-y r fl IT r r u A vV ..; .}- Paper Devoted tu?Temperance. Literature and Politics. NOVEMBER 13, 1875. NUMBER 14. TIMELY Torres. GAH un TI I . thc editor who carried :i pistol-hull in his head lor seven mont Iis, is dead. Thc nulli who shot him lins been stirroiidorccl by his bondsmen, and will soon he put on trail for murder. LANIUS, who shot ('arruth. is tho son of un ohl Pennsylvania Dutch eoupje from tho Landis valley. He inarriecWlioi uppish Miss Mead, who lilied money, but soon grew weary ol' Vineland lile, and now Landis is divorced and indicted for murder. Moral : Marry abreast of you. WuI:N ibo btw ol Massachusetts pro viding thal ?ill railroad trains shall come to a Cull stop before crossing a t rael; of another line was enacted, it gave milch dissatisfaction to railroad men. The law has, however, proved at good ono, and il is said that no railroad man ol' the stale would now eojii-eui io its repeal. Tine new stale constitution ol' Nebraska contains a. provision (hat the United Stales senators lor t!::ii slate shall "liore aftcr he elected by direct vote ol' the people. It will be an interesting ques tion now to he*.settled whether this its mit in conflict with thc constitu? ion of the United Chiles. .V ORV ASIA Tl S t? (ire swept through Virginia Oily, Nevada, Inst week, hiving the greater part ot' the eily in ruins, and leaving thousands of people homeless ami destitute. No greater calamity lias befallen any western town for many years, ami, if lite prospective destitution is as great as represented, ami the num ber oT people lcfl houseless as manyas reported, their siiiVeriiig will appeal to the charitable thc whole country over. TliOUiill thc losses by the burning ol Virginia City .-.re somewhat loss than was first, r.iep>il ed they are terribly se vere, and the sn Hering is aggravated hy thc fact that thc city was built and in habited for th? n.io-t by working people, "whose only wfahh was in (heir labor and thrift mill enterprise. Tho tiri' has not consumed the surplus wealth of a rieh ?dd community, but ibo tools, the mechanism, the working forces, the daily bread of a winde community. ? -3k-. ,1 AV < o it i.!> owns twenty million dol lar* of thcjfitoek of the Union Pacific railroad, 'and controls several million nvorc, giving hinman all-JH il eut voice in its management and one Ol' tho larges! sharers in its profits. The total of stock is fifty million dollars. If the ease now before thc United ."-'t?tes supreme eotirl is deeided in favor of ibis road, Goult will be gainer in an anioiini double tin price fcf his ^fc?elc, sis the governineh! will be inulrt-ed iii over Ihre?, hiindrot million dollars. * * " THE mysterious murders thal have be come so frequent in New Knglaud of Inti are discussed a great deal in the papen there. One descendant of th?vPilgriiHi oilers in an exchange the following vak nable suggestions, io coroner's juries: "Take up tho corps mid m?lce the mau in charge touch ber ?fslic bleeds that is thc 'rinnii ? had ??jo .-^h'?e" ?vidence ?vb h our some fifteen years ago ibis wilPshow you the correck way of holding a coroner's jury this ? . asHtrue as god in heaven try this and you will satisfy tho whole of thc New England slabsjust as i tell so U'f\\ mi god." N?itMAN WIAHD, of Washington, win is conducting ordnance ox p?ruvien ts* ai Posion, fired, hist Saturday, ari " ?III proved chilled 'iron W'iard projectile,' which penetrated a heavy iron plat in; twelve inches- at it distance of L,Cf>? yards. The shot weighed 531 potunb and the charge consisted of 70 pounds < hexagonal oriental powder. The sim struck the exact spot at which it wa aimed; the plating tva?entirely pcrfon ted, ami showed marks of the flanges? the shot. Ils rotary motion veloeit # was 1,870 feet per second. The ox peri ment was witnessed by several li ti nd rc persons, including several hundred arni and navy officers and students of ted nology. IN 187$mj?pro lim?rhino per com. ? the children o? tho Fatherland refuse to present themselves when called upo to enroll as soldiers. [,, ,,tiu.r word: tho deserters from the annies aggregate eighty-two thousand four hundred an eighteen men, alhiost as many as the ci tire rank ami lilo of (he liri Itali arm is undoubtedly true that sixteen tho sand six hundred and seventy-two the recusants lo military duty belong Alsace and Lorraine, bm a .