The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, May 07, 1909, Image 4

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. y ' * i*&\: Select fo Sch Te COMEDY OF A SICK FRIEND He came In very defiantly, with a set look on his face, like a man who eontemplates an unpleasant crisis In his career and yet Ib trying to persuade himself that he doesn't care a hang anyhow. And to his surprise his little wife ran right up and kissed him. "Your slippers are by the side of tho Morris chair, John," she cried; "dinner will be ready in a minute!" And then fear frir.zlod him nnd discomfiture dished him and he moodily regarded his sllpperod toes and once more rehearsed the ingenious excuse about a sick friend which he had framed up to deceive his loving wife and to explain the scandalously late hour and condition In which he had returned home the night before. "Now!" she cried (bringing in the steak and onions). "Now, John!" And up John got and took his rightful place at the head of the tablo and solemnly cut the steak and poonod the fried onions. "John," she began, "last night?" His fourth thought: "Here It comes!" And then aloud: "It was a sick friend!" he mumbled (with his mouth full of fried onions). "John," she continued (as though he had not heard him), "Mrs. Robbins called last night." "OhT" he asked, with a sigh of relief, and he clutched with avidity at this frail conversational straw, Robblns, eh? Ah! Mrs. Thomas Robbtns! I remember Tommy when he was a boy. I've sat up with hlra In nearly all his sicknesses," he remarked with emotion (and not without inspiration). "And he's sat up with me' And so Mrs. Robblns cu od, eh v 'i. i' a worn. ' s"it wit John!" she cried, "1 couiun i ueii> but notice them, you know!" "But she must have shown you the petticoat!" grumbled John. "No," she replied. 'I heard It rustle, and when she sat down 1 looked!" And suddenly sho became listless. "I see," said John, "that the Russians haven't met the Japanese fleet yet." "Oh!" sho remarked?very listlessly. Whorounon John applied himself to his food stolidly, silently, biting his bread with deliberate precision, formully pointing each little Anger into the air as he handled his knife and fork, blinking his eyes as he drank his water and trying to makd himself bellevo that his dear little wife was not looking at him accusl.i ly. " Did she look well In it?" he in ( ~d (quite huoky.) .VTio, John dear?" she asked, and .rhaps she sighed?the least faint echo of a algh. "Mrs. Robblns," he replied (with additional huskiness.) "Oh, fine!" she exclaimed (speaking now with animation.) "sne had on her gold watch and chain, too! Not half such a nice one aa mine, though!" "And you shall have a new silk !reae too!" cried John?the gulltbtiicken John?the proud John. "And you won't stay out late tonight, will you, John?" she coaxed !?i:u. "I was so worried last night!" "A sick friend," began John, mumb.lng. "Mrs. Btafford was in to-day," she 1 aerrupted him. Ills fifth thought: "I'll bet that woman made Btaftord tell her everything! That's the !uL,t time I'll ever go out with a hen; ocked man!" And then aloud: "Did she tell you?" hesitated J ;>hri. She smilingly nodded and placed the lobster salad on the table. "And did she tell you about tho policeman tool" insisted John, now determined upon making a clean breast of It. "Yes? And about the cabman? And how he upset his hansom because he smashed Reddy's new plug hat? Yes? And after all this you go ahead and get a nice dinner ready for me?fried onions and lobster salad?and never nag me, and?and"?And once again John banged his flat upon the table "While you're about It," he cried, ^ou Just bjjr yourself a hat and i 0% 0^ !% stopped in 20 minute* l>DI|l I II Kiiro witli I)r. Slump? I m I II I Croap Ronu-ily. One u I I test will surely prion. ? No vomiting. no disiwu. A safe and pleasing syrup?50c. Druggists. 