University of South Carolina Libraries
t?' iMim W UN |WU0.1l|t m literary paper, we ere perfectly eWMfet-thei wi ere bat repeating en olt>tri?l tieeriiuate'tit.n wU, however, we would tela hewv?|iPew< - *ft. We era, it Is true, oeuwliito iwessloa of *0 talent or ibiliiy superior fee tMBBpur preJeoeeeore, bat we rely, (perhene, ii|V wlte loo much of the erdor of ell experimafeb^Kon the la* ereaeing teste of the ege of litaHMW* toele, the evidence of whioh is before aaSaHPainhir -ofP?* riodieels, engaged eoblflA its 0?|jPatiea--ia the ijoeatiu, the libraries end ooihhjp ?leeotad to soieaoe enJ learning. Whilst Ua#North end the West era thus sssidioaity a>iB^ ptery tesk of mental iBpn)iMW " will not sap* pose that tho Sootb letoeiflFhgsr to beer the weieht of that beerr iMflP which heretofore had whelmed H la eelHunet slumber more . luting sad profeumKfcMb physical * which tentioa if we eanadt wjft MHw, at leeat to deenteo it; thai notwithstanding Duailorm failure of thoee who hero preoeded us. oS?ve wentured to okid the pattonaoe and to UHir the aooteose of the public. Tho stake shall K played ion how the game is to end, time only dan determine. Out object will be to dpder the columns of the Bulletin both useful and* musing. For this purpose, while one portion is devoted to original Essays, Tales and Poemv furnished from time to time by our correspondents and collaborators, another Kirtioo shall be occupied by selected matter oniled om every spot of Interest and insttfnttbn, in the vast field of, literature. The pnAdoons of the press shalt (tass in tevlewr before 09/ and on every work which inerjto our Bjtiii^a impartial criticism shall bo bestowed.? To light literature and to learned science shad -alike meted their due portion el censure pepf praise, and it shall not be our faults if our patrons do not know the ietrlnste valoe of every book* (at least in. * seldom good at. any thing eke;. and the same we opine may he sxid of promises; lost' therefore oar wilt, withoat farther sdo, make oar bow, and learo thomln rature to judge from oar labors whether we do^or <1ojiot,jJe*rve their patronage. ktapkimi 8PBIM? SCMBJURS. Since the commencement of the present year our success in selling prizes has been so great as to warrant as in continuing the brilliant aeries of schemes which have hitherto given such- universal satisfaction. We sincerely trust that good fortune may attend those who may have not yet experienced the happy effects of sending to 130 Broadway. Our friends have now a fair opportunity, of adventuring du"f ring the month of April, as we* offer to them a prize of50,000 dollars, 3 of30,000 3 of 25,000 a H 3 of 20(000 To ensure a prize, send orders to |S.J. SYLVESTER. 130 Broadicay, JYeio- York. 13 drawn numbers in each pack of 25 tick. Virginia State Lottery, .L _ I 11. _ f rrt f nr ?? cvr wc uuiiuui gi me i own oi w iieenng . Class No. 2 To be drawn at Alexandria, Va Saturday, April 7,183$. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 26,000 1 ? 7,000 1 5,000 1 " 4,000 25 1,000 50 600 60 ** 200 &C. Tickets 10 dollars. A Certificate of a Package of 25 Whole tickets will be sent for 100 Dollars?Packages of halers in proportion Virginia State Lottery. Class 2 tor 1838. For the benefit of the Richmond Acade To be drawn at Alexandria Va. Saturday April 14CAPITALS. CAPITALS. $30,000 6000, 5,000 4,006! 3000! 15 Prise of 1500 Dollars 5 Prises of 1250 Dollars 75 Prizes of 500 Dollars 123 Prises of 200 Dollars ' Tickets $10?Shares in proportion. Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets will cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Delay not to send your orders td Fortune's Home. Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit of the Petersburg benevolent Mechanic Association. . , Class Mo. 3, for 1633. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va April 21. CAPITALS. $50,000! 10,000 6,000 ! 5,000 ! 4,000 25 Prizes 1000 25 " 500 200 ? 200 &C. <fcc. Tickets for Ten Dollars. MARYLAND LOTTERY, (CLASS 0. To be drawn at Baltimore Md. April 26 SCHEME. $20,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 1 of 200 40 of 1000 " Tickets 10 Dollars. Certificate of a package of 25 whole Ticket* li . this Magnificent Scheme may be had for 140 Dol iara? Packages of llalfes and Quarters in pro portion. 100 Prizes of 500 Dollars: SYLVESTER'S FAVORITE Virginia State Lottery, * ('lass 3. For the benefit of the Leesbttrg Ae&dem) To be drawn at Alexandria Va. April 2G SCHEME. I prise of 30,000 D 8,000 L> 4,000 Dollari - ? 