A MERCHANTS NEWSPAPER. 'A COtt*TUrkA9*8 NEW8PAPER. f' KEwupaper for ? tft&XRR AND BUYER. ; ' .? . . j #dfeLlSttED CVfeBY THURSDAY* feV- -f : ? , i g. -1.*1. /" W. A SCHkOCK. Publisher. r , -? . IIMCEIPTIOI. J1.50 PER Willi. > . . C?MUlen, B. Cm April lOth 1008. m*a*es=**m ? Cotton mills. "Cotton mills can't mako divi dends by standi!)# still; there is also a limit to a hungry mau's desperation tlmt can only be up p#a*?d by something to eut. You can not keep cotton bears from lying any more than you r - can keep baclc frost in favorable weather; but lies fade away un der the glare of truth like frost tnelts away undev the glare or tbe .morning sun. The tension trt the pendulum of cotton prices Is at its extreme limjt on the bear side. Reaction toward the bull side is the ouly natural ten dency. ' ? Farmers' News iiu |v Jreau. The above strikes us as rather Apt considering the fact that Cotton Mills all over are workiug ou short time. The Jslaim is made that there is no fnarket for the product which fiecessltates curtailment of ex penaes. This claim is probably true, but jt seems to us that in Absolute fairness to t he opera tives of a mill if they are given employment for the reason stated only four days out of u week, the house rent of those who occupy factory cottages should be re duced one third.' Idle opera tives and their fuinilies are sup posed to be compelled to eat as well as those who are working , on full timet and even a small Item of expense sav&d becomes a large item duriug days and it inay be, weeks of enforced idle neea. LOW HATE MILK AG IS TICKETS On Sale By Southern Railway. $00 Mile State family Tickets .25 ? good over the Southern Railway in South Carolina for the head or depeudent members Of a family. Limited one year from date of sale. 1000 Mile Interchangeable In dividual Tickets $20 ? good over the Southern railway and thirty other roads in the Southeast ag gregating 30,000 miles. Limited one year from date of sale. 2000 Mile Interchangeable Firm Ticket $40? good over the (Southern Hail way and thirty 'Other roads in the Southeast af ffregating 30,000 miles for Mana ger, the head of a firm or em ploye. Limited to five but good for only oue of such perssons at one time.. Limited oue year from date of sale. ' 1000 Mile Interchangeable fTioket $25, good over the South ern Railway and Seveuty-Hve Other roads In the Southeast ag If regftti ng 41 ,000 m i les. Li ui i ted line year from date of sale. On add after April 1st, 1908, |tll mileage tickets will not be llonored for passage on trains tior in allocking baggage, except from non. agency stations and UtatiODs not open for tliG sale Of tickets, but must be presented fit tidket office and there ex changed for ooutiuuous ticket. Motjey saved In passage fare by purchasing tickets from Southern Railway agents. Fares ' t*ld on trains Will be at a higher lute, r Gall on Southern Railway A??nu for mileage tickets, pus page tickets and detailed iufor. m*non R. W. Hunt, . A't' Oen'l. Puss Attout, Atlanta, (*a. J. (J. Lusk, Piy. Pass. Atfunt, fUiui'li'Jlton, S. C, )*i4rk and materials required by thie ordinance, the contractors will de cline the work and report the same to the Inspector, and the plumber win takes the contract without the neces sary changes shall forfeit his license. Sec. 3 llefore any portion ol the system of any building snail be laid or constructed, there shall be filed by tin* j owner of the property at the office ol the Inspector of Sewers and Plumbing | a written application for sucli con nections, stating the location of Un building, with plan of same, chowing in detail the entire proposed connec tion from the public sewer through the houpe to the terminus, showing the location of all fixtures, traps, vent pipes, etc. ? This