The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, May 07, 1909, Image 8

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THUIKS hivimds STORY TEDE. was placed by the sher NEIGHBOR SAYS MAN DID NOT Kill uty PadK?" on thc day BIS OWN MULE. *? kmin* by s?mC It now appears that Saluda, May 4.-There have been tedarrest a"d.drew, ,hi , , . . ! officers and in additi some interesting developments in the i , tj ? it . ff held in jail under a wari Pope B. Havird affair. i / , T/f /-u . o -.u u i- Pass after notice is also Mr. Charlie Smith, who lives near ... . . , . ,, , . . structing a public high Havird s home, was here yesterday . 4. ? , . . . / resisting arrest, and states that it is evident some . 4 . . . . ,'\p wps stnted in trus on- did kill Havir !' v.idr. 1 i r ,, ence iiaviru was out. on ed byHavird, tor the direction of , , , ' stun ot $z.bOO. charged the shots trom the bushes can be , , . a nci'ro 3j;. e sc.: . ea traced through the undergrowth . ,T j .1 i . bill having been ^unu where, Havird asserts, the shots ' , here at she Decern became from. TI . . and a change ot venue lie furtner says that an empty . , . . ... . , . , granted by Judge bri;*. shell was found near where the shots . . , . . . mg a motion therefor, came from and that a party who j Messrs J. ! was several hundred yards away anJ James v says he saw smoke coming from a . _ $ When Sprinz Unfold 6 Then it's time for you to be ^ outfit?there's nothing gainei a the first choice of the desirat % not quite so fresh and you til $ harder. 5: Right now this big, husy store is the Mec X carry have been touched with the linger ol ties to your gaze. in ai! departments. NY led. were you in New York, have taken the in our stocks during our recent i ith anniver ^ ^ sfa j (Commencement 1 ! Requisite ?1 VVsT* ! ^ 1 ime lo get ready lor c< (ii jnjrajwjf niencement. (Lome lie re \vl p\ .^/,?wJ0,\ your every requirement ^ h'j/K I Been anticipated, ffi ] Victoria ;nul Persian Ia\ 5; i /?* ;'o H'\rVv I 't v 1M" s ! J7 i:1- Mercerized Bat 2 j i/f s i i ' ! ,sc i< 1 21 Ipfc ' I'iiK' Nainsook I2>< to fi flfed '5,1; ..'A Linen Lawns 2sc t<? < I) vb V l i r;on the ideal cotnni A Vjy|-ir' ni ail iLess fabric io-y. : ?y 'kv a i i "o>o in. in doi ^5 ... fold, I'o.uul thread, looks i t feels like and wears like line linen 47 i i. Scotch Persian Lawn 2H\ I he At Persian on the market. js| ? " ~ ?" Gel fa ^ $ New Oxfords, Men, / Women ami Children ( j ty We have replenished our stock * ^ i i 1 in< with .i new iiihi complete assort- Y/ 'V meul. Il" you want the newest in 0! loot wear come here. A' ^ 1 Whit ten Dry ? Batesburg, *1 THElADIESHOMtJOUR ml ^ __ ___ TH1 ivird and his this bond of Havird's informed >f the shoot- clerk of court that they desired be released therefrom and Havirc til, where he now in the custildy of the she; iff and Dep- until he can again make bond after the al- this charge, one of the . . .. Havird resis- RABIES AT SAXF GOTHi s gun on the MILLS on to being rant for tres- Lexington, May 5 ?It is repor: held for ob- that several mad dogs have bt way and lor J killed near Lexington during the 1 | few bays. At Saxe-Gntha mi roiTPCr>owl-1 a't>out two miles from town, i 1 ;uisciay three ch i .e. of - "-i a Thomas Gable are said to have bt with k iiiiij, ? en by a dog supposed to h; true .-r . oir.g from tabic . The d i. L in. ?a killed after having bitten I ,, , t ou, | :.i rcn and several dogs in the co i i itv n'ly. having bee i: ,p alter hear-; ' ?1 aS'tt B P ft??! 1X1 mil.-. 3. Merchant iljffji ;<j fcjj IT i J ax** m vumiiiiikt. no < ITIO weie on j tross. A sufound pleasing syrup- jOc. JOruggi 3 ?1 cr Blossoms ^ ready with your Spring , :1 by waiting*?you lose >le lines?you find stocks < id your selections much < * * ca of shoppers lor oven-lino we * spring and they unfokl their beau- <i w ^ooils of the kind you would so- * places of the .moat inroads made * sai\ salo. i I When We Talk of \ : Men's Furnishings * ^ I \\ ? t hi nk oftdie stock wo have 5 to hack litis ad up of the wide ^ range of styles and colors in I; \ i?( !? VV'i?!? 1* Sit l i i?f W I i >, j M < running from the snap- ^ .| >! '. >t designs lor t ho younyman i. . toihe more suhdued tor the ! ? .. i 3 llcl/ili I . J . Wo are always posted on the >correct things in 1111*11s- apparel i and will tell you when you conic in. K )C. 1 Hi.- Millinery > iblel Never in the history of* our ike, st< >re has t his depart 11 icn t I urn an such a stupendous rush. We receive new shipments host w eekly and mark them so low t hat 1 hey ?