University of South Carolina Libraries
WBS3BSSBSsemaess^apsaBas= , , , ? ? , L. M.*JONES, PoJj&tXR. "ax the public good we aim," ' M. M. LEVY, Editor. . ' rf'i *L '? '?' V* ^ . 1 ! I I I ggBHBg SBBSggg-.. . t???? ?A???p- , - , j~ I ' 1|'| |H Tdt. I. . C.tnDEX, SOOTH CAROLINA, MTC^bAV IRAKCH 94, 1838. NO. 4?. . ' . ' ... gggfeBI, , jgggggg~ggggg~!?gjgp?WW??????>M?^MMMMBBMgBB?l 1 1 ?1 ? 1 11 TM2BM8 OF THE OOMMBR3IAI,' aOTTP.ISE, j Publishod woeklyly ovory Saturday morning at 03 per annum if paid in odv&nco, or $4 if not paid until tho expiration of tho yoar. Persons subscribing out of tho State, ore required to pay in advance. No subscription received for a loss torm than ono year. A dve rtisk iir. vto will bo insortod at One Dollar per square for tho first insortion, and Firry Cents for ovory continuanco. Thoso Advertisements that do not havo tho numbor of insertions marked on tho margin will be published until forbid, and chargod accordingly. ID' AH Letters addressed to thL. OfTico, must bo post paid. Auction and commission business The subscribers have associated themselves * 1 11 t* _! \r o ia. .! wgcuiur uuucr me iirni ui ioung vx ucpass 111 nils line, and will transact and dispose of all species of Merchandise and other commodities, entrusted to to them and their disposal in said business, and will be thankful for the same. Having spacious ware room?, will, on application, receive any goods consigned them, free of storage. WILLIAM. R. YOUNG. Dec. 1G 33 tf JACOB S. DEPASS. References.?G. Matlieson, Shannon, M'Gee & Co,,Holleyinan & Gass, James Dunlap, Levy & Hughson, J. M. Niolon, P. F. Villcpigue, Camden: Martin. Walker & Walter. M'Dowall,Shannon & Co., Charleston. The Charleston Courier will publish the above once a week for two months, und forward account to this office for payment. A 1RD. WILLIAMJSEVEIINS, TAILOR?Grateful for the patronage he has hitherto received, respectfully informs the citizens of Camden and its vioinity, that he has commenced the above business at the stand formerly occupied by J. Gnodlad, immediately opposite Shannon, McGee &Co., where he will cut and make garments in the neatest manner and most fashionable style. Fashions received quarterly frow New York and Philadelphia. Jan. 27, 39 tf. _ AXabuT : BC. SMITH, TAILOR, tenders lus tlianks to those of the frirnds of the Idle tinn of Severns Smith, who since their location here, have so liberally patronized them in business; and trust, by a faithful performance of the work entrusted to his care, and a disposition to please, to merit a hie share of the sainc patronage; which will he . utl'ul'y re *eived at the stand ly ' oy the above firm, one door south of i)r. Reul s office. Jan. 27, 30 tf ?? ... F&T"OTlCE.?The notes and accounts of VV. B. _LXI Daniels arc placed in my hands for collection?all those indebted will please conic forward and settle the same immediately. May 20 3 tf VV. R. YOUNG. F3II SALE-'The former residence of Col. James S Deas, situated in the town of Camden, comprising six acresof ground, situated on the Eastern side, and in one of the most pleasant neighborhood?for a private family it has many ad vantages, l'ersons wishing to purchase, can do accommodated on easy terms for the whole, or part of the said property. M. M. LEV*. Jan. 20 . NOTICE.?All persons indebted to the late firm of Carpenter Bontiey, and to the subscriber, either by note or account of two or more years standing, are requested to call and settle before return day. Afler that time all such demands will he placed in other hands for collection. The recent change in my business, renders it necessary for nic to pursue this course. Jan. 20 38 tt E. W. BONNEY. Notice.?The subscriber has for sale, a fine Barouch with extension Lasting top, silver mounted, for one or two horses, which ha will dispose of low for cash J L JONES Jan 27 30 tf SOUTH CAROLINl KEKSHANV DI ST It?CT * ? V.Aiiifv Tune Term. 1 M.MM. MLA m. m ? mm ? ? ?