" * Jul* BATESBIJRG ADVOCATE A Tri-County Paper. , i N. ROUERS BAYLY, ED AND PROP. BATESBURU, S C. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY TRRMK OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year *1??, Six Months ... no vents I No three uiouth mibncrlptions taken, Eentered at the P. O.. at ButesburK. S. . .. an second class matter, Feb. 14, 11)01. All tX>py aent in in list be written on one aide only. When chuniciuK adtlreas always Rive old poet office, otherwise change will not bo made. ADVERTISING RATES. Ono Inch One Year ffkOO One Inch Six Months .... $8.tU One Inch Throe Months . . $> Headers llkitsper line. Headers to take run f paper 5cta per line. FRIDAY, May 7. IVi.9 All hail this ]M>int and do not tarry. Improve the times now passing by. If a laiuk account you wish to carry I Hutcshurgs the place to make your try. ! Everybody talks baseball nowdays. Eight dwellings now going up in Batesburg. Spring is taking it very cool considering that she is so close to summer. The freight receipts at Batesburg go up into the thousands every month. It is brick and concrete that is used for building mercantile houses in Batesburg. Batesburg's business men ' re pu.ling together. That means a greater Batesburg. Cotton continues to come in and termers appear to be satisfied with uic price paid. than government n is. i se3 in value n re icllv. ORP..U 1 K B \ i i >t P'. Batesburg is on its regular spring building boom. There is now in course of erection not less than eight dwellings, all of which are beyond the ordinary and two or three promise to be quite an addition to the towns residential abodes. The saw and hammer are to be heard on ev ery side and building material is coming into town by the solid car 'n.. Is. Besides the dwellings are two or ti.rce large store buildings now in the course of erection which also promises to be quite an addition to the business portion of the little city. The strides that Batesburg has ta';en in the past few years is almost unprecedented; for what was but a s r.all hamlet a few years ago is today a growing, thriving city with wide awake and energetic business men making the most of every opp )rtunity that presents itself. The t-.wn of Batesburg a few years back was but a dot on the map. In the eyes of the business world today it is the largest point between Columbia and Augusta from a freight and passenger standpoint. On the other hand the town is almost free from all lawlessness and the whiskey traffic is a thing of the past. We have no loafers and every man who is able to work has an occupation. Our streets and roads leading to the main arteries of commerce, (the Planter) are rapidly oeing clayed and otherwise improved. But a year or so ago it was a burden for four mules to haul three bales of cotton, the same quantity now comes to town drawn by half the number. Batesburg's future is all that can be wished for, and with the new enterprises coming in rapidly she cannot but forge ahead with the great strides of the twent" r turv methods. gipgl?i ROOSEVELT BAGS 1 ANOTHER. KNOCKS DOWN A FOURTH ROYAL BEAST AT CLOSE BANGEKEBIIT ALSO SUCCESSFUL. Nairobi, M a j 3 .?Theodore Roosevelt bagged one more lion f yesterday at Wami, near Kapiti* Th's gives him a totdl of three lions ? and one lioness on the present ix- < pedition. Ktrmit Roosevrlt sue i ceeded in bunging down a cheetah. The hunting was exciting and both i marksmen did excellent work The lion killed by Mr. R ^oseve't yesterday was biought down at close range. His quick work with ; the rifle saved the lives of some of ( his mounted escort, who had nar- ( rowly escaped from the infuriated beast. Won't Slight A Hood Frlerd. "If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to get," declares Mrs. A. L. Alley of Beals, Me., for after using ten bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing its excellent results in my own family and others, I am convinced it is the best medicine made for Coughs, Colds and lung trouble." Every one who tries it feels just that way. Relief is felt at once and its quick cure surprises you. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hemorrhage. Croup, LaGripe, Sore Throat, pain in chest or lungs its supreme. