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m-iPlHfflBmsf - <P<L sQsasata CD 2jvi? (Bc&ijrmniiB* 1 L.M.JONES. Publisher or the laws op tub --. ~tt-r?'- .,.?^?... ._ _. . _. "\ \ ' *~l " "| '-- ^ * at the public good w k a i * . " -- "' CAHMBN, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATCUHAV JtM: fij*? "" ' ' ^ . iraf. o# * TltRJtlS "" or tiik OOrrP.IBRj Published weekly erory Saturday morning at $3 per annum if paid in advanco, or $4 if not paid ' -until the expiration of the year. Persons subscribing out of the Stato, are roquirod to pay in^advanco. , No subscription rocoivod for a less torm than ono your. Advertisements will bo inscrtod ot One Dollar per square for the flrat insertion, and Firry Cents for ovory continuance. Those Advertisements that do not' havo tlio number of insertions marked on tho ! margin will bo publishod until forbid, and ohargod accordingly. KJ- All Letters addressed to this Office, must be post paid. MEDICINES. w~?OTANlC STORE AND INFIRMARY.? ^ 9 The subscriber grateful for the liberal patron* age extended liiin in the abovo business, during the the last year, would now inform his customers, that he is this day receiving by tho Steamer Thomas Salmond, a large supply of Medecines, which will he sold on accommodating terms, for cash, oi on throe months credit to approved purchasers, cither by whole sale or retail. I have now supplied the Infirmary with permanent nurses, so that in future, 1 hope to he able to receive all applicants, who may desire to take medicine at this establishment. Seven yours experience in this practice, and an exlonsive acquaintance in this community, renders an / other promise or pledge of attention on iny part unnecessary. Feb. 3 40 tf WM. CARLISLE. Tho Columbia Times and Cheraw Gazette, will each give the above three insertions and forward the papers containing the same, and their accounts to the subscriber immediately thereafter for pay ment. w. Cabinet Manufactory. r'l 1 sibfr.ber respectfully inform the citiI ' "** ? le-i, and '|e *<irronuding country ge- I lir A' 1 .* * .. . c o.uet establish- I m at mh i.v i* :r>'n.u; tiie l'ost Office, where , he n h ippy t.? fill any orders which may be i sent to hi u. Repairing done with neatness and despatch* tie h >pei by unremitting attention to b iswi Mi, and a desire to please, to merit a share of public patronage. SAMUEL STEWART, Apjil 7 -10 tf 'i'hc Catawba Springs ffe!H lillllr Ltm JlgitfL I; 1 1ft Proprietor of this establishment gives j i uL notice he is repairing and fitting it up' u? . or.- >, e.vnense. aud in a ?? ???? <? at?]<?.! i ;iad will u:i\'c it ready iui ITiti reception ct companV by the 20th of May. It is situated on the great Eastern and Western line of Stages, from Salis^ Hbury via Lincolnton to Ashville, &c.j (a stage passing there every day in the week but one.)? The < mntrv around is broken and proverbially l:e ilthv. and besides the mineral properties < ?' the waters, there are many ?pu the attention of invalids and otiicrs towards this place' 1 Its proximity to the lower country?the cheapness I of living?the excellence of the neighboring society?the abundance of game?the rimi field alforded to science?especially to Mineralogy and Botany, are facts not to be overlooked by the travelling world. But it is in the Mineral qualities of the Springs that the great attraction towards this spot, consists. The Proprietor has no exaggerated lists; of cures to present to the public, for Jic has