The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, December 10, 1909, Image 7

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I I hayejju^t J B Christmas articles: ^ ? . ... r- >., v 11?. , 1*?7 II II -M I Christmas Shoes and Slippers. The early buyer gets the best selection: The vari ety of Xmas slippers we at I now showing was from .30 attraction: and yra are sure to find just the styl kind that would best suit, vnifr fWon or some dear relative. Slippers are so servicable-so comfortable-style so attracts that they make ideal Christmas presents. ' l l Ladies Wine green Elephant & Oxford Green, Black, Pel and kid & Julietts. Tan finished-warm lined, at $i.Ladies Wine, Green & Black felt Julietts, tan finished $i.: Ladies black felt Julietts, tan finished $ Mens black felt Romeo warm lined $1.Mens tan, and black kid slippers. $i,co $1.50 and $2.c Men and Ladies foot warmers $1.* .. - <fc1 cvvooi o 1 - Mens La lie V:>ses fed hd rd p. or. i.;,i So- they, are all good sty ies. u few pair < the kind -ccntei raff.1 ouc special. Mens, Ladies, Misses. Childrens & Infants slippers, mos of these are felt slippers, some full kid ones in the lot. An such a variety you wont understand how we can sell tliei so cheap.-Side table. Childrens Leggins, 25 50 and 75c. a CLf**s oc n m r\ 4l upp^7 DIiv. vo anu %v i If you want to give a friend a present he will really appre ciate, buy him a pair ot Clapp shoes, would'nt you like t( have some one make you such a present?. Levers Lorine and Sorosis $3 50 and $4.00 The Hie st stylish footwear shown in South Carolina is righi in this store, you are sure to find the size, style and widtl here that will suit you. ' A shipment of evening slippers and winter Oxfords we have just received is attracting many favorable comments LEVER THE SHOE MAN, In Columbia. 199M1 _ M Stung For 15 Years ~ H fifilTr III by Indigestion's pangs-t ying many 2anRB ? *? doctors and $200.00 worth of medSJLJL^^ ma 'c,ne in va'n? ^ b Ayscue of IngleHITTPrS side, N C.t at last used Dr King's New Life Pills, and writes they Succeed when everything else fails. wholly cured him. They cure ConIn nervous prostration and female . t,... o i tt j l weaknesses they are the supreme StipatlCn, Biliousness, Sick Headach remedy, as thousands ha<e testified. Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bo-".el FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND troubles. 25c at all druggists. STOMACH TROUBLE it is the ben medicine ever sold ??I The Advocate Preventics, the new Candy Cold g Cure Tablets, are said by druggists I I II I to have four special specific advan- A ft Vr V-F tages over all other remedies for a cold' F rst?They contain no Qui vv nine, no:hing harsh or sickening. I 0T Y t'cir. S?cond~They give almost instant relief. Third-Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth?A large box? 0% 0% % stopped in 20 minute* 48 Preventics-at 25 cents. Also fine ? ;|||lf 3D for >vensn children. Sold bv Gun- *in ,,ure,r , 0 | No ?omitinf, no di?ter S Urug otore. [irons. A pafe and pleasi-igsyrup?M>c. I>ruf*i?t8. THE lUtESBWO AfWOCATB ft, j" V';i if " lew 600^ jhis put in a tjew 1 ! v d ?ff; *t> x' -Dress -Go already to show you. i : \* ;. ^ i Perry t Steadmai |; W$Q>9&$Q&9909C30QG0G&GG9 | Choice fai ?' * j / .? a G *1 ? | Fresh Me* /e ? J Hie: Si est *5? jc *?, i. v. f?*' 3 For tPoor C?"1' >o,? ?f' t "I J * -|? i t < 1 11 ! I ? ' v* 18 Wl ;.. ' t 5J ? > .a d? nil n? (111 ? m, o 7 O ? n.x - ? mm 5 O o ,.o o o ? . eaasffl?$??5S?e?S?8C5?S8?S L ?