University of South Carolina Libraries
"WI^^5^r*^authorh^^ ft Cuw u a candidate fbr YaiLCtdlector for f 'Xft'raoaw District at the enautotT CMXTcfc. [ . May 27 4 If J*-*.* t ii ? n mtr f . %MiTE are authorized to winouncafiViLi.raa ff BaskIns as a candidate fbr Va* fc*.Sector, | jr lor Kershaw district at the ensuing election. June 3 5 tf WIS are authorised to announce OiivKit J. Dyk as a candidate for Tax Collector, for Kershatf district at the ensuing election. 'June 3 5 tf WE are authorized to announce Thos. O. Bkvamt as a candidate foi Tax Collector, for Kershaw district at the ensuing election. j June 3 5 tf WE are authorized to announce Col. Wii.mam Drakkford as a candidate for Tax Collector for the District of Kershaw, at the next election. May 20 3 tf *^ClK7>;!ITE, LEE Ac Co., Sumtcrville, South WW farnltnn nffnntu for Coster &, (?ntp oriiri nal SOUTFIERN TONIC. Certificates of the 1 efficacy and virtue of this medicine arc in their possession. June 3 5 tf j Da. LYNCH H OCAS offers his Professional services to the inhabitant* of Camden and its vicinity. Office on the Main street two doors below M'Kain's Drug Store. May 13 tf , T^"OTlCE.?The notes jind accounts ot W. B.' H Daniels arc placed in my hand* for collection?all those indebted will please come forward and settle the same immediately. May 20 3 If W. It. YOUNO. .Ill t'TUKV ~j And Commission iliKincKN. j T:IE Subscriber respectfully inlorius the public, that lie has commenced the above b siness, I and will dispose of any Merchandise at Auction or j Private Sale entrusted to him, and lcel thankful for any patronage bestowed on liiin. | References. J. M. Niolon?J. Itossor?P. F. Villcpigue?Holleyman &. Gass?John Workman. May (5 1 tf VVM. R. YOUNG. FKOSPEIfUS OF THE Camileii Commercial Courier. TliE Establishment of the COMMERCIAL COURIER was rendered necessary by the mcon- i veniencc to which our citizens have been subjected for the want of a public channel of communication which in a commercial community like Camden, is essentially necessary, and consequently the COURIER S claim on the public is such as should ensure a liberal patronage. The undersigned have spared 110 trouble or expense in obtaining the best workmen in order to render the Paper nil the advantages that it will admit of, and affording satisfaction to its patrons. in political matters the Courier will lake no part*, the design being to publish if Paper adapted to the interest ok ali., which could not be effected by its entering into the arena of Politics?it will 1 be confined principally to such matter as appertains j to Commerce, Agriculture ami Amusement. The COURIER is published every Saturday) morning at Three Dollars in advance, or Four ; Dollars if not paid until the expiration ol the year. Persons wishing to become subscribers must address a letter (post r.v:c) to L. M. JONES & Co. Camden, S. C. May, IB'37. TllE subscsibcr having on hand too many goods lor the present season, is very desirous ot reducing his stock, which consists ot raacy and Staple Dry Goods and Groceries; all of which will bo sold at very reduced prices for cash to suit the times. June 10 0 tf W. J. GERALD. "fl LBS. PRIME LAUD, in excellent 1 order, in small Firkins of ebout 100 lbs each?suitable for family use?will be sold low for cash, if immediately applied for. June 24 8 tf W.J.GERALD. a OTTON KA GGIN G ?700 pieces COTTON BAGGING of various qualities, just received and will be sold low. Up country merchants wishing a supply, can be furnished at the Charleston prices, including Freight, <Src. June 24 b tf SHANNON, M'GEE&Co. "WET OT ICE ?All persons having demands against 1^1 the estate of the late Doctor Alfred Brevard, -l .U i a . - ... i . _ :.. . .a i 1 ucceascu, lire- rt-qui-sicn 10 reuuer ill auesieu Bir.u*ments of the same; and those indebted to the said estate are hereby called upon to make payment to June 17 7 4t Wm. W. LANG. Ad.o r. C"COMMITTED to the Jail of Kershaw* district, J April 2d, 1 i:17, a negro man -.viio calls hi in self Jacob, and says he he Ion irs to Mr. Woods, (he thinks his masters name is William Woods.) who lives in Hamburg. S C. The said boy is about 5 feet li or 10 inches high, and very black, speaks quick when spoken to, and troin appearance is about 25 or 50 years ol' age. The ownei is hereby requested to conic forward, prove property, pay charges, and take Itim away. May 27 4 If W. STRICKLAND, j.e.d. COMMITTED to the Jail of Kershaw* district, a negro man who says that he belongs to one Mr. Bennet, living in Augusta, Georgia?his inns- j tor's christian name lie does not know The said negro says his name is CUFFKii. 