University of South Carolina Libraries
J - I O V t **i V* A , ,t -J sssssssmsmmsmmBs^^ssrn SHEHIFF^ SALK. ?V viitnt iflin . exMttUoaa lo me directed rill bt io^n the 6*et Monday In Jamian within the neoal hours ef sale, at the late rest denoe of Olhrev Mehafly, er.t deceased, one lot 01 cattle, eeven In mmK and also oho cart. Levied on end to be aold a* the property of Oliver Mehafly sr.. deceased, at the suit of John Craig. Terau cadi. * Win. ROSS?R, a. ? d. Deer. 16 ;? 33 alaydp 1 ... ,\i. Atone' Lftoe. mt fif Bbla. Stone Lime for sale by / tJ - SHANNON M'OEE, &, Co. May 13 v 8 tf NOTIt???-,The notes and accounts ot J. L. Jones, forJL836. are Disced in inv hands for collection.' AH persons Indebted to 'him ere requested to oall at "my office and settle. Peo. 2, 1837. 31 3t. JOHN SMART. JAMES L. BMASIMOTM harms this day executed a deed of assignment of all .his estate, to the subscribers for the payment of his creditors in the manner in the said deed of assignment declared: Notice is hereby given that all debts due the said James L. Brasington, either in his own name, or in the name of Hrace .t Hrasington or McDonald & Brasington. inoluded in the said assignment, and persons indebted are requested to caH on the subscribers and settle the same. Tho deed of assignment directs the dirision of the surplus, after certaiu specified debts, rateablj^ among the creditors of the said Jaines L. I rasington, who are repaired to file and establish with the <eal)scribcrs their demands within six months from the date of the deed, The deed may be seen on application to the subscribers. SAM'L. SHIVER, jr. J. P. SHIVER. Dec. 0 32 tf Assignees. ra~182t8!?43l BRILLIANT COMMENCEMENT. The year opens with a most glorious galaxy of Prizes, well calculated to gladden the hearts and excite the ambition of all lovers of well-tilled purses?and the thousands and tens of thousands distributed in Capitals anftong our'patrons during the present yoar, give an earnest of our future success which cannot be Mistaken. During the month of January there will ho drawn five Capitals of 30,000 dollars eoch, in all of which Schemes there is an average of 13 prizes in each 25 tickets, consequently the risk is trilling, while the chances arc very great. We think It the dhty of our friends to avail themselves of the vuluable information which is now laid before them?and will only add oar urgent entreaties for early application, as all disappointments have arisen fiom delay. Write with a full confidence that your orders Will be punctually and promptly attended to by S.J. SYLVESTER, 130 Broadway, JVew- York. 13 drawn numbers in each pack of 25 lick. Virginia State lottery, Class 1For the benefit of the Petersburg Benevolent Mechanic Association. To be drawn" at Alexandria, Va. Saturday 'Jan. G, 183d. CAPITALS. $30,000 ! 10,000 0,000 ! 5,000 ! 4,000 25 Prizes 11000 25 " UOO 200 ? . , , (200 . Tickets $10 ?Shares in proportion. Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets will cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Delay not to send your orders td Fortune's Homo. (Virginia State lottery, | Class No. 1, for 1838. For the benefit of the Lecsburg- Academy. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Jan. 13, 1838. ? n r/~t* a ki (\ cni> v im r\ rirr n asrt 1 l*iiie oi 30,000 1 ?? 7,000 1 '? 5,000 1 4,000 25 . 41 *.000 60 44 500 50 *' , ?00 ?fcc. ifec. . Tickets 10 dollars. A Certificate of a Package of 25 Whole Tickets will be sent for 130 Dollars?Packages of shares iu proportion. SYLVESTER'S FAVORITE. 100 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars: Virginia Slate Lottery, Class lv For the Benefit of the Town of Wellsburg,, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Jan. SO. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30,000 Dollar? 1 " ' 8,000 Dollars ? 1 " 4,000 Dollars 1 " 3,000 Dollars 1 " 2,000 Dollars 1 " 1.017 Dollars 100 " 1000 Dollars 10 " 500 Dollars &.C. &C. Tickets only 10 Dollars. . , A Certificate of a Package of 25 Tickets will l>e sent for 120 Dollars. .Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proportion. Vircinin - n.oaau K7?at>V wviicry 4 ?(<188 1 for 1838; For the benefit of the Mechanical Bene* volcnt Society of Norfolk. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va January 21 CAPITALS $30,000 6000, 5,000 4,000! 3000! [5 Prize of 1500 DolUn 5 Prizes of 1350 Dollars 75 Prizes of 600 Dollars too -1 i?g ftutvt* ui ?uu uoiiars Tickets Ten Dollars. |T Certificate of * package of 25 whole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme may be had for 140 Dollars ?Packages of Halves and Quarters in proportion MARYLAND LOTTERY, CLASS 4. To be drawn at Baltimore, January 31. CAPITALS. *#25,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 i Of 200 40 of 1000 4ic. &-C. Tickets Ten Dollars. A certificate of a package of 35 Whole Ticketi will be sent on receipt of?65. Halves and Quar Iets in the proportion. .. * . ~X+i # 5 " y - / ^ ? A y - ' ?. . Clock ted Ulrtcli Maker. HAVING lemmad to Camden, wlieiU the pat. tonage of hU former euetomera He wlli attend prompti* v to repairing Clock*Watches and Jewelrv he may be found opposite Messrs. Holleyman & Um' store, at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Win. Reynolds. Dec- 16 33 6t Win. W. W right TAKES this method of informing hie customers and the public generally, that heia ready to execute any orders in the line of Coaohmaking repairing of Gigs, Sulkey* ^c. And would likewise tender his public acknowledgements to those who have so liberally patronized him, and hope by close attention to business, to merit a continuation of their patronage. Slateburg, Sept. 9 19 tf. 11 1 * ??I II ?? 1 * THE Copar.uership heretofore existing under the firm of Holleyman &. Grass is this day dissolved by mutual consent, H. Holleyman having establish-1 cd himself at Bishopville, Benj. (kn will attend directly to the settling up of the concern. All persons indebted to the late firm will make payment or satisfactory an angemente for the amount due, at as oaily a day as practicable. B. Gass Is authorized to sign the name of the firm of Holleyman A Gass to all notes or other papers when the samo is required for the settlement of the affairs of the concern. H. HOLLEYMAN, Jr. Nov. II 28 tl B. GASS. UOkAL COLLEGE OF 8URGGOW8, LOlfOON.-Tlie original Hygeian Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. Mm Kin, Esq., Member uf the Royal ?. ollege of Surgeons, Licentiate of Apothecary's 4'o in pan y, Fellow of Bolt Court Society Surgeon to the Royal Union Pension Association, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, and perpetual pupil of Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals, London. This valuable medicine, the result of twentv years' experience and unparralleled success in the extensive and highly respectable practice of the proprietor, patronised by the faculty and nobility, is now introduced to the notice ol the American public, at the earnest solicitation of a numkr ot gentlemen of long end high standing in the pro'ession. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, to oheck the evils and fatal consequences, arising from the use of the numerous deleterious hostrum.foisted upon the public by the aid of fabricated proofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a set of mercenary, unprincidled pretenders, so totally ignorant ot medical science that it is impossible the monstrous delusion can any longer g<> down with the intelligent people of this country. These pills, mild ana agreeable in their nature, should be kept in every family in cases of sudden illness, for by their prompt administration, chole ra, cramps, spasms, fevers, and olhpr alarming complaints, which too oflen .prove fatal, may be speedily cured or prevented, lu fact, all those who value good health shonld never be without thein. They are sold in packets, at 50 cents, $1. and $2 each, by every respectable