3,000 Dollari Tickets 10 ,, i - FrMh Garden Seeds, JUST received aai for sale y Mamh 3 f K. M KA^IN. ' Vsf" * MA. Am 8. 8?m *itu* yntba-wgtf. 4?*rt b*m ^J^^tm^rm. S^Hncc the poblioation of tb? i ouukI for the Ladief* CwnpamWttoMtoN^to* |M?Ged?nte<fiDttaroad the moat itngMl iRtfeip^* troaa. At the commencement of the volum* an additional number of copies werepfrtnied, wtucfcjwa# MikMN at tie time adequate. 46 satisfy all the order* whiob might be received, and leave a considerahle numbs.- ou hand tor subsequent call* Tip publisher ia more than gratifies! in atating that the whole edition woe nearly exhAuated before the issqingofrhe seventh number of the volume; and. ab hw time nut very few complete nets remain 06 hand, to supply the numerous orders which are daily received from every section of the U. S. In consequence of tbiagnqat unforseeu increase of new subscriber*, he has determined to double the number of impressions for the subsequent year, while he moat gratefully appreciate* the unprecedented encouragement extended to the Ladies' Companion, and at earns time, he begs to aaeuro the reader* of the magaxineand the -puhlio in general, that it I* his ardent resolution to meet it with aeorreepondigg liberality on hh> part to merit its contiouI anbe. ^ . * -v " i SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVINGS by our best artists, ecompany each nunr?er?illustrated hy Tales and spirited Sketohea?which will, as heretofore, continue to bo Aagnificent an.i for superior to thoeo published in any other magasinc in America. The Ladies* Companion contain* a larger quantity of reading than any othfer magazine.issued in this country, and its subscription price is only three dollar* a year, while the great combination of talent secured for the codling year will render it unequalled by any other periodical. \ r ITS LITERARY CHARACTER! Will undergo considerable change, aa the publisher of the L&eiei' Companion, in order tp show his appreciation of the public, favor already extended to hun so liberally, lias secured the aid of Mas. Amt S. Stephens' late Editor, of the 'Portland Magazine," and author of a series of the most beautiful and popular tales ever presented to an American public. No lady possessing gre iter variety of talent, or better calculated to aiu in conducting a ladies magazine, could have been selected from the galaxy of female genius which is the glory of our country. In addition to the powctful talents of Mrs. Stopnens, the proprietor has seenred a list of contributors, which combined will render the Ladies' Companion one ol the most interesting and talented magaziuesof the day. Mrs. It. H. Sigournry, Greenville Mellen, " Jane E. Locke, N. C. Brooks, A. M. * Wood hull, S. E. Becket, " Emma C, Embury, James Furbish, Miss A. D. Woodbridge, William Cutter, " H. It, Beasley, John Need, " Charlotte Cushman, Henry F. Harrington, " Mary Emily Jackson Jsaec Pray, Jr. Robert Hamilton, James E. Vail, J. N. MJilton, Edward Maturin, James Brooks, Jonas B. Phillips, Erastus Brooks, E. Burks Fisher, Rev. J. H. Clinch, R. Shelton Mackenzie Rev. A. A. Lipscomb. L. L. D. With many others who will oocasionally contribute to the pages of the work, and ev.?ry exertion will he made to r .nder the Ladies' Companion, what a work devoted to the female portion of the community should be, interesting, useful and instructive. THE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT Is under the supervision of Mr. J. Watson, whose qualifications for the task are tog well known to require our testimony. Tim department of the Ladies' Companion, has evsr commanded a large share of attention, and lias been looked upon with no little interest by its readers, and more esp^ially the Ladies, whom the publisher is in the highest legree anxious to please It will continue lo be a subject of 'nore than usual care to him, and to the Professor under whose supervision it is nlaeed, to make that portion ol the m affix sine al'otted to music, inoro than cvm deserving of the countenance of every lover of music. It h-?