plan shall be inspect ed aub approved, corrected or modi fied by the Inspector of Sewers and Plumbing, whereupon a permit tor tin proposed connection shall he given by the Inspector of Sewers, upon ascer taining that the work will lie done by the regular licenced plumber; hut in no case shall a permit be granted un til such plan shall have been so pre sented and approved. Such plans and applications for conueniioiis with tin public sewer should he liled ten days previous to the time desired to make the connection. See. 1 Whenever a house connec tion is being made to t lie public; sewer, i the plumber doing the work shall he Tore any part of the wore is cover or hidden from view, send a written notice to the Inspector of Sewers and Plumbing, stating that his work is ready for inspection, and upon tlie final completion of the wsrk shall again notify the Inspector of Sewers and Plumbing, asking for a Onal in spection in accordance with the rules, regulations and plans prescribed by the < -ommittec on Water, Lights and Sewerage. Section 5 It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Sewers and Plumbing un der the directions of the Committee on Water, Lights and Sewerage, to issue all permits. Notices and Certificates, to keep a d*.;i|,v record of the work, in cluding all notices and applications received and permits granted and cer. tiflcates given, to report promptly to the Chairman of the siiid Committee all violation of these regulations, lie >hall inspect all house connections during their construction, from time to time, siillicie/itly to see that all plumbum, drainage and sewerage work l.s done in accordance with these rul.?s and regulations. He shall upon noti fication by the plumber proceed to in spect and pass upon the work, apply such tests as may from time to time be prescribed, ami have any de fects immediately remedied under his sii|M-rvi.sion. lie shall condemn and order removal any detective material I or work done contrary to the spirit of these regulations and the specifications governing house connections, ami shall perform such other duties as may be at-signcd to him by the Committee on Water, Lights and Sewerage. Nee. (( Mo pliiiti bi ti jf work shall lie used until tlu* itiu m* has been duly passed by I he inspector, and a cerlili onti* of approval issued. 8ee, 7 Tliu Inspector, as far ns may be necessary lor ilua performance of his duties, lias the right to enter Any building or premises within the limits of the City without interference or hiudrt'licv, and he shall have the power to eomlemn all unsanitary work tiud to report, the same to the < UmiiiiiiI tee no Water, Lights and Sewerage. A Hpeeilled time*. ??hall |?e given in which the latier call he remedied,! lie shall report all person* who sliull iliterefere with him in the perlor inance of his duties. And any per son so interlering with the inspector in the ditahnrge of his duties shall be lined not less than twenty ($-20.00) nor more tliKii one hundred dollars ($100. 00 or be imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days. Wee. H No plumber or any other person shall make a connection with the public sewer without being duly licensed to do so, nor in any manner \ except in strict accordance with the Inn-Bollix regulation* nild the follow- ! ing ?peeilleatio?M, under permit) of revocation of Ills lieeliHe ami a line ; of twenty-live (4*23.00). Nee. 0 All permit* to connect with (tie public sewer almll tw given upon the condition dial I lie Committee, on Water, I, it'll and Srwera?e may at unj time before the eomph't ion re yoke and annul the permit when the Work l* not being properly exeeutcil and no party interested fhail ha\e a elailn Tor damage* in eoliaeqiMMireM of mieh permit Ueinfc reyoKed or tiimiill-i