0 .8; T DI H 1 iv* ^ To the Fatffjf: Counties. We are offering t each of tlio above cu 210 ) lbs of high :3lwix only condition i Georgia Chemical W 575^ Kertiliz No-otie excluded Everybody get busy the u n of goo I Eert Til is idea was get 7^ don't, fail to t lie ; an in addition to the $ ' alogoe.)-- Beside i yo 4\!u>r this same acre. No your name as a win 'yFfc to l>e able to tell lio\ forested parties in y< M. K. KU TIj.VND Southern Rai!way Company. SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE NOV 14, 1909. i N. B. These schedule figures show the time thac trains may be expected to arrive and depart, but the times stated are not guaranteed. Northbound departures from Batesburg, S. C. 9:33 a. m. No. 8, daily for Columu.a and intermediate points connecting at Columbia for Spartanburg and Ashevllie. Arrive Columbia 10:50 a. m. Spartanburg 5:15 p. m. Asheville 7:15 p. m. 6:15 p. m. No. 130, daily, for Columbia, Washington and the East Through Pullman sleeping car to New York. Arrive Columbia 7:30 p. m., Washington 10:40 a. m., New York 5:00 p. Parlor cafe car Augusta-Columbia. SOUTHBOND: 8:15 a. m. No. 129 d.iilv. f?>r An 6:30 p. m. No. i, daily, lor Augusta ancl intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 6:35 p. m. Winter excursion tickets now on sale. Por further information call on ticket agents, or, J. B. Reid, T. A., Batesburg, S. C C. H. Ackert, V. P. & G. M,, Washington, D. C H. V. Gary, G ?. A., Washington, D. C. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Alex H. Acker, T. P. A., Augusta, Ga. Presents For All Dl AM<)NJ)S, .1 KWKLRY, WA'IVII KS AND STKRLI N( SI IA'KK VViien in need of.i presen do n:>t lb.uvt lh;ii we iiav the !:irucst. best and nios beautilr.i lin .;i uoods suit ill le !<>r presents :n the State Wfvll I I .1 ;t' ' .t I ' ii'i> {imhIh Oltll I Kohl sit h.l w .v oil <> ronuMiibcr v llttVtM'lilv uuili 1 niitlilii-' All v soil art' ruHiMiit . i. :? ov.-r> w.iy IT v.iu uiiiot i >u.f in ml y.mr order 1 mini. All ui il "i lerilmv .?nr i i- >im. at to tIon witli a , u:i:-i?i* ( t<> pie in Try us a ul >'? >u will ne\ t be disappointed in <>nr d(,(x SYLVAN BK( )S., Jewelers, COld'M 111 A, S. Cor. Mam I lamptan St I ? SIiVU'LICl I V , CONVKN IKNCI:, \M\\iTACTION PINK WORK and DURABILITY are the distinguishing features of the R 0 Y A L g ' * , ' J Wll^ON^^^CJBBE! S >i'lli (Carolina Atu;en COLUMBIA, S. C " ? * ~ i the i -COUNT mersof Edgefield, Saluda lie following prizes for the best one aort nation to bo given away tho year of 191C grade guano, lnt prize. 1000 lbs 2nd pi is that you usouny ol'tlic following Fort tail* in October, at Bate} rorks, Augusta, Ma.- Virginia Carolinu or Co., Columbia, S. (\- Ashopoo Forti , obi and young, rich and poor, white ai show the people what us Sout li Carol in; ilizers, and prog re ().00 cash prize the Fair Asso nation otto u can enter the contest lor "both the Stat cost to get ill the race. Write tho Secret tier and tell him th?? kind of fertilizer yo v the crop was cultivated and amount o our section see the cotton and corn weij 0 TRl-UOU.VTY FA I It ASSOCIATION, , President, W. J. MCCARTIIA, Secret One Conductor Who Was Cured ' i jie 5ouncj 5 Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, T. r?. , , .. . 111c le^ioiai and he writes about it.