?be people A MERCHANT'S NEWSPAPER. A COUNTRYMAN *8 NEWSPAPER. K NEWSPAPER FOR SELLER AND BUYER. PIT13L1SIIED EVERY THURSDAY. W. A SCHKOCK, publisher. * SUBSCRIPTION S1.B0 PER AIRU1. Canulcii, S. C.. Nov. 14tlt 1007. RECENT ELECTIONS. Tho rcccnt elections in the twelve several States do not convey to our mind any definite idea other than that there is a suite of unrest throughout the country. The financial situa tion is anything but satisfac tory which partially accouuts for this state of affairs but the final 'Solution of the present vexed questions now agitating the public mind lias not yet ap pealed. The principal cause, as we see it, of conditions uow ex isting, and which caused the ro tten i results of the electious in twelve States is theabseuceof an elastic currency. To make our meaning clearer, we will say that an elastic curreucy consists ia a medium of exchange based upon vulid security which can be re tired1 as the demand for actual money decreases, and actual money coines again into busi ness in legitimate lines of trade. Because of something, we can not. imagine what, the public, the voting public iq particular, has conceived tho notiou that the Democratic party is not to be trusted in the management of ..public affairs. That this idea is pure humbug no really thoughtful mun will deny, but it is unfortunately true that the really thoughtful voters aro in a minority. The Democratic doc trines of principles for tho gov ernment of tho country are tho only doctrines to save the peo ple from a system of despotism, equalled only iu Russia. Take present conditions and compare them with thoso formerly exist ing. Is it not a fact that we have now a tremendous increase iu centralization of power iu the National government than pre vailed twenty years ago? Is it not also a fact that the tendency towards centralization is steadily growing? It is, and tho only hope for ilio continued life of tho American Republic lies in the Democratic party. ?unnack Says It Looks Like Bryan. Atlanta, (ia., Nov. 0. ? Former .Senator E. W. Caruiack, of Ton nessoo, said in au interview here: "Roosevelt is the biggest fake and the most popular man in the United States. Headlines are his ruling pas sion and whenever ho breaks into big typo he is supremely de lighted. America lost a great yellow journalist when he went into politics." Mr. Car inaclr thinks Rooso velfc will not succeed himself; be lieves Taft as the possibility and that if will bo Taft against tho Republican lield. Of the Chau ler boom he said: "Tho Chanler boom ? well, I think its pretty much like tho game wneroone man says 'Keno,' and nil the others say 'Oh! Hell!' The lieutenant governor of Now York will find his presidency in the newspapers.'' "What about Bryan?'' "Bryan is everything. Itlooks us if ho > hud the nomination." Tho above from an exchange may be the real thing, but. we won't belittve it until wo see it. Whilo we area waim4iulmlror of Mr. Bryan we haven't the slight est. idea that he can bo a winner, and a winner is what wo want at this crisis. Give us Cleveland at the head of tho ticket, and Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland, Ohio for for second place, and wo will swoep tho country, Teddy to the contrary notwith standing. It doesn't matter a snap that Mr. Cleveland is old. bliould ho hnppen to die out during ills term, wo will still have Tom Johnson, who is by odds a better man. Fourteen Rooso veils couldn't beat the combination suggested, and we will surely have Roosevelt to beat. THANKSGIVING PROC LAMATION. Gov. AbccI baa Issued his first Tbtakigiving proclamation, fix* in g Thursday, November 28th, as s holiday to be observed by 8outh Carolinians in giatitude for the many blessings bestowed upon all during the past year. It is as follows: "In conformity