University of South Carolina Libraries
*Tif 1 */ # :o ? ' ".'i ii i 1 ? . PROSPECTUS ? OF THIS v wcfuav miixfixn. Charleston, S. C. Iff offering lo the patro.ingu of the puMic, * new "literary paper, we arc |ierlr?ctly aware that wo are*\>ut repeating an oil-tried experiment. The reeulk, however, we would lain brieve. will bo different. We are, it ta true, consciou* ol the p^e^ion of no talent or ability aupcrior to that of our pre leocaxora, but wc rely, (perhape, indrrd, with too much of the ardor of ail extxriiMtiitoi) upon the inereaaing taalc of the aire of literature ; a laate, the evi.ienoo of which la before us in the number ?l jjc r tomcats, en^tiged solely ia IU etiuvauon?in me, the libraries and a;adei?iet devoted to ?cienee snJ learning. Whilst the North and toe West are thus assidioosljr eta ployed in the exemplary task of mental improvessent, we will not suppose that the South intenJs longer to bear the weight of that heavy incumbus which heretofore has whelmed it ia au intellectual slumber more lasting and profound than that physical ono which erewliile enwrapped the seven sleepers of tiphesus. i it is with a hope thus founded, and with an intention if wo cannot win success, at least to deserve it; that notwithstanding the uniform failure of those who have preceded us, we hive ventured 10 claim the patronage and to labor for the upniause of the | public. The staka shall be played fir; how the game is to end, time only can determine. Our object will be to render the column* of the Bulletin both useful and amusing. For this purpose, while ono portion is devoted to original Essays, Tales and Poem*, furnished from time to time by our correspondents and collaborators, anoth< r portion shall be occupied by selected matter culled from every spot of interest and instruction, in the vast field of literaluro. The productions of the press shall pass in review i ... -~.i ?*- 1- 1 ?i?y ttuu vii wcij wun wiiidi uicnw our notice, an impartial criticism shall be bestowed.? To light literature and to learned science shall alike l?e ineted their due portion oi censure or of praise, and it shall not be our faults if our patrons do not know the intrinsic value of every hook, (at least in onr own opinion) before they begin to read. He, says Dr. Franklin, who is good at excuses, is ( seldom good at any thing else; and the same we opine may be said of promises; lest therefore our readets come to sora* such conclusion as this, we will, without further ado, make our bow, and leave thein in future to judge from our labors whether we do, or do net, deserve their patronage. Feb. 3 40 Public Acknowledgments! SYLVESTKlt considers it an imperativednty to make this public acknowledgment of the pleasure he lias derived from the many flattering communications lately received from those correspondents ur whom he has sent Prizes; and he assures his patrons that lie will continue to afford the earliest information of Schemes in advance, that they may avail themselves of the brilliant opportunities which will be successively presented to them. Sylvester respectfully calls attention to the following Magnificent Lotteries to be drawn in May, viz: $ 40,000 3 of $30,001). 4 of 30,000, and solicits that oiders may be forwarded without delay to S.J. SYLVESTElt, 130 Broadway, J\"ew-YorU. 13 drawn numbers in each pack of 25 tick. Virginia Stale i.ottery, For the benefit of the Town of Wellsburg Class No 3 To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Mav 5, 183 SCHEME. * n?? ' * i rue oi uu,uoo 1 44 10,000 1 44 6,000 1 44 5,000 1 44 4,000 1 44 2,500 25 44 1,000 2> 44 500 I 2S 44 300 &/C. ?fcc. Tickets 10 doll irs. A Certificate of a Package oi 25 Whole tickets will be sent for 10J Dollars?Packages of halves in proportion Rich and Splendid Scheme. Virginia Lottery, Class 3. For the benefit of the Mechanical Benevo lent Society of Norfolk. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va May 12. CAPITALS. ij,UUV ! i>,U'JO !2,500 2,290 75 Prizes <1000 75 " '500 03 ' 200 &C. <fcc. Tickets for Ton Dollars. Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets will cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in prn portion. Delay not to send your orders td Fortune's Ho uxe. GRAND SCHEME. Virginia .State Lottery. CI us s 3 for 1838. For the benefit of the Monongalia Academy. To be drawn at Alexandria Va. Saturday Mav 19CAP'ITaLS. $30,000 GO00, 5,000 4,000! 3000! '5 Prize of 1500 Dollars t 5 Prizes of 1250 Dollars 75 Prizes of 500 Dollars 124 Prizes of 200 Dollars Tickets $10 ?Shares in proportion. Lottery for thn h nntlr #/.? STATE TREASUKV, I)ELAWARE. CLASS 9. To be drawn at Wilmington. May 25 SCHEME. $20,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 1 of 200 40 of 10J0 Ticketa 5 Dollars. Certificate of a package of 25 whole Tickets in this Magnificent ScIkmiio may be had t ?r 140 Dollars? I'aokagc* of Hal vea and Quarters 111 proportion. 100 Prizes of">00 Dollars: SY fcVESTER'S FA VORITE. Virginia ttliUc ViORcry, Glass No. 3, lor Hid. I For the benefit of the Town of Wheeling, i To be drawn at Alexandria Va. May 20 SCHEME. 1 prize of 30,00i> D e,<M0 D 4,0110 Dollar* 3,0.10 Dollars JO ' PROS PECTUS WS3B=Sm OF THE CO.?PA?fIO^, l?Si A&LtSHEUiN If 34.) A popular and highly ortoenud Mignztn* of General Juhc return ami tlie Fino Arts?embelisiied with gorgroui ami coally Engravings, oil Steel, d(i:i|i|H'r and Worn!; and also with F.tsnionulrlc and Popular t Tunic, arranged tor the Piano-Forte, Guitar a.d iiaep. ?00? EDITOR*, Mr3. Ann 8. Stbphens. William W. 8no\voi:v. Assisted by many .of the most popular writers. Since the publication ol' lite May number, the demand for (he Ladies' Companion, been unprecedented and Iwyond the m ^t sanguine'anticipations. At the coi: nieneen?er t of ttie voluTne an udilitiouai number of copies were printed, winch was considered at the lime aJjquntc to satisfy all Lite orlcrs xv.iich night !>e received, and leave a considerable nuiuhe ou hand b.r subs quent calls The publisher is more than gratified in stating that the whole edition was nearly exhausted before the issuing of the seventh number of the volume; a>.d at tills time but verv lipur rnmtu>l4 rui .air, .,n I ' I band, to supply the numerous orders which are , daily received from every section of the U. S. In coosequi-nee ot? this great nnforseeu increes-- of j | new subscribers, he has determined to double the number of impressions for tiie subsequent year; , i while he mo?t graiolully appreciates ti c unpreoe- , 1 dented encouragement cxtcnuod to the Ladies' CoinI pauim, and at th same time, he begs to assure ilie , readers of t he magazine aqd the public in general, i that it is his ardent resolution to meet it with a cori respondigg liberality on his part to merit its continuance. , SPLENDID STEEL ENORAVINOS , by our best aitisls, ccompany e.?ch num ?er?illus- t Hated by Tales and spirited Sketcues?which will, ] as heretofore, continue to be magnificent an I far superior to those published iu any other magazine in America. , The Ladies'Companion contains a larger quantity j of reading (han any other magazine issued in this t country, and its subscription price is only three dol- * lars a year, while the great combination of talent ( secured for the coming year will render it unequal- ( led by any other periodical. ( ITS LITERARY CHARACTER! f Will undergo considerable change, as the publisher c of the Lacies' Companion, in order to show his appreciation oft ho public favor already extended to 1 him so liberally, has scoured the aid of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens* lale Editor of tho 'Portland Magazine,'' and author 1 of a series of the most beautiful and popular tales H ever presented to an American public. No lady 1 possessing greater variety of talent, or better calcu- r iatcd to aid in conducting a ladies magazine, could have been selected fiom the galaxy of female genius which is the glory of our country. In addition to * the poweiful talents of Mrs. Stephens, the proprietor has secured a list of contributors, which combined will render the Ladies' Companion one ol the most interesting and talented magazines of the day. f Mrs. L. II. Sigourncy, I Greenville Mcllen, a i p r - I ?t /i n i * - wtiw iiUtnt't iT> U> UI'OOKS, i'l. ill. s ?. Woodhull, 8. E. Bcckct, 44 Emma C. Embury, James Furbish, o JIfiss A. D. Woodbridge, William Cutter, , " //. L, Beasley, John Ncal, 44 Charlotte Cushman, Henry