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All druggists. nANGPnniiK v\uv \k 1'illlVJUlbUUtJ 1 11(. U lit AIKEN MENACING BLAZE EXTINGUISHED AFTERTHKEATEMNGS lilOU DAMAGE TO TH? CITY'S BUSINESS SECTION. am? *f-.T ?? .. A 1 kik'Xy KJ% A A. jl?A V. threatened serious damage to the business section of Aiken started in age is estimated at from $2,000 to $3,000, understood to be fully covered by insurance. Col. Henry C. Thompson of Columbia is in Aiken attending a meeting of the Pythians in the interest of the uniform rank. He occupied one of the rooms damaged by the fire ana lost practically all ot nis baggage, "No-Drip" is the most clever little silvered Coffee Strainer ever invented. Get one free from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. by the Coupon Plan. The Coupon and Dr. Shoop's new book on Health Coffee sent to any lady requesting them. You can trick any one by secretly serving Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee at meal time. Your visitor or your husband will declare he is drinking real coffee? and yet there is not a grain of real coffee in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Pure grains, malt, and nuts give Health Coffee its exquisite taste and flavor No 20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling. "Made in a minute.'' Try it from your grocer and get a pleasant surprise. One half pound package 25c. Dreher Bros. ) WiPiJ McCALI. TATTFRNS Ccl< l>r.itr > r*. Hi .1 in nearly e\rry city Mitl town in tl Unilnl States and I Canada, or l?v mail dirnt. Mine told than i.ny olh r ii alii-. Si ! lor I.re catalog i.e. Mc AL'.'.i MAG/%iii\E At air miI> ? i :u t' ii nt.y flier fashion n i;:hj ne ti. Ii' n a is., it'. Ii s .i.tiillile. I at. I t Nlvlci, I ill III , I ri -.Ml 1.11 millinery, j ain n-wii.L', Ian v i-i rillfii" ' ' lirdressinp, etirpirlte, good ilnriv, eti . (m y Wl cents a year (worth dnu'.nc), iitc )si 11- a Irre pattern Subscribe today, or send lur ; ample ropy. V'ONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS ? ? Agents, Postal brings premium catalog uc and new cash price ollcis. Addia . THE McCAU CO.. 238 U 148 W. 3?th St.. NEW YOHH A pain prescription is printed upon each 25c. box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask y Mir Dector or Druggists if this formula is , not complete. Pain means congest- , ion, blood pressure. Head pains,' j womanly pains, pam anywhere get' instant relief from a Pink Pain Tab ? ! let. Gunter's Drug Store. ] THE B RIDGE SPRING NEWS The U. D. C. entertained Friday ast for the benefit of the Old Solliers Home and though the wind ind rain fore-stalled the moonlight >icnic they realized a handsome sum rom their sales of refreshments. Ridge Spring Chapter of the J. D. C. will observe Decoration Jay on May 12, with the following | >rogram: I H f* mpmKofc r\ f Ml ' ...V>uu\.ia Uk 1.11c l^llrtpici Will1 issemble at Col. R. B. Watson's at i ?.30 a. m., where they will be joined oy the students of the Ridge Spring II "h School and will march to tht Cem tery where the grv. es of the J >: federate dead v. id be decorated, ifte. w: *ch all will repair to the schsol house where an appropriate address will be delivered at 11 o'clock by Miss Grace Lumpkin of Columbia, S. C., followed by music and presentation of crosses of honor by Col. R. B. Watson. At 12:30 a basket picnic will be served at the spring. Everybody is cordially invited to attend and bring a basket, Veterans earnestly urged to attend. Mrs. J. R. Timmerman, Miss C. B. Watson, Chloe Nicholson, Minrie Villard. Committee. The Anti Tuberculosis League of Saluda county, Dr. D. B. Frontis of Ridge Spring organizer, with the full complement of officers present assisted by Supt. Sample, selected the following executive cctimittee: Saluda? Mrs. Ida Crouch. Mt. Willing? " E. E. Buster Corinth? Miss Mary Lester. Germanville? " Ola Derrick. Delmar? Mr. Henry Hare. Holston's X R'ds? " W. K. Shealy. Ridge Spring?Miss Elise Carwile. Bethany? Mrs. Kemp. Fruit Hill?Mr. W. Floyd Whittle. Celestia? Mr. T. P. Johnson. Good Hope?Mrs. Addie Mason. Coleman? " Mamie Ellis. Denny?Mesdames J. C. Mickler and Charlie Carson. A point well taken was to urge the county authorities to set apart at the COnntv poor farm a honce where poor tuberculosis patients may be provided for and have