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uey in hie pantaloons pocket, but lost one thousand dollars worth of freight. Mr. McDowell lost his wile, s >ii, a lady, Miss Francis Few who was under his protection an l a negro servant. There were 235 persons on board, of which not more than sixty escaped, leaving 175 drowned, including the Captain's three children and his father. His wife was picked up by a flat boat hardly burnt. In addition to the foregoing. Cupt. Hard states that he and the man at the wheel discovered the light of the Den Shorrod on fire as soon as he entered the Mississippi from lied Kiver, fifteen miles l>< low Tort Adams. Capt. Hard met the Columbus and Alton floating down with the current, for the purpose of picking up the unfortunate sufferers. IIow many they saved he d jcs not know. The Ben Shcrrod at the moment of the last explosion on board, sunk instantly, about a mile and a half above Fott Adams, on the ri'ht hand.?Bee. Commercial Courier. CAM DRV, S. C. MAY 27, IS37. The President has issue his Proclamation requiring the respective Representatives to convene at Washington on the first Monday in September next. Shortly after the information was received at Boston that the Post Ofti?-e Department required snecie payments for letters on delivery, a meeting of the citizens -vi9 called, which resolved to resist the measure at nil hazards. The Post Mai.ter then staled tli it lie would still adhere to the usual course, in wiich toe people agreed to sustain him. Mr Swart wont, the collector for the port of New York on his return from Washington called a meeting of the citizens at which he slated, that he had seen the Secretary of the Treasury ; 44 that the President informed him much as he regretted it, it was out of his power to give any o'her directions for tiie receipt of monies due the Government, than those prescribed 4>y law, and which hue already been given ? that bimsell and Seerelaiies were night and dty occupied in dividing means for the relief of the people, and that as measures were matured they would he conveyed through the Secretary's ; that C ingress would lie convened on the 4th September, and the ?t;*te of the country immediately laid before them General Swartwout concluded, by stating that thus situated, be would himself incur the responsibility which the President could not by law give him, and would hereafter receive, as heretofire, in payment for duties, the notes of the Hanks nt Hie city of New \rork, relying lor the rectitude of his conduct on his fel iow countryman and on Congress !" The states of Virginia, New Jersey find Alabama have summoned an evtra session ol the Legislature, to adopt, we prisusne, tlie same means as did the Stan* of New York, to protect its Ihinks in the couise pursui d by thein in sustaining themselves. The suspension of the Boston Banks, will, it is aid. muse a similar move on the part of Massachusetts. Tl ie Bank of the Metropolis and Rank of Washington has at last cried out which has been responded to by the Banks of North Carolina. The convention lately held at Millcdge ville has nominated George It Giliner as a candidate lor Governor of Georgia Adam Huntsman It s declined a re-election to Congress, in favor of the son of the late Col. David Crocket. We have concluded to say as little as possible about ' The 1 imes" for the purpose of giving our readers as great a variety of foreign matter as our columns will admit of, believing it necessary at a time li?.e tins, to divest the mind of as much of *Tuf. Times' as po^.'J,; 'pri-^v^ry newsphper both in this and other portioi s of the civilized world, we see 'The Times'?from every one's mouth we of ' The Times'?in every thing around us we see the effects of 'The Times' wfi ch ~ ti.n i a- i . ... uiniAf uir i/ui; 111111 Illinois iur line uii<iiu? lit* remedy for 'The Times.