1 lie said Cuflee is between 5 and (> feet high, dark complexion, lame in one knee occasioned by a shot one or two years ago. the said negro says that he was purchased from Mr. Pee, living in 'Fairfield district, S. C. by Mr. Bonnet, who is now his mas tcr. The owner is requested io come forward, prove property*, pav charges and take him away. May 27 4 If " W. STRICKLAND, j k n. t^j E|AlLOflING?The undersigned beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally that they have entered into copartnership in carry mg on me iHiioring nusiness. ami i>y ciose aliention and a disposition to please, will endeavor to merit a share of public patronage. M DONALDS 11RAS1NGTON. ] May I, 1837. M 20, U Subscribos have received a lnrge supply of --IJ >f >! ??< flit) i'llINC of assorted sizes and descriptions, from one of the most celebrated clothing Establishments in New York, the workmanship of which is warranted, which they will sell on accommodating ter,ins either wholesale or retail SHANNON vicGEE & Co. June 17 7 tf fWli I K success of the SOUTHERN TON 1C is unprecedented. It has neen anxiously sought after by all persons in every part of the United States, and its widely extended distribution has been owing to the many requests received from every section of the South and South West. Although it ori ffinalrd in nn uliueore ? r? iifllie rnnn. try but a few years since, it is now found in nil the principal towns and villages in the Union, and its virtues as a cure for Ague and Fever, and as a general Tonic, are appreciated by all who have used it. Being ns it prnft<stu*9 a - compound of Southern Vegetables, it is needless to offer the assurance that there is no .Arsenic,Mercury, nor any tiring in the least hurtful to the human constitution in it. If will be found a valuable in all cases of Dyspepsia and di ^organised Stomach and Bowels, and patients convalescing from iljious Fever, will derive the most important benefits from the use of the Southern Tonic. It may be administered to children and infants of the most tender age with the utmost splety. Prepared by Coster and Coxe at their Labratory, at Mantgoinely Alabama. For sale by their appointed agent, J AMI::-* K. McKAIN Juno 3. I tf ' $75,000!! I j The most BnUiaut and Richest Scheme tver drawn in the United States ! ! 15 Drawn M umbers in each Package of 25 Tickets ! AI,i:VA\l>)IA LO ITKKir, For Internal Improvement in the Dint, of Columbia. CLASS E. To be drawn in the city of Alexandria, D. C. Saturday. September 23, 1837, instead of the 27th A Jay, as heretofore announced. D. S. GREGORY & Co. .Managers. Ifrilliaut Scheme. 1 Prize of 75.0'.R) dollars 1 *' 25,000 dollars 1 10,000 dollars I tf 9,000 dollars 1 * 8,00) dollars I " * 7,500 d .liars 1 " 7,000 dollars I 11 C.000 dollars 1 " 5 (10(1 1 4,000 dollars 1 " 3,000 dollars 1 " 3,732 dollars 1 " 2,500 dollars 1 " 2.000 dollars 5 " 1,750 dollars 5 11 1,500 dollars 50 " 1,000 dollars 50 " 750 dollars 50 " 600 dollars 50 500 dollars 50 " 400 dollars 60 ** 300 dollars CO " 250 dollars 60 " 200 dollars 60 " 150 dollars 60 " 100 dollars 60 " 00 dollars CO " 80 dollars 60 " 7'i dollars 60 " ... 60 dollars 120 " 50 d lla?s 5820 " . .. , 40 dollars 1770 ?