/ % -w?, ? j Lewis Ciples, and P A Adamson, j tw ^ R>7/ fpr Sale of Real Ret ate S A Adamson and [ others 3 BY orde^bf the Const on Monday, the 'id daj of April next, will be sold at public auction before the Court House door in Camden, the fol lowing property, belonging to the late Willian Adamson, deo'ti., for so much cash as will pai the cost, and the balance on a credit of one, tw< and three years, with interest payable annually the purchaser to give bond with good security,"an< a mortgage of the property, viz: a tract of acres of land, granted to William Adarnson, on thi third day of April, 1820. A tract ol acres * originally granted to John Thompson, on the 201/ Feb., 1800; one half of two lots in the Town o Camden, numbered seven hundred and eight (708 and scveu hnndred and nine (IQ'J,) a|so a hous< and lot in the Town of Camden, purchased bj the said William Adamson, from Mr. Jesse Nettles Purchaser# to pay all necessary papers. Feb. 24 43 6t J. W. LANG, Com. " 71 OR SALE. Town Lots, Nos. nine hnndrei y and ninety foor (99*1) mid nine hundred nn< ninety-five (995) in the town of Camden, belonging to the estate of John Doby, l??q. dc'e.d., whereon ar the two Stores, one now occupied by Mr. Dunlaj the other by Mr. Bryant. Also.?The unoccupied lease of the lot in th village of Kirkwood, together with the dwellin house, standing wherein Mrs. Ann Doby now r< sides. By ordor of the Court of Cquity, I will recch proposals for the purchtso of this property, eitlw together or separately, to suit purchasers. ? J. w. I..ANff, ComY Feb 9 40 tf IN FQUITV, SUMTER DISTRICT. John Jennings, i t? > BILL. Thos Williams, et al 7 The judgment creditor* of J*hn Jcnafqguy are hereby notified and required to be and appear before the Commissioner of this < ourt, and establish on oath, their claims to the funds in the hands .of the defendants, administrators of Joseph Durant, dec'd. arising from sales of property and money paid to hiin, within ninety days from this date. They will be required to" shew what they tnay be indebted to said Jennings Uy decree of the Court. JNO. B. MILLER, Com'r. Sumterville, Jan. 5 J 20 38 lOt Pr> fee $550 UN EQUITY, ^ Kershaw District, William M Breit~\ and wife J v? y Bill for Division &. sale of Land Wiley Jenkins, j et al J h ia r_: .1... r.. tt u|?|iraiaiiu w injr rsaiiSftUUliUil^ llltll JIMIII ukins, Wiley Jenkins, Ex um Jenkins Thop Jenkins Jos Jenkins, & Jas. Jenkins defand'ts in this case, are abs nt from this State, It is ordered that they do answer, plead or demur to the said Bill of Complaint, within three months from tliiR date, or an order nroconfesso will be entered againt them therein; nisi, that this order be published for said time in the Camden 1 ourier. J. VV. LANG, Com'r. Jan. 20 38 13t. IN TIIE COMMON PEE AS, > Kershaw District. I JoBcpli M. Marshall,) vs. > Decla. in Foreign At'chrnt Henry H. Schrock. y WHEREAS, the plaintiff has this day filed his declaration in this office, against the defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of this State, as it is said, and having neither wife nor attorney known within the same: It is ordered that the defendant appear and plead thereto, within i year and day, or final judgment will be entered of record against him. Nov. 23 30 ' J. W. LANG, Clerk. FH1HE Co-partnership heietofore existing under JL the firm of Severns Smith, was, on Mon. day the J5tli inst. dissolved by mutunl consent VVM. SEVERNS. Jan, 20 38 tf B. C. SMITH. l^TOTICEt?The undersigned iiaving formed IN n co-partnership for a term of years, undei the firm of Murray Bonney, for the transaction of Mercantile business, resuoctfullv solicit from their friends and customers a continuance of their patronage. T' ey have on hand a very extensive assortment of Dry Goods, llaidware and Groceries, which they will dispose ol at reduced prices for cash, of on ciedis to punctual customers. They