* We have therefore concluded to say nothing about 1 The Times.' thinking it beat as the following lines will prove to time things. " There was a time, when times were good, The ancient bard in rhyme sings, So use time well, 'tis time we should, We should so, did we time things. So to conclude and make an end Of inv nice diction'd ditty, Indeed 'tis time the times should mc-nd, In country and in city." TK F. ASU R Y 1)KPAK I >1 KNT. Wc give below some of the existing laws in respect to the kind of money in wbicli duties anil bonds shall be paid, with some former instructions thereon. For the information of the community, I wc also republish the clause on the sul>?, iect of oaviny snccie bv banks, in the de- ! ' t * J n ? / posite act of June, 1*<:$(>. ?ztract from the, funda nental act for cs- , tab/ishinr custom houses, approved Jutu 31,1/39. | Seu. And be it further enacted, That the duties and fees to be collected by vir- , f.uo of this act, shall be received in gold i and silver only.*' Jtii.tract from an k,act to regulate the. coller twn of duties on imports and tonnage,*' i approved Jlarch '2, 1799. ' 3kc. 71. And be it further enacted, i rr\ \ .iii* i j* .i 11 i ! i Mill >111 (i wiles una ices 10 i>e couerira, shall bo payable in money of the United States, or in foreign gold and silver coin." Ki.tract /ruin tli<* general laml law of May Jl>, 18JO. "Sec, 4. And be. it further enacted, That no lands shall bo sold by virtue of this act, as either public or private sale, for less than two dollars per acre; and payment may be made for the same by all purchasers, cither in specie or in evidences oi the public debt of the United States." 4? ' Extract of Circular instructions to Colhc-' i fors 0/ Customs and other receivers of pub- 1 lie money, issued by A. / Dallas, Sec re- < fary ?/" /Ac 7 reusury, 15/A June, , "And, tiirilly, notice is hereby given i | that on the first day of August next, instruc- | ! lions will bn issued forbidding the collec- | tors of duties on imports and tonnage, : the collectors of the internal duties and 1 taxes, and the receivers of all public dues < whatsoever, to receive in payment of i such duties, taxes and dues, the bank notes j i of any bank which does not on demand : < pay its own notes in gold and silver." j I Mem.?Other circulars of a i character were issued, with only partial I sucuss, till the following resolution ol ! ? Congress the next year, after which the ; ' payments only in specie and the notes of I specie paying hanks became ref???6/c A resolution relative to the mote iffectual collection of the public revenue. Resolved by the Seiaie and House of Re- ] i presen\alives of the United States of Ameri- \ ca, in Congress assembled, That the S ere- < tary of the Treasury he, anil he hereby is < required and directed to adopt su-di tnea-j ! sttres as he may deem necessary, to cause, i i as soon as may be, all duties, tuxes, d? bts, | or sums of money, accruing or becoming i , payable to the United States, to be collected and paid in the legal currency of the United States, or Treasury notes, or rotes of the Bank of the United States, | as by laiv provided and declared, or in i notes of banks which are payable and paid ( , on demand, in the said legal currency of j the United Stales; and that, from, and af! ler the twentieth day of February next, no such duties taxes, debts, or sums oft money, accruing or becoming payable to! j the United States, as aforesaid, ought to ! be coll cted or receivi d otherw ise than j in the legal curr? ncy of tin United States, ' or Treasury notes, or notes ol the Bank , of the United States, m in notes of Banks ' which tire payable and paid >n d< otand I in the said legal curiency of the United States. ( Appr? v?d, 30th April, 1810. I^otes of the B.iiik of the United States: u or- , by its charter, to be received i pay t no nt of debts to the United States;' ! which privile y, beside expiring with the j charter, was \pr? ssly r pealed, to avoid! I mi^appr'hensioii, by the act of tin loth ofi ! June, j83(?. C*opy of tin '2d section of (to act qf C >m*rrst, | approved the 14fii April 183(5, and rati- I tlen 'An act makiof! appropriations for ' the pai/mint of r> tfnlu-. unary and nth: r pins ions oj the. L'ni to States, Jor the year 1*330." Six. 2. And he. it further enacted, Tint | hereafter, no bank notes of le<s denomina- ( lion than ten dollars, and that from and after the third day of March, anno Domini eigl?te< n hundred and thirty-seven. no I ank 1 note of less denomination than twenty dol-1 l irs shall be ollv rid in payment in any case whatsoever in which money is to be | paid by the United States or Po-t Office ( Department, nor shall any bank n< te, of any i enotmnuiion, he so offered, unless the same , -hall tie payable, ami paid on d m u d. in , gold or silver coin, at the place where is.