- ? v ? - -? * ' > ? t f ' r YOU CAN PAY MORI Than $65 for a Type^ ' writer, but You Cannot BUY More Than The ROYAL STANDARD VIS IDLE That's the Truth in a Nut-Shell about this woi ful "Typewriter without Frills.' AH unnecessary | are omitted. It weighs only 2ol/2 lbs., is only (i in high and yet it is actually the strongest and toi g Writing Machine fastest writer known. Will make more copies at ONI: writing. N LESS REPAIRS than any other. Adopted by the United States Post C ffice : r.d used in al Government Departments. Not one Royal rd in South Una has been repaired during 1909. , y. "Wilson Sollies South Carolina Agent, I' 1412 MAIN STREET, COI UMBIA. S. C J Supplies for all Typewriters in Str ck. All makes of Typewriter paired and Rebuilt. \ I - - J." 'J. -9JKLB ? ? VmSBURO.S. C. DEC. 10 I4>09 I I i T ?I (Tf> _ j t Received line .of hflts chn r - - ?-vv, ods. *V staple and Fancy Groceries. 1all, i s c ?? ; ^ " _' " . - V" ? / ???> i*. > ?.? icy and Staple roceiies. lis a Specialty Cash Prices ' for Feeding Purposes r-* . . * WffV? HOWARD iburg, S. C. >????????? ?????S?SSSSfifiSfififii Alone in Saw Mill at Midnight SEABOARD AIR LIN1 -I? unmindful of dampness, drafts, (EFFECTIVE NOV ?? storms or cold, W. J. Atkins workr ed as Night Watchman, at Banner 7 1909.) Springs. Tenn. Such exposure gave NOWTHRnTTMi him a severe cold that settled on his NOKIHBOUN1 ? lungs. At last he had to give up 56 92 work. He tried many remedies but all failed till he used Dr. King's * Oo.a 8-40 a m 4.45 P ' New Discovery. "After using one A Camden 6.35a rn 543 p bottle" he writes, "I went back to A n,mU( ore ? _ o,,c I. ,, .. o A Hamlet 855 a m 805 p work as well as ever. Severe Colds, stubborn Coughs, inflamed throats A Wmton 115 p m 12.20 a and sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Croup A Raie;Kh 1145 am 1240 ai and Whooping Cough get quick relief and prompt cure from this glo- A * OI"tsmth c,40 p m HO a rious medicine, 50c and $1.00j A Richmond 505 pm 535 a Trial bottle free, guaranteed by all A Washnton 835 pm 850 ; druggists. A NewYork 353 am 245 p SOUTHBOUND 1 TAJ ?k Anlr "W\ll I Columbia 1215am 1025, g I w? W X vU I a Savannah 320 a m 145 p | i to take Cardui, lor your female I A J icicsonvle <45 am 010 p uior-B* J troubles, because we are sure it I A lampa 530 p m 630 a r vntsB'a ^ kelp you* Remember that ? Trains 93 and 84 year r Vl 5 A * thiS gfeal l6inale r0medy~' 92 an(1 81 through e: ;"i"CABIMS mlSl u. wngBIVtrii uciwr.nn.miet and Jac a B All trams consist of hifjh ^ has brought reUef to thousands of g coaches. Diring Cars an, l the { pi other sick women, so why not to B Caro- 1 Syyj? For hnaducho. backachs. 5 cars. a W periodical pains, female weak- >' bor detailed informat f'| >4 ness, many havo said It 13 "the Pullman reservations write ' a beat medicine to take." Try It 1 ? j. g Etchbertfer, T. P. A., Sold In Thin City F3 y Columbia, S. C. s 1C"jj R. n Stansell, A. G. P. rwmm^ * Savannah. C F0LEY5 HONEY^TAR c ? < n o A|r ackfm* surm. Ao omiektm* I lOltS.noiJ j, ; ^ es, and | Prices to ^ I t> M Sunflower Philosophy. Tf is said that no one on earth cm save money as fast as an d mnl< % after she has heeoiue convinced that Mi, im n are not worth having. Admiration for the style of hat? ** the women bought for Easter wil 69 have to he acquired, like a taste fot <) o?vc8. ** V.'lirn one says, "This is the most terrible town in the world for gos %9 sip," put it down that that persoi has been up to something to exciu gossip. ^Ppnnln t*??? ? ^ inn iuwiis are so selflH^i "r WV would rather live in u little town vj where the people sympathize with ^ you when in trouble, and win re, ii ^ you have no trouble, they will loot ui) some for von. ' V. . We wouldn't like to be an express w\ agin; we never no by an express jfc \ tiee that we do not hear a pup cr> i b- l'ups are common enough ai %r k lue, everywhere. Why are they o shipped over the country? 