F. Harrington, 44 Mary Emily Jackson Isacc Pray, Jr. Robert Hamilton, James E. Vail, * c J. N. M'Jilton, Edward Maturin, h James Brooks, Jonas B. Phillips, v Erastu s Brooks, E. Burke Fisher, Rev. J. H. Clinch, R. Shelton Mackenzie Rev. A. A. Lipscomb. L. L. D. \ With many other* who will oocasionally contribute to tho pages of the work, nn-l every exertion will be made to render the Ladies' Companion, what a work devoted to the female portion of the community should be, interesting, useful and instructive. < TI1E MUSICAL DEPARTMENT t Is under the supervision of Mr. J. Watson, whose ' qualifications for the task are too well known to re- ( quire our testimony. 1 This department of the Ladies' Companion, has } ever commanded a large share of attention, and has i i i . o.-.i z.iT . . ' - iiuvu iuvim'h upuu wiiu 110 nine 1 merest ny its roa- { ders, and more especially the Ladies, whom the Publisher is in the highest Jcgree anxious to please, t will continue to be a subject of more than usual care to him, and to the Professor under whose supervision it is placed, to make that portion of the magazine allotted to music, inore than ever doscrving i of tne countenance of every lover of music. It has t ever been and will continue to be the desire to have all pieces of music printed correctly and free from errors. THE WORK IN GENERAL. ] Over every department an equally careful super s vision will bo strictly exercised by the Editors, and t all appropriate expenditures will be liberally bestowed as it is the design ofthc publisher, with the aid of his I contributors and the advice of his friends to make < the Ladies' Companion distinguished for the beauty I and accuracy of its typography?the variety and I high tone of its literary articles?the quality and value of its music?and tho unequalled splendor of its pictorial embelishments. : It is the deter in-ition of the publisher toMisc eve- I ry means to maintain the superiority which the La- ( dies' Companion has obtained. For four years he < has steadily pursued a course ol improvement, and i he flatters himself that his present facilities are such ] as to give the Ladies' Companion eminent advantages ' overall other publications of its character. From the foregoing it will be perceived that tho Ladies' Companion embraces every department with- \ ' in the range of Belles-Lett res and the Fine Arts: t , and no exertions or expense will be deemed too great j to render the work equal to any oilier extant. The flattering and general testimonials of nearly every | contcniparary journal in the United States, and in , fact, many on -lie other side of the Atlantic, have | strongly asserted the Undeniable claims ot lhe Ladies' Companion to the supjort of the public generally. There is no vork that gives iis read rs such a great return for their subscript in. The Prize Articles will all be published during the I year. These articles will com >riso tiio successful . candidates for the pre mums of one thousand dollars j awarded by a committee of literary gentlemen in j August l ist. Tbrms?Three Dollars a year In advance, or lour dollars during the year. No subscription received for less than one year. Letters until be add reused to the proprietor, at No. > 107 Fulto;i^?t. New York, (post paid.) WILLIAM W. SNOW I) FN. Proprietor. i 3M7IIITR. I.PR & i TfV Carolina, ngonts for Custer <Si Coxe orijri I I nnl SOUTHERN TONIC. Certificates of the j i 6ffieacy and virtue of this medicine are in their possession June 3 5 If House and lot for sale! the house and lot now occupied by James Jenkins as n store, and formerly by J. D Lemiere, is offered foi sale The terms will he accommodating to the : 1 purchaser and reasonable in price, which may bo I more fully learned by application to I \ug. 1* 15 WM. M WILLIE. FOR S ir,K OR REWT?The House iccently occupied bv vir.B onney. Apply to i Watch 1) 45 tf O..T SHANNON, , - -- - - . ^' PATli\I COI IOA ??4\. lilSG-.u can oe made double, or single. It , il uiade double, they reduce .labor, and gin juist , louble, the quantity ol cotton over Uie single cylinicr Um, no oilier fend having been in use ptevous ;o tins patent; and whether single or double, they ir<> found to improve the quality of the cotton, by nipre perfectly cleaning tl. 