<[1stfewii.No]24 dollars 7080 [2d, 3d, 4(f)''or 5th J20 dollars [Hri.">0 7tli,8tli,5)lhor 10th]1G dollars BSoO 11th, J2th, 13th, 1-ltli 15tli 1*2 dollars , 3*<.3j5 prizes, 31,220 blanks, making, 67,525 Tickets. Tickets 820?shares in proportion. K?em oval. fiPHE Subscriber has removed hie Drug Estab- ! BL lisliiiHMit to the building opposite the store of Murray & Bryant, and two doors soulh ot the ' Masonic Lodge?where he is now receiving and ; opening his Spring supply of Mrdecines, Faints, , Oils, Window-glass, &c. 11 is stock will be found as complete as any in the up country, and his prices as loir. Physicians, planters nd others interested, are invited to call?as no exertion will be wanting to ensure satisfaction as to quality and prices FOR SALE AS ABOVE. t 200 Kegs Wetherilfs pure White Lead. 400 Golfs, N. C. Linseed Oil. > 120 Gall's, best Sperm Oil. Window-glass of all sizes, &c. A,-. Ac. JAMES R M'KAIN. May G 1 tt. 1'cihlic Xolicc. IN conformity with a Resolution of the Stockholders of the Hank of Charleston, S. C. adopted by a general meeting of the same, held on the 2d February last, providing for an increase of j their capital in conformity with the provision of the charter of said Hank, from two to foui Millions I of Dollars. Public notice is hereby given, tlmt the Cashier; of the Hank of Charleston, S. C. will, at its Hank- | ing House, in said city, receive on the fit h July! next, the first instalment of Twenty-Five Dollars j on each of the existing Shares in the capital Stock ot saul Uank, trout a share holder in person, or | from his agent, or attorney, duly authorized, and j from no oilier person whatsoever. The transfer' hooks will be closed on the 1st June next, for the purpose of making out an authorized list of the Stockholders. In the event of any Stockholder declining or neglecting to subscribe for his or her proportion of the increased Stock, in all cases the privilege of the new subscription shall he sold at Public Auction for the benefit of the Stockholders generally, at the discretion of the Hoard of Directors. The second Instalment will be payable on the r>th of January 1838-, the third Instalment on the 5th of March 1838; and the fourth and tant In | rAalnrent on the 5th of July 1838. lly order of the Hoard of Directors. J. HAMILTON, President R. C. S. C. | The patters at Columbia, Hamburg, and Che.. : raw. are requested to publish this advertisement j once a week until the 5th day of July | May 13 ii Ot PM TVT -T *1-- r\n 4 n.t*'/-. ~ rj jwui i inin.'i ij.t I Ul llll* IJIV /\ >V I .\ I r Ol 1 lie 3 Splendid Scheme of tin; AJ.EXAXDK1A LOTTtllY. Class K, (Highest Capital t)OU) from tlie 27th of May to the 2'.ld t>f September next. From the general embarrassment of the times ; the deranged si.afe of the domestic exchanges, and the difficulties attending the disposal of Hank Hills out of their immediate circles of issue, we have been solicited by agents and Venders to postpone 1 lite drawing of the above scheme, for a short time, until the present crisis in the uilairs of the coun* try shall have passed a ay. We have therefore yielded to these solicitations, j and postpone the drawing of the Alexandria C-.t!--ry, ci.<tss K, from the 27ili of Amy, to the 2Ud day of September next, when the drawing will posilively take place. Adventurers having purchased tickets in said j class, and who do not wish to hold the in ur.til the drawing, can have their money returned by the agent oi broker from vvlioin thev purchased?or can exchange them for tickets in classes to be drawn at an earlier day, as it may suit their pleasure. The Managers have consented to this postpone ment with extreme reluctance, as it has always' been their policy to draw every scheme at the time announced. '1 ho unparalleled state of the country, is the only cause of this one departure from the usual custom All the oilier schemes now before the public, will be punctually drawn on the days announced. D rf. ?!lEGO,?Y A* A anagers. Washington Oit?*. Vay 1^. 1HI17. KALN L\G S'l ABLi<.?Tlic subset oer pto*" poses opening, on the 1st of August, at tlio Columbia Race ! ourso, a public Taining Stable, where gentlemen having thorough bred horses enn have them tested. For particulars, see advertise J inent in the Telescope. June21 HiJt OEO. G WALDllN. j 4 MVItlPA Hit \< k 1 | r. ? A fresh supply of t'ie above I articles, of a superior quality, jw.