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HE?? '"' * MSI- B K F?,r Sale, V'W&Stfr;- BAROo5^rfs'w L- ,*k? i>. BSAMSTOtOt having & -^ jRhis day executed a deed of assignment of all m" mM**,|TT 1 ""**?:w? the payment of r ;W>? in !h# manner in the said deed of * MPmnt declared : Notice is hereby given that - ?H'Mbti due the said J a me# L B rasing ton, either * 'WrlBs own name, or in the name of Brace & Bra* fc" aington or Mo Donald ft Bratington. included in the mid assignment, and persona indebted are rei* autocall on the subscribers and fettle the ^TTbe deed of assignment directs the division of : the,surplus, after certain specified debts, rateably y among the creditors of the said James L. : rasington, who are reqaired to file and establish with the 'subscribers their demands within sin month# from # dtfe ef the died, The deed may be seen on Wpplieation to the subscribers. SAM'L. SHIVER, jr. I J. P. SHIVER v Dec. 9 32 ti Assignees. 2, 1 Mm ^ " ' IT5-18a8!.4tiJ P; . BRILLIANT COMMENCEMENT. The year opens with a moat glorious y* fjiaxy oi frizes, well calculated to gladden the hearts and excite the ambition oi f all ldvers of we11-di)lpd purses?and the thousands and tens of thousands distributed in Capitals among our patrons during the present year, give an earnest of out future success which cannot bb mistaken. During the month of January there will be drawn five Capitals of 30,000 dollars *och, in all of which Schemes there is an average of 13 prizes in each 35 tickets, consequently-the risk is trifliog, while the chances are very great. We think It the duty of our friehds to avail themselves of the valuable informa* tion which is now laid before them?and will only add our urgent entreaties for early application, as all disappointments have arisen Ciom delay. Write with a full confidence that your orders will be punctually and prornptly . attended to by I S.j: SYLVESTER, 130 Broadway, Jfew York. 13 drawn numbers in each nark of 25 tir-lc. i Virginia State lottery, Class 1' For the benefit of the Petersburg Benevo? lent Mechanic Association. To be drawn" at Alexandria, Va. Saturday Jan. 6, 1838. CAPITALS. $30,000 ! 10,000 6,000 ! 5,000 ! 4,000 "23 Prizes 000 25 ? S00 200 ' 200 Tickets 810?Shares in proportion. Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets : will cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in pro-! portion. Delay not to send your orders td For a _ ft iuuc s norac. [Virginia State Lottery, i Class No. 1, for 1HUB For the benefit of the Leesburg A^ademv. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday,' Jan. 13, 1838. RICII AND SPENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30.000 1 ? 7.000 1 11 6,000 i 1 " 4,000 ' 25 1,000 J , 50 " 600 50 " 201) I "* &.C. dec. Tickets 10 dollars. A e\? . ? P??lr?- * "'* s ? * - - . .unngc <JI M WllOie I ICKCtfi 1 will be sent for 130 Dollars?Packages of shares in proportion. SYLVESTER'S FAVORITE '! 100 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars: I Virginia State Lottery, Class I. For the Benefit of the Town of Wellsburg, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Jan. 20. SCHEME. ! 1 Prize of 1 30,000 Dollars 1 ? 8,000 Dollars , 1 " - 4,000 Dollars , 1 ? 3,000 Dollars 1 ? 2,000 Dollars | Kl ? .1:017 Dollars 100 " N 1000 Dollars I 10 ** 500 Dollars ! &C. &LC. Tickets only 10 Dollars. A Certificate of a Package of 25 Tickets will be sent for 120 Dollars. Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proportion. Virginia State Lottery. Clans 1 for 1838. For Ihotbcnefit of the Mechanical Benevolent Society of Norfolk. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va January 27 CAPITALS. $36,006 GOOO, 5,000 4,006! 3000! 