just j taken possession, nor would he deem it a compliment either to the good taste or sagacity of the i iiublic, to present such if he had them. But he ias the assurance of some of the most scientific Physicians and Chemists, to the rare and valuable properties of these Springs. In 1824, Professor Olmsted (now of Vale College] made a strict analysis of this water, and pronounces its foreign ingredients to be I Sulphuretted Hydrogen, < Sulphate of Lime, Sulphate of Magnesia, Muriate of Lime. ^ - a ?.?a>? /Ifi.l a/nfAivmni con lii?i rrn/*ilAn i J* or A IIIUIC UAIUIIU^U OIUICIIIWII* WW {jvw.x.g, cal Report ot North Carolina, authorized by act of Assembly, pages 120-30. Space will not permit us to add the very flattering remarks of this gen- ' tleman?hut any one at nil acquainted with the subject cannot help perceiving the peculiar adaptation of these minerals, to the disorders that most prevail iu the South.. I The Proprietor can only superadd his determination to meet patronage, by an unflinching atten- i tion to the wants, wishes and comfrr'.s of his visiters. The Springs are now, and will be through-; i out the year, open for the accommodation of travel- i Iers. JOS. W. HAMPTON. ' April 7 49 8t \OTI E. The notes nnd accounts of W. j B. Daniels, have been placed in my hands for collection, soino length of time. 1 am disposed to keep thorn no longer; persons indebted, are requested to come forward immediately and settle, otherwise they sham, be put to cost. April 2d 52 tf VV. R. YOUNG. IT^OR SALE.? A new and neat two-horse Baroucho and Harness. Apply to May 19, 3 4t R. W. ABBOTT. I^OR SALE OR RENT-?Tho' House recently occupied by All.It onney. y\;>ply to March 10 45 tf O.J. SHANNON. \A ||0 THE PUBLIC.?All persons are. forwarn-1 eil against crediting my wife Penelope Kicks t on my account, (residing in Sumter District) as 1 j will not pay any that alio may contrnct. JOHN RICKS. | Sumterville, May 26 4 3t TH B Copartnersliip heretofore existing under the firm of S. J. Stuart & Williby Mathis, is this day I dissolved, occasioned by the departure of the latter. May 26 4 tf S. J. STUART. NOTICE.?All pc nous having demands against the estate assigned by Dr. Jacques Bishop & William H. Howen, on the 19th February Inst, are requested to meet at the Court House in Cam-1 den. on Saturday, the !)th June next, at 10 o'clock I m the morning, when the subscriber will be pre J pared to make a quarterly statement and dividedend ! accordmg to law. J. M. CHLC1IR1ST, ' May 2b 4 3t Assignee. ? Or. Win. IlcvnoldM DESIRES to inform his friends and the public, that after an absence of twelve months in Europe, he has returned to Camden and again resumed the prroctice of Medicine. OlUcc as heretofore, corner of Uroad and York streets. Dr. R. also wishes it to be generally known, that whilst profiting by an attendance on the Medical Institutions of Dublin, during a residence thereof several months, ho devoted much attention to the present system of Dentistry, practiced in that city as a most important colhteru! branch of Surgery. In the operating rooms and Laboratory of the State Dentist, where he had an ample field for practice and observation, he has made himself master 1 of every thing relative to Modern I'entistry, as a science and as an art, and tenders accordingly his ' service* to those who may require them, at his operating room, in Lngtown. i April 14 50 tf Clock and Watch YVakri* THE subscriber re<pectfu!lv informs the citizens i of Camden, nn