The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, June 18, 1909, Image 3

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*y *y *y *y *y y^y *y *y jy pI The CI {#> I Frv & 1 v I WeH I Rect I Sh|t I The St> I Best ifc' I ev< | ALL p p I i n r.i * Batesb P P P P P 4 P P P P P P 4 i *$* rp*p?prpr$<* *$+ $ *$ | Whitt* Id addition to the sp * Ladies Belts, Pur $? \x/,* - t it. v> c ikiyc eoods for i *V We have just receiv <f J/ Our milliners are no ^3* sell Ladies llats< ?SU. whi *?> i> rV ' ^ . \/-'iu? 4>iil?I >? l?-ii<>llllfi1 by biking Fo CiO-KI-1 < tnitio l,il\;itiV4> ft>r' oiiMtijialioii, hUhuiu'Ii i I i. it iriMibli- ii. it Mivivtnnn tin' Mtmuach and Cattle I I in . ittli ir.l. imiliiti-H tlio livor nmlreg stores ??4 t|ii< ImiwcIh .tinI is imirh Hti]N>rii/r t?i jiilln 'i ' i-'lin irv l i??ti\'i-s Why not try Folt<y'e I n itivi- tinliiy'- TV\T W ' i?? ti-r's i )i'ii? stuiv rui^iifi Make* I TH uett Shirt p Men i muii -i ave just iived a Hi >ment. ies are the we have ir had SIZES. THE TT T TT nil A A ii i iiidi r.n ' lire. s. (). : "~U> H H H -4 &44 4 4 444 444444 ? ?=$* #*$% *SU #|U #$% JU ? # %?? ^ ^ m's June Spe( lendid values we are closing at actual cost in ses Hand Bags, Hosiery, Towels, Men's Suits, 1 : received from our New York buyer quantities ( everv dervirtnipnt \*/<? ?m?i ^-ilu ........ II .V.JV ?? ^ J 'II I V/l I JillV. til J ?l J impossible to match. Millinery Specials ed a shipment of new millinery that we closed Just 20c on the dollar. >w trimming this stock and until it is closed \ cheaper than von have had the opportunity < them before, TTF.N DRY GOODS CC Batesburg. S. C. - - ? Y keeps flies off Horses ,ir" '" " 1 ?**** **. . 25c and 50c at all drug nu j' o"nv'ONU' Thurajud & Tnmmo SKIMEYREMEDY i?llu.swu (Idneye and Bladder Right tltueno Hank >ldi., Baiesburg, E BATftBBURfl APVOaATE J Women Who an BavM Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous (and irritable. Constipation or Kidney poisons show in ^ pimples, blotches, skin eruptions JQjp and a wretched complexion. For all such. Electric Bitters work wonders. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; Mb i?" L . give auuug nerves, origin C)CS, pure breath, smooth velvety skin, lovely ^8 complexion. Many charming wornen owe their health and beauty to them. 50c. at all druggists. I## McCALL P ATTEDNS Celebrated lor itrlr, perfect fit, simplicity and | reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly 1 every city and town in the United States and . i Canada, or by mail direct. More sold than K any other make. Send lor Iree catalogue. " MeCALL'S MAGAZINE ^<0 More subscribers than any other fashion |Me j magazine?million a month. Invaluable. Lat. | est styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery, \ plain sewing, fancy needlework, hairdressing, etiquette, r<">d stories, ctr. Ou t 60 cents a vc? i year (worth double), including a free pattern. t Subscribe today, or send for sample copy. R WONBUniL INDUCEMENTS * to Agents. Tostsl brings premium catalogue 9 and new cash prise offers. Address TU McCAll CO.. SM Id Mt W. ITtk St.. MW TOES gfe Troubl* Makers Ousted ^8 When a sufferer from stomach ^ trouble takes Dr. King's New Life ^ Pills he's mighty glad to see his Dyspepsia and Indigestion fly, but more ^8 he's tickled over his new, fine appe^ tite, strong nerves healthy vigor, all because stomach, liver and kidneys W? now work right. 25c at all druggists. * . ^ DR. J. A. WATSON ^ Dentist ^ Batesburg, S. C. ^ Offiec in Telephone Building. ^ At Ridge Spring Every Thursday ?^ Wlntbrep Caller* SCHOLARSHIP sad ENTRANCE * EXAMINATICN. W Tt ? " , The examination for the award of vacant K _ Scholarahipe in Wlnthrop College and for the ' ' ' > tp<lott?u will 1m* l.??l.l Ht t))0 l7 . ! uieet tDe couumoua koveruuik meawaru. a|i.(j j plicaata for Scholarship* should write to Preei ?