-ued, |, and shall not tie equivalent to specie at the |( place where offerer I. and conv? rtib'e into i | .-old or silv? r upon the spot, ai the will of , the holder, and without (tela) or Sos9 to him : I*rnn<'did, 'I hat nothing heieiu con- J mined shall he consln-i-d to make any flu. g , but gold or silver a I gal tender by any individual, or by the lit n?d State*. Circulur to Collectors aim Urceirers of Public .Money and to the Deposit! Ilunlis. The charter of the United Stales Bank having expired on the 3d of March last, 1 and the 1*1 ih section of it, .vvir.U w.v/.W 1 iiu- notes ol that fuvik receivable for public dues, having boon repealed by Congress on the 15lh iostant, you are heietiy I'difieJ that said notes are no longer, by .'aw, so receivable. For further .iiforntotion, connected with the kind of money which ought licreafier to be taken, 1 annex a copy of the , ? j .1* o iv tint Pnaiirrncc I | Sf'C'MIU Sl'l'lU'll "I OH ?I* V Ul ? OOf j Iiiissed April 14, ISftb, directing in what alone all future payment* are to be made l?i the public creditors, viz: Sr.c. ti .Indite, it further enacted, That hereafter no hank notes of less denomination than ten dollars, and that from and after the third day of March, anno Domini, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, no bank j note of less denomination than twenty dollar*, shall be offered in payment in any case whatsoever, in which money ito be paid by the United .States, or the Post Office Department; nor shall any. ' bank note of anv denomination be so of| fured, utile-" tbe same shall be payable, I and paid on demand in gold or silver coin at the place where issued, and whieh shall 1 not be equivalent to specie, at tbe pl?< <where offered, and convertible into gold I or silver upon the spot, at the will of the | holder, and without delay or loss to him: / Provided, That nothing herein contained j shall be construed to make any thing hut c gold or silver a legal tender by any indi- < vidual, or by the United States." c In carrying faithfully into effect the above imperative provision, and at the j I same time, giving all sale and legal ac- t coimnodation to the community in the J v receipt of money, you will perceive the J t propriety of not receiving any hank v notes which are not redeemable and re- i Ut'CllitMi 111 n|ivui<-? uiiii wii u. ?.. T , which do not, in oilier respects, come t within the regulations of former circu-; ji lam from this Department. 1 j LEVI WOODfHJRY, t Secretary of the Treasury. J Treasury Department, June 15, 1 **30 i Extracts Jrom the deposite act oj 23d June, 183G. j 'Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That f no bank shall bo selected or continued as j t I place of deposife of the public money c which shall not redeem its notes and bills I on demand in specie. i Sec. W. And be it further enacted, That <j no hank which shall he selected or em- * plowed as the place of deposiie of the t public money, shall be discontinued as t inch depository* or the public money I withdrawn therefrom, except for the cau- !< M'8 hereinafter mentioned ; that is to s ty, c if, at any time, any one of saiil hanks o shall fail or iel'use to perform any said I } luties as prescribed by this act. and siipu-'t lated t?