FI?e -? ?? ?">? m* **?* ?- ? The Baptists of the city hnd the plea?re of listening to a very fine sermon on mat Sunday night by Dr. McPheefters of Col umbia. In Explanation. "Sum and Jake** this week is written for the special benefit of a subscriber who spent the win ter here, and owned the pig. Very few are in the secret, so it does not effect the general pub lic. Married. % On May 29th, at the residence of Rev. J. F. Kelly, and by him, Mr. Barney Truesdell and Miss Rosa Langley. We wish the young couple much happiness and few sorrows on their journey through life. Jackson Selaool Building. The new school building for the colored people was formally turned over to them by the Trus tees of School District, No. 1 and the Superintendent; Prof. R. M. Kennedy, on Tuesday night The Trustees will meet on June 2. to elect teachers . for the etisuing school sessions. Moonlight ItaInl?ow. A number of our citizins en joyed the rare sight of a moon light rainbow on Monday night just after that deceptive shower of rain. The rainbow is des cribed as very similar to the other kind, but to liave a whiter and mistier apperance. Its coarse was slightly north-east by south-west. Pic Xic Seiwon. The pic nic season is now on. Bethune held a monster one ou Friday, and the pupils ot Mr. "W. B. Turner had another on Saturday. It was our misfor tuue not to be able to take in either of them, but they are both said to have been very en joyable affairs. The candidates were out in force at both func tions. New City Clerk. We was glad to be the first to congratulate our friend, Mr. G. G. Alexander on his election as City Cierk and Recorder. The Council l^as made 110 mistake as Mr. Alexander is fully ca}>able, thoroughly honest agd a faith ful worker. He has had a wide experience in municipal matters and will prove of invaluable assistance to the Council. We congratulate the City as will as himself on the event. Klilfi nt Lapt. v ?* This section was visited on Tuesday evening by a heavy down-pour of rain which contin ued nearly an hour, the first we have had in several weeks. It was gratefully received by all. Crops and; all vegitatiou was suffering badly, and a drouth of a week longer would haye been followed J by serious results. Now, however, iu anticijuition, our mouth is watering for such delicacies as cabbage, beans, beets potatoes, squashes, okra, sweet corn, &c, &c,. Later we hope to indulge in the grosser food of peaches, i>ears and other fruit, eveu the lowly black-berrv. lilrilts. liorn on the morning of Mav Slst, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L. Bsunmm, a daughter. Weight, 11} lbs. We congratulate the happy couple on this nccessiou to the family circle and hope the new arrival will gorw up conf fort to the mother and a source of pride to the lather. On the night of Mny 28th to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lollis, a son. This lusty young policeman can not yet handle a club, but we sup|K>se that line all youngsters of l?ke age, he has learned to use well a hXsty pair of lungs. Congratulations to father and mother. May this young scion of the house become in future years, a credit to his family. 