University of South Carolina Libraries
r no si'ec t u s OF THE LIXER1RV UULLETIV. Charleston, s. c. IN offering to the patronage of the public, a new literary paper, vre are perfectly aware that we are hut repeating an oft-tried experiment. Tne result, however, we would i.tin believe, will be diiier nt. We arc, it is true, c luscious of tile possession of no talent or ability superior to thai of our predecessors, but *v? relv, (perhaps, intleeJ, with too much '<i the ardor of all experiuio'.ta.) upon the increasing taste of the age of literature ; a taste, the ] evi tense of which is before us in tlie uuuiber of pe? r?ojisn;j, cnja^ea sorely in it* cultivation?i" m?1 yceuns, th>* libraries a id academies Ic voted to sCi- I race and learning. vVln 1st the North and the West are thus insidiously employed in the exemplary task of mental improve ucnt, we will no. suppose that the South intends longer to hear the weight of that heavy ineu ..!> is which heretofore lias wh.I ned it in a:i i itelleotnal slumber more lasting and profuu ; I thin iliat physical one n'hion erewhile enwrapped the sovensle *persof F.piies is." It is with a hope thus f.un i d, and with an in tentiou if we cannot win success at least to deserve i". that n >twith-> i i tin >; t iO ua:.''o;m lailurc of those nh i have precrJ:' 1 i*. we have ventured to c.aim the patronage .< : i t ? i? >r lor the app ause ol the public. Tire.- ike ;i ill be played for; how the game is to end : ie only can determine Uui object : I be to'iender the columns of the Bulletin both useful and umusiipj. F? r this pu po-:e, while one poit: >u is devoted to original l'hsays. Tales nid .' furnished from time to time by cur correspondents and collaborators, another p .irtion siiall lie occupied by selected matter culled tVoui cverv spot of interest and instruction, in the va-t field <>f literature. The productions of the press shall pass in leview before us, and on every work which merits our notice, an impartial criticism shall he bestowed.? To light literature and to learned science shall alike be meted their due portion ot censure or of praise, and it shall not he our faults if our patrons do not know the intrinsic value of every hook, ( it least in onr own opinion) before they begin to read. He, says Dr. Franklin, who is good at excuses, is seldom good at any tiling else; and the ?ame we opine may be said of promises; lest therefore our readeis come o sonv such conclusion as this. >\e wiil, without further ido. make our how, and l<? tve them in future to judge from our . ihors whether we do, or do not, deserve their patronage. Feb. 3 10 Public IcSiMOWltvlgiKIP its! SVf.VRS I'Md c.>>isi<l<-r< i L nil . iidiM.i. live duty to make this public ackunvied j- j ment of the pleasure he has derived IY0.0 the many flattering communications lately received fro 11 those correspondents i ? whom he has sent Prizes; and he assures his patrons that he will continue to all'mi the earliest information of Schemes i. advance, that they may avail themselves of the brilliant opportunities which will be successively presented to them. Sylvester respectfully calls attention to the following Magnificent Lotteries to he drawn in May, viz: S 10,0 )0 3 of #39,000, 4 of '30,093, ind solicits that odcrs may be forwarded without del iv to S. J."SYLVESTER, 130 Flroaihcaij, .Vtio- York. 13 drmvn numbers in each pack, of 25 tick. For {Vic "GeneliPo ttr? tM-ft xAM te., ?. * Class No 3 To be drawn at Alexandria, Va Saturday, Mav 5, 1838. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30,000 1 ?* 10,000 1 ?? 0,000 1 ?? 5,000 1 " 4,000 1 " 2,500 25 " 1,000 25 " 500 28 4< 300 &c. &c. Tick nts 10 dollars. A Certificate of a Package of 25 Whole tickets will be* sent for 100 Dollars?Packages of halves in proportion Rich and Splendid Scheme. Vir'^iiiia vtitc Lottery, Class 3. For the benofit of the Mechanical Oenevn lent Society of Norfolk. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va May 1?. CAPITALS. $10,000! 15,000 ! 5,00012,500 2,200 75 Frizes 1000 75 " 500 03 ? 200 See. See. Tickets for Ten Dollars. Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets will cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Delay not to send your orders td Fortune's Home. GRAND SC1IRMR. Virginia Slate Lottery. Class 3 for For the benefit of the Monongalia Academy. To be drawn at Alexandria Va. Saturday Mav 19CAPITALS. $30,000 G000, 5,000 1,000! 