University of South Carolina Libraries
b i | "xl Bw?ii|te?> i#d aleo to the Mte (km of Br|de A Br*s*n?ton, ere requested to eal) sad make par- i I tmeot to James R. M'Kaim, who k authorised to v. reoeite'the same. 8AM. 8HIVKR, jr. ? :tr J.T SHHTBR,. * < S& ;L'.:. -" .,' ' ^htetghe? of JLji WTOTIGE. This ie to infbimths pvbUp that mft < rj wife MARY, ha viae \*tt ?J bqd 'tad Wi f < Will not consider myself hable for any debt wtpichMe 1 maid Mait, n? wife may heteaiter cootiact, and 1 t^lhmfeN warn the public from crediting the. said I ? Jjffmom my aerMDt, aa I wiil.nht pa/any of Mr * ' r?Ma Jan IS 3i JOHN SANDRRS. irifcfAWTED imatdititly, to hire, from 15 to L wW SO hands, able bodied? strong Ndgro fel- P 'Iowa, to assist in the re-building of uie Camddn Bridge. For such hands I will give twenty dollars 1 per month and found in provisions. The hands willis employed, at all times, wheto Vhite men ' arshtsrork with them, and all equally expofea. ? CHARLES VANDERFofclV < Jan 6 36 2t. Superintendent. < CIHAnNON, M'GEE & Co. are my authori- < (9. and agents. Persons indebted to ine, will find their bonds, notes, A-c., in their hands for col* \ leotion. WM. O. NIXON. Dec. 30 35 4L- i AMES L. BRASINGTOIY having this day exeouted a deed of assignment of'all hie estate, to the subscribers for the payment of " hid creditors in the manner in the said deed of i assignment declared: Notice is hereby given thul I all debts due the said James L. Brasingtou, either 'in his own name, or lt? Iho nnmo nf Hm*. * 1 aington or McDonald A Brasington, i rfcluded in 1 the said assignment, and persons indebted are requested to call on the subscribers and settle the i same. The deed of assignment directs the division of i the surplus, after certain specified debts, rateably ? among the creditors of the said James L. Erasing- j ton, who are retired to file and establish with the i subscribers their demands within six months from j the date of the deed, Tho deed may be seen on i application to the subscribers. t BAM'h. SHIVER, jr. < J. P. "SHIVER. 1 Dec. 9 32 tf Assignees. i a, EXULTING REFERENCE. i SYLVESTER very respectfully asks J for reference to his statement ofamounts of * i-_. pi i?co uioiimuicu die ibsi year* l'rizcs t Of one thousand dollars and over only are > included. 700,000 dollars have been r paid by hitn in 1837. The same oppor- cs tunities?ay, better?are now available. * The schemes for February are more than t 'equal in magnitude and advantages to any a ever offered. That of the 17th is truly ^ splendid, and commands immediate no* v tice. fi A million of dollars will be drawn in y the month of February?our friends and ? patrons arc invited to participate, which p can only be effected Jby instant applica* d lion to 'J IS. J. SYLVESTER, J - -- -- 1 iov nroaatoay, Sicio-Yorli. RICH AND SPENDID SCHEME. Virginia State lottery. Class No. 1, for 1838. 1 Fof'tlic benefit of the Monongahcla jAca" * . 'demy. 6 jtf be araion ^n~ ; CAPITALS*. $30,000! 10,000 0,000 ! 5,000 ! 4,000 j' ^25 Prizes' jlOOO ?5 " 500 fi .200 ? 200 J( Tickets $10?Shares in proportion. * e, Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets \v ^vill cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Delay not to send your orders td For-, tune's Home. 13 drawn numbers in each pack of 25 tick* hi Virginia State Lottery, u Class 1- ? For the Benefit of the Town of Wheeling ""To be diawn at Alexandria, Va. Feb. 10. 1 SCHEME. * 1 Prize of 30,000 Dollars 1 1 ? 8,000 Dollars 1 " 4,000 Dollars J 1 " 3,000 Dollars '1 1 " 2,000 Dollars f 1 " 1;0I7 Dollars !100 " 1000 Dollars 40 " 000 Dollars &c. Alc. " Tickets only 10 Dollars. A Certificate of a Package of 25 Tickets^ will 1 be sent for 120 Dollars. Halves, Quarters and * Eighths in proportion. Virginia Stat* lottery. n Clans 1 for 1838. For the benefit of the Mechanical Bene- ~ volcnt Society of Norfolk. J 100 Prizes of 500 Dollars: si I Prize of 30,000 p 1 ? "7,000 J I " 6,000 1 ." 4,000 1 ?5 ? ] 60 ? 