8econ:?4 2:l " Interest 1 74.33 | M Varlon* ftouree*, including other hank*, Hale ??f Kuril., refund rev. Stamps, A?. 0274.88 " Over Draft* 13010.1/1 DISBURSEMENTS. For Camden ('.in. it Cof. Fact nr. V $ 811.23 llft'sel* by eheak includ. public fund* |>ni?t by order of Court 17600.07 BIIIh payable, Xotea lield l?y oilier part lea 23008.05 1 JCxpeiisos and taxe* pd. 0006.12 ] 20 per cent. I >i v . on nil claim*, declared May 20 12500.47 I Hal. of cuah oil hand 8400.00 $030*1.21 #iUMW1.24 K. H. Vans, A. I?. Kennedy, Assignee*. C, II. Yates, ,f. T. liny, A^ts. of Creditor*. Wow'l T*Wro Spit hhiI Hmuhf fMr ).IRi Aw if. To quit tolmceo vitnily find forever. lie mair ?eilc fui! of life, nervo iiikI vliror, toko NoTo Dm. the wonder w<>i kcr. Hint make* weak men ?trong. All aruKRlitn, Wera House such aO " exquisite sextet of girlish loneliness. Only two essays were read this year by the graduating class, the lirsl, a very beautiful thing, entitled "The Beauties of the Imagination" by Miss Annie Al exander, the second honor grad uate, which was delivered with taste and effect -as was evidenced by the stoma of applause that greeted its conclusion. Then fol lowed the central figure of the occasion, the Valedictorian. Miss Selrua liernheim Parrisn, the youngest, perhaps, to graduate from any graded school, being only fourteen years old. The jiopularity of this young lady was instantly evident, as coming forward to the front of the stage, a vision of beauty, in fairy white, she deliyered her address (or es say) in a clear, musical voice that was distinctly heard through out the spaciaus hall. The essay was a masterpiece, and had it had a name, might have been en titled "Parting. " Judging from the intellect displayed by this young lady in the composition and delivery of this Valedictory, we predict a brilliant future for her, should she conclude to make elocution her life work. At the conclusion of the read ing of the essays, Judge W. C. Ltenet, the orator of the occasion was introduced. Judge iienct is recognized as the finest edu cated man in South Carolina, and he held his audience spell bound throughout the whole of uu address, replete with grand thopghts, moving scutencesand brilliant peiiods. Tlie orator had a great subject, a combina tion of tho necessity for keeping yourself well informed us to the past history of the {South, anil impressing upon his hearers the growth of Southern literature. Judge Denet, ut the conclusion of his address, delivered the scholarship medal to Miss Seluia Blenheim Parrish in a few grace fully worded sentences. The Comi>osition medal which was won by Master James Sto ney, was delivered to him by Mr. E. S. Vaux, an orator hiin self of no mean ability, who by his effort ou this occasion added new* laurels to a brow already crowned with them. This concluded the most suc cessful commencement that oid Camden has ever witnessed, and we congratulate the able Super intendent and his corps of assis tants u]>on their admirable work. Only a drop in the .bucket. $25,000 will uot build the kind of court house that Camden and Kershaw ought to have under present conditions, so look out for a call for more money. Lot us go the whole hog fellow citi zens and have a court house that we can be proud of, hut by all moans put it in the right ptacc, KiliirntA Y??r Itowol* With CunmreM. Pwuly CntliiiMlff. oiira tmtNtlpntloii forever. lOv . '^c 1( C V C.JftU,4rug*i*Ur<.-tuu4 otoucf J PERSONAL ? Mra. L. A/Wiikowslcjr to visit ing her relatives and friends in Chester. Mr. W. J? P. Weeks, our pop ular express agent has returned home after a short, but we hope pleasant vacation. Mr. C. W. Birch more of The Messenger has returned after a short but pleosint visin to the St. Louis Exposition. Hon. T. Y. Williams, of Lan caster, a prominent candidate for Congress in the approaching Democratic primary election, spent a part of Monday here. We had a pleasant call on Fri day last from Mr, A. H. Boykin, Jr, of Boykin, All of those Boy kin P. O. people are good people, and Haromie is "one of the finest." Call again. Dr. L. B. Pultz, of Port Kent, N. Y. left us last week for his home afterhaving, as he says spent a pleasant season with us. We