The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, August 26, 1910, Image 2

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t I BATESBIJRG ADVOCATE [ A Tri-County Paper. t;1 &"-! ?J Ji ' wM' N. ROGERS BAYLY, ED AND PROP BATESBURO, S C. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Yenr $1.00 Six Mentha ... . 50 cents No three month Bubecriptiona taken, I entered at tho P. O.. at Batoeburg, 8. C., uh Mcond-clow matter, Fob. 14, 1901. 11 Copy sent in muat bo written on ouo aide ouly. i When changing addrctw always givo old poet Sou, otherwise change will uot bo made. ??? ....?i i ADVERTISING RATES. Orfe Inch One Year .... $.yoo On* Inch Six Months .... $:t.uo On* Inch Three Mont hs .... p: uo First page doable the above amounts. L>o<.al insertions iScts per inch. First Page llm ltrs loots iH>r line. Headers to take run e( pspsr dots per line. j FRIDAY, AUGUSTS 1910 Next Tuesday will be election day. The campaign has been a hard and tedious one both for the seekers of small offices as well as for those aspiring to greater fields. The campaign opened with a variety of platforms but after the * first week out "liquor" took the lead and all issues were for-gotten and swallowed up by the stuff that has been swallowed up by so many prohibition voters of the Palmetto State. The Governors of these, or my ether State have no more to do with framing the laws tnan any private citizen but the voters seem to think so any way and vote accordingly. . The Augusta Chronicle came out on Sunday Morning with the follow ing large headlines: "saloons to PT.fieU OH? p ,!}????-. vwjim u;? fjA.'iJt a IfiM nsv? ? < \m I .4 r# - a < . .r.? ? Then goes on to say that Mayor Barrett has issued notices to the effect that ALL near-beer places muot close at regular hours on Monday night and not open until Wednesday morning. Tuesday was election day in Augusta. but not withstanding this fact it certainly was icdnuluus fur sucna notice to be issued by any Mayoi living in a prohibition town and in a prohibition State. I Lieut. Governor McLeod shound not want a better endorsement for his platform than the above. Prohibition laws can be enacted, but not inforced where public sentiment is so strongly to the contrary. FOR SALE About (500) five hundred acre good level sandy land part cultivated one to two miles from Seivern, S. C. This laud produces well, is well watered, two tenant homes, good pasture land, enough wood and timber on place to pay for it. Will se.l in tracts to suit buyer-and on good terms-and at a price that leaves no excuse for not owning a home. For information apply to F. H. GUNTER, UCAL GUNTER Batesburg, S. C. Seivern, S. C. ASLEEP WITH JESUS. *e John lister Eugene Willis tr r . min-est son of Mr. and Mrs. fell asleep in the arms st Wednesday morning at ten . .es of four o'clock. He was 4 year., one month and 28 days old. Little Lester was very bright and to know him was to love hem. The Rev. J. C. Collum preached- to a 1 rge sv mphatizing audience and litflf I V if# r o.'3C lotrl fo I? ? T _ ix * fTH0 iuiu 111 me nlie cemetery Oh!, not i;i crudity, Not in wrath; The ;e i.'er came that day. It was un angel visited the green Eartl; ; An J took little Lester away. MAGGIE K? * . jollysmonei^IAK' ohUHrmni stsfe. mum. No nutates a to i c Ir ISRAEL'S KINO I 1 Matthew 21; 1-17.?