I it* neighborhood, that lie has | located himself in this place, 3 doors above the Cain- ; den Bank, where he will attend to nil business in ! his line. J. B, KL1NGLE. , April 7 49 tf I I New Cheitp Cioods. MRS. E. WARREN has Just received a hand some assortment of Millenary and Fancy Goods, consisting of superior and elegant Muslins, Cambrics, Fancy i'rintK, Embroidered < apes, Ool: lars, Fancy Scarfs and Shawls, Gloves, and a com- i plote assortment of Hosiery, together with every article usually found in a Fancy Store. May 5 1 tf I>r. Joint Sapi>inr;ton\ ANTI-FEVER PILES, A certain andell ctunl cure for Ague and Fever, A Bilious and other Fevers. To be had nt B. W. WARREN'S l>rug Store, One doro.ubove bliunnou, M Gee tSc Co. April iiS 52 tf N. B.?Certificates of theii efficacy roa\ be seen j, by applying as above. Patent Steum TVulli?*r Renovator FOR HEALTH A\l? Ki o*?? vi* The subscriber having purchased the light ol the Patent Feather Dresser, invented by Billy ?. \ Todd, for the Districts of Lancnstcr, Chesterfield, , Marlborough, Kershaw, Darlington and Sumter, in ( this State, would respectfully inform the citizen.-* ol ' Camdon and its vicinity, that lie has one of said Machines iu suceossiul oper ition in tins town. Tlu* work is done entirely by the opeiation ofsteam, no |1 fire coming near the feathers, and no possibility of |1 scorching or otherwise injuring them l>y tins ope- J ration ull Moths are destroyed and removed u iib >ut 1 lessor waste of Feathers, on the contrary, the hulk ' is ve/y much increased, many times one-half,?n >- } thing being removed but small particles of dust, vVe. ; They are also cleansed and purified lroin ali d.s.v grccable smell that often attends Feathers, and are I entirely cleansed and dried, and have tin- appearance 1 and essential qualities of new Feathers. j ' Any person that will try the expeiunent may send |' PP& U? vferft1, nrt'oV'tTilibYsf'ahaifdiwst tm y \ > have, provided they are either geesi or duck le itiiers j ? may be assured no charge will be made in any case j unfess perfect satisfaction be given. May 12 2 tf M- S. ALEXANDER. |' A CAR!). j; A certain charge seriously affecting our rharao ( ter, has been made against us bv L'owki. j3 Melt a. As we are informed that the conduct I charged upon us, is to be made tbe subject of a pub- j " lie prosecution, (to whatever course our feelings," may have otherwise prompted us,) we aie perfectly i H willing' that facts should he submitted to a ?ury 01 j11 the country; without throwing anv obsiar.le in tho J" way of establishing a charge littery unfounoki). j r We w uld not he suspected of fearing the r< suit; 11 and only ask of the community to suspend any opinion until such result is made known. " W\l. S. I LL9ER. " J.J. ItKMlAKDSON. 1 Manchester, S. C., May 15, 1^ if BEAT NO. 2?AT TENTION. An election 11 will be held in Camden, on Saturday the HOthof June next, atlhe Court II?use, for Captain, n pccasioncd hy the resignation of Capt. liolleyman. j. By order of < ol. Ohesuut. J. i>. MURRAY, Adj't. 22d Reg. SC. M. " May 26 4 Ot " Sargents ROBINSON, DOMY, and ?J MOFFITT, '' Managers Twenty Dollars Upward. RAN A WAY from the plantation of Col. John J' P. Richardson, a negro man named HILLY purchased at the sale of Jacques Bishop & Co.- ? " The said Hilly isa stout fell >w of dark complexion md about thirty five years ol age. The above reward will be given for the d. livery of the said fellow at the plantation of Co! fi ie hard- : '* son. or his commitment tocith?