University of South Carolina Libraries
f ? . m\ mi i ?! i i PROSPECTUS or the LITERARY BVLLETIIV. >i Charleston, 8. C. IN offering to the patronage of tite public, a/aew literary paper, ore are |?rfoctly aware tMgcwe are but repeating au oft-tried experiment, flfcresuit, however, we would fain bclievo, will bo (jiftrent. We are, it is true, oonscious of .he pjjsiitrion of no talent or ability superior to thai of oaf predecessors, but we rely, (perhaps, indeed, iy?h too much of the ardor of all experiments,) upon the iu? { creasing taste of the age or literature ; a faste, the evidence of which is before us in the hortioer of pe- j riodioals, erirrajred solely in its cultivation?in the j lyceuns, the libraries and academies devoted to science an I learning. Whilst the North ttud the West are thus assidioudly employed in the exemplar? task of mental improvement, we will not sappose that tho South intends longer to bear trie weight of that heavy iucumbus which heretofore lias whelmed it in an intelleetaal slumber more lasting and profound than that physical one which orcwiitio enwrapped the seven sleepers of typhosus. It is with a iiope thus founded, and with an intention if wo cannot win success, at least to deserve it; iliai notwithstanding the uniform failure of those who have preceded us, we have ventured to claim the patronage and to labor for the np.ilausc of the public. The stake shall be played for; how the gauie is to end, time only pan determine. Our object will be to render the columns of the illettn both useful and amusing. For this pu:pose, while one portion is devoted to original Essays, Tales and Poems, furnished from time to time by our correspondents and -collaborators, another portion shall be occupied by selected matter cuned from every spot of interest and instruction! in llio vast field of literaturo. The productions of the press shall pass in teview before us, and on every work whioh merits our notice, an impartial criticism shalt be bestowed.? To light literature and-to learned science shall alike lie meted their due portion of censure or of praise, and it shall not be our faults if our patrons do not know the intrinsic value of every book, (at icast in onr own opinion) before they begin to read. fie, says Dr. Franklin, who is good at excuses, is seldom good at any thing else; and the same we opine may be said of promises; lost therefore our roadeis come to some such conclusion as this, we will, without further ado, make our bow, and leave them in future to judge from our labors whether we do, or de not, deserve their patronage. ' Feb. 3 40 Public Acknowledgments! SYLVESTElt considers it An imperativoduty to make this public acknowledgment of the pleasure he has derived from the many flattering communications lately received from those correspondents to whom he has sent Prizes; and he assures his patrons that he will continue to afford the earliest information of Schemes in advance, that they may avail themselves _ e ?i i *?i* . - - ( oi irje uriiuanc opportunities whicn will be successively presented to them.Sylvester respectfully calls attention to the following Magnificent Lotteries to be drawn in May, viz: 840,000 3 of 830,000, 4 of 20,000, and solicits that oiders inay be forwarded without delay to S.J. SYLVESTER, 130 Broadioay, JVcto- York, 13 drawn numbers in each pack of 25 lick. Virginia State .Lottery, For the benelit of the Town of Wellsburg Class No 3 To be draion at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, \ Mav 5, 1838. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30,000 1 " 10,000 1 44 6,000 1 44 5,000 1 41 4,000 1 44 2,500 25 ? 1,000 25 44 500 28 . " 300 &/C. (See. Tickets 10 dollars. A Certificate of a Package of Whole tickets will be sent for 103 Dollars?Packages of hulves in proportion Rich and Splendid Scheme. Virginia State Lottery, Class 3. Pn* llm Kannfit r?C t),n \Toclianicnl Hpnown lent Society of Norfolk. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va May 15?. CAPITALS. $ tO,000! 15,000 ! 5,00012,500 2,290 75 Prizes 1000 75 ? " 500 63 ? 200 &C. 6lc. Tickets for Ten Dollars. Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets will cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Delay not to send your orders td For- j tune's Home. I GRAND SCHEME: j Virginia Slate Lottery. Class 3 for 183 8. ! For the benefit of the Monongalia Academy* , I To be drawn at Alexandria.Va. Saturday May 19CAPI IVALS. $30,000 0000, 5,000 4,000! 3000! ? 5 Prize of 1500 Dollars 5 Prizes of 1350 Dollars 75 Prizes of 500 Dollars 128 Prizes of 200 Dollars Tickets #10?Shares in proportion. Lottery for the benefit of the STATE TREASURY, DELAWARE. CLASS 9. To bo drawn at Wilmington. May 25 SCHEME. $20,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 I of 200 40 of 1000 Tickets 5 Dollars. Gtrtifteale of a package of 25 whole Tickets in tfeis Magnificent Scheme mny be had tor 149 Dollars?Packages ST Halves and Quarters in pro J/V* 100 Prizes of 500 Dollars: SYEV EST EIVS FAVOKITE. Virginia ?il:i!e lottery, Cl;i.<3 No. 3, for 143d For the benefit of the Town of Wheeling. To be drawn at Alexandria Vu. Muy 2ll SCHEME. 1 prlxe of 30,000 D * ' *,000 0 4,000 Dollar i .t: 3,000 i>i?llari * ' Ticle?e 1 .ft . .. .. ... - - . ^ ; :: ^ _ i ^ PROSPECTUS J \ OF THE LADIES' COMPANION (ESTA BUSHED IN 1(34.)^ A popular and highly ojtcrmed MagasinC of General literature and the Fine Arts?einhelished with gorgeous and costly Engravings, on Steel, Oi?'ni|KT and Wood; and also with Fashionable and Popular iViitsic, arranged for the Piano-Forte, Guitar and Hacp. EDITORS, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. William W. Snowden. Assisted by many of the most popular writers. income publication ot toe may numocr, me ue(5 inand tor the Ladies' Companion, has been unprecedented and beyond the most sanguine anticipations. At the commencement of the volume an additional nuin!?er of copies were printed, which was considered at the lime adequate to satisfy all the orders which might be rccoived, and leave a considerable number on hand ior subsequent calls. The publisher is more than graiified in stating that the whole edition wus nearly exhausted before the issuing of the seventh jiumber of the volume; and at tins time but very lew complete sets remain on hand, to supply the numerous orders which are doily received from every section of the U. S. In consequence of this great unforseen increase of new subscribers, ho has determined to double the number of impressions for the subsequent year; while he most gratefully-appreciates the unprecedented encouragement extended to the Ladies' Companion, und at th? same lime, he begs to assure the readers of the magazino and the public in general, that it is his ardent resolution to meet it with a cor resoonuigg liberality on iiis part to merit iu continuance. SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVINGS by our best artists, cconipany numoer?illustiated by Tales anil spirited Sketcues?which will, as heretofore, continue to be magnificent an.) fur superior to those published in any other magazine in America. ~ The Ladies' Companion contains a larger quantity of reading than any other magazine issued in this country, and its subscription price's only three dollars a year, while the great combination of ta.ent secured for the coming year will render it unequalled by any other periodical. ITS LITERARY CHARACTER! Will undergo consideiablc change, as the publisher of the Laeies' Companion, in order to show his appreciation of the public favor already extended to hiiu so liberally, has secured tlie aid of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens' late Editor ol tho "Portland Magazine," and author of a scries of the most beautiful |>opular talcs 1 ever presented to an American public. No lady 1 possessing greater variety of talent, or better calcu- 1 iated to aid in conducting a ladies magazine could have been selected from the galaxy of female genius which is ihc glory of our country. In addition to the poweiful talents of iStrs. Stopiu ns, the proprietor lias secured a list of contributors, which combined will render the Ladies' Compa ion one ol the most interesting and talented magazines of the uay. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, Greenville Mellcn, " Jane E. Locke, N. C. Brooks, A. M. * Woodhull. S. E. Bccket, " Emma C. Enthu? ?/ I .Tnnip.i Purhixh. 