! all appropriate expenditures will lie lilxrally hollowed as it is the design ofthc publisher with the aid of his contributors and the advice of his friends to make the Ladies' < 'otnpanton distieguishc I for the lieauty I and accuracy of its typography?the variety and | high tone of its literary articles?the quality and value ot its music?and the unequalled splendor ol its pictorial cinbelibh merits. It is the determination of tlie publisher to use every means to maintain tin* superiority which the Lulus' Companion has obtained. For four years he has steadily pursued n cou'se ol improvement, and lie llatiers himself that his present facilities are such os (ogive the Ladies' Companion eminent advantages overall other publications of its character. From the foregoing it will he perceived that the Ladies' Companion embraces every department within the range of Belle*-Lett res and the Fine Arts; and no exertions or ? xponse will he deemed too great to render tho work equal to any other extant, f'he (l ittering and general testimonials of nearly every contcmparary journal in the United States, and in fact, many on the other side of the Atb.ntie strongly averted the Undeniable claims of the La- i dice' Companion to the &up)orl of the public <rt-ueral ] ly. Thercisno work that gives lis readers such a j great return for their subscription. The Prize Articles will all !>e published during the year. These articles will comprise the succi s?lu! iandidates for the premiums of one thousand dollar-: nwarded by a committee of literary gentlemen in August last. T fit Ms--Three Dollars a year in advance, or four ! dollars during tho year. j Nosui.scr'ipii'jn received for less tlianone year. I.e.ten* mvisi be addreased to the proprietor,a . No. ' Il>7 Fullon-St- New York, (post paid.) | WILLI.A M W. SAO WD F.N". Proprietor. ; WHITE, LEE <& Co., Sumterville, South! Carolina, agents for Coaler & Coxc original SOUT11KK.N TONIC. Certificates of the tificacvand virluo of this medicine are in their possession June 3 5 tf ^ AND LOT EOd SALE. The house -!*. IfL ?nd lot now occupied by .1 meg Jenkins as ! t more,and formerly hy J I) Me niere, is offered !bi sale. The t?-r?ii-4 will he accoininodnfin" to the ! iiirchaaer and reasonable in price, winch may be uore fullv learned by appl.cation to A?g. 1S< I ? WAl. I'WILLIE. rjn.lKOof.ftrtnerjhip heretofore existing under || the Jiriri ol Bishop and Gilrhtist was at an end ?n the 1st day of February, 1?38. April 11 *00 tl |J. M..CILCIIR1ST. i ONES' V r~ I PATENT COTTOA ?1W. f jj'HISGm can be iuadc double, or single. IT JL made double, tbey reduce labor, and gin' just double, the quantity of cotton over the single cylinder Gin, no other knd having been in use prcvous to this patent; and whether single or double, they ore found to improve the 'quality of the cotton, by more perfectly cleaning it. They can be made to' contain from 30 to 100 saws in a stand, mud whether small or large, one hand will be su the lent to attend them. The Gins nave mechanical feeders and hoppers attached to them, which free the cotton I A ? * 1?- --'v.* * ?..1. -l.-s Am luil/trti it nsn innoli llm iruill iqttvco^ wiavia| uiii) 1w. wv .?iv ? vi?m ?v?vm n?v i saws, and the thorough hackling operation it receives from the feeders, which make two rtvo* i luhons to one of tho xuwii, it is almost in a half gined state, before it descends to the saw. Jiy a ' Very simple arrangement of u screw to each set of gautes, on which the hoppers rest, and through which the teeth ot the ft eders pasp, they can he made to teed stow or last to suit the condition of the cotton at the tune. \N hen made double, the saws are placed on two sets of cylinders und turn upon each, other hi opposite direction*, und are cleansed by two seta of brushes that have lour re vo. | lutinns to one of twe saw. The two cylinders can be detached so as to enable the planter to run one or both at pleasure, although embraced with feeders, tfrc. in ono stand. The whole is put in operation with a drum and