to a beautiful custom established by our fore fathers and perpetuated by the religious sentiment of our peo ple, I, M. F. Ansel, governor of tbe State of South Carolina, do hereby designate and appoint Thursday, the 23th day of No vember, 1907, as a day of gene ral thanksgiving. The State of South Carolina has been signally blessed dur ing the past year. We have en joyed the liberty aud security guaranteed by a peaceful govern ment; we have advauced in edu cation and morality; our mate rial resources have developed; our fields have yielded their har vest in great abundance; we have been spared from famine and pestilence und no public calami ty lias befallen the common wealth. Let all the people, therefore, put aside their usual vocations, upou the day herein appointed, assemble iu their houses of wor ship und in their homes to re turn thanks to Almighty God for His wouderful love and mercy to us as a people and as a State, und for the manifold blessiugs lie has bestowed upon us. Let us also, ou this day of thanksgiving and praise, remem ber the poor and needy, the widow and fatherless, the sick aud distressed and the orphan ages in our State with words of comfort and chcer and with our gifts. Out of our abundance, let us enrich aud make glad the unfortunate, realizing that the greatest of Christian virtues is charity. And let us ever iuvoke the Great Giver of every good and perfect gift for a continuance of His iutinite kindness, that peuce, prosperity and huppiuess may abide iu the land forever. '* FA KM K1C8 UNION NOTES. Cotton Letter. We desire to make it plain to all concerned that when we urge farmers to hold their cotton off the market we are talking to that class oi cotton growers who are in position to do so. In the out set we urged every farmer to arrange his debts tirst, as best as he could, by storing his cot ton or otherwise, and keep all the weak cottou off tho market. But now, since New York has combined to refuse money to our Southern banics to keep this weak cotton off the market, it seems that those cotton growers who have placed themselves in such a hazardous position of growing cotton exclusively with which to buy their living, even down to their daily bread, are in hard luck, and are likely to pay a heavy penalty for not growing their home supplies, and placing their linancial destiny in the hands of a gang of worthless gamblers. Boys, come out from uuder these robbers and grow your own supplies.' South Atlantic Inventors. The following patents were is3ued this week to South At lantic inventors. Reported by D. Swift & Cd , patent Lawyers, Washington f D. C: Georgia ? W. S. Bilbrey, West Point, Air brake; M. Hancock, Sale City, Strainer; W. L. Jacobs, Autreyville, Scouring machine; W. B. Leathers, New Holland, Bobbin Stripper; W. P. Wijrug Company and Zcmp A Del'as* Drug stores. ftOc. Tax Notice. Ofloe of tumwr of Kershaw County Camden, 8. 0. Brpt? 6, 1907. Ia accordance with I be Act tn raise supplies for the Steal year commencing Januarj 1st 1906, notioe la hereby Riven that the books will be opys for collect ing State, county and school taxes from October IB, 1007 to March 1st 1008, A penalty of 1 per oent will be added on all taxes unpaid by January 1st, 1008. A penalty of two per cent on all unpaid by Feb. 1st, 1909. A penalty ot seven per cent will be added ou all unpaid March 1st. 1006. 1 The rate per oentum for Kershaw county is as follows: State taxes. School taxes. County taxes. Railroad taxes. Court House Bonds, Road Total, 13 8-4 The following special levies have been made also: Special School tax. District No. 1, for interest on School Bonds Graded School Building, District No. 1, Special School tax Dist No. 1 , 64 l| 6 *4 44 O 44 44 44 44 4. | 44 *4 4a U 44 J 41 s4 44 44 4% }Q 44 .? 44 64 44 JJ 44 44 44 64 44 44 4? 