600 ai 60 " aoo d &C. &CC. T Tickets 10 dollars. ti A Certificate of a Package of 25 Whole Tickets ai wilt be sent for 130 Dollars?Packages of shares in proportion. SYLVESTER'S FAVORITEVirginia 8tate Lottery. 1 Class i. C( For the benefit of tho Richmond Aendemv a J -v To be drawn at Alexandria, Va Feb. 17. Capitals. 11 $40,000 GOOO, 5,000 4,000! 3000! w (5 Prize of J 500 Dollars P1 6 Prises of 11250 Dollars 75 Prizes of 600 Dolltmj 128 Prizes of 200 Dollars 1 Tickets Ten t)ollars. i Certificate of a package of 25 whole Tickets in 11 this Magnificent Scheme ihky be had for 140 Dol- al jars?Packages of Halves and Quarters tn proportion. nAR\ LAl\? LOtTEBY, ; CLASS 3. 1 IT- Y. -1---? - ? - uu urawn at Bnlttmote* Feb'ftl, P CAPITALS. * $20,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 P 1 of 200 40 of iooo ; &.c. &c. i Tickets for five Dollars. o A certificate oi a package of 125 Whole Ticket! i l< Will be MAS on reoeipt of $C5. Halves ana Qnax | $? if $>. W I * * \ Q- r " L ** . *' J ;v rr\own taigs-iwii one, luwn. M W will attend to recelae the same, as also i LheComiriutatfon fo#*64d*?W. J.AV. LANO, j Jka. 20 f ftifc't and Treasurer J lea, comprising six acresef grouud, situated on I the Eastern side, add To ens of the most (feasant I Beighbdrhobd?for a private fknftily it has many ad- < rantafsa. Persons wishing to purchase, can be iwomnkodated on easy terms tor the Whole, or part .1 i* the said property. M. M.'LEVIT 1 , .1 JOHN 8MART 'ffiin. in mv authorized urent. faring my abeenee'froui the Stele. M. M.T.. ' j THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Holbyman & Ghee is Uds-day dissolved t by mutual consent. H. Hcftldym&n having deteMiah- ] ?d himself at BbhopvUle, Benj. Qass will atteml ] Jireclly to tlie settling up of tho concern. All persons indebted to the late firm.will niako payment or , satisfactory arrangement* forthc amount due, at as t eaily a day as practicable. 3. Gass b authorised to tlgn' the name of the firm , bf Hotleyman & Gate tp-all notes or other papers whan the samo b required for the settlement of the affaire of the concern. H. HOLLEYMAN, Jr. Nov. II 28 tl B. GASS. OYAL COtLEClE <Sf 8UB-1 OEOIVS, IiOlWOM.?The original HyEeian Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. Mis in, Esq., Member of the Royal College - of Surwon*: Licentiate of Apothecary's Company, Fellow of Bolt Court Society Surgeon to the Royal Union Pension Association, Lancaster Place, l/.i 1 n_? J J * I n ^ u suirioo onago, ana perpeiuai pupil Ol uuy 's I md St. Thomas's Hospitals, London. I | This valuable ftitfdffcine, the result *of twenty , gears' experience and unparralleled success in the, extensive and highly respectable practice of the ' sroprietor, patronised by the faculty and nobility, 1 s now introduced to the Yiotice ol the American | >ublic. at the earnest solicitation ,of a number of ( jenllemen of long and high st&h'ding Tn the proession. Lt is heped, as a prelimihary step, to 1 jheck the evils 'and fatal consequences arising I Tom the use of the numerous deleterious nostrums , :oisted upon the public by the aid of fabricated 3roofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a tet of mercenary, unprincidled pretenders, so to- . ally ignorant of medical science that it is impossible the monstrous delusion can any longer go lowh with the intelligeut people of this country. These pills, mild and agreeable in their nature, ihould be kept in every family in cases of sudden j llness, for by their prompt .'administration, chole a, cramps, spasms, fevers, and other alarming ( :oinplaints, which tdo often prove fatal, may be ( peedily cured or prevented. In fact, all those vho value good health slionld never be without j hem. They are sold in packets, at 50 cents, $1, nd $2 each, by every respectable druggist, bookeller, and vender of medicine in the United States .nd the Canadas, with copious directions, together j vith testimonials of professional ability from the allowing eminent gentlemen; Sir Astley Cooper, . Aberheihy, Jar. Blundell, M. O.. W. Back, A. D., J. Aston Key, A. Frampton, M. D. and umerous others. , 1 he originals may be seen in c ossession of the general agent, by wnom the me- j icine is imported into this country, and to whom II applications for agencies must be made. I NO. 