/ "nosannc to the 8on of David! IUcfscd i9 ho t Husauua in the II T 'im T n-.i M II B lil 11UI MH VjOU iUU'KllUn illlll 111*.' I nation would reject Jesus a ul not J .J. thclcss, everything was done as i known ami foretold. The proplnc Illustrates this. Jesus offered himself to Is flve days before his crucifixion, and on the e of God, ho should have been received by tin been "passed over" and, as a nation, l?ec< amongst whom would have been sell ted tin to receive Jesus at the appointed time did n urrongnients, for all of tho Jews found wu and spiritual l'rlests were selected, althouj remainder of those spiritual untttyplcal t gathering from amongst the Gentllea ever whom Jesns Is the Chief l'rlest, will be glorl begin tho great Messianic work for Israe nations of the world. Thus In due time I .si on a grander scale than they over dreamer prophets shall bo made princes or rulers li Dlvlno favor shall "obtain mercy" of God shall become tho channel of God's favor for of grace. Tho Sabbath day prior to his crucifixion at tho home of Luanrus and Martha "ml M<* [ sou of tho miracle performed upon f.uzarus. on Sabbath night after sundown. It was tl tho precious perfume which Jesus said was [ fragrance of this perfume has come down t morning, to fulfill the Scriptures, Jesus sent brought. The nss was probably u wlilto 01 tho custom of tho kings of Israel to rldo upoi had come to see Jesus, and Lazarus whom tilled with admiration, hailed Jesus with sh( Great King! The Messiah! Certain scribes this niul suggested that Jesus rebuke them people refused to ncclnlin him, tho tones wo | been prophesied centuries before, "Shout, C thy King cometh unto thee. Ho 1 meek nn< ting upon an ass, with its colt, the foal t beaded for Jerusalem, the multitudo shoutln paltu branches foi tho ass to tread upon, us whom they imperfectly, indistinctly, ivoogni glory and honor of his later revealing In t knee shall bow and every tongue conf-'ss to Four months ago?on April 24th, wo passed lehein to Jerusalem, thinking the wh'.le of Tho road sweeps around the sldo of tic M< u until suddenly u turn of the road and the nionoin (Gehenna) brings Jerusalem Into f again we walked over part of the road and i llttlo procession and wept over the ?'lt\, i mou rnuc Kinesi mo propueis mm stonesc in often would 1 liavo gathered thy chlMron I her chickens under her wings (for safety!, bouse is left unto you desolate. For I sa henceforth, till [.that day when] yo shall s?: name of the Ford."? (Matt. 23:27-39.] Our heart went out in sympathy for the they have been nationally "left desolate" f r persecuted, even alas, by those who have specially rejokou to tlilnk that "the tb: ? baud. Put, we rotloet, corresj >ndin> ;y. t Isruel must ha druwing to .? > -u That, spot where Jesus stop].. ', to i>e, i one over which, a Utile later, the army < f 'i Jerusalem, and, amidst fumlue, Dually at* city, taking according to records, nlnet million, one hundred thousand, were said to war. The ground around the City of Jer with crosses, on whieh Jews were