-r *hi jails ol Sumter l! or Kershaw Pixtticts. TlU '.S L. \\ ELLS. " Jnne 2 5 tf 11 DISSOLUTION. The partnership heri. for j existing under tlio firm of W ii>oj, vV J. n<--, -s , thisdaj dissolved hy mutual mnymt. All dewun<r< * against the firm must he rendered in to R. L. \Y ii son, and those indehled to tho snrue, will please si t- I l< tlo with him, who alone is authorised to close the 1 business. R L. \\ IJ s N. June2 5 tf J. L. J'iNES. IM inn ri r i I M A V B ^ in KERSHAW DISTRICT, j t ints. Ellis, < I al ) i c'ri, i > BUI far Discovery and Relief. Saml. S. Taylor, } " 1 and wife, et al. \ IT appearing to my satisfaction that George ^ O'Cain, one ?f the defendants ir? this caec ul seid r from and beyond the limits of litis**. ' >n ino-;/ tion of J. M. Deeausauro, Complainant's Solicitor. I It is ordered that the said Goorop O'Cain do plead,! answer,, or demur to said Bill within three months I ^ from this day, or an order pro confesso will he en < I - c I - ,1-tr.u hi rocoru against Mm, and that this order in* published for said period, in thp Camden Conner. t J. W. LANG, Coiu'r, i Commissioner's Office, ) n May 31, 183R. $ | June *2, 5 13t IVsCe %7.\\ AC A R D. R. L. WILSON having pur. chased the interest of James L. Jones, of the s firm of Wilson di Jones, will continue the business a on his own account, at the same place, and respectly I solicits from his friemls and the public a share of yu- \ iron age. |; 1 June (i G tf I ~ NEW SHOES; ] i - . - I THE subscriber 1 r.s just receive*! from Hie irDinnt'af ones ;? Hill usMortnu ??t <>? fJeiitliMiirn, i,a'!iei m! < hi i?*i?n*^ sho. st, ? - - iK-iiiiiiftg a mi ot ?t en iietM en's fini* * -:i- j skin B'?ots. TlKk"? It. Si<]8?SU/isS. ; June Z. 5 .t I ! "* I **T" . V I- I I I ! II. T1 ? > sotit;: c.vl >. in a, } i ; j..; district. \ i Itpfnri1 rt>?- \ 's-.. Susan?.all ( ?. * :? ' W u* an es'rav.a .VI if . mc, ivrt;fie . i ' ? [lark TJ i\, about 14 iu-m s i. <;!.. 7 i>vv- yo?trr. u . bran is or narKs \i ; V, i i fr :i thr tr - . 3 her h.Vk, an.I apprai tJ . June ii 5 it W . . NNORs. ( . ???? - ? , riirsrricirjs r?t run Soatlicra Lilei^ry Ivlcstscr:;;';*:-. T. W. WHITE, I" . r a .J rropiiet >r. This is a monthly *la?r ' vot?\l ch;> .''y 1. f itrpiture. but < easum;:' y ' ..!*t_r r-"in ;;s.. ).>r nrlifli'H ?iif?i '"ill ? ' ' ? - w ? . : i i?. OJHT >1 .-JilfFUf, :i!l 1 ruit prot'csHt ir ail entire *?i hurwl tasteful ^ehetn'on though its mailer his L. a, it mil o< to b?*, in the main, original. I'arfy politics md c-;:lrryor hi Thet?lei*v, as far as possible, are joalou iy excluded. Th> v arc sometimes so t>l *ml?.ai with discussions in literature i?r iu moral ?< ;, oilien so imnji ciionnb.e. a.L> gain admittance f >i tJie ke ol the more \aluah'c .natter to which they .? . ' c.t wli m r that Lipn> os ?li-y are mum.v'J, only; not prini&r ? . hey arc dioss tole- tr itly hecHus :l en Vvcll.'* Hovofi A rroili tlij r; .rlitljJ ore lilati ivitij it it incorporated. Rcmc ;vs, an 1 i^riti-il " e.', ivc.ij-v t.'iair due -prcc in the work: r.:i I it ? the ' ditt r'? aim t! at they should have a ?f,r -r' * ten 'eney?to rottv-y, in a condensed t'orm.sueli valua: do truths or inti r*sti?<j iiieidioits as are ?n ?<1 ieil in the work- re newel,?to direct the roo o's itti ntion to br k> li it desctvo to he read,-- > d to warn h to t r.tst no time and mourn njon thai la: ' nut her .vh'eh rni tu only to he ht.ineil. In t his .