local-/Ratter. : Wonted. 9 To rent Af lease ? term of | about 100 acres, containing wood, &, -water and soine pasturage land. M*?t be located near some ^ood white school.. Leave tetafe and location of land at this office. - ? f Married. ! On September 11th" Mr. S. W. Copland and- Miss Ada' Brown were happily united in the holy) 4. bonds of matrimony. J. W. Davis, Notary Public, officiating. Congratulations of The People. At MnrnliiftjVi Church. We have;been requested to an nounce tliq.1 there will preaching at MarshauTs church on Friday before the "4tl* Sunday fn this month at 11 o'clock a. m. and ?/ '!*? Rent. Unfunded < boarding^ house, containing Tjtied-roojng, large dining-room, ^apaciou?pantry and kitcheti;. JLiights aiftt water in the hqi^/irresponsible par ties nee TUiU *I?5 Cttanio* *1.00 New tiuffglvg and Ties 1.00 Total $2.00 I need no tritii us my gin* ?re known to give tfce best of all GOOD TURNOUT#. Call on me at my old stand At tte?e We had the pleuart of ittood tag the nuptUus of llr. Wi. F. Moseley and Miss Agnes Arrants at the home of the bride*# moth er on Littleton street on Tm% d?*y, the 20th inst. The cere mony of marriage was beautiful ly and impressively performed by the Rev, jC. D. Peterson, end was witnessed by a lerge num ber of friends and relatives of the contracting . parties. We congratulate the groom and can not coqdole with the bride as we think that she has secured all kinds'of a good husband. The happy couple took the 4.15 Coast Hue train for Hartsville where they will spend a few days of the honeymoon, to return to Camden we believe on monday. New Mercantile Co. 1ITIHS, VHTiKBR ft COMPART. Messrs. Watkins Brothers and John Whitaker, Jr., having con solidated their mercantile inter ests, will hereafter conduct a* General Grocery and Fresli Meat business at the present stand of Watkins Brothers. It is our intention to largely increase our stock and keep a strictly FIRST-CLASS GRO CERY AND MARKET. We are too busy moving and cleaning up the stock to write a long advertisement today but will ask you to come and see us and watch our ads. WATKINS, WHITflKER & CO. Denth. We rejrret. to have to record the death of Mr. Allen Watkins of the Eastern section of the connty.from typhoid fever, which and evpnt occurred on tne 18th inst. Mr. Watkins had been nr.nrried only about six months, and to tne young widow we ex tend entire sympathy. He was buried on the 10th inst. nt. Sandy Grovo church with Masonic honors. llfrfltH. On ? of last week, a fine (laughter was born to Mr. ana Mrs. Josnh Burdell of West Wa teree. Cngratulations to them. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hough are to bo congratulated on the birth of a daughter on the 19th inst. Mr. and Mrs. R. Morelev have our congratulations on the nr nval of n tine daughter on Sat urday lust. Mr. Moseley now hns t wo daughters, a big one and a little one. See his son's mar riage notice m this issue. ItollgeoiiH. Dr. Mark L?. Carlisle of Colum bia will preach at the Littleton street Methodise, church on next Sundnv night. The public Is cordially invited to attend. Preaching tiinv lie expected at the Camden Presbyterinn Church next Sabbath, Sept. 25th, by Rev. R. C. Reed, D. D., ofColum bia Theological Seminary. A full attendance of the congrega tion is requested. A CurioiiN Find. On Monday afternoon while fishing in the old Green Bridge Pond, a negro, Rufus Gaskins, found an alligator four feet in length which had caught in a net and drowned. This is a true tisli story, so we can neith er deny the allegation nor defy the alligator. We understand the mouster is to be sold to the | highest bidder. "Why does not The Camden Historical Associa tion come to the rescue? To My Old friend* And Pat rons Grectl ng: I have this day associated my self with Messrs Watkins Uro tliers, tor the puriiose of conducting a General Grocery and Market Business, and will astiTvll of my old friends and customers to call at The Parlor Market and see me,?I will do you good. I sincerely thank every one of you for your liberal trading with me in the pust, and shall do my best to please you in the future. Come around "Old Hoy" and see Jack. Yours truly, Jno. Whituker, Jr. A Fine Mule Killed. On the occasion of the accident on ihe Southern liailway on their track crossing of the road leading eust from Mill street which cost our lamented friend, W. E. Oateen his life, We called the particular attention of our Hoard of County Commissioners to that tremendous and useless growth of shrubbery that lines the loft side of the road, border ing the fence of