the privilife and mid-summer meeting is being planned for. Mrs. Fannie Wright, of Caddo Mills, Texas, who has enjoyed several weeks here amid relatives re turned home accompanied by her sister, Miss Perth Noble. Miss Noble will make an indefinite stay there. Rev. J. H. Edwards, pastor of Ridge Spring Baptist church, received at the hands of his appreciative people a delightful pounding last week. F. D. P. There will be an entertainment at the school auditorium on Friday evening, May 7, at 8.30 for the benefit of the Episcopal Orphanage. Dr. Edwin L. Green, of the S. C. University, will give his interesting lecture, "A Trip Through Greece." The lecture will be illustrated by some beautiful pictures. A small admission fee will be charged and the patronage of the people is so licited. HEAVY STORM IN LEXINGTON CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE BY HAIL IN BLACK CREEK SECTION. Lexington, May 4.?Countv Commissioner S. Rufus Smith, who resides in the Black Creek section of the county, was here yesterday and told of a veiy severe hailstorm which visited that entire section on last Friday evening about dark. Mr. Smith stated that the whole earth was covered and in many places the stones were as large as turkey eggs. Shingles on the housetops were cracked, window panes knocked out and small farm truck and gardens were badly damaged. The area over which the storm passed was about a mile wide. A heavy downpour of rain accompanied the hail. ATESBLIRO ADVOCATE. I THE DEATH | I OF THE I POET | I By -BARRY PAIN S! I I i 1 ? ?'kik K'.a.ttinlM'":k'.kIWi? wi*uk.?:? Tho young man had a glass eyo, which was by no moans a perfect lit, a position In life as assistant to a grocer In Fulhatn, which was extremely distasteful to him, and a passion for a girl called Annie, which seemed absolutely hopeless. The young man himself was fully conscious of tho tragedy of the situation. Ho knew that It was from such a furnace as this that tho pure gold of poetry was extracted. Ho took to doing a little poetry In his leisure hours. It was very much like other poetry; that la to say. It was neither very bad nor very good. Tho leisure hours were limited, and this limited the supply of the poetry. There was uot enough for a volume. Perhaps there never would he. That which was already written did not entirely satisfy the young man's nice and critical taste. Ho would have recast It again and again if he had the money. Much meditation on tho poignancy of this situation led him to tho decision that when he was dead, with the green grass growing over him, after his name, carved In a simple headstone, should conn* the effective words, 'Who died unexpressed." It was some regret to him that ho could never live to see It. Most of his poems were addressed to Annie, who was a practical young lady. A girl who Is called Annie Is almost certain to be practical. He would, without much encouragement read these poems to her. Then she would say "Thank you," and look very doubtful. He did not like tho look. He went so far as to ask her If she did not think ho was right In using tho one talent that heaven had given him. "Well, I don't know about that," said Annie. "It's nothing to mo, and you've got to suit yourself. Of course. It's better that you should spend your time over this writing than If you stopped boozing In the public house all night- same as some do. My two brothers make pic- i turo frames In the evening and sell them, too. It's not for me to advise, but why don't you try tho picture frames? Besides, ought you to go on writing poems about me when you know perfectly well there's nothing In It? 1 like you well enough so far as you go, but If ever t tn I/n .1 I * ' 11 So , In a fur different posit Ion than you. Just think about that." At that moment he was extremely unnnyoft mill linit to tin nulled tip hv Annie with a sharp Jerk. Afterwards he did go away and think uhout It nuH till the wlille he was position. Annie reeeivoo tne ue>. , from liiin in a brief and extremely business like note. Her mother agreed that It was clearly her duty to go round and seo about It. She would be able to cateh him at the shop in Fulham on her way to work. He was not ?t tljo shop, and she was informed that he had resigned his post. She had Just