< : o pur .canon? that l>y tin ii vu at , Intel in I over h? lui wery, un li ii i.m/ si-ids ;t .m irtinl criticism, o norncd v the u- v just men n il, u ts mm uf (j|.> in i v int ?! :i '.? trd i icwsaMe of uuxiihurn s, I him wuo ?h?cs wish t,. list". iminalc. i 't.-.t n0ii.7T.-i' ?1 C V f: I X:. te!;, ??. |v niniaccnces ?-t" ??vents too minut 1 r f Ljn.rx, wi lucid ding .t, ami heightening its 1 terest,?mux >e regarded as 1'ormmt; the staple of the work And >f indigenous l'oetry, enough is published?some- I imps of no mean strain?to manifert and to c.uiti . 'ill** the growing poetical taste and talents of our j :ountry. j The times appear. for several reasons, to derme? inch a work?and not one alone, t>ut tuanv. Tin ? iblic mind is teverish and irritated still, from n n'lit political strifos:?Tlie sort, isnuasiv?' iutlin ncc : if Literature is needed to allay that fever, and | not he th it irritation. Vice hi <1 follv are rioting hro td:?They should he driven In iridign int -1 nuki i ir (ashed hy ridieuie, into their fitting haunts lg-! lor nce lords it ovr an immense prop >rtmn ot our eople:?Every spring should !?o s*t m ruoti n. to , rouse the enlightened, and to increase their miner; so that jlie great enemy ?>l popular government nay no longer biood, like a portentous eloud. oxer he destinies of our country. Ami to acre,,up i.di all 11 hrse eiuls, what more sawerfu! agent can lie . pi, \ j( d. than a periodical, on the plan of the Mes.i ngei; , , f that plan he carried out in practice? The south iK'cwli irly requires s?uc.h an ip nt. In!4 lithe I 111011, south of Washington, there ore rutj wo Literary pi-Mirations' Northward nt that en il>rA *ri> itrrihalilii nt l<m,tii??n'? ' - - 1 1 _ , ... ... ........... ii. -u ?? i>r ; 'I! T \ ' I -. ! lis contrast justiiied by the wealth, the i> is no. the J alive tnleiit, or the actual literary taste, of the i 1 outhcru people, nonpareil with those <>t the.Nortii- ( ml No: tor in wealth, 'aients. ami taste, v? nny istly claini at least an equality with our brethren, nd a domestic ills.itution exclusively our own. lie ' mi l all doui t ulfords us, if we cho se, twirethe ' isure for reading and writing, which tin y en- I >>' ( It was from a deep sense of this local want, that 10 word Southern was eneraf'eil on th?- none of lis periodical, and not with any design to nourish j ical prejudices, or to advocate supposed local int? r- I 1 es. Far from any such thought, it is the I dilor'sj; rve it.wish to see the North and South hulled en- j . rannolv together fore\er. in the silken ha-ds of, luteal kindness and all?ct:on. Far from medita-j' nf; uuMiiny n> nit* norm, lie has airen Iv drawn,! t;d he li pen heroalter t ? draw, much o( his chni i est niatt. r the iter - nnl happy itide ri v >!! he dee unsell, should his pa>?es, by makinp enrh reyi >n now the other better, em t-ihnte in nrv en i.f. I e?rree to dispel the loweiinc oln d-;lint now ihrea* ?n the pea e < t I> th.mid tolriohten and Miength n sarrrd ties of frati run! love. The Snmhi'iti I.iteniy Mr Burger lia-s n wv ,' pnahert the May No of its telirth volnmr. , How t ' ir it has acted out the ideas here uttered i< not for i he Editor to nay ! It- I n ves. iiowi ver. lb tit i ,?!Ih not further *h "irt < ' tram. !; a huina'i ? ?! - , iess usually makes t'a.1 r? l i ?!. ;t of ; i.r r% . j 1 corrvrv vs. 1 The Southern 1 ,,arv t-w,jtpr Ik pnhl: '1 ' d in monthly number*., >! (' Iar?T -operr <> ? 11 vo pajjeg each,? u the t < of pa r. and noa'I I overed. at i-.r> a year?pa.Hde in Advance. 