15 Prize of 1500 Dollars* 5 Prizes of ' 1250 Dollars 75 Prizes of 500 Dollars 12d Prizes of 200 Dollars Tickets Ten Dollars. Certificate of a package of 25 whole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme may be had lor 140 Dollars?Packages of Halves and Quarters in proportion. MARYLAND toTTERY, CLASS 4. To bo drawn at Baltimore, January 31-. CAPITALS. $25,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 1 of 200 A fcof 1000 jScc. 4lc, 1 % - Tickets for Ton Dollars. A certificate of a package of 25 Whole Tickets be s^nt^ rece^^o^ $05. Halves a ml Quar ia 'fr '*; .> " *' * y yi f . , - 0 i * * ' \0: * mr^ j^T l?ek nai4 Wa(^li Haker. UAVINO fatvmilo CiimIw, ?Uok? (ha patJLJL tonage of his former Customers Be wlli alien] promptly to repairing ClocksWatohe* anl Jewelry he may be (bond opposite Messrs. Holleyman ? Geea' atoie, at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Wm. Reynolds. . Dee- 16 33 Gt TiiL Cvgar iieahip heretofore existing under the firm ofHolloyman &. Gass ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. B Hoticyman*having relablishcd himself at Bishopville. Benj. Gass will attend, >. directly-to the settling up of the concern. All per- . sons indebted to the late firm will make payment or 1 satisfactory ariangemeqt* for -the amount due, at as eaily a' day as practicable. B. Ones is authorized to sign the name of the firm of Hoi ley man A Oass to all notes or other paper* when the same is required for the settlement of the affiiirs of the concern. H. HOLLEYMAN, Jr. Nov. 11 88 ?f B GASS. Royal college or slbgeohs, LOIfOOIf.?The original HyCeian Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W Mis in, Esq.. Mo ruber of the Royal t ollege of Surgeons, Licentiate of Apothecary's Company, Felj low of Bolt Court Society Surgeon to the Royal ITtnion Pension Association, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, and perpetual pupil of Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals, London { This valuable medicine, the result of twenty | years' experience and unparralleled success in the ' extensive and highly respectable practice of the proprietor, patronised by the fkculty and nobility, is now introduced to the notice ot the American public, at the earnest solicitation of a number of . gentlemen of long and high standing in the profession. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, to check the evils and fatal consequences arising < from the use.of the numeious deleterious nostrums \ foisted Opbh the public by the aid of fhbricated ; proofkuf miracurou-* cures, and other frauds, by a;, set of mercenary, nnprincidled pretenders, so totally ignorant oi medical science that it is impossi- . \ ble'the monstrous delusion can any longer go down with the intelligeut people of this country. These pills, mild and agreeable in their nature, ' should be kept in every family in cases of sudden ' illness, for by their prompt administration, chole ra, cramps, spasms, fevers, and other alarming complaints, which too often prove fatal, may be speedily cured or prevented. In fact, all those Who value good health slionld never be without I them. They are sold in paeke,t?. at 50 cents, Mi snd $2 each, by every respectable druggist, book- f seller, and vender of medicine in the United States 1 and ?he Canadas, with copious directions, together with testimonials of professional ability from the F following eminent gentlemen; Sir Astfey Oooper, J. Ahernethy, Jas. r'iundell, M. D.. W. Back, t M. D., J. Aston Key, A. Frampton, M. D and ? numerous others. The originals may be seen in possession of the general agent, bv whom tile medicine is imported into this couhtry, and tb w hom all applications tor aget.cies made. 1 JNO. r10LBKfN, 3ti Waverley Place, N. York, Sole General Agent for the U. S. .."'C. 1' Sold by J It. M'KAIN, Camden, S. C. t Oct 21 25 tf p v LEE \l Co., Suniierville, South a ? f Carol ina, agents for Coster die Cose origit'l &OU1 HLRN TONIC. Certificate* of il>p tthcacy and virluo ot* Ut'w medicine are in their possession June 3 6 tf ' , Ttie v opart nerslnp licieloiore existing in tins 1 .place, under the firm of .??UAiiAY &. bRYA^S i', J has ueen dissolved by the death of the latter; rail persons nuving any demands against the said