VU, ? ' ? . ? wk raany tin wwictioa wttll tlw IMMie ?wtf afetiili Mi w?puf ?IMt fur My be May *do to Mjr of tbe Itmt? mt 4e??r?. He *11011 rwCow tbe Urvttfl* w |ogd condition u tbejr vcft ia a* Um jftanlng of ; work Sec. 11. Up pmoi shall directly of lndlreotlf ?oooa*?oy opan Muudt)4fAof entrance to the build- ? log. The jointe snail be made with Oakum Gasket, well caulked and pure, ? fresh irround Hydraulic Cement of ' stan ard quality shall be used and Cen at Mortar mixed In the propor- . tlon of one (1) part of Cement to one ! (1) part of good, sharp dry sand free from loam or other foreign taatter, and sufficient Mortar shall be used to Oil the joints to the outside edge of the bell, iuuktng s beveled joint, pipe to be laid in straight lines with grade of not less than one foot in fifty (50) feet for 4 inch, and one foot in sixty ((JO) feet for U inch pipe. Connections to the public sewer shall be made gener ally by I (one-eighth) bend to a V ( branch in public sewer, which location of inlet can be obtained at office of pluaibing inspector. Any openings in streets or sidewalks left for the night shall l>e properly barricaded and a suitable uumber of red lights, lighted, shall be placed on or near the opening. These lights shall be burut from sun set to sunrise. All other changes in direction from a straight line shall be made by a curve pipe, V brunches o ith an accessible clean out, or by a properly curved channel in a man hole .subject to the approval of Inspector. Sec. 14. The soil pi|>e shall be of 4 inch diameter iron pipe, extending from the connection with the house drain (three feet from the building) through the entire height of the build inir, and four feet above the roof at u point remote from any chimney or window, wholly open at the top and protected by a wire basket. The soil and vent pipes shall I e of the follow ing weights and thickness approxi mate! v: For cast iron 2 inch diameter pipe, three pounds per foot; for cast iron .*1 inch diameter pipe, 4| pounds jkt foot, for cast iron 4 inch diameter pipe, (?1 pounds per foot; for cast iron 5 irch diameter pipe, tH pounds per foot For cast Iron erfoot; for wrought iron h*> inch di'tnie-ter pipe, 14.5H pounds per foot; for wrought iron r tinned copper sleeve or ferrule; the ; joint with the iron pipe shall be either j screwed or lead caulked ami with the : lead pipe by a wiped solder joint. Sec. 10. Every sink, bath-tub, wa- 1 ter-cioset. basin, urinal, sufe or oth- 1 er fixtures shall be separately trapped. ' All kitchen and puntry sinks to have1 grease trap of either brass iron or lead 4 and <> inches in diameter and at least 12 inches high, with brass screw plate to clean out same. Every sy phon trap shall have uti air vent from its crown leading into the main vent or be con ducted soparutly four feet above the roof. Anti-syphon traps can only be used in extraordinay cases by special permission from the Inspector. The main vent pipe shall he of iron, gener- i ally of 2 inches in diameter, extending from the lowest fixture parallel with the soil pipe either above the roof, with an open top and wire basket, or it may terminate in the soil pipe above the highest fixture. The vent pipe from a water closet trap shall be inches in diameter, the vent pipe from all other traps to be of the same diameter as tho pipe which it ventilates. The j vent pipes must all have a continuous i slope to prevent the retonsion of water ! which may l>e condensed i.i the pipes. Syphon jet closets, where located three (.'i) feet or less from the (4) inch stuck, muy be used without, vent; otherwise ocat??d, a 2 inch vent must be connec ted to the top of the waste as near tlm trup as possible and either branched into the four (4) Inch stack above tho highest