University of South Carolina Libraries
Monti* Carolina, / 1 Kt, skato District, V 1W E(tlllfV, June Term, 1887. "William O. Nixon, ^ a 1 Bill for specific perforMnce Philip J. Lucius & | and relief. others. J . BY order of the Court, on Monday the 4th day '11 of December next, will ho sold at public outcry, before the Court House door in Camden, that plantation or tract of land, belonging to the late Elizabeth Lucius the wife of the Defendant, on a credit of one, two or threo years, with ictercst thereon from the dav of sale, viz : one tract situated and lying on the Watcree River, wntaining one hundred and seven- | tccn acres, hounded South bv the Water#* River and Beiij. Blue ham's laud, North, by BApDovtell's land, one other tract containing one hundred and thirty-four acres, more or loss, hounded South bv tlio above dcscibod tract and Bahj Binr.'ia:h*8-|an 1. North an?l East by Riddle's land, and West by ttiddlo's land?one otnoi tract containing t roe 'tuudrrd acres more or less, bounded South by P. J. Lucius' land, North by Giles' laud, and laud belonging tb Mrs. Aldridge, West by John J. Mitiklc's laud, one other tract contiining four hundred acres moro or less, bounded North by Chiles' land, North-cast by George Stratford's land, South by Mrs. Aldrtdge's land. Containing together, nine Hundred and (illy one acres. Purchaser to pay for all necessary papers Nov. 4 27 4t J. W LANG, Com'r "]%TOTICE.?The subscriber has commenced 1^1 the FACT >11 AGE and COMMISSION BUS1N '.SS, in this city, and tenders his services to his friends and all those who maj intrust their business to his care. _ REFERENCES. r Messrs. S. E. Nelson, Win. J, Recs, Isaac Le-1 noir, Dr. Wm. S. Burgess, Col O. S. Ilees, Wm. Saunders?Stnteburg, S. C. Col. Stephen Lncost, \lr. W. H. Bowen, Capt. J. R. Law?Salem. Hon. Thorna^ l)u?ran, Col. J. B. *Mller, Messrs. "White, Lee fy Co. Dr. J. B. Withersooon?Sumterville. Hon. J. S. Richardson?Fulton. Oen. J. W. Canty?' amdnn. Col. D. J. McCord, J. N. Fryerson?Columbia, "S. C. ALFRED CHINA. Nov. 4 27 3t Office 4, Central wharf, Charleston Sou III Carolina, ) fh'st'ict. $ IIV Eqiiitv, Jane Term, 1837. Wm. W. i .tang, & others, i 1 vs. > Bill lor a sale of Land. Jno. Whitakcr <& others, } lT 1-- . r * I ? A 4 ft . I 4iL .1 Ki urui'i ui uiu v^uun. uu >iun?i;tv tut; ?iiu u.iv of December next, will l?c sold nt public oulcrv .. before the Court House door in Camden, tho plantation or tract of land, lately occupied l>v John C. McIta, deceased, containing one thousand acres more or less, situated on the West side of the Watcree River, Kershaw District, bounded as follows: begins on tho Watcree River, at Powell McRa's upper line, and Wcstwardly by that line to tho McCord's Ferry Road, thcuce North \ard by that Road to the line of the new cut Road through Green Swamp, thence as the fence (of the said John) now runs to the Watcree River. Terms, a credit of one, two and three years in equal anual instalments, with bond and good personal security, with a mortgage of the pteims s (to !>e re- I corded by the Commissioner.) Purchaser to pay tor ] all necessary papers. J. W. LANG, Com'rJ Nov. 4, 1S37. 27 4t XliciSankoi Camden, So. ( a, I CAMDEN, SEPT. 7, 1*37. f T^TOTICE.?The subscriber wishes io move to j J^l the West, offers his plantation on which he I j now resides, for sale on the 2Glh day of Ootol?cr, containing about four hudred and sixty acres, there I is about two hundred cleared, and about eighty acres ! fresh land. I , A good dwelling hous, barn, stables, gin-house and j j screw, plantation toois and stocit 01 all Kinds, corn and fodder. Terms made known on the day ?>f Sept. 30 22 if JOSEPH KIRKLAND. TO PLANTERS ?A prime lot of Negro 1 Shoes, very superior, manufactured .it Socie ty Hill, Darlington District, by Sylvester Munger. May be seen at the store of R. L. WILSON. Aug. 11) 10 tf ( i i ROYAI, f)LLE?K OF MIR. ia?OYS, LO^DOM.