c dim, will please hand tliem to the subscriber for adjustment, and those who arc indebted to it, are earnestly requested to make early payments t> him % o Liol l). M U Kit A Y, {Surviving partner oi the firm ot M l- Kit A Y a ARYAN * Oct. 14 24 3in JvJilW u* MaJRcliY vvill continue businesn on f his own account at the dtore lately occupied by Murray rc > >rymll Oct. % 14 24 3iu J 1 ' " 1 U Ai XAIISi!?The subscriber res e B A pectthily iiif'eriAs Ike citimensof Caiudeu and t) itti vicinity, that tbey can ha*u their clothes cut ^ ind made in brat rati* style, by calling on hiin at _ his residence, hi Rutiedge street, two doors below T Mr. L. VV. Ballard's His terms will be reasonable. _ All orders will be thankfully received, and prompt- u ly attended to a JOSEPH CHARLES WORTH 8, Oct 28 2G tt II - ? ti HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The house ir and lot now occupied by Jaines Jenkins as , ai a store, and formerly by J. O. Lemiere, is ottered Ir foi sale. The terms will be accommodating to the I At purchaser and reasonable in price, which may be \ b? more fully learned by application to te Aug 12 IT, \Vv| MWILLlE. 1C ? rj UK. JAMES II. it ftlKLLE iiavuig located himself in (.Vundcn, olfeis his professional : services to the inhabitants of the town and its vicinity. Olfice on the main.street, one door above - James Dunlup's store, . I August 20 17 tf g C DR. LYNCH H. DEAS offers his Profession- 8< al services to the inhabitants of Camden 81 I and its vicinity. Office on the Main street two o1 | doors below M'Kain's Drugstore. May 13 tf ! NOTICE.?The.notes and accounts of W. B. 11 Daniels are placed in my hands for collection?all those indebted will please c"o?ne forward a and settle the same immediately \ & May 20 3 if W. li. YOUNG ju _ ! R To the Courier Patron*. J WE take this method of informing our patrons that all Job work and Advertisement accounts will be made out, and presented lor payment Quarterly. Persona living out of the State, who send Advertisements and Job-work, are requested to state, * who. and where their accounts are to be seht for payment. . 1 May B, I8'.V? ^ I OTIC r. A!i p raoii jidebted to f>r R?? I 1.NI kiel May hew dee'd are requested to make L immediate payment .nr..- :-.<* hnvingany demands [ | against the same, to rerutei them in fooaliy Attest- t ea, for payment Jan 6 30 If j\NE MAYHEM Execetrix. , I^TOTfCE.?The subscriber has associated with i J. n| him In the practice of the law, for ^umter District, Wiiliorrt Miller, Esq. (son of John B. ( Miller, Esq. Office at bumtt?rville, 8. <\ , The subscriber will still continqe his circuit I praolicc. FRANKLIN I MOSES. | Jan 6 30 3t I "j^TOTtrE.?TIh? copartnership, lieretofde ex i 1^1 istinf between the snbs -ribers under the firm | of M'Donald ^ Braaington, was dissolved on the 10th of Tec. last, by mntnal consent ? . 1 C. A M'DONALD, Jan 0 30 If J. W BRA81NOTON. 4i, BaiaGmmmmmmeamaBmmmmam * is A Of lotion tODHUOltttf to tho fuot Offlco, tSs**, il 8<<pitt Boykin/Bj. Rev. Mr breaker, John t. M. Breaker. . ,C??*M*s. Elisabeth cole, Joeeph Cloud, Nathan j Campbe), Wot. Crocket, Drury Clauton, Ttwnu. Creighton, v?ra. Emily Carter. D?LuctW Dinkine, Miss Roeetta Dunlap, Miss! Matilda Davie. ? J ? ?John English. : 4 F?Henderson Forsyth. 1? G?Mies L. Gashing, Thomas M. Gosmey,*Jos. i P. Giles. | U?Rictfard Hunt, Miss Rebecca A. Hicks. t J?John James. j L. Robert Love. _ , , M ~ M?Norma* M'Leod, Mrs. Rtchwl MacKay ! t Stephen D. Miller, 8; Mr M'K^, Mrs. Ann Mc- ( Donald,'Jatffita M C. IhWil, John M Kw.,. P? Mrs. Maria Parish, Win. M. Capt. | Leonard Phelps, Miss Maria Parish, 3; Snnon Per- ^ kins, OIito J. Peoples. I i R.?James P. Richbourg, Henry C Averts. ^ S?Isaac H. Sanders, Mrs. Elisabeth ripailn, J. f S. P;ewart, Daniel Scarborough, Miss Elisabeth San iers. ? c T Miss Rachael Tenly, P. Tbirsby, Elisabeth t Trapp, 3; James Thompson _ Y-Wui Young, Archibald Young, Jno. Young. i Jan. 36 3t P. THORNTON, e. m. }, ^ ? PERSON9 indebted to J.' j Bishop ^ Co., are re<]uest* Whired to make immediate pav- ' #//'ment, otherwise COST will be added, without respect to , persons. A BURR. 1, Jan. 6. 