1 Miss A. D. Woodbridge, William Cutter, " H. L, Beasley, John Neal, " Charlotte Cashman, Henry F. Harrington, " Mary Emily Jackann Isaec Pray, Jr. 1 Robert Hamilton, James E. Vail, / iV? M'J lit on, CiIhuurti -1/ James Brooks, Jonas B. Phillips, 1 Erastus Brooks, E. Burke Fisher, Rev. J. II. Clinch, II. tihelton Mai kenzie Rev. A. A. Lipscomb. L. L. D. ] With many others who will oaeasiw iallv contribute to the page* of the vork, an I everv exertion will be made to render the Ladies' Companion, what a work devoted to the fe ale portion < f the community j should be, interesting, useful and Instructive. < THE MUSI AL DEPAR f MEN 1' i I | Is under the supervision of Mr. J. Watson, whose , qualifications for the task are too well known t rc- 1 quire our testimony. This department of the Ladies' Companion, has ' 1 over commanded a large share of attention, and has -1 been looked upon with no little interost by its rea- j dors, and more especially the Ladies, whom the publisher is in the highest legrcc anxious to please. It will continue to nc a subject of more than usual care to him, and to the Professor under whose supervision it is placed, to make that portion of the magazine allotted to music, more than ever doserviug i of tTic countenance of every lover of music. It has ever been and will continue to he the desire to have all pieces of music-printed correctly and free frotu errors. THE WORK IN GENFR \L. Over every department an equally careful mper i vision will he strictl exercised hy the Editors, and ; all appropriate expenditures will he liberally bestowed ] as it is the design of the publisher, with the aid of his contributors and the advice of his friends-to make1 the Ladies' Companion distinguished for tne beauty and accuracy of its typography?the variety and high tone of its liter 4ry articles?ilie qualit. and value of its music?and '.lie unequalled splendor oi its pictorial embeliahments. It is the deter illation of the publisher to use every means to matut ti l toe superiority which the Ladies' 'ompanion has obtained. For four y.ears he has steadily pursued a course ot improvement, and he flatters himself that his present facilities arc such astogivethe laddies'Co opinion e oinent advantages over all other publications of its character. From the foregoing it will be perceived that the Ladies' Companion embraces every department within the range of Belles-Lett res and the Fine Arts; and no exertions or ex|?ense will l>e deemed toe great to render tlie work equal to any other extant. The flattering and {general testimonials of nearly every contemparary journal in the United States, and in fact, many on the other side of the Atlantic, have strongly asserted the Undeniable claims of the La* dies' ' 'ompanion tothn support of the public general* i ly. There is no work that gives its readers such a great return for their sulmcripii >u. The Prize Articles will all be published during the year. These articles will com >riso the successful Cfiniliilnfoo fnr lh? urn mill ma nf nil I' thnnann.l ilnllnra awarded by a committee of literary gentlemen in August last. Terms?Three Dollars a year in advance, or lour dollorsduring the year. No subscription received for less than one year. Letters must be addressed to the proprietory t No. 107 Fulton-St. New York, (post paid.) WILLIAM W. SNOWDEN. Proprietor. WHITE, LEE & Co., Sumterville, South Carolina, agents for Coster & Coxe original SOUTHERN TONIC. Certificates of the efficacy and virtue of this m>dicine are in their possession June 3 5tf fWOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The house ft and lot now occupied by James Jenkins as a store,and formerly by J. D. Ijemiere, is offered , foi sale The terms will be accommodating to the \ purchaser and reasonable in price, which maybe more fully learned by application to . Aug. 12 15 WM. M'WILLIE. Ilftl HE Copartnership heretofore existing under ft the firm ol Bishop and Gilchrist was at an end on the 1st day i f February. 