3000! 5 Prize of 1500 Dollars 5 Prizes of 1250 Dollars 75 Prizes of 500 Dollars 128 Prizes ot 20t) Dollars Tickets $10?Shares in proportion. ijottcry for the benefit nf the STATE TREASURY, DELAWARE. CI.ASS 9. To 1)C drawn at Wilmington. May 25 SCHEME. ?20,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 1 of 200 40 of 1000 Ticket* 5 Doftars. Certificate of n package of %17> w hole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme may be had t >r 1 10 Dollars?Packages of Halves and Quarters in proportion. 100 Prizes of 500 Oolfirs: SYLVESTER'S FA VOKITfv Virginia State Jiottcry, Class No. 3, for 1833 For the benefit of the Town of Wheeling. To be drawn nt Alexandria Va. May 2(5 SCHEME. 1 prize^of 30,000 I) 8,000 1) 4,000 Dollars _ 3,000 Dollars Ticfsfa I y ; V-Vy. 1 PROSPECTUS ] OF TJIB JLADliKS' COitlPA&'iPX, (ESTABLISHED IN lfc'34.) A popular and highly esteemed Magazine of Gene* 1 rat literature and the Fine Art#?c tithe I is tied with gorgeous and costly Engravings, on Steel, Cunnper and Wood; and also with Fatfiioitainc j and Popular ?lusic. arranged lor the Piano-Forte, | Guitar iiuep. _ DO? EDITORS, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. William W. Snowden. , * Assisted by many of the most popular writers. '-gSiiice tho putilttyition of the May number, the de in a m l lor * he Ladies' Coinpani ?, has been unprecedented and beyond the most sanguine anticipations. A? the commencement of the volume an additional nu.nher ?f copies were printed, winch'was considered at the liuio adj.juate to satisfy all (Jie ordeis which might be received, and leave a cotisidcnhld number <>u hand lor subsequent calls. Tiie publisher is more than gratified in stating thai the i whole edition was nearly exhausted before the issu ling of the seventh number ot* the volume; and at tins tune but very lew complete bcis remain on .and, to supply the nuiintous orders which are daily received from ever) section ol the U. fc>. ?11 consequence ol' tilts great unforseen increase ol new subscribers, he It is determined to double the number ol impressions for tiie subsequent year; hile he most rrateinlly appreciates the unprecedented eneouragomcnt extended to the Ladies Companion, and at ill- same lime, he begs to assure the readers of the mugazino and the public in general, that it is his ardent resolution to meet it with a corrospondigg liberality on his purt to merit its continuance. SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVINGS by our best aitisls, ccompativ e cb number?illustiated by Tales und si-irlted Sketches?which will, as herctofiiic, < mtitiue to l>e magnilieent an> fa" superior to those published in any other magaz'tic in meiica. >' La 'ies' omp'i u<>n emit ins.i largerqna .tity >' reading in 10 a- > ;hei ...agazn i issued hi this ou.itry, and its subs ption pre e's only t!n?c u.. lats a year while t te combination ol taeni secured for I he coming ear will rentier it iu.*,-j^t1...1 i i. . :i u i?? il 11 V iJ | it-i | K I I* ir 11? . ITS LITERARY CHARACTER! Vill undergo eonside: i>: as .1 .'.'a' >I tiii L. ini'.i < \> ..anion, in >t':t?*r to sbivn is ti|>riv*iati hi oft'n* o?!i'i 1* vor aire. ly extended ? lint so liberally. lias se< ured .l.e.,i of .Mas. Ann S. . Stephens* 'e I'Mitor oi t!ic "Por iattil Vlagazme," ?iul uul'inr 1 ?t a series of tin* most henitiliil and popular tales v r pr sentrd to u;i A nericati public. No lad. .assessing <ire .ter variety 01 talent, or better can oatcd to a d in eon';t 1114 .1 ladies in igazino, could .live l)i*oii ?elect-<i fVo.-i '.'i.? galaxy ol feniai. genius vliich is iio glorv of our couiHrv. In addi'tou to t 10 povvetful talents it M'rs Stephens, the proprietor iiis secured a list ol contributors, wiiicli combined vill render the L.ulies' Comp.t lion one of the u.osi interesting and talented magazines of the day. Mrs. L. II. Sigournc*/, Greenville Mellcn, 41 June F. Locke, N. C. Brooks, A. AT. 4 Wood hull, IS. I'j. lice.kei, 44 Emma C. Fmhtt >/, James Furbish, Miss A. D. Wotdbridge, William Cutter, 44 II. L, llcasletj, John Ncal, 44 Charlotte. Cusliinan, II nnj F. Harrington, 44 Mary Emily Jackaun Isue.c Pray, Jr. Robert Hamilton, James F. Vail, i James