> he perfumed by its contract; or | I if any of said hanks shall at any time re* t fuse to pay its own notes in specie, if c lemandcd, or shall fail to Keep in its f vaults such an amount of specie as shall J l?e reuuired l?v the Secretary of the Trea- I mry, and shall he. in his opinion, neces- J <; sary lo re der the said bank a sale dcpo- j sit? ry of tl:e public money1*, having due j i regard to the nature of the business trans- t itctecl by the bank; in any and ev? ry such ; v rase it shall be the duty of the Secretary I of the Treasury to discontinue any such I bank as a desposiiory. and withdraw lr on i it the public moneys which it may hold j on deposite at the time of such Uiscouiin- i uunce*" I i ! Aew Orleans, May 17. t Santa Anna's Dutmcitv. ja Yraitsluti d from his On the k2*2d of April I w is made a pris- c oner by the Texan volunteers, but they did ^ not know who I was. Having b on brought ' before Houston, 1 was soon recognised by c| m\ ! llow prisoners, who exclaim* <1 "Santa f Anna! Santa Anna!!" I must confess that j 1 very aitcii mn was paid to me by Houston jc and his nilicbrs. A salute of artillery was proposed h\ souie of tin; latter, to celebrate c my capture, which Houston resolutely disap- t proved of. A conversation ensued in whioh < a <c?n of Don Loreti'o Zavala acted as inter- ' prcter. They proposed dial 1 should im- 1 ined: itely transmit orders t > the commander < of tiie Mexican 'ro"ps. sitnat d nearest the ' camp, to surrender their arms?this 1 reso- ' lutely declined to ?lo After representing to' I ill< the resources It id to maiu'ain the 5 independence ot Ti xas, atld the difficulty | v Inch the Mexicans would have to p eserve ' that vast extent of country, an inclination I was shown on tin ir pot to enter into an 1 ai rangemein, h. means of which tny lite. ' as well as those of he prisoners of war, might he preserved in that moment of e.\< itement. In their opinion, there was no alternative left hut to avoid another collision between my troops and those of the T.xans. 1 In the critical posit.on I was then placed, < this proposition was i.? me what she rays ? ot lightning would he to a poor travelh r, who, t having lost Ins way in a dark old stormy ? night, tries to avail himself of the rapid < da-Ins of light, in order to trac ail unknown ' path. 1 Wiis fearful that niv misfortune 1 would discourage the \? hole army?and < therefore, I mailed myself of the favorable;! disposition of ilotiston, to avert greater dis- j( asiers. This was my oti.y motive in g ving. the first orders to Generd I'Misola, who on 1 the :llfth of April answered my despatches, j' sending General VVoll to tlie Texan he id;! quarters with a flag of truce. In fa< t this | i brave officer should have addressed himself i 1 I r\ I Ioiil>Ioii in < iriliie iltlnln I lwiw-o l/irtiifi I 1 V i\m i i v >u> ii 111 | ill mi ?iv i 11/ ' n i iin/>"\< imi iiiui guai anie* s which I lit unconditional a hesiou ' to iiiv orders rould hot procure Filisola i should have claimed us, or taken some ?tep ' in our behalf, in which he would probably f have succeeded; especially if the critic, d po- * sit ion in which our enemies were placed, c their proximity to. and the numerial supen- s urity of Filisola's forces are considered. ^ CitiX lives uyeht then, haveJ'UvUr^^iTrW^rJitidr.--^ our sufferings lessened. as l.kewise those of ( the prison* rs of war, who were otherwise j' abandoned to their late. All this was ihe 1 easier to he obtained, as Major General i ' Wharton proposed on the to llotisloii, : to send hi in to I'Misola's can p, in order to settle the basis of an armistic, which co Id ' not be effected, because, .ilth?>ti?^!i Houston ? consented to i', some of the more violent' nil".vers opposed the measure. This siilli- f ciently proves the situation of the cm my at \ that tune and their precant oil. My -orrow t indeed great, when on the of Gen. Woll, I that at the li si news of j my misfortune, (a ve y couimoi. occurrence in war) the w liol. army was tiirowu into confusion : am) thit instead of attacking the :*nemy, a retreat to Matamoras had actually ttejjan. * * ' However, as the above mentioned comnunicatiotis from Pilisola showed some digniv, and Gen. IJ rrea h iving iulorined me ?f tho good fe- linj am ig his soldiers, Houston could not divine die true 111 eiitions >f General Filisoia, ami actually feared his forces, as they mi" hi have re- I hn-ed to nothing those of the Texans? t IJouston therefore renewed his filtering '1 it was then that I com Ik-?j wi h lis wis||. s\ by signing 11? orders lor a mis- i leu-ton of bos'i1 itics. thus saving die honor f if the Mexican army, and securing die lives / >1 more than 5 0 Mexicans who mignt i itherwtse have bet t place gre ( jeopardy a " ) lie atlen ion? shown me by General i ,, louston in those in em- of distress and j he apparent siii ? rity maniles ed in his con j ersatton. so far influenced my mind as to ,| rust lo Ills proinis s. In tli? mean Mine, lie 0 vho wascaibu Pr? sideut of IVvas, Ins .