'fOLBEIN, 30 Waverley Place, N. York, J Sole General Agent for the U. S. Ac. Sold by J R. M'KAIN, Camden. S. C. Oct 21 25 tf g g fcMTHlTE, LEE & Co., Sumtcrville, South W T Carolina, agents for Coster &, Coxe origi- 1 al SOUTHERN TONIC. Certificates fficfccv and virtue of this medicine are in their liino t F? If Tllti Copartnership heretofore existing in this ] lace, under the firm of MURRAY & BRYANT, i as been dissolved by the death of the latter; All persons having any demands against the said [ rm, will please hand thein to the subscriber for t Jjustment, and those who are indebted to it, are irneatly requested to make early payments I > im. . JOHN D. MURRAY, Surviving partner of the firm ol MURRAY & BRYANT Oct. 14 24 3m j JOHN D. MURR\Y will continue business on is own account at the etore lately occupiod by - turray v iryniuj f Oct. 14 24 3m ? a LOOiii AX XillfS!?The subscrii>cr res S pectfnllv informs the citizens of Camden and b s vicinity, that they can have their clothes cut e nd made in first rate stvle, by calling on him at ll is residence, in Rutledge street, two doors below ti lr. L. YV. Ballard's, (lis terms will he reasonable, p ill orders will be thankfully received-, and prompt- v V attended to. g JOSEPH CHARLESWORTH. u *Oct 28 26 tf S U 1 - " - B House and lot for sale. the house 11 and lot now occupied by James Jenkins as store, and formerly by J. D. Lemiere, is offered 11 ji sale. The terms will be accommodating-to the * urchaser and reasonable in price, which may be 'l lore fully learned by application to J* Aug. 12 15 WM. M'WILLIE. b t< ^R. JAMES H. R iCHELLE having located j? \9 himself in Camden, offers his professional ervices to the inhabitants of the town and its viinity. Office on the main street, one door above aities Dunlap's store, f August 2G 17 tf h Pkft. LYNCH H. DEAS ofTers his Profession- ai LW al services to the inhabitants of Camden p, ad its vicinity. Office on the Main street two oors below M'Kain's Drug Store. May 13 tf u AXOTICE.?The notes and accounts of W. B. e] ^ Daniels ere placed in my hands for collec- st on?all those indebted will please come forward ad settle the same immediately. ' May 20 3 tf W. R. YOUNG. To the Courier Patrons. ( IV7E take this method of informing our patrons f'V that all Job work and Advertisement ac- q ?unts will be made out, and presented for paj mcnt V( \uartcrly. fc Persons living outof the State, tv'ho send Adver- w sements and Job-work, are requested to state, et ho. and where their accounts are to be sent for r lyment. . 8( Mm/ ?. ifta-r ?J~J "? "wvf - p ^OTI E.?All persons indebted to Or Eze- rt kiel Mayhew, dec'd. are requested to make a< nuiedikte payment, and those having any demands gainst the samh, to render them in legally attest- pi 3 for payment. tc Jan 6 36 tf JANE MAYHEW Ekecctrix. b bi OTIC E.?The subscriber has associated with tc .him in the practice, of the law, for Sumter listrlct, William M. Miller, Esq. (son of John ft m liller, Esq. Office at bumlerville, S. C. 0 The subscriber will still continue his circuit raoticc. FRANKLIN 1. MOSES. di Jan 6 30 3t XOTICE.?The copartnership, heretofore ex. w isting between the subscribers under the firm f M'Donald fy firasington, was dissolved on the Dth of Deo. lapt, by mutual consent a * * ^ . 9. A M DONALD, * 'M ' "fi * . ^ ? hi i ?ii?a* BY virtue of tudrr esocotfoos to me directed, will be sold on the tint Monday in Feb. next, mil the dw following, witkiu tbeosual hoars oi ?d?, the folio wing property, vi*; One iruct of fond, containing 991 teres more or sss. lyihg dn the waiters of BufflUoOrssk, adjoining ends of John Massy, Boston and others, levied on and to he. sol^B the property of Nathan Tatoe, at the suit of Henry Wener and others. One tract of land, containing 640acres mote or leas ytag on Che head of Pine Tree:Creek, adjoining , ands of Gen. Cantey'Charles Perkins and others Levied on and to be sold as the property of Archibald if on ng, at the Bnitnf J. M. Niofon, for J. Bishop. 