'i hey can be made to contain iroui 20 to ltio saws in a stand, and whether imall or Urge, one hand will be sufiioient to attend litem. The Gins have mechanical feeders and hoppers attached to them, which tree the cotton from leave?, trash, dirt, &u be lore it csn teach the >aws. and bj ihe thorough hackulig operation it cccives trom the feeders, which tuake two revoutions to oue of the saws, .it is almost in a half {ined state, betore it descends to the saw Bv a rery simple arrangement of a screw to each set ot (sates, on which the hoppers rest, and through which the teeth ot the feeders puss, they can be nude to teed slow or lost to suit the condition of ,be cotton at the time. When made double, the taws are placed on two sets ot cylinder# aud turn ipoti eacli other in opposite directions, and arc dvansed by two sets ot brushes that have fourrevoutions to one ot twe saw. The two cylinders can jc detached so us lo enable the planter to ruu one >r botn at pleasure, although embraced with feeders, Jtc. in one stand. The whole is put in operation with a drum and band, as in the ordinary Gin, and nay be propelled by horse, steam, or water power. It may also be propelled by iron running gear. The torce required to work it, is about the same as hat necessary to move an equal number of saws in .he common Gin. This Gin has been put in >peratiou in New Orleans for two or three weeks, ind its success tested in the presence of a large lumber of planters, merchants and others, and i eceived their general approbation. < Several gentlemen have been ho kind as to give i .he Patentee their written opinion lespecting the i uerits of the Gin. A number of others could be idded, but the following are deemed sufficient: < from his Excellency Gov. White of Louisiana. i New Orleans, Feb. 27, 1837. Dr. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enquiry, i what I think of your improved Cotton Gin, 1 have ,o say, that 1 saw it work on Saturday the 25th inst. ' ind was very much pleased with its performance, i The mere fact of its self-feeding, seems to me to < >e a very valuable improvement; and besides, the < quality of the cotton, an it comes out of the proless, appeared to me to be better and cleaner than Yoin the common Gins in use, and that it saves < sonsiderably in labor. Respectfully, &c. t E. D. WHITE. I from Mr J. Compton, a wealthy planter, resident < in the Parish of ll&pide, Louisiana. I Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, 1 have examined your Pa- i ent Cotton Gin, with feeders, &c. And have | icen it in operation, and approve of it so highly, i hat I have taken the liberty of ordering one lor | ny plantation in time for the next crop. Yours respectfully, J. COMPTON. i New Orleans, Feb. <i8, 1837. I 'rom Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent ? Cotton Hroker of .New Orleans. i New Orleans, f eb. 28,1837. | Dr. Jones -Dear Sir, in answer to your note of i his morning, I will state, that 1 have carefully ex.mined your new Patent Cotton Gin, and have I bund it far superior to those generally used in this , State it cleans the cotton much better, and gives 1 t a much better appearance. 1 hope, for the good if the country, it may become duly appreciated. Yours sincerely, A. LONGER. 'foni Messrs. Forestall, High Co. Commission \ Merchants. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir. we have examined the 1 ample ot cotton left with us, cleansed by your ' 'atent Cotton Gin, and also the cotton in its nn- \ loansed state, and pronounce the same greatly upcrior to the average samples which have come ' indcr our observation this or preceding seasons. , ' Yrery respectfully, yourob't servants, 1 ' FORSTALL, HIGH & Co. 1 New Orleans, March 1,1837, 1 from Col. Harris Smith Evans, a planter of Wil ! cox county ; signed also hy Dr. Dnvid J Moans, 1 a planter of Green county, and Mr. Wm. C. ( Clifton, a planter ot Dallas county, all of Ala.1 , Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, In reply to your inquiry j I loncerninir vmir innniru KAnn/imiii" 1'~ oj - i?? " 1 a" i ,cnt Cotton Gin, we derm it no less a pleasure : a han a duly to say to you, emphatii ally, that we ^ :onsider it. a most decided and valuable improve- s nent. We have examined it carefully and seen it s n successful operation, and we feel no hesitatancy 1 n recommending it to the attention cf planters renerally. Most respectfully yours, Ac. 11 AltIllS SMITH EVANS, ( DAVID J. MEANS, 11 \VM. C. CLIFTON. 