band, as in the ordinary tdiu, and nisiy be prcpelle 1 by, steahl, or Water pt.ver. It may also be prbpeiied by iron running geur. i J.o i*. rce ?.uju.r.:d to work it, is about the . uiiie a. linit'ii 'ccjisary > movosri equal uuiuberol s twsin the common bin. This Oin uiia been put 111 ' operation :n .New Orleans for two or three wecls, and its success tested in the presence of a large ? H nil />t ^wiro u oil nuiili'l'r mvii uuiiiv uum uum leeched their genera! approbation {Several .jenileuien have been ho kind as to pive the 1'atei tee their written opinion leaper.ting the merit. of the Ciin. A tiitoihcr of others couM be ;-tiled, but the following are deemed suftieit-nt: From hid Excellency Gov. White of Louisiana. New Orleans, Feb. 27, lfi'^7. l)r. w<?S?r, Jn reply to your enquiry, what I think of your nnproveuCotton Din, I have t s<y, i .it I saw it work on Saturday the 2Clh inst. and waif i ,rv uiuoh pleased with its pertormaiice. I Ju- mere I of its* ilin^, seems to jue to he a ret a!nahle improvement; and besides, the ' quality (?i the cotton, us it eoincs ou' of the process, appeared ? > >ne to he bettor unit dinner than < from fit mm n Dins :n use, and tiiat it saves I considerably .n labor. Respectfully, c. E. !>. W IHTE. r'roni -'r J. -co' n, a wealthy planter, resident irr t:"? i'.; isti of itanide. Louisiana. ! :. .1. i - h.^r l r. I li.ive . xaminetl > --tr I'aL >.t < >ii with feeders, ?Sin. Aid have ! seen it :.) - peratum. and approve of it. >o hi;:hlv, that I . " tie n tiie liberty of oiderii e ..??? lei i.iy plan* it u in f >r the next crop. Vours r? ? portfulli, J. COIMPTON. i New * rFib . >, 1 ? ".7. ' ; From Mm ^ i- r, an e\ -crimced and eminent Cotton LJruber of i\ew t Jrie tiis. ISi w Ui.* nns, r -b. yd, 1 br7. [ { Dr. Jones - Dear Sir. in answer to your note o this morning. I will ? ate. tiiat 1 have carefully ex .mined your new l'ati nt C-'.ton Gin, anl hav .mud it far superior to t hose jjonernl'v used in thii State it cleans the cotton much better, and jfivei M n in tie It better upp' i tee. I !i? pi . 1 r the <rooi of the. country, it ma la < me duly e: preciatcd Yours sincere] v, A. i. < -At lb. K. From Messrs. Fort . tad, 11;li v\ t'?> SI- re' iius. Dr. A. .Tones?Dem : u. we have examined th< sample ot cotton n it .\itli us,ei<a \>$ \ t, l'iitent Cotton (?in, ami also the e. ttoi in its uii cieanseo s'-itc. nod pmnnur.t ? t i ? ute jrnatl1 KOji nor tin aver: je sami '< - '.ten h?v< conn under observation tins or prert d o?? seam n.s. . \ ?-rv I e -nx t o i' y. \ our i \ ll.ts, :\ew ttrteahv. Marm i; r^T, 1'roin Col. Ilurns Smith livaii.-. a punter of Wi1 () cox county j signed also by l)r David J Means , a plan'ei ot Green rnuiiv. ami "V! r. Wm. < k Clifton, a planter ol Dallas county, all of Ala Dr. Jones?Dear b r. In reply to'your inquir concerning your inquiry concerning your new Va tent Cotton Gm, we deem it no less a pit nsuri than a duly to say to you. emphati ally, that wi ! consider it a most decided and valuable improve mrnt. We have examined it carefully and seen i l n successful operation, and we ! -e! no hesitatnnet . I >1 rci Yiim Dirtitil i no i 1 ll. ? lio aK.iiitw . . ?' . L?? , ... ,v. ?v ?. < 1 in niniMiuii Ul generally. Must r?*??j?? ? ttullv \nnv>. Ac. HARRIS SMITH KVANS, DAVID J. Ml-.AN.s, W.VJ. C. CLIFTON. New Orleans, March T, 1-^7. T S.-?As a furthei testimony of inv confidence " | in the succoss of your (Jin. you will please orde J [ two Double Gins of H) saws in a stand each, foi iny plantation, and oblige yours truly, H S. Rvax. ' As a further proof of my confidence in Gin ?*o11 will please order rue a Double Gm, of tin same size, for my plantation. and oblige yours re, I sportfully. D. J. JV|?an.?. | I Mr. Chiton also stated, that if he bnd not just j before bought two new Common Gins, that to ' j would likewise have ordered one or two of the ' Patent Gins for Iris plantation. From Mr. II. F. M'Kenna, of the house of IJrander. M'Kennn A Wright, of New Orleans. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned by yonr Patent Gin, I beg leave to observe, that if exhibits a derided imnrovemenf r?n ilu> n.n.l ...... r* ~/ ----- v" "" "n"ul I 1 ' ' j cess of ginning; delivering the staple uninjured j and free trom nap or trash, clean and of good co? | lor; thereby giving1 the article nn additional value. These favorable impressions of the advantages of your Patent (Jin, have been confirmed by subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility of the doubie cylinders and saving of labor, will be readily perceived and properly appreciated by the intelligent planter. 1'eeliiig a deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important atopies i of our country, 1 trust that yours will meet with j the encouragement it justly merits. Very respectfully, your oh't eerv'f, H F. M'KUNNA. New Orleans,March C. 1K<7. From Mr. O. Senior, n Mnrhinist of New Orleans. I Jr. A Jones?Dear Sir, in answer tc your inqui- j ry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, I bog leave to state, that I was fifteen years enga- 1 gou in the cotton factories of Manchester, Fug- ! land, and during four years of that time, 1 was ! foreman in the house of Messrs. Lewis, Williams} A*. Co., and near five years spinner in the house of Messrs. Sandford A*. Greene. 1 have seen yonr Cotton Gin in o;>? ration, and have examined t/ie i e.otion ginned hy it, and pronoun* e it h< tier clean*ed, and the staple less injured, than any cotton th 11. ever came under mv iilmrrvniinn i? :? _ - "-j . a i jo U"IIIplefely rt'if'v for 'ho breaker without the nirl ofthe blower, and won d, therefore, nave the first process in inanuf.iclMrinir the article. I consider cotton {, cleaiisi d by your tlm, would command from one, to two rent* i tin- pound i '.ore than the nvrrage crops brought in'o 'he Manchester market. and , cleansed hv eonirmn Gins. ^ ours, very resp'ly. j, N. Orleans, March !?, ft i OI? (/ K ftl'.iN M>|{. m Dr. Jones?Dour St, in answer to your inquir) j respecting my opin'on of your I'atnnt (Cotton Gin, I have to state, that I have I ecu engaged in put* ting up the Carv?-r Gins for planters on lied Kiver, and that I have seen your '/in in oneration. and ha V" examined the ounlity of the cotton produced i hv it : I consider it eonal if not superior to the Car- i vei ('.ins: in addition to which, I think vour feed- I era a decided iaipvoeinent, and by tho aid o! I which, the quality of the cotton cleansed appears , much improved, over that produced uy the com-1 I inon Gins. Your* <&c. S. BENNETT. * New Orleans, March 10, 16.17. '~ In addition to the above, the Patentee Will refer 1 planters to the following gentlemen, who have J either seen the Gin in operation, or have examined c samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. &. J.Dick* V Thomas Barrett &, Co., IJagan, Nivcn & Co., u Lambeth & Thompson, Martin, Pleasants dt Co., [ lierinann, Driggs & Co., Win. L. Flower; Bullitt, 1 fcihip Ck Co. - } OKi)EUS*RECElVED FOR ? Jouch' Patent Cotton Grin, By the Buteiitce, Au. 53 Magazine st. JS'etc- Orleans 1 To be inanulactured in New York, by Robert * Hoe, &. Co. * 1 SCALE OF PRICES.. X}! ' . DOUBLE GINS. M For a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on each cylinder, making 100 saws in the , stand, with feeders, bands, &c. at $0 I per saw, or $DG0 GO ) For a Double Gin of 60 saws on a cylinder, I or 120saws in the stand,feeders, dec. at $(> per saw, or 720 00 j For do, of 10 saws on do, or 80 saws in a I stand, at $6 25 per saw, or 500 00 ,, For do. oi 20 nw? on do. or 40 saws in a 1 mand, at Jjkt5 50 per saw, or 2G0 00 SINGLE GINS. For a Singly Gin of 80 saws or more, with ?