-The original Hygeian Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. Mis kin, Esq., '.lember of the Royal College of Surgeons, Licentiate of Apothecary's Company, Fellow of Bolt Court Society Surgeon to the Royal Union Pension Association, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, and perpetual pupil of Gay"9 and St. Thomas's Hospit ,1s, hondoh. This valuable medicine, the result of twenty years' experioice and unparralleled success in the extensive and highly respectable practice of the proprietor, patronised by the faculty and nobility, is now introduced to the notice of the American public, ai lue earnest solicitation 01 a number or Jfentlemen of long and high standing in the piocssion. It is hoped, as a preliminary step, to check the evils and fatal consequences arising from the use of the numeinus deleterious nostrums foisted upon the public hy the aid of fabricated j proofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a set of mercenary, nnprinridled pretenders, so to- : tally ignorant ot medical science that it is impossible the monstrous delusion can any longer go] down with the intelligent people of this coiJVRry. These pills, mild ana agreeable in their nature, should be kept in every family in cases of sudden illness, for by their prompt administration, cliole 1 ra, cramps, spasms, fevers, And other alarming , complaints, which too often prove fatal, may be , 1 speedily cured or prevented. In fact, all those 1 who value good health slionld never be without I! them. They arc sold in packets, at 50 cents, $1, and $2 each, by every respectable druggist, book-1 seller, and vender of medicine in the United -tates and th6 Jinadas, with copious urections, together with testimonials of professional ability from the . following eminent gentlemen; Sir Astley Cooper, ' J. Abernethy, Jas Blundell, M. D.. W. Back, M. D., J. Aston Key, A. Brampton, M. L> and numerous others. '1 ho originals may be seen in possession of the genexal agent, hy wnoin th< me dicine is imported into this country, and to whom till applications for agencies must be made. JNO. ifOLUBIN,:tti Waverlny Place, N. York, Sole General Agent for the U S. &c. Sold by J ll. M'KAIN, Jamdert S. C. Oct. 21 25 tf South Carolina, > SUMMONS IN PARTITION. Johti Colo applicant, vs. A. Colo (widow) William Cole and Mourning his wife, Noel Cole and Agnes his wile, Thomas Cole arid wife, David Cole, Donald Cole, Willis Bcekwith and children; ( Thomas anj Eli/a) VVillinin King and Ann liis wife, Wkllintn llickson and ilarriet his wife, James II. Law, guardian atlitom for minors Thouins and Eliza ilccliwith, dclendants. IT appearing to my satisfaction that William Colo and Mourning his wife, Noel Colo and Agnes his wife, Thomas Cole and* wife, Willis liockwlth and children (Thomas and Eliza) William King and Ann his wire, William Hicksoti and Harriet his wife, tesides without this State It is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of tin* real estate of John Colo Sen'r. deo'd., on or before the second Monday in January next, or their consent to the sumo will bo entered of record. W LEWIS, O. S. D. Nov. 11 27 8t Pr's fee *9 - ?mr~r ff|i DOLLABS *BWAib.-Atawn. tjUMDroa the subscriber In Barnwell Dial. 8. O., on the night of the 15th inst. n negro man named REUBEN, he also took with him a dark sorrel Mare about 13 hande high, aaid mere has a small star in her face, and nee two saddle marks on her back. Reuben is about 25 or 30 jeers of age, 6 feet high, dark eompleoted, sheake quick when spoken to, and when he left, had on a blue cloth coat, and a black bat with crape around it. The subscriber bought said hugro from a mi ah Who said his name was JOHN EDWARDS, and that he lived in about 6 miles of Camdeb, he -was travelling to Alabama, ahd Iftd four slaves in company with nib, of which Reuben was ohe, he ia also of opinion, tliatsa'd boy baa by some means 'came Up with his former master, and that will endeavor to get him out ot the state for the purpose of re-aelllng hitii. Any person taking up said negro, and lodging him in jail, and giving ihfbrmatioh thereof to me, at blackviile Post-office, Barnwell Distriot, S. O., shall receive the above reward. SAMUEL REED. Oct 21 25 4t* A i.WRD.?-I'ne undersigned having formed jtM* * copartnership in the Mercantile business, would respectfully solicit from their flriends and the public, a share of patronage. They intend keeping a full assortment of-Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, ot the T&test fashions: A lbo Groceries of the choicest kind, all of which they will dispose of on the most accommodating terms. R. L VNMLSON, J. L JONES. Camden. Aucr. 30. 1837. 