Brooks, LullMrli. ^b'riltlifs, I Erastus Brooks, K. Burke Fisher, 1 ftpn. .J H C.linrh_ It. Sllirllnn \Im keaZiC Rev. A. .4. Lipscomb. \ L. L. I). With many others who will oocasionallv contribute to the pages of the work, ami everv exertion will he made to render lite Ladies' < 'ompnnion, what a wor;? devoted to the le ale portion of the community should '-p, interesting, useful and instructive. THE VlUrf! AL DEl'AltI'MKNT Is under the supervision of Mr. J. YVatson, whose qualiiications fort ic task arc too w<H known to require our testimony. This department of the Ladies' Companion, has ever commanded a large share of attention, and has been looked upon with no little interos' hy its readers, and more especially the Ladies, whom the publisher is in the highest legrec anxious to please. It will continue to he n subject of "iore than usual care to him, and to the Professor under whose su|K>rvision it is placed, to make that portion of the magazine alotted to music, more than ever doserving of the countenance of every lover of music. It has i.i.nn .... i ...;n ... i... i, ill pieces of music printed correctly and lree from errors. THE WORK IN GENERAL. Over every department an equally careful super vision will .ic strict I v exorcised by the Editors, and all appropriate expenditures will be liberally bestowed as it is tlie -'csign oftlie publisher, with the aid of his contributors and the advice of bis friends to make the Ladies' Companion distinguished for the beauty and accuracy of its typography?the variety ami high tone of its literary articles?the quality and value of its music?and the unequalled splendor of its pictorial embelishments. It is the deter litiilton of the publisher to use everv moans to maintain the superiority which the Ladies' Companion has obtained. For four years lie has steadily pursued a course ot improvement, and he (l itters himself that his present facilities are such as to give the Ladies' Companion eminent advantages overall other publications of its character. From the foregoing it will lie perceived that the Ladies' Companion embraces every department withI in the range of Belles-Lett res and the Fine Arts; and no exertions or expense will he deemed too great to render the work equal to any other extant. The fluttering and general testimonials of nearly every contemparary journal in the United States, and in fact, many 011 the other side of the Atlantic, have strongly asserted the Undeniable claims of the Ladies' ompanion to the support of the public general| ly. There is no work that gives its readers such a i great return for their subscripti >m. The Prize Articles will all be published during the | year. These articles will coin irisc the successful cumuuaies lor inn premiums ni one tlion.satcl dollars awarded by a committee of literary gentlemen in August last. Trrms?Throe Dollars a year in advance, or lour dollar* during the year. Nosuhscription received for less than one year. Letter* must '?e a Urease 1 to the proprietory * No. 107 Fulton-St. Mew York, (post paid.) VV1L.L1AM W. SNOWDRN. Proprietor /tffilJTU, LEE & Co., Sninterville. Souili V Carolina, agents for Hotter A Coxe oriiri 'rv.l SOITTIir.HN TONIC. Certificates of the ; t fficacv and virtue of this medicine are in their ( possession June 3 5 tf j fWOUSK \N!> LOTEOltSALE. The house * SI nii'.l lot now occupied l?v .lames Jenkins as a store, ind formerly l?v J. '). Lrtniere, is offered foi sale The t^rins ill he accommodating to the purchaser and reasonable 'n price, which maybe more fullv learned by application to | Au_'. 12 16 W\|. M'WILLIE. Iffilllf.; Copartnership heretofore existing under B. the firm of Bishop and Gilchrist was at an end on the 1st day t.f February, 18H3. April 14 09 tf J M ^ILCIIRIST. . " \ 8 1 . i? -. ' ^ * / 1 111 1 1 1 1 1, iJO> & ?' PATU.V* COVlOU HIS Gin can be made double. or single. If \ made double, they reduce labor, and gin just double, the quantity ot cotton over the single cylinder Gin, uo other k:id having been in use prevous to this patent; and wheuicr single or double, they are lound to improve the quality of the cotton, by more perfectly cleaning it. They can be maue to contain from tiO to il>U saws in a stand, and whether small or large, one hand will be sullicieut to attend them. The Gins have mechanicui feeders and