fixture 'or run independently through tho four feet abovo the roof. Sec. 1". Water-closets must l>e of the Hopper washout closet or other im proved pattern(pan unci plunger closet* l>elng positively prohibited), and shall be located in weil-liuhted, well-ventila ted apartments. No closets to he set with putty or plaster of tmris, but a brass or copper flange with suitable rubber or graphite gosket shuli be used and securely fastened to the tloor. W ater- closets shall not be flushed by direct service from the water pipes, but from special tanks placed in such position as to irive at least a head of (! feet, except where regular low tank clost ts are used. The overflow from the tank, if any, shall be discharged into the open all* or basin of the elos et;in no ease shall it discharge di rectly into tl:e soil pi.?es. Hec. 1H. Wast" pipes from safe#, refrigerator#, cistern overflow* and nutvr UwHs Torn WhlQh Wfittet ih Ukvu ' with any *.(1. w*.t*^P^Smlo pipa, ^ bu* musk m dl*ebaf|?|Mii llftk or ftito opaMktr. 8?o 19. Ail ?it pi MP from plemb tef flnvrNitiMpi water clnMk shall be oovfnd by strong Misttle tfe a In ?H, MMrvly fastened, an?1 of Mich ?Mb as to prevent sny t?|>rip*c sub sis? ft from entering lbs ?e?(rs or drains. 8?c. 30. A-l fixtures shall be whol ly exposed, when possible or practica ble. All pipes shall be eooeentrsted as much as possible, and so placed as to be readily examined and Inkpscied. Where they are necessarily pieced within walls or psrtitlons, they shell be covered by wood work fastened by ?crews or hlnjres, so as to fflvs ready sccess for Inspection or repelrs. In do case shsll a pipe be placed In a fin ished wall. Sec. 21. All material must be of good standard quality, and the work must be done In a thorough workman-like manner, subject to tiie approval of the Inspector of Sewers and Plumbing. S?c. 22. No person or persons shall Injure, break, remove or obstruct any portion of any man-hole, lamp-hole, flush tank, or any part of tl-.e public sewer. Any derson violating the pro visions of this seel ion sqall be fined not less t5sn twenty dollars [?20.00] nor more than one hundred dollsrs or be imprisoned more than thirty days. Sec. 24 The committee on Water, Lights and Sewerage shall have power to prevent or discontinue any connec tions with the public sewer which dis charges sny substauce llub,e to injure the sewer or obstauct the flow of the sewerage Sec. 24. No exhaust steam shall be , allowed into the public sewer. | Sec. 25. There shall be no substance either solid or liquid, put In'the public sewer of the City at mac-holes, or iu I any other way than through a connec I tion made as heroin provided; and any ' one violating the provisions of this : section shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars (#20.00) ' nor more than one li mdred dollars (#100.00), or be imprisoned for- not j more than thirty (30) days. , Sec. 20. All waste pipes that run more than fifteen (15) feet froin the main stack or soil pii>e, shall continue unbroken above (he roof or return to the main stack above lha highest fix tures. Sec 27. The main stack shall he provided with a suitable and accessi ble clean-out screw cap atthofoot and at all other fixtures or places on the line whero necessary. Sec. 2S. All changes in the direc tion of waste and soil pipes shall b* 1 made with Y's and bends with clean out screw cap on and of V branch. Sec. 20 Where the soil and vent pipes pass through the roof, the finish ing shall bu made from one piece of sheet lead formed over the huh and turnod in on the inside of the hub and lead cuulked around the pips. Sec. 30. Kartliern or Iron water closets, having traps above the floor usinir lead connections, must have a cast brass llange soldered to the lead and