-.til! groat number-sixteen thonstiiideight li und rt and thirty, wore natives of I'mssi Most of these men, just arrived ul ? age when their lal ought lo bo mo beneficial to tho community, aro HU posed to have left the country, whit they have a perfect right to do. A T Kit im* Id.* Tl) Kl'. "J low was it, Major, kliat you never wore married ? I have k?isown you for a . long lime Und yet you have* mfvor told me timi," were the words which (.rieorgt* Felton addressed u? his Ixichclor .friend. Maj. Lee, a retired anny.' oillcc'rt as tiffi conversation turned on militer? ?fnitri inonial.* * * . ? " . . "Ah, George! it Nu"i wonderful that I should never mention it.? The en^um st mices which pn?vVnted ute gcLt?ig mar ried ar? of such a melancholy 'character that il paint* nie u> have them referred u> at all." was his'snswef*. " Now. Major^l'in very curious .to know, anti as--we are old friends, if I promise to keep it a secret, will you tell | me .' But if-ii would pain you too much lo tell 1 don't want to fenow,"' .said < icorge. * . * *" Well,* then, the Major answered with a sigh. " I will tell you. hut-" here he shuddered, " it is so horrible . oh,* so dreadful ! Let nie (hilde. Yes. ""Itwas in thc. year 1X-I7 when it hap pened, and I had jusi entered thc twenty seventh year of my age. with prospects as bright and promising as any young man could wish for. My way was clear to fame in military circles. I had 'just come from a hasty trip around the world, and my mind was full of strange and new ideas. People Haltered me on my success, and the doors of society ?ere open wide to me, that J might pass in. Uh, that they hail only been kept shin ! I received au invitation lo attend a very fashionable ball given hy a rich family in the west end-of Lout lou. I went there, and while talking lo a friend in one <>f the parlors I noticed a particularly hand some young haly. I took a fancy lo ber immediately, and managed lo obtain au introduction to ber, which I afterward lound oui, she was as anxious, to have a I was. You know yourself what feel ings possess, a niau when he li?\st falls in "love, and snell feelings 1 bad Iben. How ever. 1 danced with lier, escorted her lo supper, and parted with lierai the floor I of her carriage, receiving an invitation to*tall at her house, li's scarcely noce sarv to tell you that I visited her again and again, 'flic following summer I was invited to spend a few months at her f thei's'eountry residence. I wast only too willing to go, ?urti while down lhere in Devonshire one beautiful calm even mg, seated on a rustie bench, I oU'ercd her my hand and heart, ?md was ac cept et I*. " Now. -b.e was very loud of practica' jokes, and heyer lei pass an . pporluniiy 10 play ono, regardless of w ho might bc unfortunate enough to he her victim. One morning Lena ( 1 can't help call ing her hy ibo old familiar name) did not* '..ome down io breakfast as usual. A ser vant was sent to her room io see what was the matter aiiti found ber lying in liedj complaining of a sick headache,, an illne-s which we afterwards, found out to be only assumed. She .said thal din ing the night she was awakened hy a scratch ing noise, ami looking in the direction whence il caine she saw a horrible face looking at her. Sin- fainted and remem bered nothing more about it. Of course we pronounced this nothing more than a nightmare, hui at her request one of her sisters wav allowed lo sleep with ber. Thc next morning they reported seeing the same horrible apparition, and de clared their intention ol' never sleeping in the room again, as it was haunted. 