'One NegioMan named Mit. Lovied on and to m sold ss the property of Francis G. Britton at the luit of W.. E. Richardson. Also Books Bidding and a'variety of Other articles it the house where the defendant resides in Camden. Levied on and to be sold as the property of I. F. Bremer, at the sttlt of Pleasant Puidoo and others. . Also one Gray Hore, levied on, and to be rofd w the property of Qeorge^ Gt. Mcintosh, at the uit of Smith, Booth & Uffbrd. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for Sheriff's papers. WM. ROSSER, a. K. D. MTOTK E.?All peraopa indebted, to the late JL^ concern of M*Donald & BrfiaTngton, are requested to call and settle with James R. M'Kain, who is authorised to receive the same. C* A- M'DONALD. SAM L SHIVER, Jr. > Assignees J. P SHIVER, * 5 of J.Ij. B. Jan fi 36 If ^ SO Dollars1 Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, rriv negro man WILL, about thirty years old, whom I purchased of Samuel Venning of Charleston, S. CM and it ir supposed that he is on some of the boats running between Charleston and Coluipbia, or some , ather inland town. The above reward with all necessary expenses will be paid [or his lodgment in any jail in the State ?f South Carolina, M. C. HALE. Lexington, (Ga.), Nov. 10, 36 4t ilST of letters remaining in the Post Office, A Camden, S. C, January 1st, 1838. A?Mrs* Mary Arledge, Mrs. Nancy Albert. B?Stephen Bnykin, 5; Rev. Mr. Breaker, John Joan, Rev. C M. Breaker. . ^ .. C?Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, Joseph Cloud, Nathan Uampbel, Win. Crocket, Drury Clauton, Thomas Jreighton, iYlrs. Emily Carter. D?Lucian Dinkin3, Miss llosetta Dunlap, Miss datilda Davis. r,?John tngiiBh. F?Henderson Forsyth. G?Miss L. Gasking, Thomas M. Gosmey, Jos. \ Giles. H?Richard Hunt, Miss Rebecca A. Hicks. J?John James. L. Robert Love. M?Norman M'Leod, Mrs. Rachael MacKny Stephen D. Miller, 2; Mr M'Kay. Mrs. Ann McDonald, James M C. Daniel, John M'Kay. P?Mrs. Maria Parish, Win. M. Parish, Capt. jeonard whelps, Miss Maria Parish, 3; Simon Per;ins, Miss Olive J. Peoples. R?James P. RTchbourg, Henry C Roberts. S?Isaac II. Sanders, Mrs. Elizabeth Spann, J. 5. Stewart, Daniel Scarborough, Miss Elizabeth landers. T - Miss Ilachael Tenly, P. Thirsby, Elizabeth rraou^3; James Thompson Y ? win. auuug, .viinmutiiu iouii^jiid. i oil ng. Jan. G 3G 3t P. THORNTuN. p. m. rrfk -STiT PERSONS indebted to J. Bishop Co.. are requesty. lir eJ lo make immediate payment, otherwise COST will be added, without resect to Jan. 6. 36 tf For Sale, 4 GOOD PIANO. Apply to m SHANNON, McGFE & Co. Nov. 4, 27 t! Ill IK success of the SOUTHERN TONIC is unprecedented. it has been anxiously sought fter by all persons in every pnrt of the United States, and its widely extended distribution has een owing to the inany requests repeived from very section of the South and South West. Alliough it originated in an obscure part of the counry but a few years since, it is now found in all the rincipal towns and villages in the Union, and its irtu. s as a cure for Ague and Fe*ver, and as a eneral Tonic, are appreciated by all who have sod it Being as it professes a compound of louthern Vegetables, it is needless to oner the asurauce that there is no Arsenic, Mercury, nor any iiing in the least hurtful to the human constituon in it. It will be found a valuable Medicino i all cases of Dvspepsia and disorganised Stomach nd Bowelsl and patients convalescing from Bilous Fever, will derive the most important bene- j ts from the use of the Southern Tonic. It may e administered to children and infants of the most ' ?nder age tvith the utmost safety. Prepared by !oster andCoxe at their Labratory, at Monlgome- ! / Alabama* For sale by their appointed agent, J ANTES R. M'KAIN. ' June 3 1 If 1 < rAILOKIXCl.?The ^ subscriber having 1 commenced the Tailoring business at the i ouse one door south of Mr John Workman's, on < road-street, will be happy to execute such work * ? he may be favored with by his friends and the \ ublic i As his work is well known to the public, it is i nnecessarv to assure hu ?