the Court Inn property, aud predicted further disaster to inan or beast, or both if it was not removed, so as to give a free Northern ex]>o.suro of the track at Unit point. That prediction was verified on Tues day, when a fine mule belonging to the liellshaw Farm was kill ed, the driver ulso narrowly escaping the same fate. Cut Uowd that hedge. J ?Miss Minnie Clarke has re* turned to us after-*, very pleas ant visit to friends at Columbia. \ ?liiss Alice Hnch U with relatives and trienAra$* Ottlum bia. We wish her. a 'pleasant visit and safe return. '~-x* . ?Mr. B. M. Pesree took abusi I ness trip to Cbsrlotte last week. . He wanted another lot of improv ed machinery. Ben is always up to date. ?Mr. J. C. Talley formerly with the Camden Lumber Com pany has gone to Florence to take a position with the Lay ton Lumber Company. ?Mr. J. Laban Stokes has taken a position with "The Gilt Edge," where he will be pleased to meet and serve hi?* friends and all othors who want bargains in everything to eat and wear. ?Miss Margaret, the charm ing daughter of our friend Capt. F. W. Eld redge has entered upon a course of study at 6t Mary's school, Raleigh* N. C. We pre dict distinction for the young la dy ther<\ ?Prof. J. C. P. Williams of Ridgeway was with us on Mon day, and paid us the usual pleas ant call. John is a pedagogue of the first water, and is said to be giving full and complete satisfaction to the patrons of his school ?Mr. E. A. Young has return ed to us after having served out his terra of enlistment in the U. S. regular army. He was last stationed at Fort Baker, Cal. where the weekly visits of The People make life endurable. ?Sheriff Lou. Clyburn spent a few hours inthecityonFriuay. He did not stand for re-election this year in Lancaster county, which fact no doubt saved those who did from passing several bud half hours. BREVITIES. ?The Gilt Edge (P. T. Ville-* pique's) *5.00 prize was won lust weelc by Col. Tho's. W. Lang. He was pretty close on time this time. ?We are mueli pleased with the arrangement of stock at "The Hub" and so will you be if you take the trouble (which will prove a pleasure) of examiuing it. ?When you wunt anything new and natty in his various lines, give Mr. D. Wolfe a call. His new stock is now opened up, and he knows just how to suit a customer. ?One of our mottoes is, "stand by those who stand by you. " and another is, "placate your enemy if you can, but if you cannot, let him hang him self." ?Mr. A. D. Kennedy is said to be doing a rushing business in his hardware and plantation supply departments. We are glad of it. Mr. A. D. is a good man and a good merchant. ?In completeness and variety of stock "The Big Store" of Hirsch liro's & Co., are strictly up to date. If any of your peo pie want a new hat call on them. If any of the lady-folks want a dress tuade in modish style, call on them. I ?If you cannot tiud Nathan Levy's place from his ad. in this issue, open your eyes a little wider, and see the biggest and prettiest sign in the city. You will find Levy himself just to the East of it as you go down from the corner of DeKalb Street on your left. ?Have you seen any prosjiec* tive candidates for the Legisla ture for 1000? We have, so do not pledge yourself until you leurn a little more. ?What has become of the new court house? We forgot to ask the Board of Cominisioners about it when they were last in session. Of course they know, so we may tell you something ubout it within the next six months or so. ?We regret the faint print on a number of the papers sent out last week, but we were so wor ried, harried and hurried when getting it out that we could not possibly watch every point, but hoj?e that this defect will notap pear again. ? ?The connection between chicken and dumpling and fried cnicken is rather remote but it didn't show up that way last week. What we wrote was a re quest to subscribers to send us a few chickens, but our typo twisted the !tem into a fried chicken. ?GOOD KOADS; We have not the least objection to our County Hoard ot Commissioners making the roads throughout the county leading to Columbia, Kidgeway and Kershaw, as good aa ]>ossible through various sec tions, but we really think that the little hamlet of Camden might receive just a little consid eration at their hands. Our , folks pay a small proportion of | the taxes levied, and a few of us think that we are not being treated exactly white. Gilt Edge Store. * ?? i' New goods [nit tolling In, and we are so busy opening and marking them, that we haven't time to give you an ad. this week but will Just say that