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c * Thg B \ WEBB'S S ZF> IR ir yourself. M01 3NTC Wall Pape 100I Supplies, i'ictui le phone 64! WHAT THE PAPER READ \ To the eud of his day Elllthorpe will never forget his sensations when he read the simple, eoldolooded announcement In the society column : the newspaper. The aotlce was tc the effect that the engagement of Miss Rose Burllngamo to Dovle Jenkins was announced That was all, but It was the end n' the world for E!Uthorpo. As he glared at the crumpled newspaper he admitted that he had dallied. For two years he had lived in tho light of her presence and hadn't opened his mouth to tell her how he fe'l about It He had always I meant to do so. but he was shy. Never In b's maddest dreams had he i pictured unv othet girl wear las orange blossoms and a tulle veil for him. Ae.d now If It had been any other man than Jenkins! But he was honest enough to admit that bo would have been Just as enraged and upset no matter ! who had been his lucky rival. Elltthorpe pushed his dinner away without n look at the tempting chop and loft the club. He wanted to walk and think tt over. There was i plenty to tb'nk about?what a fool I he had b*?en, for instance. He might have ku itvn others admired her as well as himself What a conceited chump ho bad been to fancy It didnt matter when ho spoke! There were always plenty of callers hovering about Rose, but he had been so wrapped no In his own liking for her he had not thought about anything else. Now he was well paid for it. Whera on earth would ho spend Joyful evenings now? For he never could sit in tho same room with tho successful Jenkins without strangling "nim no was grimly certain. And 'ttiiiu ov vi iiiia ?*? u 4.x wwk-. it was quite right he should call and offer hts congratulations, he told himself miserably. All the way out there he WAX rohon roliiir wayB of doing this without giving hor a hint of the anguish In his soul, for he had resolved never to let her know. When ho reached her street ho had not decldod whether to begin the conversation In a calm and everyday manner, gradually leading ud In an Incidental way to the news of hor engagement as though he merely remembered to speak of It along with other pleasant news, or whether, In a sprightly and Jesting manner, to plunge into the subject at onoe. Ho rather inclined toward the former as more likely to give Rose's vanity a letting down and to show her If she had any lingering suspicions as to his caring deeply for hor that she was wholly mistaken. The maid had ttshered him Into the Hurllngame library and at sight of the familiar room his heart dropped several more notches. Decidedly ho would choose the first way; maybe he would even apparently forget to mention her engagement till lie was ready to go home, Just as though It had nearly slipped his memory. "Good evening, Dick," she said Just behind him. Elllthorpo sprang to his foot. She was looking perfectly natural, happy and placid, not at all Important as he had fancied she would, and she walked over to a settee ns though nothing had happened. Elllthorpe's eyes blurred and ho realized to his horror that he couldn't follow out his programme "1 can't believe It, Rose," he heard himself saying, huskily. "Relieve what? Hhe asked In ?ur prise, which grew as she noted his 1 tragic altitude. "This," said Hllithorpe dramatl- I rally, fishing out the newspaper folded at the fatal notice and handing It to her. As the girl scanned It her face turned crimson. There was a sparkle of wrath In her eyes. "Jlow perfectly horrible!" she cried, vehement!). "It's a mistake. I can't Imagine who p it It In. And Doyle Jenkins of all pi >;>le! As though I a .it , I never heard of such a thing!" "Yo 1 ur a't engage! to him?" Kllll hori e shouted. "1 s'. o .hi s-ut ,ot!" s:.i 1 ilose docldcdly. It was then Hllithorie found his tvi;s and his vole., th.icugo News. Did Thine* New w'th Home .' inishes, Have you any worn out chairs? If so, get a small can of L. & M. Home Fin'sh Varnish Stain from Holman-Cullum Hardware Co., Hatesbtrg and i t 30 minu'e; make the chair as Rood as new. Full directions on each can. ART ST( I nsr Or T DEBATE COST 3 CHARG r, House Pain *es and Picture Frai > 1637 M I BAT IN HER HAIR. A