hoppers attached to them, which free the cotton Ironi leaves, trush, dirt, ?.Vc. before it can reach the saws, and by tnc thorough buckling operation it receives from the feeders, which make two revolutions to one of (he saws, it is almost- hi a nail giued slate, before it descenus to the saw. 11 y a very simple arrangement of a screw to each set ct gaates, on winch tin- hoppers rest, and through which llie teeth of the feeders pass, they can be liride to teed slow or last to suit, the condition of the cotton at the time. \V hen made double, the saws are placed on two sets of cylinders and turn upon each other in opposite directions,' and are r> litn iimwl Ki? f u?.* ? ?(. ? "1 **"" lutions to one of hvo saw. The two cylinder* can be detached uo as lo enable.the planter to run one or both at pleasure, although embraced with leeders, &c. in one stood. The whole is put in operation with a drum and hand, as in the ordinary Gin, and inuy be propelled by horse, steam, or water power. It may also be propelled by iron running gear. The torce required to work it, is about the same as that necessary to move on equal number of sawsin the common Gin. This Gin lias been put in operation in Mew Orleans for two or three weeks, and its success tested in the presence of a large number of planters, merchants and others, and received their general approbation Several gentlemen have been so kind as to give the Patentee their written opinion icspecting the merits of the Gin. A number of others couid be added, but the following are deemed sufficient: From his Excellency Gov. While of Louisiana. New Orleans, Feb. 27, 1837. Dr. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enquiry, whai I think of your improved Cotton Gin, 1 have to say. that I saw it work on Saturday tlie25lh inst. ami wa < very iiiueli pleased with its perfotmance. rim mere tact of its sell-leedilig, seems to mc to he a very valuable improvement ; and besides, the quality ot the cotton, as it comes out of the proo -if, appeared to me to be belter and cleaner than fi in Pii- common Gins in use, and that it saves ons d ralily in labor. Kespectlully, &c. E. L>. WHITE. From Ylr J Compton, a wealthy pi inter, resident in the Parish of Rapide, Louisiana. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, 1 have examined your Patent Cotton Gin, with feeders, ?.Vc. And have seen it in operation, and approve of it so highly, itini 1 have taken the liberty of ordering one for my plantation i.i time for the next crop. Yours respectfully, J COMPTON. ew rleans, F< b. SW, 1837. From Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent Cotton Broker ot ew Orleans. New Orleans, reb. U8,1837. Dr. Jones -Dear Sir, in answer to your note of this morning. 1 will state, that 1 have carefully examined your new Patent Cotton Gin, and have Mind it Mir superior to those generally used in this State it cleans the cotton much better, and gives it a much.better appearance. 1 hope, for the good of the country, it may become duly appreciated. Yours sincerely, A. LONGKIl. From .Messrs. Forestall, High &* Co. Commission Merchants. Dr. A. Jones?Deai Sir, we have examined the sample ol cotton left with us, cleansed hy your Patent Cotton Gin and also the cotton in iVs uncleansed stat<\ and pronounce the same (greatly under out 'I-xVil'/Ill:..... ,, ."';,';'lrs which hav?* conie Very reapertfully, youf?it?*V servant r~ ~ FOitrtTA LL, IIIC.H tic Co. New Orleans, Match 1,1837, From Col Harris Smith Evans, a p'.anter of Wil cox county ; signed also by Dr. Llavid J. Means, a planter ol Green county, and a r. Win Clifton, a planter ot l;a!las county, all of Ala. Dr. Jones?Dear S.r. In reply to j?nr in<]iiiry concerning your ineuiry concerning your mu Patent Cotton Gin. we deem it no Jess a plr . sure than a duty to sav to you, emphati ally, that we consider it a most decided ami valuable improve* went We have examined it carefully and seen it in successful operation, and we feel no hesilalancy in recommending il to the attention of planters generally. Most respectfully yours,&c. 1IAKIIIS'SMITH EVANS, DAVID J. MEANS, W.V1. C. CLIFTON. New Orleans, March 7, 1837. I' S.?As a farther testimony of my confidence in the success of your (Jin, you will please order two Double Gins of bO saws in a stand each, tor my plantation, and