The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, August 26, 1910, Image 4

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| 3S3K223S3SOS3 j AT |. Crosson H T TTtPCiTT jjj j juj v . W Can be had a | ALL DRUG K SUI w Prescriptions w SBSeSSE3SHSE^?: DEATH OF ROPE SHEALY AFTER SUFFERING MOI THAN EIGHT WEEKS WIT! TYPHOID FEVER PASSES AW AY-MEMBER OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH AND HE WAS A CHRISTIAN After suffering with typhoid fe1 lor eight long weeks, the spirit Roper Shealy, on last Saturday i. ? i v. ri! -Li. 4.^ -.I r rernoon, wingeu us mgm 10 uic *j who gave it. Roper Shealy was seventeen year old son of Mr. s Mrs. R. B. Shealy of this place. Roper was a model boy. He \ a paragon of honesty and truth. Some few years ago, Roper g; his heart to the Saviour and c nected himself with the Bap church at this place, and from t time up to his death, he was lo to the trust. He let nothing, sickness, keep him away from prayer meeting, church and Sunc School services. He was a faitr attendant, because he loved God j loved his people. We are told that death iovt shining mark, and it can truly said that if there ever was a shin mark Roper Shealy was one; ; his character, as a christian, sh as bright and dazleing as the m day sun. During his sickness, all that f< parents and loving friends could was done to stay the ravages of disease, but all to no purpose. The Lord called him up highei To the mother and father who now passing through the ordeal separation we would say: It is \ with the boy. We make mista and blunders, but the Lord is \ feet, and it is impossible for hin make mistakes. The blessed Ma: says of those who put their trus him; "They are mine and no r can plud: them out. On last Sunday the remains Roper were iaid to rest in our < of the dead, his pastor Rev. W. Hundley officiating. His Sun school teacher and some of his c mates acted as honorary pall bear Sleep on Roper until the Ma comes tne second time to gathei his jewels and God grant at that you will hear those thrilling wo "Enter into the joys of thy Lo PROGRAMME Of the Woman's Missionary Ui and to Ridge Association to be 1 at Ridge Spring Baptist chi Tuesday and Wednesday, Au{ 30 and 31st. Tuesday, 10:45 a. m. Dcvoti* Exercises Di. J. H. Thayer. Enrollment. L-> \11 ? - ? * xxc^un Tvornan s missionary society. Report of Superintendent. Forward Movement. Membership Mrs. Ella Etherec Study Mrs. S. P. Carson. Gifts Miss Marvin Quattlebaur Fersonal Service Mrs. E. E. 1 ter. Election Nominating Commit Uiscellan ;ous. Adjournment. P. M. Devotional Exercises Pi W. M Shcal. Report on Foreign Missions N P. N. Lott. Report on Home Missions N Milie Minick. Report on State Missions Mrs J i THE ?? ???? S8K3K3K3S3S 32SS3W! * THE J! ^ wrnr K' Jt/1 W.Cj OF ^ ILLE!, S. C. gj complete line of S AND DRUG j$ "JDRIES. j 5 a Specialty. !fi J SESESESBESBBSESESES ___ . ... ?? R' A. Crawford. Report on Training School Committee. Miscellaneous. c Adjournment. Tuesday open meeting with serH mon. , 8:30p. m. Sermon Dr. J. H. Thayer ( Collection for Miss Hydie Chapel Wednesday 10 a. m. Devotional exercises miss oanie tvaae rsurton. Report of Sunbeam Bands and R. J A. Report of Sup't J. P. S. Address by Mr. Hatcher. 