druggist, bookseller, and vender of medicine in the United States and the '>?nad*a. with eoniotin din?i?tinr?? inMih,, with testimonial* of professional abiiily fVom the following eminent gentlemen; Sir Asttey Cooper. J. Abernethy, Jos. ulundell, M. D.. W. Back. M. D., J. Aston Key, A. Frampton, M. D and numerous others. The originals may be seen in possession of the general agent, bv whom th - me dinine is imported into this country, and to whoiv. all applications for aget.cies must be made. JNO. HOLBEIN, 30 Waverley Place, N York, Sole General Agent for the U S. c Sold by J R. Vl'KAIN, < amdert,^. C. 6ct 21 25 tf Jv,1K7'HlTE, LEE t Co., Sumterville, South V v Carolina, agents for Coster & Coxe origi nal SOUTHERN TONIC. Certificates of the tfficacy and virtue of this modicine are in their possession June 3 R tf The Copartnership heretofore existing in this .place, under the firm of MIJRtAY & BRYANT, has beep dissolved by the death of the. Iptler; . ? l All l j .... mi (jciovihb iiaviuir any ucmanan against inc said firm, will please hand them to the subscriber for adjustment, and those who are indebted to it, are earnestly requested to make early payments t? him. JOHN D. MURRAY, Surviving partner of the firm of MURRAY & BRYANT Oct. 14 24 3in JOHN D. MURR AY will continue business on his own account at the store lately occupied by Murray & Brynnll Oct 14 24 3m " OOK AT THIS !?The subscriber res JLA pectfnllv informs the citizens of Camden and its vicinity, tnat they can have their clothes cut End made in first rpte style, by calling on him at is residence, in Rutledge street, two doors below Mr. L. W. Ballard's. His terms will be reasonable. All orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to ...- JOSEPH CI1ARLESWORTH. Oct 23 26 tf OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The house and lot now occupied by James Jenkins as a store, arid formerly by J. O. Lemiere, is offered for sale The terms will be accommodating to the purchaser and reasonable in price, which may be more fully learned by application to Aug. 12 15 WM M'WILLIE. UR, J A M ES H. R CHELLE having located himself in Camden, offers his professional . services to the inhabitants of the town and its vicinity. Office on the main street, one door above 1 James Punlap's store, August 26 17 tf Snle A firio RAlini.P. HOn?P , Jt* young and handsome, low for cash. Apply at this office Dec. 9 39 ti r W^R. LYNCH H. A8 .offers his Profession U w al services to the inhabitants of Camden and its vicinity. Office on the Main street two doors belott M'Kain's Drug Store. ,. .May 13 if f^OTICB.?The notes arid accounts of W. B. 1^ Dariieis ire placed in nriy hands for collection?all those indebted will please come forward and settle the idme immediately. , May 90 3 tf W. R. YOUNG. FOR Sale.?A ligh^pne horse BAROUCHE, with an extension top and llarness. also: i u vrirj * an miu narnew very tune uvea win oe old low by A. BURR. Deo. 9 33 tf To the Courier Patrons. WE Uke this method of informing our patrons that all Job-work and Advertisement accounts will be made out, and presented lor payment Quarterly. Persons living out of the State, who send Advertisements. and Job-work, are requested to elate, i who. and where their aceountf are to be tent fbr payment. May 6, 1837. JU?T RECEIVED AND FuR 8ALE-10 Cases Hock Wfan?Warranted ton mn old. Doc. 33 84 8t < T. C. BRYANT. AMD EN BRHK?E COM F ANY.