crucified says history. The Great Teacher's entry Into Jerusale ITo went directly to the Temple und ordere dove-sellers who had uo right within Its 1 filled the prophecy, "The zeal of thine hoi the blind, the lame, again hud his ministrl the time wore vexed and considered him at and were displeased with the multitude's si the Sun of David. They rebuked the Tea "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings 21:10; Psalms 6:2. B1 "I was very nervous/* J1?1 Eg writes Mrs. Mollie Mirse, p M of Carrsville, Ky., "had P-; f,K gg palpitation of the heart ?bi HE and was irregular. p? 1 i p "On the advice of Mrs. fed' i)C1 H| Hattie Cain I took 2 bot- j-, H ties of Cardui and it did Kpi me more good than any i* i ?? tw medicine I ever took. an jnj "I am 44 jears old and ? ? the change lias not left me, but I am lots better ca't H since taking Cardui.'* i-1 eat has Tho Woman's Tonic laria I fer'.i Cardui Is advertised and H r'tir sold by Its loving friends. jP bilic The lady who advised H ! C:s, Mrs. Mirse to take Cardui, F.^ ,r;c had herself been cured ot then serious female trouble, by n r> Cardui, so she knew what $.% Gt a Cardui would do. ?-! ? 1 fcj* If Cardui cured Mrs. IgjN.l H Cain and Mrs. Mirse, it ever surely will cure you too. ^ and wmrnmrn P FITTING 8C8001; HIGH (NMMjg ' PREPARATORY SCH 1 ' n Well equ pp'.ci ?n!;.et,j%> V: S ' a son- | fP| ab]c .:ics:?iotr be;:.',; Sc. . 1. For B catalogue :dJ-?ss A. IK ? 'E. 5 il Headmaster, Spartanburg, 5j. jr;f.. THE BATESBURG ADVf . _ jg lEJECTEP. kiinust 28 /?e# omcth in the nimc of *hn Lord/ ighestt" l?rcphots foietold that the Jewish r colvo Litui as (heir King, ueverhough I ho results were not. for lea were fulfilled Today's 8tiui\ raol us (htir Mes-.- ianic Kin . ju t ^ I xaet day upon "which, as (ho Lamb *'1 em, in order that (hoy i Ight have < >ruo (ho untltyplcal I,ovlt? froui yy } untityplcnl priests. Tiu-I failur ot at all iutcrfero with the 1 ilvlne .thy to bo of tbo spiritual Lcvitos eer uh tlio nation was rejected. Th j,rc 'Hosts and Lovltoe God has been slnco. By and by, all these, of 11 < (i on tho si^rit piano. Tben will C1C< 1, and .''rough Israel "or ..11 tho ]_)*; aol'fi expectations will l?o realized . 1 of. Abraham, Isaac and all Fhe 1 i all* tho earth. Israel Foster 1 t < s6n through the glorified Ohur li. and :'.n: pouring oat upon mankind riches was spent by 1 he o-*nt Teacher f' try. nis fame had spread by rca . A f'-:.; t v ms c 1 von In his honor ien that Mary ntio'nP d hint with au anointing for hi. hurl il The lo oj through the ayes The next t fi.r il. .sr. nr. ' iis 1P;'< . .?'? 1 j> v lie. for it li ivp;;ti 1 t-- have Lveii !l wllttv a/::.?, 'ill - tat ... ule \ b?> t he had brouv.hi from tho tomb, aypr ?uts, as "Tho Son <b David!" The and Pharisees called attention t > i. Ills answer was that. h. d the c uld have cried out; because It laid ti > daughter of Jerusalem! Hob- Id. 1 having enlvr.flnn; lowly, and alt ?f nn ass." Tito little procession ' ' g and strewing their dothing and '' marks of honor to the great Kin;' w.ilb zed not realizing the opt greater he end of this Age. wln-n "every s him." 1 over the historic ivs.d f ?? !' n [ v the great ha hie; f of thi ! : . nt of Olives on n r d ' sharp declivity of t! v. "f 1 nil view in a nv>r ent T!