44 4* 44 ?4 44 44 C4 46 ]g 44 44 ?4 4* 44 ]? 44 44 4a 64 44 44 44 44 44 4 44 4 4 44 44 44 ?Q rue road tax of two dollars can be < paid tlie County Treasurer from Oo tuber 15th, 1907, to March 1st, 1008. I All male persons living within the corporate limits of oities or towns, ] students attending any college or * cshool of the State, Ministers in charge | of regular congregations, teachers em- ( ployed in public schools, school trus tees during their term of office, per- I sons permanently disabled and those ' actually engaged in the quarantine 1 service of the state are exempt from i the payment of road tax. All male | persons between the ages of 18 and 00 years are required to pay said road tax or work not less than six days during the year. I The poll tax is $1. All information as to taxes will be furnished upon application. In sending for tax amoun :s and Re ceipts, state with whom the Taxpayer lived in January last, and if known by two names, give both, and be sure to give Township and No. of School District. Mo lists of names for tax receipts will be received unless the amount of tax mouey is deposited with the said list. This rule will be strictly enforced. D. M. McCaskill, County Treasurer. - J I.oeal represent tv? for w\/ SUlfpfl i'timden mill vicinity to * ? *** * look after rciicwcl* nnti IncroniiH nnbteiipllon list of a prominent monthly iimgastne, on a salary and coin - mission havls. Kxp? rlenco desirable. Inn not necessary. Coo: I opportunity for rlulu porion. Address i'ubllslier. l:o.\ 09. Station O, New York. Monthly Report Of the Dispen saries of Kershaw County for the Month of October, 1907. Dispensary No. 1. Camden, S# C. Total Invoice Including Stock on Hand First Day of Month $ 13,491.28 Total Sales 10,856.25 Operating Expenses of Dispensary ID, 000 Breakage 49 48 Stock on Hand Last Day of Month 2,585.00 Dispensary No. 2, Bethnne, S, C. Total Invoice Including Stock on Hand First Day of Month .....*3,850.75 Total Sales 1,821.30 Operating Expenses of Dispensary 800.5 Breakage 12.95 Stock on hand Last Day of Month 1,931.30 State of South Carolina ) Kershaw County. \ Personally appeared, VV. J. Dunn, Chairman, W. H. Zemp, Sect'y, K. T- Estridge, members of the Kerslmw County Dispen sary Board, who being each duly and severally sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing statements are true and correct. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ? of November, 1907. W. R. I1GUGH, Notary Public. fjtigofl' Dots. Mr. Editor: You ask for news, so I send some which seems almost too strange to be true, but it is all the same. Mr. S. R. Kirklaud while riding along the railroad near Lugoff Saturday saw two cats fight ing, and as they were so pretty and thinking them tame cats, got out of his buggy and look his switch and struck at them and one crouched, so he took his coat and caught it and wrapped it up in it and put it in a sack in his buggy, but soon Hound he had a wild cat. He brought it on home with him It is about two-thirds growu and it is for sale. I don't think any one can beat him catching wild cats, if so would like to hear from them. The cat can be seen at Mr. J. L. Kirkland's in a cage. Messrs. Prank and John Goff spent Sunday at Mr. S. It. Kirk land's. Wishing The PEOPLE sue cess. Cat of the Woods. Don't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. There will bp nit OOGMIOII for it if toil keep your bowel* regular with Dr. King'* New Life Pills. Their notion In *<> gentle that the appendix never hits cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed at F. Leslie Zemp, Camden Drug Company and Zemp A Del'ass, druggim*. 25 o. Try them. >40*05 }?m dots *|W"S HIM AUIAODSIQ M3M S.9MM H0 J Best Designs. Est . E. O. McCrelght. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. Vermont Marble Co's. REAL ESTATE mid Collecting Agent. All persons having Heal Estate for sale or rent, are requested to call on ine for information. Those wishing to buy or rent Heal Estate, are aho requested to rail on me. All ehiiins placed in my hands for collection will receive prompt atten tion. Call on me at Mr. W. A. 8ehroo.k's office (The People's olfloe,) Camden, S. C. G. G. Alexander. Dr. I. II. Alexander, DENTIST. Oftico one door North of "The People."* Money to Loan On Ileal Estate. Glarke & von Tresckow. Bucklen'sArn^cu Salvo The Dest Salve In The World. G-OOD 3^T-^-^C^3 BETTER T HAN COLD OR SILVER. All "Keen Ku ti ter" Gccds Hear That Nr.mc -'ZEniEIEIfcT I SUTTER" Knives, Axes, Files, Saws, Hammers, etc. In fact every Tool the Farmer and Me chanic needs, and are sold by A. D. KENNEDY. Lime, Portland Cement, Car Wilburn Wagons Mowers and Rakes, Hay Presses and Grain Drills Call and inspect his complete line of HARDWARE. A. D. KENNEDY. Yadkin Valley Distilling Company Makes the finest PURERYE and CORN WHISKEY on the market Only the best grain used in dis tilling fine whiskies will give the delightful and mellow flavor recognized in every taste of any of the YADKIN VALLEY make. Shipped in jugs or bottles in plain cases? orders filled promptly and carefully. Old Shore Corn . ? . $3.00 Gallon Yadkin Valley Corn . ? $2.50 Gallon North Carolina Corn ? ? $2.00 Gallon Pure Old Rye . . . . $5.00 Gallon Bottled in bond, eight years old, guaranteed pure. The nearest distillers to you shipping dircct from our plant, guaranteeing quickest delivery. Wri'-e for price list. A trial order will convince you of the superi ority of every Whiskey made and shipped by YADKIN VALLEY DISTILLING CO. Rocky Mount, North Carolina "The Whiskey That Gentlemen Drink" Williams & Steedman, Fire, Accident and Health INSURANCE. Surety Bonds. OHlce over store of J. C. Curetca 5 Co. i ? ? i? ? ? HT? M KILL,?* COUGHl *wd CURE the H.UMCS w,th Dr. King's New Discovery Fon COT8 AND ALL THE OAT AND lUWGTrtflURlFS. I GUARA NTEKD SATISFACTORY] OR MONEY REFUNDED. 60 YEARS' % EXPERIENCE Twadc Marks Dcsions Copyrights An. Anyone gondii, a n nnd f.yit riMWn mot fjnlckiy fi*""or?nln otir opinion frcc whether an jDTonll.in l* prnhnbljr pit'iiluM*. Coniifiui'ioa. .'?n'Vr,,orV.lw.':;,l',m,'l',,V HANOBtJOX on I'atcnu . V J 1 nKrn'') for '?octinnif patent ?. > atenta taken t iirc?u?f *? Altirm A Co reccAvi tptcinl noticc, without cnar?.*o, In tbo Scientific Hsnerican. A hari<1aomeiy tmt ?*<1 weekly. I.nrcrcot ctr ctj at Ion of any ec'.eptlflo Journal. Terms. $.? a k?Y?:a?a? f JI''#* Bold l>yall nownrtiwlcrx. MUNN & Co.30i8'?^r. Hew York V Drntx t! ofDeo. fe r ft.. W?-l.!n*too V Z. Dr. King's N*vy Lilo Pills Tho bont In tho world. W. L. M. STOKES Blacksmith, I have* rented the shop oC iho lale S. M. II, ill Ht.fl will be pleas ed to havo I ! n? oM patrons of Mr. Hall and all new patrons de^ir in# work in my lint*. Sjit isfaet ion and prompt, ser-' j vice guaranteed Price's Hrnsonablc. ECZEMA and TILE CLUE crcc K iiowinir what It was lo KiitlVr IIVLL j Will ffive KUKK of <'IIAKUK to any nniiclfti :i p: >?*? l ive run? for Ko /.ciiim, Salt JC licit in , Krynipt-l.-nn, I Mien nml .Skin iMsniseH. Instant rrlief. Doii'l HiitlVr lon##r. Write K. \V. WIMJAMH; KK? Manhattan Ayi'tiui*, Now York. " Knoloao Stamp. rVloney To Loan. Oil improved farm Ijintli* in Kcrilmw County. On loans up t ?i f 1,000. p#r or ill. On sums ovor t';at nmounl 7 pfr cent. No coinmisMons c-l?a ritt-H . L. A. Wtllkowsk.y, < nintlfu. s. ( or C. I.. iv Ink lor, 1? llroiiilwny, N'r? York IT'^l ti T"* 7"1 ' " won. pii It r ot lloot IH " inn* :iihI M-Itinic A ff,vV liljf premium* m-ihI jour hum1 In tiny f. ?!;??. Att tlros* T ('. MOSKI MY I'i ??tninin tf ?? ? pnrdtu'iit HI K. tfUrtl fiuvoi, Now York City.