_? > wit h a rush. Gothes In this day. m<>re than |' -~^v>ry- ever, a mail's dress Ionns his slaiuliiiLt advertisetefivVV nuMh ?1 himself, aiul only millionaires and tramps 1 can allord to ignore thai 1 trulh and to let that ad- 1 vertisement be careless. ' ilV^P shabby or sloppy. SpyM W1-: WANT ! ' IV) T? SAY It IIS: I (Ml We've been in the I vv cloth and clothing busI fu iness a great many years , I uj and we have never seen |j H/Em! better materials, work- u jpO^/ manship or styles than \ fMs/ is put into Schwab's Sio.oo, Si^.oo and S20.00 \ clothing. \ "> o9$ We sell them ami i vv'" 'H* P'oase^ h> show ] { | ^/'JWfOUS i >/Q/^UfjA//:Y I Goods Co. ! s. c I * NALPATTERNS ; <5 CC'g'C^'Cg (Kg * B BATSBURO ADVOCATE. the k ? Facts to as" I In taking Dr. McKanna's Treatment on Have to spend a month or more , i R several times a day with a hypodermic Eg Have any annoying conlinement. I ni S risk of being injuriously affected mental!) vs Have any ot the disagreeable fea Zo ?1 effect a cure. P In taking Dr. McKanna's Treatment Lose your appetite lor liquor in a lev 'T ?5] some food. Feel like a new man at the 1 I lave pure blood and your stomac'\ without the assistance of stimulants. H in life. For full information call or write, jjf J Liquor Cure, I [ M'KiNHA TlitEI \ i nniu I | uUJfj | I 1206 1-2 Main St. k \ ?LAN PROHIBITION Warrenville, J, R. Parker of Lan ^ rinUT ^ev? H. M. Cassels of Ellenton, Art I iufll ' ur Kirkland of Ridge Spring. i-' ~ " i The following resolution was a UKEN "DHYS " 0 HAKE SYST - opted: "Resolved, That the pn V. M TIC CAMPAIGN I idem appoint as seon as convenk y* the following committee, an exec \i tive committee |.vhose duty it sh ? Aiken, May 4. - Yesterday after- i be to organize by [the appointmc V< noon the meeting of the anti-dispen- !ot sucb wot king committees as m ? sary forces, in response to the call be necessary. & ^ made, was held at the court house. - The "leeing was closed by ana ^ i'here were about 215 people pros- dress by Rev. 1. S. Wright ot We M ent at the meeting, and it appeared encrX that thfi prol I lists I C I'Cry I n I mnnnon I t rtn n rt r*> a fsf enthusiastic in their work. bAifcSKUllb ftltSb jjft 1U Jif The meeting was opened with prayer by the Kev. J. L. Harley, In as much as the kissing writ< "resident of the South Caroiir.a Anti- are having a fling at poetry. \ ilot n league. . 1 was followed by humbly add our four lines to sot ^ Col. Claude K. Sawyer, t rary of those already printed. SJ i?resid..*i;t cf the meeting with <t You must tiptoe S <h>rt tr. outi:-.:-the plan .>i cam- I( you reach ... pawn. At this . ncture Mr. U. L. rhe Hps oi any A look moved thy a cjmmi tee be Kichmond peach. named 'or nominating oHaersof the -Richmond News-Leader. permanent organiza.ion. Ihis mo- A . ,. . V> . . . , i A little kissing lion was earned, and the committee ,. , U . Here, of couise, was appointed and retired to lorm A . . it , . And not a chance a. its recommendations. vt .... .... Oi a cuvorce. f. While tms committee was at ^ , it , , ,, ... ?Columbia Record. > ?vork, Col. Sawyer stated t....t it was planned to have .1 central committee ^ ??%l) 10 l^c um an exec'live committee, for each vo- Lpme 10 the tab ting precinct, whose duty it would Union kisses be to see a certain number oi voters them all. in a specific territory, and it he could Union limes, gi not induce them to vote a dry tick- Ami a little kissing et, to get others to see them. In Now and then other words, to make a man to man enjoyed by campaign throughout the county I he best of men. ^ and leave no stone unturned. Col. Lexington Dispatch. ^ Sawyer also stated that it was plan- A little kissing? ^ eel to nave a registration coniiiuucc. ???- u uu. ^ a committee to ee that the antis It is the calm ^ were represented on each set of e- Before the storm. & lection manager , committee on ?Orangeburg Times. & challenges and such other commit- Batesburg kisses y tees as the central committee may y\re best ^ see are necessary. Our little misses The committee on nominations Have made the test. ^ then made the following recommen dation for officers of the organiza- I rYUUPTHN TAY T VV\ tion and the same was confirmed: mmAIWuIUII 1AA Liuvi ^ President, Col. Claude E. Sawyer; V secretary, ex-Senator G. L. Toole; j RATES ESPECIALLY HIGH IN TE jjf treasurer, Hayne F. Rice, Esq., vice! 9U 1CH FORK DISTRICT. ^ presidents, James L. Quinby of t . f Graniteville, Butlei of Windsor. C. | H-, C !j L. Butler of North Augusta, G. S. ' r"" *s re< 1c< ro * u,? , .. -r a <, rC if ; Comptroller General Jones the 11 i'/ Baggott, F. A. Sawyer of Salley, W.1. , ( T ? x. o T 1 IL-I, , wo w , levy for Lexington county for tf ,y S lyler of Ellenton, H. P. Dyches UMU1 .... , ?. of Aiken. Garry Toole of Tala.ha, T' , . " 1 ?W m; 1 W. B. Owens of White fond. Dr. I V'"?