* i <t?at Johnson before the oxamumthxt tor Scholr I arebip examinati >n blanks. d?k& Scholar-shi i* are worth $HI> an?i free tuition. The next iteasioti will open September 15, 1UUU For further information and catalogue, address l'nxs I) 11 Johnson, Itock Hill. S. V. Hz 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chillsand Fever. Price 25c ?? - Subscribe for The Advocate now $1.00 per year. if? ft* 1 * :ials ^ the samples of 3ants. Shirts *9 )f new ijJ^ * * at 4^ * ve will sell T >1 buying d* > * & * L. M. MITCHELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, j Hatesburg, S. C. I Office Hours: * U i 8 to 9 a. m. s c ! 2 to 3 p. m. | 7:30 to 9 p. m. tONB i*l909 fW j^|ffe> fevtriL By IMo^jBagrtmyy. Oat of O\0 jJodrfle^ twenty hatlf?i, cofttlev figures, find after them tnl polled. The pursiied Were smaller and mora agile, the pqrsuert well trained and stronger. It was a famous raid?gamblers caught in the act, the Implements, some of them valuable, all confiscated, and the men Beised after a long run, all except one?Jack McKay. That ?... ?W_ J - . ..?v vuo uuu urawuttCK lO ino whole thing, for he vm kDOwn to be leader and organiser of the gang, and a man who has organised one gang Is, as a rule, perfectly oapable of organlnzlng another. In vain all search, all offered reward; he had disappeared, us off the faco of the earth, and his captured frlendB, though closely questioned, could give not the slightest Idea as to his whereabouts. One person could have told where Jack McKay was, and that was Mollis. Mollis was a tall slip of a girl, with soft brown hulr and great blue eyes and the sweetest face ever seen on a lass. When Jack first met her on the street one day a year before he stopped short to look at her; and being a tall, square, good-looking chap, his gaze made her eyes droop und the soft color come Into her face. At that Jack deliberately turned and followed her at a respectful distance to her home, made friends with her father, and In an amazingly short time was known as the sweetheart of pretty Mollle Burns. She knew nothing about him. Just took hfm on truBt; when he suld he bad enemies, she thought It was because he was so good, and he had not the heart nor the Inclination to undeceive her. Now when he dodged under the arm of a blue-coated pursuer and swung another one out of the way with one blow of his big fist, ho ran, more from force of habit than anything else, straight in at the door and up the stalrH to the Burns tenement. It was In the Bmall hours of the morning, and he did not want to frighten Mollle, so he pushed open the door Into the kitchen and stretched out on the floor tp sleep, knowing that Mollle would come first In the morning to build the Are. When she came, he called her softly: "Mollle." "Jack!" she cried. "Oh, what's the matter, dear?" And she came townrrt htm *?>tt-V. 1 ? -??vu uci til III 19 OUl" stretched and her eyes pitying him. He drew away. "Don't, Mollle," he said huskily; "you mustn't touch me. I don't know what I'm here for anyway, unless It's to tell you the truth." He paused and she gazed at him wonderlngly. "Don't look at mo that way," he cried. "I'm not lit for you to touch pers to-day; that Jack McKay Is a Rambler and a sharper, and that his I business Is to cheat men out of their hard-earned wages. I've been tryln' to get Into somethln' else, ior your sake, lately, Mollie, dear, but I couldn't seem to, and old ways are hard to" break. So good-by, Mollle; you'd best forget all about me." "Jack, what are you going to do?" "Give myself up to the police." "Jack," she hesitated, then came and laid her hands on his shoulders and looked Into his eyes. "Jack, dear, if I'll get you out of the country and keep them f-om finding you will you promise me to he a good man as long as you live?" He caught his breath. "Mollle, it's too big a risk for you." "Promise," she urged. "I promise." he said, solemnly; "but It's leavin' my heart behind me I'll be, Mollle, dear." She did not answer, but crossed 'the room and took an envelope from the shelf, then came and stood before him again. "Now listen. Nobody knows your name around here, so one name Is ss good as another. So you're Mr. John Carey and you're going back to the old country. Your room and passage were