local toatter. ? For Sale. Unseparated milk, cream, but ter and buttermilk. For par ticulars apply to Dr. D. L. DeSaussure, Mill Street. Private School. 1 Miss Sadie Kanned.v having leased "Home School'* of the Misses McDowall and Godfrey, will open a private school the latter part of September. Ad dress all applications to Miss Sadie Kennedy, Camden, S. C. Grave Trouble Foreseen. It needs but little foresight, to tell, that when your stomach and liver nee badly affected, grave trouble is ahead, unleM you take the proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs. John A. Young, of Clay, N. Y? did. She says: ** 1 had neuralgia of the liver and str.m ae.li, my heart was weakened, and I nould not eat. I was very bad for a long time, but in Elecfric Hitters, I found just what I needed, for they quickly relieved and cured me." Ilest medicine for weak women. Sold under guarantee by K. Ii. Zenip, druggest, at 60c a bottle. For Sale. One new Mowing Machine and Rake. Apply to Dr. S. P. Bkasincjton, Camden, S. C. For Sale. _ 2 Mules, H years old. Weight 1,000 pounds. Price $300. W. II. T J i.i.Eii, English, S. C, Attention, Dunirlitcrs of The Confederacy. The Daughters of the Con federacy will meet, with Mrs. W. A. Ancrum on Monday evening, October JJrd at 8 o'clock. To Kent. I offer for rent to the right party, f> nice bed rooms above stairs in the Camden Hotel, and a splendid sitting room on the lower floor. No couple with young children need apply, as a squalling baby is our pet abomi nation. I also offer for rent that por tion of the Camden Hotel known as the restaurant soction of the premises, consisting of a spa cious dining hall, pantry and kitchen. I want a thorough restauranteur for this section. To the right party, I will rent or lease both upper and lower * sections. Talk quick. There is money in it. Poisons in Food. Perhaps you don't realize that many min poisons originate in your food, but Home eay you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia that will convince you. I ?r . King's New Life Pills art* guaranteed to cure all sickness due to poisons of undigested food ? or iinncy buck. 2?V at F. Ij. Zeinp's drug store. Try them. New Year. Saturday being tho New Year of the Jewish fraternity, their places of business will be closed on that date, Sept. UO. llano Hall. The two games of base ball played on our grounds on Mon day and Tuesday, resulted as usual in victory for Camden. They were played by tho colored team from Timmonsville and ours. The scores stood respec tively, 2 to 0, and 2 to 1. Um pires, Messrs. W. M. Young and Sidney Smith. tfttr* Gold In Hoe -J. Kermotr* Chocolatc* Laxntlvc Quinine. cany to take and th , inst., Mrs, Camilla Ilaile, wife of Mr. *W. 11. Haile after ji pro tracted illness. This is a sad death, and the afflicted husband and. family have our deepest sympathy. . Mrs. Haile leaves three small children. Deatli has claimed another victim in the person of Mr. C. M. Alexander at Hishdpville. llo was well known and respect led here. Typhoid fever was the cause of death. We extend our sympathy to the widow, and family. This denth occurred on the evening of the 'J'HIi inst. Almost a Casunlily. Wo learn that on the evening of the 19th, Mr. Henj. Hayes, who lives near DeKalb, came near to being the victim ofal serious mistake. While suffer ing with tooth ache, or some tiling, he seized a five ounce bottle of laudanum, and drained it, thinking it was XX whiskey It happened that Mr. I*. T. Cly burn, the "popular rural route carrier 011 Kalb It. 1?\ D., No. 1, and Mr. H K. Young were ne ir, and by heroic efforts succeeded in saving the life of the almost victim. . , , v ?,????< 1|>i%tlon Forp\ ? tkfCwcoteli C':uidy ('ulliiiHio l??c *o "t 'J v. (ail to cui v, tiri-yc"*1* r< futKt tu f Norfolk, Va., wrihM: ?*l l> 1 1 >* 1 1 1 my knee dreadfully; l lint il 1 Mistered all over. Iliic-klc n*s Arnica Salve stopped the pain, and healed it , without asrnr." Also lit nl* nil wounds and sons. ?_?.">?? at !?'. I., Zemp, drni; lf ?st . IVnc I5all. Tho two games of biso ball played lion? on hist Thursday a ul Friday between the Colum bia league tram, and our loo lis resulted in a victory for the for mer on Thursday by a score of 1 to ?. and for tho latter on T *{????.,./? V ' *? l.I.'l .??! 0 uiinfl . .nr.* | < v ' ''.of j:ii iai|l ' Mr.'MW-iMiov r -i?n ?