regretted to see him leave, but as ne holds a life policy for one year in the shape of a paid subscription to The People, we may expect to see him again. Mr. W. H. Ellis, the efficient book-keeper for tbe Camden Lumber Co., has returned from a pleasant and protitible visit to Anderson, his old home. Mr. Ellis returned a thousand fold richer than when tye left as he is now the futher of "a bouncing baby boy," and no money can buy him. Sam and Jake. These two coons are certainly originals, and if there is any thing going", they will hear of it through some one of their var ious sources of information. As evidence that the colored brother or sister can pick up more news in an hour than can the white man or woman in a week, we will give you in brief the gist of their conversation on the oc casion of their last weekly meet ing. Jake 6aid to Sam: "say, is yu heah 'bout dat pig dat dat man dey call Mr. Grump bin hab in de Wukman House?" "Yeah, I bin lieali bout him. Dey say dat he am an eddicated pig. Hab ritin on him an all dat." "You got him strate Sam. Dat wu # a grate pig an' de way he wus hus' lin in de dough fer dat 'piscopalin chuch wus a crution, but anyhow dat pig wus stole de udder nite, an* dat Mr. Grump wus sure put out 'tout it. You kno' dein /piscopalins caint do widout dere eddicated pigs, so dey sta't out on er still hunt fer dat feller wha' dey los." "Well, did dey fin' him." "You jes waitr-niggah, an' I tell yer. Dat Mr. Grump am a I Nordern man, so he doan kno dat de niggah lub pigbettah dan er Jew, so he say dat sura Jew mus' hab tuk aim. Dat mek eberbody laf, an' den sumone tell him dat or Jew doan luv pig do he dus lov er dollnr purty well Ink mos' people. Den he say hit mus* be dat Jim, Black wha' wait in dat hotel, but Jim say, wha' fer ho want wid dat pig when Maj. White feed him so high ebery day on hog an' liombly?" "Hab dey fin de pig Jake?" "No dey isn't, but if a niggah didnt tek em it am my private 'pinion dat sunt udder white man did." Dat, Mr. Grump say he guine ter ad wortiz in Cap'n. Schrock paper fer um an' I guess dat fetch um cos dat paper ob his'n go ebery wliar. l'se got ter go, j Sam. Come ter see me. Court House Dots. The election resulted in a majority of 32 for the caurt house. 183 voted to build anywhere. 151 t j build it on the site where it belongs, in front of the jail. AJboycoot is a serious matter, I and the instigators of them are sometimes put in the penitenti ary where all of them belong. 334 voters out of about 2,000 voted for a new court house some with a proviso. About 1,700 other voters said by their absence from the polls fliat they do not care a snap. We are with the majority every time* "That fellow Schrock, ought to be boycotted for opposing the building of the ne f>,02l).&t Due other Itanks 1,484.74 *s2,r>r?.->.4s I, John T Mackey, Cashier of the above named solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true and correct to tbu best of my know ledge and belief. John T. Mackkv, Cashier. Sworn to before me, tiiis, Hist duy of May, 1001. C. W. ISlltCIIMOItK, (I.. ?.] Notary 1'ublic. Attest Correct, E. S. V.nix, W. U. Hough, atrons of the other routes if they request them, or some friends who knows the parties will send us a list of good names. The White Knight; no smoke to compare with it. Forwile at the Cam den l>rti? Company. Try them, ami be convinced. Lumber, ACCURATELY SAWED from unbled yellow pine tiud QUICKLY DELIVERED anywhere in town by Urown Liiinbc r Co., Phone 140. Cutnden, 8. C. npl 7-3ino Pasturage. This I * to Afinnuntttt Hint I am prp pnn .1 to l?AHTi:iiK either ('Al'TliKj or IIQIIHK4 on tin* Dun'lap plantation w/st of CniiMkit, until June 1st, and