1 .volunteered lo occupy the depart ment lor ono night, as-much tn investi g?tc thc cause ol tin1 appearance of thc 'ghost' as because no one else wits willing to take possession otb thc room. About ten. o'clock d wont to Iu d, ami don't know how long I slept when 1 was awakened hy a. scratching noise, and looking in thal direction saw a terribie malicious looking face directly dS'er the fnantcl*pieee, ano look i ng straight at me. 11 had large eyes, a horrible pair of fangs, in its mouth, ami seemed as if the inside of the head were all on fuc I jumped from tho bod, but tho moment I touched the Moor the facti disappeared. I went to bcd again, but, did not sleep much. 1 kept watching over the mantle-piece and was rewarded hy the face again appear ing j I had taken a revolve'- with nie ?lilli placed il under my pillow? I quietly took it out, ii i med at the face and pu He'd tho trigger." ? Here the Major began to cry, and grief for ii time interrupted Iiis narrative, and said : " When ? bred we heard a piercing shriek, accompanied hy a fall as of Mime ; heavy body. We lighted the gas, and rushed to the mantle-piece. I found thc place where my bullet had entered. It liad milde a olean bole. I knew it must be hollow behind, and found that I could push down the wal! paper, which I did, and found a large hole, ahoul three feel square. I loaring groans hside I jumped through the opening, and groping aronui I felt a female form which I lifted up ami found, lo my horror, that it was sin who was soon to be my bride. She wa shot through the breast, and by the ham oh the man who bad pledged bimse) again and again to protect her from ?il harm. We carried her to the roon w here I bad formerly slept, and whicl was bei - at the lime. Here she I inge rei for a few days, never recovering con Hciousness, anti then died. Now? George you have lin- reason why I never wa j married. I '.'There, was a passage which led fron I thc room where siie slept a- far as th i ina ll tic-niece, and over the winde Iber was iintlungd.nl. the plain white wall na per, upon ibo back ol' which she liai painted the horrible face, windi, b holding a light behind it.could he showi distinctly. That explains it." - lr. M , ?ii AV to Y o.I Wnrlil, i .-1 Often a cinid boars a striking icsi?fnl lam-' to a grandparent 'without a linci merit nf parental feature. ., FIVE AX1> A HALF-PATX'fsFA). I am .ij bachelor, tin o?d bachelor : afr lca->t {bat's what *tiiyi i?eectfr*prpt?y, saucy, clever, lovable girls-cali .me ; and no ilonbl. they're right/though I rauYt gd sa (ur as lo .agree with 'them - when they declare'a man Awning" to five-and fortyycars and. a^lo'/.cji wbite hairs " de cid eoTv * .venerable" and. ^fearfully gray." - ' " . . 11 owe vcr, an old bachelor 1 am dubbed, and I m it st confess,, if to acquire that distinction on?'is obliged to enjoy life to tho utmost,,ns l-do; mid be made much of hy lovely women ami charming ihaid ens. W^ain, 1 have no serious objection to thc titi?';- WA** In i be ii rsl place, lay home is a borne in every sense of thc word, although without tl mother, or even a mother-in law. ? I occupy, and have occupied for the ??asl year, a suite of remarkably pleasant rooms, tho front windows, looking on"" a fity pack and thc back on a garden made delightful by two line old peach-trees, a heavy grape-vincf and sweet-smelling wistaria. Thc*latter has climbed to my windows, and, twining Iii and out of the slats of tile shutters, citcclually prevents my closing them, but gives me iii recom pense great fragrant hunches of purple dowers. , - ? These cheerful rooms are part -and paree1 of Mrs. Midget's boarding-house. No, I am wrung. Mrs. Midgct-^Mr. Midget was lost at sea live years ago lues not keep a boarding-house, bul lakes a few select boarders, of whom sin- is pleased lo intimate she considers mc the sele'etest. Wonderfully comfortably the "few se lect'" lind il in Mrs. Midgel'** shady, old fash inned, neatly-kept, three-story brick hoffse. " Everything like wax," my eldest sis ter says when she coined^ to visit me, which is about once in four weeks-II day br two alter my magazines bavo ar rived. "And ihe landlady," 1 invariably re plied, isn't she awful cunning?