- Some slcep ca? not , time ago I was confined to my bed an aUm(.nt, with chronic rheumatism. I used '.,rp 1n pP two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem- . , 1.,:, ,, d cdv with good effect, and the third ^ j *' ^ bottle put me on my feet and 1 re- soumlly nii.ht, sumed work as conductor on the rrn_? ,,,,r u?ri Lexington. Ky., Street Railway. It gdnV" My a gave me more relief than any med- , C , icine I had ever used, and it will do . ' T h all you claim in cases of rheuma- e ?g :'vIU ,. p tism." Foley's Kidney Remedy cures \ ' rheumatism by eliminating the uric ; 'I 7" _ . . r . , . . Cfl t d! I CI id V acid from the blood. conc,it Gunters UruR Store. c<| hon, ley'r Kidney There is no cough medicine so ' au'ai'l'tI n'1 popular as Foley's Honey and Tar. ^UI It never fails to cure cor ..c. colds, croup and bronchitis. TTaT TTVXTi , , , , , . . _ ... I A UlyJUX V7JL1 Sold by Gunter s Dru^ Store. j M&keV Kidn & <* <4 O ^ r I !* | " I | Come and Im o n e y Stietch your d< (1n sl 1"^?'' + ' .n. * Kvory arl iclo i i Hai'^ains arc Stork n11isi <>. wtMji'li t Suits I'o - | In This 9 Men's and tie t a Caps, Furnish it cjH Ba^s all Mark< ^ ^ ^ " M THH R is gj ' be Man Store ,, 1 Coin i n fa ' ^HD cSBBB ' EXCURSION RA'I .0 VIA SOU-, THERN RAI WAY TO j n ATLANTA, OA. . .. . , v1 Account of Atlanl .. . c -e ^ tival, Atlanta, Ga. Mav t 1 - - i h ft the soutnern turn way ^ ?v. . .. duced rates to Atlmtn i cl :e:.un. j* I'icitets on sale May 1 t to Yth - { 'elusive with final limit retr.nvng r^t I . v\ i i later than midnigt t M: y PtK 1 10. Children half fare. For further information, call on ^ Southern Railway Ticket Aj ents, or J. 110k \ J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A? Atlanta, Ga. Alex H. Acker, i\ P. A., Augusta, Ga. 1 BATRSBtlRO ADVOCATE, BATESBURQ. S Y FAIR 1 , Aiken, and Lexington J y/r^s } of cotton and one acre of corn in rize. 1000 lbs 3rd prize. ilizcrs and make an exhibit at the d)urg\ , People, Columbia, S. C.- Palmetto lizerCo., Charleston, S. C. vFfo id colored have the same showing. ians grow here in t his South-land, by teres! as well as improve the fair. So l and corn and win the prize. This is rs for the best farm exhibit.?(See cate and County prize acre of corn with ary a postal and tell him to enter u will use. We want each exhibitor f fertilizer used, and have three disinBatesburg1. S. C. ary, J. M. MALPASS, Treasurer. leep of Good Health .. :ive power of sound Sp be over estimated and jr hat prevents it is a TTJF" T| ,1th. J. L. Souther* 1 Cl XI?V /is., says;- For a long ^ ^ :en unable to sleep * Ti T s, because of pains a- jj I G k and soreness of my * I ippctite was very poor What They Will Do for You al condition was much avcbccn takint! Fol- They will cure your backache, 'ills but a short time Gtrengthen your kidneys, cor> as oundasa rock. I rect urinary irregularities, build my meals, and my up the worn out tissues, and ion is greatly improv- eliminate the excess uric acid pstlv rprnmrnenn Po-l . ? .. ^ 7.." -------- - i tnatcauses rneumatism. ireI '.!js as I know they . vent Bright s Disease and Dialler's DrugStore. bates, and restore health and j strength. Refuse substitutes. jmeyRemedy c cvs and ^ladder Right ; (junter S Drug Store. see what little | c a n d o , 1 >llars to their limit. ' Counts | i our store at ii res- $5 >le prices. W Here, Our Surplus m t* ? ? i " i ni ii iv ol li: iji <4Jit v i*Spring* wear inelud p Bargain Sale | >ys' Clothing Hats, i igf Goods, Trunks and L id Down at Fabulous- S? ow Prices* ^ | CLOT IIHRS. | ..... I lie Man Store 1001 rnbia, S- C. I C HES'd .. ? , M. MITCHFiLL _ ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOl i vv i i 11 I iU . * l /> A I Ratesburg, S. C. ) Ci i i\ O LIU ? Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m. : 2 to 3 p. m. JVC ilh>w\l my biirlur 7:30 to 9 p. m. hi pool room at the' - The Advocate ii'ivr. no vvdiiin.;. or\ tiling up-to-iiato. ^ o * jt * 1 .Ul i \ Murray, ! '-'p. Per Year. i * ^ -.x %? 5. c. Friday; Aprils?m>.. ggBSsascBaBB ^ C C I Spring Ann | Whitten Dr 1 Style, Quality | These are what the I ? this store has supplied fo 0 This season we make jjjj ed: Every department is j| newest and best. g May we have the | =? y | New Spring 1 Millinery $ A visit to this department will re Sveal the most complete showing o linp Millinprv ever ntlered in this sec in ?? . ? X tion?even surpassing our own best ef ^ forts?While our styles are the newest qualitiest the best and our milliners th most artistic and accommodating. You @ hats will not cost as much here as th ordinary kinds cost at other stores. Giv us a call-yoirll get ideas by the score. G Our Spring Dress Goods jjk The newest, the best, the cream ( 0 the market is here. To say it is our be< Ojt but feebly expresses the attempt. ^ : t Clothing ^ We are showing surpassing value X give IS UCiC. VV iitiiC V Ci V.CI)IIUIIIJ| it ltd % thorough knowledge of the business c;i offer is here. Y We offer savings of $1.00 to $s.r on each suit and can prove it. i? 36 in. Check Dimity New Lawns - . . < x 40 in. White Lawn - - < 15c waisting 1 1 / .? \ o ,vh n ot v" I Z Yi C VJI11 ? 11 a 111 o Good Calico soc Window Shades Q V\ 40c Matting 2 $1.25 Rugs Jap I Whitten Dry j& R:it( GEO. BELL IIMMERMAN, ib ugiiuy cio: J. WM. THURMOND. 'lhen, you Thurmond & Tinman IZ" ;,Tu Attorneys at Law. ':?,ls a,/d a!,1( I - ,, , 1 ty Next day it I VV ft practice in all the State and U CPll3 an(, BO I S. Courts. until the whl 1 Citizons Pank Building, B: t*?bnrg 8 C. |n i CHILD SUICIDE IN GERMANY. "V? ?.r eV<\? at all, and School System Blamed for Terrible 'as'^ thion o >. cx .... m , m wells aro t Self-Slaughter of Infants. Tho statistics of child self-munder in a,,ar Saxony show that, although only 7 persons under 14 committed suicide in 1001-1902, the number rose to 21 in 1,uy JOU 190-?. The total number of child sui- ti.em in a a ( Ides in Germany during eighteen your cell Si years was 717. just 42 annually. 01 ,ur *,ca ^ I Critics of the school systems assort ^dio^ing, s I that children are forced too much, that ^ c'gar, """ *' ?? - * I I.lnt fiA OYYrl urp set ^ ag( , P.I iney tire uvn-miiuumiuu ...... _ impossible disks. An instance Is given *-ora8e reat of a 12-year-old boy who had failed to u. do a Latin exercise properly and was iowe\er. a sent home to his father. The boy, the ' mt eveiy moment he entered his father's room, v' and the walls of one of these are lined ( (.rios to (.i with large cells, every one of which enn bo opened and closed at will by sClKOn j means of powerufl muscles. iCjJ wjjol< j Now, when a camel drinks it drinks p|0RKur(, jr a very groat deal. Indeed, It goes Jor R rJ< drinking on for such a very long time cu(;j that really you would think that it never meant to leavo off. Finser Hut the fact is that it is not only satisfying its thirst, hut is filling up its No cistern as well. One after another the sl mu'at,o coils in its stomach are filled with wat- |ial1 ?n er and as soon aa each ia oulte full it ^ ^01 ^ OMIMl n 1 y Goods Car 1 and Low Prices. | I yeople want-These are what 2 fl r the last 12 years. $ 1 ! the best showing ever offer- 2 I teeming with the seasons 2 B8|fl pleasure of showing! 