l?AATBSt. Erskine College badge, or *?3jf?edal, inscribed with Greek let BS^ Th? owner can obtain Mine StaTealling at this office and pay^ pl? this notice. ?*>ea?fc. ^ ' K Mr. W. Dug Kelly, died at his ;'jreiklence m West Wateree on the 16th- fast re? consumption. ? wasfWi^d Ija Piiae Grove | ?^mGtery ^n the morning of the Rev. Ellison Jones con ducting the funeral services. - V. .. . " - * Additional oiub Premium. connection with our chicken ^department Instituted this week, We offer to the party first send ing in twenty-five paid subscrib ers a first-class 50 egg , Eureka Incubator aud brooder. This is a premium well worth working tor, so let us see who can get ud the first club. . Wanamaker's Spring Samples. Mr. D. Wolfe announces that *ne spring samples from Wana maker's clothing house, of which be is their Camden agent, have arrived, and that he will be pleased to have yon call and ex amine them. Perfect fit and per fect quality is guaranteed by the ^jVanamaker Company. Request to Club Raisers Club raisers are urged to send in the n^mes with the necessary subscription price of all subscrib-, era already secured by them. .. We will open an account with them, giving them Credit for all names sent in until the desired or required number has been ofc I tained. Married. ?n February 4th, near West ?ille, Mr. Thomas Truesdel and . Miss Mary Spears. Congrrtula tloua from "The People. " ^ On February 11th, Mr. Lewis Truesdel, jr., and Miss Mabel Clarke, a daughter of our old friend, -EYahk Clark. Long life I xwiiMuwi, mnllegr Line. " '* ' 4 ?' ' " #We .understand that a move ;mont is on foot looking to the establishment of a trolley lme Connecting Camden with Colum ^blar ouf new suburb. There is no doubt that such an enterprise , P?y? M even now we have -weekly with us hundreds of these \ suburbanites. Let the idea ma terialise. Contact and associa tion with an ultra-civilized com munity such as ours cannot fail to benefit those who at present etffc are deprived of the privi lege. ? ? Spring goods of all classes are arriving daily at Hirsch Bros. & Co's. Big Store and among them, t mce line of ladies walkincr hats. ? , r Notices to Subscribers. We are sending out this week ?v a number of notices to subscrib ? era requesting the .pleasure of a remittance. It may not be gen * erally known, but is a fact, nev ertheless, that the editor and bis assistants do not livo on air, V and a number of those little ft.JSO's we mentioned last week "Will help him to give you a bet ter paper than we are now pftb ~ IisMng. Call in and help us, friends. We will help the people ' * tf yon will holp "The People. ,f "Free Delivery Box. f At we have received several complaints on not^recei pt of their . paper Within the last week, or *0, this will Inform our subscri *bers generally that we have es tablished a free delivery box at jib* office on the corner 6f Main ' ? DeKalb sereets . All those prefer to eall at the ottice i*""" of 'The People" for their paper, Instead of having them rtmiled -as now, will please notify ns promptly. We don't want any ll anbecriber to miss a single copy, aa#we try to give yon new and reading each week that Oan*t afford to- lose! . Pay iar attention to this*#; the Information on to of our friends who may ft mjriM ?uwnry. Mr. Oos Iltrscb, ot Die firm of Ilirvch Bros, and Co., his been In tbe Northern markets for some weeks, purchasing their Spring stock, which includes the Ipxg^st _and most fashionable line of mtllinery that Has ever beeif presented for the consider ation of our fastidious Camden ians of the feminine gender. Don't think of buying a hat un til ^on inspect their stock; ^Their new milliner is an arti?t in her line, and can please both in qual ity, Style and price. U. D. C. Meeting. The United Daughters of the Confederacy are hereby called to meet at the residence of Mr. J . D. McDowall on the first Mon day in March, at 4 o'clock p. m. A full attendance is desired, as business of importance will come up before the meeting. Members are requested to bring in their dues. . Call on Hirsch Bros. A Co. be fore purchasing flour elsewhere. They have just closed a contract with the mills for 500 barrels of first patent flour that they offer at a small advance, and as flour has advanced considerably, this means thst they will sell cheap er than any other firm in the city. Garden Seed*. Through the courtesy of Sena tor Tillman, we are enabled to present our subscribers with a package of garden seed. Thope who desire them will please call at the office of "The People" for them. This annual distribution of seed is a good thing, all^asser tions to the contrary, notwith standing. In almost every in stance the recipients derive in this way all the practical bene fits they receive from the nation al government. Hirsch Bros. A Co's. new mil liner was secured by them from the firm of Jas. G. Johnson, of New York, the largest and most JIU??p-?