University of South Carolina Libraries
i^nRVC^-TlM no^< ud vntaiitt of J L. . nj^MM^r 1H30, tie plaoed in 107 h*od| for collection. AU pereeoa laMH to HlMjigB <?* j " "ssf** '"joSS* wS^ 1 bbeiUwkre, J FOR WILLItl OCfprr. I; iwui poy the above reward for the epprehenaieo of WILU AM 800TT, o Ae? negro, 51 . 10 or 11 inohee high, o dark mofclto?vabo j made hie eeeape from Mr. William foil on the , I nf ?l? Q&k A.. Q-i 1 2* - 1 ? _.v wwt wv?. mm ocot^ ?h wn tn . | custody, for several offences; vis: jMMtin*, See. . He may be known by marks whiehtJglr has reeeiv- , ed 4t toe public whipping pjets, inpis and other1) j districts. He??ooled villain. . .. < DANIEL SCARBOROUGH. j | Nov 18 89 4t ; " JAUCH L. OdiMlliTdl having i! this day exeouted a deed or assignment of nil'! his estate, to the subscribers Mb the payment of his creditors in the manner SM the sand deed of assignment declared: Notice is hereby given thut all debts due the said Junta L. Brasington, either in his own name, or in the name of Brace ^ :!ra- j sing ton or Mo Donald A Brasington. included in j the said assignment, and persons indebted are re-1 quested to call on the subscribers and settle the same. The deed of assignment directs the division of the surplus, after certain specified debtsf rateably among the creditors of the said James L. irasington, who are repaired to file and establish with the subscribers their demands Within six months from : the date of the deed, The deed mav be seen ?*? i application to the subscriber*. SAM'L. SHIVER, jr. J. P. SHINER. Dee. 9 33 tl Assignee*. ^?L_ mm , _ _ ??m ? I H3-18?8L.?3i i BRILLIANT COMMENCEMENT. The year opens with a most glorious galaxy of Prizes, well calculated to gladden the hearts and excite the ambition of all lorers of well-filled purses?and the thousands and tens of thousands distributed in Capitals among our patrons during the present year, give an earnest of our future success which cannot be mistaken. During the month of January there will be drawn five Capitals of 30,009 dollars "fcoch, in all of which Schemes there is an average of 13 prizes in each 25 tickets, consequently the tiskis trifling, while the. chances-are very great. We think It the duty of our friends to AWOll ?? ? " ' * mciiiaeives oi tne valuable inforirta- I lion which is now laid before them?and ? will only add our urgent entreaties for J early application, as all disappointments < have arisen fiom delay. t Write with a full confidence that your * 'orders will be punctually and promptly ' attended to by ( S.J. SYLVESTBK, 130 Browlway, JYctc- York. 13 drawn numbers in each pack of 25 tick. Virginia Mate Lottery, Class 1Pbr the benefit of the Petersburg Bencvo- ^ lent Mechanic Association. \\ Tube drawn" at Alexandria, Va. Saturday Jan. 1 l 6,^1838. I CAPITALS. $30,000! 10,000 0,000 ! 5,000! 4,000 j 25 Frizes <1000 i 25 500 200 ' 201) I Tickets $10?Shares in proportion. i Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets will cost only 130. Halves and Quarters in aro- < . portion. Delay not to send your orders td For-tune's Home. j .Virgliiia Wnte Lottery, Class No. 1, for 1438 fi For the benefit of the Leosbtiro Academy. a To be draton at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, * Jan. 13, 1&33. RICH AND SPEND1D SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30.000 * ? 7,000 , 1 14 5,000 iJ 1 41 4,000 25 ? 1,000 SO ? OUU I 80 " 200 j! * &.C. a Tickets 10 dollars. 1 A Certificate of a Package of 25 Whole Tickets ^ will be sent for 130 Dollars?Packages of shares I an proportion. 1 SYLVESTER'S FAVORITE! 100 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars: Virginia State Lottery, Class I. ? For the Benefit of the Town of Wellsburg, . * To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Jan. 2t>. * SCHEME. 1 1 Priae of 30,000 Dollars 1 ? 8,000 Dollars 1 " 4,000 Dollars 1 " 3,000 Dollars 1 " 2,000 Dollars e \ " 1;017 Dollars * 100 " 1000 Dollars J 10 14 500 Dollars &c. See. Tickets only 10 Dollars. j a rv??o ? ~f ?