18 tf Win. KE\i:DY BlRCLAl, Portrait Painter, HAS arrived in Camden, and has taken rooms over Mr. Alex. Young's store, whets .he will Ik> pleased to attend to all orders he may be favored with. SjWimens of his Painti ig can lie seen at Mr. Young's Sept. 30 22 4 ||AtLORING ?The undersigned beg leave to ..i inform their friends and tho public generally that they have entered into copartnership in carry ingon tin- Tailoring business, and by close atten* tion and a disposition to please, will endeavor to merit a share of public patronage. M DONALD & BRAS1NGT&N. May 1,1837. M 20, tf DR. LYNCH H. PEAS offers his Professional services to the inhabitants of Camden and itr vicinity. Office on the Main street two doors below M'Kain's Drugstore. May 13 tf ',"W7*HITC, LEG Sl Co., Sumterville, South 7 w Carolina, agents for Coster & Coxe original SOUTHERN TONIC. Certificates of the efficacy and virtue of this medicine are in their possession June 3 5 tf "j^TOTICE?The notes and accounts of W. B. 1^1 Drthiels arfe placed in iny hands for collection?all those indebted will nle.tse come forward and settle the same immediately. May 20 3 tf "W. K. YOUNG ("NAUTiON ?All persons are cautioned against J employing any of our hands without our khowledge?as we are determined to enforce the law against ai l Who mav be guilty of su>*h. Sept. 23 2l tf *8. ^ J. P. SHIVER South Carolina, ) Lancaster District. $ Roliert Phillips and his wife, Susanna, appicant, vs. j i lies Davidson and his wife Elizabeth, 1sure i Furiiiihorrv and his wile Tubitha, Mark Mosely and his wife Oliye'a^ and Levy Deason, h irsof Edmund Dcafcon, ?l<Jc'?K. [Vffcnclafrtk. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that the above parties, defendants, resides without this State, it is therefore ordered that they do appear and object lo the division or sale of the ical estate of Edmund Deafton, on or bafore the first Monday in January next, or their chiifeet *to thethme Will l?c entered of record. J. H. WITH! RSPOON O L. D. Nov. 11 28 8t Pr's lee $4 50 A m overseer wawted.-a ?ngle man who can produce testimonials of his experience as a good ' otton and Provision -plun^ ter and manager of Negroes, is wanted to |>r6cied to Al&bfema, fend take charge of fe considerable Slanting interest, on the first day of January next, [one need apply but those who can produce recommendations of their unexceptionable character and qualifications; such a man will Dave a perma nent arid comfortable situation Apply by letter addressed to R ?Charleston, will be attended to or t)V amplication to this office. Cuaiieston, Oct. 21 25 4t* Plantation tbr sale. THE Plantation formerly belonging to P. J. Lucius, situated ori the Wateree river and Orannys quarter creek, containing about twelve hundred acres, tour hundred of which are cleared. The above plantation is nine miles from Camden With fe good road leading to it. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to visit the place. Also, the corn and fodder that may be on the premises. W.O.NIXON. The Columbia Telescope will please give the above three insertions and forward their account to this office for payment. Oct. 28 26 Tile ?'opartnorship heretofore existing in this place, under the firm of MURRAY &, BRYANT, has been dissolved by the death of the latter; AI1 persons having ri'rty demands against the said Renv twtll r*lno.?A knn/l |Ua?a A A ' 111 im, m?i |?iv?nv iiuuu iiicua tu me Buusunucr IUT adjustment, and those who are indebted to it, are earnestly requested to make early payments l> him. JOHN D. MURRAY, Surviving partner of the firm of MURRAY & BRYANT Oct. 14 24 3m JOHN D MURRAY will continue business on his own account at the store lately occupied by \lurrn? & ryint Oct 14 24 3m Look at this !?The subscrilter res j pectfnllv informs the citizens of Camden and its vicinity, that they can have their clothes cut and made in first rate style, by calling on him at his residence, in Rutledge street, two doors below Mr. L. W. Ballard's. His terras will be reasonable. All orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to JOSEPH CHARLESWORTll. Oct 28 2G t'f mroTiCK. ?The subscriber takes this ineth 1 w o|| of informing the citizens of Lancaster l>i*t that he has rc commenced the Tailoring DilsfiiCftk in all its various branches, on 4 ain Creek, near to Sliilo Church. He solicits a share of said business. E. W. EAKER. Oc i '3* ?