Housemaid in San Rafael had a Trying Experience. San Rafael is suffering from an invasion of bats, and despite the strenuous efforts of the citizens the winged pests have gained a strong foothold lii various parts of the town. Because of their activity Miss Idllian Steadman, a pretty young housemaid employed at the Hotel Rafael, is mourning the loss of her golden tresses and incidentally suffering from a shock to her nervous system. Miss Steadman climbed to the attic In the hotel on Saturday evening determined to drive out some of the bats. She was surrounded soon by a ummc ??i mugi'u nmcius uuu (inc ceeded gamely to give battle to them. One of the bats lodged In the young lady's hair and refused to budge. Miss Steadnian, thoroughly frightened, ran screaming from the attic and the bat still tl :ng to her. keeping busy with i bis savvlii.: wings till he had succeed- I <d in cutting her beautiful tresses so badly thai It was necessarj to shear them off. much to the sorrow of the i girl and her admirers. Grewsome Private Museum. 'rhe miscellaneous objects which have been collected by Harry do Windt, the traveler, who lias started <n a reindeer trip in the laiplatids, '0:111 a grewsome private museum. A Buddhist praying wheel, the skull of 1 a Uyak warrior, Dyak shields adorn- ; ! ed with hair from the scalps of one- j ; mies, daggers and spears in ahuu dance, a Russian convict's dress, a set of chains which once hung from the legs and arms of a Sibc rlan prisoner, and a genuine Rnglish cat-o'- 1 nine-tails are among the most curious 1 jective has become the property of women and children alone. "HandBoine" and the weak "good-looking" arc the only two adjectives of the kind common to either sex. Even "belle" lias no real masculine correlative In Englisn, since "beau' came to signify something other than per on al looks. It is singular that "bandsome" should have become the word for a strikingly good loosing person, sini e its literal meaning is handy, dexterous. But "pretty" likewise comes from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning "sly." Saw Amusing Signs. Major General Hoad, who was the Australian officer attached to the Japanese army during the war with Russia, saw some amusing shop signs in Toklo?"Head-cutter" over a barber's; "Extract of Fowls" over an egg seller's, and "Ladies Furnished 011 the Upstairs" in front ol u draper's He bad a memorable 24-liours' railway journey in a compartment crammed with 40 men, women and children. 11c made a resolution not to lull asleep, but he woke up in the morning to find that "a patient little Japan* st lady had been supporting Ills head on her shoulder > Cry for a .irraco iteTorm. In every case where the crusade I la for the burial of wires which bavo rroved a tneuaca to public safety, the attack upon tho danger should continue no matter what the obstacles, for every attempt made to stay the progress of the movement will but serve to Increase the determination to bring about tho reform and compel obedience to the commands cf citizens whose right It Is to speak. Great Silk Worm District. Piedmont, Italy, produces about three times as many cocoons as any other Italian province, and In proportion to Its size Is perhaps the most prolific silkworm district of the world the yield during 1906 amounting to 11,001,647 pounds, with a value of $3,956,583. A girl Is never happy till some fellow comes along and makes her miserable. If women were as careful of their characters as they are of their complexions there would be fewer grass widows in the world. Smashes all Records As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can compare with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They tone and regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, s:rengthen the nerves; cure constipaion, dyspepsia, biliousness. Jaundice, headache, chills and malaria.11 Try them. 25c at all druggists. ATSBURQ ADVOCATE. )RE SA/V ^ ALI \ BEAUT IFU rE FOE 1 Decorat mes. Stationei ain St. DEALERS LIKE OLD FRAMES. They Sell Worthless and Spurious "Oil