taken last Friday for to-day's boat. You see, Mr. Carey, who bought these?this ticket, had a bad turn und tho doctor said It woold kill him to go, and his wife brought the ticket In here iui mo iij mho uncii in \nc inornin". So. Mr. John Carey, I will hire a carriage for you and to-night you'll be safe and away." Then her eyes very pleading, "Jack, you'll keep your promise, won't you? And you must try and forget me." "Forget you, darlln'? An' It'll be rememberln' you that'll make me keep my promise. Then by and by, when I've got a Job and a little money?oh, I'm not worthy of you, but 1 shall send for you Just the same. Now let me see the ticket." She drew away n little as she handed him the envelope; she knew what would happen. Ha looked up In surprise as he opened It. "Why, 1 Mollle, there's two tickets here." "Mrs. Carey was gofn' too, Jack." "But what'll I do with them? Mollle, oh, Mollle!" with dawning comprehension, "you don't mean you ? you?" | "Of course I am," she said. "Did you think I'd let you go alone?" Ka.AA A# All V. a > iic uv/nt-o UI nit uyiug lUrdH are hollow and filled with air, tlitis combining the greatest atrenffh with the least weight. A fine ruby weighing one carat it worth 9*60; a BapphJre $300 and a Alamoad II CO, To KTniil wriiiiwresults take Foley's Kidn.'y Ri'iiuily i?t the first stgn of kidney or hladdedlflordor sncb as bm-karbe. urinary trregulnit%,es. exhaustion, and you will sooti U- well Oorninenee taking Foley's Kidney Kennedy to flay, OunU-t Drug store. For Everything Good to Edt Fresh and Up-to-Date, go to 1 BA I ESBURO, S. C. THE GIJIGNARD BRICK WORKS. I The best brick on the market, Orders filled with dispatch. COLUMBIA, - S.C Presents ^?y reac*er ?* ***? paPcr JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, Vc,ever "N? Drip Coffee Strainer Coupon priviSTERLING SIL\ ER, ^ lege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. WATCHES, CUT GLASS, It is silver plated, very pretty, and ART GOODS. positively prevents all dripping of te i All New and absolutely or coffee. The Doctor sends it, with beautiful Goods. Come his new free dook on "health coffee ' in whenever you have simply to introduce this clever suban opportunity. stitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's REMEMBER we enly handle SOLID Health Coffee is gaining its gre t and Genuine Goods. If not con popularity because of: first its exvenient to come in, send in your quisite taste and flavor: second its Mail Order, which always has our absolu'e healthfulness: third its eco~l> rsonal Attention, with . Guar- omy^j |b 25c. {ourth its con_ ante, to Please Alw.ya ,l.d venience No tedious. 20 to M see you at . minutes boiling. Made in a minute SYLVAN BROS. says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's for a pleasant suprise. rtaxVAol.aiw WilfiitvmitVtu o ?>/! ^ . ? ,v..mmvxir, urener Bros. Opticians, Cor. Main and Hampton Sts. IT coLUMiviA, s. c. CHEAP EXCURSION BATE8 VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Miiiiy of our citizen* are drifting toward* BrlKbt'n dbeine by m-tflwtinB symptom* of kidney and bladder trouble whi 'b F< ley's Kid| liey Remedy will cure (lunter's Drugstore. Ashville, N. C. and Return. SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRA- Arcoimt of National Association . NCE EXAMINATIONS CLEM- of T> P* A> S- MaV 31-June 5th, SON AGRICULTURAL. COL- tickets on sale May 25 29 and 30 LEGE. and for train suheduled to arrive At the County Court-House on Asheville before 3:00 P M Mav 31 Friday. July 2nd at 9 A. M. the iQf)0 r , r C . 7 Scholarship and Entrance Examin ' ^ days from date ations to Clemson Agricultural Col- of sale. Stopover privilegas. lege will be held under the direction t^., . , A . ^ of the County Board of Education. oun ?in anc Ashville N. C. Applicants must be at least 16 and return. J?,e.pre.e?red Account Southern Student Con I iu cum mc i iciimiaii \^iass. mere i I nr* nr% c^u^ift^rUirtc ir* fV>?? Pr^norQ. S lcrsiicc Y. M. 0. A. 2nd Y. W. C? A I tory* Class, rhis class is only open I June JO. iAt9. Tickets op sale to i > : i r'lll">l * Cl f )C ? '? ? , .Vhe\?