* ever been and will continue to be the desire to have all pieces of music printed correctly and free from errors. f THR WORK l.V OENRR \L. Over every department an equally careful super vision will be strictlv exercised by the Editors, all appropriate expenditures .vill l>e liberally bestowed as it is the design oftho publisher, with the aid of his contributors and the a ivice of his friends to mnkc the Ladies' Companion distinguished f<?r tne beauty and accuracy of its typography?the variety and high tone of its literary articles?the qualitv and value of its music?and the unequalled splendor ol its pictorial emhtdishments. It is the deter.: motion of the publisher to use every means lo maintain the superiority which the Ladies' Companion has obtained. For four years in has steadily pursued a course of improvement, mid he flatters himself that his present facilities are such as to give the Ladies' Companion eminent advantage* overall other publications of its character From the foregoing it will bo perceived that tlie Ladies' Companion einbrao-s every department within the range of Belles-f .ettres and the Fine Arts; and no exertions or expense will l>e de< med toogrrul to render the work equal to any other extant. The flattering and general testimonials of nearly every contcmparary journal in the United States, and in fact, many on the other side of the Atlantic. nav? strongly asserted tho Undeniable claims of the La dies' Comjianion to the support of the public general ly. There is no work that gives iis read rs such s great return for their subscript i in. The Prize Articles will all l*e published during th< year. These articles will com -rise tho successf'u * candidates for the premiums of one thousand doll an awarded bv a committee of literary gentlemen u August list. Tkrms?Three Dollars a year in advance, or lou dollars during the year. No subscription received for less than one year. Letters must he addreased to the proprietor, at No 1 107 Fulton-St. Now-YorU (postpaid.) WILLIAM W. SNOWDF.N. Proprietor. WHITE, LEE & Co., Surnterville, Soutl Carolina, agents for Coster <& Coxe origi nal SOUTHERN TONIC. Certificates of tfr efficacy and virtue of this medicine rtre in thci possession June 3 f> tf * WWOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The hous H . and lot now occupied by James Jenkins a a store,and formerly by J. D. Leiniere, is ofFere fot sale The terms will be accommodating to th i purchaser and reasonable in price, which may b t more fully learned by application to Aog. 12 15 WM. M'WILLIE. FORflALE OR RElfT.?The Ilous lecently occupied by Mr.B onney. Apply t 45 tf O. J.SHAIWON. * 4. cj ~ < _ hi.i-.7Vl > , a^CL,*. |ift??ilito,Wq?< U dwoeade to the *&w By i erv timple ft*?*A*eae?t of * somw Umh wt oi lutea, m which the "WW ? *. "* through which the teeth of (be feeders peee, they cm he mode to hef dPh.or (at to w>h the coodjfrtopy ,of ?wvwu aiMQiiimt. WP OHt aoUDtf, UtC anws are placed oh two sfUof cylinder* and tare Upon each other talbppoaito direction*, aftd ate cleansed by two sets of brushes that have foor revolutione to one of two haw. The two cylinder* eao he detached eo as to enable the planter to ran one or both at pleaeare, although embraced with feeders, m one stand. The whole i* pat in operation with a dram and band, as in the ordinary Gin, and may be propelled by horse, steam, or water power, it may also be propelled by iron running gear. The force required to work it, is about the same as that necessary to move an equal number of saws in the commdn Gin. This uin has been put in operation in Neqr Orleans for two or three weeks, and its success tested in the presence of a lsrge number of planters, merchants and othera, and received their general approbation Several genuemen have been so kind as to give the Patentee their written opinion respecting the merits of the Gin. A number of others could be i added, but the following are deemed sufficient: From his Excellency Gov. White of Louisiana. New Orleans, Feb. 27, 1837. Dr. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enquiry, what I think of your improved Cotton Gin, 1 have to say, that 1 saw it work on Saturday theS&th inst. and was very much pleased with its performance. The mere fact of its self-feeding, seems to me to be a very valuable Improvement; and besides, the quality of the cotton, ss it comes out of the oro cess, appeared to me to be better and cleaner than from the common Gins in use, and that it saves 1 considerably in labor. Respectfully, &c. i E. D. WHITE. From Mr J.Compton, a wealthy planter, resident in the Parish of Rapide, Louisiana. i Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, I have examined your Pa- 1 tent Cotton Gin, with feeders, <^c. And have ! seen it in operation, and approve OF it so highly, i that I have taken the liberty of ordering one lor I my plantation in time for the next crop. Tours respectfully, J. COMPTON. ' New Orleans, Feb. 28, 1837. ' From Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent 1 Cotton Broker of New Orleans. New Orleans, r eb. 28,1837. Dr. Jones -Dear Sir, in answer to your note of 1 this morning, I will state, that I have carefully examined your new Patent Cotton Gin, and have found it far superior to those generally used in this State it cleans the cotton much better, and gives it a much better appeaiance. I hope, fur the good of the country, it may become duly uppreciati d. Tours sincerely, A. LONGER, i From Messrs. Forestall, High & Co. Commission Merchants. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, we have examined the sample ot cotton left with us, cleansed by your , I Patent Cotton Gin, and also the cotton in its tin- : cleansed slate, and pronounce the same greatly { superior to the average samples which have come < under our observation this or preceding seasons. Very respectfully, yourob't servants, FORSTALL, HIGH A Co. -New Orleans, March 1,1837, From Col. Harris Smith Evans, a planter of Wil , cox county ; signed also by Dr. Dovid J. Means, ( a planter of Green county, and Mr. \Vm. C\ , Clifton, a planter of Dallas county, all of Ala. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, In reply to your inquiry ' concerning your inquiry concerning your m * l'atent Cotton Gin, we deem it wo less a pleasure . | than a duty to say to you, emphati ally, that we f consider it a most decided and valuable improve* s ment. Wc have examined it carefully and seen it * in successful operation, and we feel no hesitatancy in recommending it to the attention cf planters generally. Most respectfully yours, Ac. < HARRIS SMITH EVANS, DAVID J. MEANS, , wm. c. olikton. New Orleans, March 7, Ifc37 P S.?As a further testimony of jny confidence in the success of your Gin, you will please order ? two Double Gins of HO h.iwm in ? *--- i mv plantation, and oblige yours truly, 1 II. S. Evans. As a farther proof of my confidence in your Gin, yoa will please order me a Double Gin, of the samp size, for my plantation and oblige yours respectfully, D. J. Mpans. Mr. Clifton also stated, that if he had not just ' before bought two new Common Gins, thai he would likewise have ordered one or two of the Patent Gins for his plantation From Mr. H. F. M'Kenna, of the honse of Brandor. M'Kenna A* "A right, of New Orleans, Dr. A J ones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note,!' accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned by your Patent Gin. I beg leave to observe, that it exhibits a decidi d improvement on the usual process of ginning; delivering the staple uninjured and free from nap or trash, clean and of good co? , lor; thereby giving the article an additional value. These favorable impressions of the advantages of , your Patent Gin, have been confirmed by subse, quently witnessing it in operation. The utility of 1 the double cylinders and saving of labor, will be [ readily perceived and properly ap, rcciated by the . intelligent planter. r reeling a deep interest in the success of all im, provements tending to benefit the important staples j . of our country, I trust that yours will meet with i . tne encouragement it jusllv merits. Very respectfully, your ob t serv't, t H. V. M'KENNA. New Orleans,March 6, 1837. From Mr O Senior, n Machinist of NcwOrleans. Ij Dr A Jo ps?f)cnr Sir, in answci tc your inqui* I ry of iny opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin 1 > 1 beg leave to state. that 1 was fifteen years cnga1 god in the cotton factories of Manchester, England, and during four years of that tinie. 