*- rr** ? ', .. V. . uv/nuvr III ?0 I1CKC18 Will bo sent for 1*20 Dollars. Halves, Quarters and ( Eighths in proportion. t Virginia State lottery. \ Clans 1 for 1838. i for the benefit of the Mechanical Bene- ' volcnt Society of Norfolk. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va January 27 CAPITALS. i $30,000 6000, 5,000 4,000! 3000 ! |5 Prize of J 500 Dollars 5 Prizes of 1250 Dollars 75 Prizes of 500 Dollars 128 Prizes of 200 Dollars Tickets Ten dollars. F Certificate of a package of 25 whole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme inay be had for 140 Dob lars?Packages of Halves and Quarters in proportion. i niRYLAIVD LOTTERY, CLASS 4. To be drawn at Baltimore, January 31. CAPITALS $25,000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 . 1 of 200 40 of 1000 * &C4&C. Tickets For Ten Dollars. A certificate of a package of 25 Whole Tickets will be cent on receipt of $65. Halves oo<l Quar tili Cue aqnp proportion. it Jl ^^ ' . \ . I "ssr^WB.' Sl> ??'?*< * tOX*iAU^<M?U!r n4aa?ssi >>y> MirfMlM. MaaMM?^ Wit ow of Bolt Court Society Bnrgesn to the Revel Union PtaMiwi A?ei>HMi Unonltir FHm, IVatrrloo AMft, ud porpetaal fipil of Gay'* ind St.Thomas's Hoeptula, London. This valuable medicine, the reealt of Iwoaty feara' experience and unpartalleled aneceee in the ACtensivo-and highly respectable practice of the proprietor, patronised by the fkculty .had nobility,! s now iatrodnood to the notice ol the Amerffcsn 1 public, at the earnest solicitation of a number of j gentlemen of long and high standing;in the pro* ( Eeaaion. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, to shook the evils and. fatal consequences arising From the use of the nnmeious deleterious nostrums foisted Upon the - public by the aid of fabricated proofs >f miraculouscures, and other frauds, by** set of-mercenary, unprincipled pretenders, so totally ijghdfant Ot itoedic&l science that it is impossible the monstrops delusion can any longer go down with the Intelligent people of this country. 'These pilla. mild ana agreeable in their nature. . Hioaid be kept in every family in cases of sudden illness, for by their prompt administration, chole ra, cramps, spasms, fevers, and other alarming , complaints, which too often prove fatal, may be speedily cured or prevented. In fact, all those who value good health ahonld never be without them- ? They ah? sold in packets, at 50 oents, and $2 each, by every teapecfable druggist, bookseller, ahd vender of medicine in the United States and the Canada*, with copious directions, together with testimonials of professional ability from the following eminent gentlemen; Sir Astley Cooper, J. Abernelhy, Jan. Klundell, M. D. W. Back. M. D., J. Aston Key, A. Prampton, M O ana numerous others. The originals may be seen- in possession of tire general agent, by whom the medicine is imported into this country, and to whom all applications for agencies must be made. JNO. HOLBErN, 30 Waverley Place, N. York, Bole General Agent for the U. S. Ac. Sold by J It. iVTKAlN, Camden, ?. C. Oct 21 25 tf WHITE, LEE A Co., Sumterville, South Carolina, agents for Coster & Coxe origi- : nal SOUTHERN TONIC. Certificates of the 6fficaev and virtue of this medicine are in their 1 \ possession June 3 6 tf j ro Silk Clllturist*.?UndersUndi-tg that ! { so ne persons about Columbia, contemplate i embarking in th -ilk ulture, an I as thor mav } probably be others elsewhere, I have thought pro- n per t give notice, thai 1 will have some young b trees of the linese Mulberry to sell. If & lequate encouragement could be expected, 1 could make -r-angetnents to supply a consider*- j t>Ic number annually, at the northern rices. 1 b iou'd easily. during the winter of 1838, supply rpniK nn.i.M ?... 1 - .1 1 :r t L.