oblige yours ti ulv, II. S. Evans. As a further proof of my e.onfidence in your Gin, you will please order me a Double (Jin, of the same size, for my plantation, and oblige yours respectfully, D. J. Mkans. Mr. Clifton also stated, that if lie had not just before bought two new Common Gins, that he would likewise have ordeied one or two of the Patent (Jins for his plantation. From Mr. II. F. M'Kenna, of the house of llrander, M'Kenna Wright, of New Orleans. Dr. A. J ones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, accompanied hy a specimen of the cotton, ginned ! by your Patent (Jin, I beg leave to observe, that it exhibits a deeidi d improvement on the usual process of ginning; delivering the staple uninjured and free trom nap ?>r trash, clean and of grtod cn? lor ; thereby giving tlie article an additional value. These favorable impressions of the advantages of your Patent (Jin, have been confirmed subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility ot the double cylinders and snving of labor, will be 1 readily perceived and properly appreciated by the intelligent planter. ? ? ,i ??a .1 " I rriiii^ u urr|inneirav in tiir kiiccces OI all I(11! provements tending to benefit the important staples 1 of our country, I trust that yours will meet with the encouragement it justly merits. Very respectfully, your oh t serv't, If. F. M'KFNNA. New Orleans, March fi>. 1837. From Mr. G. Senior, n Machinist of New Orleans# | Dr. A Sir, in answei te your inquiry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, I 1 hep leave to state, that 1 was fifteen years engaged in the cotton factories of Manchester, Kngi land, and during four years of that time, I was ! foreman in the house of Messrs. Lewis, Williams i Co., and near five years spinner in the house of Messrs. Sandford Greene, i have seen your ' Cotton Gin in operation, and have examined the J cotton ginned by it, and pronounce it better clean sed, and the staple less injured, than any cotton that ever came under my observation. It is completely ready (or the breaker without the aid ofthe blower, arid would, therefore, save the first process in manufacturing the article. I consider cotton cleansed by your (Jin, would command from one to two cents on the pound moir than the average crops brought into ibe Manchester market, and cleansed bv common Gins Yours, very resp'ly. N. Orleans, March 0, GEORGE SENIOR. Dr. Jones?DearS-r. in answer to vonr ii qniry respecting my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, I have to state, that I have been engaged in putting up tbe Carver ^ins for planters on Red River, and that I have seen your Gin in operation, and have examined the quality of the cotton produced bv it ; I consider it equal if not superior to the Carver Gins: in nddition to which, I think v?ur fi ed"rs a decided improvement, and by the aid of which, the quality of the cotton cleansed appears much improved, over that produced bv the com* oioft Qinn. Yourn &c. 9. BENNETT. 1 New Orleans, March 10, 1637. ' ^ *-v"' In addition to the above, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who have cither seen the Gin in operation, or have examined samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. & J. Dick* Thomas Barrett & Co., Uagati, Nivcn & Co., I Lambeth & Thompson, Martin, l'leasants & Co., I Hermann, Briggs & Co., Wni. L. Flower; Bullitt, Ship & Co. ORDERS RECEIVED FOR Jones' Patented ton tain, By the Patentee, Ao. 53 Magazine st. JYeic- Orleans To be inanutacturcd in New York, by Robert Hoe, & Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOUBLE GINS. * or a Uouble Gin et bO saws or more on each cylinder, making 100 saws in the bland, with feeders, hands,$C per saw, or ' $.960 00 For a Double Gin of 60 saws on a cylinder, or I20saws in the slaud, feeders, Ac. ut $0 per saw,"or - 720 00 For do, of <10 saws on do, or 60 saws in a stand, at $0 25 per saw., or 500 00 Fordo, of 20 saws on do. or 40 saws in a stand, at $6 50 per saw, or 260 00 SINGLE GINS. For a Single Gin of 80 saws or more, with one set of feeders, bands, $>6 per 1 saw, * 460,00 For do. of CO saws, with feeders, Ac. at $6 50 per saw, 300,00 j Fordo, of 40 saws, with feeders, Ac. at 1 $6 75 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 20 saws, with feeders, Ac. at $7 50 per saw, . 