1 New Orleans, March 7, 18'.17. P S.?As a further testimony of my confidence n the success of your Gin, you will please order .wo Double Gins of 80 saws in a stnnd each, for 1 ny plantation, and oblige yours truly, H. S. Evans. 1 As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin, pou will please order nre a Double Gin, of the . lame size, for my plantation, and oblige yours re ipectfully, 1). J. Mkaks. Mr. Clifton also stated, that if he had not just j refore bought two new Common Gins, that he | .vould likewise have ordered one or two of the Patent Gins for his plantation. From Mr. II. F. M'lvcnna, of the house of Brander. M'Kenna & Vv right, of New Orleans. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, iccoinpnniod by a specimen of the cotton, ginned t >y your Patent Gin, I beg leave to observe, that it i ixhibits a decidf d improvement on the usual process of ginning ; delivering the staple uninjured md free troin nap or trash, clean and of good co? lor; thereby giving the article an additional value. These favorable impressions of the ailvnntniTi.? . ? your Patent Gin, have been confirmed by subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility of Lhe double cylinders and saving of labor, will be readily perceived and properly appreciated by the . intelligent planter. Feeling a deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important staples of our country, 1 trust that yours will meet with Lhe encouragement it justly merits. Very respectfully, your ob f serv't, H. F. M'KENNA. New Orleans, March 0. 1837. ' From Mr G Senior, a Machinist of New Orleans. Dr. A Jo?es?Dear Sir, in answei te your inquiry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, 1 I beg leave to state, that 1 was fifteen years engaSred in the cotton factories of Manchester, Eng- 1 and, and during four years of that time, I was ' foreman in the house of Messrs. Lewis, Williams ( Co., and near five years spinner in the house of * Messrs. Sandford &. Gr?enr. I have 6een your ' Cotton Gin in operation, and have examined the 1 cotton irinned hv it. and iirnnniinro ?? P -J - J I 1 *lt'U IIsod. and the staple less injured, than any cotton that ever came under my observation. It is completely ready lor the breaker without the aid of the blower, nnd would therefore, save the first process in manufacturing the article I consider cotton cleansed by your Gin, would command from one In two cents on the pound more than the average ! crops brought into the Manchester market, and * cleansed by common Gins Yours, very resp'ly. N. Orleans, March 9, GEORGE SENIOR. L)r. Jones?Dear S:r. in answer to your it quiry respecting mv opinion of vnnr Patent Cotton Gin. I have to state, that I have been engaged in putling up the Carver Gins for planters on Red River, ind that I have seen your (Jin in operation, and have examined the quality of the cotton produced < by it; 1 consider it equal if not superior to the Car- I ver Gins: in addition to which, 1 think your fed- t ers a decided improvement, and by the aid of t which, the quality of the cotton cleansed appears a much improved, over that produced by the com- c mon Gint. Yours dfeo. S. BENNETT. f a, ' a | New Orlcnus, March 10, 1637. iu addition to the aoove, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who have either seen tho (Jin in operation, or have examined samples oleunsvd by it: Messrs. IS. & J. Dick Thomas Barrett & Co., iingan, Niven & Co., Lambeth it: Thompson, Martin, rlcasants & C?o., Hermann, Briggs i Co., VVm. L. Flower; Bullitt, Ship & Co. ORDERS RECEIVED TOR J ouch? Patent Cotton tain, By the Puirnttc, Ao. 03 Magazine st. Aetc-Orleans To be nianutacturcd in New York, by Robert Hoe, Sl> Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOUBLE GINS. For a Double Gin of 60 saws or more on each cylinder, making 100 saivs in the stand, with feeders, uands, &c. ut $0 per saw, or ?000 00 For a Double Gin of 60 saws on a cylinder, or 120saws in tho stand, feeders,&c. ut ..