('i St House and lot for sale. The house and lot now occupied by Jaines Jenkins as a store, and formerly by J. D. Lomicro, is olFered foi sale The terms will be accommodating to the purchaser and reasonable in price, which may be more fully learned by application to Aug. 12 15 WM. M'WILLIE. I hR. JAMES H. ROCHELLE having located I W himself in Cainden, offers his professional services to the inhabitants of the town and its vicinity Office on the main street, one door above Jaines Dunlap's store. Angast2G 17 tf L orm ) Camden Commercial Courier, o THE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL i COURIER to rendered necessary by the inconvenience to which our citiaens have been subjected for the want of a public channel of communication whioh in a commercial community like Camden, is i essentially necessary, and consequently the COURIER 8 claim oh the public is such as should en- f sure a liberal patronage. 4 The undersigned have spared no trouble or e"xKnse in obtaining the best workmen in order to t tttdet the Paper sll the advantages that it will > I admit of , and affording satisfaction to its patrons. | 'In political matters the Courier will take no ptart; the design being to publish a Paper adapted . to the interest or all. which could hot be effected ' by lfcrjpntcrhig into the arewa Of Politics?it will . be confined principally to such matter as appertains j ; to Commerce, Agriculture and AniUseinent. < The COURIER is published every Saturday i morning at Three'Dollars in hdv&hce, or Four i I Dollars if not paid until the expiration of the year, i Persons wishing to-become subscribers must adi dress a letter (rosT paid) to , i L. M. JONES. t i CamdenMay, 1837. 'i ? i Subscribes have received a large supply 1 JL of SUMNKK CLOTHING of assorted I sixes and descriptions, from one of the most cele- 1 brated clothing Establishments in New York, the ' workmanship of which is warranted, which they will ue|(l on accommodating ter,ms either wholesale or retail. SHANNON McGEE & Co. June 17 7 tf ' _ < TO PRINTERS. ! ! E. White & Wm. linger, I TURSPrOTCItl l V :f <i? Jk | MVf ? 11" VI.IJU* IU1V1UI HIC A UlllCfB VI IIIU | Jt%, United States, to whom thay haVe Wen individually knowh as established letter founders, i that they have now formed a co-partnership in j said business, and an extensive experience, they hope t<Jt>c able to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their ordefa ' .The introduction of machinery in place of the 1 tedious and unhealthy-'firdbess of casting type by hand, a desideratum by the European fdUrtdefs, was by American ingenuity, a heavy expendituie of time and money on the part of our senior part- ' ner, first successfully accomplished. Extensive ' use of the machine-cast letter has fully teBted and established its superiority in every particular, over ' those cast by the old process. I The letter foundary business will hereafter be carried on by the parties before named, under the i firm of White, liagi-r A* Co. Their Specimen ex hibits a complete series, from Diamond to Sixty- 1 four Lines t'ica. The Book and News type be- < ing in the most modern style. t WHITE, HAGER .V: < o. are agehts for the t sale of the Smith "and Rust Printing Tresses, with | which they can furnish their etistonn rs at inanu- 1 facturers' prices; Chases. casrs, composing sticks, ( Ink, and every article used in the printing busi- t ness, kept for sale and furnished on short notice. ! < 'Id type taken in exchange for new a' nine cents < per lb. 1 N. B.?Newspaper proprietors'Who will give the I above three insertions, will be entitled to five dol- i lars in such articles as they may select from our i Specimens. al*-i3t E. WHiTE A HAGAf?. 1 foil?Fpice 13 1-3 cents. The oration of james che nut, jr. is just printed, hrfd for sale at Mr. Alexander Young's Book Store, at klr J L. Jones' Store, and at thre Office. |^T OT1CE?All persona having demands against JL si fBe estate of the late James F Bryant, deceased, are requested to render in attested statements of the same ; and those indebted to the said < estate are hereby called upon foi settlement. ] Aug 19 16 tf THOS. C. BRYANT. Adm. ; Q~T The Charleston Courier will give the kboVe 4 weekly insertions, and forward their account to the subscriber for payment. Wm. t\ Wright TAKES this method ot informing his customers and the public generally, that he is ready to execute any orders in the line of Coachmaking repairing of Gigs, Sulkevs And would likewise tender his public acknowledgements to thotfe who have so liberally patronized him, and hope by close attention to business, to merit a continuation of their patronage. * Stateburg, Sept. 9 19 tf. I Stone Lime. Stone Lime for sale by I 4 4> SHANNON M'GEE, & Co. May 13 2 tf i ? ?