- '? " i one and one-quarter mills fixed h ' &? vj^^HP5wH * Remember 1 for the liquor habit you don't: fl 1 in a sanatorium. Have to be jabbed in the arm I Have any bad after effects whatever. Run any f or physicially. B tures the socalled cures claim are necessary to B m hours and gain a natural appetite for whole- I end of three days. I liver aim kidneys perform their work naturally B ave renewed energy and an ambition to succeed I i - Morphine Cure 11 I ?N nP A nnuccc 1-DAY LIQUOR CURE I IPANY, | Columbia, S. C. I of the list legislature for permanent fun AMP TAV DPTPDKI road building. This will give the lllUu ilti 1AA I) Li I UIiIaD h. county something like $7,000 with inn WAII/ ur^rn it, . which to imprave the roads of the j AilL llUYV ULhi 1 li jjeountiy. The total for the people | ,s. living on this side of the Saluda | C OUTY AUDITORS NOW COMPLY . river is 13 mills, while in the Dutch, IMf1 WITR flRHfR RFPrHTiV ... Fork the total .-c on i o ? 1BU w w UIJUUU li>l >j i-w i.-i. uuus. i nis aU is caused by the 7 1-2 mill tax fori ISSO?P-"DELIHQUEN IS RE,nt the Columbia, Newberry and Lau- PORTED TO GOV. ANSI L ay rcns railroad bonds. These bonds have always proved a burden to the So far Comptroller Jones has reKj_ taxpayers of the Fork and are the ceived income tax returns from sev^r.! principal cause for the unrest which eral of the counties and in a few i has existed among the citizens of days the lists of names will be made that section ior the past several j public. It is the purpose of the comQJ years, it is sai l. | ptroller general to make a careful i inquiry as to the number liable in | each county and should the board V C\ *1 i of assessors for the auditor fail to V^: rnLrftLliWu t U <1 ' ho,vcause why each one liable has f'^ANll 1 flPf'F not made the proper returns the UHilAllIJ LiJ JUL matter will be reported to Gov. Anj sel with reasons for removal from | office. A 11/ l-'M w a . r % * l'""'" KtAIJV i OK TO COLLECT INCOME TAX. ODD FELLOWS MEETING . . . . Lexington May 5.?County AudAiken, May b.--Aiken is making . ltor Dent is bending every energy great preparation for the entertain- tQ conect the income tax in this ment of the grand lodge, Odd bel- county. He has sent out the blanks lows. The various committees have following the instructions from the prepared one of the most entertain- comptroller general, and has only ing programmes ever prepared here- received a favorable reply from aabouts, and the final preparations bout a half dozen. Several of the are now being completed for carry- taxpayers to whom he sent out ing it out blanks have as yet paid no attention The big social feature of the en- to the auditor's request to return tertainment of the grand lodge will them at once, and unless they are be the park reception. One of Ail forthcoming within the next day or ken's most beautiful parks is to be]two. Mr Dent will fix an income on the scene of a most brilliant affair all parties in whatever amount he Wednesday nignt. The park wil- deems right and proper. He is sat. ... tslied that some of those to whom be gaudily lightec wi he sent blanks are liable to the tax electric lights, hunch eds ot bu s ancj he proposes to follow the inand Japanese lanterns throwing light structionsof the comptroller geninto every nook of the park, being er 1 to tl e letter one of the pretty features. It is planned to make this the grandest INTEREST IN social event ever given a great body CrrArlT15ff>la ft A CtP of fraternity before. L-1 Ft The grand lodge meets in Aiken Lexington, May 6...What move on Wednesday and Ihursday. The wni be made in the Stockman mur7 grand encampment will arrive Tues- der case since the refusal of the su^ * day. and the Rebekahs will arrive preme court yesierday to grant a Wednesday mort i lg. A trolley re^caiinK is agitating the minds of IE ride through Horsecreek valley, PGXm" ?&?'Sd'% viewing the best system of cotton Stockman, was not in a position to mill towns in the South, a fish fry state last night whether another U at C-raniteville pond, a lyceum en- move would be made or not. The m tertainment. and the big open air re- k' of Hampton J. Hartley ocix . , . curred at the home ot Stockman on 1C ception are only some of the good Uecember 29. 1905, nearly three things that await the ladies and anci a half years ago, It is generalgentlemen coming to Aiken next ly believed that an effort will be 1C week. made further to hold up the verdict ?y of the court.