The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, May 07, 1909, Image 1

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TEe BATESBURG ADVOCATE A TR1-COUNTY PAPER. || iiSTABLlS1' ii) 1901 BATHSBURG, S. C.. FRHMY. MAY 7, iqOV. $100 PER ANNUM A ? *r w w?* a ~ ~ " ALL Tnb INL> ^ Send your . 1 I 3 Collections to r i | GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK. | | Augusta,Ga. | . Sjjj Capital - ? $200,000.00 * 0 ft Undivided Profits $t 10,000.00 ^ YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. ^ mi iM?il I HP II' PI' i J W'TV" '"tN\ /WfWV '(Si~t?\ /Wl\l\ 'U1i?*i\ 'MTVX g^s v i Dollars Vanish ^ \|f t i with mysterious rapidity when you 3g d/ J have them handy to spend: It seems re v \ I \ ' j such a little tiling to spend one tor this SI \ | ^ 11 j or two for that. You wouldn't feel like jX f spending il you had to draw a check on ^ Msiti CITIZENS BANK ge 1 hat is a strong reason^ why you js* m X VlsaSiM should open an account there. It pre- 5g vents useless spending, which is the ^jjj t Sk main reason why most people have no Hfc \<*azny * itim. -v ^ v ^ ^ Lorick and Lowrance, Inc. ~ ^ (2&~ They Can't Get in, #/. ,\\'.\ aiiu 5u must sui\ outside. Oui ; /p CgT^. yi^ilnVpf iilip? window :ind d< >< >r screens ex- j' 1IIIIril IBBis|| elude nil llying intruders whose \V-111::i;ri:r::!:':!/IpSlli presence nmke lite n burden. Iip^il Banish what can't be extermi-! nated. These screens come in 3k all sizes, and can be adjusted?f* every style ol door and win-, t dow. l ax your pocketbook! I ^lilj^SSl lightly and escape the tly and j J .- ---t-HnRP mosuuito tax on comfort altoj -tL,v. . . ?|*J< .V < J. A. 1 j Ud get her. Send us your orders for Screen Wire buggy Canopies and Goodrich Rubber Buggy 1 ires. Lorick and Lowrance, Inc. COLUMBIA, S. C. it Special Sale. it it J,;uUes Helta from 10 cents to S-J.oo. Kim- Hal it '1 Cms t'rom 10 cents to $3.00. Grecian Candeau from %5; 45 -r>0 cents 1<> 81.2a. 45 j 4) Large 1 lair Barrettes 10 cents ami specialsou all 45 ft Jewelry. lVrt'ect Watch repairing and all work 45 X guaranteed. Call and wc will show you the line qi with pleasure. ^ 45 C, L. Jones, Jeweler and Optician, 45 45 Batesburg, S. C. 45 ii 45 it MEMORIAL DAY. I - Song_By Schoo! Chrildren. ! Address on Behalf of Daugh tcrs?By Mrs. Fred E. Cullum. TUESDAY, 11TII IN?1. WILL BE 4. Duet-Piano and Cornet OBSERVED AS HllMORIAL DAY I 5. Address?By Hon. M. E. j IM BATESBURG. 'Smi,h 6. Song & Vocal Quaitet. 7. Address on Behalf of Sons? The veterans ot Camp O'Connor, By Capt Wm M Carter assisted by the Daughters of the Music By Band. Confederacy, have arranged an ex- 9, Recitation of Original Song-' cedent program which is printed By;Rev. Joab Edwards. bclow' , 10. Song--By School Children. Hon. M. I.. Smith, ex-speaker of n. Announcements, the House of Representatives, will 12 Music-1W Ban.l be the principal speaker of the day. ^ Dinner Mr. Smith is an orator of State wide reputation and is known to many of our citizens. l or S?l!c. Prior to the memorial exercises r,llA , , . , , two peafowls < hens ' tor sale also the veterans will form in front of turkey eggs tor setting lion veiy the Citizens Bank Building and fine strain. march to the cemetary where the Mrs. L. Boatwright, graves of the departed veterans will Monetta, S. C. be decorated. Returning to Kami- _ ner Hall the exercises will be held. At the completion of the exercises I'OR REN I a basket picnic will be served. ; house for rent. Central xj. i- n . , ' part of the town. Nice garden. Everyone is cot hally invtied to at-1 a i-_ r* , . ... . /M>piy to Hartley. tend the-.e rr-'vc.scs, and bring with the n a wcT e ! basket. Below is . ... Subscribe tor The Advocate now PROGRAM. 1. 