\1 i.i-, s siers, and Don L'-r? nzo Zavala. *o: disant v /ice President, called 011 m? and expressed j he same friendly and conciliatory feelings j nid il was agreed that I should con eyed , n a steamboat to Velasco, in order to settle ^ he armistic or Convention contemplated by e loiistoii. v "In the mean time Houston was preparing t o leave for New Orleans, there to seek reli f! r or a wound received at San Jacinto; and 'I vben we parted he told me that the Cabinet j t >f Toxas would settle matters according to| lis own wishes and instructions. The Min ster of War (Hush) look then the command if the army, about ?00 men and 3 ft I : pieces,1 vhit h were the only threes at that time in he whole Republic of Texas. Previously' o his departure he visited me again, repealed lis predecessor's offers and promises, and eft with iiic a copy of various clauses o the! ;onteniplated agreement or co iventi >i)?all' if which took place helbre I embarked tor /elasco Here many serious discussions ook place on said cl iuses, and at I .si, on the !4th I succeeded in reducing the high preentions of that people to the conditions of invention I sig ied on that day; and either rom political motives, or rather to conceal { ...... ?.? i ,?i i: i iwiii iiii. |iu|iui ilu *t mii nidi illy iboriy was agreed upon \vi houl further loss if lime," said convention was divided into nihlic and private. In the public con vein i n t was stated that my liberty should be grnued when the Cabinet should think it conenient. # # #?Now by clearly analysing Kith conventions, it will he found thit both iad lor their object a suspension of hostilities 11 favor of our army, the delivery of the >risouers as well my own liberty which I . lelievcd (though perhaps erroneously) might! irovc beneficial to the former, nS likewise < 0 the nation mid its cause. It was to atain this primary object that I tampered with tnd cajollctl the ei.einy." Santa Anna then alludes to the conclusion >f the Convention, to his embarkation fori k'era Cruz, his subsequent arrest and disctn-j larlcaiion 011 the 4th of June, in conse-' |uencc of the unexpected arrival of General' i ecu from New Orleans, with a party of 1 iO infuriated volunteers; and he thus proceeds :? " flic ferment which this circumstance treated cannot be csilv desciibed; suffice it o state, that every volunteer thought himself it liberty to take away my life; that 011 the I9th June a pistole was fired through a winlow near my bed, with the ostensible ititenion ot killnxr mo Col. Almonte or Col. Nunez, and finally, that on the 3 Ml) June, nstructions we e (riven that the three should )e taken front Co'timbia to Goliad. to he >hot on the same spot where Fannin and his trisoners had been killed; and that, thanks to Col. R. Austin, who allayed the popular) fury, hy calling the attention of those who j were most exeited, to a letter to be addressed i to General Jackson respecting my pacific j intentions towards the Texan*, the above instinotions were repealed, and the storm' was sn -ceeded hy a calm, which at lea*t permuted General Houston to carry into effect his private plan in my behalf. In ardei that the zealous (exffltados) Texa s dioiiM not, by mistrust, renew the scene o he llh of Juno, Houston determined that I diould go to Washington, accompanied bytime of his officers; and although journey t>y laud to thai city duriiii? the severity of the j winti r was not a very pleasant task, I was >h i ed to submit, for there was no other al reattvc left to extricate my-elt from tny 1a germs situation. 