- , - - ...... lu mciaiy imiuHitiiu, ii i nan any cer;aietv of a demand for that number should any } >ne desirous of .?btai ung n supply, drop me a note x it this place. (Ca mien) it would soon come to n land, at Lmgtown, ^airfield District, where I D eside, A knowledge of tlio probable demand at 'J tn e.irly period wofcld enable me to arrange my h ilans and operations to meet it. Dec. 9 Ml 21 \V\t. ELLISON. South' Carolina,) Lancaster District. } Robert Phillips and liis wife, Susanna, appicant, s J i ops Davi lson and his wife Elizabeth, Is&rcl \>rtinbcrrv and his wile Tabitha, Mark Moscly and lis wife Olivon, and Levy Dcason, heirs of Edmund [Reason, dccM., Defendants. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that the above I parties, defendants, resides without this State, it is therefore ordered that they do appear and object C lathe division or sale of the real estate of Edmund v Deason, on or before the first Monday in January f next, or their conset to the same will he entered of v record. J. II. WiTHERSPO )N, O L. D. e N<?y. 11 98 8tPiVfee$l 50 F ' 8 The 'npartnership heretofore existing in this ilace, under the firm of MfTR IAY & BRYANT, P ios been dissolved by the death of the latter; r< All persons having uny demands against the said a' irin, wiU please hand thein to the subscriber for djustinent, and th.?se who are indebted to it, are P arrteatlv reotieslerl in mnlm nm-l" Am.'"" " l " Ions d! .\1 U R^tAY," " 1 Surviving partner of the firm of MURRAY & BRYANT t Oct. 14 24 3in JOHN D. HJRR \Y will continue business on 1 |is own account nt the store lately occupied by I durrhy V Bryanrt Oct. 14 24 3ni ? fOOlt AT THIS!?The subscriber res J pectfnlly informs the citizens of Camden and . ts vicinity, that they can have their clothes cut .nd inade in first rate*style, by calling on him at lis residence, in Rutledge street, two doors below ' r L. W. Ballard's. His terms will be reasonable. U1 orders will be thankfully received, and prompt- 1 y attended to r JOSEPH CHARGES WORTH. * Oct 28 26 tf 1 v e nOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The house 1 and lot now occupied hy Jntnes Jenkins as i. store, .ind formerly by- J. I) Lemiere, is ofFered oi sale The terms will be accommodating to the mrchaser and reasonable in price, which may be nore fully learned by application to * Aug. 12 15 WW. M* WILLIE. DR. JAMES H.R tCHELLE having located " himself in Cainden, offers his professional lervices to the inhabitants of the town and its visinity Office on the main street, one doer kbove lames Dunlup's store, August 26 17 tf * i COi7ITfiTTEI> to the Jail of Kershaw , District, on the 6th inst., a negro man who , sails himself EDMUND, and says that he elongs ^ o Edmund ' 'rofF, of f'lrarlcston. Said negro is , ibotit 22 years old, dark Cnmpleoted, and about . > feet 6 or 7 inches high The owner is requested ,o come forward, prove property, pay chnrge3 and I ;ake him away. C. I. SHIVER, i. k. d. J Dec. 0 3-2 ?f * . ^ i FOR Sale.?A fine SADDLE HvR^E, ], young and handaoitie, low forctsn. Apply at a this office Dec. 9 32 tt j ? t Da. LYNCH H. DEAS offers his Profession- ( al services Co the inhabitants of Cnmden i and its vicinity. Office oh the Main, street two I doors below \| Rain's Drift? Store. May 13 If "MTOTICK.?The notes and accounts ot W. B. 1. w Daniels are placed in my hands for collection?all those indebted will please come forward j j and settle the same immediately. " . May 20 3 If W. R. YOUNG f FO Sale.?A light one horse AROUCHE, with an extension top and .Harness. < a i.fso: , t One Cart and Harness very little used will be lold low by A. BURR. i Pec. 9 32 tf JOB PRINTING, I NEATI.Y EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE.?BOOKS, PVUS, CARVUJUARS&* . % * m _ . jEjCr . ' '^uV 1 * l?cl and TCatck laker. HAVING returned to Camden, eoHcita ttefM. ronage of hts former ooatonMira He wlli attend promptly to repairing Clocks Watches and Jewelry he may be found opposite Mmnr Hoi legmen ft Uses' store, at the earn formerly occupied by Dr. Wm. Reynolds. , 1'ec- 16 ^ a ; , . _1 ?4LK. TlY virtue of *n excutiuna to <ne directed, a fow-.ll |>e sold on the fink Monday in January next, withbi the usual hours of sale, at the late restd, nee of Oliver Mohafly, sr., deceased, one lot of oaltle, seven in nn nber, and also one cart. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Oliver Mehafly, Br., .iecc&Mi) at the suit of John i^raig. Terms cash. Win. ROS8ER, e. k. d. Deer. 1G 33 a 1 a y d p For gale, 4 Flue Two Florae BAROUCHE?Enquiry at this Office. Noy. 18, 3D tf /** . , \ <^1 heap India Rnbber QoodN.?'The 1 subscriber has received on consignment a lot of India R'-bbkr Goods, which he offers at the following prices, viz: Gentlemen's v>ver Coats, at ' &G & 7 " Pantaloons with tect attached, 6 00 " Leggings, 44 14 44 5 00 Ladies India Rubber Aprons, 75 44 Lined and Bound Rubber Shoes, 1 50 44 Unliqed 44 44 1 .00 Misses Lined it Bound all sizes, 1 00 Als Ladies Vunella Waterproof Shoes, 1 00 One India Rubber Bed. Dec. 9 33 tf GEO. ALDEN. ^TRAYED or Stolen*?From the sub^ noriber at Stateburg, on the evening of the ?2u Nov'r , a bay Mure, about 5 years old and 14 |ands high. Said tare has a small star in her ace, and murks of Mi collar oii one shoulder. Any person talcing up said inare and delivering ter to A B* Ruffin in this place, Craon ^ Sanders SJI.tIoKm r.r ... tf ? ?:J * .. ?~... ... hi 01 injr rrwuciice, snail e liberally rewarded and all expenses paid. Der..2, 31 3 It H. WELLS. The Columbia Telescope will give the above wo insertions, and forward account to the subscrier for ayineot, at Privateer P. O., Sumter Diet. MTOT10E ?The snbscribers will let out to the ,^| lowest bidder, on Wednesday the 8th January ext, the building of a Presbyterian Church at lishopville All those who wish to contract for re building, will call on either of the oommittec elow named, who will show the plan, &c. IW1LLIAM M'< UTCHEON, WILLIAM SHAW, ISAAC D. WJllTWORTtf, WILL A I H. '.OWEN, JOHN CROS WELL, Nov. 25 30 3t Committee. ( - I PROSPECTUS or THE ^anitlcn Commercial Courier. i THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL COURIER was rendered necessary by the inconenience to wliicli our citixens have been subjected or the want of a public channel of communication vhich in a commercial community like Camden, is ssentially necessary, and consequently the COU11ER S claim on the public is such as should en- ' ure a liberal patronage. The undersigned have spared no trouble or ex- J pnse in obtaining the best workmen in order to jnder the Paper nil the advantages that it will J dmit of,.and affording satisfaction to its patrons. In political matters the Courier will lake no 1 art; the design being to publish a Paper adapted o the interest of ai.l, which could not be effected y its entering into the arena of Politics?it will >e confined Drincmallv to such mutter ?? o Commerce, Agriculture and Amusement. I The COURIER is published every Saturday norning at Three Dollars in advance, or Four lollars if not paid until tho-cxpiration of the year. Persons wishi e to become subscribers must adIress a letter (tost taid) to L. M.JONES. Camden, S. 0. May, 1837. Wni. F. Wright TAKES this method of informing his customers and the public generally, that he is ready o execute any orders in the line of Coachmaking epairing of ' Jigs. Sn'kovs fyc. And would likevise tender his public acknowledgements to those vho have so liberally patronized him, and hope by lose attention to business, to merit?a continua- , u?n of their patronage. Slalebtirg, Sept. 9 19 tf. I , i "Stone "Mane. 1 fi^Bhls Stone Lime for sale by 1 f SHANNON M'GEE, &, Co. 1 May 13 2 tf | j South FnrnlinQ ) ?v . I Sumter District. ) SUMMONS IN PARTITION. ] John Co|p applicant, vs. A. Cole (widow) Wiliam Cole and Mourning his wife, Noel Cole nnd ' \gnes his wile, Thomas Colo and wife, David | .