11 a. m. Open meeting with ad o? dress by Rev. 1). F. Crossland of Brazil. j Report on Margarit Home Comthe mittec' j j Misceleanous Mrs. 1. B. Edwards Chairman. .,qc Adjournment. V H J P. M. DeVotional Exercises. 4 Jve Reports of Y. W. A. * on_ Report of Sup't of Y. W. A. tist 'n co^e?c Miss Culie hat Cullum' f Report of Committee. ^ Election of Officers. the Miscelleanoues. Adjournment. Mrs. Alvin Etherede.e, for committer and ;S a CARD OF THANKS be Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Shealy desire to avail themselves of this opportune t . , . tunity to express their sincere apoon . . . , t , preciation and gratitude to the good j people of Batesburg for their kindness and sympathy during the long Illness and at the death of their dear lllc by Roper. Z SMITH'S M AJOR- ? ices ITY IS FOUR [V THOUSAND >terj ^ I WILL HAVE 35 MORE VOTES THAN BROWN IN CONof VENTION. city T. day ! Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 24.?"Cannomlass 1 ?sm" played an important in Georgia t ers PO^dcs during the past several 1 months and at the Democratic pri- t, ster maries yesterday brought the tie- t ' UP feat of Leonidas F. Livingston and ^ day William M. Howard, in point of rcjS; service the oldest member oi the ^ rcj Georgian delagation in the national t c ' house. In the Fifth district William ? Schley Howard, a young attorney, won a decisive victory over Livingston. In the Eighth district the returns show a convention majority of four votes for S. T, Tribble and toaion day Congressman Howard filed noield tice of contest of the electien. He * charrres irreffularities nt twr> nriVJn. K cts in Klbert conuty, which gave 'ust Tribble a majority of four votes. I The other nine members of the Dnal Georgian deligation in ( otigress are assured of renomination. The first against Livingston and I s?. Howard was, in each case, based up- j on their alleged dersetion of the Democratic party when it was sought last December to change the so-call- $ ed Cannon rules of the house. t! Ige, Former Gov. Hoke Smith wen the I nomination lo governor over the in- d n cumbcnt, Josepn M. Brown. Smith's tj , popular majority in the State was us~ approximately 4,000. Two years ago Brown whom Gov. Smith had re- * lee- moved as chairman of the State railroad commission, defeated Smith for reelection by a popular majority flrs of more than 10,000. ,, Among the few contests !'o other . State offices, J, A. Perry won over rs" O B Stephens, for railroad eomiss- il! ioners; M L Brittain defer ted B M liss Settler for State school commissioner; T S Felder won over the incum- E bet, H A Hall for attorney general. ? tr f "*!* i BAT^SBb^O ADWX vfE. BATES! ??w?aw.-at"1wm, mcr- >'.' / A I Fancy and Slap! Having just porch ind Staple grocery 3eS* Tow; 11 11 will nerds with the bes \ have been with . >er of years and ail heir business will iffort that i can put i\ r\ a a Ti in f. BKUUMK Batesbi is*r. xrawsfflOMcraiBesgr z&vt . ? Folev's : I " ! R Kidhrr.e'y' | __ 1 V&.f-. '<3 *t> ? ''s ^ _~ iir j. J. J1 1 M? What They Will 0.. for You < * ) f \ - ? < v They will cure your backache, j V itrengthcn your kidney3, cor- j 3 jl^j >\S ect urinaryirreguli itico, build ?"/* "V. ip the worn c :t li . r.r.J ?- slimir.ate the cxct uric rhev: n. i rc. rent Brijht's Dir .3. ord j .a- * --?