>? r...vno iiiki an orders "i tit rusted to him, will be executed in the best t ylc. O. A. 1VTDONALD. t Jtiu C 3G 3t c _____ a of the 'j ^mden Commercial Courier. THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL l1 COURIER was rendered necessary by the incon- !1 enience to which our citizens have been subjected ? >r the want of a public channel of,communication 1 * liich in a commercial community like Camden, is isentially necessary, and consequently the COURIER S claim on the public is such as should en- y ire a liberal patronage. 1 The undersigned have spared no trouble or ex- ? ense in oktaiuing the best workmen in order to ;nder the Paper nil the advantages that it will * limit of, and affording satisfaction to its patrons. ' In political matters the Courie.r will take no * irt; the design being to publish a Paper adapted 1 i the interest of all, which could not be effected c p its entering into the are'fta of Politics?it will . ; confined principally to such matter'as appertains 1 i Commerce, Agriculture and Amusement. The COURIER is published every Saturday lorning at Three Dollars in advance, oY PoYir * ollars if not paid until the expiration of the year. .v..una winning 10 oecome subscribers must ad- ^ ress a letter (post rarb) to ? L. M. JON-ES. Camden, S. C. May, 1837. _ JOB POINTING, NEATLY EXECUTED .T THIS OFFICE.?BOOKS, HAND- 41 BILLS, CIRCULARS,dtc. *< Ik 0 *' ? _ I * ir iirin i i i iiiiiniV , Auction and commission business The sobeeriber* Inure associated themselves together ander the firm of Young & Depess in this j line, end will transact end dispone of elf speoies of' Merehemtloe end other commodities, entrusted to to the in end their disposal in eeid business, end will be thank Ail for the name. Having spacious -were rooms, will, on applies litita, receive any foods consigned them, free of storage. ' WILLIAM. R. YOUNG. Deo. 16 33 if JACOB S. DEPA8S. Rkfkrscicks.?C. Matheeon, Shannon, M'Gee A Co, Holleyman A Gass, James Dunlap, Levy A Hugh son, J. M. Niolon, P. F.vVHIepigue,?Jamden; Martin, Walker A Walter, M'Dowall, Shannon A Co., Charleston. The Charleston Courier will publish the above onoe a week for two months, and forward account to this office for payment. V^fOTICE. 1' haVe placed the notes and accounts of the estate pi James F. Bryant in Mr. Smart's hands for. colleciton. In doing so, it is due myself to say, that the situation of the estate, and my duty as Administrator, requite me to have the debts collected wlthont*delay.. If it were a matter 1 had a right to control, 1 would not be so urgent in these difficult times. All persons indebted to this estate, are respectfully requested to call at Mr.: Smart's offish ana settle by the last of-Febi neit. . T. C. BRYANTJan 5 36 4t, AIYD FOR SAL E.?The subscriber oilers JLJ for sale his plantation, situated on the Watt-Tee river, ^ 8 miles below Camden. The said plantation, in point of fertility and productiveness is believed to be equal to any in the State; it contains in the whole, about *4,000 acVes, 2,000 of swamp, and 2,000 of upland; of the swamp there is cleared about 900 acres, and of the upland about 100. More than one Imlf* flm r>ii If ivnt?fl Innrl i a I fresh, having been dared in the last 7 years. The Uplands are entirely healthy and arc situated so as to afford healthy 'settlements, at a cb'tivenlent distance from the swamp lauds. There are on the plantation, a grist mill and two cotton gins, propelled by water, and near the centre of the plantation There are also on the plantation, a stock of Q*ttle and hogs, and 4 or 5,0(HTbushcls of corn, which might bo purchased, if desired, with the plantation The terms *of payment would be made easy to a purchase Any further information may be had by application to the subscriber, in Camden. Possession would be given either the present season, so soon as the crop is gathered, or the next, asmight best suit the purchaser Jan 0 36 tf W. M'WILLIE. {dpTlie Columbia Times and Telescope, and Charleston Mercury and