&tiuiiliMinery houstfia the United States. She will arrive in a few days, and in tne mean time, their stock of millinery is constantly arriving. To the Voters of Kershaw. 'We, the voters of West Wateree, re spectfully reqnest ycu to join with us in urging ex-Sheriff R. It. Williams to again enter the race for Sheriff in the next election He certainly made a first-class officer. We have never heard of any complaint against bis manage ment of the office or its duties, anaper to me hab btv ptrty sick. De doctor, he ?ay, sbf hab sum kin* ob digestion wiiich settle on de witals, or somewhere, but he gib her two or tree bread pill, an now she am a'.lright; and say, Jake, you bin " talk bout Cftpt. ^c'?rock paper. I go up like I tell you I was | gwine, and 'scribe to him, and sence my darter read him to me I dan change my 'pi^ioa ob de paper. De way de Cap'n talk bout dem chicken in de T*s' Wi per Jest suit dis niggab. tie tell de Wbol' trof when be ssy dat #nm ob de people in de country habn't a obicken indereyard fo so long, and now, when we has so many Yankee 'mung us, das so few chicken 'roun, what am a po uggah to 'do? I'se not a preacher, but I does love to raise chicken, .eben if #de roos am high." "Now, dere you go, you fool niggah. Cap'n Schrock did'n hab no bisness to put dat ting 'bout chicken in he paper. It jes put all sort of fool notion in you fool niggah head. I ain' no preacher, neider, but I is a die* ance in de chuch*, an' I lub chick en, too, but I has' to get him by raism* him off de roos, less I is by myself, or wi&somcbody to watch fo me, I doan want him. You better be shume of yousef, niggah.. An* dere's anuder ting I doan lak 'bout Cap'n Schrock paper las week. Wha' fo lie want to say so much 'bout agncultur? What us niggah care 'bout farm in' bizness so long ez we kin git a lien from de white man to run de crop and not go on de con trac'." "Now, dat's alright, niggah. De Cap'n am right 'bout dat, I cain't eider read or rite, but duz rais my own pig and com, an' I ain't gib a lien in five year, an' ef you readin' and ritin' niggahs' would do mo wukin on yo fa'm an 'let politcs an' 'ligeon 'lone, you'd be better off. I bin want to sAy sumting 'bout dat 'publi can conwention dey had here las week dat Mr. Bill Boykin was de boss ob, but I want ter water my muel. I hope Cap'n Schrock keep up dat ting 'bout de agri cultur, fo hit's boun' to help de niggah as well as de white man. So long, Jake; I see you next week, an' we bab sum mo talk 'bout dese mattas." PERSQJNAL. Dr. J. E. Mcl ure, of Fi9hop ville, ?spent Wednesday ia the city on professional busiuess. "We are glad to note that Mr. Howard Singleton lias recovered from his recent severe illness. Dr. I.?H. Alexander is absent for a short time in the north, wnere he has gonoon profession al business. . 1 Miss Annie Workman, now a student at Winthrop, spent a few days with relatives in Camden this week. Mr. T. L. Bulow, the noted stockman, farmer and capitalist, of Fairfield county, is with us for a few duys. Miss Emma Moore, of our city, accompanied by her friend, Miss Rebecca Morgan, is visiting friends at Rook Hill. - Mr. W. M. Mayes the noted horse man from Columbia, spent a day or 40 with us last week as the guest of Mr. B. P. Foreman. ? Mrs. W. A. Lazarus and charm ing young daughter, Hannah, ^of flishopvilte, ftro visiting Mr. L. L. Block's family on DeKfclb street. ? t, Mr. Johq F. Jenkins was callcd to Sumter yr sterdny on account of the death of his father, Mr. T: B. Jenkins, of that city. Our deepest sympathies are with the bereaved family. Mrs. ? . Morris, of Baltimore, is visiting the Messrs. Hirsch, hor cousins. This is the first visit of Mrs. Morris, and she ex presses herself as being charmed with everything, and pleased with everybody. Col. L. C. Hough and Mr. ? . Ferguson* of Kershaw, paid this office a. pleasant call on Monday. Col. Hough is a warm friend, and "The People" was the gain er by one more subscription dur ing his call. Every one will regret to learn of the Illness of Auditor W. R. McCreight. He is suffering from some Kidney trouble, bi*t all of his friends, of whpm .