36 tf i, -' - The Bamk of Camden, S. C. Camden, January 4th, 1838. A semi-annual dividend of two dollars on each t share of the old stock, and ohe dollar and twenty- t fire cents on each share of the new stock of this i Bank, will be paid to the stockholders, oh and af- t ter the 15th insl. ' t Stockhold?Ts residing in Charleston, will be paid < t the Planters and Mechanic's. Bank. By order 1 of the Board, W. J. GRANT, Cashier. ,1 Jan 6' 36 "St v I, t C1AMDBN BRIDGE < OMPANY.?Twenty ' ! j dollars per share, of the Capital Stoce of this j fiompenj , is required to be paid on or before Mon- j lay, the first of January neat, at the Bank of Cam- , len. THOS. LANG, THOS. WHITAKER, J. M. DESAUSSURE, 1 rw Ol *11 q? n;?. __ ^w* v* i/irouiors. c i TAIIjOHIMO.?The subscriber having a commenced the iViloring business at the a tonse one dooraouth of Mr John Workman's, on t Jroad-street, will be happy to execute such work s he may be iavored with by his friends and the >ublic ' ( As his wo-.'k is well known to the public, it is a innecessary to assure his patrons that all orders t n trusted to huu, will be executed in the best . tyle. C. A. M'DONALD. , Jan G 3G 3t J KTBTANTE^ immediately, to hire, from 15 to ? W SiO hands, able bodied, strong Negro fel- v; ows, to assist in the re-building of the amden l ^ Iridge. For such hands 1 will give twenty dollars j er month and iouud in provisions. The hands i /ill be employed, si ail times, where white men { real work with them, and all equally exposed. . CHARLES, p Jan 6 3G 2t. Superintendent. subscriber being about to move to the West, begs to return thanks, respectfully, to -i lis friends, tor the liberal support thut he has eceived in his endeavors to please, during his Btay j n Camden. All that stand indebted to him. will ? iblige him by an ear-y settlement of their accounts. . Dec 23 34 tf J GOO LAI?. for Sale, J AGOOP PlAiNO A | ply to { SHANNON, McGFE & Co. I1 Nov 4, t? " riiE success of the SOUTHERN TONIC is unprecedented. It. has oeen anxiously sought fter l?v all persons in every part of the United itatrs, and its widely extended distribution has een owing to the many requests received from ery section of the South and South West. Alfirimrh it ?rif?in?l<>/t in nr? ..Kurtiirrt ? -..e il.? ^ - ? ? > ? > < wwouui%' I'll i I' WI IIIC uuuil- u ry but a few years sihce, it is now found in all the d riucipal towns and villages in the Union, and its t< irtui s as a cure for Ague and Fever, and as a * encral Tonic, are appreciated by all who have n sed it Being as it professes a compound of c outbern Vegetables, it is needless to offer the as- si jrauce that there is no \ rsenic, Mercury, nor any t! ling in the '.east hurtful to the human constitu- h on in it It will be found a valuable Medicine h 1 all cases of Dyspepsia and disorganised Stomach si ad Bowels! and patients convalescing from Bil- rc ous Fever, will derive the most important bene- It Is from the use of the Southern Tonic, it may gi ? administered to children and infants of the most v< :nde? age with the utmost safety. Prepared by g* oster andCoxe at their Labratory, at Monlgome- w r Alabama* For sale by their appointed agent, m JAMES it. MKAIN. th June 3 1 if so "1 POR SALE?The subscriber's house and lot in the town of amden, situate on the iist side of Broad street, opposite Col. John ; or arter's. 11 not previously disposed of, it will be ) ^ >ld before the Court House in Camden, at public! ? Lie, on Mondav, the 1st January next, on a credit I m I twelve montlis j Also, on the 20th December next, on the pre-1 ?t? lises, his plantation known as Jourden's Mill, on | le east side of the Wateree. about ton miioo, bove Camden, the tract contains upwards of 2011 | Q. crcs of prime upland, 130 of vltieh is cleared, , B1 nder good fence, with all necessary fixtures in n tiod repair. The property can be seen and treated ' T4 or at private sale, at any time previous to the hove time, on application to ti Nov. 11 28 tf J. J MICKLE. ! ? | a x -PROSPECTUS F OT Til* Camden Commercial Courier. w THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL t< COURIER was rendered necessnry by the incou- j n renienc.e to which oui citizens have been subjected 7 or the want of a publicohanuel of coinmunioalioti b vhieh in a commercial community like Camden, ia q sxentially necessary, and consequently the COU- .