^ole, Donald C le, Willis Beckwith and children, t homas and Eliza) William King and Ann his < vife, William llickson and Harriet his wife, James t I Law, guardian atlitem for minors Thomas and j Sliza .;eck with, defendants. ; IT appearing to my satisfaction that William Cole.and Mourning his wife, Noel Cole and tgnes his wife, Thomas Cole and wife, Willis Jeckwith and children (Thomas and Eliza) Wil* iam King and Ann his wife, William Hickson nd Harriet hid feife, lesides without this State. It s therefore ordered that they do anpear and object o the division or sale of the real estate of John Jole Sen'r dec'd., on or before the second Monday n January belt, or their cortsent to the ftkme will le ehterea of record. W LI'WIS. O. S. D. ?ov 11 27 8t Pr's fee $9 NOTICE ?All persons having demands against the estate or the late James F Bryant, deceased, are requested to render in attested statenents of the same ; and those indebted to lite said estate are hereby called upon fot settlement. Aug 19 1C tf THOS. C. BRYANT. Adas, ffy The Charleston Courier will give the above I weekly insertions, and forward their account to he subscriber for payment. " 1 i THE copartnership heretofore oxisting under the firm of L. M. Jones, A Co. is this day dissolved >y mutual consont. L. M. Jones will settle tho msincss of the concern. L. M. J<J^ES, F.*S, BRQNS9N. ! M0T. j ? "W * flimo/H^yfUtt^^^ is this day dissolved i early a day as p<%oUoable. Attr^STJxn&xz: when Ibe same b wqWfar ftt jitoiS of lib t afiUnof the concern. H. HOLLwrnAN,Jr. , Nov. II 90 II 5. GAS9. ' cN 1 . ri A GOOD PI A isO. Apply to ; A SHANNON, McGEG & Co. i Nov.4, 517 It . ?* Tke following sale is postponed until Ihfe 19th December. i, AJ>MlN18TRATOR8 8ALE.?By order of! J the Court of Ordinary of Kershaw Dist.,; l.etfer for sale, on the 12th Deoomber inst at the late residence of Mrs. E. Turley, dec'd. the personal property of said dec'd, Consisting of about thirty-.: fix likely nCgroes among them, there are two good I blacksmiths?also, corn uitd fodder, and stock of horses, hogs and cattle and plantation tools. 28 5t C. L. DYE, Adm'r.^ ?4ALE AT AUCTION.?The subscribers will (9 eell at auction op Wednesday the 87th day of November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. tlieir stock of goods, consisting of a general assortment ot Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. The sale will he positive, as it is necessary to close the affairs of the concern. . Terms will lie Mode known on the day of sale. I Nov || 28 tit HOLLEYMAN A GASS; I The above sale is postponed until Tuesday the 19th December next. Nov. 25 - J I To the Courier Patrons. WE take this method of informing our patrons that all Job work and Advertisement accounts will be made out. and presented lor payment Quarterly. Persons living out of the State, who send Advertisements and Job-work, are requested to state, who. and where their accounts are to be sent for payment. May 0, 1837. EOR SALE?The subscriber's house and lot in the town of Camden, situate on the ; side of Broad street, opposite Col. John Carter's. If not previously disposed of, it will be sold before the Court House in Camden, at public sale, on Monday, the 1st January next, on a credit of twelve months. . v . Also, on the 20th December next, on the pre- ; mises, his plantation known as Jourden's Hill, on , the east side of the Wateree, about ten miles above Camden, the tract contains upwards of 200 acres of prime upland, 130 of liich is cleared, under good fence, with all necessary fixtures in 1 frood repair. The property can be seen and treated or ht private sale, at any time previous to the , above time, on application to I Nov. 11 28 If J. J. MICICLE. | THE success of the SOUTHERN TONIC is i unprecedented. It has been anxiously sought < after by all persons in every part of the United j States, and its widely extended distribution lias ( been owing to the manv requests received from < very section of the South and South West. Al- s though it originated in an obscure part of the coun- t try but a few years since, it is now found in all the t principal