Courier will insert the above until directed to discontinue, ahd forward their accounts to the subscriber for payment. DAWOIWO.?The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Camden, that his school will open where he formerly taught, on Friday evening next, at 6 o'clock, and contiuue on Saturday and Saturday evening. Terms reduced to 10 dollars This arrangement has been made in accordance With the suggestion of some friends, and it is hoped will meet With the approbation nnd support of the public . K ^ t.? n tui 14 Company Orders Camden, January 3d, 1838. IN pursuance of orders from Col J. II. Adams, the Camden Troop will parade in Camden, For regimental encampment, for threo days, on the first Wednesday In February next, at 10 o'cloclk A M. By order of Captain Boykin, Jan 6 30 W A. ANCRUM, O. S. OT1CE.?The notes and accounts of Jones 4* Marshall, are in my hands for collection.? All persons indebted to that firm, are requested to call at my office and settle. Dec, 30 35 4t JOHN SMART. JONES' -PATENT COTTON (UN. *5 HIS Gin can be made double, or single. If p made double, they reduce labor, and gin just double, the quantity of cotton over the single cylinder Gin, no other kpd having been in use prevous to this patent; ana whether single or double, they are found to improve the quality of the cotton, by more perfectly cleaning it. They can be made to contain from xO to 100 saws in a stand, and whether small or large, one hand will be sufficient to attend them. The Gins have mechanical feeders and hoppers attached to them, which free the cotton trom leaves, trash, dirt, See. before it can reach the saws, and by the thorough hackling operation it receives from the feeders, which make two revolutions to one of the saws, it is almost in a halfi gined state, before it descends to the saw By a i very simple arrangement of a screw to each set of' gaates, on which the hoppers rest, and through whieh the teeth of the feeders pass, they can be made to feed slow or fast to suit the condition of the cotton at the time. When made double, the laws are placed oh two sets of cylinders and turn jpon each other in opposite directions, bind are neansed by two sets of brushes that have fouirrevoutions to one of twe saw. The two cylinders can >e detached so as to enable the planter to run one ur both at pleasure, althougli embraced with feeders, &c. in one stand. The whole is put in operation vith a drum hnd band, as in the ordinary Gin, and nay be propelled by horse, steam, or water power, it may also be propelled bv iron iHrn firnrr rrna? I r? . "6 6V"1 * 1'ho force required to work it, is about tlie same as hat necessary to move an equal number of saws in lie common Gih. .This Gin has been put in >peratiou in New Orleans for two or three weeks, md its success tested in the presence of a large lumber of plantors, merchant* arid others, and eceivetl their general approbation. Several gentlemen haVe be eta so kind as to give he Patentee their written opinion respecting the neritsof the Gin. A number of others could be idded, but the following are deemed sufficient: from his Excellency Gov. White of Louisiana. New Grletfns, Feb. 27,1837. Dr. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enquiry, vhat I think of yonr improved Cotton Gin, 1 have o say, that I saw it work on Saturday the 25th inst. ind was very much pleased with its performance. The mere faot of its self-feeding, seems to me to ?e & very valuable improvement; and besides, the |u<tlity of the cotton, as it comes out of the prosees, appeared to me to be better and oleaner than rom the common Gins in use. an'd that it saves :on*iderab1y in labor. Respectfully, &c. IS n HUUtmn ?. onii li. | from Mr J. Compton, a wealthy planter, resident' in the Perish of Rapide, Louisiana. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, I have examined your Paent Cotton Gin, with feeders, dkc. And have een it in operation, and approve of it so highly, hat I have taken the liberty of ordering one for ny plantation in time for the next crop. Yours respectfully, J<- COMPTON. ( New Orleans, Feb. 29, 1837. ^rom Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent , Cotton Broker of Now Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 28,1837. , Dr. Jones Dear Sir, in answer to yopr note ofi his morning, 1 will State, that 1 have carefblly ex- j mined your new Patent Cotton Gin. and nave < >pnd it to superior to thdae generally nsed in thin t -sp. ' ir'f u-' i 'i State it cleans the cotton much betUr.aod gives U a much better appearance. I hope, for the good of the coon try, it may become duly appreciated. Your*sincerely, A. LONGER. From Mews. Forestall, High A. Co. Commission Merchants. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sif, we hare examined the sample ot cotton left with us, cleansed by yodr Patent Gotten Gin, and also the cotton in its uncleansed state, ana pronounce the same greatly superior to the average samples which have come under our observation this or preceding seasons. ^ Very respectfully, your ob't servants, FORSTALL, HIGH & Co. New Orleans, March 1,1637, From Col. Harris Smith Evans, a planter of Wil] cox county ; signed also by Dr. David J. Means, a planter of Green county, and Mr. Wm. C? Clifton, a planter of Dallas county, all of Ala. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to ) our inquiry concerning your inquiry concerning your new Patent Cotton Gin, wc deem it no less a pleasure than a duly to say to you, emphatically, that we consider it a most decided and valuable improvement. We have examined it carefully and seen it in successful operation, and we fcol no hesitatancy in recommending it to the attention of planters eenerally. Most respectfully yours, Ac. ? It AUDIO QldWII IMf s a-r. <ni%mo ?V11111 CiV AilC. ? DAVID J. MEANS, WM. C. CLIFTON. New Orleans, March 7,1637. P S.?As a further testimony of my confidence in the success of your Gin, j-ou will please order two Double Gins of 80 saws in a stand each, for tny plantation, and oblige yours tiuiy, 11. S. Evans. As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin, 'you will please order tnc a Doublo (Jin, of the sairte'size, for my plantation, and oblige'yours respectfully, D. J. Mkans. Mr. Clifton also stated, that if he had not just before bought two new Common feins, (hat he would likewise have ordered one or tw o of the Patent Gins for his plantation. From Mr. 11. F. M Kenna, of the house of Brander, M'Kenna & Wright, of New Orleans. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, | accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned by your Patent Gin, 1 beg leave to observe, that it exhibits a decided improvement on the usual process of ginning; delivering the staple uninjured 'and free from nap or trash, clean and of good co? | lor ; thereby giving the article on additional value. These favorable.impressions of the advantages of your Patent Gin, have been confirmed bj subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility of the double cylinders and saving of labor, w ill bo readily perceived and properly appreciated by the intolliirAnl nlnnlnr Feefing a deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important staph s of our country, I trust that yours will meet with the encouragement it juslly merits. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, II. F. M'KENJNA. . New Orleans,March G. 1S117. From Mr. G. Senior, a Machinist of New Orleans. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in ansuei tc your inquiry of my opinion of your l'atent Cotton Gin, I beg leave to state, that 1 was lillcen years engaged in the cOtton factories of Manchester, England, and during four years of that lime, 1 was foreman in the house of Messrs. I.ewis, Williams A Co., and near five years spinner in the house of Messrs. Sondford & Greene. I have seen your Cotton 'Gin in operation, and have examined the "cotton ginned by it, and pronounce it belter cleansed, and the staple less injured, than any cotton that ever came under'my observation. It is completely ready lor the breaker without the aid of the blower, and would, therefore, save the first process in niai!urai>iu?i..f, nrtirlp. 