may be found at the store lately occupied by Murray & Bryant. J. D. MURRAY, Tan. 20 38 tf E. YV. BONN EY. * RI).?The subscriber returns his sincere i hanks to his friends and customers for the liber.ii encouragement the late firm of M'LEISII & SMITII has received, and begs leave to intimate that he is now ready to receive all ordeis for Iron and Brass Castings, Locomotive and Car Wheels, Locomotive and Stationary Engine Tenders, Boilers, Blacksmith Work, &c. N. B.?Orders from the country left at Lewis & Robertson, No.?East Bay, or at the establishment, Gadscen's wharf, will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. JAMES M'LEISH. Feb. 10 41 C. The Columbia Telescope, Augusta Constitutionalist, Savannah Georgian and Mobile Commercial Register will give the above two insertions weekly lor thtoc weeks and forwald their accounts to the advertiser. medicines;. Botanic store and infirmary.? The subscriber grateful for the liber >1 patronage extended him in the above business, during the the last year, would now inform his custom rs, ihat he is this day receiving by the Steamer Thomas a r unun n I u rnrai uiii\nlir n f V1o<lo/*inna ttiliinK tar all le sold on nccommod itii g terms for cash, 01 on three months credit to approved purchasers, either by whole sale or tetail. 1 have now supplied the Infirmary with permanent nurses, so that in future, I hope to he able to receive all applicants, who may desire to take medicine at this establishment. Seven years experience in this practice, and an ' extensive acquaintance in this community, renders ' any other promise or pledge of attention on my part unnecessary. Feb. 3 40 tf WM CARLISLE. The Columbia Times and Cheraw Cazctte, will each give tho above th ce insertions and forward tin' papers containing the same, and their accodVits to tho subscrilier immediately thereafter lor pay, mcnt. W. C. SOUTHCAROLIIVA. SUMTER DISTRICT, Summons in Partition. "Elizabeth Dunlap, applicant, f V8 , David J Duulap and others. ?T appearing to mv satisfaction that William n:u ~.i n~i ' - i.:? \\i: 1 T: n i\ "| JBL vTIUo'MI j ill III UCUfCUU 1119 Wlir, W llllilUI T 1/11111 lap and Sarah his wile, Michael >olla a d Eliza his wife, Tyre Logan, (heirs of Samuel Funlnp j deceased,) resides without this State, li is there* ^ lore ordered that they do appear anil object to the " division or sale of the real estate of Samuel 1 ?unf lap, dee'd. on or betore the first day of .ay nexi, > or their consent to the Same will be entered of re? cord. WILLIAM LEWIS, O. S 1>. I' Feb. 24 43 8t ) : ' "WAOTES E.. UHASIVi-'IOA having , 9W this day executed a deed ? f assignment of all inn estate, to me suuBcrmcrs mr me payment 01 his creditors in the manner in the said deed oi assignment declared : Notice is hereby given thai all debts due the said James L. Urasington, eitliei 1 in his own name, or in the name of . race * ra[1 sington or McDonald & Irasinglon. included in rr 'the said assignment, and persons indebted are re e ! quested to call on the subscribers and settle the san e. The deed of assignment directs the division o c the surplus, after certain specified debts, rateablj g among the creditors of the said jAmes L. i.rasing " ton, who are required to fde and establish with th< subscribers their demands within six months fron re the date of the deed, The deed may be seen 01 ;r application to the subscribers. SAM'L. SHIVER, jr, J. P. SHIVER. Dec. f? 32 tf ? Assignees. cj q o tj IHFABIIAtlM WAITED! The sympathies of gener'.ost, public, are feeling'-, solicited to the following st lenient and nmy-, JOSEPH li. RHAM, otJiumtJjfc.hi|I>vt"r tf Bradford. Hptiafi^o.w - ,k*ft onrfMerestinX* family in December, 183d, to no k his fortune i the Western Slates. His letters were reeeiv-d from Macon and Colunibn<, Ga up to the 17t!i December, 1830, from which it appears, he war. at that time to embark for Tuscaloosa. After this period, and up to th< first ol January. 