150 000 Extra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied at 40 cents each; the number of teeth being about equal to the number of saws. One set of feeders, it is considered however, will wear out two or three sets of saws. Extra saws supplied at 60 cents each. The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, of planters in any of the sea port towns of the cotton planting Slates, at the above prices, the agents paying the freight on the same from New York, and becoming responsible for !he amount of the Gin. It is desirable,when planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany them with their views in regard 10 tne arrangement of saws, breasts, brushes, &c. It is found they difler in opinion. Some desire saws of larger diameter than others. The most common size is 1) or 10 inches; hut some wish them lii inches. Some wish 5 or 0 rows of brushes j on an axle, while others do not want more than 4 I at most. Some wish saws with 8 or 9 teeth to the inch, while others want 10 or 11. With so much discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the time of giving orders, furnish a statement of their wishes, and the manufacturercrs can fulfil them in every particular. Where it is left to our discretion, we shall make tlirm on the most modern and approved plan. A n order can be executed, from the lime it is received, in the space of eight or nine weeks and the Gin in that time placed in the hands of the factor. To be in time for the next crop, all orders , ought to be in the haiide of the manufacturers by i the first or middle of May; except for plantations ) where they arc late in commencing to pick or gin cotton. N. B.?The l'ntent Right, for any one of the cotton growing States, w ill be sold terms. May 0 1 tf T j\ ]%J> l-VtJt SALK.?The subscriber oilers I Jb.J for sale his plantation, situated on the Waj tcree river, b miles below Camden. The said ! plantation, in point of fertility and productiveness I is believed to be equal to any in the Stale; it contains in the whole, about 4,000 acres, 2,000 ol swamp, nnu ;;,?iuu 01 iipianu; 011111? swamp uirrc is ; cleared about POO acres, and of the upland about 100. More than one half ol the cultivated land is | fresh, having been clarcd in the last 7 years. The j uplands are entirely healthy and are situated so as . to afford settlements, at a oonv?.-?n-iit ills- : | tauec irum tUa i-. i utie are on the j I pluotution, o grist mi 1 and two cotton gins, pro- , j nelled by water, anil near the centre r.f the plan- j tation There arc also onjthe plantation, a stuck ! of catlle and hogs, nnd 4 or 5,000 bushels of corn, j ' which might be purchased, if desired, with the! plantation I 'I In* tri ms of payment would l>e made easy to -, n piucliasf' j\ny furth? r information may be bad bv application to the subscriber, in Camden. Possession would be given either the present season, so soon as the crop is gathered, or the next, as might best suit the purchaser Jan 0 36 tf LIU (O" The C< lu nib a 1 n, and Charleston Mercury and Courier will insert the above until directed to discontinue, and forward ihoir accounts to the subscriber for payment. UN i^rXTYJ Kanca.ttr lmtrict, y John B Kingsbury, vs Charles APCullougJt, ? Alexander Kile, ^'' ac. James Jlarklty, j collate, if. James Wcsthrook, [ and Laxcrcnce Kingsbury. J IT appearing to the .satisfaction of the Commissioner, that the dt fei Hants Charles McCuliough j and wife, Alexand* i ' sles and wife, James West-i brook and Lawrence Kingsbury, in the above stated case, arc absent from, and without the limits j r,e ll .. ' *"* ? ui? ?uiic?uii minion oi w rigm v>omp, sr.,' Ordered that llie said defendants do appear within j ihree months from the publication of this title, '< and answer, plead, or demur to the Hill, or tlmt' the same be taken pro conlespo against them. J. Jl. WITHERSrOON, C. E. E. D. Commissioners Office, > March 9, 1638. $ I March 1? 