time to go on to hi > lodgings. But he was not there either. He was at the moment engaged in the purchase of one of t lie very hest glass eyes that money could buy. It was a triumph. He himself could only tell the difference between the real eye and the artlilclal b> shutting first one lid an i then the oilier. His self-respect grew tiv mendously. Annie, who, as I have said, was<11110' practical, did not forget that August was his birthday and sent hint a pali of slippers which she had worked \ ith her own hands. SM" thought the acknowledgment which she re eived of her gift was a 1??11 loo formal. She was driven so fat toward desperation that in a ;< : fectly needless letter of reply >'<< aske 1 hit i to send iter any poetry that he had been doii.g lately A I post card reached her front Margate j hearing ; ?" simple statement thai he ha heaps of time to write poetry and to recast what ho had already written, and he never wrote a single line. Jnst once, an he enjoyed his afterluncheon cigarette, ho did roculi the simple headstone and the proposed inscription. "Who died with nothing to express" occurred to him ! Hut he did not worry about It. He ! had promised to take a girl out on ' the water that afteruoon, a remark- j ably pretty girl, too. He went In 1 search of her, whistling as ho went. Profits in Advertising. The fruit groweis who make the most money are usually the men who sell fhelr product by moans of business like advertising. Several growern of our ataualntance sell hll their best fruit direct to i>rivat? customer*. The Advocate $1.00 Per Year. We Will Give $|5.00 in Cash For the Three Best I A d ver t i semen ts &."">.<)(> tor the I>est Sti? 11" I 1 'iauo ;ulvertist ment. fortius host Shaw Piano advertisement. Sa.oo for t lie J>est Stielf and Shaw Piano ad vert isement eomhined. Mr. .lotin Koss, of the 1 ("harlot to Observer and ('h roniele, M r. Itireli of the ('harlotto News; M r. Wet Iters, of ('olinnt>ia State; and Mr. .1. P. .laeohs, of the Ke \ UIUUUIU, V I 1 I ) I ( > I 1 S. ( will act as judges. ('ontest open lint ii ,!une 1st, IPOf). < > | )<>n to cvery<)iic. Send y< ?ur add to Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the \rtistic Stieff Shaw and Stieff Selfplayor Pianos Southern Wareroom: 5 VV. Trade St. Charlotte N. C. c. u. WILAIOIH Manager. Mention this paper. Tell Some Sick One! It Is Free If It Fails. AYill you r. Shoot- s lti-storativo ami its |>oi>uluril> . For "JO y<-urs it lux been tin1 standard reined y for Stomach. Kniuu) ami iiuuit uoliieUls cvorywhi.ro in America. When the "inside" or oontrollliiK nerves of ?hoe0 v!tnt f>rtr<( n?) lu.ff'li t ><>u, ttio entire cxinu-o is initu? ii?.t j our '/'l?u why should the sick take any chalet' nil any nihil' llinli'illi, -.chose tiKihir dare let iik it Just us 1 do by this /< innihublt iji'i i I n! <> lia r? n III lunatic IN niedy?and Hint remedy i- rover. I I v tl.a >aliii* identical "No hell", mi I'.iy" l>r?it< i ti\c i>!un !5r-;.N yim ar. I. {o com-idt IV. .1 ayou would >< air lioini' i.lij >h i 11 M . ii'lvii mid tliu LmioIc !> iovv it re your*?utnl wiiroiit cn?t. I', rliups a word or two from n.i a. I dear tip some > 'viiuis ailiui'iit. I liave In-Iih iI tia.iimiiiiIs upon tlintiitanils by my private prescription or personal advice i Ian My l> t effort Is SUToly it i a tli >- t i iiii'le ri i|iti .-t. - tii ! j 'i an order at once. Tuko tile lie I'i iih' mi k tin ml. A ; i ! t ne t i i .iitiiillty. I will linve an ! mti fit it ml i runt worthy ilnit* r'-t tu wi."in sun ran i .a w in.-nth i: > fur tin; .10 day ti-?t Put first, ntlt mo for tho onlor, f"r nil dm*. tilhnitMiol niillnnl/ed to tfivo tlioitoiluy tost. > writ.- in-' liou and mivo nil <1 a? - )! tisi'tnl" i t'n.t 1. i ^ ...I. A.ilr.-ji Pr. - top It * i . IhM Ini. \\ Is. Wl : ti 1. ok ehi.ll 1 Sf V. a* No 1 On ! . .i N ' 1" - V !l N.. :'(I|| . r , t No. ' 1 or M. 11 No. it On uie lows No. i (inKlieuir.at.cn. Pirates of the Air "They come like thieves In the night, dropping hundreds of feet from high up in the sky, catch themselves, circle once or twice, then come at the owi like a thunderbolt." A quotation horn tlie unusual anil interesting story ol decoying hawks, wliu.Ii is hut one ol the many splendidly illustrated articles which aj (>ear in the big Mari h issua of RECREATION q This number is the fust of a series of double numbers at the regular price, and is the most su perb issue of an outdoor magazine ever published. It contains magnificent full-page plates worthy of framing, reproduced from photographs of thrilling moments in outdoor rei reation. Nowhere else will you find such he', ful, enteitaining artides illustrated exrhiwvelv by the most expert pbotogiapbers. RF.