1838. April 11 50 tf J. M.1GILCHRI9T, PAXK^x cur f on orN. : Gin ?an be made double, or angle. If JL nude double, they reduce labor, end gin just double ^the quantity of ootton oyer the single cylinder Gin, no other knd having been in use prevous to tins patent; and whether single or double, they are found to improve the quality of the cotton, by more perfectly cleaning it. They can be made to coutaiu from &) to 100 saws in a stand, and whether small or lagge, ou? hand will be sufficient to uttend them. The 'Gins have mechanical feeders and hbpperd attached to tliein, which free the cotton front leaves, trash, dirt, &c. before it can reach the saws, and by the thorough hackling operation it receives froin the feeders, which make two revolutions to one of the saws, it is almost in a half gined slate, before it descends to the saw. By a very simple arrangement of a screw to each set of gaates, on which the hoppers rest, and through winch the teeth of the feeders pass, they can be inude to teed slow or fast to suit the condition of the cotton at the time. When made double, the saws are placed on two sets of cylinders and turn upon each other in opposite directions, and are cleansed by two sets of brushes that have tour revo> lutions to one of* twe saw. The two cylinders can be detached so as to enable the planter to ruu one or both at pleasure, although embraced with feeders, <&c. in one stand. The whole is put in operation with a drum and band, as in the ordinary Gin, and may be propelled by horse, steam, or water power. It inay also be propelled by iron runmr.g gear.' The force required to work it, is about the same as that necessary to mov.e an equal nu> .uerot saws in the common Gin. This Gin uas been put in operation in New Orleans for I -o or three weeks, and its success tested in f'tc presence of a large number of planters, our chants and others, and received their general rpprobation Several gentlemen have been ?o kind as to give j the Patentee their written opinion respecting the merits of the Gin. A number of others could be added, but the following are deemed sufficient: From his Excellency Gov. White of Louisiana. New Orleans, Fob. 27. lo37. Dr. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enquiry, wuat l inir.K ot your improved c-otton uin, i nave , to Hay, thui i saw it work on Saturday the25lh inst. : and was very much pleased with its performance. ' The mere Tact of its self-feeding, seems to ure to be a very valuable improvement; and besides, the quality of the cotton, as it comes out of the process, appeared to me to be belter and cleaner than from the common Gins in use, and that it saves cons.derably in labor. Respectfully, dec. E. L>. WHITE. From Mr J. Compton, a wealthy planter, resident in the Parish of Kapide, Louisiana. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, 1 have examined your Patent Cottoil Gin, with feeders, &c. And have seen it in operation, and approve of it so highly, 1 have taken the liberty of ordering one for my plantation in time for the next crop. Yours respectfully, J. C.OMPTON. New frlcans, Feb *28, 1837. From Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent Cotton liroki r of >ew Orleans. New Orleans, rob. 28,1837. D*. Jones - Dear Sir, in answer to your note of this morning, i will state, that 1 have carefully ex- i imiurd your new Patent. Cotton Gin, nnrl have found it far superior to those generally used in this Siate it cleans the cotton much belter, and gives : it a much better appearance. 1 hope, 1 r the good nf the country, it may become duly nf-pret iated,. Yours sincerely, A LONGER. From Messrs. Forestall, High ?& Co. Commission Merchants. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, we have examined the sample ol c otton left with us, cleansed by youi Patent Cotton Gin. and also the cotton in its tin cleansed state, nnd pronounce the same greatly ""f, ""' the average samples which have come under our this or preceutug nrus...... Very respectfully, vnurob't servants, FORESTALL, HIGH t.V Co. New Orleans, March I. 18:)?, From Col. Harris Sun !: i'.v::ms. a planter of \Vil> cox county ; signed ols" l.y Dr. David J Means, a planter ol Green eou.ty, and Air. Win. Clifton, a plantei nt Dallas c<>niity,nll of Ala. Dr. J*>?nes?Dear Sir, In n ply to >our inquiry concerning your iriqtiiiy < unci rung \> ur tu w Patent Cotton Gin, we deem it no less a pleasure than a duty to say to yon, emphati ally, that we consider it a most decided and valuable improvement Wo have exiimnx d it carefully and seen it in successful