-t received, and lor sale by W. J. GERALD. June 17 7 3t eornei Broad J. Kutledge st.. KENT, the BRICK OFFICE on Brondi {|_ street, one dooj below Dr. Heid s. For tonus t apply t ? ADAM EOGAlt, 1 ->^y 20 0 tf C'Qlvnibia,V. ' Supply of Specie. mrOTWlTiitiTAiNUiNG the suspension of 1^ specie payments throughout the Union, Sy|. vester still continues to redeem all Frizes, however large, in Gold or Silver, at the lowest current rates, and pledges himself to effect this at every sacraiice. Let all who feel the pressuio of these calamitous times, send us a $5, $>10, or $20 bill of any solvent bank, for chnnccs in the following Magnificent and well diversified Schemes, and you may reasonably look for n *peedy relief from your einbarrasonients. For Prizes payable in specie, please make immediate application to the ever and all lucky fc>. J. SYLVESTER, 130 Broadway, N. Y 13 Drawn Nnwnbers in rack 525 Tickets^ Virginia Mate Lottery, CLASS 5. For the benefit of the onongalia Academy. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday July 1, 1837. SUlliM*:. 1 Frize of 30,000 Dollars 1 " 10,000 Dollars 1 " 0,000 Dollars 1 " 5,000 Dollars 1 " 4,000 Dollars 1 " a,500 Dollars 1 " 3,000 Dollars 25 " ^1,000 Dollars 25 " 500 Dollars 2S " 300 Dollars &c. &e. J Ticket? only 10 Dollars. A Certificate of a Package ol 25 Whole Tickets will be sent lor 130 Dollars?Packages of shares in proportion. I $25;0 G 15*Dra\vn Numbers in mich 25 Tickets ! Virginia state (Lottery, Class No. 4. For the benefit of the town of Wheeling' To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, July 8, 1837. CAPITALS. | $525.000! 0.000! 5,500! 5,000! 4,500! 4,000 . 1 Prize of 3,500 Dollars 1 Prize of 3000 Dollars 1 Prize of 2500 Dollars 1 Prize of 2000 Dollars 10 Prizes of 500 " ^-c. Tickets ?10?Shares in proportion. Certificate of a Package of 25 whole Tickets will cost only 120. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Delay not to send your orders td Fortune's Home. 25 prizes of $1,250 (ittA.Nl) SCIiKME. VIHGIA i A ST A'I K LOTTERY CLASS NO. 6 ? ?.. ?!.? ~r .1. . i?_. ? ? - -- w wiv vvih'ih in iin- i ciiTsuurg ucncvoicni ecbanic Association* To be draw n at Alexandria Va Saturday July 15 CAPITALS. $25,000 10,000! 0,000 ! 5,000 ! 4.000 ! 3.000 1,915 525 Prizes of 1,250 Dollars 50 Prizes of 500 Dnllurt 50 Prizes of 2'l0 Dollars td Prizes of 150 it ?S.c. Tickets Ten DaiiarS. Certificate of a package of 25 whole Tickets in his Magnificent Scheme may be had tor 130 Dolars ? Packages ol' Halves anil Quarters in proportion. Alexandria lottery. Class No. 0, tor 1637. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday July ' 19, 1637. $20.000??5,000?$3,000 ! $2,000?$1,610. 20 Prizes ot ?1,000 20 ?? 300 &,c. 6cc. &c. Ticket* for Five Dollars. A certificate ol a package of 25 Whole Tickets will be sent on receipt of $03. Halves and Quarters in the same proportion. Mate lottery, For the Benefit of the town of VVellsburg To be drawn at Alexandria Va. Saturday July 20. Class No. 5 for 1837. RICH AN13 SPEND1D SCHEME. $30,000? $ 10,000? $,0000 83.1 to 3,000?83,500?82,000. f>0 Prizes of $1,000 ?0 " 500 20 " 300 123 ? ?.00 See. Sec. Sec. Tickets only 10 Dollars. A Certificate of a Package of 2.'> TicUela wilt be sent for ltto Dollars. Halves. Quarters and Eighths in proportion. S.J. SYLVESTEit, 130 liroadwdijy Netc-Yor/i. fttone iiimc. W p? Ilbls. Stone l.une for sale by 6 SHANNON JVl'GEE, & Co. May 13 2 tf 1IST of 1< tiers remaining in the Post Ofiice, Camden S C. July 1st. 1837. A?Jnhn Adams, J Alexander. U? William M. Brett, Charles Ball, Mrs. E. Bradslinw, S. K. Blake, II. C. Bronson,S. Bodkin, J Bolhunc, J. B. Bell. John Bowen. C?Thos. Campbell, K. Cameron, Tillman Cook, Vincent Cox, Alex. Campbell, Miss M.J. Cook, Eli Clark, John Craig, G. L. Champion, Ann J. i ollins. I)"?Joel Uavis, Wm. Denson. E?Mrs M. English. F?James Furtruson, John Eraser. <J?Andrew Gipson, A. Galloway, Tl. Oillit. II?A. L). Milliard, Win. S. Mill, J. H. Menderson A. D. Milliard, ^fejohn Hall, J. W. 