< < H.IE11 S claim on the public is such as should en- ft in*o o 111 * ?- ? ? >niriai puironage c The undersigned have Apnred no trouble or exl>enge in obtaining the best workmen in order to F render the Paper ?U the advantages that it will idmilof, and affording satisfaction to its patrons. In political matters the Courier will take no t< jart; the design being to publish a Paper adapted * lo the interest ov ali. which could not be effected tl iy its entering ipto the arena of Politics?it will n >e confined principally to such matter as appertains lo Commerce, Agriculture and Amusement. The COURl KR is published every Saturday F norning at Three Dollars in advanoc, or Four Dollar* if not paid until tl>e expiration o! the year. Persons wishing lo become subscribers must ad* iress a "letter (post paid) to tl I?. M. JONES. a 6acadeti, S. C. May, IB3T. * ft r ' T Auction and commi^ion business TIWMbMfHMiv hmtetgiiUd thtioM)vei ogelher under the firm of Tonne A Depeas ittbii ine,and wilt trarieaxjt and dispone of all species #1 derdhandise and other commodities, ehtrusted u o them and their disposal in said business, ami riltbe thankful for the name. . Having spaoioua ware roofos, will, on applies ion, receive ahy goods consigned them, flee o! torogc. WILLIAM. R. YOUNG. Dec. 16 3S tl JACOB S. DEPA8S. .. RcrtfliitoEs.?O. Mathfison, Shannon, M'Gec k, Co, Holleytoan A Gass, James Dunlap, Leyj k Hugh son, J. M. Niolon, V. F. Villepigne, t/im< led; Martin, Walker 6c Walter, M'Dowall, Shani'on A. Co., Charleston. The Charleston Courier will publish the abov? >nce a ?M>li fnr torn ?W<l (V?...J ? ? ? - - ? ?- ?uv ivi n mu awvuu ;o this office for payment. IwXfOTICE. *1 We placed the notes and ac II counts of the estate of James F. Bryant ir Mr. Smart'8 hands for collection. In doing so, i s due myself to say, that the situation of the es ate, and my duty as Administrator, require me t( lave the debts collected withont delay. If it wen i matter 1 had a,right to control, 1 would not be a irgent in these difficult times. All persons indebt d to this estate, are respectfully requested to cal kt Mr. Bmart's office and settle by the last of Feb lest. , T. C. BRYANTJan 5 36 *4t? . AMDFoRbALE. ?The subscriber offeri iLi for sale bis plantation, situated on the Wa tree liver, ft ittMes below Camden. The sai< ilantation, in pomt'of fertility and productiveness s believed to be equal to any in the State; it con ains in the whole, about *4,000 acres, 2,000 o iwamp, and 2,000 of upland; ofthe swamp there ii ileared about 900 acres, and of the upland abou 100. More than one half oi the cultivated land ii Vesh, having been clared in the last 7 years. Tb< lplandp an entirely healthy and are situated so a: 0 afford healthy settlements, at a convenient dis Jince from the swamp iands. There are on th< ilantation, a grist mi.1 and two cotton gins, pro jelled hv water, and near the centre of the plan ation There are also on the plantation^ a stocb >f cattle and hogs, and 4 or 5,000 bushels of corn vhich might be purchased, if desired, with the dantation The terms of pay meut would 'be made easy tc 1 purchase Any further information may be hac >y application to the subscriber, in Camden. ISjs ession would be given either the present season o soon ns the crop is gathered, or the next, as night beBt suit the purchaser Jan (? 