>; moj;; \ put. o.u.nt ojii j?? :?*. -lui >11111 mi MOAn.ioj p?: ii .fpvna c.i>v.|<>i *? ; n < 'In t v .'.jn imn -vioii'y |.uu ownnj. COMING. FRANK E. GRISWOLD'S Mammoth Rail Road Pavilion Ten Nights Id A Bar-Room Co., Under a L*irgo Tent fitted up in Grand Opera House Style. i Will exhibit atCamden, Monday, Oct 2nd, 8 p. m., Oniy. This Company carry '?0 people. A car-load of special scenery j with Calcium and nolored tiro effort. One of the best Hands traveling. A superb Orchestra and Mairaphono Quartette. This Company is the only -r^ranization traveling that make a specialty of this I ireat Temperance play ? and have no connection with any other play. Nothing Cheap but the L'rice. ADMISSION, Adults 25 Cents; Children 15 Cents, Children under 0 years, accompanied by parents, Admitted Kre. Hring the whole family. Prof. Holly Hosstnyn's Military Hand will give two concerts, at noon and 7 p. m. Don't miss it. Corner Mill and DeKalb Streets. AIR LIN 12 RAILWAY. NORTH-SOUTH-EAST- WEST Two Daily Pullman VcstiUuled Limited Trains Kotween NOItTII ANI) SOUTH. First Class Dining Cars. ? Tlu* I JEST RATIOS and ROUTE to nil Eastern Cities Via RICH MOND and WAS! ! INCiTON, or via NORFOLK and steamers ? To ATLANTA, NASHVILLE, MEMPHIS, LOl; IS V 1 LLE, ST. LOUIS, ClIH'AdO, N-E W ORLEANS, and nil points South and Southwest ? To SAVANNAH and JACKSONVILLE ami all points in FLORIDA and Cl'llA . POSITIVELY THE SHORTEST LIKE BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH. or detailed information, rates, schedules, Pullman reserva tions, etc., apply t<> any ftgenl of tin* Sen hoard Air Line Railway, or W. L. IJurroiighs, Travelling Passenger Agent, ('olumhi:*, S. 'dias. F. St(?wart, Asst. Gonl, Pass. Atft. Savanna?i, Ga. H1DEH AGENTS WANTED No Money Required until you receive i*"d fipprovo of jour bicyclc. anyone on Tan Days Free Trial /90S MoZls $ W tO $2# with Coaster - Brakes and Functurelesa Tires. 1Q03 ? 1904 Morlohs r? ^ 1 Beat Makes # lH & H Any vmke or notlcl yon wont at nne-thhd usual price. Clioico of any fitandurd tires and brut equipment on all our bicycles. Slrouyctt yuurantfc. We SHIP ON APPROVAL O.O. T>. to r.ny on? vilhout a <ti. Wrllo for It. DO HSJT ffvtfitJai* urtCQ per pah Tn IntrntfucK $ \vf> wWi SeH Ycir, 3 Sample Pa.ft* for Only Iff gutnthe aw m MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES NAILS. TACKS i OR C.i A33 SHJKGTIiRE-PROW TIRES s401 Kosiilt of ir? j*pprn fXivri'?nCo in tirr making. iVo danyftr front THORNS, O ACT US, ! rSttS, HA 1LS, TACKS Oe VOL ASS, Serious ; punctn !?<>.?<, like intent iouul knife cuts, ctm bu vu'oani/oU like any other tiro. P :;?! f< r Cat "T." uliowlntr ftll kind** flt;<1 nnlcs of 1 1 r*?? at tj.00 per pair Rtid up ? aljo CeasU'r-lJvftlsi's, Hi'llt-uc Wli<<>|* and IM< >i , ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION vtJwut .< . 15 Hook " Koteli-'em', Wooden Minnow ? Never misses your fish. American Spinners. Fisli and Frog Spears. Limerick tfc Kirl>y Hooks, all sizes. Im proved (unbreakable) Limerick Hooks 2 for fujents. Min now Buckets all sizes. Tackle Boxes to hold complete outfit. Dip Nets and Dip Net Kings, ('orks all sizes. Rod Holdersal way s ready. Will order Wad in# Boots on short notice Do not go fishing without " LI' LLC X XM'OP" ? death to mos1 N(i Kiin il, No. ns I.v Cnmden I jr> |> in Son. Hy. .1 niict ion I 2*> p iii A r Kllerliee I i!S p hi Kemlierls 1 151 p m A r llonleii t TiS p in A r I lal/.ell f? |:| p hi Ar N. \V. .function f> t:{ p m A r Sumter ? !,"? p m I l( a I n h ?; I.V Sumter N . W. iincilofi I >a!/.ell Horde ii Itemhertfl Kllerbee Son. Hy. .To net ion Ar Camden oiN(j Noirrn N o. c.li Ci 2o p HI <5 27 p III o i; p iii 7 or? p in 7 2X p HI 7 SfO p m 7 r?0 p iii H IK) p Hi No. 71 i? 510 a in l> a hi 0 *>o a iii 10 Id l. Ill 10 21 a iii 10 :tl a m 11 oo a HI 1 1 10 a hi No. CO leaves Camden Mori., Weil, and Friday at 1 p hi, ar. Sumter 51.10. No. K7 leave* Sumter Tiles., Tlinr*. Sat . II 00 n in, nr. < 'ainden 2 00 p m. THOMAS Wl I.SON, I'rebident JE. Schiadaressi, FaiiGU Fruiterer and Restauranteiir. Call and see mo whon | in need of any tiling in my lino. Foreign Fruits of All Kinds a Specialty. As elieap as the cheap est, nnd el ion per than the most. All fruit sold hy mo guaranteed to bo free from Tarantulas and other nox ious insects or reptiles. ('all 011 UK? wlioii in ueed PIIONK 151.