40 14t Fr's. fee $1I>. Mil RlFf<S SALE. ~ ' BY virtue of sundry exoeutions to me directed, will he sold before the Court Mouse in Camden, on the lirst Monday in June next, and the day following, within the usual hours ol sale, the lollowing ' property, viz; One thousand aerrs Land, more or less, on Little I .yches creek, adjoining lands of JL Williams and ' Mnigaret Perkins and others?Also six negroes, 1 levied on and to he sold as the property of John 1 Williams, at the suit ol Thos. P. Ilallard and others Also, three Lots in the village of Kirkwood, known | as numbers 4, 5,6. Also, two Lots in the townofj Camden on Lyttleton street, known as numhejs " 1090, 1097. Also a fraction of Lot number 1083. [ Also one Lot on State street, number 1081. One! ' vacant I.ot on Broad street, number 101, ar.d the ' South third of Lot numler 103. Also, an assortment of superior Wines, a qunn- i tit V of Sforlinir S?il?rr P1 n f n n.wl l'.?? /M.S . 6 ...... ...... Hue- x. in nil w art*, j < | levied on as tlit* property of Jacques at the i ( sun of toe President and Directors oi the Hank } t I of the State of youth Carolina, vs. G. C. Camp-; .1 i I HI. & < o, am'the same plaintiffs vs. Hishop & |'.i Christ; and other executions against the same I defendants. I Also, will be sold on Tuesday, at the house of i the delendnn', on Hig Lynches Creek, one sorrel! ( horsi and ten head of cattle, levied on and to he & ho das the property ol Stephen D (lough, at the o suit of James Perry. s Also VA\ shares of the (Capital stock in the Sum- ^ ter Hotel in the town of Camden; lour negroes ^ lour horses, and a great variety of other articles, n levied on and to be sold as the property of A. 11 I Ituflin at the snitol Henj. Exum, Joseph J. Exum and others; at the same time there will he sold a quantity of valualile household furniture, sold to foreclose a mortgage given by A. It. Ruflin to Henj. Exum. Terms Cash. Purchasei to pay f?r Sheriff", papers. WM. ROSSER. ? n. 1 May 10. and Agent for the Martgagee ! 1? OYAL COLtLGL | MM> GEO MS, I.O WJBO I*.?The original Hy-\ ! geian Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. Mle ^i kin, Esq., Member of the ltoyul College of Surtfeons, Licentiate of Apothecary's Company, Felovv of Volt Couit Society Surgeon to the ltoyal L'nion Pension Association, Lancaster Place, Waterloo llridge, and perpetual pupil of Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals, London. This valuable medicine, the result of twenty years' experience and unparrollelcd success in the extensive and highly respectable practice of tho proprietor, patronised by the faculty and nobilitjy is now introduced to the notice ol the Anerican public, at the eurncst solicitation of a nun.her of gentlemen ol long und high standing in the prolession. It is hoped, as u preliminary step,. 1? check the evils and fatal consequences arising from the use of t'lie nun.ctous deleterious nostrums foisted upon the public by the nid of fabricated proofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a set of mercenary, uupritH idled j)retendcrs, so toj tally ignorant ol medical science that it is impossible'the monstrous delusion cun any longer go I down with the intelligent people of this country. ! These pills, mild and agreeable in their nature, I should be kept in every lnmily in eases of sudden j illness, for by^heir prompt administration, chole rn, cramps, spasms, levers, and other alarming complaints, which loo often prove fatal, may be speedily cured or prevented. in fuct, nil those who value good health thenid never be without them. They arc sold in packets, at 50 cents, ?1, I and $2 each, by every respectable druggist, bookseller, and vender of medicine in the United Stales and the Canadas, with copious directions, together w ith testimonials of proh ssional abflity from the following eminent gcntlen en; b'ir Astlev Cooper, I J. Abernethy, Jns. Klundell, 51. 1>.. W. Hack, M. 1)., J. Aston Key, A. Froinpton, IM. D ami f numerous others. 'J he originals mrv be seen in | possession of tlie geneial agent, by whom the medicine is imported into this country, and to whem .ill applications for nger cies must be made. ; J NO. HOLBEIN, yti Waverley Place, N. York, Pole General Agent for the II. S. iSc. Sold bv J It. M'KAIN, Cumdrn, S. C. Oct. 21 25 tf Camden Ccimiierclnl C ourier. THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL COURIER was rendered necessary by the inconvenience to which our citizens have bet n subjected for the want of a public channel of communication which in a commercial community like Camden, is essentially necessary, and consequently the COURIER S claim on the public is such as should ensure a