^ho^Utor is orfe, hope for his spced^ind complete recovery. 'j?^ 'Car) Eatley, 'a son of W. A. Bailey, has returned from Lou isiana to his former home near Logos, to recu perate ? from a se vere attack of pneumonia. His sister, Miss Almead Bailey, a trained nurse, accompanied him, and attended him during his ill ness. A Remarkable Exhibition. One of the most instructive, as well as entertaining exhibitions that has ever visited our c torn is R. M. Howell's troupe of Glass BJowors and Spinners, who are giving daily exhibitions of the art of, fancy glass manufacture in the store next south of the Camden Dm# Co. Every con ceivable article. 01 glassware is turned out by these artists with out the aid of a model or models. The glass steam engine is a tri umph of the glass blowers skill and mechanical gonius as well. Each visitor is presorted with a handsome souvenir of their work free. The entertainment is just as advertised and is being1 lirge ly attended. The admission is but nominal and certainly 110 la dy, gentleman or child in our city should miss this rare oppor tunity of witnessing this beauti ful work. Ask for the White Knight, the best ?moke on the market. Fur sale bj the Camden Drug; Company. ANNOUNCEMENTS. F?r Mityor. We, a nnmbiT of good friends to the r-ity. respect fully present to the voters ^f Camden Mr. H. G. CaRRISON as a most suitable candidate for Mayor in the primary election soon to l>e held. Ifc ia unnecessary for lis to give the many reasons why Mr. Carrison should be elected. There lire seveial grave r|ueations affecting tlie vital interests i>f the city to be acted upon by the in romin,; Council, and we must have a i'.ool and clear-headed man at the head of affairs. Citizens. For Alderman. Ward t. The friewds of Mr. J. \T. WILSON hereby place nim in nomination for the n nition of Alderman in tlu coming pity primary election, for Ward 1 of the city of Camden. Mr. Wilson is a lrt>me-rai?ed Doy of capacity, and will give MS good service if elected. Mt. idilN A. 8INGLETON tlias an nounces himself as a candidate for re election to the position of Alderman for Ward 1 in the cnauing Democratic pt unary election for city officers, and wi'l be glnd to hnve your support, lie will abide the result of said election and support the nominees of the party. For Aldermnn, Ward 3. \ The friends and admirers of Mr. L. ],. BLOCK place his name in nomination for the Democratic nomination of Al derman from Ward 2, in the approach ing primary election for city officers. Mr. lllock thoroughly appreciates the needs of our people and understands the issues that will be presented for settlement ly the incoming council. Fur. Altlrrmnn, Wiinl .X The friends of Mr. W. GEISEN'ITEI MKR place him in nomination for the position of Alderman from Ward .'I in the approaching urlinary election. Mr. Gei*ci:h6lmer rcqHitv* no introduction to the votors of his ward, feing known to all of tffk*m as a citizen of sterling worth a/id ability, and a man who will interests ot all the peo pi?, ft elected. ? The manj; friends of Dr. W.J. Dl'NN announce hi< tiauie as a suitable candi date M Alderman from Ward fl, to sarve us during the next twi? years, or longer if lie wants the position. I>r. Dunn is thoroughly alive to the inter est* ntxl nerds of our growing city, and will, if elected, make ?'s an A I ler inati of whom all of us may be proud. Ftr Cotiitly Trei?*nror. Mrf W. R. Hough having announced his intention not to stand for re-elec tion, we hereby pljcein nomination as a most worthy successor, Mr. W. F. M ALONE for the office of County Treasurer. Mr. M-ilonc needs no in troduction to the votres of Kershaw County, as he is hoii?p born and home raised. We must have a good man to succeed Mr. Hough, and W. F. Malone is the man. ALL KERSHAW. The friends of Mr. D. M. McOAS KILL hereby announce him as a can didate for the office of Treasurer ol Kershaw county in the apprrthchlng piimary election of the Democratic party. Mr. McCaskill needs no com mendation at our hands, being well knov n t^all the voters of the county, and having already made a very ? red itable race fcr the same office for which we again place him in nominal Ion. ' , ' FRIENDS. For UliftrtlT. Everybody cannot ba a Sheriff, but there are a nunber of good men who would make gowl Sheriffs, and out of that number the 'rlends of Mr. W . W. lUTCKAIlEE havo concluded that he Irtlie man, and hereby place him in nomination for that oflloe. VOTERS. 