-so de mure in ber ways rind speech for such : wee thing and so pretty, with her brigit! blue eyes and yellow bair!" Hui Maria. I can't divine why, pre tends not to hear me, or else repents witl scornful emphasis: ' Awful cunning!" . The fact is, I'm so much among m\ kinswomen that 1 often lind myself, winn 1 wMi to lie particularly ein printie, H?r rowing their queer adjectives and peen liar form- of expression. "Indeed, uncle," said (.'harley to mt thc other day-named for me, Charlo tb (t'harles, as near as they could get al it) "vou're beginning to talk I ike a girl-am ai jyur time ol* lite, too!" And I didn" feel ill al! insulted: for if all girls talk a well as my" nieces 1 consider Chajley' remark rathe..- a .compliment than othei wise. Mrs. Midget Sci ows bow to furnish table, too; all Fort of little delicacies an unexpected tidbits, stews and basin above reproach, bread ami pies marve] nf culinary skill, and tea and collce well, really cottee and tea. As for .Vits. Midget herself, she's sue a tot of a woman that I feel like langi ing outright every time I look at he [..-ri bed on a pile of music books place ni a chair the chair itself taller tba miy of the 'Tew selects"-at the head i tin lining table. Indeed, only thc olin, lay, when she asked, in a solemn mai ncr, fixing her blue eyes ot? my face, an lifting a large soup-ladle in ber mite of liam!, if I would have some soup, I iii Inirst out, laughing, she looked so vei ike a little girl playing dinner witb lu mother's diuBer-scr; The miniature woman laid down tl adie ami gazed at nie in surprise. "Mrs. Midget', I lieg your pardon ?aid I; "I iui?idciily thought of a mau a y al the eirena." "Oh!" said Mrs. Midget, aml_ relit nu o the soup. I'm a romantic old Teiiow lhere, yi ?ce how naturally I fall in my meei .vay love, poetry, music, Howers (Mi Midget always bas a posy ready for r iii summer-time, which sin- pins into n imttoii-holc with her own fair ban?! ind I assure you it's not at alUiupleasa to have ber standing on thc tips of li [oes to reach it, with ber small, rou liead just touching my ehiir^'and t fair sex. ? r Yes, old bachelor as I am, I loVe,.?> always have loved, thc fair sex; um ready I bink il is because I love them well I still remain Unmarried. I nc could make up my mind that one of those I admired was prettier, bligh and sweeter kilian tin: others, ami a wanted i he sweetest, prettiest ami brig est I have been in a dilemma all my 1 Hut I've always meant to, and my int lion is stronger than ever since the da picked np thc Mule patched glove Broadway in front of Stewart's. I feel convinced that the owner of t glove is the wife for nie. J wear it n my heart. Siby'.' Not a bit of it. single in:1:, could help wearing a gi like thai near his heart. Fiv< ami a half, a pretty niousc-co? ever; linger well filled out, scared crease in I bein-she must bc plump faint -nil li of rose (as a general thi with tim exception of honest cologh detest perin mes, bul if T : an endure it is roc, calling io mind, as it d bcv. but toril ?es, (lowers, and nil that of thing*), and the cunningest patel the palm of the hand. Nov, I'd m-vcr .-eena patch in ag before, so il struck me as something ( and 1 examined it critically. The u uer in which that patch was-sewci told nie tlu.' wearer of the glow was i : . i. < I ' 111 ' thodical ; ibo noe silken slit used in "sewing thal patch ?ti, dat wi dainty : tin- fae! that :!.." color ol patch exitctly^piatcheil that of the gi thal she was constant-, true to one sh Iben 1 imagined her personal apj .o: Soft brown eyes, chestnut' hair, light hut (plump ligure, feet, tu corres pond with Ijpr hand-- -decidedly g rae Cul uni-, altogether, very attractive. *? I'll wagger sjie -iitgs. plays and dances well," I saijl ly-,, m.vself', in c inclusion ; ,?is not. richi? or she.would not pTtch her glove; or jjoor, or she would hot wear kids. I must tili* her I?. vi.ll very ?cll-to'say, hut- how to find h her ? A i<^sonal,',"i?i*it met her.'