11agood, S. Money, M. A/n. Harrison J?Mrs N. Jefleries. K- E Kennedy, D Kirkland. L?M. A Laws, J. L. Litt, Jacob I.ever. M?S. 1) .Miller, 3; R M Kenzie, Mis N M'. Caskill, K M'Caskill, P. M'< aakill, Sen. Eli Moore, B. Murphy, A. M'Sween, A. M'Caskill, J. M. M'( oy, J. Mothershed, Kitty A. Mickle, S. Malletle, N ? Levy Nelson O?VV. G. 0\ uin, two. P?J. L. Pales, VV. 1). Parker, E. Polk, Miss It Pope. J. Parris, it?Wm. Robinson, two; S. Ratlill', Mrs N Reid, J. Richmond, Miss E llicd, A J Itevil, Mrs N iievill S?John Sims, J A Stewart, E Stratford, S Shiver T?J T Trapp, S S Taylor, S Thompson, Mrs E Thompson, Soloihon Thompson, Mrs U Tiller V?C Vaughan VV ? llezekiah Walters, R L VVhitaker, Harriet Waters, Maria We'hers Y--John Young, Mrs S Young. JuneS, 10 3t p THORNTON, P M Ih'y <iioo(h! "PJ L. JONES respectfully informs his ctisto?jy iners and friends, that lie will commence selling off at cost, his entire st"ck cd DRY GOODS, for CASH, to day; *?nd continue until first August nex', at which time he will receive an entire new stock if Fancy nr.d Siap' Dry Goods. Per rons desirous to purchase, will find it to their advantage to call and examine his stock. July P, 10 4t I ?????M?? ? j rilHEI subscriber agent for Scoit & Pf.kkin's System of Cutting, has on hand a few Rule Books, Squares, Scales &c. which may be had by immediate application to July? 10 4t J. L. TlllASrNGTON. To (he Courier Patrons. WE take this method of informing our patrons tlint all Job work aud Advertisement acoounts will be made out, and presented lor pay inent Quarterly Persons living out of the State, who send Advertisements and Job-work, are requested to state, who, and where their accounts are to be sent for payment. The relations and friends of Mr. THOMAS T1LLERY, would be happy to hear from him. He formerly resided in Autauga county, Alabama, in tho vicinity of Washington, in that state. Any person who will behind enough to give any information, whatevei of him, addressed to F. S. Bronson, in Camden, S. C. will be cordially refeived and acknowledged as an act of kindness by an aged mother, and numerous relatives and friends He is a native of this State. Editors in Alabama and other States who will publish the above, will confer a great favor; and wrll oblige many relatives, and a distressed mother. Rank Notice. IN pursuance of a resolution of the Stockholders of the Bank of Camden, S. C. adopted at their annua) meeting on the lBt May. 1S37, lo in urt-unu me ?_apiini oi uie same ironi twn to 30U thousand dollars, being an increase of 2000 shares at $50 each ; public notice is hereby given, that on the '0th day of July next, $20 on em h share of new slock will be received at the following places. That is, at the Banking House in Camden, at the Planters and Mechanics Bank Charleston, at the Commercial Bank Columbia, and at the Merchants Bank Cheraw. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 20th day ot June next, for the purpose of making an authorized list of the Stockholders entitled to the new Stock. In the event of any Stockholder declining or neglecting to pay the aforesaid instalments, on his or her new Stock, their right to the same shall be forfeited. The 2d Instalment being $20 on each share will be paid on the 1st October, and the balance on the 1st November neslit is desired that all persons not having procured scrip for their Stock, will forvvaid their certificates and procure the same. By order of the Board, W McWILLIE, Pres't. June 3 !? f?t TIip Cheraw Gazette; Times, Columbia; Mercury and Courier, Charleston, will publish the above once a week for five weeks. The hank ol C:uti<8eii So. a. Camden. S C. 26 June, 1637. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS laving declared a Dividend of Thiee Dollars per share on the Capital Stock of this Bank ; the snmc will ! e paid at their Banking House in Camden, on and after the 1st day of July proximo, to the Stockholders or their regularly nu'lmri ?d attorneys. Bv order of ihe Board. July 1, ft 'It AV J (JRANT, Cashier. l^rut ICli.?The n? w Steamboat Company beg 1\| leave to inform the public that they are having a boat built in Baltimore of a light draught, of water, tor the express purpose of plying betwixt Cauulen and Charleston, and to be here earlv in Sept. It is confidently believed that she will be able with ease to n vigate the Wateree at any stage of tfie river. Merchants and others fiom the upper country, will find it to their interest to have their good* and produce sent through this channel, as the freight* will he reasonable,?in no case whatever, will any additional charge he made for lighterage, nor any exertions or expense wanting to ensure regular tv and despatch. She will ply in conjunction with iho now steamer "Camden,' 1 whose success this season has put the navigation of the Wateree by steam beyond a doubt. Both boats will be able to accommodate passengers comfortably, being neatlv fitted up, with the ladies and gcntlcmcns' cabins distinct and separate. BEN J. GASS. Agent New S. B. Company. June 2-1 fi 9t IdrThe Charlotte Journal and Salisbury Watch-! man will insert the above once a week for two months and forward their bills to this office JONES' PATENT COTTON GIN. rmwu S Gin can lie made double, or single. If | a made double, they reduce labor, and g.n just double, the quantity of cotton over the single cylinder Gin, no other knd having b-eii in use prevous to tins patent; and whe'ber single or double, they are found to improve the quali'y of the cotton, by more perfectly cleaning it. They can be made to contain from i?0 lo lliOtniWH in n stand, and whether small or large, one hand will be sufiicienl to attend them. The Gins have mechanical feeders and I _ i 4 i. I.. .1 i. i r . . I iin|i|)t'i'? iiiiiu-ufu lu iiii'in, which irec me cotton troin leaves, trash, dirt, <&c. before it can teach the saws, ar.d by Ilit? thorough hackling operation it receives Ironi the feeders, which make two revolutions to one of the saws, it is almost in a half, gined slate, before it descends to the saw iiy a | very simple arrangement of a screw to each set ol j gaates, on which the hoppers rest, a"d through ! | which the teeth of the feeders pass, they can be j made to teed slow or fast to suit the condition of j the cotton at the time. When made double, the i saws are placed on two sets of cylinders and turn ' upon each other in opposite directions, and are cleansed by two sets oi brushes that have fourrevoI lutions to one of twe saw. The two cylinders can be detached so as to enable the planter to run one or both at pleasure, although embraced with feeders, &c. in one stand. The whole is put in operation with a drum and band, as in the ordinary (Jin, and may be propelled by horse, steam, or water power. It may also be propelled by iron running gear. The force required to work it, is about the same as that necessary to tnove an rqur.1 number of saws in the common Gin. This Gin has been put in operation in New Orleans for two or three weeks, o?,i a. ~ ?i? - ' ? - aim us outVCOS U OU U I IJ III*." [MrtJl'IICt? UI it iiirp<* number of planlers, merchants and others, and received their general approbation Several gentlemen have been so kind as to give the Patentee their written opinion lespecting the merits of the Gin. A number of others could be added, but the following are deemed sufficient: l'roin his Excellency Gov. White of Louisiana. New Orleans, Feb. 27, IKI7. J T)r. A. Jones?Sir, In reply to your enquiry, what 1 think of your improved Cotton Gin, I have to say, that I saw it work on Saturday the25th inst. and was very much pleased with its perloimance. The mere fact of its self-feeding, seems to ine to be a very valuable improvement', and besides, the . quality of the cotton, as it comes out of the pro- 1 cess, appeared to me to bo better and cleaner than from the common Gins in use, and that it saves considerably in labor. Respectfully, Ac. I.' iv vuiiimp j ? li. ?y. it hi i m'j. From Mr J. Compton, n wealthy planter, recident in the Parish of Rapido, Louisiana. Dr. Jones?l)t-nr Sir, 1 have examined your Patent Cotton Clin, with feeders, <S.c. And have ] seen it in operation, and approve of it so highly, thai I have taken the liberty of ordering one for my plantation i.i time for the next crop. Yours respertfullv, J. COMPTON. ^ "\Tew Orleans, F- b. 28, 1837. From Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent Cotton Broker of ew Orleans. I ! New Orleans, feb. 28, 1837. | Dr. Jones - Dear Sir, in answer to your note of this morning, i will state, that 1 have carefully ex-| nnvned your new Patent Cotton Clin, anl have found it far superior to those generally U6cd in this i f??