>ne set of feeders, bands, $0 per saw, 480,00 j Fordo, of 00 saws, with feeders, &c. at .S*0 00 per saw, 390,00 ' For do. of 40 saws, with feeders, rtc. at ftf? 75 per saw, 300,00 ! For tio. of 20 saws, with feeders, &c. at f-7 50 per saw, 150 000 Extra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied ! ut 40 cents each j the number of teeth being about i equal to the number of saws. One set of leederB,1 it is considered however, will wear out two or three 1 sets of saws. Extra saws supplied at 80 cents each.j The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, of planters in any of the sea port towns of the cotton planting States, at the above prices, the agents , paying the freight on the same from New York, and becoming responsible for !ho amount of tbe Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany them with their views in regard to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brushes, \c. It is found they differ in opinion. Some , dcoire saws of larger diameter than others. The < most common size is9 or 10 inches ; hut some wish I ).t)iem J 2 inches. Some wish 5 or Grows of brushes I on an axle, while others do not want more than 4 j at most. Some wish saws with 8 or f) teeth to the , inch, while others want 10 or 1J. With so much J | discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the time of j giving orders, furnish a statement of their wishes, | I and the nianufncturerers can fulfil them in every j ' n.i rt in n In r \\ linrn it is Iftt In nur rlicnrnlinn ten ; shall make litem on the most modern and approved i pirn. An order can be executed, from the lime it 5 is received, in the apace of eight or nine weeks j and the (Sin in thai time placed in the hands of the : fuciq?- To lie in time fq* the next crop, all orders i ] ought to be in the hands of the mnnufa^urers by ; the first or middle of May; except for prantations where they are laic in commencing to pick or gin . cotton. i f N. H.?Tho Patent Right, (or any one of the cotton growing Stater, will be sold onreasonable i ; terms. May li 1 It j s T*~ AIVI> FOR S AfiF..?The subscriber offers ' Kl.ii lor sale his plantation, situated on the Wall roe river, tf miles below Camden. '1 lie said plantation, in point of fertility and productiveness 1 is believed tobee?jual to any in the State; it coiitains in the v hole, about 4,000 acres, 12,000 ot " swamp, and 2,000 of upland; oftlie swamp tlierc is ' cleared about !?00 acres, and of the upland about IMO. Moie than one Jialf of the cultivated land is V Iresh. having been elarod in the last 7 years. The 1 ! ui lands ar< entirely healthy and are situated sous t afford healthy settlements, ut a convenient disi;ui>?' froni tltf ewau o-'auds^rTi'jitp are on the j? Red by water, and near the centre of The 'plantation There are also on.the plantation, a stock ; of or>uie and hogs, and 4 or .">,000 lnishi Is of corn, j which might be puichascd, jf desired! with the ' ; plantation y | The terms of payment would he made easy to a purchase Any further information may he l ad '' ' by application to the subscriber, in Camden. Pusj sesbion would be given either the present season,! *, so snnn as the crop is gathered, or the next, as ' i .night best suit the purchaser Jan r. 3?*> (f W. M'WILUE. ' '! '\ he t -oliimbia Times and Telescope, and' ( l.arlestoii Mercury and Courier will insert the | l.oye until directed to discontinue, and forward : iIn ir accounts to the subscriber for payment. I i ? 1 in i.n><TV,y Lancaster District. ? r J'jhn /> Kingsbury, vs i Charles M*Cullouirh, I AUxunderBile. ' /w ? j j J,,me* Hmkley, A:'. : James Wcsibrook, i ! ant Latrrmcr Kingsbury. j ( BP appearing to the satisfaction of the C'ominis| KJ siom-r. that the lii fi'liilanlc t Mififloo VI r.C ..II,.. ?t f ivo ^flWllllWU^il j and wife, Alexander Biles and wife, James Westltrook and Lawrence Kingsbury, in the above staled case, are absent from, and without ihe hunts ' f the State?on motion of Wright Comp, vr., -) 1 Ordered tliot the said defendants do appear within three months fron; the publication of this mle,f and answer, plead, or demur to the Bill, or that . the same be taken pro enntrsso against them. J. II. WlTHERSPOOY, j . C. L. L. I>. It Commissioners Office, > j March It, lSllt\ \ !March 17 <Pi 141 Pr's. fee $15. j j ^ 1 V r SA?.E -The former residence of Col. 