1837. letter* were received from New Orleans, a d trom whenc he wns to embak as Clerk, onard .ship f war under command of Cnpt. Williams, bound for Texas. Since this period, no acceu t of hiui lias been received. The apprehension of his fa ily a d friends, ore alarmingly aw.ikencd with regard to wh it is his destiny. lnf! rmat'ou. either by private letter t-- Elen S. *Rlu<me, Reynold*' Store, Stlmter District, S C . or through public prints, will '?e thankfully received. The Charleston, Columbia, and New 'Orleans papers, would confer a fa vor ?>n a dis* >ess d family by publishing the above twice, in a conspicuous place an ! send their accou .t9 to Reynold's fclore I Sumter District, for payment. Pcb 24. SOUTH CAROLINA, SUMTER DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Knox & Spann for J. M Niolon vSc Co vs John D. Bowen, John D. Bowen, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of said District, by virtue of a Writ of Capias ad Satisfaciendum, at the suit of Knox and Spann, having, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of the General Assembly of said State, entitled '-An Act for the more effectual relief of Insolvent Debtors," rendered in a schedule of his whole estate and effects on oath, NO Tit E is hereby given to the said plaintiffs and all other creditors of the sa.d John D. Bow^n to be and appear, either personally or by the?r attorney, in ?pen t 'onri, before the Associate Judoes of the said State, at Sumter Court Hou^c, three moots from the date hereof, then and there to shew cause, if any they can, why the sa;d estate and effects should not be assigned, and the said John D. Bowen liberated agteeable to the Act aforesaid. JOHN VI. DAHGAN, c. c. c. p. Office of Common Fleas, Sumter Dist, > Gth January 1838. \ Jan 20 38 lit Pr's fee SI2 Capital Prize Sixty Thousand Dollars. BRILLIANT AND RICH SCHHMfi. ALEXANDRIA LOTTEUY, CLASS NO 1, FOR 1838. 15drawu Numbers in each Package ol 25Ti:kts. For Internal Improvement in the District of Columbia, to l?e drawn in the cily of A.exandrin, D. C. on Saturday, tbe 24th day of March. 1838, 75 Number Lottery?15 Drawn Ballots. Splendid Scheme. 1 Prize of 00,000 1 44 25.000 1 " 15,000 1 ' 10,000 1 44 0,000 1 41 8,000 1 44 7,500 1 44 7,000 1 44 6,000 1 44 5,000 1 44 4,000 1 44 3,000 1 44 2,500 1 44 2,220 1 44 2,000 5 44 1,600 5 44 1,500 50 44 800 50 44 700 50 44 COO 50 44 500 50 44 400 60 44 300 60 250 60 44 200 GO 44 150 60 ' 100 60 90 60 60 60 44 70 60 44 60 120 44 50 5825 44 40 1770 44 24 7080 44 20 8850 44 16 8850 44 12 Tickets $20; halves $10; quarters $5., D. ft. OREO RY & Co. Managers, No 2G Bioad-st. Charleston, S G, Feb 24 42 5t Camden Commercial Courier. THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL COURIER was rendered necessary by the incon1 venience to which our citizens have been subjected for the want of a public channel of communication 1 which in a commercial community like Camden, ic i essentially necessary, nnd consequently the COU' KIER 8 claim on the public is such as should en1 sure a liberal patronage The undersigned have spared no trouble or exi pense in obtaining the best workmen in order te render the Paper all the advantages that it will admit of, and affording satisfaction to its patrons, In political matters the Courier will take no . part; the design being to publish a Paper adapted [ to the interest of ai.l, which could not be effected I by its entering into the arena of Politics?it will f be confined principally to such matter as appertains r to Commerce, Agriculture and Amusement. L The COURIER is published every Saturday morning at Three Dollars in advance, or Font Dollars if not paid until the expiration of the year, i Persons wisni ig to become subscribers must address a letter (post paid) to t L M. JONES Camden, S C.May, 1837. f , , r Oct iW ?6 tf l^T Oil CO. The firm of Johnson & Austin har f 1^1 this day been dissolved by mii'nal consent i All persons indebted either by note or account, an [) requested to call and settle the sanie without delaj asthev intend to close their business by the firs April.