*5^^? ?? Slate it cleans the cotton much better, and gives it a uiueh tetter appearance. 1 hope, for the good of the eountry, it may become duly appreciated. Yours sincerely, A. LUNGER. From Messrs. Forestall, High & Co. Commission Merchants. Dr. A. Jones?Dear Sir, we have examined the sample ot cotton loll with us, cleansed by your Patent Cotton Gin, and also thd cotton in its uncleansed slate, and pronounce the same greatly superior to the average samples which have come under our observation this or preceding seasons. Very respectfully, yourob'tservants, FORSTA LL, 111GH & Co. New Orleans, March 1, lb37, From Col. Harris Smith Evans, a planter of Wilcox county ; signed also by Dr. David J. Means, a planter of Green county, and Mr. Win. C. Clifton, a planter oi Dallut) county, all of Ala. Dr. Jones?Dear Sir, In reply to your inquiry concerning your inquiry concerning your new Patent Cotton Gin, we deem it no less a pleasure than a duty to say to you, emphatically, that wo consider it a most decided and valuable improvement. We have examined it carefully and seen it in suecesslul operation, and we feel no liesitatancv in recommending it to the attention of planters generally. Most respectfully yours, &c. HARRIS SMITH EVANS, .DAVID J. MEANS, WM. C. CLIFTON. Now OrlenriH- Mnrfl. t P S.?As a further testimony of my confidence in the succ.iss of your Gin, you will please order two Double Gins of fc>U saws in a stand each, for my plantation, and oblige yours tiuly, H. S. Evans. As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin, you will please order nie a Double Gin, of tho same size, for iry plantation, and oblige yours respectfully, D. J. Means Mr. Clifton also slated, that if he had not just bclore bought two new Common Gins, that he would likewise have ordeied one or two of the Patent Gins for his plantation. From Mr. II. F. M Kenna, of the house of Brander. M'Kenna & V right, of New Orleans. Dr. A Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, accompanied by a specimen of the cotton, ginned by your Patent Gin, I beg leave to observe, that it exhibits a decidt d improvement on the usual process of ginning; delivering the staple uninjured and free from hap or trash, clean and of gocd color ; thereby giving the article an additional value These favoruble impressions of the adyantages cf your Patent Gin, have been confirmed by subsequently witnessing it in operation. The utility of the double cylinders and saving of labor, will be reudily perceived and properly appreciated by the intclligi nt planter. Feeling a deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important staples of our country, I trust that yours will meet with the encouragement it justly merits. Very respectfully, your ob t srrv't, II. F. M KENNA. New Orleans,March 0, lb!l7. From Mr. G. Senior, a Machinist of Now Orleans. l)r. A Sir, in answer tc your inquiry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, I beg leave to state, that 1 was fifteen years engaged in the cotton factories of Manchester, England, and during four years of that time, 1 was foreman in the house of Messrs. Lewis, Williams A Co., and near five years spinner in the house of Messrs. Sand ford & Gr? ene. I have seen your Cotton Gin in operation, and have examined the cotton ginned by it, and pronounce it better cleansed, and the staple less injured, than any cotton that ever came under my observation. It is comnletelv rend v for ihr? lir?.nlr.