*6. per saw, or 7120 00 1 For do, of <10 saws on do, or 80 saw s in a stand, at $6 25 per saw, or 500 00 Fordo, ot 20 saws on do. or 40 saws in a stand, at $6 50 per saw, or 2G0 00 SINGLE GINS. For a Single Gin ol 80 saws or more, with one set of feeders, bands, & $G per saw, 480.G0 For do. of CO saws, with feeders, &c. at $G 00 per saw, 300,00 : Fordo, of 40 saws, with feeders, &c. at $6 75 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 20 saws, with feeders, &c, at I? 50 per uw, 100 000 Extra tcclli where desired, for feeders, supplied at 40 cent8ench ; the number of teeth being about equal to the number of saws. One set of feeders, it is considered however, will wear out two or three sets of saws. Extra saws supplied at 80 cents each. The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, of planters in any of the sea port towns of the cotton planting States, at the above prices, the agents paying the freight on the same from New York, and becoming responsible for !he amount of the Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany llictn with their views in regard to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brushes, &c. It is found tiiey difler in opinion Some desire saws of larger diameter than others. The most common size is 9 or 10 inches ; but some wish them J2 inches. Some wish 5 or (> rows of brushes on an axle, while others do not want more than 4 at most. Some wish saws with S or 9 teetli to the inch, while others want 10 or 11. itli so much discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the timeol giving orders, furnish a statement of their withes, and the manufacturerers can fulfil them in evenparticular. Where it is loft to our discretion, we shall ntakethem on the most modern nr.d approved plan. An order can be executed, from the time it is received, in the space of eight or nine weeks j and the Gin in that time placed in the hands of the i factor To be in time for the next crop, till orders ought to be in the hands of the manufacture rs by lite first or middle of May ; except for plantations where they arc late in commencing to pick or gin cotton. N. 11.?The Patent Right, for any or.. of < t cotton growing States, will 1< sold em terms. May <> I tl Ai\i) JF<>I5 v ? lie subscriber oilers a for sale his plantation, situated on the \\ ateree liver, 8 miles below Can den. rf he said plantation, in point of ft rtility ai d productiveness | is believed to he equal to any in the Mate; it con- i ains in the whole, about 4.CG0 acres, 2.( ( 0 ?f' swamp, and 2,( C?t> cf upland: < f'the swamp there is i ilcnred about {.>00 acres, ai d of ti c upland about 100. Moie than one half ol the t ultivated land is 1 ['resit, having been clarrd in the last ? years. ri he j uplands are entirely healthy and r.rc situated so as 1 Lo afford healthy settlements. a! a convenient eis lance from the swamp int.ds , here are on the plantation, a prist mi 1 and two cotton gins, ( ro- f gelled l?v water, and near the centre of the plan- 1( ation J'here are nlso en the pla. Intion, a rtock i >f catt'e and heps and 4 or .r;,t!(-0 bushels of corn, ' vhich might bo purchased, if desired, with the !! limitation j | The terms of paynunt would be made easy to j | purchase A ny In r tin r information n ay he had i | y application to the subscriber,in Camden. I'oscssion would be given either the present season, , o soon as the crop is gathered, or the next, as ] night best suit the purchaser Jant; :it; tf w. wwilmf. , Hj The Columbia Times1 and Telescope, and ! Charleston Mercury and Courier will insert the ibovc until directed to discontinue, and forward heir accounts to the subscriber for nnvment. I J f JV OT1CE.?All p< rsons indebted to James L. I IV Brasington, and also to the late firm of Brace ^ S: Brasington, are requested to'call and make pay- *f nent to James R. M'Kain, who is authorized to \ cceive the same. SAM. SIIIVEH, jr. r Jan G 30 tf J. I' SIHYl R, 1 Assignees of J L B WTOTIC'K.?The copartnership, heretofore ex 1.^1 isting between the subscribers under the firm I )f M'Donald Brasington, was dissolved on the ; t 10th of Dec. last, by mutual cor.sent. C. A. M'DONALD, Jan G 3G tf J. L. BRASINGTON. IIJOTICE.?All persons indebted to the late . 