'r] Jaincs S Deaft, situated in the town of Cam- f, den comprising six acres of ground, situated on the Eastern side, and in one of the most pleasant [, neighborhoods?for a private family it. has many ad j vantages Persons wishing to purchase, can he ! ?. accommodated on easy terms lcr the v hole, or pint ' , of the said property. M. IV!. LEVY, j L Jan. liO j ic 1\ TI1E COltnVOK ^Sifl'lAS, | ~ Kt i'iiliaw Di?(nc(. i f Joseph M. Marshall,) 1 tj| vs. p Decla. in Foreign At'chmt.1 j. Henry H. Fthrock. 3 f. f?7" 11 Y'RKAS, tlie plaintiff lias this >dny filed V v his declaration in this'office, against the 1 _ defendant, who is absent from and without the ! 'lifts of this S^tate, as it is said, and having ncith- ? cr wife nor attorney known within the same: it is [>rd? red thai t!.? defendant appear and plead there-J of lo, u'iljiin ? year and day, or final judgment will j ah be entered of record ngninst him. i R| Nov. 25 :iu J. W. LANG, Clerk. fA Inc _ Dl ' poe.tfnlly informs the citizens of Camden and i's virinitv. tlwit they can have their clothes cut ? in I made in first rate style, by calling on him at 'tis residence, in Broad street, two doors above he Post Ouire. His terms will be reasonable.? Ml orders will be thankfully received, and prompty utUmled to. _ JOSEPH CHAREESWORTH; ' K< OEONS, LONDON.?-The original elan Vegetable Medicine. prepared by W. Mw^lv in, Esq., Member of the RoyaJ College of 8ur-? eons. Licentiate of Apothecary's Company, FeLr: ?/ ow of Bolt Court Society Surgeon to the Royal^L^ Jnion Pension Association, Lancaster Piaceji^V A^t^loo^iridge^^nd^Krpetujd pupii of LD<X Bl. J nomas? nuspii???, , J % \This valuable medicine, the result ?f rears' experience and unparrslleled success tg the extensive and highly respectable practice of the. * v proprietor, patronised by the faculty ang nobility, a now introduced to the notice ot Jfie American public. at the eurnest aolicitation G a number of . je&M^nien of loiig and high styling in the pro* r fBsion." Xl. is . hopedy tMr Jffeliminary step, td i jheck the evils" and fatal consequences arising / from the use of the numeious deleterious nostrums toisted upon the public by the aid of fabricated proofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a jet of mercenary, unprincidlcd pretenders, so totally ignorant ot medical science that it is impossible the monstrous delusion can any longer go down with the intelligeut people of this country. These pills, mild and agreeable in their nature, should be kept in every lamily in cases of sudden illness, for by their prompt administration, cholo ra, cramps, spasms, levers, and other alarming complaints, which loo often prove fatal, may be speedily cured or orcveuted. In fact, all those who value good health should never he without them. They are sold in packets, at 50 cents, yr, and each, by every respectable druggist, look-v seller, and vender of medicine in the United Slates and the Catiadas, with copious directions, together with tewtimonials of professional ability from the following eminent gentlemen; Sir Astley Cooper, J. Abernethy, Jas. Blundell, M. D.. \V. Back, M. 1).,J. Aston Key, A. Framplon, M. D and numerous others. T he originals may be seen in possession 01 tne general agent, by whom the irodicinc is imported into this country, and to whom all applications for agencies must he made. JNO. HOLBEIN, 30 Waverley Place, N. ifork, Solo General Agent Tor the U. S. Sc. Sold bv J 11. M'KAIN. Camden, S. C. tf Cnnulcn Com nt ere in I Courier. THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL, COURIER was rendered necessary by the inconvenience to which our citizens have been subjected for the want of u public channel of communication which in a commercial community like Camden, is essentially necessary, and consequently the COURIER'S churn on the public is such as should ensure a liberal patronage. The undersigned have spared no trouble or expense in obtaining the best workmen in order to render the Paper nil the advantages that it will admit of,' and affording satisfaction to its patrons. In political