'General Jackson's answer is founde< >11 a misinterpretation of my letter to iint, and bv emnpariug tlie former with he I titer it will he found so. i\f\ only iitimalion was that *'hc would mediute villi the T? xinns" in order that the) vouhl fulfil iheir engagement with regard I 0 my liberty, in the same manner 1 hail ( urtly fulfilled mine, and felt disposed to , oinply with the remainder when rcqiiir-L d. lint his negative answer entjj^fjy ettled that point; and my liberaitjjrififroiis oiilineinent was more tht^yfffftTpt 0f u 1 poll ta it en us decision i^^f^j^enerosity of jt'n. Houston, t htn^fmT result of IJen. Ln hi'ytiTT?"r euilidi^ntlatioii, Houston did not explain to me whether lie was induced i ,o art in the inanner he did, in conse- 1 pii'iicc of any information he might have tad that my return to Mexico would cause l revolution in the country, by which IVxas iniuht he henelitteil. He spoke to lie about generosity, and nothing else ind I feel grateful to him. I 'There existed three powerful motives 1 *?r my going to Wnshinetmi, two of'] i Inch were indispensably necessary, and1 he third was re(]iiire<l tor the good oi the' mini rv. Kill Imin Itkntiinir itio Tnv;...^ I J - . ; ; f villi my liberation,u was,on the contrary, < ecessary to persuade them of my ad- i icsion to their plans and policy. Nor votild it have been prudent to go to New )rl- an: there being no possibility of gong direct from Texas to V* ra Cruz, for ' vant of communication-?because New * )rleans has been the focus of the revolu- J ion of the Texas settlers, and I should t lave run great risk of being ill-used In c he people there. Finally, good policy u le nanded that I should approach the ca- 1 line at Washington, in order to sound heir opinion in regard to us, as well as Texas. ( r Emigration.?The tide of emigration j1 rom this country to the United Stales ?fj!| kmerica has commenced to flow this sea j on with perhaps greater impetuosity than i v ' * I i iinv former period. Already ?t ? great 41 iiimlicr ??f the nutports in Kngland, and J m Scotland and Ireland, several vessels tave sailed for New York and the ('ana- as, crowded with emigrants, Comprising | if farmer and mechanics possessed of r mall capital, and agricultural labourers .1 iith their families, who have proceeded ' ii expectation of bettering their condition 0 n the western world. On Saturday af- (1 ernoon the American line-of-packet ship Vellington, (hmimand Chadwirk, sailed root ?*t. Katharine Docks, for New York A tilh a full complement of passengers, y here being upwards of 400 on board, nany of whom were respectable females. ~ This is the first voyage of the Wellingon from London to New York. She is t i the largest of her class, and is a t>eaulU ful specimen of naval architecture. In consequence of the non-arrival of either of the homeward-bouud vessels, there if* not at present a single packet in the St. (Catherine Docks entered oulwar is for New York, a circumstance, wc understand, without a prec? ?'rnt.?Z,<wrf. paper. The annexed beautiful squip is from the Argus. Considering the terrible distress that is racking the country to its very heart, and which has driven the committee to Washington, in the hope?we fear the vain hope?of obtaining some measure of relief, the application of Uitecii Elizabeth's reply, must be consid ert'd ve ry courteous, gentlemanly, ana in particular good taste : Mr. Van Bukkn. and the distress ?ubcommi .'teh of futee ?The interview between Mr. Van Buren and the subcom* mitlee of "fifty met chants,*' will probably he somewhat like that between Queen Bess and the men of Coventry, which was as follows; they addressed the Queen thus: We men of Coventreo Are very glad to see Your gracious Majesty, Good Lord ! how lair you be ' To which her Queonship replied : Her gracious Majesty Is very glad to see You men of Coventtee, Good Lord ! whut fools you be ! Melting of Coin ?It is computed that the consumption of silver coin, in manufactures in this city, is annually upwards of 51100,000 ; that of gold, $1,000,000. In Boston, the sum used in this way of . 1. ..! _:i _i i? ? me ururie or siivct aione, 111 onu csiau* lishmcnt, is 100,000 ounces. In Providence, l?oth silver anil gold is used to the amount of J?100,000 annually, in the various blanches of manufacture. In Philadelphia, $.i(M,(kK).?JY. Y. Post. Qualifications for Congress.? 'Why do you not present yourself as a candidate l??r Congress?' said u lady to her hush.]ml, who was confined to his chair by the gout. 'I am not qualified for the station,' was the reply. 