4 a Wiien a man is left wr h a lot of J? motherless children on his hai. l, 1" %J iscully scatters them among his tela O Vvcs. If it is the woman who is left 4* with fatherless littlo ones she keeps J? tin ut together and earns a living bpsides. Women develop great energy when left without a man. In fa? \ all tite widows we know sire getting *MttS a great deal hetter than the aarrlod women?Atchison (Kun.j 4) flloW %?i ?' "" ?" "" ' 2' cc on ? The Spiritual Line. %y A good story is told of a vety sedate Joctor of divinity. When returning by rain from"* ohutch aongress, a fellow ** tasscngor undertook to draw hint into %r Dnvcibutleu, and so far succeeded that j)e reverend gentleman asked him to 4* rtiat profession he happened to be I the laynuui, cheerfuly, I 'T*m *?* iwo euiiga iine. o Ob, U?d?ed!" replied tho clergyman, urbanely, "there le a good deal of buslit\ee?i going on ill lhat branch Juat now, %y i^tftderstand." 0 yiplipt-claae," said tho layman, with 4% ^cunnjbg smile. "And may I ank whut ?% *4 y9ur W *'j/? said the cdergyman, patroniz^ ingly, with tho nearest approach to a Joko'lie waa ever known to perpetrate, ^ flip, in the spiritual line." "fcleat if I didn't think so!" ext claimed his companion, knowingly, and, putting one hand on the doctor'? ' SCHE1J knee? he leaned forward eagerly, and added, with an indescribable wink, EMBER "but, f sr?y, what a price you have put gin up to!"?Chicago Record-Herald. SQUIRRELS AS PLAGUE CARRIERS 84 The discover) in California that M 5..V p i' ground ijuirio] tnav become infected m 628 p with hul . i ic plague is so disquieting is l > he nuttier of national concern, m 8o() p ! ,jj,| i?> an editorial writer in m Ann ican Medicine (New York) Jute Says this paper: m 125 p i i i generally bei'eved that the ni y j(; . bacillus pestis is a normal inhabitant of some Asiatic rodent?perhaps the m 425 a if. rat but, from tiie excessive ntor*m 740 ui; lality among rats, it is not likely that , they are the ones with the tolerant >m 200 p't . , . , ' immunity winch keens th?> i.u<.iii?? ... existence, for it is a pure parasite in 93 nature unable to exist out of the body am 62San soni<' animal. So it is not at ' ill unlikely that the ground squirrels m 91.' at; 0f ('al'lornia now known to be in'in 130; fee ted have suftcient tolerance to n 630 i keep the bacillus alive permanently in America. It will die out in time, Ound nn UH tj,,. cholera bacillus always does <press, ( when removed from India. Vet we do know that for a long time it will , be possible for the ground squirrels to ocal Stops infe<t rats of adjacent towns and start ksonville. new epidemics. It is high time to class day tak<> ,1,) "u- '''tiropean demand for a world-wide war on domestic rats, 1 I ullmati subsist almost exclusively on the wastes of human habitations ion and Protection or destruction of garbage and the destruction of rats nests are essentials of existence now that populations are so dense. The rats must disappear, ami the only way to do it . is to starve them to death. Stables are the chief culprits and It is time for a revolution In their methods of P. /\ management." ith, Va. TT"""-! w*