1^1 concern of M'Donald & Brasington, are re- 11 piested to call and settle with James II. M'Kain,O who is autljoriscd to receive the same. i C A M DONALD. ,' SAM L SHIVER, Jr. > Assignees J. P. SHIVER, B. Jan G 3G tf IN IKllITY, ) Lancaster District. ) , i John It Kingsbury, *1 f VS | J Charles M'Cullough, ? ? . n .... !t Alexander Bile, ) ?? | Jawe. Barkley, ( < James West brook, j ; J ind Ijaicrcnce Kingsbury. J | f IT appearing to llio satisfaction of the Coirmis- t sioner, that ilie defendants Charles McCulloiigh ! r ?nd wife, Alexander I'.iles and wife, James West- , brook and Lawrence Kingsbury, in the above stated case, are absent from, and without the limitsi jf the St.itP?on ninlinn nf - sr., i Ordered that (lie said defendants do appeal within hrec months from the publication of this nile, ind answer, piend, or demur to the Hill, or that :hc same be taken pro confesso against them. J. II. W1THERSPOON, C. K. I.. I). Commissioners Office,J March J), 18.18. \ March 17 4C 14t Fr's. fee $I, " FrctthGnrdcnliiccdt), JUST received and forsale by I March 3 44 J. II. Tvl'KAIN. t ?? ( t^OR SAIjE?The former residence of Col. j James S Deas, situated in the town of Camlen. comprising six acresof ground, situated on I he Eastern side, and in one of the most pleasant ^ lemhborhood?fora private family it hns many adran tapes Persons wishing to purchase, can be iccommodatcd on easy terms for the whole, or part if the said properly. M. M. * . Jan. 'JO Siimtervfille Academy. THE subscriber hu* the satislaclion ol announcing to the public that nrrangcmcnts have leen mode fur extri ding his prevent number of pupi;s from 80 to ICO. 1 he next quarter will commence on Monday, the ?d cf April. The Clattricarond Muthen alicnl department ia under the in mediate superintend* we ol the slit, fccrilier, uho also tahes n general to} cniucr. cl the other dc| artmcuts. The English department is under tl.c charge ef Mr. \V. J. Oilara, assisted by Mr. W. Brciisoti. The Female departn.ent is under the charge of Miss H. O'Hnra, assisted by Mies A holt. A Professor of Music and Freneh, is soon expected, when it is believed the inducements ?Acred by Suintcryilta Academy, will not bo eiccnd to any similar institution in the State. A few boarders can he accommodated in the ol the Principal. Application lor admission may 1 c mrde citI cr to the subscriber, or to Dr. J. IJavmucrth, C. W. Miller. Alerter Garden, Wm. Haynsworth, J. S. Richardson, jr.. F. I. Mcscs, Esq's., Trustees. March 10' 45 tf JAS. MrFENJS, ! Principal. OYAL tOLLECii: OF Stjjju (iEOAS, l,OWI>OW.?The original Hy- * goion Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. Mm Kin, Esq., Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Licentiate of Apothecary's Company, Feb low of Boll Court Eociety Burgeon to the Royal Union Pension Association, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, and perpetual pupil of Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals, Louden. This valuable medicine, tli(\ rjsult of twenly years' experience and unpnrralloled success in lite extensive and highly respectable practice' of the proprietor, patronised by Chip faculty nnd nobility, 'is now introduced to the notice oi tl;'e American public, at the earnest solicitation of u numler of ffcnllemen of long and high standing in the piocssion. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, to check the evils and fatal consequences arising from the use of the muncious deleterious r.Cbliuins foisted upon the public by the aid t f fabricate d proofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a set of mercenary, unprincidlcd pretenders, so tntnll.v ignorant ot medical science thai it is impossible llic monstrous delusion can any lunge r go down with the intelligent people of this country. These pills, mild and agreeable in their nntuie, should be kept in every fumily in cnies ef sudden illness, for by their prompt admiuistiatie n. < he lira, cramps, spasms, fevers, end oil or tilaiinii g complaints, which too often prove fatal, 11 ay le speedily cured or prevented. J11 fart, all there who value gccel health should never he without them. 