Master" Pictures. Nothing more readily soils a worthless and spurlouB "old master" hide ous with all the blatant tricks of th? fabricator, than an old frame. Thlt la the bait which la most killing. But dealers themselves often buy pictures for their frames. At the celebrated sale of the Sellars collection, most ol which were copies and were of little value as works of art. the dealers wer? actually bidding for the frames only. To the experienced eye tue pecullai patina which age has imparted tc those old frames cannot be imitated But the old styles have, on account of the enormous demand, been repeated in modern days as copies sold ai such, or as "faked" frames having t spurious suggestion of ago artfullj imparted to them by skilled work men. Ancient Flying Machine. How that so much attention is being paid to tlie problem of navigating th< air. it may not be amiss to recall thai a strange effort in 'his direction wa: made just 40ft years ago. It was it September, 1507, that King .fumes IV sent a special ainliaxsador front Kdin burgh to France. An adventurer John Damian. wl o had gained tin favor of the king aid that would reach Fram e b? ! : e the a: ilmssadoi by aintply flying t! ere. lie had a pah of huge wings made of eagles' feath ers, fastened them to his body, and it the presence of thousands of people ji< launched himself Into the air from tin walls of Stirling Castle. Instead o rising, though, he fell to the ground and broke hie leg The air navlgator'i excuse for his failure was that boith cock's feathers had been mixed jt with the eagle's plumes, and thn nine, 01 jusi lino.) uv-.v.. New Llskeard, has twice swallowei itself, so to speak, and the Rallwa: Commissioners are now waiting t< hear what its next performance wlj be. On the first occasion the line which at the portion referred to wa: a till in of a ravine, suddenly sanl to the depth ol ten feet. A big gain of men was put to work refilling tin vacancy. They had it levelled to tin rest of the grade of the line, and wen walking away satisfied that it woitli last, when the filling sank again, this time to a depth of at least fiiteen t*et The men who are constructing 1 h< line are now earnestly engaged in am other attempt to till in the gap. First Thought in Danger. "Talking of the foolish thine- on* thinks about when in the mid: t o| danger," remarked one o! a group tin other night, "1 had promised my v. if* never to travel at night, and it is somethin; I have always avoided, hut necessity compelled it a few w.eke ago, and as luck would have it there was an a dent and the cars were derailed. As the one in which 1 had my berth wa- rollinrr down an em inkmeat and I was in the midst of hi ik ets, pillows grips, etc., the to: ' 1 < thought hashed i toss my n:' !: What shall I tell Molly? liere I a: traveling at night!".- Columbus Din patch. Ancients Had Big Hole r.. Tlu> must recent of the large hotel! of New York scarcely compare wit! the l.i't loom house that the ar> .too legists It * recently excavated anion? the gr? t ruins of ruye in the P : arito Park, New Mexico. The apar' njent house and the huge modern *' on lly hotel appear to he mere linlt.itioni of habitations which were oeenpjet by an extinct civilization in (be Southwest thousands of years ago The 1, 1!00 room house of Puve was only f*m stoi ios high and, therefore, supcrio in the matter of altitude to the hote skyscraper. New Word Needed. An innovation at the College of thi City of New York in its new home 01 St. Nicholas Heights is the use of glusf blackboards. What is written on : glass blackboard may be .read fron any angle excejd. from behind it, ai Dr. Baskerville, professor of chemls try, explained to his students. Whet a blackboard ceases to be a wall slate then what will it lierome? ICvidentij a new word must be coined. To Calculate Rate of Flow. To calculate the rate of (low of ai artesian well a simple plan is to low er a bottle of analtne fluid to a depth of, Say. job feet, and then electrically explode a cap to burst the bottle. Thi time i (.