operation, and we leel no hesilatnncy in recommending it to the attention of planters generally. Most respectfully yours, Ac. HARRIS" SMITH EVANS, DAVID J. MEANS, VVM. C. CLIFTON. New Orleans, March 7, 181)7. P S.?As a further testimony of my confidence in the succoss iff your Gin, you will please order two Double Gins of 80 saws in a stand each, lor iny plantation, and oblige yours tiuly, II. S. Evans. As a further proof of my oonfidenc e in your Gin, you will please order me a Double Gin, of the saine size,for my plantation, and oblige yours respectfully, D. J. Means, i Mr. Clifton also stated, that if he had not just before bought two new Common Gins, that he would likewise have ordeied one or two of the ' Patent 'ins for his plantation. : From Mr. II. F. M Kenna, of the house of Rran-1 dor. M'Kenna ^ right, of New Orleans. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned by your Patent Gin, I beg leave to observe, that it exhibits a decidt d improvement on the usual process of ginning ; delivering the staple uninjured and free troin nap or trash, clean and of good color ; therpby giving the article an additional value. These favorable impressions of the advantages of your Patent Gin, have been confirmed by subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility ol the double cylinders and saving of labor, will be readily pereeived and properlv appreciated by the intelligent planter Feeling a deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important staples of our country, I trust that yours Will meet with the encouragement it justly merits. Very respectfully, your ob t serv't, H. F. M'KENNA. New Orleans,March 6. 1837. From Mr. G Senior, a Machinist of New Orleans. Dr. A Jo'ies?DeaV Sir, in onswei tc your inquiry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, 1 beg leave to state, that i was fifteen years engaged in the cotton factories of ^Manchester, Eng land, and during four years or mai ume, i was foreman in the house of Messrs. Lewis, Williams At Co., and near five years spinner in the house of Messrs. Sandford & Greene, f have seen your Cotton Gin in operation, and have examined the cotton ginned by it, and pronounce it better cleansed, and the staple less injured, than any cotton that ever came under my observation. completely ready for the breaker without the aid of the blower, and would, therefore, save the first process in manufacturing the article I'consider cotton cleansed by your Gin. would command from one to two cents on the pound more than the average crops brought into the Manchester market and cleansed by common Gins Yours, very resp'ly. N. Orleans, March 9, GEORGE SENIOR. l>r. Jones?Dear S:r, in answer to your ir qniry *' - ? ~C ..Ait - Palant PnOnn in rt?Bpt*cimp my u|)im<ui ?? ;?? ? I have to state, thot I have been enpoffed ir put* ting up the Carver Oins for planters on Red Piver, and that I have seen your GiJl in operation, and have examined the quality of the cotton produced Hy it; I consider it equal if not superior to the Carver Gins: in addition to which, 1 think your f? eders a decided improvement, and by the aid of which, the quality of the cotton cleansed appears much improved, over that produced by the common Gina, Yoare Arc. S BENNETT. 1 * I % i 11 > i New Orleans, March 10, 1837. In addition 16 (ho above, the Patentee will rcfei planters to the following gentlemen, who have either seen the Oin in operation, or have examiner! samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. die J;Dick' Thomas Barrett & Co., Hagon, Niven & Co., Lambeth & Thompson, Martin, Pleasants & Co., Hermann, Briggs & Co., Win. L. Flower; Bullitt, Ship A Co. ORDERS RECEIVED FOR Jones' Patent Ctotton ?in, By the Patentee, JVo. 53 Mmgatinc ?l. Jfetc-Orleans TO be manufactured in New York, by Robert Hoc, 6l Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOUBLE GINS. For a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on each cylinder, making 100 saws in tho l stand, with feeders, bands, &c. at $0 per saw, or $9C0 00 For a Double Gin of CO saws on a cylinder, or 120saws in the stand, feeders,&c. at . $6 per saw, or 720 00 For do, of 40 saws on do, or 80 sows in a stand, at $0 25 per saw, or 500 00 Fordo, of 20 saws on do. or 40 saws in a stand, at {$G 50 per saw, or SCO 00 SINGLE GINS. ? -? V. ? MlllglC * '.II VI WV Sttll O Uf IIIUJ I' y Willi one set of feeders, bands, Ac. at ?