'J hey are sold in packets, at fO centF, }, ;;i)<1 $2 each, by every ics| e ctoble diuggist, leokseller.and vender of medicine in li e United States nnd tlio Ci.nndas, with copious e'ire t tiers. trrclb.rr with testimonials of professional ability li?tn the Iollciwinor eminent gentle men: h'ir Astlry Ccrpcr, Akerncthv, Jes. i li nd? 11, M, D.. W. ]?ucK, M. 1>., J. Aston lv? v. A. 1 r: n | t< n. 1_>. ;.i d numerous others. rJ ho crigii als i: ay 1 c tren in pofsoFFirn of tlio pc neial . pent, I y v I r in. tlie n e?t:cine is itnporln! into this ( oui.tiy, M il to w ) < m :.I1 tin r> : n i.j I ! < ii.sVe. JNO. M(?I.J;KLN. :'( W : '.i I:? \ Mere. N. YmI , Sole (Jci i nil A? ' i t for tl e 1*. H. <5 r. Pcld l>v .1 1*. iVl'K A I N, (. cn clen, S. (\ Oct. SI &? tf C itii tlc'ii CtiiiiBHri t itil rofincr. TilK Establishment of the CCIUMKIU IA J. COt'itlHR was rendered necessary by tl;e inconvcnicure to which our citizens have been subjected for the want of a public channel of communication which in a eoiniuorrlal ct r. inunity life Oindrn.ij? essentially nocossaiv. and consequently the COl ItiLK S claim on the public is such as should ensure a liberal patronage. The undersigned have rparcd no trouble or expense in obtaining the best workmen in order l?? render the Taper nil the advantages that it will admit of, and affording satisfaction to its j atm iis. in political matters the Courier will take no part; the design being to publish a Taper ac'r.j W d to the interest or ai i . which could not I e ? fi? < 1? <1 by its entering into tlie arena of Toliticr?it will be eonlhied prineipnllv to such ninitt i as apj ertnins iO Commerce. Apiiculture and Ainusen.i nt. i lie UUl KILll is published every fc'atuiray morning at Three Dollars in advance, r r l'c ur Dollars i( not paid v.nlil !l:e expiration ol the year. Persons wishing lobecome suLsciiLers u.ust cdIress a letter (poet I'Ain) to L. M. JOiNPb'. Camden, S. C. May, 18117. NOTICK.?All persons indebted to the Into irin of Carpenter Honney, and to the subscri>er, either by note or account of t.vo or more rears standing, arc requested to call and settle he'ore return day. After that time all suc.h demands vill be placed in other hands f,,r collection, The eccnt change in my business, renders it necessary "or me to pursue this course. Jan. at) 38 tt D. W. HONNKV. Kotlc C??The subscriber has foi sale, a line llarouch with extension Lasting top, silver inouued, for one or two horses, which ho will dlsjmse jf low tor cash J L JON L8 ./an 127 39 tf rcrOTlCIS.?The notes and accounts oi \V. 11. LmI Daniels are placed in my hands for colleeion?all those indebted will please come forward md settle the same iinmcdiatelv. May 20 3 tf W. R. yOUNG XlflTllfs JL. Si IS A S E 3"having this day executed a deed of assignment of all ns estate, to the subscribers for the payment of lis creditors in the manner in the said deed of issigninent declared : Notice is hereby given thai ill debts due the said James L. Drnsingtdn, either n his own name, or in the name of Brace & Braiington or McDonald & Drnsinglon. included in lie said assignment, and persons indebted are rojucstcd to cull 011 the subscribers and settle tho inirc. The deed of assignment directs the division of lie surplus, alu r certain sjiecified debts, rateably unong the creditors of the said James L. Brasing.on, who are reqnircd to file and establish with llio subscribers their demands within six months from lie dale of the deed, The deed may be seen on ipplicalion to the subscribers. SAM I.. SHIVER, jr. i i> miiuvi) Dec. 0 'V2 If Assignees.^ SOUTH CAROLINA, Sl'MTER DISTRICT. Summons in Partition. Elizuhcth I) it til op, applicant, rs Ihn itJ ./ I) aula p am/ atln rs. fl appearing to my satisfaction Hint William (iibsnu, and Kcbecctl his wife, William F. Dunanil Sarah his wile, Michael Solln and Eliza lis will*, Tyre Logan. (heirs of Samuel Dunlap, lecensed,) resides without lliis Slate. )i is thereore ordered that they do appearand object to the livision or sale of the renl estate of Samuel Dunup, dee'd on or before the first day of May next, >r their consent to the same will he entered of reord. WILLIAM LEWIS, O. S D. Feb. 24 4 It 8t JOB PRINTING, ^ KKATI.Y l'.XI'.tl'lTII ,i r tins oirict:.?books, iiaxd.