perhaps Inter, under special agreement . Aihlress me i*t the ('nmdfii post ofllre, ] I or rail at tin* ofllce of 'The People." i mati-17 T. J. SMYKI,. T?? 1'iire C?n4il|?llon I' or | TuUo I'usciivets CsiikIv Culliurtla Wc or SRo I 14 |U C. C. uii 10 curc, iiiuwgmu refund niouur ICE! ICG! I GEORGE W; CROSBY, ??THE OLD ltELIAliLE" ice dealer is better prepared this year than ever to serve you with ice. He is now running two wa gons, each making two deliveries daily through the week and one delivery on Sunday. Sunday hours at icehouse from 6 o'clock a. in. to 2 o'clock p. ni. He respectfully solicits your patronage. 4-Man Bros. Feed, Sale and Livery STABLES. Give us a call when in NEED OP ANYTHING THAT WE CAN TM> FOR YOU. Stables on DeKalb St. just above WORKMAN HOUSE 'mmm uwnv s, c, ~ Time Table No. 5. To tnke effect Sunday, January 10. 1001, at 12.01 a. in. Sit person n c 'I'i mm* Table No. 4, dated November 2, 1003. HKTWKKN MI'MTKIt * ('AUI)KS, TUAINS 41U1NU SOHTU, No. <18 Xo. 70 | I.v Camden 4 Ifi p hi 7 00 a in Sou. Ky. Junction 4 25 p m 7 10 a in Ar Kllerbee 4 8S p in 7 HO a in Keniberts 4 4:1 p in 7 40 a m Ar llorden 4 58 p in K 00 a m Ar l>alzell 5 i:t p in 8 25 a m : Ar N. W. Junction 5 4:1 p in 8 5H a in Ar Sumter 5 45 p in 9 00 a ui TKAIXS fldlNU NOKTII. No. (til No. 71 Lv Sumter f? 25 p in 0 30 a in N. W. Junction 0 27 p in 0 AS a m l>alzell ? 47 p in 11 50 a in Borden 7 05 p m 10 10 l in Keinberts 7 2:1 p m 10 21 a in Kllerbee 7 30 p in 10 81 a m Sou. Ky. Junction 7 50 p m II 00 a ni Ar Camden 8 00 p in 11 10 a in HKTWKKN W1 1. SON'S MUX A Sl'MTKIt, TRAINS (SOI NO SOUTH. No. 77 No. 73 1 Lv Sumter , , / 4 50 p m 8 80 p in Lv N. W. Junction'' 4 53 p in 3 83 p m Lv Tiudal 5 20 p in 3 47 p in Lv I'acksville 5 50 p m 4 00 p in Lv Silver ? 25 p m 4 25 p m I.v Millard 0 40 p in 4 35 p in Lv M i 1 lard 5 (N> p in Lv Sumnierton 0 50 p m 5 15 p in Lv l>avia 7 15 p in 5 55 p in Lv Jordan 7 30 p in 0 15 d m Ar Wilson's Mill 8 (Ml p in 7 00 p m TRAINS GOING NOKTH . No. 72 No. 70 Lt Wilson's Mill N 40 a in 0 00 a m Ar-Jordan 0 00 a in 0 20 a in Ar l>avis Station 0 45 a m 0 45 h in Ar Suminerton 10 15 a in 7 15 a in Ar Millnrd 10 20 a in 7 20 a m Ar Millard 10 45 am Ar Silver II 00 a in 7 45 a m Ar 1'acksville 11 30 a m 8 15 a m Ar Tindall II 55 a in 8 15 a m Ar N. W. Junction 12 27 p m 0 12 a m Ar Sumter 12 80 p m 0 15 n in Nos. 70 and J 7 between Wilson'* Mill & Suinter dully except Sunday. HKTWKKN MI LI. A HP & ST. I'AVI.. No. 73 No. 75 l,v Millard 4 i55 p in 10 20 a in Ar St. 1'aul 4 40 p m 10 30 a in No. 72 No. 74 Lv St. Paul 10 35 a m 4 50 p in Ar Millard 10 45 a m 5 00 p in No. 00 leaves Camden Mon., Wed. and Friday at 1 p hi, ar. Sumter 3.40. No. 07 leaves Sumter Tues., Tliurs. Sat. 11 00 a in. ar. Camden 2 00 p in. THOMAS WILSON, President. Summer School No tice. All toucher* of Kershaw County who wish to attend the Kershaw County Semmer School, beginninic ?'??!>* IN, I SHU will please notify the undersiened not Inter thnn the Ifith of.fune. TheCoun t.v Hoard will pay hoird of teacher* in Camden at rate of $ 12.60 per month, rnlexs an attendance of twenty-seven in secured there ran he no summer school in thin county under the deris ion of the State Superintendent of Ind uration. It in important therefore that it lionc who wish to attend the County Summer School should com municate with me without delay. It. C. Hmuck, Sup't of Education, K.C. NOTICE To Teachers mid Trustee*. Tlir aiintuil report of nil whool* ninH In- ffiibmlttiMl to the iiiiilcrMiKiM'tl oil or licfiirt' tin* lot ii of ?J inns Failure to (MiMiply will (?niiKt,' loss < f ?? ii r? >1 1 nit'ii t Mini ilrrrcnrtt* of apportionment to Miieli ?l iMtrit't . It. C, lliirrr, Siip't Kdiirntioii, K. C. Send it* * model or sketch of Invention, wo will examine and report aa to patent Ability, Kit KB, fiend for apodal offer to Inventors bofore applyln* for patent; It will J* 11/ you: thla la no bostua guarantee or refund achomo. Fit KB valuable book on putonta. l'atente scoured byusndver tlae one term's service, and we feel j list i tied in assert ng that his record is one iu which the whole State has an interest and pride. MANY VOTERS. We beg to announce the name of the Hon. JOHN G. RICII A It IKS, Jr., as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representative*, at tlie ensuing Democratic primary election, and sub j?*ct to the rule* of the same. No one lias served a constituency more zeal ously and efficiently than Mr. Richard* He is justly regarded as one of the most conscientious, safest and ablest legislators in the State, and his record certainly justitles the estimate. Ker shaw county caiuu.t do better than bestow her approval on this faithful otlicial by re-electing liiiu to the re sponsible position to which he again aspires. MANY VOTERS. For CowmIt Tmwnrrr. Mr. VV . ]t. Hough having announced flirt intention not to stand for re-elec tion, we hereby place in nomination an a most worthy successor, Mr. W. F. MAl.ONK for the office of County Treasurer. Mr. Mnlone needs no in troduction to tliu voire** of Kershaw County, as lie is home horn ami home raised. We must have a good man to succeed Mr. Ilough, and W. F. Malone is the man. ALL KEKSIIAW. The friends of Mr. I>. M. MoCAS K I LL hereby announce him a* a can didate for the olllee of Treasurer ol Kershaw county in the approaching primary election of the Democratic party. Mr. McCaskill need* no com mendation at our hands, lieittg well known to all the voters of the county, and having alreauy made a very cred itable rare for the name office for which we agaiu place liim in noun nation. FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce that Mr. I>. K. IIOrGII will lie a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Kersliaw county, subject to the Demo cratic primary. FJtlKN'DS. For Comity Auditor. I hereby announce myself a candi date lor the olfice ot Auditor of Ker shaw County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election, ltespcrt fully, JOHN J. GOOD ALE. The friends of Mr. W. F. RUSSELL hereby announce his candidacy for Au* ditor in the coming primary election. Mr. Kussell is au earnest party worker, anu has been for many years, which fact, coupled with lii.? known capacity to fill the position, entitles liim to a majority vote of his fellow citizens. FRIENDS. We. the friends of Mr. MANNES RAKOX, wish to nunounce him as a candidate for theotficeuf Auditor. Mr. Itahon is one of our liest citizens, tho roughly (pialilied, and if elected will till the olfice to the full satisfaction of the entire countv. VOTERS OF WEST WATE11EE. For j*h??rllT Everybody cannot be a Sheriff, but there are a number of good men who would make good Sheriff's, ami out of that number the friends of Mri W . W. HCCKAItEE have concluded that lie is the man, and hereby place hi in mi nomination for that office. VOTERS. I hereby Announce myself as a can (filiate for Sheriff iu the approaching primary election of the Democratic party* As I have previously filled this olllee, extended mention of my eatnie ? ty to give the people good service is unnecessary. I respectfully invite the support of the voters of Kersliaw county. JAMES L. 1IAILE. Mr. Etlitnr: l'lease Announce t lint Mr. .1. S. TKANTII AM will be n candi date for re-election to tin* office of Kheriir, subject to the Democratse Pri mary. Frlnid*. To tbe voters of