1 was r foreman in the house of Messrs Lewis, Williams A. Co., and near five years spinner in the house of Messrs. Sandford & Gr.ene I have seen your i. Cotton Gin in operation, and have examined the cotton ginned by it, and pronounce it better cleansed, and the staple less injured, than any cotton that ever came under mv observation. It is completely ready for the breaker without the aid of the blower, and would, therefore, save the first process h in mnnnfacturing the article I consider cotton cleansed by your Gin, would command from one e to two cents on the pound more than the average r crops brought into the Manchester market, and cleansed by common Gins Yours, very resp'ly. N. Orleans, March 9, GEORGE 8E>iinh e Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, in anawer to your ii-quiry a respecting iny opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin. d 1 have to atate, that I have been engaged in put* e ting up the Carver Gins for planters on Red River, e and that I have seen your Gin in operation, and have examined the quality of the cotton produced by it; i consider it equal if not superior to the Carver Gins: in addition to which, 1 think your fiedera a decided improvement, and by the aid of ft which, the quality of the cotton cleansed appears o much improved, over that produced by the common Ginq. Tours dkq, ?. BENNETT Irioes. it A .-.A DOUBLE GINS- ? For a Doable Gin pf 80 saw* or taore on . eabh oyllnder, snaking 169 in tba Wad, with fMora/band?, $6 par air, of f9Q9 00 ForaOottbteGin of 60 aswaPn a cylinder, or lSOsaws in tbe aland, feeders, &c. at $6 per at, or 720 00 For do, .of 40 awi oa do, or 80 sews in a stand, atjM 05 par aaw, or 000 00 For do. of 20 aa'wK on do. x>r 49 saw* in a atand, at #0 50 p?r saw, or SCO -00 81NGLE GINS. For a Single Gin of 80 saws or mora, with one set of feeders, bands, $G per saw, 480,00 For do. of 60 saws, with feeders, f.c. at $6 50.per saw, 390,00 For do. of 40 saws, with feeder*, Ac. at ' $6 75 per saw, 300,00 For do. of-20 saws, with feeders, Ac. at f7 50 per saw, 150 000 xtra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied ai w cents each; the number of teeth being about equal to the number of mwi. One set of feeders, it unconsidered however, will wear out two or three sets of saws Extra saws sunpliedjattiOoeirtseaoh. The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, of planters in any of the sea port towns of the cotton planting States, at the above prices, the agents paying the freight on the same from New York, ana becoming responsible for !he amoun .of the Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany l hem with their views in regai4|to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brushes, &e. /it is found they differ in opinion Some desire saws of larger diameter than others. The most common site is 9 or 10 inches; but some wish them 12 inches. Some wish 6 or 6 rows of brushes on an axle, while others do not want more than 4 at most. Some wish saws with 8 or 9 teeth to the inch, while others want 10 of 11. With so much discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the time of giving orders, turniah a statement of their wishes, and the inanufacturefers con fulfil them in every particular. Where it is left to our discretion, we shall make them on the most modern and approved plan. An order can be executed, from the time it is received, in the space of eight or nine weeks and the Gin in that time placed in the hands of the factor. .To be in time for the next cron. all orders ought to be in the hand* of the manufacturers by the first or middle of May; except for plantations where they arc late in commencing to pick or gin cotton. N. B.?The Patent Pight, for any ore of the cotton growing Mulct, will be soj^l onrcnronnble terms. May (5 1 t? At. .?T lie subscriber offers wc Tor sale his plantation, situated on the Wateree tivt-r. b miles below Camden. The 6nid plantation, in point of fertility au-d productiveness is believed to be equal to any in the State; it contains in the whole, about 4,(CO acres, 2,CG0 of swamp, ond 2,000 of upland; el the swamp there is cleared about 000 acres, and of tl e upland about 100. Mole than one half of the cultivated land is. fresh, having been clared in the last 7 years. The uplands ore entirely healthy and are situated so as to afford healthy settlements, at a convenient distance from the gnamp lands. 