-?- i FOR SALE.?The house and lot on the South ! West corner of DcKalb and Market streets. ' Terms Cash. Apply fo H. R. COOK. ' Sept. 30 22 3t I Pres't & Directors Bonk'] ! 8. So Ca, (Indorsers,) (Writ in Foreign At- j vs I* tachmcnt. , Tilman Cook, J , the same | , vs > do WilH9m W Cook, J , the lift me i , vs > do 1 Eli Cook. * J , WHEREAS i have levied the above writs , of attachment upon a certain tract of.lnnd, ] aa the undivided real 'estate of the above defen- ; dant?, containing 300 acres, more or less, situate | , on Oraney's Quarter Creek, in Kershaw District, . , adjoining lands of Mrs. R. Ballard, John Cantey,' D. L DesaussUre, and there being no person pre- ,, sent at the attaching of the same, notice is here| by given, iri pursuance of the act of the General 1 Assembly of the said State, in such case made and j ! provided, to any person or persons claiming the 1 said land to appear at the next Court of Common ( Pleas for the District aforesaid, to be holden at , Kershaw Court House on th? fourth Monday in October inst lo Shew cause (if arty iftey tan) why the said land should not be udjudged to belong to I the above named defendants. Oct. 14 24 3t WM. ROSSER, s. k. d. j i By order of the Court, on Monday the 2d day of October next, will be sold at public outcry, before ; the Courthouse door, in Camden, the houses and ' Idts df the Defendant, situated at the corner of Dekalb and Campbell streets, and known and distinguished in the plan of said town, by numbers seven 1 hundred and forty (740) arid seven hundred and ! fort^r-cne (741.1 Terms, a credit of twelve months I | except so much cash as may pay the costs, with ; 1 bond and good secuiity, and a mortgage of the pre-; < iiibci. ft urcnaaer to pay tor all necessary papers. Sept. 9 19 tf J. W. LANG, Com r. ' C Of TON SAW OlNS.?Hie subscriWr continues to manufacture the above article on the most approved plan. Old Gins carefully re- | paired Sic. ike. Early applications best suit the , interest of the planter and manufacturer. < July 92, 12 tf JOHN WORKMAN. J "j^JOTlCE.?All persons having demands against the estate of Andrew Benson, deC'd. of L*n- ] caater Dist. S. C., are requested to hand them in, legally attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate, to make payment to James Benson. JAMFS W. BENSON, I and SARAH BENSON, i Not. 4 27 If Adm'rs. 1 J%otUe. i AU persoua indebted to tne Courier Office for LDVCRT1S1NG end JOB WORK, for the first j lusrter, ere informed that they will be celled on j or payment, eccording to the following notioe. Aoguet 5, To the Courier Patrons. WE take thia method of informing our petrous ! that ell Job work end Advertiaement ac-! tounts will be mede out, end presented tor pey ment Quarterly. Persons living out of the State, who seiid Adverisements end Job-work, ere requested to state, vho. end where their accounts are to be sent for >eyment. May 6, 1837. FOR SALE?The subscriber's house end lot in the town of t emden, situate on the Best side of Broad street, opposite Col. John , Darter's. If not previously disposed of, it will be ; old before the Court.House in Camden, at public tale, on Monday, the 1st January next, on a credit { if twelve months. Also.'on the 20tU 'December next, on the pre-! miaes, his plantation known as Jourden's Hill, on ; the east side of the Wateree, about ten miles ; ibdve Camden, the tract contains upwards of 200 acres of prime upland, 130 of v hich is cleared, unaer good fence, with all necessary fixtures in rood repair. The property can be seen and treated lor at private sale, at any time previous to the above time, on application to Nov. 11 2b tf J. J. M1CKLE. ! A fine 'Plantation tor sale.?The | Subscriber having purchased lands in the Wist, offers for sale his plantation lying on West side of j Wateree river, containing five hundred acres, two Itundred of which, at this time has a crop on it. Any person wishing to purchase, is requested to ' :all and examine the premises. : Also, my hduse at *K irk wood, which is largo, with all necessary out buildings, in good repair, a rood spring within the enclosure. Nov. 4. 