towns and villnges in the Union, and its I virtues as a cure for Ague and Fever, and ?? ? . i general Tonic, are appreciated by all who have < used it Being as it professes a compound of t Southern Vegetables, it is needless to offer the as- < suraoce that there is no Arsenic,Mercury, nor any i thing in the least hurtful to the human constitution in it. It will be found a valuable in all coses of Dyspepsia and disorganised Stomach i and Bowclsl aha patients convalescing from 1 il- I lious Fever, will derive the most important bene- t fits from the use of the Southern Tonic. !t may i lie administered to children and infants of the most 1 lender age with the utihost safety. Prepared by I Coster andCozc at their Labratory, at Montgome- i ;v Alabama* For sale by their appointed agent, t JAMES R. M'KAIN. t Jffne 3 1 tf ? . - i JONES' PATENT COTTON OIN. i (i HIS Gin can be made double, or single, li ( *: made double, they reduce lubor, and gin just \ double, the quantity of cotton over the single cy lin- , der Gin, no other knd having been in use prevous to this patent*, and whether single or double, they ' are found to improve the quality of the cotton, by 1 more perfectly cleaning it. They can be made to contain from 20 to IGOsaws in a stand, and whether small or large, one hand will be sufficient to attend thein. The Gins have mechanical feeders and hoppers attached to^them, which free the cotton trom leaves, trash, dirt, &c. before it can reach the b&ws, and by the thorough hackling operation it receives from the feeders, which make two revo- , lutions to one of the saws, it is almost in a half gined slate, before it descends to the saw By a very simple arrangement of a screw to each set of gaates, on which the hoppers rest, and through , which the teeth of tlie feeders pass, they can be made to teed slow or fast to suit the condition of the cotton at the time. When made double, the , raws are placed on two sets of cylinders nrwi upon each otlicr in opposite directions, and are j cleansed by two sets ot brushes that have four revolutions to one of t\Ve saw. The two cylinders can be detached so as to enable the planter to run one j or both at pleasure, although embraced with feeders, &c. in one stand. Tho whole is put in cmeration with a drum and band, as in the ordinary Gin, and . inay be propelled by horse, steam, or water power. It may a'80 he propelled by iron running gear, j The force required to work it, is about the same as that necessary .to move an equal number of saws in j the common Gin. This Gin has been put in operation in New Orleans lor two or three weeks, and its success tested in the presence of a large number of planters, merchants and others, and received their (general approbation . Several gentlemen have been so kind as to give the Patentee their written opinion respecting the merits of the Gin. A number of others could be t added, but the following ?? -i- J * ,e _.v uccmrii sumcient: I From bis Excellency Gov. While of Louisiana. New Orleahs, Feb. 27,1837. J Dr. A.Jones?Sir, In replv to your enquiry, whatt think of your improved Cotton Gin, l.have . to say, that I saw it work on Saturday (he 25th inst. and was very much pleased With its performance. The mere fact of Its self-feeding, seems to ine to be a very valuable improvement; and besides, the quality of the cotton, as it comes out of the process, appeared to me to be better and cleaner than from the common Gins in use, and lhal it saves considerably in labor. Respectfully, Ac. E. L). WHITE. \ From Mr J. Compton, a wealthy planter, resident in the Parish of Rapidc, Louisiana. ^ Dr. Jones?