.soft hmwn cyes,B?gjdld frighten so modest al little (-rcaltire. and slie would be 'likely ! to bide koral' instead of allowing herself to be fou mia :i * . " . * . ' \ .Shall I sh;AV my treasure to* ray.nieces i and ask if til ?V eau give nie -any clew to the original mssessor . Pshaw! tili teasing things would make no omi of fifi of me? t?Hv .love! Avbere have my wits been ? PH see wbatl.Mrs. Midget says about it. She's by furche most sensible woman of my ac<|uainmii?c, and very sympathetic and is at 1 bil moment sitting alone in the diniug-riiini in a low roeking-ebair, with a giantlvork-oasket by ber side and a'heap nf strikings in ber lap. "" There, iflv dear Mrs Midget, is tho ?love. Voufvill see at once that it is all my faiiovvpainled it?;" and I placed it j in the landlady's little hand. ( )ver wentjthe big work-basket on the floor as .Mrs. Midget, throwing' herself back in a paroxysm ol' laughter, came near going over too. ber absurdly small loot kicking wildly in tho air for a mo ment, until I had restored thc rocking chair to its cimilihrium. "Hiall I flick 'dp- thc things. Mrs. Midget ff' saW 1, as soon as she ceased laughing, rainer pul out, to tell Un truth, by ber strange conduct, so unlike the sympathy}! bad expected. "S es-no --if you please-I don't care,' ? Stammered Mrs. Midget, in a voice very different from ber cvery-day one, and with thc loveliest roso-eolorin her cheeks. As I thought s i I detected the fragrance of rose apparent Iv emanating from a sp?io of threadT held ni my hand, and remem bered theL--love. "Did you drin? thoglove, Mrs. Midgat?" asked I, seriously. "No, ' replied siu-jjopcniiig a wee hamil and chowing ii, crumpled ilito a heap.! "Take it, and oh! please, say no mor? about it. I t's too-too ridiculous!" and ntl'she went a ?aili. ."ilMii.'-'M'c^/r JJLsi?V I. "whnx yup. ro"l (i laughing at. y "I suddenly thought of ii niau isawat the circus," sjid she, with a saucy look 1 had never seen before ill ber blue ey? "I'm convinced you know the owner oi l thc glove," said I. "lt's an old maidr, whom nature luis sought to compensate for lack of oilier charms by giving her al* perfect band; or a grandmother who still j. ] wears live ami a half, though ber com-|iv plcxi?n has lied and hair departed. You know-Pm sure of it; and, though you completely shatter my beautiful dream, you must tell me." And in my oxcitc ment I-?quite uninleiiiionally-pul my arm around ber slender waist. "Well, if J must, I must." -.i.i Mrs. Midget. "Prepare for a fest rfu! blow. The glove is mino!'' * Mrs. Midget bas ceased to be a Widow, nuil I am no longer a bachelor.-.Jixrpvr's fittzar. tl gi .Hw Tu I:SA t.A MKS ol' I ?Ki AI n ?KS.-Booth's ! ternis are ?s?lltl a night, amt be is engaged ;.,. 10 play in the Fifth Avenue theatre dur-lla ing the present sea-on. Janett & Palmer I :.i desire bim to piny for them, and have tillered $000 :i night, hut he basa very natural dislike to appearing amid the -cones of bis former triumphs and his eventual ruin. The associations of such 11 spot would be too painful. It is six vears since be opened that theatre with high expectations of success, and during this time he exerted every faculty to -ustain the iiiKtitiition. At last ho bade it farewell amid general ruin, and he does not care lo revisit, it. Barry Sullivan, as a star, receives 40 per cent, of tlic'house-snob, at least, is the report -but it is probable that the terms an- ovor-statod, in order to give him eelat. He is a very clever actor, buf will not achieve any grand success. ! The Irish do troll in comic performances, and Barry Sullivan convinces .the American popple that he is a tragedian, he will be tito first pf bis countrymen that has thine so. Davenport,, as a -tax. of Shakspearian dignity, is worth $500 ? week. First-class comedians arc rated at from si-_>,-> to $250 a week. James Lewis receives tho first-mentioned price, excepto tinder extraordinary circumstances. Prom this rate the salaries decline until they leach S15 to $20 per week for stage walkers. NOT LIKK WASHINGTON.