2. Or tive ne>" sule-t Fibers b> s. u : ry flic-it , , lames and $20 at one ti'ne to the edit. , w 'I re. ! eive their copies for on* year f.?r that t nni. or at ! 1 tar each. t 3. The risk of loss of payments for i>pb*rriplions, rhieh have hern pr. pe rl", cru milt 1 to 'du ma.' r to the hunt's of a post aster. a sun. d by the ' ditor. 1. 4 If a subscription is not directed to be diacon- ; inued before the first i,> mber tbe next v??l?i?*<f in been published, it will be taken :,s a coe.tinu j mee for another yeir. Snbseripti'iu* n inn com- J ncnoe witli th** bc^inni'ip ><f Hip volume, and i w taken for less than yar's pnblirntiori. unles- ! he individual subscribing is willino m pay -f> f<? i shorter period?e\eu it it bo tor a siny- nuinbrr , 5 he mutnal obligations ot" tho publisher ii-i uibscsiber. for the year, nre hi'lv ineurr d, as soon is tliefirst number of th" volume is issued: and ater that time, no discontinuance of a. subscription vill be permitted. Nor will a subscription l>e d-s rontinued for any earlier notice, while anything emams due, unless at tho option of the editor. ? yj"- ; K mar- -aovw/t irwri imiii ??Ml > p wi m^.w 1 IJ->ww w wmp^mr pummcia* * **- *?? ? ? ] Uli: Ai'Aii^uu,i. * ? *";V^ ? ?> ' V A ? -- K t?NV'' r . ' y{ Atfr ^ /fffi**** '"*'' / * -? " '*, & ' igajfe "r^ " ; LAWS OJ.* THE ?'. S i ATI *. PASS! I) AT '1 HL FIUS t' 8E&SI? N OF IHE TVVKK l'li* KU i ll CO.NoRLSS. Public.-?--No. .20. AN AC V niftkiiiur appropriations i^r li?? comnuation o? ti?u tutnheilanu roud in Ohio. Indiana, ami Illinois, ami lor other purposes* /ft it enacted by the Senate and Hons/' ,v n- writ a tires of the Unit* J St-, *?.v j cf'-'i irt Cov<rr"is as rtnbft <1, Tho ?ol!o*v ng sums of roonev he, and ihr samp ire hereby, appropriate*!, to be paid ? l of v mo.tevs in the Treasure un-i \p! : !, >o wit: I * i ntination of tl . Cumberland' 1 \<? S'tif of. Ohio, the sum of one' j..,,, ir<, ? un^i jjr v thousand dollars*. !\>r trm cv:'. ft on of the Cutnberlnn road t) ' o s. ;V of Indiana, the sum < i;<- ' a. <1 fifty thousand dollars, im "a '?! - hridjjrs. ! for the run' nuation "f th . ('umbrr'nn ' J real in the ^'.rio of Illinob, tfti ?''?i ni ] one hundred and fifty thousand do'ftt: .. j for the eon plot ion of the ft'i !.r'- over Dmilap's rrcck, "ti the Cnn?berh?i?d inmi. in the Stair of Poniv.y]vr?nin, tlie * .on "t I . -1 ? i % * ... nine m??iisan i uouars; which s:?: ! a; pro| trial; u: c M adc ?; on the ~ a re e it nns, are! shall ho subject t<? :> 11 lie provision , conditions, and r<*t iction*, and bruit Itions, touching ?; ; r pri.itier s br t! o Cimil ni'!a;t;l mad, contained in li e not, entitled " Vn act to provide forcontinui -j tlie construction, and f:?r i! c re; air < t certni i rnru>, and i*?.r oth r j.?:;; r-? j d ine lite year ov;htei n bundled ihiiivc? v< n," approved tin the third d?v <1 \I iii f?, one thousand oi,;! I hut. !.-. i ..nd; v-- ov n. J \ M rS K. IT J.K. Speaker of 'ht ?? -v-r f 11? ; in-. niativc Kll. \l. JOHNSON, Vice Prc&ident of the United flutes ajid Aiin .vi.r, May '-'th, I* Yi. \ A ? tin lUl.N. Pu>d!c ?No. 23. \\ ACT supple.r.eniiiry to the act entitle i " Vn Ret concerning the J)is:rict of, Columbia." \s,, the pt <>, nt J ;dge of the Orphan's Court, in an ! 1'ur ti.?? roiin'\ of \\ ashing!on, in the I );st: ie I o I < i J u. - , hia, is, by reason of aa? and infirmity, , disqualified for the due and proper die- | cliargi of i!ie d < ? Jtis oftiee: ( Jie it enacted by the Senate and // it r (J Heprcsc/i'at ecu < t tiie (aifed ' tcs \ uf Auicri i i.