*. June 7.8.P. and to Black [arc living ir section?, of the StateIMountain June 9, 10,11. Final" limit where school facilties. are^poor. returning June 23- 1909 Scholarships are w j. th $100.00 and Free Tuition. The next session of Chariottesviiie, v'a. and return. Clcrtison Agricultural College will Account Summer Schoo Univer. begin Sept. 8 1909. Apply to the County Superinten- s'ty ?* Virginia, June 18 - July 31 lent cf Education after June 20th Tickets on sale June 15,16.17-28 for : eeded information concerning July 5> and n Final ^ returning the Scholarship Examinal'ons. For catalogs, further information days after date of sale. and cards upon which to make ap- Los Angeles, Cal. and return. pliowtio.. for entrance to the College, address P. H. Mell, president. Clem- Account B.P.O.E. Convention son College S. C. July 11-17. Dates of sale M~y 31, June 1. 2, Final limit Oct. 31 1909. MEN PAST FIFTY IN DANGF.K M. n j*ist mill.ii<- iif?* i)nv,* foumi comfort ami Louisville, Ky. and return. , F..!..WK,d?(1y Kcrn^ly tally for Acc0unt annual seSsion Ancient enlarged prostrate gland. which is very eoiniiion among cidcriv men L. k. Morris. i>?-xt?*r. Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic KV wme?: ;-up to U y?.r *. .ny father suf- shrine June ><-10, 1909. Dates of rer?fci? from kidney t&nd blunder trouble and aev mi i)hy?i<'iaii? )>ronuum-<Mi it enlargement of sale June 5, t), 7, return limit June the proetrate gland and advised nn ope rut ion. 1909 On account of bin age we were afraid he could notstand it and 1 recommended Foley'??Kidney **pmnV.:<- Tpnn Hi'itwly mid the first bottle relieved him. and i-Cim. after takinK thenocoud bottle he was no hmger Account annual remion United troubled with this complaint Uunter'* Drug Store. Confederate Veterans Jure 8-10, dates of sale June 5, 6, 7, return lim'Tf5 ,gt)y it June 14, with extension to July 1st College of Charleston ^y depositing ticket and paying SO 135th j?r h?tln, Oclol er I, ccntt cx?a Stopovers. Entrance examinations will be held at the County Court House on Seattle, Wash, and return. Friday, July 2, at 9 a. m. All can- Eccount Alaska- Yukon Pacific didates for admission can compete Exposition. Tickets on sale May 24 in October for vacant Boyce scholar- Sept. 30th final limit returning ships, which pay $100 a year. One 0ct- 31' 1909; Divcrse routes with free tuition scholarship to each st0T0% er PrA'-:e?esCounty of South Caroli: a. Board Excursion. and furnished room in Dormitory. 1 Summer rates in effect Ma> 29th $12. Tuition. $40. For catalogue to Sept. 30th final limit Oct. 31 1909 address Harrison Randolph, Convenient schedules and superioi | Prpsirlpnt ^v ?ll -?. Ij: > - ww. v* w?? v I ii<ani oti viv^w a i dn ^uilllS ill dill Uir i cctions via Southern Railway. A Thrilling Rescue. I TT _ .. T f i-u For information and detail, call on How Bert R. Lean, of Cheny, I ,,, , . . , . , any agent of the Southern Railway Wash, was saved from a frightful , , _ _ .. _ * /- t? a .... ; or address: J. L. Meek. A. G. r. A. seath is a story to thrill the world i , . ..... .. Atlanta, Ga. or W. K. McGee, 1. P, A hard cold, he wrttes, brought I on a desperate lung trouble that baf- ugusta. a. fled an expert doctor here. Then I ^ No, b? ~ , paid $10 to $15 a visit to a lung specialist in Spokane, who did not onc ^as cver ma^e 3 S5>lv'C? help me. Then I went to California ointment, lotion or balm to compare but without benefit. At last I used ^uc^icn s Arnica Salve. Its Dr. King's New Discovery, which *ie onc Pei ^Cl healer ?f Cuts, . . . . t ? Corns. Burns, Bruises, Kczema, Salt hnmnlctAlu rurc. i m? nn.l ???< 1 r - ^ Rheum. For Sore Eyes. Cold Sores, as well as ever. For Lung Trouble Q,apped Hands its supreme, lnfalFronchiti;, Coughs and Colds, As- Uble for Piles. Only 25c at all thma. Croup and Wboopi*f Cough druggists. its supreme 50c and $1.C0. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All 5 or 6 doses "o(S6" will cure any j^ruggists. |c lie of Chrlls and Fever. Price 25c