9 ?>r ShnrlfT. I hereby a:moutis? myself as a cat.' diaate for Sheriff in the approaching primary election of the IVmnoratic party. Aa 1 have previously flilod this offljv, extentlisi mention of my caoao ity to give the people good service ia ? nmcessary. 1 ri-sj ect fully invite the aupport of the voters ? of Kershaw county. JAMES L. I1AII.K. CHINESE STORY TELLERS. A mi the TarM Tb?y Spia fw ? OtadUeratloa. On a pleasant day one cannot go far in Poking without meeting a professional story teller standing, with a crowd of listeners about liim, under a big umbrella by the road side, telling stories in a loud, ear nest toco. The characters iu the tales are often "the big priest'* and "the littio priest" ? a boy whom his par cuts have consecrated to the servico of the temple. The following is a typical story in which they appear. Once upon a time? so tho story goes ? an old priest said to his young companion: "I am going away, lit tie priest, and 1 leave tho temple in your charge. No matter who comes, don't lend them anything." "All right, sir. I'll obey your words. " Not long after tho old man left an old woman came to worship. She prostrated hv.self beforo the idols aud prayed on!t tell the same story every timo. Have some sense make your story tit. You should have said, '1 am very sorry to say, the oi l horso was out in tho field and tumbled in a bole and sprained his leg and went lame, and wo turn ed him out to grabs and wo haven't any,' " "All right, sir. 1 will say it the next time." Again the boy was left in charge, aud there came a man who said: "Your master is my dear old friend. I would like to sue him." "Coino iu, sir; take a seat, sir. I will bring you new cakes and stoep you fresh tew. Please bo as com fortablo as possible, sir. 1 nm very sorry to say my master was out iu the field and stumbled in a holo and went lame, and wo havo turned him out to grass, and wo haven't any I" Bo tho story runs on, ns long as the story teller pleases, until it i? time to take a collect ion. ? Clara M. Cushman iu Youth's Companion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and ttidt Nature In strengthening afld recon structing tlio exhausted digestive or gans. ltisthelatestdlscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation , can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, 8<>ur Stomach, Nausea ? Sick llcadachc,GaHtTulgla, Cramps and i allother results of Iruperfcctdlgest Ion. j PrlrnWV.iuMl II. film* "tlrcrontiilrnJS'^ tltnos 1 wn:?ll?U<\ Ifcxik ill 1 hImxi t Uy H|N-phlu mill Ml free Prepared by E C. DsWITT A CO., Chlcege Pecan frees FOR SALE. Then* are tlie finest Pecan Tree* to be found anywhere, and produce the f IN EST NUTS ever ween. All of the IVtper Shell variety. Call early, as the supply is limited. Call at the office cf "The People." tO.O. ALEXANDER. T. J. Arrants, HARDWARE ? and FURNITURE. Mention "Tbk Restaurant. Winy ah James, the old and well-known Restaurant eur of oar city has removed to Broad Street just north of Mr. Moscoe Johnson's pin tier shop. "Nine'* will' be glad to have all his old pat rons rail on him there. Meals at all hours. New patron age solicited. C. M. Coleman Bicycle and General -?a Repair Shop. ?* Any work handled prop .ERLY THAT REQUIRES THE SERVICES .OF A COMPE' TENT MACHINIST. Mention "Thk Pboplb." JE. Schiadaressi, Fancu Fruiterer and Restauranteur. Call and sco me wlion in need of anything in my lino. Foreign Fruits of All Kinds a Specialty. As cheap as the cheap est, and cheaper than tho niost. All fruit sold by me ? guaranteed to bo free from Tarantulas and other nox ious insects or reptiles. . Call 011 me when in need. PHONE 151. Money to Loan. On fnrm lands in MJtnH of $300 up it Kprrrent; hi hiiiih of #1,000 up at 7 p?-r ci'iil. No commiMion charged, S. I.OOAN LaNO. Trespass Notice. All persons arc hereby warned not to trespass, by hunting or otherwise, on lands leased bv mo, known ns the Sal mono Place, in Ker shaw County. T. O. Williams. lareata, ana I nuie^urw omihm mm |ui rat-' ent bu*ine?eco*d?cted for M*oKHAVC fill Own Ornct is om?Tt W. t. f ATMTOrriM' and we cantectif* ttatentta mm um? IMM wm remote from Waehfnrto?. J Send model, draw mf or photo., fit! daarrfp rion. We ad?l?e, If patentable or lot, free of charge. Oar fee not due till patmt to eeenred. A r4?rHLCT, . How to Orata ratente," with coet of eaine In the U. S. and foretga countnee ?cnt free. Addreaa, , C. A. SNOW* CO. tlNOTON. D. 0. <