-The other day a Vicksburg father, finding it ucees-, b Bary lo reprove Iiis son, gently said: h " Don't stuff victuals into your mouth P that way, my son; ftoorgo Washington h didn't cat aller that fashion." ja Thc boy accepted the reproof without ; comment, anti after pondering for awhile, he remarked to himself: "Andi don't believe (?eorge Wash ington licked his boy for finding a bottle of ..?.whisky in thc shed when bo wa lmul big after a hor-c-shoo, either!" j tl . .MAKING SKRMONS.-"'How ?lo you get h ni? your sermons ?" asked someone of Mr. Moody. Il ii reply was: "Fora number! o of years 1 have 1 opt large envelopes p marked, say, ?Blood, 'Ileavrn,' 'Faith,'; a etc., and everything I hear or mool witbj on any of these sn lyce ts I make a nott! oil il, ami keep it in these envelopes. After J}! soino time I have material enough in one h of these envelopes for three or four scr-l' mons. Benni,, sometimes speak of mell' taking four or live months lo prepare :. '' sermon; it takes me fondor live years.y J .V . MAI.!. piece of calPa renn?, t funked j a in milk and lied around thc linger, rejlt newing occasionally, will euro any eascja of felon, * ll .rm: CM&3J1>KI:VN itt:ihTini:. I i !. ck strike* seven iii 111? hull, I ii.t few ul Hu- children's tiny, i :.::! ells wich littlw pattering foul 1'niiii dance mu? SOUR niul livelong |ilnj : 'I heil day th:il in mir ? nier Unlit I ?oats IIfie n silverday-moon while, * Nor in mir darkn.-ss ?.?nks to rest. Uni sets w ithin ti gulden west. Ah, tender hearts that ??end tulriil Ofadiihtren's kisses through Hie hoiisi . A ml cil?n? .notes of sw'ict "guild night," Thu! : hough)*, of heaven and home arouse Aiul :i soft stir to sense timi heart, A . when tin-1? ?' timi hlojsnms purl : .Ami litt!.- feel timi |?:ii 1er slower, . !.;!.<. the last droppings of the shower. And in lill* edilureii s rooms alofi Wh it hlossnm shnptts tin gayly slip "Their daisy shetilhs, ?cid rosv run Kron: i i;' ; itu: hand and kissing li]-, A miked sweelne.-s to llie.eye litossom and hain: and hullerll) In witeliing ono -i dear a sight ! An 11 stile)' o? lili- mid 1 i. * 1 . C. " And ah, wini! Inyely witcheries , liest re w llie'tloori an empty sock, Hy vanished dunce ami >>>n? ?oft loose ' As de.uMdnM throats; a tiny smock Thal, sun', II|HHI -OHIO meadow grew. And drank th" heaveri-swit'l rain*; a shoe s'cn've larger I hun an a< oin cop: I-rocks that sci in lion, ry mends cut up. The lily-ilresl in angel white t io mot lier's ktiro Ihev trooping ionic, Tin- -oiupaliiis fold liku kissing ^hrll-, And they ami wo go singing home Thetr h righi heads I io wed ami worshipping, As 11 mush some glory ?( thespring, Sitno dtillodil Ilia) mocks the day, Should told In's golden palms ami pray. The gilles of Paradise swing wide A uiomeiit's space in .-oft accord. And those dread angela Life and Death, A moment vail tho Haming sivnnl, A- o'er this weary world fnrlflrn I 'ri 'io l-?loii's'seefel henri*!* I??rne i ha| lin aili of I'analise most mit. Which mot loi- rall "theoliildron's prayer." Ah. deep pathetic mystery ! ' l in' world's great woo iiucmiscioii* hiing, A rain drop lay I hem down, A- fragraul whiie.ii*elo\ur'?l sod. And ad tho lipper Moors grew hushed. With i iiiMn nV sleep and dtuvs of timi, And a- our stats their I lennis iu> hide, Their stars of twilight opening wide, Take up thc heavenly tale at even. And li; ht II- on to (joii and heaven. - M.,.