Kershaw county : At tin* earnest- solicitation or my friemls, I hereby come before you as a candidate for the office of Sheriir of our county. I deem it unnecessary to *ay anything in relation to my administration of said ollice during; the terms that I served. My record is before you, and I cannot resist the temptation to thank my friends for their support in the past, and pledge myself to do my ill - most to fill t lit* position so that they will have nothing to regret if they again elect me. and 1 pledge myself to abide tbe result of the iJemocratio Pri mary election. 11. It. WILLIAM*. For Count v Hiitt?>rvln?>r. Mr. I). K. IHXOX in hereby nn nonm-eil as a chiiiImIhU1 for Supervisor of Kershaw County in the coming pri mary clcitlioii, Mr. IHxoii nvrdit no wonlsof eommenilation from n*. He has serveil lis well in the past, nnil Is well ntinlilleil tu f Mr. il. M, KINCIIKK m i wwt ouiublf eainlt daie for the otth'* of .-e and capacity mor? tiutn amply suffi cient to worthily (ill the office. We hope that be will utanil for elf.'Uoi. 1>kKALB TOWNS! I II*. Many friend* to I .aw and Order here by place in nomination for re-election Mr. J. P. McDOWEIX f??r the offi?-? of MayiKtrate for l>eKalb Township in tiic au|m?rliin|( Democratic primary. Mr. McDowall, a? a Maxmtralf, needs no com men t at our hand* Si nee he haw tilled the office, crime of every de scription ha a largely decreased , and those who liave committed it. win it brought before liiin have been severely punislitMi ? i he surest method of deter ri n g others from committing similar offense*. Yon vote for yon own inter ests. friends, when you vote for Mr. J. I>. McDowall. LAW AND ORDER. F?r Clark of Court. Believing in that gissl old Demo cratic principle of ''rotation in office.'* we. friends of lion. It. W. MOSKLY, present, with much pleasure, his name to the voters of Kershaw County as a candidate for Clerk of Court. Mr. Mosely is a tried man, honest and cap able, who will give satisfaction to all the people if elected. As is well known he served us four years in the llon>u of Representatives, with credit to him self and lioi or to our county. We re spectfully solicit your support of him in the approaching Democratic pri mary. Eastern Kershaw. For Rnprrlnlriutrnt of Education. The many friends'/ of Mr. .1. M. WATT ?, and of Kershaw county, here by place Mr. Watts hi nomination for the ofliee of Superintendent of Educa tion iu the ensuing primary. lie ha* served us very acccptably before in the same office, and will do so again if elected. Vote for him. EAST KERSHAW. Mr. Editor: The many friends of Mr. W. It. TURNER do hereby announce him a candidate for County Superin tendent of Education. Mr. Turner is well known as a young Inan of high moral character, lie is a practical teacher, having taught the last eight successive years. The last five years in the same community. If elected, lie will serve the county ill the sain*' faith ful manner as he has served as teacher. MANY FRIENDS. Money to Lomu On farm Innds in sums of $.'100 up it 8 per rent; in hiiiii* of ?1,000 up at 7 per cent. No commission vjur^d. S. Looan Lax ti. PASTURAGE. This is to inform the public that I have u tine ]>astiire, both upland and river, and will bo glad to pasture your cows, horses or mules. My pasture is located on the Salmond place about four miles from tne city. T. G. WILLIAMS Pasturage. I am prepared to pasture cat tie on the well known range of Mr. J no. McSmyrl. Will give the business my personal atten tion. Patrouage respectfully solicited by M. G. HUCKABEE. W. a. SCHROCK, Real Estate A Good boauj> and kodoino FVItNJBWEl) AT TUK OUt HATl?Ji $I.OO Per Day. ? our Titren&ti SolieittA.