10.30 a. m?Prayer. $1.00 per year.. >YS OF THREE COTTON MARKET. ! HTERTAIIHEB' BatesburgSpot 10 l-8c. i PORED. i PPRCnWil The entertainment fo 1 JJltlJUlIilLlJft of the Episcopal OrpV Alt those having visitors will confer 'Riven at Ridge Spring i favor upon the Advocate by seniint; has been postponed n their names on or before Thursday May 14. 4 each week. .x i "\ ti tv , ^ Mr Barret Jones sper Mr D 1J Hartley was here Sunday. jqorence Mrs 15 P Kelly, of Bishopville. is Miss Bcssi(. Crouch isiting her daughter here. was herc Tuc,liay. \M /" \*7_. x-. . ?x. v. Wilson, oi v-oiumoia, Mrs Lucy McLenna -isited Batesburg this week. visiteJ relatives in town Miss Banks of Saluda was in town, Miss Anna BroJie o{ A; Monday. spent Thursday and Fri Mr Milwee Cook spent Sunday Mr clarenCe Asbill sj vith his p rents. in Johnston. Mr Lorenzo Cullum is spending a Misscs Janc and N ew days with nome folks. have returne,j from js Dr and Mrs D B Hall of Aiken Silver Street, re visiting Dr and Mrs J A Watson. Mrs j E Me ,ock anci Mr Claude Roper spent the week- ter of Ware Sh >ais hav< :nd here. their home. Mrs N A Bates spent Monday Mrs Dessie Stewart ind Tuesday in Columbia. Cooner of Joh' ston spe Mrs B B Jones of Edgefield is end nsiting Mrs U X Gunter. Messrs L L Grigsb Mr G R Taylor of Delmar was in ^^ite ot J vere ' own Wednesday. nCStlayMiss Ruth i ooner an Mrs Norris Gantt and children of Hng Qf TreBton, w!) Monetta were in town Friday. weck-end her. as the g Miss Frankie Herlong of Ml Will- N Rogers Bayiy. ing was in town Monday. The Columbia Disi Mr and Mrs B F Mitchell of Sar- ence is ses.ion at dis section were in town Tuesday. D p Bodie an. Mr T Mrs L W Hoistein of Sally is were among 'hose w visiting nere. j from Ba.esburg. Messrs Uriah and C K Kthercdge Mrs ]j B Buchanan, are visiting in Orangeburg. left Tuesday after a vi: Mr L D Cull urn spent Monday in Mn> T B Kernaghan. Lexington. Mr. E. R. B.ggott ai Mrs W A Crouch is visiting at Ridge Spring nave mo' Wards. burg. Wa wtlcome I , . . ? ? midst, uapt M S Gunter ot Lenoir N C is visiting friends and relatix es here. I hose who attende< */. j A* i r- ^ u picnic at Wards were Mr and Mrs J G Darby went to liam- ^ ,jodic vio,a The( berg one day this week. Bodie and Minnie W Mr and Mrs ER Steadman spent Mrs E P Bodie, Mr ai Sunday at Mt Willing. Crouch, Messrs C E Dr C V Mixon of Cainsviile Fla Cooner, John Crouch, is visiting Batesburg. grone and Lawton Bo< Hon Geo Bell Timmerman is Rev S O Cantey aft< spending a few days in Jacksonville fined to his home lor ^a- days is out again. t (r 3 \ i Are Your Pap Y Cs Wo have provided t in* latest y presorvi tig valuable papers from ASAKKTY DKI'OSI'I ik J) coi ist ruct ci 1 < >t" s< >1 id steel, in> iC lire proof vault, is the protection iiiey so t hat papers are accessible v 'I'llis arrangement isespeciall ers W'lio have deeds, insurance pt 2 papers. ('all and examine for ye The Irirst National } Bank of I t, | I 0^4' i<jr *: ''(s*y~i)V */ <?*> 40 i' .fr o 'tf <> =0:? - > , <J . . . . . Mr .1 K Attawa>j o Mr Maxie liysinger of Columbia.. . . . , hn town rnday. . spent Wednesday here ] Kev W T Hundley Mr T H Davis spent Sunday in from an extended tri] Ridge Spring. land Rome Ga. j Mrs Jabez Ferris I'reeda Rutland has returned| dauKhlcr Mrs lienl to Columbia. j Grccnwood. Mr J J Jones of Humbert spent! Mrs E G Pou of \\ 1 Sunday in town. i Mr and Mrs D P Hoi I Mi and Mrs W A Neal. of Atlanta. Miss Kejinah Par ' ate spending a few days here. is spending a while i Mrs F H Cronch has gone to* Mr M li Edwards \ Wagener to spend sometime. on Tuesday. | COUNTIES r POST* I Statement of thpl Condition of r r the benefit The Citizen's Bank of lanage to be Batesburg, located at 1? Friday Batesbur*. S. C., at the close of business April Q rSunday in ' '9<>9- S RuwiUri ua \ Loans and Discounts. $101,555.00 C of Leesville Overdrafts, 3,100.00 Bonds and Stocks ownol Johnston ed by the Bank, 500;00 j Sunday. Banking House, 5,376.42 ^ labama spent ^urn'ture and Fixtures. 