-Twenty dollar* per ihaiw of the Capital Btoeo of thu .Companj, is required to-be paid on or MoV Monday, the first of Jknuary heat, at the Bank of Camden. * THOtt. LANGiV THOS. WHITAKER. J. M. DESAUSSURE, Dec. 83 31 2t Directors. Camden Orphan Society's Academy. d|"a N Monday, 1st January 1639, the exercises will re-commence in this Institution, where the Andient and Modern Languages, Mathematics and Civil Engineering ,ean be acquired, and young gentlemen fitted, for any olase in any College or University in the Union. . To fill vaoanoies in .the English department, no pupils will be admitted, who cannot read in classes; and in all cases the fees for instruction are payable in advance M HOLt?Ro X Dec23 34 2t ? - - - - I ELECTION ?An election for lerk of the court of Court of Common Picas and Gene ral Sessions, for Kershaw District, will he> held on Itie 2d Monday in January next, and the day following The managers from the different Boxea in the diet, wijl meet in Camden, at 12 o'clock on Wednesday following, to count the votes and deolare the eleotion. BENJAMIN GASS, J. R. M'KAIN, E. W. BONNEY. Man a gore at Camdon. Dec. 16 33 4t. f jBltiE subscriber being about to move to the JL Wert, beijs to return thanks, respectfully, to his fViends, for the liberal support that he has received in his endeavors to please, during his slay in Camden All that stand indebted to him, will oblige him by an early settlement of their accounts. Dec 23 34 tf J GOO LAi>. For Sale, A GOOD PIANO. Apply to SHANNON, >lcGEE & Co. a ivy 11 1, U T.1K success of the SOUTHERN TONIC in unprecedented. It has been adxiouBly sought after by all persons in every part of the United Slates, and its widely extended distribution has been owing to the many requests received from every section of the South and South West. Although it originated in an obscure p.irt ??t .the country but a few vears since, it is now found in all the principal towns and villages in the Union, and its virtu s as a cure for Ague and Fever, and as a general Tonic, are appreciated by all who have used it Being as it professes a compound of Southern Vegetables, it is needless to offer the assurance that there is no Arsenic, Mercury, nor any thing, in thp least hurtful to'llie human constitution in it It will be found a valuable in ail cases of Dyspepsia and disorganised Stomach and Bowelsl and patients convalescing from i>illious Fever, will derive the inost important benefits from the use of the Southern Tonic. It may be administered to children and infants of the most tender age with the utmost safetj*. Prepared by Coster andCoxe at their Labratory, at Montgomery Alabama* For sale by their appointed agent, JAMES tt. M'KAIN. June 3 1 tf FOR SALE?The subscriber's h >use und lot | in the town of : oinden, situate on the East side of Broad street, opposite Col. John Carter's. If not previously disposed of, it will be sold before the Coijrt House in Camden, at public sale, on Monday, the 1st Januarv next, on a credit of twelve months. Also, on tfie ,20th December next, on the premises. his plantation known as Jourden's Hill, on the eaut side of the Wateree, about ten miles above Camden, the tract contains upwards of 20( ncres of pri :e upland, 130 of hieli is cleared, under good fence, with all necessary fixtures in good repair. The property can be seen and Irea ed for at private sale at any time previous to# the above time, on application to Nov. 11 8H tf J. J Ml Tf 1.15. PROSPECTUS OF tilK Camden Commercial Courier. THE Establishment of the t 'OM.vlEKCI AL COURIER was rendered necessary by the inconvenience to which our citizens have been subjected for the want of a public channr I of communication , which in a commercial community like Camden, is essentially necessary, and consequently the COURIER S claim on the public is such as should ensure a liberal patronage. , , The undersigned have npnred no trouble or expense in obtaining (be best workmen in order to render the Paocr nil the advantnirns ili?? ;? ?r;ii admit of, add affording satisfaction io its patrons. In polilica) matters the Qoiirier -will ti^ke no part; the design being to publish a Paper adapted to the interest of all, which .could not be effected by its entering into the arena of Politics?it will - be confined principally to such matter as appertains to Commerce, Agriculture and .Amusement. The COURIER, is published^very Saturday morning at 'Three Dollars in advance, or Four Dollars if not paid until the expiration of the year. Persons wishing to become subscribers must address a letter (post paid) to L. M. JONES Camden, S. C. May, 1837. South Carolina, ) y Sumter District. $ SUMMONS IN PARTITION. John Cole applicant, vs. A. Cole (widow) William Cole and Mourning his wife, Noel Cole and Agnes hiq wife, Thomas Cole and wife, David Cole, Donald Cole, Willis Beckwith and children, (Thomas and Eliza) William King and Ann hia wife, William Hickson and Harriet his wife, James ; R. Law, guardian atlitem for minors Thomas and Pli? I'.aokmilli /1o fan fi t nta fT appearing to my satisfaction that William | Cole and Mourning his wife, Noel Cole and j Agnes his wife, Thomas Cole and wife, Willis j Beck with and children (Thomas and Eliza) Wil-1 Hani King and Ann his wife,..William Hickaon 1 and Harriet his wlfivtesides without this State li is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of John Cole Sen'r. dee'd., on or before the second Monday iii January next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. W LEWIS, O. 8. D. Nov. 11 2? 8t Pr'e fee $9 MTOTICE.?Ail persons having demands against 11 the estate of the late James F Bryant, deceased, are requested to render in- attested statements of the same ; and tnoee indebted to the said estate are hereby called upon for settlement. Aug 19 16 tf THOS. C. BRYANT. Adm.. 07 The Charleston Courier will give the above 4 weekly insertions, and forward their account to the subscriber fbr payment THE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of iL. M. Jones, 4b Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent L. M. Jones will settle the business of the concern. I* M. JONES, r. B. BRONSON. Nov.?, ittr. .... . ' . w '* a--e~-=Mgg=g==== m TJCTION AMD COMMISSION BUSINESS il The subscriber* have associated themselves together under the firm of Young & Depsss in this line, and. will transact and dispose of all species of Merchandise and other commodities, entrusted to to them and their disposal in said business, and .?;ii i ?e - -? I n iii uv uisii^iui ior me same. I Having spicious ware rooms, will, on applica' lion, receive any goods consigned litem, free of storage. WILLIAM R. YOUNG. Dec. 10 33 If JACOB 8 DEPA8S. Rrfcrf.rcks.?O. Matbeson Shannon, M'Gee & Co, Hnlleyman & Cans, James DunlSp, Levy & Huglison, J M. Niolon. P. F. Villepigue, ' 'aiudeo; Martin, Walker dt Walter, M'bowall.Shaunon t Co., Charleston. The Charleston Courier will publish the above once a week for two months, and forward ccou -t to 'hit: "'fiee for payment irt| K . L'j. A. NILEd, has removed to the house IyJL neariy opposite the Presbyterian Church, ou DcKalb street, where she will accommodate a few young ladies with board. She will aiao give lessons in Music, if required. Dec. 16 33 tt DAN 1 \G AND WALTZING.?The undersigned will open a Dancing School on Monday morning the let January next. Dec. 16 33 3t. E. C. BREEDIN. , TAKE NOTICE.?All persons having any demands against the,estate of Cotdener Ingram dee'd., are requested to hand them in accordiug to law. J. S DEPASS, Adm'r. Dec. 16 33 3t Head Quarter*, / Camden, Dec. 18, 1837. \ THOS FRIESTLY C OFER, i sq having been appointed Aid-dc-Catii; , to the brigadier, General, with the rank of aptain, will be obeyed and respected accordingly, l y order of Brigadier Gen. J. W. Cantev, Dec. 23 34 2t J. M DESAUSSURE, Brigade Major fith brigade. The Columbia Telescjpc will publish the above twice. COHmiTTED to the Jail of iiersi.uw District, on the Gth inst., a negro man who calls hiinscit EDMUND, and says that he : elongs to dinund < roff, of < harleslon. Said ne;ro ;s about 22 years old, dark complected, and ab'ut. 5 feet (5 or 7 inches high The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. C. 1. SHIVER, j. k. d. -c <? *32 tf - my ..bsence tr?