( Ri.AllON is famous Iroin the fact thai the r:.rti v.i.j wiile for its pages j have " Been I hrie ami > ..n stait you planning your outdoor i arnpaign. We want you to fiecome acquainted with the j magazine and all its helplulness. BUY THE riARCM NUHBER AT ANY NEWSDEALER'S. IP ME CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, SEND LS 25 CENTS AND WE WILL SEN ) \ OU A COPY BY RETURN MAll., an I. if at the same time, you will mention the name and address of the dealer who cannot supply y- u with the magazine, we will send you the U-autifol RECREATION Calendar fret. Remember RECREATION is the only magazine j that will start you right and help you to make the most of the outdooi season. Address RECREATION. 24 West 39th St., NewYmk., All the news of three counties in he Advocate. i REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Improved Town Lots | Larm Lands. ) Three elegant "arms wit hii; One nice house 1^,'i ^?mYr i'^Tko'ki t i j -i \ state of cultivation. A and lOt 11'aCl 0b splendid water power can in t~> i. "u ? developed on one. Ill l^atesbarg XOT Tract No. 1 contains 33 acres anc . iii t a 4-room house. sate 01' Will trade Tract No. 2contains 172acres anc it new dwelling xur iavin iana. I Tract No. 3 contains 125 acres anc comfortable house. Tonus of sale One-Fourtl T. . CAS11, balaiR'o on time sorrompt Service. '?.v inorttfaK?M>r premises. With us it is a quick sale and a cheap price. If you want to buy, let us know what you want we'll &et it. If you want to sell, see us, we'll sell it. Bafesburg Real Estate Co. W. J. McCARTHA, Manager OHO BULL TIMIVIKRMAN, Attorney. liatesburg, S. C, WW wwwwwwwwwwww w w w f Hoosier Pumps. * 'Pumps, 1 l> Pumps, * Pumps. Sk * ;&?- ,'2A : t c c r. i 4" ti ^ 4 ? 4! : ;;r .7 ^5-i|gj i HI M< )S1 I ()1 1 LAR (:AR IN THE W( )Rl I). I MERE iS A Ri:AS( )N. 'I'M. ... ...... .. ;:i K . r..n.. 1 .?.. .< 1 1 " i in.-, iui.mmi win i 11111 \ Ul'll KM ISITU It'll l<> 1110 Clll/.tMl <51 B:itcsiui!V now soon. Our Mr..l, II. lioddy will he on hand with a car. I. the 111 '.i it inn* read up and get posted. It will siinnie down i - this?"The liuieU is the most, wonderful ear o ;in\' price." ORIXXlRY-CONOHR MUl.K Co.. Columbia, S. C. I ffervons Women | For nervous, tired women, we recommend Car-1 Idui. Cardui is a woman's modicine. It acts specift- B I cally on the female organs and has a tonic, building I I effect on the whole system. It contains no harmful B | ingredients, being a pure vegetable extract. If you I I suffer from some form of female trouble, get Cardui I fi at onco and give it a fail* trial. I It Will Help You j 5fr?. "W. W. Gardner, of Taducah, Ky., tried Cardui and writes: P* "I think Cardui is just grand. I have been unir g it for eleven years, g I am 48 years old and feel like a different woman, since l navo been taking it. I used to suffer from bearing down ains, nervousness Hj and BloepioBsnppfl, but now (ho pa ma are all gone and I sleop good. B I highly recommend Cardui for young and old." Try it. ^ AT ALL DRUG STORES Jj It CosIa Money to l\,lnt j OLD ITJKNIUUI: It costs more if you don't. Your l a s:na" ' a i o! l> M. limine house wears out if not painted.} * :''li rea('y :oj 5-^c Then it costs money to repair it and ,r?m Houn.u Cuihun !. ilw e Co., money to paint it. It don't ccstJBs^burg. Clean the furniture muc h money to paint with the L. & with soap and water and wipe dry. M. i'uint, because 4 gallons of the L. *'lCn aI)l-'ly one coat. It v/i'l make & M. and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil old f,,rniturc new al a COSt ?f al" makes 7 gallons of ready-for use rnost nothing. paint at only $1.20 per gallon. - ? Thirty-five years use in every part , .... of the United States has proven it. Subscribe for I he AdvoScld by Holman-Cullum Hardware . c u . u cate now. $1 cer year. Company, liatesburg. J