-Dear Sir, I have examined your Pa- n tent Cotton Gin, with feeders, Ac. And have ; p seen it in operation, and approve of it so highly,) " that 1 have taken tho liberty of ordering one fori} my plantation in time for the next crop. | J Yours resneetfnllw * . jr, j. cowifton. New Orleans, Feb. 28, 1837. From Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent t Cotton Broker of New Orleans. _ New Orleans, *eb. 28,1837. c Dr. Jonee -Dear Sir, in onawer to your note of this morning,! will state, that 1 hare carefully examined your new Patent Cotton Oin, and have < rottnd it far superior to those generally used in thin V - V eHgggggggggg= ' > ssssBs~Bsm 3ute it cl?nni the cotton much better, and five* * t much better appearance. 1 hope, tot the good if the country, it may become duly appreciated. ? ?-: ^JJTewesfitqerely, A. LONGER. Prom Meter*. Forestall, V igli St. Co. Commission Merchants Or. A. Jonee?Dear Sir, we hwe examined Jfce (ample ot eotton left with us, cleansed by Sft*r Patlnk Cotton Oin, and'alaO the cotton in its^htihetwd .state, and pronounce the tame greatly mpeuor tp the average aamplea winch baveeome under pur observation this or preceding seasons. * Very respectfully, your ob't servants, . FOHSTALJL, HiOfti St. Co. M?*Orleans, March 1,1837, . . . eronu Col. Harris Smith Evans, a planter of 4V?11 coxxounty ; sifenid also by Dr. David J. Means, ^ of Green county, and Mr. Wm. C? Clifton, 4 planter of Dallas county ^all of Ala. Dr. Jones?Hear Sir, In reply to your inquiry concerning your Inqqjry,concerning your ne w Patent Cotton Gin, we deem it*hdlessa pleasure than a duty to say to vou, emphdHcally, that wo consider lta most decided and-^a}uable improve utem we uave examined 11 careiUMy and seen it in successful operation, and we feel no htihatancy in recommending it to the attention of planters genefaHy. Most.respectfully yours, Ac. HARRIS SMITH EVANS, DAVID J. MEANS, . WM. C. CLIFTON. New Orleans, March 7,1637. P 8.?As a further testimony of my confidence in the success of your Gin, you will please order two Double'Gins of 60 saws iu a stand each, for my plantation, and oblige yours truly, II. S. Evans. As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin, you will please order me a Double Gin, of the same size, for my plantation, and oblige yours respectfully, , . D. J. Mkaks. Mr. Clifton also staled, that if lie had uotjust before bought two new Common Gins, thai he would likewise have ordeied one or two of the Patent Gins for his plantation. From Mr. H. F. M Kenna, of the house of Brandor, M'Kenna & Wright, of New Orleans. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, accompanied by a specimen of the coUcn, ginned Dy your raienium, i org leave to observe, tliat it exhibits a decided improvement on the usual process of ginning ; delivering the staple uninjured and free from nop or trash, clean and of gocd color ; thereby giving the article an additional value. These favorable impressions of the advsntoges of your Patent Gin, have been confirmed bv subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility of the double cylinders and saving of labor, will bo readily perceived and properly appreciated by ifre intelligent planter. l eeling a deep interest in the success of nil improvements tending to benefit thcitnporlant staples of our country, 1 trust that yours will meet with the encouragement it justly merits. Very respectfully- vour ob't sorv't. * if. F. M'KENKA. Nt w Orleans, Murch fi. Jblw. From Mr. G. Senior, a Machinist of New Oilcans. Dr. A. Joues?Dear Sir, in answer tc your inquiry of irfy opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, 1 beg leave to state, that 1 was fifteen ycarB cngajjed in the cotton factories cf Manchester, England, and during fcMr years..of.that tine. 1 was foreman in the house ol Messrs. Lewis, V illicms Si Co., and near five years spinr.or in the house of Messrs. fcrnndl'ord & Greene. 