>m the State. I have appointed IB Tho*. as J. Withers my Attorney at Law, and it-quest all and every person having any legal demands a must me, to lodge a copy or stateuo ns of the amount with him, on or before the first May next S D. MILLER i vec. 10 33 4t. Administrators sale.?bv permission of the ouct ot Ordinary tor Kershaw Dial, I will be sold at the residence of Robert Mickle * dee'd on Friday the 12t! January next, all the per< soual estate of said dee d, consisting of two Negroes, orn, Fodd r, one Horse an<> Carl, HoubcI h"ld and Kitchen lurniture, and other articles too teuinus 10 imnnon. l er e.all suins ot live dollars and under, cash} all over that amount, a credit of twelve months, wit note and approved security, bearing interest from the day ot saleDec. S3 34 tds. J. H. MH KLE, Adm'r. Those indebted to the Baid estate, are requested to moke immediate payment.. Creditors having demands, are requested to band in their accounts legally attested, to j. B. M. OT1CB*?Will be hired, on Monday, the first "day ot January next, before the ( ouit House at 10 o'clock, A.. ivt. for one year, five negroes, belonging to a minor. Terms will be made k; owft .t the hiring. J. M. DESaUSSUKE, . ec. 23 34 2t Guardian. i ON Ess' PATENT COI iOll ?I1?. Hlfci Gin can be made double, or single. If made double, they reduce labor,~ and gin just double, the quantity ot cottuii over the single cylinder Gin, no other knd having been in use prevous to this pateutj and whether single or double, the) are found to Httprove the quality of the cotton, by more pertectly cleaning it. Tliey can be made to contain trom 20 to 100 saws in a stand, and whether small or large, one hand will be sufficient to attend them. The Gins have mechanical feeders and hoppers attached to them, which free the cotton trom leaves, trash, dirt, &c. before it can reach the saws, and by the thorough hackling operation it receives irom me reetlers, which make two revolutions to one of the saws, it is almost in a half gined state, before it descends to the saw By a very simple arrangement of a screw to each set of gaa'tes, on which the hoppers rest, and through which the teeth of the feeders pass, they can be made to teed slow or fast - to suit the condition of the cotton at the time When made double, the saws are placed on two eels ol cylinders and turn upon each other in opposite directions, and are cleansed by two spts ot brushes that have four revo lutions to one of. twe saw. The two cylinders can be detached so as to enable the planter to run one or both at pleasure, although embraced with feeders. &c. in one stand. The whole is put in operation with a drum and band, as in the ordinary Gin, and may be propelled by horse, steam , or water power It may also be propelled by iron running gear. The force required to work it, is about the same as that necessary to move an eaual number of saws in the common Gin. This Gin has been put in operation in New Orleans for two or three weeks, and its success tested - in the presence of a large number of planters, merchants and others, and received their general approbation Several genilenm n have been so kind as to give the Patentee their written opinion respecting the merits of the Gin. A number of others could be added, but the following are deemed sufficient: From bis Excellency Gov. White of Louisiana. New Orleans, Feb. 27, 1837. Dr. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enquiry, wnai I tnina 01 your improved cotton Gin, I have to aay, that I aaw it work on Saturday I he 25th inat. anil was very muck pleated with its perlorn.nnce The mere fact of its self-feeding, teems to me to be a very valuable improvement; and besides, ibe quality of the cotton, at* it comes out of the process, appeared to me to be better and ele.iner than from the common Gins in use, and that it saves considerably in tabor. Respectfully. A c | < , . - E D. WHITE. From Mr J. Compton, a wealthy planter, resident in the Parish of Rapide, Louisiana. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, 1 have examined your Patent Cotton Gin, with feeders, Ac. And have seen .it in operation, and approve of it so highly, that I have taken the liberty of ordering one for my plantation in time for the next crop. Yours respectfully, J COMPTON. New : rleans, f7b. 38, 1837. From Mr.X Longer, an experienced and eminent Cotton Broker of * ew Orleans. New Orleans, rob. 96,1637. Dr. Jonee -Dear Sir, in answer to yonr note of | this morning, I hill state, that 1 h?W carefully examined yonr new Patent Cotton Gin, and hare fytfad It Us sujeiior to theoe generally need in thia ....... !? 1 ?m*?m Slate it vletni the cotton much better, and five# it a uiuch belter appearance. I hope, tlx the good of the cavalry, it may become duly appreciated. Yovra sincerely, A. LONGER. % From Meafii. Forestall, High <b. Co. Commission Merchants. e Or. A. Tanas Ifrsr Sir, we have examined the .sample oi wtloD le?t with us, cleansed by year I'&lenL Cotton Oin, and aiso the cotton in its unclean sea state, and pronounce the same greatly superior to the average samples which have come under out observation this or preceding reasons. ^ Very respectfully, your ob t servants, . t'ORSTA LL,, liiGii A Co. New Orlrani, March 1, Jed?, From Col Harris (Smith Kvana, a planter of Will cox county ; signed alvo by Dr. David J. Means, a. planter <?t Green county, and Mr. Wm. C* .CUllon, a planter ot Dallas county, all of Ala. Dr. Jone<??Dear.Bjr, In reply to your inquiry concerning your inquiry concerning ycur new Patent Cotton Gin, ?r deem it no leva a pleasure than a duly to say to yon, emphatic ?* 11 y, that \\ e consider it a niosi decided unu xalmble ill prove* luent We have examined it e.irotully undsren it in succesalol o|>eration. ur.d \xe Wei no hesitatnm y in recommending'it to the alt* iilnu if plunUia generally. Moat respectfully yoiiie, Ac. sl-lA It III & &WP1 11 LVAN8, DAVID J. ME/\iNfc>, WM C. 'i O.N. New Orleana, March 7, Ibti?. P 8.?As a lurlhei testimony of my c< nfntence in the success .of your Gin. you will pit a*cordcr two Double Giiim ot 80 saws in a tluiid each, lor iny plantation, and oblige yours ti uly, II. 8. Evans. . As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin, you will please order me a Double Gin, of lbs same size, for n y plantation, and oblige yours re* Bpecliully, i it < ?... D. J Mkaks. Mr. Clifton also stated, that if lie Ijod not just before bought two new Common Gins, that he xxould likewise have ordered one or two of the Patent ins for bis plantation. o ? ? Fiom Mr. II. F. M'Kenua, of the house of Brander. M'Kenna \\ right, of New Orleans. I t. A I rv : - - ?_?i n jiint-i^-urur oir, in reply lo your note, accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned by your Patent Gin, 1 beg leave to observe, that it exhibits a decid. d-improvement on the usual process of ginning: delivering the staple uninjured and free from nap or trash, clean and of good co?. lor; thereby giving the article an additional value. These favoiable impressions of the advantages of your Patent Gin, have bet n confirmed by subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility of the double cylinders and saving of labor, will bo readily perceived and properly appreciated by the intelligent planter. i eelmg a deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important staples of our countly, 1 trust that yours will meet with the encourageoit nt it justly merits. Very respectfully, your ob t aerv't, H. F. M'KENNA. Nf w Orleans, March G. 1837. From Mr. G. Senior, a Machinist of New Orleans. Dr. A Jo es?Dear ?ir,answer tc your inquiry of my opinion id your Patent Cotton Gin, I beg leave to state, that 1 ?us fifteen years engafred in the cotton factories of Manchester, Engand. and during tour years of that time, 1 was foreman in the house ot Messrs. Lewis, Williams ?V Co., and near five years spinner in the hlNMe ?f Messrs. JSandtoru & "Gr-cm . .1 have mtW- your Cotton Gir> in operation, and have examinee the cntton ginned by ii, and pronounce it belter cleansed, and the staple Icrh injured, than any cotton that ever came under my obscuration. It is completely rea?.y for the breaker without the aid of the blower, and would, therefore, save