liberal patronage. The undersigned have spared no trouble or expense in obtaining the best workmen in order to render the Paper nil the advantages that it w ill admit of, and affording satisfaction to its patrons. In political matters the Courier v.ill take no part; the design bring to publish a Paj er adapted to the interest or- am.,*which ccnlcl not he i fleeted by its entering into the arena of Politics?it will be confined principally to such inalti r as nj>perluin8 to Commerce, Agriculture and Amuscn cut. The COURIER is published every Saturday morning at Three Dollars in advance, or Tour Dollars il not paid until the expiration oi the year. Persons wishing to become subset iters must address a letter (rosx rAjp) to L. M. JONES. Camden, S. C. May, 1?37. NOTICE.- All persons indebted to the lute fiim of Carpenter Bouncy, and to the subscriber. either by note or account of two or more years standing, are requested to call and settle before return day. After that time all such demands will be placed in other hands lbr collection. The recent change in my hn?iiie?n, renders it necessary lbr me to pursue this course. Jan. 20 38 tf E. W. JIONNEY. IVoticc.?'1 ho subscriber has for sale, a fine Barouch with extension Easting top, silver mounted, for one or two horses, which he will dispose of low tor cash J ], JONES Jun U7 3D if "flLj OT1C12. All j crsons harii ^ demands uguinst 1^1 the estate assitTiioil liv lir i1? p m.j '?. and Wm. A. IJowrn, arc requested 10 render them as early as possible to the subscriber, in duplicate form. JOHN M. GILCHRIST, Assignee* April 14 50 tf lire Charleston Mercury will publish the above daily for one month, and forward account to this office for payment. RiSemENTAL OltilERsTT Col mill in, i!2d March, le\18. ^ PURSUANT to an order from Major Gen. Jin channan, an election will be held in Columbia on Friday the loth June next, for Rrogadirr General of Cavaliv. The following persons will manage the election Cm.f 1 TT o._.i 1 w. ^ . v. * ?uc iiiDj VU]M. ClOIK, Lieutenants Taylor and Brown.. None but Commissioned officers, Held and stall", are entith d to vote. For the information of the officers, I roiei them to the following resolution, j asset! D< ci n.l i r ]?S99: Resolved, That in all elections lor Maj. General, and Brigadier General, hereafter to he made in this State, it. shall be lawful for all commissioned officers of the Militia entitled to vote, to do so l>y proxy; Provided; that all votes so offered l>y j icxy, be signet 1 by tlie olliccrvoting, stating his rank and title, presented under scaled cover, uddrrssed to the Col. of the Regiment to which he belongs, or flRcer holding the election. J, 11. i\PAMS, April 7 -19 if Col.Oth Reg't Cavalry. y|jf EG ROES WANTKIi. Liberal prices may JL>8 be obtaiained in cash for negroes, by applying lothe subscriber. JOHN M. GILCHRIST. April M GO tf WJ OTICTi.?Thc undersigned having formed j.^1 a co-partnership for a tenn of years, under the firm ol' Murray V Bount y, for the" transaction of Mercantile business, respectfully solicit from their friends and customers a continuance of their patronage. They have on hand a very extensive assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware and Groceries, which they w ill dispose of at reduced prices for cash, or on cirdis to punctual customers. T)||<V tyi r> tin fXnrwl it tin. - "~j ?j **v iiiv pu?u- iiuriy OCCllplPU )y Murray & Brvant. J. D. M1/RRAY, Jan. 20 38 tf E. W. BONNEY. LBS. superior North Carolina Fncon on hand, vvliicli will be sold ow foi CASH, if applied for soon. April 21 51 If W. J. GERALD. CJHINGLES WANTED?Wanted, lOO.OOOfirst rale heart Bine Shingles, to he delivered at he Camden Bridge, on or before the first day of uly nej?t, for which cosh will be paid on delivery CHARLES VANDERFORD April 7 40 tl jlOREWRD. ^iTRAYKD from the plantation of tho subscri^ber, 8 miles below Sumterville, about the last f March, a brown Ginny, about four years old, haved a good deal with the gear,but in line order, ihe was brought from the Salt Works in Virginia; Lny person talking up said Ginny, and giving mo otioe of the fact, at Privateer Post Office, Sumter listrict, S. C., shall be entitled lo the above rewad. May 19 3 If ' THOMAS GARRETT. JOB PKINTiNU, NEATLY EXECI TED 17' THIS OFFICE?BOOKS, IIAIVDm BILLS, CIRCULARS,