'I here are on the , plantation, a grist ini l and two cotton gins, | rope lied by water, and near the centre of the planlation There are also on'jlie phi tulion, a stock of cattle and hogs, and 4 or 5,000 bushels of corn, which might be purchased, if desired, with the plantation The terms of payment would be mnde easy to r purchase .Any further information may be bad >V application to the subscriber, in Camden. Possession would be given either the present season, io soon as Hie crop is gathered, or the next, as night best suit the purchaser \ Tan (> 30 if W. M'WILLIE. rt~r"The Columbia Times and Telescope, and Charleston Mercury and Courier will insert the ?bove until directed to diseontinue, and forward their accounts to the subscriber for payment. OTICK.? All i ersons indebted to James L. iv lir.isington, and also to liie late firm of Brace ' Brnnington, are request* d to call and make pnyinent to James R. M'Knin, who is authoiized to icceive the same. SAM. SHIVER, ir. Tan 6 30 tf J. P SH1YKR, Assignees of J L B <?YI? E ?The copartnership, heretofore ex isting between the subscribers under the firm of At'Donald fy L'rasington, was dissolved on the lOt li of Lec. last, by mutual consent. C. A. M'DONALD, Jon f> 30 tf J. L. BRASINGTON. "NK OTl: ?.?All persons indebted to the late iw concern *f M'Donald A Brasinglon, are relocated to call and arttle with James R. M'Kain,1 ivho is authorised to receive the same. C- A- M'DONALD. SAM L SHIVER. Jr. ) Assignees J. P. SHIVER, JofJ.L. B. Jan f. 30 tt MN EQUITY, I Lancaster District. ? John D Kingsbury, ] vs Charles M'Cullough, at j d i^ Bill for Partition, ac. Alexander Bile, > . . - ? ,, counts, Sic. James Bark ley, James Wcstbrook, and Lawrence Kingsbury. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, that the defendants Charles McCullongh and wife, Alexander Biles and wife, James Westbrook and Lawrence Kingsbury, in the above stated case, are absent from, and without the limits of the Stale?on motion of Wright Cvrnp, sr., Ordered that the said defendants do appear within three months from the miMicntion of this ??1<?. rind answer, plead, or demur to the Bill, or that the same be taVen pro confesao against them. J.H. W1THERSPOON, c. ?. i. d. Commissioners Office,) March 9, 1838. f Vnrch 17 46 14t Fr's. fee $15. HOPOSALS will be received until the 16th day of April next, for the removal and j clearing out of the Wateree River, ali. obstructions to the navigation thereof, from the ledge of rocks below the Camden Bridge, to the point ot which the contract of last year terminated, which is at, or near the upper end of the Bently Cutoff. Persons desirous of making contracts, would do Well to attend at Camden on the 12th day of April, nt which time 1 will descend the river in a boat and point out particularly the work to be done, frhich will consist, generally, of the removal of logs from the bends of the river, cutting down and removing trees which overhnng the stream, makirg sou e cuts through narrow necks of land, ana belting such timber as may b# pointed out. R. G. MILLS, Sap't. Publio Works. Camden,March 17,1&38 40 4t * -""r ?,-s " *vwm ' - * ^ > ^ pila litoai 80 to 100 */[) next quarter will ton** F me** on Monday, the 84 of April tt l The Clascal and Mathematical deppartaeot U k under^ ttt inair.ediste superintendent* of the aob gcribe*, *bo also takes a grt?iiH?rw?Won of th? f ^S^2fc|JS department is umjer the cfcarfs 4 \ Mr.W> J. O.Tiara, assisted by Ml. W. Broneon. The Female deportment i? uadet the charge of MlisH.O'tfara. assisted!*Miss A Holt. s> iiSS^|S?5 ^A^^p^^recen be aceommodstbd in Principal. Royal college of " sdr, oeoh?, lonoon.^Tlie original hjr . frian Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. Mm in, Esq., Member of tbe Royal College of Sbrf'eons, Licentiate of Apothecary's Company, FVIow of Bolt Court Society Surgeon to tho Koyal Union Pension Association, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, and perpetual pupil of Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals, London. ' ?* This valuable medicine, the result of twenty years' experience and uuparrallelcd success in the extensive and highly respectable practice of tho proprietor, patronised by the faculty and ncbi)ityr is now Introduced to the notice ol the American public, at the earnest solicitation of a tinnier of gentlemen tof long and high standing in the piofession. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, to ebeck the evils and fata) consequer.ees arising from theueeof the nuir.etntifi deleterious rostiums foisted upon ti e public by the oid of fabricated proofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a set of mercenary, unprincidled pretenders, so totally ignorant of medical science that it is impossible the monstrous delusion can any hunger* go down with the intelligeut people ef ibis cevnirj-. These pills, mild and agreeable in their nature, sl ould be kept in every fomily in cofcs of surfdrn illness, for by their prompt administration, clicle ro, ernnips, spasms, fevers, end oil cr alarming complaints, which too often prove fatal, n.ay be speedily cured or prevented, in fact, all there who value good health thonld never be without them. They ore sold in packets, at f.O tents. $J, and $-2 each, by every respeclrble druggist,- leekseller,and vender of medicine in the United Ktaten and tbc Cnnndns, with copious directions, tcgetl? r with testimonials of professional ability item tl.c following eminent gentlemen; Sir Astley Cooper, J. Alicrnotliy, Jns. 1 lundell, M. D.. W. Lack, At. D.,J. Asten Key, A. Frompton, M. D and numerous otliers. 'f he originals may be rem in possession of the geneinl agent, bv whem the me tlirine is- imported inlo thin country, and to whttu nil applications for ngocirs must he made. JNO. HOLBEIN, 30 VVnverley Ploee, N. York, Solo General Agent for llie U. S. ^ c. ? Sold by J II. Rl'KAIN, Camden, S. C. Oct. SI 55 tf I * ** 1 WOTICE.-AII persons having any demands i ' against the estate of NYm. Mostoy, dcc'd. ; Ir.te of r.ancrstfr District, are required to present theiii legally attested, uilliin the time prescribed | by law. Also; all perse ns indtlwd to the.said Et?; tale, ore requested to u nite m ange merits for immediate settlement and prevent cost. March 3, 44 4t G. L. MA SSL Y, Adni'r Dc bonis i;;h. W OCK AT THIS!?Tlio subscriler resB J pcctfnllv informs the citizens of Camden and its vicinity! that they can hn\e llu ir clothes cut and made in first rate style, by calling on liiin at liis residence, in Broad street, two doors above the Post OflVe. His terms will be reasonable.? All orders will be thankfully received, and pre nipt- ' ly attended to. M D -a*--.- II i ? w. luuit'i) rni'ciunny cirnuru, griare'ai d 6tainu removed without the slightest injury to the texture of the cloth. JOSEPH CHARLES WORTH. Cam den Commercial Courier. THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL COURIER wns rendered necessary by the inconvenience to which our citizens have been subjected for the want of a public channel of communication which in a commercial community like Camden, is essentially necessary, and consequently the COURIERS claim on the public is such as should ensure a liberal patronage. The undersigned have epared no trouble or o\pensc in obtaiuing the best workmen in order t?> render the Taper nil the advantages that it. will admit of, and affording satisfaction to its patrons. In political matters the Courier will take no ' part; the design being to publish a Paper adapted to the interest of all, which could not be eflccU <1 by its entering into the arena of Politics?it will be confined principally to such matter-as appertains to Commerce, Agriculture and Amusement. The COURIER is published every Saturday morning at Three Dollars in advance, or Four Dollars if not paid until the expiration ot the year. Persons wislitng to become subscribers must address a letter (tost paid) to L.M.J03E3. Camden, S. C. May, 1637. SOUTH CAROLINA, SUMTER DISTRICT. IIS THE COMMON PLEAS. Knox & Bpann for J. M. Niolon & Co vs John D. Bowen. John D. Bowen, "who is in jhe custody of the Sheriff of said District, by virtue of a \Vrit of Capias ad Satisfaciendum, at the suit of Knox and Spnnn, having, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act ofthe General Assembly'bf said State, entitled '-An Act for the more effectual relief of Insolvent Debtors," rendered in a schedule of bin whole estate and effects on cath, NOTICE is hertbj given to tlie said plaintiffs and all other creditors of the said John D. Bowen to be nnd appear, either personally or by their attorney, in open Court, before the Associate Judges of the said State, at Sumter Court Douse, threo rnonts from the date hereof, then and there to shew cause, if any they can, why the said estate nnd effects should not be assigned, and the said John D. Jlowen liberated agreeable to the Act aforesaid. JOHN M. DARGAN, c. c. c. p. Office of Common l'leas, Sumter Dist, ) 6th Jauuary 1838. I Jan. 20 38 lit Traffic $12 Oct 28 26 tf ? 4 OttecN The *nn ?* Johnson & Austin has i^l this day bfren dladohed by mutnol consent. All peraona Indebted either by note or account, are requested to calf and settle tne same without delay I ^^tEwmSoHNC' fl,el p EDWARD AUSTIN, reb 24 43 IMPRINTING, NEATLY EXECUTED I a fft ftifffft /v n n r /1 ? ^ | a j iinn urrn.u.? jiwjiS, tIAlWmils, C/RCI J,AUP, &c. <; I