$.(i per bow, 480,00 For do. of CO saws, with feeders, &c. at $G 50 per saw, 300,00 Fordo, of 40 saws, with feeders, Ac. at $6 75 per saw, 300,00 For do, of 20saws, with feeders, Ac. at ft? 50 per saw, . 150 COO Extra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied at 40 cents each ; the number of teeth being about equal to the number of saws. One set of feeders, it is considered however, will wear out two or three sets of saws Extra saws supplied at SO centsraeh. The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, of planters <n any of the sen port (owns of the cottun planting Stales, at (he above prices, the oetnts paying the freight on the same from New York, and becoming responsible for !he amount of the Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany them with their views in regard to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brushes, Ac. It is found they diflcr in opinion Seme desire saws of larger diameter than others. T he most common size is 9 or 10 inches ; but some w ish them 12 inches. Some wish 5 or C rows of brushes on an axle, while others do not want more than 4 at most. Some wish saws with 8 or 9 teeth to the Inch, while others want 10 cr 11. With so much discrepancy, wc prefer they should, at the time of giving orders, furnish to statement, of their wishes, and the manufacturerers can fulfil them in'every particular. Where it is left to our discretion, we shall make thrm on the most modern and approved plan An order can be executed, from the time it is received, in the space uf eight or nine weeks and the Gin in that time placed in the hands of the factor To be in time for the next crop, all orders ought to be in the hands of the manufacturers by the firRl or middle of May; except for plantations where they are late in commencing to pick or gin cotton. N. If.?The Potent Right, for ony one of the cotton growing 8 totes, will Le sold unreasonable terms. May G 1 It AW1> Ft'R >?ALt ;i he subscriber offers for sale his plantation, situated on the Watt ree liver, 8 nnles below Camden. 1 lie said plantation, in point of fertility and productiveness is believed to be equal to any in the Slate; it contains in the whole, about 4,0G0 acres, 2,f.C0 of swamp, and 2,COO of upland; of the swamp there is clean d about 900 acres, and of the upland about *00. More than one half of the cultivated land is fresh, having been clared in the last 7 years. The ...?? . oniimis healthv and nre situated so nK to afford healthy settlements, at a convenient distance from the swamp 'auds. There are on the plantation, a grist mi 1 and two cotton gins, | rorelh d by water, and near the centre of the plantation There are also on,the plai tation, a stock of entt'e and hogs, and 4 or f>,OtlO luishels of corn, which might he purchased, if desired, with the plantation The terms of payment would be made easy to a pu-chase Any further information mny be hod by application to the subscriber,in Camden. Possession would be given either the present season, so soon as the crop is gathered, or the next, as ! might beat suit the purchaser Janti 36 tf W. M'WILLIK. ! (CrThc Columbia Tintey and Telescope, and Charleston Mercury and Courier will insert the above until directed to discontinue, and forward their accounts to the subscriber for payment. IN EQUITY, ) Lauoiistcr District. $ John B Kingslury, V8 Charles M*Cullough, r mi. n,n J',r I'"'1"'". " .. (counts, &.c. Jumcs Barkley, | James TVcstbrook, [ and Latcrcncc Kingsbury. J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, that the defendants Charles McCullough I and wife, Alexander Biles and wife. James Westbrook and Lawrence Kingsbury, in the above staled cape, are absent from, and without the limits of the State?on motion of Wright Coinp, sr., Ordered that the said defendants do appear within three months from the publication of this inle, and nnswer, plead, or demur to the Fill, or that tho same be taken pro confesso against them. J. H. WlTHERSroON, C. E. L. D. Commissioners Office, > March 9, 1838. \ March 17 40 14t Pr's. fee $15. ~~ FrcihGardenSccdti, JUST received and forsale by March 3 44 J. It. M'K A1N. FOR 8AEE?The former residence of Col. James S l)eas, situated in the town of Camden, comprising six acres of ground, situated on the Eastern side, and in one of the most pleasnnt neighborhoods?for a private family it has many ad { vantages. Persons wishing to purchase, can be accommodated on easy terms for the whole, or part of the said property. M. M. LEVY Jan 20 IN THE COMMON PIJE A8, I Kershaw District, i Joseph M. Marshall,} vs. > Decla. in Foreign At'chmt. Henry H. Schrock.