27 4t JOHN WH1TAKER. THE unclosed business of the subscriber, is put in the hands of William Anderson, ?gq:, who is duly authorised to settle the saiuc. Circumstances render it tiecessnry that payments ihould be promptly made, and it Is hoped, that all will avail themselves of this notice, or it may be i oolatc. July 21) 13 tf P. M'CASKILL. | rHE success of the SOUTHERN TONIC i? unprecedented, it has tieen anxiously sought tfler by all persons in every pait of the United States, and its widely extended distribution has recn owing to the many requests received from ?very Section of the South and South West. Alhough it originate'd in an obsctlfe p.irt ol' the coun.ry bat a few years since, it is now found in all tlie uincipal towns and villages in (lie Tlnicm, and its nnu< 8 as a cure lor Ague and f ever, and as a jeneral Tonic, are appreciated by all who have jsed it Befng as 'it professes a compound of Southern Vegetables, it is needless to ofter the assurance thut there is no Arsenic,Mercury, nor any < thing in the least hurtful to the human constitu- 1 tion in it It will be found a valuable Medicine ifi all cases of Dyspepsia and disorganised Stomach md Bowelsl and patients convalescing from billious Fever, will derive the most important bene* fits from the use of the Southern Tonic. It may be administered to children and infants of the most tender age with the utmost safety. Prepared by Coster andCoxe at their Lnbratory, at Montgomery Alabama* For sale by their appointed agent, JAMES R. M'KAIN. June 3 1 tf A CARD.?The subscribers having opened u Taylor and Drapers business 2 doors South of Holleyuian & Gass' store, on Main-street, beg Leave to tender their services to the citizens of Camden and its vicinity, in cutting and making up cloth in the latest and most fashionable styles. They will receive the New Yoik and Philadelphia fashions quarterly. i uvy win ^xecuie an orders mat may De entrusted to their care, with neatness and despatch'?and hope by 'close and unremitting attention to business, to merit a share of public patroti&g. SEVERNS SMITH. Camden, S. C. Sep. 23 21 0t JONES' PATENT COTTON C1N. ra\HISGin can be made double, or single. If J| made double, they reduce labor, and gin just Soluble, llic quantity of cotton over the single cylinJer Gin, no other knd having been in use prevous Lo this patent; and whether single or double,-they ire found to improve the quality of the cotton, by more perfectly cleaning it. They con be made to contain from &0 to 160 saws in a stand, and whether jmall or large, one hand Will be slrflici&nt to attend tlieni. The Gins hitve mechanical feeders and hoppers attached to them, which free the cotton trom leaves, trash, dirt, ditc. before it can icacli the saws, and by the thorough hackling operation it receives from the feeders', which make tWo revo- I lutions to one of the saws, it is almost in a half gined state, before it descends to the saw By a j very simple arrangement of a screw to each set ol : jaa'tes, on which the hoppers rest, and through which the teeth of the feeders pass, the rim T,s made to leod slow or fast to suit the conc. i n of iko ?4 tA?i?? uic buituu uv hid iiuic. vTfit-n inatie double, the | saws are pluced on two sets of cylinders and ti<rn upon each other in opposite directions, and arc cleansed by two sets ol brushes that have four revolutions to one of twe saw. The two cylinders can be detached so as to enable the planter to rim one or both at pleasure, although embraced With feeders. Jfcc. in one stand. The whole is put in operation with a drum and band, as in the ordinary Gin, and may be propelled by horse, steam, or water power. It may also be propelled by iron running gear. The force required to work it, is abobt the same as Lhat necessary to move an equal number of saws in the common Gin. This Gin has been put in operation in New Orleans lor two or three weeks, and its success tested in the presence of a large number of planters, merchants and others, and received theft general approbation. . Several gentlemen have beeh so kind as to give the Patentee their written opinion respecting the merits of the Gin. A number of others could be added, but the following are deemed sufficient: From his Excellency Gov. White of Lotoisrana. New Orleans, F?