36 tf W. M'WILLIE O"The Columbia Times and Telescope, and Jh&rleston Mercury and Courier will insert the tbovc Until directed to discontinue, and forward heir accounts to the subscriber for payment. DAIYCIIY?.?The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Camden, that his chool will open where he formerly taught, on "ri,ln V PVfninrr nnvt nf C\ n'olnnlr Saturday and Saturday evening. Terms reduced a 10 dollars This arrangement has been made in accordance rith the suggestion of some friends, and it is hoped rill meet witli the approbation and support of the lublic - EC BREED1N Jan C 36 It Company Orders, Camden, January 3d, 1838. [N" putiuance of orders from Col J. H. Adams the Camden Troop will pnrndedn Camden, foi egimental encampment, for three days, on the irst Wednesday In February next, at 10 o'cloclk \ M. By order of Captain ftoykin, Tan 6 36 W A. ANCRUM, O. S. \Oo, im'GEE Ac < o. are my authori^ /?*d agent*. ? ers?>ns indebted to rnc, will ind their bondd, notes, $*c., in their hands for colpction WM. O. NIXON. Dec 30 35 4t: JONES' PATENT COS TON C1IV. HIS Gin can be made double, or single. It $ made double, they reduce labor, knd-gin just ouble, the quantity of Qotton over the single cyliner Gin, no other knd having been in use prevous > this patent; and whether single or double, they re found to improve the quality of the cotton, by inrp nprfpr.llu f>l?nnin? il i:? ?:* , j 6 ? Mu-jr wuu ue muae 10 ontain from 20 to 100 saws in a stand, and whether mall or.large, one hand will be sufficient to attend lern. The Gins have mechanical feeders and oppers attached to them, which free the cotton om leaves, trash, dift, &c. before it can teach the iws, and b}? the thorough hackling operation it ceives from the feeders, which make two revoitions to one of the sows, it is almost in a half ined state, before it descends to the saw fly a ?ry simple arrangement of a scre'w to each set of Mites, on which the hoppers rest, and through hich the teeth of the Feeders pass, they can be ade to teed slow or fast to suit the condition of e cotton at the time. When made double, the wf) are placed on two sets of cylinders and turn >on each other in opposite directions, and are eansed by two sets of brushes that have four revotions to one of twe saw. The two cylinders can >.dctkchod so as to enable the ulonter to tub one both at pleasure, although emm-aced with feeders, c. in one stand The whole is put in mierntion ith a drum and bftnd, as in the ordinary Gin, and ay be propelled by horse, steam, or water power, may also be propelled by iron rtinning year, he force required to work it, is about the sume as tat necessary to move an eaual number of saws in te common Gin. This Gin has been put in >eration in New Orleans tor two or three weeks, id its success tested in the presence of a large umber of planters, merchants and others1, and >ceived their generkl approbation Several gentlemen have been so kind as to give te Patentee their written opinion respecting the lerits of the Gin. A number of others could be dded, but the following are deemed sufficient: 'rom his Excellency Gov. While of Louisiana. New Orleans, Feb. 27, 1837. l)r. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enouirv. Mint 1 think or your improved Cotton Gin, j'have > say, that I saw it work on Saturday the 25th inat. n<l was very much pleaded with its performance, 'he mere Tact of its 6elf-fecding, secma to me to o a .very valuable improvement; and besides, the uality of the cotton, as it comes out of the proess, appeared to me to be better and cleaner than om the common Gins in use, and that it saves onsiderably in labor. Respectfully, &c. . . E. 1). WHITE, 'rom Mr J.Comploh, a wealthy planter, resident in the Parish of Rapide, Louisiana. Dr. Jortes?Dear Sir, I have examined your Pa?nt Cotton Gin, with feeders, Ac. And have sen it in operation, and approve of it so highly, tiat I have taken the liberty of ordering one for ?y plantation in time for the next crop. Yours respectfully,* J. COMPTON. *New Orleans, Feb. 58, 1837. 