- ? ? jates, and restore he alth rod & itrcngth. itc!u..e tube'. i UUs^. Center's Drug Store. : 11 vo 11* uf Kroiu si.-K-n-w to "Ex.ollont Health ( <' <'t h<> i' hit * I.'.'ii I'foria II , I :iini ill youi Ki?|..> i.lm \ t'il! a )>r<<ni|>t ati.i . i\ rurt'I<>1* )>a>'kiicl:(. .tiul k ill. . "rulllil'' liii'ti a<l l>K'lor injur miilii* I i. i n.joyitiK CK'i-llont In allli will.-' i (mil i | \ , ' i.liiny Kidney I ill-* (iuiii-T 1>i . t ^tnro i ('II iihl sc h; rh? University of South Carolina. I ' 'iC Varied courses of study in Science 3 .iberal Arts, Education, Civil end . ; nprtrirnl Knoinp^rmr* n . 1 1 ' ? ? ? College fees, room, lights. e;c jlh-J ; 26; Board, $12 per mor.'l. r i j * 1' . 2*1 lose paying tuition, $40 aciditi nal. i he health and morals o. the sti. u f,/ ints are the first conaiderat! <n of ic faculty. -48 teacherh r.choLr . hips, worth $1?S8. lvor catalogue, T./ 'L T1 S. C. Mitchell. Bres Tl iliCllll f! Columbia ... ( A RNEY Will pr? .< c in a ,,i* it .'ovt U I 1: i V. \ til * I s I. ^ i? , nl.' h P ?tioy vinl J' ivo. i a i CitlJtO jk liulli li t in tin-; iiVorittj' nt . 1* r ? . mi i\ tiu> lii-iiil nil I t ir : .1,, it I alii./ -??!? ? T' ti ' 1 ,, 1 .'.ii . . t'.i i i i r' '"'f A? tlimO , :n hum - * - Iluney him I: uuicl unit ' utTfj i ((,? ,n E v' .1 " ' ! " n,i| I ,i i i?!jT' r. .'f f > I i "< *' ?'?, It .1 J Si V ' "i L id 1 1 . ..MI l. fk I i'l . ^ 1 R ^ N.i Null i' i: (in (It J,' .1 A a!c mi l iiloiiaiiiK->r?ti? .(? l'nim?: tn j JL S. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 1^10 . - ? * r * ;?? f f MKT Til v J i / 0 j y i | y # r' a T'i1 I if iSk >)V'Ja V I II III : f ^ ' r p lase-J the e,' Io i c *J > hi 1:!F ness f! f 3 f 37. J OH 11 jb.'* ? "' ;' '? <1j " ' +*rr.% 1 ?r. ti ct Vvf x xf O V* V >v ki a " V ! ' ? fc/ I I 1 the m r k? t afi< rds.! ' I. J. Rawi cos- a num* th<K>e who give me be treated with tb ? for it. I 5 tTUT.-fT T? * <*> V'* jLi^MS " '/ jj :1 j=/ i viihibM'UlS irk, li C. i i fc k ., .{ .?* - 35^:,. - . Vw' '-tfJis** 1 1 ? *-r*" J ! 1?i m *? . rxwy irMxwiP >? ? ? suiiBPvr* -^ vara^'snBBfc. i! I ' s ,KQ 4 : :: (i| ...I -' , -V,iSst.2f5i (! 5iL '^jt ' r f - ; . . ^ V f i V % *' " '!( >-*'? -/.' -/"* \ > | * ' -- v?. i <?2E? -\ N c BASE BALL |j| - i\. ?iii.l; to play Base Ball, play Base Ball piop[nipped, it's the onl\ way to pr?>poi 1\ enjov the name. 23 ; W7 I us headquarters lor all Base Ball supplies, i ^ ills, bats, all st\les ol uloves, masks. k a;id the economical prices will readily con,'ou that this is the store to supply a ^ voui baseball wants. fc . h m iiis ia iri-C' 'aHum 'lidwCo, 1g it_. sr. rr. TIMMKRMAN, I Stagers Skep ics IUKMOND. i'hat a clian, nice. iia^rant corn\ Wlmmpmum pou i like Bucklen's Arnica Salve I lllMuiliU) ; ? antly rr; a ba(1 burniCUt th S AI Lav . sc '<! \ ohm ' : ?ilcs, ctaggers skep- f 1 II the State and U .k; * cures prate its a . . Joints. . : i:i i .tier of the worst sores. . Uur. Kiuwi'-irr <" ... (.-ones, eczema, skin t ' cr ? ' > chapped hands ^ ? froiii it i i i ry it <'..>c at all liron> l> t:?V. ? I >ii \ s . I 'c m, dy ?| v<>n ?liM"-.>ii>r?'rr ' " Hi<'Vinr ttyiniiiotiis <li> ? ? ??? ;?"*- I ht* illlliti ' ?l !iM- .. \ runt an hrMMihialtnlnw " 1 v 1 1 V"0' * "> 1 " : . .. ,. ;s,!r. ' i '.i <r I' i.iiv r I.,4^1 i i>ruk' st<4i-. i ^ J * v > +- ^ ' v Vi . 