* LEWIS JOHNSoN. EDWARD AUSTIN. Feb 24 43 * r? SuvntcrviYle icade^ty. "JlHK --ubscriber tin* thesatt-f- ctien otnnnounI. cingto the jmb'iv Ilia' irr- ?? 1: nin h v< u made for ite-o i . it b'-r ??f pp. , h <ou? HO tp 100. Tin* ' ? xt ?.) artCi will cot,, i.'. .p M6n<Htv, Ii'* ??f April. , 1- <*1*>|Ul<P>li l d^uOthc -?? <* ? dpp.j\t.rtmcn \.?er the i ..mediate supoii .teude.uo of tin s-dt miner, vho also t(ikc? a general tKtj ervision < i tin i le artments. I'he I nglish department is undo* the char jr.' ?b. \V. J. O'Hara, as-us e<i by 'r W. Bioiumh.. The Female depart 1 Put i- Under the charge o: .>n.s H. Q'llara, assisted l>\ \iiss A. 11??lt. A Professor of Music a <1 French is soon expected, when it Is believed tin' inducements offered by Sumterville Academy, wtil not be second to any similar institution i t the State. A Few boarders c n bo aeco mandated in the fai.iily ol ihe Friiirip >1 Applic-tion n?r admission may bo cither to the suhscribi r, or to Dr. J. Ha wis worth, C. W. Mill r. Alcstcr Gaidcn, Win. Haynsworth, J. S. Richard on, jr., F. I. Moses, ! sir's.. Trustees. Marcli 10 15 tf JAo. M.FEN\ Principal. 151) \esi'ocs fr'or ale. ILLbesoUl at tlso Court iloue in S'oni | Vt terville. on t .e first Monday and days fol | lowing in April n xt, one hundred and nfity Negroes, for perhaps ore) as tin property of Jacques Bishop, levied on at the suit of the Bank ?.l .lie State of South Carolina, vs. C. C. ntnphell 1 Co and others,on the following terms to wit: purchasers who inny desire it, will l?o alio a ciedit of one hall the purchase money un til the first day of January, 1B3B, and fni the ha. ance, to the first of January, IbiO, upon their g.v ing bonds and security, atida uiortoag ot the property. The bonds will bear interest irom the day of 6a!e. and Thus Salinond, 1 lios .i Wethers and W '..'Willie, will hate the approval of th*- securi ty offeri d, of which they are to be the . exclusive sp'ccial j diroH. Among the above lot of ."Ve rmes there are several very superior lacksinitiis, Shoemakers, <' nrpenters, and . anners, he i. ov is a first rate gang of Negroes, of good character and weii trained to ag. icuiiurni purposes oiu lor no fault, hut to raise money. t ill s me time and place will be sold t20 o. 30 i.rst rati mules and horses, and several wagons L'urchasprs to pay for n. ce-sary papers. W. E. RICH A liD.sON, March 10 45 4t sheriff. The (Charleston Mercury and four er, daily, Gazette < heraw. inies and I'elescope, o'litm bin, and Consli ?t " ???!isl. \ugus1a. \v?'l pub.ish the above iiuti' 'b?? .fay of a - and sen 1 their accounts to his !' * p ivojent . - ? S * 9 BY w. > o .uotis to ..e directe I. will lie so?i beiore ill ourt House in ''amden, ion the tirst Monday in April next, and the Uay following, within the usual hours 01 sale, the following property, viz; One tract of land, containing 4-10 acres more oi less, lying on the waters of Blocs ttiaer, joining! lands of John ^tokes a id others, levied on and t? be sold as the property of NVni iScott, at the suit o Alestei (.harden, Also, one oi two watches, and a sett of Silver smith's Tools, levied on and to be >oid a- ti e pre perty of Vm Applewhite, at the suit of .War. J Al'A da ins Also, will be sold on Tuesday, at tne linme o the defendant, on Big Lynches Creek, one sorre hsrse and ten head of cattle, levied on and tub sold as the pionerty ol Stephen D Hough, at the suit of James Perry. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for Sheriff's papers. March 10 \VM. R )SSEIt, s. k. n. v^OTICE .?All persons having any demand Jk 1 against the estate of \ in Alassey, dee'd late of Lancaster District, are required to presen them legally attested, within ihe lime prescribe! by law. Aiso; all persons indebted to tin- s;wd Palate, are requested to make 'arrangements tor iin mediate settlement and prev? nt cost. luarcnj, n <u l.. flnni r Dc boms nor, Royal*collkge of sir OKOXN, ftjONI>i)3l*?The original My {eian Vegetable Medicine, prepared by VV, Esq., Member of the Hoyal ollege of Sui geons, Licentiate of A pot ecary's ? ompany, Fel low of Holt Court ociety Surgeon to the Itoyj Union Pension Association, Lancastei Plaef Wnterlno Bridge, and perpetual pupil of Guy' and St. Thomas's Hospi Is, London This valuable medicine, the result of twent years' experienci and unparralleled success in th extensive and highly respectable practice of th proprietor, patronised by the faculty and nobility is now introduced to the notice ol the Ameiica public, at the earnest solicitation ol a nuni or ?; gefttleinen of long and high standing in the p c lession. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, t check the evils and fatal conseqoe ces arisin from the use of the nuuieious deleterious nostrum foisted upon the public by the aid of fabricate proofs ( miraculous cures, and oth? r frauds, by set of mercenary, unprineidled pretenders, so tr tally ignorant ot medical science that it is impnssi ble the monstrous delusion can any longer g down with the intelligent people of this country Tl.<..n 1 !? ...;l/l n#1 In nnturr , I s! on Id b?? kept in every family in cases of Htiddei . | illness, for by their prompt ndministration, chole I | rn, cramps, spasms, fevers, and other ulnrmin i ; complaints, wined too often prove fatal, may b i speedily cured or prevented. In fact, nil thos . who value good health should nevei he withnti . them. I'hey are sold in packets at :">() cents, ?fc| and each, by ever v resperlable drufipiist, booh . seller, and vender of medicine in the I'nited tale > and the I nadis, Willi Cope-us ir ;,;:nns, logeuif | with testimonials of ability from 111 , following eminent jrcn'trinc-n; Sir Astley Coopo > J. Abernethy, .las lundell, \I. 13. W. Bar! | M. D., J. As'on Key, A. I'rampton, A' D an | numerous others. 1 he original* may he pern i 11 possession of the gencial agent, by whom th ni< ( dieine is imported into this country, and to wliot all applications for ngei cies must he made. JNO. "OLBEIN, 3t? Waverley Place, N York, Sole General A cent for the U S. c Sold by J R M'KAIN, amden, S. C. Oct 31 25 if IOOK AX XI1I&!?The subscri' rr rei A pectfnlly informs the citizens of Camden an - its vicinity, that they run have their clothes ct and made in first rate style, by calling on him r * 'his residence, in Rulledge street, two dome beloi v,r L.W.Ballard's His terms will be rensonnhh ? All orders will be thankfully received, and proui| r ly attended to t N. B. Clothes effectually' cleaned, grease an stains removed without the slightest mjurv to th texture of the cloth JOSEPH CHARLES WORTH. > ewu?-a. an iw? 'i i ii iiauinji 1 "O ?All |>rn?pii.>? tinvinu nny demand* j against tlio e^tata of Mnj. '1 O .Massa-y late til' I ancaater ! int. nie rrqnind to ?? #>. lit tln-ni legally nttmte:!, within tin- lime pre^cri';< hv law. A Hw?; all persons indebted to *x?id e*. ' t<>. nr?- lequeeted to oome forward ami tnuko ur-unyeuiontu for inline IirU* eetth m?*nt and prevent G.H* MASSEV, Adm'r. nreli U 44 4 " II *1.1 t<|UIXY,j Lancaster District, j John D Kingsbury, "| v? Chat es M'Cullough, _ AUxa?