1 OU. f American Beauty f Corsets ? " We have just opened our new spring jjg . ' shipment of these celebrated corsets and X have them in all sizes and styies 50c up to q " $3.50. tjg e New Spring waist in ali the new sty- fj? r les and most wanted materials 39c to 5.00 jp e New shipment Mattings 43c value 25c X - Bargains in Pure Grey1 stone Enameled Ware S 17 qt Dish Pans 37c X Large size Chamber 17c jjj - 3 qt Preserving Kettle 10c Qr 3 41 Pudding Pans 10c >c 3 " Milk 44 ioc X * __ f? .ellino* . ? IP * t) - isc m - - w< a ? - % ti ioc (I1 2sc box Toilet Soap 10c 25c Coigates New Dactylis and Violet SJ Talcum Powder 19c ^ )0 Large bottle Bay Rum 10c 2 _ Mennen's Talcum Powder isc w \c 2sc Collars - - 10c ijj .V'umblers - - - - 15c 10 1 =>c Bottle Flavoring Extract - 08c 10 25c can CoiTee - 20c ]jj 10c Bulk " - - - oyc 3j $25.00 Art Square - - 19.75 2 ^ $15 *' - 12.50 ^ 00 $10 " " " 7.so Q Goods Company, ? !sburg, S. C. Z sea. me uymemauc use ui tne r iuscu ray] tee, when the animal be- treatment by eminent specialists at the] y a few hours later al! Polyclinic Hospital, in Philadelphia. I > do is to open one of the So remarkable haw been the outcome jw the water to flow out. of the treatment that the greatest inopens one or two more ten st has been aroused among scienit goes on day after day tlflc men familiar with the circumle supply Is exhausted. stances, and the additional experiments 1 * ~ u? , ~ t - * *?* 11 * a ?t? v* 4 n m i /\ ]?/) lOUS Way a CHUU'I tail im UUUi^ me same i?ii*j v*uimi wv ww Six days without ?liinKii g mn !e in future clinic? are certain to be1 so is able to travel qui'e followed by the closest attention both gh the desert, where the in this country and abroad. >ften hundreds ot miles ? Lives on 7 Cents a Day. ars at Their Best. Seven cents a day is all that A. J. r cigars in quantities, put nmin. a professional tax-title buyer, .'dar box, lay the Imjx away with residences in Denver and Omaha, ar, and at the end of three spends for food and drink, according to rs they are just right lor own statement. ;ald Mr. T. L. Marsron. He is thought to be worth at least! If properly kept, improves 1100.000. and is known to have present-j 3d at the end oi lour years' :l cei tilled check for $50,000 on one lies the maximum of excel- occasion. re are some curious things, ^ cspite his fortune, he lives In the | bout even the costliest kind most trugal manner, renting a small. connoisseur recognizes. In room far out in the suburbs, for which! alilies the best brand of he almost nothing. f cquire a bitter taste after "I have reduced the cost of living to uvny tor n few days. 1 don't a science," savs Seaman. "Seven ceut:? her it is atmospheric inilu- a daV ls my limit, and what thi:; hat the cause may he, bet amount buys keeps me i.i excellent, is that some climates are health. This allows two cents each their tlavor. f?r breakfast and supper and three oker of the finest goods ? 1 cents for a hearty meal in the middle ; ou that it is necessary at of tho dfty- For breakfast I have cof-} bange from the imported to feo rtnd crackers; for dinner a bowl of i. fi?iir if univ for a i ii.-f soup with broad, and at supper bread. lire <>f cigars costing 1 ccntr builer and tea. I clothe mysci. ?. sale, and cannot m-aln take a year and always have two romplet? i them until 1 have indulged outfits." >d In some genuine Connect!- Seaman does not use the stu j can ashington Post. Rntl walka to h,s ?ul,,,rba" >?d*tl?*flt L also for short distances through the , Ray. Makes Hair Grow. -ountry. but ^patronizes the railroads notable a result than the business is buying the titles in of a vigorous grow th of f pr0perty sold for taxes und dlarcahe head of a septuagenarian. " f thcQJ ftt htgher prtcei). 0 years, has been ntt lined bv ^.