'rom Mr. A. Longer, an experienced end eminent Cotton Broker of New Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 28,1837. Dr. Jones -Dear Sir,1 in answer to your note el lis morning, I will state, that 1 have oarefnllyex? mined your new Patent Cotton Gin, and nave >und it far superior to those generally tised in this sa ' :* . 51 \tjk much better appearance. 1 hop?, for \*? go*d of Utc oOuntfy,1t mar become duly appreciated. - "Your? sincerely, A- XONGER. r From Mean Forestall, High A Co. Commission Merchants. ' Dr. A. Jones?Deer Sir, wo have examined the : sample ot cotton left with os, cleansed by your i Patent Cotton Gin, and also the cotton in its anil cleansed state, ana pronounce the same greatly t i superior to the average samples which have come i under our observation this or preceding eeaeons. f Very reepeetiblly, yoor ob't servants, , - FORSTALL, HIGH A Co. I ^^aw Orleans, March 1,1837, 'From Col. Harris Smith Evans, a planter of Wil '< coX connty ; signed alto by Dr. David J. Means, f .^planter of Green county, and Mr. Wm. C? Clifton,planter of Dallas county, all of Ala. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, In reply to your inquiry . ^nniutrnina Viinrlii.ii!.. .... : ? , ??--- B j Mi|nnj vuuuviiiing your new m* > tent Cotton 'Gin, we deem it no lees I pleasure , than & duty to My to von, emphatically, that we . consider it a most decided and valuable improvement. We have examined it carefully and seen it ' , in successful opetation, and we feel no hesitatancy t in recointheriding it to the attention cf planters generally. Most respectfully yours, Ac. . b HARRIS SMITH EVANS, .DAVID J. MEANS, , . \VM. C. CLIFTON, t New Orleans, March 7,1837. P S.?As a further testimony of my confidence > in the success of your Gin, you will please order ) two Double Gins of 80 saws in a stand each, for > my-plantation, and oblige yours truly, . *\ 11. S. Evans. 1 As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin, .[you will please order me a'Double Gin, of tho same size, Tor my plantation, and oblige yours respectfully, D. J. Means. Mr.'Clifton also stated, that if ho had not just } 1 before bought two new Common Gins, that lie - i would likewise linvo ordeied one or two of the ' i Paten Gins for his plantation. s j From Mr. H. F. M Kcnna, of the house of'Bran* j der. M'Kenria & Wright, of New Orleans, f i Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, 1 accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned 1 by your Patent Gin, 1 beg leave to observe, that it 1 exhibits a decided improvement on the usual pro' cess of ginning; delivering the staple uninjured ? and free from nap or trash, clean and of good co i uir uiereoy giving me nrucie on additional value. ; These favoraule impressions of the advantages of your Patent Gin. have been 'confirmed by subsequently witnessing it in operation. T]ie utility of 1 the double'cylindcrs and saving of labor, will bo > readily perceived and properly appreciated by tlio ' intelligent planter. feeling a deep interest In the success of all im* > provementa tending to benefit the important staples I of our country, I trust that yours will meet with the encouragement it justly merits. , Very respectfully, your ob I serv't, ? " H. F. xM KENNA. New Orleans, March C, lf*37. From Mr. G. Senior, a Machinist of Now Orleans. I Dr. A Jones?Dear Sir, in answci tc your inqui* ( ry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, f I beg leave to eta to, that 1 was fifteen years cngufrcd in the cotton factories of Manchester. Kngand, and during four years of that time, 1 vu.i foreman in the house of Messrs. Lew is, Williams i At Co., and near five years spinner in the house of Messrs. Sandford Ar Gricne. i have seen ycuv i Cotton "Gin in operation, arid Isavc examined tKo 1 cotton ginned by it, and pronounce it better cleansed, arid the staple less injured, than any cetten i that ever came under my observation. It is coni[ pletely ready for the breaker without the aid of tiio > blower, and would, therefore, save the first process in manufacturing the article. 