4 -<? .IWI ! WI .unr <^>^1r?W3T??i? k 1/** i/fte A? ilme/to *j\ a1 ion a/ ?/$anfc ^ of Go(nnthia, S. G. ^ Officers. ^t. i.d: j?,:s-i; i' x 1\ matthkwb cahmibk ykr ' v t !; ? !- v l'r?!il(li>iit W.M. OMUEH,.!?., AKHt. rvshior *|> i 'a' m s T \YI,oh,mvickphk8u?k.v? STATEMENT ' uniliiiibou! a|/" >/ ' I'll:. CONDITION ?>K Vfc?? C l i i \i vw to) i. Hank Of Columbia. S. C. vp ^ \l Jan uirv 3 * iQio HK-iH.'UCEs E1ABIL1TIEH V/? *' ! ' *.' '; ?'l rftm-k l'lild in fcdO.OUlU*) ^ ' !" 1 ' ' ' , 1 ' '< Him'])1us tunl l'ruAtu; 01 V r Fa ? 1 . ! s. t *.!?? ( .roulaition 2.VHKKMK) v * I' iltMi- Ivmiinal NoVh uvjou.oO ^ ' Ta V i UI'I'ixm ' ". V?^ ia ( l)u?> fro . Hnnks .>)' ' , l > :it.' iv jn'.hv" .v ; ' *8,885,126.71 ?u ? !> 1 v 5*1> 71 VL? \T # v i ! ?.'. -tat's i jovernni'Mil. State ol.South Caro n'. County of Richland, and City Depository ( \mt.\i S2so,ooo.o< Ass::rs St. hpi.'js and !'i<<>i i $65,000 oo A ! / ! V counts of Banks, Finns, Corporationsand <; md: id .! > Ctkoi C uniuercial oi Savings Acc't. r\ ;}; .JJ.(JULuU-L: U'/J >>(JL: . uu UUCJUU " v * W A V V N ?. s . \ V ? ^ K ? ^ v nfhr> - > - ^ " ' ? t v W v v \ x- w'JJr^r >, ; <0 ?M ^ 'V j, Hoosier Pumps. j it ~ >4 ^ f; Pumps, Jfe -3 Z7> IBs! & ?%;$3 rUFM. rp, ip\ 4) i , Ml*. $ -?^L- r ?- ?s pf .?3L> ^ <-> -?"> j'V *5 ^CS i! ' ; i ^ c'^V **' ^ fc j"""'"'" I i'"'"* ?,"/' v ;i .v -^11 9--' : -v " ^ ?< '">'" " 4H& W': ?' -^? b-AA A A A A. A A & -'* - ' A A ^ v/fcO wiv iw M^.1 ? ;. .1 * flp v ~ 5^9 V\BJ * % | from the V :\ yeu can have ail ' |...y Li iitai y coi< v or it net.-; of tho best city ibundancc of ^a/-' ' iciai? r>rar^^'':;. ?4^ \ | Kewanee System of Water Supply Tin- K- waneo Tank is located in the cellar or g i' 1 'c i no jjioifut! ai 1(1 . iio wator is delivered by b fr-pi ssure. elevat 1 or attic tank to leak, I i'r? m- -\-rTflov.'or collate. The tank is made of . and will last almost indefinitely. t i tiu lino of pomping machinery?the result ear - ( xpe rimerit :ng and practical experience. I i ' ,>s are operated l>y ' and, gasoline engines,- elec- R \ tr rtoi.-.w, -tc. Kewanee Systems are complete. They are ? \ o install. livery plant si nt out under a positive I . :.t *.: vc. i0,000 Kewanee Systems jn successful p ering service. A:-k for 1 T ;??j >:?r??P Water Supply Co. I 't or Sale By 1 v. U W .l-N ^k>FST * I i a -'if-v -'.'.a * v?-?v , Saluda. TC. I I?rrrnt.^.mtn. ^ ,1-1 I r.: * ;.-. ?**$ ' <s* I A Good Pitchfei i Knows How to (*ive the l>ah .'? s X I inosl olio* live twirl. lie Knows ?p nil w ill ho must liavcaoood hall ^ I (:i> do the lick. 8& Regulation Base Ball! S Outfits J !\ 1 cie k\ul\ lor the lovers ol the sport. Whether i|S ' p . ssioiKtls or amateurs, here i.s the place lor i utl'ls Sporting tiouils, Mantels, Tiles, Etc fy, , >. ? ? - ? ? ? ? : i-fcts A. ILORtCK & BRO. P 15!^ Main St.. Columbia, S. C. ^ I ' 1 P tit', howi ( ; i uir^ 1 rvVCnL iho ? ril^r. ./ ? I IV,.U I jjO! >OiS undigested >'" 1,1 lJ ' 'I \ . LVO i : or <C-r n , , . , i pie ont, ,t t. > ... V. i;*V"" vegetable. gentta. iKich ' ! I i , , .. _ ., * ^ (n l.iv? Ix.f, ; \ a; on ti j ' 1 ' ' ( J (|. . I , . ti, ( T| l " ") . ^ j .. .usnes- . }, ,. |... w . ; ... ? ? } J. on, ?:*Jigcston, cr-j ? , , k\ tino- co..v,i.a'UK;ncv., c.. Trv v ? l H < j pre T7 ' ' ' v- 1 < I || ||| iAMWE k ;,d ?k v U lives svKbt* m