-quired for the fluid to appear a the irfiice gives a 11 accurate guag< as to the velocity of flow IPLE BOOK F 3? .A. PEI L 1'INTS, UNUMITEI rI-A.I.T Grll^T O-. ing:, estimates hurnis ry, Artist Supplies, Paints, O Columb iAK -in. tBette Smai 4CIU0SS BBOS. ? CO., ,'flat lUlkn Hilen "f? itd ; COONRR Baiesburqf :: Chnnc 1/^f U - ?- - *./! VIUlll I1 i ONE PRICi "GOOD ^LOT r : -! rtr zrz tjsay>..v~ir r.~zyxRiEmaeor. i-?: szxtrsr i: : ,! EXCURSION RATES TO LOU- Wme Jones, 1 ISVILLE.KY. AND RETURN IJ J S?ibe,ls } I I hos. I ay lor 2i ,1 VIA SOUTHERN RAIL- yfjj; s WAY II Account Southern Baptist Con- United States Govt " e~"*Wn Railway anno-j capital $>so,t .i tsviiie not idtei ; May 22th 1900 Tllg falil l Round trip rates from principlt stations as follows. Ahheville $15 K? AiW?n Si* 7H i ; Anderson $15.85 Batesburg $17.95 k!,MU Blacksburg $14.95 Chester $15.85 i".'"" S|{, . Blacksville $18.40 Columbia $16.90 j i Branchville $16.00 Gaffney $14 80! Vurnfinr'ljuv Fin ' Greenville $15.10 Greenwood$15.85 i i, ami I i . xt . i. w Banks unc IJ .8 , I.ancaster $l/.05 Newberry $16.301 surer Orangeburg 18.40 Sumter $18.25 Prosperity $16.45 Rock Hill $15.85 Spartanburg $14.20 Union $i4.95 ???? Yorkville $15.85 j p u For ticke s, detailed imformation! " ^ etc. apply to Southern Railway ticket .... agents or address. ' " J. L. Met a Ass'.. General Passeni ger Agt Atlanta C'a J.C. Lusk, Division Passenger! /"/\| I T/LI Agent Charleston S. C. J llorehi),:' d Mulliei: ai. 1 J ar cures that cough ami cold. Nothing like. it. Large bottle Why Erom LaGrippe. Take one bottle of Horehound Mullien 6 ^*1 and Par and if it does not cure that \*jl 1 cough ask for your money back and 1 you will get it. Don't be deceived \ \ by just as good medicine. Just use : one bottle of Horehound Mullien 1 Tar, Mur:.- .-.nil you v.;:: rever take any other cough medicine. Mfe&BNjSlCkZ&m All the ingredients of ilorehound you can make no mistake in using it i for your.g and old. Try it. Only 25 cents. All druggists handle Horehound Mullien and Tar. If not send your 25 cents direct to Murray Drug Co. Columbia and they will send you v S^-jjeSBm | one bottle express paid. qgg '... KM s to Stoj t!:c Ficm1. jjpjBM The worst foe for 12 years of [ J|? g John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., was ' - a running ulcer. He paid doctors ? 4* fir Jr 1 over $400.00 without benefit, Then wJ&'Jg 5' ' Bticklen's Arnica Salve killed the ulcer and cured him. Cure: | ' ever- $ J J Sores, Boils, Felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Infallible for Piles, Burns, BEtoc- / . Scalds. Cuts, Corns. 25c at alii 1 druggists. Ctprrlght 1909 by Hart t 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any : 'ii?i25555 9 case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c ' \ 4 ?REE. 77 _ I 0 VARIETIES. bed. ils and Glass. ia, S. C- ' '- ? iiai i in ii ^a, Jr Stocks r S yies r Values fer Profits at BROS. nd Leesville :-u i Furnishings. E 10 ALL. HES CHEAP." ?$SBHy3&J Prest. J. P. Matthews Cashier. Le-I'rest. W. M. Oil bes, Jr. Asst. Cashier, id Vlce-Prest. , PALMETTO NATIONAL BANK of Columbia, S. C :rnmcnt, State of South Carolina. County o? K!ch!^r.J, and City Ocposltory. >00.00 ASSETS $2,089,758.23 ^?*m/I InrlLrMiioto lor ?!#!*? 5tio National bant 01 uuiumuia, a. u. May 14th, 1908. nbe* liabilities. * finiMiHMin Capital Stock paid In ? 250,000.00 S I'65,829 :il Surplus and Profits 09,057.44 lltil? Circulation 237,500.00 I,, cs 1)9 7 ,0.50 ,?,|8 payabi0 and Re_ 1 ro; - discounts 95,150.00 240,519.89 Lc posits 1,448,005.50 IGNARD brick works. e best brick on the market, < i ders fillotl with dispatch. CIA, = S.C ^siassasss L SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN l-BHt Viiimif men like to keep 1 ' ^ 't h I hr |>nK'ossion. They tfgbj| v? a lit 1110 111 in# in suits.They 1 i 1< ' now styles, and wo now have ready, a ma^n itiernt of now sj)t*in^f suits. iwl now lahrios and M $12.50 $15, $18.50 fly Sinoleand douhlo breasted SV eoiiiplete Ku ni ish i nys, H IS is, I'lidor wea ot o. ('all ygL M. L. Kinard ^ I MK CI .U IHILk, Schiffncr Si Mtr> 1523 Main Street.