1 have ft en your Cotton Gin in operation, ai d bnvc.cxcmirtd tl.e :otton ginned by it, and pronounce ill otter rlrnr.led, and the staple less injured, than cny ccttcn hat ever came under my ohtcrvntion. It is rcmiletely reai:y for the breaker without the aid of the dower, and would, therefore, save the fust prcccss n manufacturing the article, i consider colttn ileansed by your Gin, would command frc m ere Lo two cents on the pound m.t.rc than the overage mops brought into the Manchester n.oikrt, ciid :leanscd by common Gins. Yours, very irsp'ly. N. Orleans, March li, O'EClUiL fc'LNlOH Dr. Jones? Dear Sir, in answer to ycur inquiry respecting my opinion of your Talent Cottcn Gin I have to state, that I have teen engaged in put :ing up the Carver (. ins for planters on Red Hirer, ma that 1 have seen your Gin in operation, nr.d rave examined the quality of the cotton produced ry it; J consider it equal if uot superior to the Career GinB: in addition to which, 1 think your fcrd?rs a decided improven.ent, and hy il?e aid of tvliich, the quality oi the eottcn cleansed appeals nuch inipioved, over that produced hy thecmnon Gins. Yours &c. S. BEftNE'lT. New Orleans, March 10, l!~!}7. In uddition to the above, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who have dlherseen the Gin in operation, or have examined samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. & J. Dick Thomas Barrett & Co., Ilngan, Niven & Co., Lambeth & Thompson, Martin, Pleasants &. Co., Horn.nnn -C- W? * ^ * >?w* ? ? * * 't?(jP W V \J y TV III* i J X" J U t" T iv UllllI | Ship & Co. ORDERS RECEIVED FOli Joiscs' Pa I nil lotion <?iir, Vy the Patentee, No. 03 Magazine .<t. J\'ac- Or have To be manufactured in Sew York, by Robert lloc, &. Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOURLEG1NS. for a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on each cylinder, making 100 saws in the stand, with feeders, bands, &c. at $G per saw, or " $CC0 ofo For a Double Gih of GO saws on a cylinder, or 120saws in the stand, feeders,&c. at J$;G per saw, or 720 00 For do, of 40 saws on <lo, or 80 saws in a standLat tjjsG 25 per saw, or 5C0 00 Fordo, ol 20 saw# on do. or 40 saws in a stand, at $6 50 per saw, or 2G0 OX) SINGLE Gl\S. For a Single Gin ol 80 saws or more, with one set of feeders, bands, &c. at fJG per saw, 480,00 For do. of GO saws, with feeders, &c. at $0 50 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 40 saws, with feeders, Ac. at $G 75 per saw, 300,00 For do, of 20 saws, with feeders, Ac. at t7 50 per saw, 150 OOO l*tra tcelll where denim*! fr... ... ,.,M) fwi .1 , ?.i ir, nii|i|MUU it 40 centseach; the number of troth being about quiil to the numher of sows. One set of ieecicrs, t is considered however, will wear out two or three letsefsaws Extra saws supplied at 80 ccntseach. , * The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, >f planters in any of the sea port towns of the coton planting States, at the above prices, the agents >aying the freight on the same from New Yorb, ind becoming responsible for !he amount of the Gin. It is desirable,w hen planters give ordei s for Gics, hey should accompany limn with their views in egnrd to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brush's, &c. It is found they ditler in opinion. Fmt c, lest re-saws of larger diameter than olhcrs. The nost common size is 0 or 10 inches; but seme wish llOtr< Ifi ^ 0 ' ...... iiiunK. c-tn.e wish i>orttrowsof brushes ?n an axle, while others do not want more than 4 it most. Some wish sows with 8 or 0 teeth to the neh. while others wont 10 or 11. With so much liscrepaney, we prefer they should, at the lime of ;ivinir orders, furnish a statement of their wishes, nd the inanufaclurcrers con fulfil them in evory articular. Where it is left to our discretion, wo hall moke them on the most modern and approved Ion An*order eon be executed, from the time it i received, in the space of eight or nine weeks nd the Gin in that time placed in the hands cf the actor. To he in time for the next crop, all orders night to he in the hands of the manufacturers by he fifst or middle of May; except for plantations vhere they~ ore late in commencing to pick or gin otlon. N. B.?The Patent Right, for any one of the sotton growing States, will he fold onroat?onobl| erms. May o 1 tl