-,"ill,>n's .Vcsriim Stonewall .lacksoa al Wost LNiiut. An old friend and comrade ol'Stonc :tll Jackson writes ti? tin- K ?ch mond 'big: In .lune, IS12, A. I'. Hill, ixtrf?c V.. PieUvit, P.. I). Fry, and thor riler having passed otu- first week ut ic military ??sidemy; were standing t<> jthcr mi tili* -nulli sitie of thc south irrneks :i( West l'oint, when :i cadet-] rgeanl came hy us cmulneting a newly .rived cadet to his (|ii:trtei's. ile ivas ?parently about twenty years <>!' age,]!1 c.; was weil grown; his ligure was jil igulur and clumsy: his gail was a wk-1 ; ard. Ile was elad in old-fashioned Vir- j H ?i:i homespun woolen cloth; he hbrc/V .TOSS his shoulders a |?air ol'weat her ained saddle-hags, and hi - hit' Was one L. those heavyj low-crowned, broad-j ri in moil Auu! hals usually worn in those iv- hy over e?is, county constables, ?goners, eic Ifc tramped alone hy the! -ie of the sergeant with an air ol'r?solu-j on, and iii- stolid look added to the in-| ?xiblc determination ol' bis whole aspect, ?that one of us remarked, "That fel >w has come herc to stay.'' Mis name as Thomas .1. Jackson. j11 Ile h:al a rough lime in tl:e academy] first, ?or ids want ol' previous training laced lim ata disadvantage, and it was ^ I lie could v j m [las- Iiis li rsl examina-;' on. We were studying algebra, and j J1 a'y.bc analytical geometry, thal winter,! al Jackson was very low in hi- class] ?1 anding. All lights were put otu ut] taps," hut just before the signal lie ri Ollld pile up his grate with* anthracite:' ?al, and, lying prone before it on the nor, woUld work away al his lessons hy! ie glare ol' the lire, which scorched his i ' L'ry brain, lill a late hour in the night, his evident determination lo succeed ot, only aided his own ellbrts directly, nt impressed his instructors in his favor, id he rose steadily year hy year till we] j sed to say. " If we had to stay her?.' an-' her year 'old Jack' would bc at the j1 cad of thc class." liv the fourth year he attained a put>?-, on in lin- first section, hut his lower j I andina; during the early years in thci1 ?urse, and in drawing, French, and some js her studies of a lighter and more orna-1 icntal character, brought his averager .low the point to which he hail ai l nally ' taincd hy thc end of our course. In the riding-hall I think his suffering)' mst Jiave been great-bc luid a very; mgli horse-and when the order came,, t "cross Stirrups'' and "trot," ' old j nek" swayed about anti struggled hard i keep his horse. When wc hail ad-; aneed to riding lil the heads, leaping the :irs, etc., his equitation was truly fen i' ll; but he persevered through thc most i criions trials, and no man in the rilling-j ouse would take more risks than li?, ml certainly no one liad our good wishes i ir success and Safety more than bc. I In licve he went through the very; ryiug ordeal of the lour years ?it Wist : 'nilli without ever having a hard word) ra hard feeling for or a hard feeling om any cadet or professor. And while liere were many who seemed to surpass, im in ?tho graces ol' intellect, in genial-1 y and in good fellowship, there was no I ne of our ela-- who more absolutely! osscsscd the respect and confidence of, il iban he .li.l. A vitSITOft lo Vaniii?t?r's stOck farm! i Kentucky saw three pure-bred -hort orn cows, worth on an uyarago two hotisaud dollars, working in the yoke to] ucveul Hie accumulation ol lal and; niisi'iiuei.l i?'nvtincrS. i ?.? ; '! . - ? i'i.'si i ve a lire, in tho grate ur fur ace over night lucre '?.- nothing helter! han moistened coal screenings; they re hi tter (han ashes, and w ill not cause Uti fornuitiou of clinker*, Courtship ?i? Texas. Mu sat on one sideof thc rooitLjh a bis. white-oak rocking-chair; She on thc other in a little, white-oak rocking-chair. A long-eared deer-hound,snapping at the Hies, was by his side: a basket of sewim* by hers. Both rock incessantly, that is, the young people,not the dog and basket. He sighs heavily, and looks out the west window at a crape myrtle tree; she sighs lightly, and gazes oui the east window at the turnip patch. At hist he remarks: "This is mighty good weather to pick cotton." * '"Tis that, if w? only had atty lp pick.'' The rocking continues. ! [."'What's your dog's name?" ."Cooney.'' * Another sigh-broken stillness. "What is he good fur?" "What i> who good fur?" said lie, ab stractedly. "Your dog, Cooney." "Fur ketenin' possums." Silence of half an hour. "He looks like a deer dog." : "Who looks like a ?leer dog?" "Cooney." "He is; but he's kinder bellowsed an' iretlin' old and slow now. An' he ain't no 'count on a cold trail." In the quiet ten minutes that ensued die took two stitches in her quilt; it was i gorgeous allah', that ti ll il t was, made hy ?