1 consider collrn cleansed by your Gin, would command lrcm ci e to two cents on the pound more than the average crops brought into the Manchester maijket, end elennaed by common Gins. Ycurs, very rrrp'ly. t N. Orleans, March 9, GEORGL FPNlOIt. r Dr. Jones?Dear S:r, in answer to your ii.quiiy > respecting my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin J have to state, that I have been engaged in put ting up the Carver Gins for planters on Red River, ana that I have seen your Gin in operation, and have rinmino/t Ihn ntinlitn ? * - ...? ui mr cuucn prcuucert by it; 1 consider it equal if not superior to the Car> ver Gins: in addition to which, 1 think your feeders a decided improvement, and by the aid of which, the quality of the cotton cleansed appears much improved, over that produced by the com- * ,* mon Gins. Yours Ac. S. BENNETT. ' New Orleans, March 10, IFfw. In addition to the above, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who h.*no , either seen the Gin in operation, or have examined samples'cleansed by it: Messrs. N. ?Sr J. Dick Thomas Barrett &. Co., Ilngnn, Nivrn & Co., Lambeth & Thompson, Martin, Pleasants & Co., Hermann, Briggs & Co., Win. L. Flower; Bullitt, Ship &. Co. ORDERS RECEIVED FOR Jones' Patent tot ton CliiL By the Patrntee, JSTo. f>3 Magazine &t. Aeir-Orleans To be inanutactured in New York, by Robert Hoe, A Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOUBLE GINS. IFor a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on each cylinder, making ICO saws in the stand, with feeders, bands, Ac. at ,<.0 per saw. or iji *-'U UU j For a Double "Gin of'GO saws on a cylinder, or 120 saw's i"n the stand, feeders, ?Xrc. at j. P<?r saw, or 720 00 For do, of 40 saws on do, or 80 saws in a stand, at $G 25 p'cr saw, or 5C0 00 For do. of 2p saws on do. or 40 saws in a stand, fct &6 "50 per saw, or ?C0 00 SINGLE GINS. For a Single Gin of 80 saws or more, with one set of feeders, bands, & $?U per saw, 460,00 Fpr do. of GO saws, with feeders, die. at , $G 00 per saw, * 300,00 For do. of 40 saws, with feeders, &c. at 75 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 20 saws, with feeders, &c. at t750 per saw, 150 000 i*tra teeth where desired, for feeders, rapplied at 40 cejitsoach ; the number of teeth being about e'qUal to the number of saws. One set of feeders, it is considered however, will wear out two or three sets of saws Extra saws supplied at 60 cents each. The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents', of planters in any of the sea port towns of the cotton planting Slates, at the above prices, the agents paying the freight on the same from Nrw v w and becoming responsible for !he amount of the Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany them with their views in regard to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brush* es, &c. ll is found they differ in opinion. Some desire saws of larger diameter than others. The most common size is 9 or 10 inches; but some wish them 12 inches. Some wish 5 or 6 rows of brushes on an axle, while others do not want more than 4 at most. Some wish saws with 8 or 9^teeth to the Inch, while othere want 10 or 11. ^ ith so much discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the time ol giving orders, turnish a statement of their \vishcs, and tnc manufacturerers can fulfil them in every particular. Where it is lelt to our discretion, we shiiU make them on the most modern and approved Clan. An order can be executed, from the time it * i received, in the space of eight or nine weeks and the Gin tn that time placed in the hands of tho factor To be in time for the next crop, all orders ought to be in the hands of tho manufacturers by - the first or middle of May ; except for plantations where they are late in commencing to nick or ein r cotton. . b The Patent Right, for any one of the > cotton growing Slates, will bo soldonrcasonnblo ? ' < May G 1 ti >