*b. 27, 1837. Dr. A. Jones?Sir, In replv to your enquiry, whatl think of your improved Cotton Gin, 1 have to say, that I saw it work on Saturday the 25th inst. and was very much pleased with its performance. The mere fact of its self-feeding-, seems to me to be a very valuable improvement; and besides, the quality 01 ine cotton, an it comes out of the process, appeared to ine to be better and cleaner than from the common Gins in use, and that it saves Considerably in labor. Respectfully, &o. E. D. WHITE. From Mr J.Compton, a wealthy planter, resident in the Parish of Rupide, Louisiana. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, I have examined your Patent Cotton Gin, with feeders, Ne. And have seen it in operation, and approve of it so highly, that I have taken the liberty of ordering one lor my plantation in time for the next crop. Yours respectfully, J CDMPTON. New Orleans, Feb. iW, 1837. From Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent Cotton Broker of New Orleans. New Orleans, rob. ti8,1837. Dr. Jones -Dear Sir, in answer to your note of this morning, 1 will state, that 1 have carefully extmined your new Patent Cotton Gin, and have ound it far superior to those generally used in this SlaU' it cleana (he coltoa much batter, and gives it a'much better appearaoee. 1 hope, for the good of the country, it may become duly appreciated. Youra sincerely, A. LONGER. From Messrs. Forestall, High & Co. Commission Merchants. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, we hare examined the sample oi cotton left with us, cleansed by your Patent Cotton Gin, and also the cotton in its uncleansed state, and pronounce the same greatly * superior to the average samples which hare conic under our observation this or preceding seasons. Very respectfully, your ob't servants, FORSTALL, HIGH A Co. New Orleans, March 1,1637, From Col. Harris Smith Evans, a planter of *Wil cox county ; signed also by Dr. David J. Means, ;a planter of Green county, and Mr. Wm. C? Clifton, a planter of Dallas county, all of Ala. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, In reply to jour inquiry conce/nfitg your inquiry concerning your new Patent Cotton Gin, we deem it no less > pleasure thrift a'duty to say to you, emphatically, that we consider it a most decided and valuable improvement. We have examined it carefully and seen it in successful operation, and we feel no liesitatoncy in recommending it to the attention cf planters {federally. Most respectfully yours, Ac. HARRIS SMITH EVANS, DAVID J. MEANS, WM. C. CLIFTON. Ncw'Orletihs, March 7,1637. 1' S.?As a further testimony of my confidence in the succoss of j*our Gin, you will please order two Double Gins of 60 saws in a stohd each, for tny plantation, and oblige yours ti uly, ll. S. Evans. As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin', 'you will please order me a Double Gin, of the same size, for my plantation, and oblige yours respectfully, ' D. J. Mkaks. Mr. Clifton also stated, that if he bad not just bclore bought two new Common Gins, Dial lit* would likewise have ordered one or two oftko Patent Gins for his plantation. 'From Mr. H. 'F. M Kcnna, of the house of Brander, M'Kenna & Wright, of New Orleans. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned by your Patent Gin, 1 lieg leave to observe, that it exhibits a decide d improvement on the usual process of ginning; delivering the staple uninjured and free from hop or irusli, clean and of good color ; thereby giving the article an additional value. These luvoruole impressions of the advantages of your Patent Gin, have been confirmed by subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility of the double cylinders and saving of labor, will b<f readily pefdeived and properly appreciated by the intelligent planter. Feeling a'deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important staples of our country, 1 trust that yours will meet With the Cnco'urngcinciit it justly merits. Very respectfully, your ob t serv't,. "II. F. M'KENNA. New Orleans,March 0, 1837. From Mr. G. Senior, a Machinist of New Orleans. Dr. A Jo';et,? Dear Sir, in answei tc your, inquiry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, I beg leave to state, that 1 was fifteen ycurs enga(;ed in the cotton factories of Manchester, Eirgan'd, and during four years of that time, 1 was . foreman in the house of Messrs. Lewis, Williams I A Co., and near five years spinner in the house'of Messrs. Sun'dford A Greene. 