} WM"'HE RE A 8, the plaintiff has this day filed TV his declaration in this office, against the defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of this State, as it is said,ai)d having neither wife nor*attorney known within the same: It is ordered thftt the defendant appear aod plead thereto, within n year and day, or final judgment will be entered of reoord against him. Nov 25 30 J. W. LANG, Clerk. OOK AT Til IP !?The subscriber ree.i pectfnllv informs the citizens of Camden and its vicinity, that they can hove their clothes cut and made in first rate style, by calling on him at his residence, in Broad street, two doors above tho Post Office. His terms will be reasonable.? All orders will be thankfully received, and prompt. ly attended to. 1 * JOSEPH CHARLESWORTfl: t -- -r.7 ' iwrw --ttt^ ? '.yt>v ^WBKfr V G?ON?, EiOIWDOll..?The original Hy' goian Vegetable hicdicinc.prerorcd by W>Mi?sI Sin, Esq., Nipnibor tf the Rojul Cbllr^c cf Eut* ('pons, Licentiate of A pothrcary'a C cm pary, Felow of Roll Court Society Surgeon to tic. Rojol 1 Union Tension Association, Lancaster flyWf 1 Waterlco L'ridgc, ami pcrpetuul |,?p,cf Coy's ' and St.'J liomns'B, l.crdcn? This valuable n.cdicir.e, the result' of ttftaty years'experience and unparrnlU led ntctra fhfltfc extensive and highly respectable practice of thp proprietor, patronised by the fuculty and ncLilily, is now introduced to the notice ot the Anrtican public, ul the earnest solicitation cf a nt:n lcf of fjcntlcrmn of long ond high si.'r.ding in the piocssion. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, to check the evils and fatol coreeijUei.cct. arising from the ufp of toe nun.nous dch tericus reft.'un.s foisted open ti e public by ti e aid of fctrir'affd proofsof tniraculcus cures, and other fronds, ty a set of mercenary, unprineidled pretenders, to to- ' tolly ipnornht ct medical science tlrat it is impossible the monstrous delusion can r.r.y longer ro down with the intelligent people cf this ccuntr\\ These pills, mild and agreeable in their nature ! k! on Id be hept in every family in cares of sudden j illness, for by their prompt administration, chole ! ro, cramps, spasms, levers, and other alarming complaints, which tco often prove fatal, n sv be I speedily cured or prevented, in foct, oil these ; who value gor.d health should never be without j them, 'i hey r re sold inpcckits, at TO cenlp, ! end $2 each. by eveiy irspectiible druggist, techseller,and vender of n.edicine in ti e I nlted Ftotes and thet rnndas, with copious direction*, together with testimonials ol profersicnol ability Ire in ti c following eminent gentle n en; Fir Ast.'ey (error, J. Abcrnethy, .his. blunricll, IN). D.. YV. Rail-, | M. D., J. Aston Key, A. Fran pte.n, V. L) end . numerous others. 1 ho originals may Le seen in 'possession of the geneiol agent, by wThcm the n.edicine is iu ported into this country, and to whom nil applications for ngei cies must 1 c mode. JNO. HOLBEIN, SO W'uverley Plnre, N. York, Folo General Agent for the U. S. c. Fold by J 11. M'KAIN, Camden, S. C. Oct. 21 &"> tf Qn; tfrn t cir.mci cial Courfer. TI!F Kstablislm ent of the ICMIViEIK IAI. COURIER wns rendered necessary ly the irconvenienre to which eur citi7ens |.n\e 11? n riljec'cd for the want of n public chanr.c 1 of r< li n uim atic-n which in n commercial community life Ccmc' essentially necessary, and cr.nsei.ucr.tly 11 e ( CI R1ER S claim on the public i6 such as should closure a liberal patronage. rJ he undersigned have spared no trcul lc or rx,., penre in cbtoiuing the best wcikn en in order t-o render the Paper nil th.e advantages that it will nr! mit r\( ?, ~-4 : *- * ......... ...... uumuiiig riuiBiuciirii 10 hk paiicrn. In politten 1 matters the Courier \\ i) 1 tohe ro part; the design Icing to publish a Paper adcj.Ud to the interest or m.l, which ccnld not le if!cit< d by its entering into tire arena of Pcliticr?it avill l:e confined principally to such matte r as cpj ertnir.s to Commerce. Agriculture ar.d Amusement. The COURIER is published every fc'aturcay morning at Three Dollars in or Fc i r Dollars if not paid until the expiration ot iheycnr. Persons w ishing tobeccire subscribers must address a letter (ros-r r.