bolted wo the trap or closet. Sec. 31. Terra-cot. a yard sewers may be laid by the property owner or his authorized agent by obtaining spe cial permission in writing from the lr.s|?ector of Sewers, said permit to ccntatn a clause specifying that the work and material must conform to thu rules and be inspected, same as required in Section 0 of these rules. Katified in Council assembled this 30tli day of March. A. D. 1008. H. G. CAIUIISON, Mayor Attest: J. J. GOODAL.E, Clerk. An Ordinance To Regulate Sewerage in the ,'Jity of Camden, S. C: Be it Ordained by the City Coun cil of the Citv of Camden, S. C., that it shall be unlawful for anyone whomsoever to construct, use or maintain any cess-pool, dry closet or similar device within the City of Camden, S. C.; that all persons having upon their premises .within the City of Camden any water closet, urinal, kitchen sink, pantry sink, laundry trays, bath tub, wash-bowl or lavatory sljall be and are hereby required to connect same with the public sewerage sys tem of the City of Camden; that any pers >n violating the terms of this Ordinance shall be guilty of y misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of titty ($50.00) dallars or he impris oned for a period of fifteen (15) days. Provided that this Ordinance shall not go into effect until the first day of July, A. D. 1908, and that all connections made with the pub lic sewerage system shall be oone under the direction of the City En gineer or Inspector of Sewers ana Plumbing; and provided further, that lavatories in private residences may be exempt from the terms of this Ordinance upon the recommen dation ot the Committee 011 Water, Lights and Sewerage of the City Council of Camden. Ratified in Council assembled this 30th dav of March, A. D. H. G. CAKRISON, Mayor. Attest: J. J. GOODALB, Clerk. An Otdinance To PiWt-'i' 1 1 jur 1 ' ? !'< (?! and Shrv1 > in l ie (3r? I in I 11. >. < 1 Be it Ordained, by the City Coun cil of the Ci*y of Camden, S. C., that from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be- unlawful for any person to cut, near, muti late, dig up or otherwise injure or destroy any trees or shrub on t he j public streets or parks of the Cityl of Cymden. S. C.; that any person violating the terms of this Ordi nance shall tie guilty of a mi -de meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned for a period not exceeding thirty ( }o) days, in the discretion of the city Recorder. Ruliiicd in Council assembled this 30th day of March, A. D. 1908. H. G. GARRISON, Mayor. I Attest: J. J. GOOPAl.r, Clerk. | An Ordinance. | to Re^ul?(? the Strtojrtof of Teleyrnpb, Telephone ?ud Electric Light Wires: ' Be It oitUitMKi by UwCityUwioeil of th? Uilj of UtMleu, b. UH l bat trots ?ud after the |nu>mkv of tin* Onliuiwo all Telegraph, TrkybwM ami Kieotrie Llflit Wirr?, uwd In the City of Caw den, S. t;.f tlmll be atrunx or atteehed to poles at a height of uot less than tb Im ou Broad hireet, between UeKalb aud York, and SO feet on otlier tRreets, above tlie level of the street, and shall be securely attached to said poles and shall lie properly insulated and other wise NiaUe sale agniu?t accident or in convenience to Mmmi^ using the streets, alleys and public places in said (Jity and sball be, erected uudur tlie direc tion of IbeCitjrUnuiicil of the City of Camden, or iuduly appointed repre sentative; that any telegraph, Tele phone or J&lcctric Light wires hereto lore erected and louud to be iu any particular iu a dangerous or unsaie condition are hereby declared to be a uuisauce ami an obstruction to lite street and shall be removed or re paired under the requirements ol this Ordiuance by the person or corpora, tion owning slid and using ?auie with in live (0) days alter writteu notice Irom the Ms>or or Chairman of ihe Committee oil .Streets ol' the City of Camden; that any person violating the terms ol this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor aud upon con viction thereof shall be lined iu a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars (flOO.OO) or be imprisoued lor a period not exceeding thirty '30) Uays in the discretion ot the Oily .Recorder. it* I tiled iu Couucil assembled this 7ili tliiy ol April A. 1>. 