*'?. , ,n toted when* th< M ' r h. Pel ". i,- : .... .. . h.nod laying. O. Jemr-ato . Jore ale ; etn which nr.> sent unto flic. , hov. n 11 together, even as a hen gntb. .-? !' \'\ }-] and ye wonld not! Heboid. i?ttr v unto you* Yo t-hall not t>< t:. r, Itlesaed la he that eonieth In tht 11 iC L ' Jewish people. IVo t.. tiled li i .. eighteen contvrtc and !v. e ! i uaincd it i n..e i i nr! . \ of .la -o! . fi out..-' oi . -on be . . ... M :l, t U? j ,Af' 0 time ?i -i !: f f:i . -r t . spiritual J : > :v r " flit I" i e v. at the CilSl^llO 'litis mulched t. :!. ' aliuctio.i o jor.iplishcd tho deidruetlou oi U?. j- j-\ -> p ^ y-sf'vcn thousand prr.ouers. One tl-hU have perilled through fp.mlno and ? . usuleiu tliu Komnns planted thlcL IH^CiUF until there was room for no luoro, m caused oonaldernblo commotion are i d from It the nioney-ehnnirers and lallowed pros '.nets. Thm wns fill- ^ ItK\: iso lias consumed me." The poor, KJ ,7 cs. Ag;ile 1h chief religionists of i i Intruder upon their nrran?;e:uents / ) 1 . Iioutin;' his praises as tin M slnh. |?^ Q I lr teller, who answered, Script urally, jl. Wt A. A lliou hast peiTo ted p- Is -."?Matt. .? ~ 7~ ZZZ C OT Follow this advice. W W L Quaker Oats is the best? f all to. ds; ft also the cheapest. When such ?:e. as Prof Fisher of Yale University d Sir James Crichton hrowne, .. D.-F.K.S. of Ixmdon spend tho st parts of their lives in studying ( ahiia : great question <>l thy n '.irishing "^VylLlIJ i strengthening qualities of different xis, it is certain that t! ir advici i, - i loiutely safe to follow. .. , . ' ' !, vfliir 1 Professor Fisher found in his ex i > J ? riments for testing the s'rtncd. r.r.-.: ' ' durance of athletes that the licat r , :ers were exhausted long bef u the :n who were fed on such f..<k1 as aker Oats. The powc.c <>{ end'.;ree of the non-meat caters weri t DR. J Mil eight times those i f tic i ... J CIS. r.. t> >>> jwiiigo>si Drownc lay* - I more oatmeal, cat plenty of it and - < ' it frequently. p'ackcd in regular sire packages, rid mctically8ealedtIn9forlu.tciim<-tra. f x( >4t> ' Life on Panama Canal , '''Irf) had one frip.litlul dravvb; k-u i trouble that has brought . "j - itLA :t and death to thorn and 1 os canst chills, fevei and n^uc. '? ' * iusne. s, jaundice. l?ssitude. w / i i,.?; 4t t and general debiiity. l'.ut '.-v- a,,Jf liitteio never fail to dej.a.jr 'n'. \ , . . Directoi A n and cute malaria tronoLs.t rce bottles completely cured r. ej session begi very severe attack ot iv. tiaria, ;\u: i he t.V/m. A. Fretwell, of j icanm k, "And Iv'e had good hi:> h since.', Cure Stomach. Liver, ^ . Kidney Troubles, and prevent ' tn hoid. .SOc guaranteed !;> all Pe ! gists. d'S he stalk jiiu.u. ill :j i hUt frl f,a 55i i I. i rouk j&ltl&fefci -iD L' J-"<- ' cccc-il when pvcrvtf int* t. . f:i,' * j 1 r. tl .tioli 1 i( il.L I '. '..ill.. .11 . . n y r:u; irt k 1 i ir\ ly, ;is tbous ;n.? i:<?vr icatiK d. BI i Mi. i n. >. !>R KIDMLY, LIVER AMD 3r 1 STOMACH TROUBLE fcj v-;' " ^ ' ic tht? best n.-cicinc v< r i,old p over a drugfci.