1 consider cotton cleansed by your Gin, would ccimnuiiu ?v... to two Cents on the pound more than the average crops brought into the Manchester market, and cleansed by cOnnnon Gins. Yours, very jesp'ly. N. Orleans, March 9, GEOKGK SlOXlOK. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, in answer to your inquiry respecting iny opinion of your l'atent'Cotton Gin 1 have to state, that 1 have been engaged in putting up the Carver Gins for planters'en Itcd Kiver, fltl/T 1 V?n?*n oAnt* ^ * otin juui vim in operation, and have examined the quality of the cotton produced by it; 1 consider it equal il'not superior to the Curver Gins: in addition to which, 1 think your feeders a decided improvement, and by the aid of which, the quality of tlic cotton cleansed appears much improved, over that produced by the common Gins. Yours Ac. S. BEfiMETT. New Orleans, March 10, 1837. In addition to the above, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who ha^e. cither seen the Gin in operation, or have examined samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N- & J. Dick Thomas Barrett Co., IJagan, Niven & Co., Lambeth & Thompson, Martin, l'lcasants & Co., Hermann, Briggs & Co., IVm. L. Flower; Eullitt, Ship &. Co. , ORDERS RECEIVED FOR Jones' Patent tof toil t*in, It if the Patentee, j\o. 53 Magazine st. J\"eir-Orleans] To be niantilacturrd in New York, by Robert Hoe, Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOUBLE GINS. For a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on . each cylinder, making 160 saws in the stand, with feeders, bands, &c. at $0 per saw, or $9C0 00 For a Double Gin of 60 saws on a cylinder, or 120 saws in the stand, feeders, &c. at $6 per saw, or 720 (JO For do, of 40 saws'oh do, or 80 saws in a stand, at $0 25 per saw, or 0C0 00 For do, of 20 saws on do. or 40 saws in a Stand, at $0 50 per saw, or SCO d0 S4NGLE GINS. 'For a Single ?in of 80 saws or more, with vuv BWk VI tvtuviD) uanuh, UU, Ul JJKU prr saw, 480,00 For do. of CO saws, with feeders, &c. at $G 50 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 40 saws, \vith feeders, Ac. at !$G 75 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 20 saws, with feeders, Ac. at $7 50 per saw, 150 000 Extra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied at 40 cents each; the number of teeth being about equal to tho number of saws. One set of feeders, it is considered however, will wear out two or throe sets of saws. Extra saws supplied at 80eentseoch. The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, of planters in any of the sea port towns of the cotton planting Slates, at the above prices, the agents paying the freight on the same from New York, and becoming responsible for !hc amount of the Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders'for Gins, they should accompany thorn with their views in regard to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brushes, Ac. It is found they difler in opinion. Pome desire saws of larger diameter than others. The most common sizoisO or JO inches; but some wish them J2 inches. Some wish 5 or 0 rows of brushes on an axle, while others do not want more thnn 4 at moat. Some wish saws with 8 or 9 teeth to the inch, while others want 10 or 11. With so much discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the time of giving orders, furnish a statement of their wishes, and tne manufacturerers can fulfil them in every particular. Where it is left to our discretion, wo Bhall make them on the most modern and approved plan. An order can be executed, from the lime it is received, in the space of eight or nine weeks and the Oin in that time plae.ed in the handaof the factor. To be in time for the next crop, all orders ought to be in the hands of the manufacturers by the first or middle of May; except for plantations where they are late in commencing to pick or gin m 3otton. N. 11.?The Patent Right, for any one of the lotion growing Bfatcs, will be sold onreasnnablo erznt. May C 1 tt