1008. 11. U. C AKK1SON, May or. Attest : J. J. OOODAI.R, Clerk. April lUtli, IIRKS. An Ordinance To Prevent the Obstruction of the Streets of Hie City of (Jamdeu, S. C-, by Telegruph, Telephone, Electric Light unci other Pules: l>tt it ordained by the City Council of the City of Camden, S, C.? tlint from and al'lertliH passage ol (Ins Ordinance it shall bo it ulttw lu I tor any person ?>r corporal ion to erect or place any Tele graph, Telephone or Electric Light poles, or oilier obstruction, in or on t lie drive- ways of sidewalks ordinius of the streets of the City of Camden ; and any such obstruction now stand ing or being in or on said driveways, sidewalks or drains are hereby de clared to be a nuisance and au ob struction to lbs Streets and shall be removed by laid person or corporation using same within ninety (IK)) days af ter written notice from the Major of the City of Camden, or from the Com mittee on Sireels of I lie City of Cam den ; that any Telegraph, Telephone or Electric Light poles erected in the City of famtlcn shall be placed on :i line between the outer edge of the tfidewalk anil the inner edge of the street drain, mid under the direction of the City Council t.f Camden or its duly nppointed representative; that any person violating the terms of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misde meanor nml upon conviction thereof shall br lined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($|(M)) or b* im prisoned lor a period not exceeding thirty (HO) days in the discretion of the City Recorder. Jtatitied in Council assembled this tlie 7th day of April, A. I>. 1?0?. 11. ii. CARKlsON, Mayor. Attest J. J. Goodai.k, Clerk. April J 6. 1008. ^ AT SERVICE. Will Stand for the Season at Westerham Plantation In West Wateree. JACKS: King Hal Fee $10 Jasper Fee $15 STALLION: Clyde Fee $15 T.V.Parker. W. BRATTON DeLOACH ATTORNEY AT LASV Camden, S. (J. pyi p |i To women for collect Ing names nml selling * *^?"*""oiir novelties, we give bljr premiums send your nntne to day lor our new plan of big profit* wiMi I itfe work. Write to. day. Ad dress T. (\ M(*SELEY Premium de partmental E. Stfrd Street, New York City. 1 1 ? . . l \\ i ' I iiiiiis Cv Su\M!ir.;in, Fire, Accident and Health INSURANCE. Surety Bonds. Office over store of J. C. Cordon A Co. j ?-J" I real estate itml CollcciliiK Agent. All persons having Ileal EMatr tor sale or rent, are requested to <>all nn me f.?r tnforiuRtiou, Tlinnc wishing to buy <>r rent Kcnl K*t)itr, are rI*ii rcrjueftied to call on me. All clnhna placed III my hands for coiled). n. will receive prompt attcn t Ion. Call nn me Ht Mr. W. A. Seliroek'e ofllce (TIim People'9 office,) Camden, rt? C. Q. U Alexander. Statement of the Profits of the Kershaw County Dispensary for Quarter Ending April ist 1908. Receipts from Camden, for January 1908 $ 0,710 18 14 Beiiiim* 44 ?? ?? J.HS4 96 M ?? Camden 41 February H 8,708 80 M 44 Bethune ?? " 1 MM i 44 March 44 1,408 88 4 *4 14 Catndeu 44 44 44 t.mo tA Expense of Board and Bottling Plant $ 941 75 Breakage 308 85 Supplies 2,855 28 insurance 110 80 Salaries Board and Bottling Plant 800 76 Salary and Expenses Bethune Dispensary 833 31 *? 