'I think you are,' returned the wife, 'your language and actions are truly parliamentary.? When bills are presented, you either order tliem laid on the table, or make a motion to rise, though often out of order, you .ire still supported by the chair, and you often poke your nose into measurts which* are calculated to destroy the constitution ' WDoliarsT WITH pleasure 1 ucknou ledge the receipt of SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, from David Alexander, Etq. as a donation from the Union Insurance Company, at < hurlogton, S C\, lounid the purchase of a new Engine by the Camden Independent Fire Engine Company. May 27 4 It A. BURR, Capt. I.F E C. ^tfOTlCE ?Those who are indebted to ?.ne late J.y| firm ot Whitaker &. Shiver ure hereby notified that prompt settlements are indibpensable ; and thai Sam'l Shiver, jr. is hereby authorized to settle the same, and execute legal discharges. H VV 1TAKER. May 27 4 if SAMUEL SHIVER,jr. POS T OFFICE NOTICE.?According to inslructions re.eived from the Post Office Department, hereafter, nothing but Gold or Silver will be received at this Olf.ce for Postage. Also, no Postage account will he kept with any person idler this date, unless a deposit^ismaae in N. B. Letters, newspapers or pamphlets, will not be delivered out of the Office t?? any person bnt whom they are directed, except by a written order from the persons to whom directed. Camden, May 27 4 3t P. I HORNTON p m. MARSHALS' SALE?By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, issued out of ill. Circuit Court ot the United States, for South Carolina District?Will be sold at Sumter Court Mouse, on Wednesday the 7th of June next; and on the following day if the sale is not completed on that dav.? FilU .i...... . j --e; B. a very likely gang of field hands, and hou.^e servants; and many of them well instructed in the Cotton Faetoiy?Also one plantation ot six or seven hundred acres of land, four or five miles lie low Fulton Factory on th" lload to Chnrh ston Sumter District?Also one tract of about 120 acu s >f land, a mile or two from the Factory used as ar niiniiicr retreat?also the Factory and Machinery uwl tract of about 110 acres of land on which it .tands, in Sumter District, known as the Fulton factory, served upon and to be sold as the property ol Jeptlia Dyson; at the suit of Goodwyn, 'larke Co. Conditions cash, pure hast rs to pay or ti'les. THOMAS L) CONDY, U. S. Marshal, S. C. District. May 27 4 2t COMMITTED to the Jail of Kershaw district, April 2d, 1^:17, a negro mail who calls hi in iimI Jacob, and nays In- belong to Mr Woods, (ho Innks his masters name is William Woods,) who ivi s in Hamburg. S C. The said boy is ubout 5 pot 8 or 10 inches high, and very black, speaks puck when spoken to, and from appearance is ib< tit 2.'> or ;{() years of age Tire owner is hereby equcxted to come forward, prove property, pay ii rges. and take him away. May 27 4 tf W. S I RICKLAND, j.k.d. C10MM1TTEC to the Jail of Kersliaw district, J a negro man who says that he belongs to one ilr Bonnet, living in Augusta, Georgia?his maser's ehristian name lie dors n >t know The said irgro is between o and 0 leet high, dark coin., ilexion, lame in one knee occasioned by a shot no or two years ago, the said negro says that he vns purchased from Mr 1 Ye, living in Fnirfield I.strict, S. C. bv Mr. Bonnet, who is now his maier The owner is requested to come forward, >rov?* property, pnv charges nnd take him away. May 27 4 tf " W. STRICKLAND, s.k.i> (COMMITTED to the Jail of kersliaw dint net J on the 24th inst, a n^gro man who calls his lame John Ramsey, nnd says that he is free Said 'ohn Ramsey is a bright mulatto, ,r> feet 8 or 10 itches high, has large eyes, and is lame in the feet, rensioned hv 'frost bite,' between 2o and 28 years ih tllo Alimnr ? ? - . - - * "" ~..... a r**ques;cn 10 come forward, irovo property, pay charges, arid take liiin away. May 27 4 tf W. STRICKLAND, h.e.d. "M7F. are authorised to announce Jose en G. * T Clark as a candidate fur Tax Collector for teishaw District at the ensuing election. May 27 4 tf > M7ANTED TO HIRE, a servant girl who ? V is accustomed to house work. Apply at his office. May 27 4 tf . "*