-t'B counter. " ! , v n i i im? ?! i mr il irnnn i r I I J' ETBURG, S. C, FRUDAYj AUG EHAVEj SCHOOL | ? ? TV V / f O H 61 iM*? i I . || VjJP : r>i; IIEI.D r i.HO^TITF, | g. W( IF ISSUING ! . We h DS 1 h . ?% x i.x ;<-r kT>^/ v\i.' CO UT/\ < . VIA X VV r- V" : H CAKOUNA. ( >i < Ci -tliill Oil i' . idersipr.M V ict number We Mk ?\iuty have neen lire. ;; r.cdl-y '' , , cr ot qualified 1? \ ^ ? 1 %. [i) - I'.'cvf o( r.aid I Jnyi'-j ^ ' 1 a vsq v. upon v i in the ) tu! 15,v)C0 L\ >osr v;l ! ..." .'.hit' ii . ij . . .vr i | ' h 'JU 0;J. u. . ai? ? I ? ' ' C . ' ' ' ?v th? i ' t' :'hos< . Is e- . t ;* l'o jnd> 11 /. ^ i v.inl'Vf.. . I - ; r. . , ' ! * i . -i ' "> od > .i:j .c J j . . " vo" !i act as: V i ^ low . . L. j ' . I I iM- j ; s. -J.\ O Vl'VKv I V *!. P . ^ ; . ( 1:1 "/ : \v; / d \\v ' '. ) icst mo-, tery, ana we, jrepared to -?title,. r' \ ;-x vr f;?o*iV? *'' . Ui?/ V 1. U4 i. X Ji ^ . i : :.\ZooCoR. . , , Are made for Ih-v ^ j f" r*> I ?-* wall as ?y* liyiLUlCt nder form. W: .tte'i D: y G Bate .-.burp, upanv ttt" A ?/ ' Ki?ln. vl ' ntv .11 1 ! ..k htei r ? ^ f' ** I ?* '?'1 ?' i N ! bx 196 : \ ' 11: < *1 . ,; . J K :?? 1 *1 . rVio O P " 01a> \j? ' til : . . Out tilth i !..) t< I, \ ill Ml !! J A\ \\ I'l'l X t. V,. .., \ 1 . *' "l? ? ' vWI.'.'.^i'S^ fe'1 I'HYSJCIAN AND o :tt.--Dmik hi. re Batcsburp, Office He 3 to 9 a. A. WAT SON 2 to 3 p. n . 1:30 to 9 p Dentist fcsburp, S. C. j -m - ^ i M a i.iepuonc Builu-.r-tf. j '*'?: < ;c p !'!* i : '-ng Every Thursday i - i I ' J i,, J"a \<y '& ,r- COLLEGE ! ION SHYDEB, A. B. M* " J*, d PBBIDEIT ! .' . T i .. D T ci t Ll I . 1-- i . . f - . :S 15. is. Cures /it? vt . jiu i. under c ??r![ ,;t -t so:'c/oiua mid Klieumi die (jrouncis. Next i u. :i. Sept. .'A. For catu- t) ' ' - A ?IT. C Wt'l-i btc , i - ) - a I i i I - I- i Spartanburg. S. C. I ?-v! !!i v"" " Ml.> 1 !*.?!- ! ami all ! l Jii- a | 1' .i- .('am Hla". ail : a lcich Mine . J \- -1 ! . i of Coal City. Ala., : . . >. r pertect of . - mi h i .iny New Life I'ills ' ' " ' !" him oi Kidney after J A ye: :s t: . : .. re the be .t j i'is f?i a h inst'.p.ition, ivi in. spepsia, Debility. 2o< . . . -I I ? ! II] > 11|0 vii ?? i. i.T ill or Kc.b |M>TA N I Hi *< ?o|)hAI Ii'li. ip C'.-lli' !*' aim li.l" < " ' '* '''''' t mil-lit-, a ill 1. 1-1 .1 lt.? 11 ' it!* l.i-i * on l'ral> .. .i i v l ?t i 1- .1 tillII !i! a . 1. M '! : I ! ' . Wit' 11i urt.)ii|H ari- vii-'.ml nft-v | '"3' a%\Hr?t. - is ?i.iik i.. ; ?>/ s: ! i uu itth'n i. lllfttl provi I fit ' CM* I CO., I (j . j. Iiruif fctor * IJuIh II A ti.i.'.i, ' ill. I in,': tv.r sample ?ive t ' rouble, It yoe kuo..v. 4 i* - r' , i * UST 26 !9>0 &r '5- immmmimi f| | |? ^Jf : '. iticipatedyour wants r aw searched over the sto i procure the best and the early to show you how we a. e> arc Iilied Willi the classiest, > Men end Youn.n Men evei advertised sii win". I he celebrated hainl-lailt ?re Rochester made suit: loo!' i ahead too, in ehc i'< i ho conservative rr hinjv man. Vre havt u-ing- values?the ; I,j :i t-\ to he had ii "() i: turn to loo! ahead : u: ino fitv.t since the \ f ; fV , ,,. . c J tx'.T. ] t t ' lO v 11 ' l ; i V kJ t 1 I i ' r in;]r Rst fealh !e id : u-i| illy tllh slicc ' k > ' v 1 ' I ! > i l ) 1 t! 11 .N .' x ! ) \ i . much i i a purchase. < > v ; u e yota' railro i ft 1 w e Si r f < (y V". 