mutters the Courier will take no part; the design being to publish a Paper adopted to the interest or am., which cculd not be t fleeted by its entering into the arena of Politics?it will . be confined principally to such matter as appertains* to Commerce, Agiiculture and Amusement. The COURIER is published every Saturday morning nt Three Dollars in advance, or Four Dollars it not paid until the expiration of the year. Persons wishing to become subscribers must ndi dress a letter (cost r.viu) to L. M. JONES. | Camden, S. C. May, 1^37. i NOTICE.?All persons indebted to the late ! firm of Carpenter 4' Bonney, and to the subscriber, either by note or account of two or more vcars standing, are requested to call and settle before return day. Alter that time all such demands will he placed in other hands for collection. recent change in my business, rendeis it necessary for me to pursue this course. nnK?PY ! Jan. ~0 \\H tt K._W. KONMA . ' Barouch with extension Lasting top, silver moun! ted, for one or two horses, which he will dlrpose ' of low for cosh J h JONL8 I ./an ti7 o!t tf ' l^t OT1CK. All persons having demands ugninst L \i the i slate assigned by Dr. Jacques Biehop and YVni. A. ihnven, are requested to render them as early as possible to the subscriber, in duplicate form. JOHN M. GILCHRIST, AssigneeApril 14 50 tf The Charleston Mercury will publish the abovo daily for one month, and forward account to this office for payment. Ki:enn:xT.ti, okimersT? Columbia, 2ill Marrh, 1838. V PURSUANT to an order from Major Gen. Ru chnnnan, an election w ill he held in Columbia on Friday the 15th June next, tor Brogadier General of Cavalty. The following persons will manage the election. Cnjt. J. U. Adams, Capt. Stark, Lieutenants Taylor and Brown . None but Commissioned ollicers, field and staif, are entitled to >ote. Uorthi* -r *' - - ,T* ? ............mui ui me outers, I rotor them to tli?^ following resolution, pnsenl December Ifr^O: Resolved, That in all elections lor Mnj. General, and Brigadier General, herealter to l?e made in this Slate, it shall he law lul for all commissioned officers < c the Militia entitled to vole, to do so by proxy; Provided; that all votes so offered by jnoxy,be sign-_ ed by the olficcrvoting, stating his rank and title, ~~ presented under scaled cover, addressed to the Col. of tin Regiment to w hich he bclongr, or other officer holding the election. J. U. ADAMS, April 7 4'J if Col.5th Ueg*t Cavalry. lie hliROE^i WANTKU. l.iherul prices may i, xl hr obtniained in cash for negroes, by applying othe subscriber. JOilN M. GILCHRIST. April 14 50 tf JfCOVK-l'L?The undersigned having formed i >3 n co-partnership lor a term of yearj, under he firm of Murray Bonney, for the transaction f Mercantile business, respectfully solicit from heir friends and customers ? continuance of their latronape. They have on hand a very extensive ssortincnt of Dry Goods, Hardware and Groceies, which they will dispose of at reduced prices cash, or on ciedis lo punctual customers. They may be found at the -store lately occupied V Muirav Ar Brvant- ? wi'nn ?'?' % v j " *' *"l/l\AA 1 , .Inn i>U tf E. W. 1JONNEY \ LBS. superior North Cnrolina HaM\P\P " W con on hand, which will he sold >w foi CASH, if npphcd lor soon. April 31 51 tf W.J GERALD. 3II1NC. LES \V A NT ED?Wanted, 100,000 first rate heart fine Shingles, to bo delivered ot ie t amilen it ridge, on or before the first day of niy next, for \\ hith cash will bo paid on delivery CHARLES VAJNDERFORD April 7 40 tf ;ii|OK ? WBDi ^TRAYEI) from the plantation of the subscrt. ^l?er, 8 miles below Sumtervillo, about the last March, a brown Oinny, about four years old, mved a good deal with the gear,but in fine order, ie wab brought from the Salt Works in Virginia: ny person taking up said (Jinny, and giving mo dice of the fact, at Privateer Post Office, Sumter istrict. S. C., shall be entitled to the above rewad. May i 9 3 tf THOMAS OAR RETT. JOB PRINTING, iNEATLY EXECUTED T THIS OFFICE?BOOKS, HAND* BILLS, CIRCULARS, &c.