-i (' njrn en i n nbltd, I hat, then- shall !? appo ntvd in an 1 f ?r the county ?f Washington, an additional . Judge oi the Orphan's Court, w f o s a!l | lake an oath for the fai; ?fnl a11 i i pnrti.J Ji-cluttge of the duties of his >lT"*f; ; and ] w <) r-1111 have the sau.e pow rs, per* ( form tin Mime duties ami receive the same salary, as ar? exerc'sed, performed, a?d i eceived 1>\ the present Judge of the said | i)i plum's Court. Sue. 2. And lu it further er.arted. That | luring the lt!u or continuance in ofiice of j the present Judge of the said Orp itui's ["ourt tho pow? rs of he said Orphan's t [hniit si all be vested in the said two fudges jointly, or may he exercised by j. he said additional Judge separately, as v provided in ihe lon ging section: and that , liter the death or re?giiali??u of the pre- ^ ?ent Judge, the said Orphan's Court sliaii \ onsiat of a singit Jo- ge as heretofore. Api?Rovi;t>, A, ril 'J.h , ISffv , JfifeM'rllcilH'Otls. J r ov a wife. 4'\V!n .)'? vou kr p r?io wailing at tl r l i.rr!" gild Edward F* pa? onalfilyI ( his w :ft'. Th> u'.;' ilim' p >tr ',1mm i.s a f)!i' wind ! i! cnt*''Oi! llic house, a* Mrs. t F with . fu . ?\vfLl In ail tit.- itl the! lock. jt '! nl 4 Taj T, ami I cm?M not keep j t iVmn s h T'.icvi :.? ' ' 1 !:r ! i x i'* lhi,s V;t '. In." ' f !i 'itij i cY<'. ami j.av.^o in- .=' 4 ) <m tiio lire. n climbed open 1 4 - and putt::* i I:. aim around > filler's nock, u . j>"r- ' 'papa ?vh.i 1i?s nama icon cr\:?ir lor.'' Mi 1 . t; artcd < ii.l . hook ?n* his I; ?y, am! raid uiik via- I once, 'got to lu drir; v.hat b.i im :i.- l as v i*ni* it ither '.o i i yoa ho i:j> at ii time . t ' ti - - ' - - ' " ' . ?r ?. ? ? i'uiii cm.w > v? ;.p pouted but li?; v.". :, ,ti t;. lit..; t< much/ h-tjrhteneJ i> crv. J!i > ...Mer t?v?h L> "ii i) p. and w '. < n h r? r^n; he d lis l *wl hit !; o:<r? ii?M?*Jiar <d i?<;<'ii ?n no] >v ?Tm f.? jl 1 lie mother hnnrd h<- m in>-. as. ivcnl t< i htm but noon ur met !?> -In pir <>r. leaned 11< i lii';) i | ? r husband, a; o : thus addressed hw>: 1 'Edward I will not upbraid you on ar- : count of your harshness to me, hull im-*' plorc you do not act in this manner be* ' > ' <??m -an??^ J re yen- ' r n . You a re not. Pdu ..? ?, ir? 1.1 ! Those hv?tvy ? i ? ' .? >?;, as well lis had * o>' i s. i u i' t , \ on wrong your ' ! . i . . i . .n?| show I am your v:<i- ? - i ione let your heart s . i, r j ol' moment. I 1 1 society in wliieh . y T. SI no, IM' ? r * > n il i e! we are j ri.i . ' i > j f' ' 1 i >i a v i ? say to his ' 1' 1 ' Sl ' * more an lul ! thaf is v i "r chihlien ni''' ' ' i 'i r i it wiii re 1 t h i < \ i .m ? 1 . ' .i. nil', lis . IV' t ?t 1. :; ( VV In*, ll \ Oil , t' : r'. { i f r * ec* t si l?-ss.:ri my I f ' . %-v r . r ' I ' I V. I. .??,*!? love is | ! e * i ' : 'i n ? lis sit en gill ,'1 . r.- it ? . n ./?i. A \ mir' u ; <' ; i' is t tic your father !i?ir> > ?i ->: t -fc! \ on ;?ro indebted i ? I . .?? ; !> :i i.o is not all the world ? oitIv consider \otir wile in that i i ? "to " " ' si lit 1.1:> was now hoard n' the door, oi.d Mr>. I'. went to ascertain tlu cause. S!to r? *i i s,< <1 r ' t: d.,ii.d: 'Mary is at i11. ?l??i?r: s;-.\ ^ \ ??u illwuy s kissed lwr l.k < r * s< wet.t to loot ' \TEy el.'ld% my chii.i ' sn'.J the father^ '(io11 h:? - \ o>ii ! a < not very well. Mart. .Nat-, ih.. i: t i^eai, t.