'AVUk pit' ! < >T*. iil: [<S ? s.orc toot / " T ^ T\ A "> ' ~ ' \ ! i \ / - i V_.' ]. . O A ' t J 1 Rs sE8b.'Sisfl8Hi >; <r ;rrs *>r ,v , * < C\ . torn ;b \ V/ si.oo , , , TO . V i.h V p \ m \ ' < U \'W \ K \ .' ll ' U' ' > -! ? .. *Arg6 ?j.. i*. ornon of ' . i ?OdS V , . ) "L ?v- ; S. C. . .... 11 Porjioso v j j-j ^ u r.'lii-t ill ? . ) liui-nt- Hi- K * - ? ? lull 1 !;? i. rills in u i u > ! l < nil It Iu "I iiiur 4 f\ - - - , ? u. i.. SOO lf 2 O T. xJ i.;? ?<i in- up hisi 111 V I hi'sitl'lr- Ill r's Di?if stun-. C< 1! u r nn t t > SUKGKON, j i he best vai ; for the 1 ni. j1, jA> w>> vnonpn*!^ gift r7n M j\ ? *1 . ^ y f, , A Cabinet Mantel w ' > -v; ,* . home. r? J . y , b'rom ti'li" . Y - , _ iiu. t' . . ilciidci'son Suy i <> IT* Main St. : troublet, ?! j it ism rest lie ; PRESENTS. Jewelry, Diamonds, St< lin# Silver, Watches Cut (ilass, Art (iOOI)S. All new and ahsolnf . boaut itul Rotxls. ( 'onio w \v hen ever ymi ha\e an < , 1;" port unity. ?-t? -.1 KtMiicinlH'r \vt* only la 1 die solid and o-onuine;.p>o If not convenifnI toco " 1 in, send in your mail onI ? ? 1 - i' 1 which always lias our pi ! ,i t i till , . . . . A . , sonal at tent i ?n, wil h a ru; > tin-up antoc to please. Alwaysol " !J 'L to HOC you atSYLVAN BROS , ' ? I i I * V I o , lo a ,1m Jewelers, COJJIM Id A, S when writ Cor. Main & Ilamptan ii !5I V 01 >?UrA * 'Ki % -C" < " *f " I MbMDWUM MBB SaeflMaaBld 8?t3aiS?HWi^k noriths ago j|i cks of the country a* newest, and now 1! we have prepared g diiippicst display of suits for W in a daily papt f. 'i! Skin-Nodi aiul Adlcr H losing- patterns and I lan ai d the dash- S 1 ; looked ahead h fairest and ^ n town. 11 f ? (.nYV? / i vv*1 \ r. . 1 i ? i i 4- 4 1 > ukti SiUlM Uit) ga vorkl bc.u' ai and p lial wears Ilie || evs H /ssiui ;n.Hi. s- ? iot ii> i 'pc.i( ? ;* Pi -in:ii" week We will - m i'lcsenl cour >n .ii *8i 4 c& a J laic. p, NMm) 1 Mi'" 8 Mi?.* .? - . d: F' fhe Mail Store fei o r I ? w i ";onsii i &?88S^?aBy dies Repaired JB u#rt Notice. t i C . rt.i . ' ! 6-: rj ii';np ;5'.. . I ini h. 1 .. ; , \ i I : V. 1 1 . 1 ' ' SO; i i (, I f- v ; v > > v- l-"' * ' * yi . # . ? wife /YW^n > ' 4 i f 1 2 * I . * % v !. nbia S. C. lies in dry ooc! least mo s . <TTK1^ lil add 60 , to till: v,;i!tlc ? : \ >.d $8.00 up (lam 11 ar<I warn ('<>. ( V>) 11 in!>ia, S. ( \ the Rest Hour 01 Life is when yoi do some tfieaf deed " d:wo\er some wonderful fact. I , hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Hockey Mt., N. C., when he was sufferir.p inteusely, as he said "from'he worst cokl I ever had. I then proved to 1 I \ my prcat satisfaction, what a \ >nm derful Cold and Cou^h cue Dr. ,j._ Kind's New Discovery is. 1* or, after taking one bottle, 1 was entirely cured. You can't sav anything too 1,1 good of a medicine Idee dint." Its ds. the surest and best remedy fc?i disiiit' cased hu gs, Hemomget, I nCii.r-| ?', Asthma, Hay hover. a-.y 1 hr.r.nt ov any Lung J'roublc. ,0c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free, Guaranteed by all 1druggists, ad Subscribe for The Advocate. The best paper in the county. Only 1 $1.00 per year, is.