our store is chock full of NEW GOODS of all kinds. Goods in endless variety and style, and trim mings to match. The Notion Stoolc is full of Novelties. Domestic Department full of everything that a housekeeper could want. Beautiful lot Ladies Walking Skirts, Tailor made Suits and Cloaks at prioes that will actually shock you. A full line of Carpets, Rugs, Mattings and Art Squares. SHOES of all kinds from Babies No. 0 to Mans No. 13. Ovii* Gents Furnishing Ooodn are Com plete. Hats, Caps, Shirts and everything to complete a Man's Dress. AND THEN JUST THINK! $5.00 GIVEN AWAY at 3 o'clock every Saturday and a Pine Buggy on Christmas Eve. For every Dollar you spend with us, you get a full dollar's worth of goods and a ticket for a chance at the ?>.00 and the buggy. Country Mercliantn como to soo us. We cnn Have you money. Get our pricos on Ilngging and Tie^ before you buy. Respectfully, 9 The Famous Gilt Edge Store, P. T. V1LLEPIGUE, Prop. TAX NOTICE. Mm *f Trrs?v?r tt Ktrska* f?ilT. I Uafct, I. C.. itft. 11. 1M4. 1 In urcdrdaiict* with the act to raise ?applies for the fiscal year commencing Jan. 1st lWOr*. notice is hereby given that the books will be open for collect ing state, county and kcIiikiI taxes from October 15. ltK>4, to March 1st, A penalty of 1 percent, will be Milled on all taxe? unpaid by Jan. Int, 100A. A penalty of 2 per cent, ou all unpaid by February 1st,11)06. A jwigilty of 7 per cent will be added on all unpaid by March 1st, 1903. The rate per centum for Kershaw county is as follow*: Mills. State taxes, 6 School taxes, 8 County taxes ? Railroad tuxes Total 10!,, The following special levies have been made also: Special School tax, I Matriqt No. 1 for interest on School Honda Grad Scliool Knildiug, 34 Special School tax, Dist* No. 1, H ?? ?? ?? ?? ? I 'j it u ?? ?? ?? 4t j{ l| II ll ?i "7 2 II .1 II 41 f JO) 2 ?. .. j .? ?? 11, 2 it ii ?? ? ?? ?? |jjt 2 ?i , ii ?? ?? |7 f) II it II .. o JJ ii ii ii ii ?? jyf 2 ii ii ii ?? *? 22, 2 ii ii ii ?* " 2H 2 The road taa of one dollar can lie paid the County Treasurer from Oct. J&tli, 1WK4. to March 1st, 1S0?. All male peraons living within nor porate limits of cities or towns, stud ents attending any college or school of the state, Ministers in charge ot regu lar eongregations, teachers employed in public schools, school trustees dur ing their term of office, persons per manently disabled and those actually engaged in the quarantine service of the state are exempt from the pay* ment of road tux. All other male per sons betweet the age* of It and 60 years are required to pay Mid road tax or work nolle** than eight days dur ing the year. The poll tax Ih $1. All information a* to taxes will be furnished upon application. No lint* of names for tax receipt* will he received unlet** the amount of tax money i? deposited with the said list. Thl* rule will be stri-tly enforced. w. r. notion. County Treas. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to trespass in any rnannet, whatsoever up on my lands or lands under my control situated on Lit tle Lynches Creek, about three (3) miles South-oast of Abnoy. Trespasser* will be punished to tlie full extent of the law. J. E. BAXLEY, Abney, 8, C. To Cmrm Cointlpntlon for?r*r. Tnke CiiM'itret* Candy Cutlmrile. loo or 5Re. If C. C. V. tul to euro, druggist* r csniioroi^x, AMD IWIfljL Your Patronage Solicited. For Sale ONE. THOROUG BRED SHORTHORN BULU A fine specimen, kirul atfiJ civile. I lloynlly IlriMl (IciknUlrc HO AH* ft H<'rk*1tli? uimI Hcv oral Berkshire I'Ikm. For prices, address A. 8. WHITE, CA MIHW, H.< a. Money to -Loan. On fnrm Irwulx In h 11 in* of fWH) up nf H prr rrnt; hi mum of #1 ,CKM> up nt 7 PIT cent, So ooiuiuixMon rbnr?r?|. . li, I-'m;an I.AMI. are Stay. The Only Exclusive Clothing House In Camden. Everything New in Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Suit's from $3.50 to $15. In our BOY'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT we have the prettiest and most complete line that has ever been shown in Cannier* Louis M. Levy & Co's. New York's Best Clothing has a national reputation an? we bftve the exclusive agency here. Do not fail to call and see the Most Beautiful Line of Boy's Oordnroy Sail or Suits from il to 8 years ever brought here for in section and sale. We luive Everything in Boy*? Clothing. Our motto is: "Your money's worth or your money back." Polite Attention to All. Yours for business, n/itHan lgvy. THE 0L?THlGH Remember We arc ;it Stand formerly occupied by A. AVittkowsky. The Hub. Fi H U Wo extend Thanks to the public- gone rally for the very ?en