The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, April 08, 1910, Image 4

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? J4L 1 TH I j| Is the only place in the St thei ?|v MMMMI W The unparalleled success ^ ment identical with ours, 01 j w Remember we are the PI ? paring their treatment wit Our institution, which is and refurnished, and many An attractive dining roo: large and airy and well fur ;:?f sistants and the physician i and every case. For a p< countries, and today has th TTT Ji __ _ 1_1" J_*Z -jfc vv e neeci no puonsnea cei lit w have been treated; and in e ||| times to testify to the effici j|j? Persons contemplating .<|j| should be sure that they a IjpF We Cure Whiskey, Tobac< w 1 lie l\ci w 1329 Lady Street, PMHHiHOKBi I UM7^^* t I ' I*r J V w V- ^ w -CM w w W a a <? -dU 4- lt-4 it juu waiu lij I Newest Styles and Latest summer of 1910, we are money on a Cooner Batest Exclusive dealers in clothing, shoes and furnishing /Wens' and Women tM SMMMHMHBKIBMHHnBnnianBI SUCCESS IN ADVERTISING. """'K way. jonn VVanamaker was hoy who hail no schooling facilities yianley M. Gillam's Interesting Talk bm, *'aS V1 1*' cai<nest a,1<1 ?ll<1 to Canvassers vt y who was willing to work. Yot Manley M. Gillman, the man who 1 :"'w^vhat he came to. He is ih? mai nnde the Wanamaker advertising fa- x : ' !ias revolutiortizeil merchandise ii nous and who revolutionized newspa- ' ' ' l>.v his energy, his otigin,?er advertising in tliis county, deliver- a'"J' 'lis ,a,'nestness. Earnestm J ?d a lecture to the employes of the 1 ", ni"n,'?us thing. When he went Brooklyn Eagle's advertising depart- ''' ?'la<lolpliia he was a lioy, am. jinent, in the Information Bureau. Mr. w'"' l"ohai)ly aO.Otm with !ic juillam is now the business adviser ' 11 l'u' 8ftme pi utilise and o Jof the New York Herald, and is eonced- | ' .:i', "!a"'V W.',th more rcUsons f,,r su?;ed to he a man whose knowledge and '' * Ia" " " 1 judgment pertaining to advertising , ' !l ' wa country manors, nlpnoa htm i- ~ ''?.v with no schooling fart I It iau vl.ol. 9 - U.uvvu UIUI AIA tuc J 1 I'll' IclIlK . , , ? . . . ^ . .. . .... . <\ei except throe months each wintei of American advertising mon. The lec* J ?? ... , , . . . ,, until lie was 11 years old. Sometime iurc was the third of a series of talks , . . , .. ... . . . . later, he said, it occurred to htm thai ; to Eagle people by prominent news- ,, , ... . J " ?... , . . . there was such a thing as short ham paper men. Mr. Gillam s subject was , . , ... , i..o m. , t > i I. . and the very idea that anybody couh ; 'Some of the First Principles and ... ? _ .. ,, make a mere mark that meant a wort Necessary Qualifications in a Young 1. ?* i a . ~ ? i n was fascinating to him. In IhOO h( } Man to Make a Successful Canvasser? . ... ..... at . . ?? ? fecnt to lien Pitman, in Cincinnati, foi -Style, Appearand, Habits, etc. , , .... , ' . t?.m , . a manual of phonography. Withou "Take John VVanamaker. He worked , , . i . ever having even seen a man win In a brick yard at the hardest kind of . , . , ., , . . . ? could write sliorthand or knew any work. He was but a boy. He carried _K, ? ,, .. . , , , * . * i .v. ii thing nliout if, Mr. Gillam said, lit the bricks and stacked them up and I . .. , . ... . '? ok up the study and became a vcrj den t hellevo (here was a boy with less s,ni?Kni|ll?Th,,, outline. outlook. leas promise or .1,111 y ? ?,.rlrB r w than John Wanaroaker. He had no ed- ln Bh,?tlmll? wrltl W11 h| urntlon, no schooling ot an, amount mxnMnt , lhc |,lnkPrton Katlolla he was. lie was simply a bo, A ,.hllade,ph,a am who did his work well. He dldn I h|a ld??,lflcil,lon w study Itetwecn meals, either. No hu- dallies. Then he wenl man being can have a higher regard covcrlna u,,, BlatB Ir^a. for education than I have, and I he- |>|urp for ?1C ulob(, Fr(jIn hpre h( lieve that no man or woman can know ,n ,llf> 0,lv,OPf!<lino, ,r too much, but roil run Unrtm (n ?? ? J THE BATESBURO ADVOCATE, BATBSBURO. S. g. F IE KEELEY I ate Where the Celebrated Keeley Rem lia (or Nerve Exhaustion) and Tobacco of the World Famous Keeley Cure has i r "just as goou", etc. ONEERS, and others unconsciously ack h The Keeley Cure. situated in the best residental section ol additional improvements added that wi m is among- the additions and the best o: nished, making the surroundings comfo: in charge are in constant attendanc e, wl amryrl nf "fVin'txr \rnnve 4-K/v ^V-wiri + ^ A TZ v/j- uhjjlij ty ecu o luc; v,cicjui ex tc;u ivcu _e unqualified endorsement of the medic icate to establish our cure. Hundreds o very city or hamlet in the land can he f iency of The Keeley Cure. taking _ treatment for these maladies re getting the genuine Keeley Cure. n - and all Drug Habits, also Neurastln Publicity. Consultation andCorrespc 1 ? T 1 4 /"X 'tf ClC^y HlMllLilC U1 Phone 353 s~\ c? "a* tt a <r? itUVDll Ulll tlD I ? iT^ ^ ri tl *i wv I S -4- n r yuaiuj, : Shades for the spring- and 1 in position to save you 1 11 purchases, I Bros. I >urg, S. . I ;s lor men and boys. H Suits made to Measure. |j _T HT'nri - T I" K.:VLI|||(HIIMMW1B a > mi iijbw?i# J'lilianeipmn. through a varnuv or in- iX juicier h l'lcsonri' of Mind, teiests hold by the owikt ol ill <w< - lt dinner party whero there old. One was a very fine h? rd ol lloi- wcro twolvo covers ono of the stein cows, ironi which huiicr was courses consisted of scalloped oysters produced to sell at a dollar a pound. jn stiver shells. The set of shells aIi. (iillain was given the ta I. to place was broken there were only clothe product before the ptihlii and he ven. The mistress, therefore, told got uu a . lies of advertisements .vhleh tiio butler thut sho would not cat t i t suited In selling the entire output to any oysters. I people who were willing to pij $1. When the oysters came, he place ! ? "In writing advertisement." said before his mistress ono of the shells. t Mr. Giilain, "think of what you havo To his horror she did not doelne it t'> olfer, who wi'l he int<*r?-t. i and She took up the fork and was about how you will interest tliem. 1 thought to plunge into it, when the man Hew ot something that would catch the eye, her ride. "Pardon me, madam," that would catch my eye and catch me ho murmured, "but you said I wan and then I asked myself, "Do I really remind you that the doctor foruml island what I know?' I knew the hade your eating oysters 011 any acealtlc were from Holland and when count." Exchange. I 1 began reading up, I found that the I oldest breed of cattle in the world Slain s King n Hcorcliei. I was the I foist ei a I sr.hi to myself The King of Wain Is an ardent au> there is an advertising point. I wrote tomoblllst, and ills scorching has ...i, i., 1... 1 .1 ? 1- vvAi'i'lml the mlnlateru who lire ntiv I ?/,?, I . I.' UI'J n >, II <U1 I II? III ri in w * ' Wnnaninker typo, for that was the about tbo safet.v of the rojnl moat coneplcuoua In that (lay. I pro- neck* Thoy Pr??onted to tha i au; sentcd a history of tho rows and ruts nm8,or '^ following petition: , of four different Ilolsteinm fader' t "At tl.o ??rvie? of your majesty , my little -to,y of the antiquity of the bearers. and v. hen time .... . " . presses carriages. Wo therefore beI cat! ic. | wrote: flutter from a herd of , . , .1 > 1 ,. . ... . . , seech you to give tip tho use of mo1 I ' ft U1 r,INV ' , "i "h Sl " n,ir tor ears. or at least to go at n mora . kot after 10 o clock this mo. ,?ng. An modcr.l(e pace. This is expected by , hour later not a pound ot butter was fhf. (,vnft8tv ftnd yOMr poople. Wo 1 ' ' loi'ii \\ anuria, c u;i( lown 1 have been too much alarmed to ro* , the offlee the next morning and want- ,nn|u ?.si,.nt " ^ ed the ir wrote the advertise- 'p(? which ills majesty sententious ; on'* In ' ' "1" f lend |y replied In a marginal note: "Dan ? r ' and ger lies not In tho motors, hut In tho i | i v,. t .? f. f-;.? ' hearts of men." j i ?RIPAY, APRIL 8 1910. _ NSTITUTE I ' edies for Liquor and Drug Addiction, INeuras- ^ Habit are Administered. ^ nduced many imitators who claim to give a treat- ||j| nowledge that we are the STANDARD by com- W f the city, has recently been thoroughly renovated 11 insure convenience and comforts to our patrons ^ f meals are furnished in the Institute. Rooms are rtable and home-like. A full corps of trained as- JIL lich insures the best care and attention to each ^ ey Cure has been administered in this and foreign al fraternity, the Church and the entire world. ||fc if thousands belonging to every class and calling ound living witnesses ready and willing at all w /\l? tjanrll nrv {plQVlflc ai1 ( nmo IVw f v/r ouimin^ n iuhuo w 1 i cinti v CO iuj Li CUl?11 iv::11 b inia (or Nerve Exhaustion.)Treatment Without =?|f mdence Confident#!- ifjf; : South Carolina, it P.O. Box 75 Columbia, S. C. ||| IS I ^ ^ I J I Faint for | mr ISfjT '' fowr Ihme I raL /feSr v ^ Paint your home with _ yFt I / material selected as carc/I I J dilK' as the lumber, hardware < ?r Pin^ bo insure the y /your pan1.tcr to use | HOUSE PAINT (New Era) W * /u!5\f It costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. J'j] lls s'low you the latest lashionable color I combinations for house painting. SI 5^* If it's a surface to be puintod, enameli'd, stained, ;VV j[V^ 11JS? varjn*lu-tl or finis).i?i in any way, thcrr's AiMF! <S B j