41 ?" Camden 44 528 40 7.888 14 ?a ? I98.719.4S $5,176 35 \sscts April 1st 1908 $ 25,397 05 Liabilities 16,009 30 $ 9,827 83 Net profits Expense Dispensaries 859 ?1 $10,187 54 Gross profits 1-5 Gross profits to Belliune Dispensary $ 2,087 51 Expense Bethune Dispensary - 881 81 Net profits Bethune $1,704 20 1 5 Gross profits to Caraden Dispensary $ 8,150 03 Ex pense Camden Dispensary 526 4U ' Net profits Catnden $7,023 63 1-3 Profits to Treasurer Bethune $568 07 44 4 4 4 ' ,4 Kershaw Countv 518 06 School Fund \ 4 4 44 44 44 * 568 07 Or'ry pur. $ 1,704 20 I 3 Profits to Treasurer Camden 2,541 21 ? i ?i H County Treasurer 2,541 21 School fund , 4 4 4 ' 44 4* 44 2,541 21 ordinary purposes $7,623 63 State of Soutli Carolina ) Kershaw County j Personally appeared W. ,1. Dunn, Chairman. W. II. Zeinp, tier., and K. T. Kstridjje. members of the Kerwhaw County l>ispen*ary Board who being eacli duly and severally sworn deposes and says that [he foregoing stattmeul i? true ami correct. tsworn 10 ami subscribed before me thi* .jth day of March 1008. Signed, W. K. Notary Public, S. <3. Total amount of profits turned over to Towns and County for year end in < April 1st. I IK)* $37,606 95 List of Goods Purchased by the Kershaw County Dispensary Board f6r Quarter ending " May 31st 1908. Anhauseu Bitsoii Brewing Co. Seventy-live (75) bbls of Duilweiser Beer in pis at $ 10 98 Twenty live (25) ?? 44 41 ?' 44 qts at 18 48 Darl.y Park Brewery. Fifty (50) bbls of G. B. S. Darley Park Beer in pts 9 00 Fifty (50) 44 44 Pule Export 44 44 44 8 00 Roskkam Gkrtsey & Co. Three (3) Cuses of Old Saratoga Rye in quarts at 18 Two (2) 14 44 44 14 44 ?? pints 14 60 Gaeagher & Burton Five (5) Cases of White Label Rye in quarts at 11 00 Three (3) 4 4 4 pints 44 11 t0 Two (2) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 ipiuts 44 1 2 00 Tiios. F. MoNulty & Co. Ten (10) Cuses of Toms Own in quarts quarts \ at 10 00 Twenty -five (25) Cases of Select Rye in quarts at 8 00 Fifteen (1 5) ,4 *? 44 44 4 4 pints 44 8 50 Fifteen ( 1 5) 4 * 4 4 44 44 44 ipints ?* U 00 Two (2) 4 4 44 Mt. Royal Gin in quarts at 9 00 Ten (10) 44 44 Mr.. ?4 4 4 -pints 44 9 2ft Twenty (20) 4* 44 Baltimore Corn 2 quarts 4 8 00 Fifteen ( 1 5) 4 4 44 4 4 " 44 pints 44 8 25 Fifteen ) 1 5) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ipints 44 8 50 Thirty (30) 44 barrels of Mountain Coin 100 proof 1 55 Rhem Zeuieh Co. Ten (10) Cases of Fern wood Rye in quarts at 10 00 Five (5) 4 4 44 Mt. Dew Corn 44 44 44 10 00 Three (8) 4 4 4 4 pin's 44 11 00 Two (2) 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 44 -4 12 00 Koi'in DlHTiu,rNc Co. Five (5) drums of White Rabbit Corn quarts at 30 00 Four [4 j 44 4 4 44 4 4 4 < pints *4 31 00 Four 14 j M " " 14 41 ipiuis 44 3 2 00 H. A Tiieiuman Co. Thirty [30| bbls of Henry X Corn 100 proof at 1 50 Fifteen [I5| 4 4 4 4 Tom Gin 4 4 4 4 4- 1 60 Fifteen [IS) f'% 44 Henry X Rje 100 proof 44 1 50 Twenty (20| * 4 4 4'4 4 4 4 t 44 1 77 Throe [3j 4 4 4 4 Peach Brandy 100 proof at 1 70 Three |?j 4 4 4 4 Apple ...... .4 j j0 Two [2J 44 *4 Blue Ritl>re Rye 4 4 4 i 14 2 75 United Distributing Co. Twenty J20| barrels of XXXX Corn 100 proof ut 1 75 Peoples Distihling Co. Ou?? [I] barrel of Alcohol 100 proof. OF-T SOME YANKEE MONE", I can pul you in louch with probable buyers for your property, no matter where it is located H. W. FINLAYSON 1 .'!Z3? 58th St., Brooklyn, N. Y 1 l,X?* ?? . .--1. . ?. . . ? ? ? . .",1 - Money to Loan On Ileal Estate, Clarke & von TrescRow. Dr. I. II. Alexander, OKNTIHT. OHici) one door North of ,lTl?c People.' C.Do you remember, u ? boy, how delighted you were with your first STEVENS ? Truly en event at that time. Give YOUR BOY a STEVENS now. Will ?dd to hta happinesa end education. MAKE A MAN OF YOUR BOY I If ctnaot obtain ?tiTim airuift? ??ofatnrs? VMTOLS ftmt n?*i?r, ?? ?Mp W?f, J. STEVENS ARMS A TOOL CO. T. o. Box 40M. Cbicopee Falls, Mm*.