?iipwiinpn > i * unipiiii ; ; SMIf ? ? " " ? npriH. EfBornofc the night of Merch *%Dth to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. El i&M a daughter. Oongratnla 4m from "The People.'* rr ? *? ^ **u , , ?a)Mlr4 wMIm of eabtaidtM t? ?m ||o pttaU. Por pnett sod Hwifc?* j tartermotioe apply to Mr*. *? *? e*ewk st the reeiienoe of Hr. C. O. yiujk.ii, one door tooth of tfci old >talmkcorMr. n? ? ' /V Mr. W. R. Hough bivlng innoanoe4 hit intention not to (Uxi fo^ re-elec tion, vi hereby plana in nomination m * most worthy incoeiior, Mr. W. F. MALONE for the office of County Treasurer. Mr. Malone needs no in troduction to the votres of Kershaw County, as be is bone born and borne raised. We roust have a rood man to succeed Mr. Hough, and W. F. Malone is the man. ALL KERSHAW. The friends of Mr. D. M. McCAS KILL hereby announoe bim as a oan didste for the offlce_j>f Treasurer ol Kershaw county in the approaching primary election of the Democratic party. Mr. MoOaskill needs no com mendation at onr hands, being well known to all the voters of the county, and having already made a very cred itable race for the same office for wbiob we again plaoe him in nomination. FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce that Mr. D. K. HOUGH will be a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Kershaw county, subject to the Demo cratic primary. FRIENDS. For County Auditor. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offloe ot Auditor of Ker shaw County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election. Respectfully. JOHN J. GOODALE. For 8k?riff. Mr. Editor : We hope your space and kindness will permit us to suggest the name ot CAPT. J. C. ROLLINGS as a candidate for 8heriff of Kershaw County. Capt Rollings is a gentleman of the old sohool, and is well known alt over the county. He is fully able and competent to make an ideal Sheriff. Further comments would be useless. Captain, can we bear from you soon? FRIENDS. Everybody cannot be a Sheriff, but there are a number of good men who would make good Sheriff*, and out of that number the friends of Mr. W . W. HUCKABEE have concluded that he is the man, and hereby place bim in nomination for that office. VOTERS. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Sheriff in the approacbing primary election of the Democratic party. As 1 have previously filled this office, extended mention of my canac ity to give the people good service is unnecessary. 1 resj ectfui: v invite the support of the voters of Kershaw couuty. JAMES L. HAILE. Mr. Editor: Please announoe that Mr. J. S. TU ANT HAM will be a candi date for re-election to the office of 8heriff, subject to the Demooratsc Pri mary. Frieuds. To the voters of Kershaw county; At the earnest soliaitation of my frieadti, I hereby come before you as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of our couuty. I deem it unnecessary to say anything in relation to my administration of said offloe during the terms that I served. My record is before you, and I cannot resist the temptation to thank my friends for their support in the past, and pledge myself to do my ut most to fill the position so that they will have nothing to regret if thejr again elect me. and I pledge myself to abide the result of the Demooratio Pri mary election. R. R. WILLIAMS. For County Supervisor. Mr. D. F. DIXON is hereby an nounced as a candidate fur Supervisor of Kershaw County in the coming pri mary election. Mr. Dixon need:) no words of commendation from us. He has served us well in the past, and Is well qualified to do so la the future. MANY FRIENDS, Please allow me space iu your paper to present the name of Mr. B. M. PEARCEns a suitable man for the im portant position of Suoervisor of our County. In asking the people yf Ker shaw county to vote for Mr. Pearce for this important position, we feel that we are making no mistake, as he is fully qualified to fill the position; and, besides, our section has had no repre sentation in a county, ofllce In twenty five years. Signed, ? MANY VOTERS. For Magl?trat?. r Many friends of Mr. K. S. VILLE PIOUE hereby announce hun as a can didate tor the position of Magistrate in DeKalb Township in the coming primary election of the Democratic party. Mr, Villepigue possesses am ple ability, and will, if elected, well fill the office. The Best Seed Corn. "GARRICK'S PROLIFIC." A limited supply of this com which produces a general aver* age of 50 bushels to the acre can be obtained by leaving your or der at the office of The People. Price 40 cents por peck. Camden Hotel Corner Main and DeKalb Streets. Mrs. R. F. Phillips, PROPRIETRESS. -< > Good board and lodqino FURNISHED AT THE OfcD HATES, $1.00 Per Day. < > ToirF&trougiSoliiitii,