-.r j - - . mimiui UK' UIU U1 II1C blower, ar-d would, therefore, save the first process in manufacturing the article I consider cotton cleansed by votir (Jin, would command front one to two cents on the pound more than the average crops brought into the Manchester mailut, nnd cleansed by common Gins Yours, very resp'ly. N. Orleans, March ! , GF.CRGL bLMClt. Dr. Jones?Dear S:r. in answer to your ii qniry respecting my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, I have t<? state, thai 1 have been engaged in put ting up the Pnrver < ins for planters on Red River, and that I have seen your (Jin in operation, arid have examined the quauty of the cotton produced by it; 1 consider it equal it not superior to the Carver Gins: in addition to w hich, 1 ihink your feeders a decided improvement, and by the aid of which, the quality o( the cotton cleansed appears much improved ovi r that produced by the eoninion (Jins. Yours A.c. S. BENNETT. New Orleans, March 10, 18.17. In addition to tin above, the Patentee will refer planters to the following gentlemen, who have either seen the ' in in operation, or have examined samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. A J. Dirk, Thomas Harrett & Co., llagaii, Niven & Co., Lambeth A Thompson, Martin, Pleasants A Co , Hermann Briggs A. Co., Win. L. Flower; Dulliit, Ship A C? ORDERS RECEIVED FOR folic*' Falent CoHoai (xin. By the. Patentee, JS'u. 51 .Magazine st. J\'cic Orleans To be manufactured in New York, by Robert lloe, A Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOURLE GINS. For a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on each cylinder, making 160 saws in the stand, with feeders, bands, Ac. at ?,6 per saw, or $>960 00 For a Double Gin of 60 saws on a cvlinder. or 120saws in llio stand, feeders, Ac. at JJG per satv, or 720 00 For do, of 10 saws on do, or 80 saws in a stand, at JjfiU per saw, or 500 09 For do. of 20 saws on do. or 40 saws in a stand, at $G 50 per saw, or 290 00 SINGLE GINS. For a Single Clin of 80 saws or more, with one set of* feeders, bands, Ac. at $;(? per saw, 450,00 For do. of f>0 raws, with feeders, Ac. at 50 per saw, 300,00 For do. of 4U saws, with feeders, Ac. at $>G 75 per saw, 300,00 For do of 20 saws, with feeders, Ac. at J5?7 5u per saw, 150 000 Extra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied at 4t> cents each ; lite number of teeth being about equal to the number ot saws. One set of feeders, it is considered however, will wear out two or three setsofsaws Extra saws supplied at 80 cents each The Gins ordered will be del vered to the agents of planters >n any of liie sea port towns of the cot-ton planting States, at the above prices, tlie ngt nts paying the freight on the same frein New \ork, and becoming responsible for !he amount of the Gin. It is desiruble, when planters give ordeis for Gius, they should accompany tln m with their views in regard to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brushpq A* r* I ( to 4"???i rw I h.Cl.? I? - -?- ^ " v' ? ??'V tl I HIT III opinion. CTHIlcr desire mows nl larger diameter than others. The most common size is it or IU inches ; but some wish them 12 iuciu s. u isli f> or ti rows of brushes on an nxlo, while others do not want more than 4 at most. Sonic wish saws with 8 or t> teeth to the inch, while others want 10 or 11 With so much discrepancy, wo prefer they should, at the time of giving orders, furnish a statement of their wishes, and the manufaclurerers can fulfil them in every particular. Where it is lelt to our discretion, wo shall make them on the most modern and approved plan. An order can be executed, from the lime it i3 received, in the space of eight or nine weeks, and the Clin in that time pi red in <hr hands of tho fae.tor To be in time f>rtlie nextcrop, all orders ought to be in the hands of the manufacturers by the first or middle of May ; except for plantations wnere they arc late in commencing to pick or gin cotton. N- II.?The Patent flight, for any one of the cotton growing States, mil be sold on reasonable terms May 0 1 < t