the first process in manufacturing the article 1 consider ccltcn cleansed by your Gin, would con n-ond from one to two cents on the pound n ore than the average ctops brought into the Manchester market, and cleansed by common Gins Vours, very icsp'lv. Orleans, March 9, GLC RGL FLhil.OR." l>r. Jones? Dcni 8;r, in answer to your inquiry respecting my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin 1 have to state, that I have been engaged in put i ting up the Carver C ins foi planters on Red River, and that i have seen your Gin in operation, and have examined the quality ot the cotton produced by it; 1 consider it equal if not superior to ?h? f ver Gins: in addition lo which, ] think your feeders a decided improved ent, and by the aid of which, the quality ol the cotton cleansed appears much improved, over that produced by the common Gin*. :i Yours Ac. 8. BENNETT. New Orleans, March 10. 1837. in addition to the nbuve, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who have either seen the ( in in operation, or have examined samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. &. J. Dick Thomas Barrett A Co., fJogari, Niven &. Co., Lambeth Thompson Martin, Pleasants & Co., Hermann Briggs d. Co., Win. L. Flower; Bullitt, i Ship & Co. CRDF.RS RF.< E1VED FOR Jone?' Patent Cotton Cin, By the Patentee, jXu .>3 Magazine at. Neic-Orleans] To be manulaclured in New.' York, by Robert Hoe, A Co. . SCALE OF PRICES. DOUBLE GINS. For a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on each cylinder, making 1 GO saws in the stand, with feeders, tmnds, Ac. at $(6 " per saw, or eearn i\n ?pvv/v vw For a Double Gin of CO saw a on a cylinder, pr 120saws iu. the bland, feeders, &c. at $C|Mt saw, or r 720 00 For do, of 40 suws on do, or 80 saws in a stand, at $0 25 per saw, or 500 00 For dK. ol 20 sawh on do or 40 saws in a stand, at SjC 50 per saw, or 2G0 00 SINGLE Gl*. S. For a Single Gin of 80 saws or inore, with one set of feeders, bands, & $6 per saw, 480,00 f or do. of CO saws, with feeders, &c. at s, $6 50 per saw, ?*' < 390,00 For do. of 40 saws, with feeders,' &c. at ? 75 per saw, \ 300,00 For do. of 20 saws, with feeders, &c, at t7.50persnw, 150 000 xtra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied at 40 cents each ; the number of teeth being about equal to the number of saws One set of feeders, it ir rr?"l !?<.?* ?""> " ~' * " ? "? *?r?r oui two or three acts of saws Extra saws supplied ot 90 cents each. The Gins ordered will be del vtn d In the agents! of planters n any of the sea perl towns of the cot ton planting States, at the above prices; the agent* paying the freight on the san(e Iroin New York,* and becoming responsible for !he amount of the Gin. It is desirable,tA hen planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany tlx m with their views 'm regard to the arraiigei?M-nt of saws, breasts, brushes. &c. Jt is feu lid thev differ in opinion Some desire saws of, larger diameter than others * The most common size is9 or 10 inches ; but seme wish them 12 inches Home w ish f? or G rows of brushes on an axle, while others do net w ant more than 4 at most. Some w ish saws w ith 9 or 9 teeth to the Inch, while others want 10 or 11. . ^ith so much j:.. ? 1-- .i ? - - uiavariisin ;, nr jin-irr laey mould. Bttbe time of giving orders, furnish I statement of their wiibts, and the mnn?facto?erets caw-fulfil them in every particular. Where it ia lelt to our discretion, we i.'.-all wak? them on the moat modern and approved plan An order can he executed, irom the tint# it la receivrd, in the synce . f eight e? nifte weeks and the Gin in that tin e pi eed in *he hand* of the factor To be in time for the next erop, all orders ought to he in the hands of the mannladtnnera by the first or middle of May; except for plantduaM where they are late in commencing to pick or gta? cotton. J#?\ N. B?The Patent Bight, for any me of the co.Uon growing Sulci, will he oldonreasmakfc term. Maf CI tf