> srif to Miyh' ? t \... r . r -t i ; ^ \ t . one . .f \ our prcti\ m 1 - in ti;o . . : ! ;, am! your tamer , w iii lie ha j p\ aosii i .* Mr. I* \ i" j r-ua l?d l?y his affectionate | mi t ( r to i. I"i ; I ni .-!? ej. din! rest were t.ol o?r if ; In- vt it'e and children hat! lice u1 " ' ..!) i.a| j.\ iirt'.t us, hut n. \\ i'ie rui" hi .<! i?r ^lu upon tlu m ui'S an h .? i?' nil tr reality. When the 1 i_ .t i?i !.'.? ii m ! faint] v appeared \ In 11 <i< i> t!i ?r positc houses, >lr I'. ? ?''? ?e. '\\ re are you tr in^, Edward/* said Id- w i.-fi. .1 \ i e. 'i h \ r l(ii: ? i.]? r?i ,* he replied cilu-h, J .hi d' ii rotund to tr\ my la! her, 1I \ i when 1 was a boy; he wa- ; i ! . Ii is true, I have ! * - ii i n:?i a:M . I im, nd .should no (. ! ;, i i\ nun hi'ii. Yesterday I .-Ki .!- i \ >' ' . , hut I did not then i.i ?v\ . !. \ iHir *!(. ? |> air-etion, my d .n w Lu.s. e.-'.-iiinU-dv.. iiiUire.d urn., iNav.iio'i't _:icie toe m this way; this is woi-e i.> loo liian all. 1 will be back, soon.' 'I lit ( h.ldren appeared in the breakfast rot t)i. Mum was rt-adv with her smile, and the was anxious It the notice of Ids t'a: icr: i t a short time Mr.r. returnd. We must sink, niy love! lie will not as is t roe. He u,. braided ine: 1 did not, I ronld not, unswei linn a w ??rit. lie spoke kin.;i\ of )ou an . our iitlie ones, buthe rust us ..ii f re* er!* disti tsst o man had scarcely said lids, win u a person rudely came in. 1 he par j oil of !os v;s,i was so on perceived. I ine uu ..e ?>l F > lather lie took i?us?..'c? - r " M?iti i !* pioperiv, ami had the power t<? mike F. a pris ner. '\..u s oa i 1 ii /I lake papa away,' said the little son, at the same lime kicking at the uii.cer. 'Mama,' 'whispered Mary, 'must my r -i? to prison! Won't they let us go ,11 iOO; 'Here c ines my authority,' said the deputy sheiill. i'lit elder Mr. F. doggedly dared himself in a chair. \> u shall not take my papa away,' ;ried out the little hoy to his gramiiather. Whatever m.iy have In en my conduct, ,ir,* said the miserable iidvvaid, 'this is nikind n? you. 1 Imvc not a single feeing in\ sell; hut .ny wilt?my children! rri>u h ?ve no right to harass litem with our presence.' JSay, h -hand, responded Mrs. F. think tot ol me* I have not known you from rour fintdhooit, as he has done, but he hall see how 1 can cling to you in your xjvrrty. lie has forgotten Ins youthful ay<; he has lost sight of his own thoughtess years.' 1 he ohl gentleman directed his law igentto leave the room. He then slowly >ut nervously answered thus: M.nlam, 1 have not. forgotten my own iioughtlcss ila\s. i have not forgotten 'tat ! otire had a wife as amiable and no !.* mind ' a yourself, and have not for>i'"cn i: . \ our husband was her favorite Ibid. An <?|<l man bi les his sorrows, but tp^itho world think him unfeeling, es- ? ' . Hv as that world taught him do so. 1 ..p I'istrrs.- that, I have this moment tiused, was premeditated on my part. It I ts ha i it-full effect. A mortal gets a i rr.hv single steps, and many think the lirtno inmht return by decrees. 1 know : dw >t 1'r> disposition, ami that with him t? mii l?* trap w ..s sufficient. The leap he : as i ik'11 jje is ngnin in my memory as :ho fi???rite of his poor mother; the i tii 'hi ijr r\fd voiing of a pshaw!? t a?u? oIn tool? for what am 1 crying!' l.iitle Mary had insensibly drawn her(It towards the ohj philosopher, and tvithout uttering a word, pressed his hand, inii puther handkerchief to her eyes.? The hoy also now left his parents and walked tip to the old man'* knees, an<y