1 have seen your Cotton Gin in operation, and hare examined the cotton ginned by it, and pronounce it belter clean sea, ana me staple less injured, than any cotton that ever came under my observation, it is completely ready /or the breaker without the aid of the blower, and would, therefore, save the first process fn manufacturing ,the article. 1 consider cotton cleansed by your Gin, would command from one to two cents on the pound more than the average crops brought into the Manchester market, and cleansed by common ,Gins Yours, very resp'ly. N. Orleans, March V, GEORGE SENIOR. I Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, in answer to your inquiry respecting my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, , 1 have to state, that I have been engaged in put ; ting up the Carver Gins for planters on Red River, ana that I have seen your Gin in operotion, and have examined the quality of the cotion prcducid , by it; 1 cons/dor it equal if not superior to the Carver Gins: in addition to which, 1 think your feeders a decided iinprovfinent, and by the aid of which, the quality of the cotton cleansed appears tnuch improved, over that produced by the common Gins. Yours Ac. . S. BENNETT. New Orleans, M'at'ch 10, 1837. In addition to the above, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who have either seen the Gin in operation, or have examined samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. & J. Diek Thomas Barrett & Co., IJngan, Niven & Co.*, Lambeth & Thompson. Martin, Pleasants A Co., Hermann, Briggs & Co., Wm. L. Flower; Bullitt, Ship A Co. - ORDERS RECEIVED FOR 1 Jones' Patent Cotton Gin, ! By the Patentee, J\"o. 53 Magazine at. Aetc- Or!tun's To be m'anulactnred in New York, by Hubert Hue, &. Co. SCALE OF PRICES. 1 . DOUBLE GINS. For a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on i each cylinder, making ICO saws in thb I stand, with leedprs, hands, &c. at $G I per saw, or , fiOCO 0d For a Double Gin of GO saws on a cylinder, or 120saws in the stand, feeders, %c. at . $G per saw, p* 720 '00 For do, of 40 saws on do, or 80 saws in a stand, at $0 25 per saw, or 500 00 For do. ot 20 saws on do. or 40 saws in a stand, at $G 50 per saw, or 2C0 00 SINGLE GINS. For a Single tJin ol 80 saws or more, with one-set of feeders, bands, dec. at 5*6 P*** saw, , . 480,00 For do. bft>0 saws, with feeders, &c. at J$G 50 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 40 saws, with feeders, &c. at 1 $6 75 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 20 saws, with feeders, &c. at ! $7 50 per saw, 150 000 Extra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied at 40 cents each ; the number of teeth being about equal to the number of saws. One set of feeders, it is considered however, will wear out twftor three .setsofsaws Extra snws supplied at 80 cents each. I The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, of planters in any of the sea port towns of the cotton planting States, at the above prices, the njrenls paying the freight on the sainc from New York, and becoming responsible for !he nmountof the Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders for Gins, they should accompany them with their views in regard to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brush* ! es, &c. It is found they differ in opinion Pcn.o desire saws of larger diameter than others. The j most common size is 9 or JO inches ; but some with ' them 12 inches. Some wish 5 or 0 rows of brushes : oh an axle, while others do not want more than 4 I at most. Some wish saws with 8 or 9 teeth to the inch, while others want 10 or 11. With so much 1 discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the time of giving orders, furnish a statement of 1l?eir w-ishes, and the inanufacturerers can fulfil them in every particular. Where it is left to our discretion, we shall make them on the most modern and approved plan. An order can be executed, from the time it is received, in the space of eight or nine weeks, and the Gin in that time placed in the hands of the factor. To be in time for the next crop, all orders ought to be in the hands of the manufacturers by the first or middle of May; except for plantations where they are late in commencing to pick or gin cotton. N. 1).?The Patent Right, for any one of tbo cotton growing States, will be sold on reasonable terma. May 10 tt