*r 11,It, IMPortHioo. *t. Jatnca BarkUy, I eaun^' c" ? W/iji/hmnJt. I and Latere tire Kingsbury. J IT appe >nn" to Ilio satisf iction of the Commitsinne , that lho d fo dan's Charles McCullough and ife, Alexander ' ilen end wife, James Westbronk frtiil Lawronco Kingsbury, in the above elated case, are absent fiom, and without tho limits of the Sfite?on motion of Wright Camp, sr., Orderod that tin said d. tondants dokappear within ihree mon'.hs from tho publication of this rule, and answer, plead or demur to the Bill, or that the same bo taken pro contest against them. J. 11. W1THERSPOON, c. s. i. D. Commissioners Office, \ M roll 0. IK1H \ Pr'a. fee $1S. # it it- id at liie Council Room, '-'it > t > Is oiuhiv in April next, for IntendI .nit mi Wardens - .tallies it. A.cKam, James Dtiniap uud amo B. Curetoi , Managers. H K. COOK, arc 11 17 40 3 Intcndant. L?ooBi at This.cDI "i'UL siibscriners huve juhI received from New B ^ ork, tie l"liov ny articles, which they offet at the extreme low.prices, follows: P.ain Black and Colored Dress Silks of good I qiialit.. at 03 cts per yard . Figured Black Silk, at ti7 c:n per yard. iiu V7, uper Fretn h Printed Lawns. > of the newest Persian Muslins. \ fashion. Brown French Linen, I Fancy colo.ed Linen Ctills, ) suited for GenLinen and otton uckskin, i t. men iV yotlj'a ( rape Ca sublets, assorte col's. J ware. \\ iill a variety o other g. ods, all of which they ofli r very o\v. being desirous of redu ing iheir present ptnc.k. LLVl 4" UltiHSoN." March 17 ? .'5t ?. v. *1; .a 4 ultou Seed. above s?ed, warranted genut> . a i by Mil . !, ;. i. SHANNON, M'GEE&Co. r ? 2- **** fcrOfc \ ILS w ill be received until the JL 1 t?l . day oi Apr i next, ior the removal and f cleautig tit of the Watt lee Riv r, ali. obstructions t?. the navigation thereof, from the ledge of rooks below 11 e uinden i ndge, to the point at w Inch the conlrnrt o last \e r terminated, which is at. t?r .ea Hie upp r end oi the i.enlly Cutoff. Persons desi ou- of making contracts, would do f we I to at end in Camden on liie P2tl? da;, of April, .t wtiici tine- I will dm. end the river in a boat and point out pnrticu i.rlv the wt?rk to be done, , w II consist, genera y. oi the removal ot logs Iioiii the lie (is oi the river, cutting down and . removing trees w hich overhung the stream, niuki a so e r uls thr... gli arrow necks oi land, and belting limber as may be point- d out. II O. MILLS, Sun t Public Wo.ks. famd n, -. arch 17, lH3o 4(j 4t j v olii'O.? Ml port>. us h v?ng any demands Iw aguiist lhe estali* o John H. I'euk, deceased, I i< >>. Lancaster Lhstiiet Bo. n. are r< quested to pn sent them lega ly attested, williin ti e titu< preserilxd I) law. AI-<>. II pers lis mdrbled t>< said estate, are ri q ested to come lorunrd ? d im.ko ' immediate payment io iUivKY A. '? -.K, Executrix. or WM. J. CONNERS, , March 17 4G 3 her A'tornev. hwiit JE>i.\li-ftrViiv* | ntsci ber lias re "V d ? in Book Biitdry . B to the building situated on the IS! W cors ne r of '.|:uke and lint ledge streets, where he is rend t<> oxr u'e any work in the above line, with V neatness and despatc . p lie .Iso returns his sincere thanks to a generous p ; pubis, for the paionnge heretofore ex ended to * j liiiii, and hopes b cto e attention to business, to " merit a continuance of the same ' I. F BREMER. ' March 17 40 tf " _ s| A?liiJ?iii*l?-atiUn Sale. ri H Jj. V order ?.t ilir Court ?t* rdinary of Kershaw <1 MW I ifirict, I will oiler for sn e on the 2d day of i- April next, tin- llouehold and 1. itcheu Furniture, i- belonging to the es nte of J.sko ope, deceased. o1 > hi Hale will take place nt the p'antation of the . Urceantd ?Terms made known on the day ot sale. JOHN Fll 8 R, Admr ri in right of his Wife. March 17. 40 3t nr _ ' | O. HALL?Will I ractice Law in tho ? n ainden Courts. " |l Feh. '24 42 (it ;* For Sale, ,r A OOOli PlAvO. Apply to I 1% SH ANNON, McOGE & Co. r Nov 4, 27 tf d rfllOWNf TAXFS-Being due, the stibscrL n ? her will attend to receive the same, as also I ?1." ,.n.m.<lnt'.nn ?;,p tt.infl Hull'. J. W. I ANG. uj J:m. t>?? ft' Itec'r nd- Treasurer" 17U)R SAL!; The Premises on HeKsi lb street Irln ifinff to Mrs Teres-a 'I ail. r, now ecupietl by r I.ncaa. Propos-its for the mir will be weired b JOHN WORKMAN: Feb. :r 40 tf (1 f?or Sale?A neat, light. P&ronch, for one oP , R iwo horses Apply al this office [J lan. '17 :v> tf ; JOB PRINTING, d NEATLY EXECUTED * AT THIS OFFICE.?BOOKS, BAND* BILLS, CIRCULARS,