\in) to L. M. JOKES. i Camden. S. C. ISIay, lc'37. IVCTlC'Et?All persons indebted to the late firm of Carpenter Bouncy, and to the subscriber, either liy note or account of t^o or more years standing, are requested to call and settle bc*i fore return day After that time all such demands will he placed in other hands f< r col'ection. The recent change in my business, renders it '.cccssnry ; for nic to pursue this course. 1 Jan. SO 38 U F._\V. P JNNEY. TSioSacc.-'?"i no snosenher has foi rale, a fine Rarnuch with extension Lasting top, silver moun> ted, for one or two horses, which he will disposeof low for cosh J L JOKES I ./nn 27 30 tf t?a o'l ii i. *li Ki 11,1.. mi | iTKoiis ..nvn g ut'ji amis against the estate assigned ly Dr. Jncqr.os liishep | and Wm. A. Bowen, ire requested to n nder tl en> as early as nc ssib'e to the suWeriber, in duplicate iform. JOHN M. GILC1IR1ST, Assignee1 Ajril 11 GO tf The "Charleston Mercury will publish the above daily for one month, and forward account to this office for p vr-Ht./ j jl oiuiers,7 Columbia, 22e/ March, 1838. $ UPSUANT to an order from Major Gen. Bit chunnan, mi election will be In Id in Columbia on Friday the lGth June next for Pragaelicr General of Cavi.hy. The ioilouin<! persons will manage the election. Copt. J. U. Adams, Copt. Stapk; Lieutenants Taylor and Brown.. None but Commissioned officers, field and staff, arc entitled to vote. For the information of the officers, I refer them to the folic,wing resolution, j nt-scd Pennlcr 1820: Resolved, That in all ele ctions for Mi'j. Geuera', and Brigadier General, hereafter to 1 e nr?'e in this State, it shall be law Ail for all commissi) t ed officers of the Militia entitled to veto, to do r.q ly proxy; Provided; that all voles so offered by j n xy, Lc signed hy the officer voting, stating his rank and title, presented ur^cler seale d cover, addressed tot lie Col. cfi ! me ixcgirr.cni 10 wmcli lie belongs, or cH or rflicer holding lhe election. J. II. ATAMS, \ April 7 49 tf Cel.5th Tleg't Cavalry. EGKOKS \V A NT ED. Liberal prints may : X^l be ohtaiaincd in cash for negroes, hv applying to the subscriber. JOHN M. GILCHRIST, j April 11 GO If ' miOTl V.?The undersign* <1 having formed . a co-partnership for a teim of years, under ; the firm of Murray Bonney, for fi e' transaction I of Mercantile business, respectfully solicit from j their friends and customers a continuance of their i patronage. Tl ev have on hand a \eiy extensive assortment of Dry Goods,.JUajdxvare and Groce: ries, which they will dispose of at iet!uced prices i for cash, or on ciedis to punctual erstc mere. I They may be found at the Store lately occupied I by Murray & Bryant. J. D. Ml/RKAY, ! Jan..80 38 tf E.'W. RONNEY fir g | 4 snj erior fltorili Carolina Bacon on hand, which will be sold low for CASH, if applied for soon. April 81 51 tf W. J. GERALDi ' ?4 MINGLES WANTED?Wanted, 100,000 first rate heart Bine Shir'g!es, to be delivered at the Camden Bridge, on r-ibeforc the first day of i..i~ . * 1 - - tirjii, lor wiuen cnsn will be pnul on delivery CHARLES VANDERFORD April 7 49 U Sulkey for S'alo. A NEAT Sulkcy and Harness /or snlc cheap . by , II, LEVY. } April 28 5-3 3t Sid RliWKI). STRAYED from tlit plnnlnlirn of llio subscriber, 8 miles below Su??-tervillc, ubout the la^t of March, a brown Ginny, about four years old, shaved a pood deal with the pear.but in fine order. She was brought from the Salt Works in Virginia. Any person taking up said-Xlinny, and giving mo notice of tlic fact, at Privateer Post Office, Sumter District, S. C , shall be entitled to the abovp re wad. May 19 3 tf THOMAS GARRETT. JOBPRINTfNG, NEATI.Y EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE?BOOKS, HANDBILLS, CIRCl LARS, Ac. , ^ i ' v