* die pattern ?ailed the "Rose ?if Sharon.'' .jlie is very particular about the nomeu .la: ureof her quilts, and frequently walks ifteen miles to get a new pattern, with a real putty name." "Your ma raisin' many duckings?" " Forty^ddd." Then more rocking, ami, somelmw, al er awhile, the big rocking chair and the itt le rocking chair were jammed side hy ide. '. Mow many has your ma got?" " I low many what ?" " Chickens." " Nigh on to a hundred." Hy this time th?' chairs are so close lo ;cther that rocking is impossible! "The minks has ?iil all ours." Then a long silence reigns. 1 At last he hserves: " .Makin' quilts?" "Yes," she replies, brightening up. I've just finished a 'roarbi' eagul of Irazeel,' a 'sitting sun,' ami ujiiasion's ride.' Maye you ever saw the ^'yellow use of The j?ar:irv?'" ' V "No." ^ More silence; then he says: " Do yeti love cabbages?" .. I do that." I*rest ntly his ham! is accidentally laced on hers. She does not know it t least iliu-s not seem to 'ne aware of it. hen altera half hour spent in sighs, ouching and clearing ?il throats, he sud- . enly says: ". 1'.-?' a great mind to bite you." " What you great a-miinl t" bile mr ur?" "Kase yoy won't have me." " Kase you ain't axed ute." "Well, now. 1 ax you." "Then. now. I has you." Then Coom-y dreams he hears a sound f ki.-ine. The next ?lay the young man goes io 'igerville alter a marriage license. Wed esday th?- following week. No canis. Tm: H.\ti:v Hrst.vKr-s ix TIM; .SUTH. -Mr. (leo. M. Williamson, in Phillip's (linbern Farmer; calls attention to th?1 u-l that the south offers a rich field for he dairyman, whether in milk, butter T cheese, the price of all these products icing always higher herc than at the lorin, while it costs much less io pro luce them. I Ie adds : Any town of two thousand inhahi ants will support a first-class milk lairy, and the butter and cheese can ilways be shipped to the liest markets at i small Cost. . For a milk dairy, thc Vvshirc w ill prove most profitable as the inproved bree?ls, ami a dairy can be tarted in this way at a small expense. ( dairying will pay. and pay ll big profit, Hider ali disadvantages of long north rn winters, high priced labor and great ompetition, it ought certainly to prove uoittable in the south, where there is io competition whatever except ina few celions. There is no business, however. I'hich requires a closer attention to all letails. We tried it a few years, and peak from experience. Aside from thc ?rof'lt, il isa constant source ol' imprnvc neni in the farm. A N'.vn HA?. NA nt one. -1 >r. Preyer, d'.lena, has been led to make experi nents with those substances which are build in thc tissues after severe inuseti tir or nervous fatigue, lo see whet uer hey do not possess narcotic properties. Lactic acid, especially, has yielded tile mist satisfactory results, anti lactate ol oda is recommended lor use in many 'iisi's where morphia or chloral is now irdcrcd. Front a large number of ox icnmenls on animal.-, Mr. Preyer is .trongly opposed lo the us;' of the la? ?tes of potash, magnesia or lime for nar ?otic purposes in the human subject. L?clale of soda is not, however, always o bc depended on for inducing sleep, its 'fleets being in individuals very diil'cr .nt, both as regards thc time of the ou sel of sleep ami as to its duration ami in ensity. Mothers will be glad to learn hat young and small animals arc more '..?.My affected hy it than old and larsre mes. - Peter lb-id, of Bridge of Caley, Blairgowrie, has sent four stamps lo thc Kuglish mini to pay for coining for him iwo pennies, otu- with two heads and our with two tails. He adds" " N. II. I; is fur tossing that I want them." POULTRY may be bred in and in for many years, and tho quality greatly im* proved,' hv always selecting thc finest fowl* to,, breed front?" This is a fact.