2,051.00 ^ day in town. Due from Banks and 1 Trust Companies, 3,003.38 oent Sunday Currency, 1.248.00 Gold, 1,075.00 lay Crouch Silver and other Coin, 1,532.43 r lewberry and Checks and Cash Items, 1,705.77 ( C 1 littledaugh- T0TAL 121.147,00 I r* Liabilities i returned to Capital Stock Pai(l irif $30,000.00 Surplus Fund. 2,000.00 j and Lucile Undivided Profits, less nt the week- Current Expenses and ^ Taxes Paid, J,543.81 ^ y and H D ^uc to ^anks and Trust ^ < , rnmnanipc 94 n town wed- ?? ~ Dividends Unpaid, 80.00 d j^jss ^ast Individual Deposits subi o 1SS j Vu jcet to Check, 19,512.50 \ t?:\ ?? C Savings Deposits, 30,57-^.92 * UeS,S 0f MrS Time Certificates of Deposit. 10,582.53 :rict Confer- Notes and Bills RedisJohns'on. Mr counted, 4,250.00 B Kernaghan ^ills Payable, including < ho attended Certificates for Money borrowed, 22.UUU.UU or Joiicsboio XOXAL 121,147.00 sit to Mr and STAXE 0F SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, ss. ad family of Before me came A. C. Jones ; ved to Bates- J Cashier of the above named bank, them in our who being duly sworn, says that the 1 above and foregoing statement is a J the annual true condition of said bank, as r: Misses Er- shown by the books of said bank. Dra and Zilla A. C. Jcnes. inn, Mr and Sworn to and subscribjd before id Mrs W D me- this 5th day of May 1909. i> t lr c I . Jones. J K! ?anci juucs, il. o.j Tonquin La-1 Notary Public, jie. Correct-Attest U. X. Gunter, :r being con- j M E Rutland, the past teu';^ (j_ boatwright, Directors. ] ers Safe? and safest method of ^ loss by li 1 ?? ami theft. 0 ' L<K'I\ Hi )X dalle*! in an absolutely o He ret I. Vou carry t he y to no one but yourself. ^ y eon venient l<>r farni>lieies, or other valuable ^ ursrlt'. Batesburg. H T <D 2 u*?><\ <> O Gr-<> x G^>^Xr a, ^Kr^XJ -<5L t Saluda was Mr C Jacobs of Columbia was here yesterday, has returned an(j j^rs Schumpert of Saluda \> to ugusta were m jown Monday. . . . , Mr and Mrs Merchant of Saluda ts visiting her . . t were recent visitors here, ry I lllman at; j Mr and Mrs liunyon Stoudemeyer rards is visiting ' ot Saluda were herc Monday, die. i Mr and Mrs Albert Kreps and tley of Wards ( children of Saluda wef visitors to n Batesburg ; Batesburg this week. vas in Lexing-' Mi Frank Kneece spent Saturday | in Lexington. y > CONDEF HONOR ROLL C OR BiTE'BURG GRADED SCHOOL FOR EIGHT MONTH T1 First Orade Roy Cockcroft, Annie Howard, larah E. Craven, Fredrika Cullum, Jue Stokes, Isabel Cantey, Mary E. Vhitten, Edwin Rawl, W. F. Rhodes )liver Hite, Roy Hall. Advanced First Capers Alexander, Julia Malpass, ^ester Fink, Wayring Wise, Matilda A 3ook, Leonard Boatwright, DeWet ^ Nullum, Ruth Penn, Ruby Rikard, tloise Hite, Harry Rutland. ^ Pr Second Orade Lois Kernaghan, Kllen Rawl. Lo- Be ena Miller. Harvey Autrey, Clarence Ba ilover, Horace Havird, Frank Hite, Clarence HViward OIIIk" r*w .. ? v., sjkjji ivi, vyi Dewey Rhodcn. Third Grade Di Mattie Aue-hamer. Lilla Howard, <uth Joyner, Willie Rabun, Lessie Rikard, Lottie Sills, Kimmic Stokes, /la tha Watson, Bettie Wise, Leta Ch Vise, Coyle Andrews. Dewey Ran:in, Eugene Rikard. N' Fourth (hade Mattie Lou Bouknight, Ethel Dcckcroft, Ethel Cullum, Louise ^idgell, Moses Alexander, Dannie ^ Nankin, Edgar Watson, Callie bright. Fifth (irade Lowell Altman, John Dodd, Ver- r( Jelia Whittle, Henry Wright. Sixth Grade Eugenia Aldridge. Annie Rutland. Seventh (iradp 1 lj Kathleen Glover, C. W. Sollee. Jr., Kathleen, Cora Hall, Lona y Rhoden, Caro Lee Cullum, Miriam g, Hartley, Jeffie Rikard, James And- y rews. Roy Rutland, Albeit Hite, Clco Wise, Myra Steadman. Eighth Grade. iR Mary Cullum, Susie Edwards, Rosa Hallman, Pauline Timrnerman, L Pauline Spann. v ... . . T? >m.u crauc N jra Crouch, Matt e Etheredge, Lizzie '1. riant. lentil tirade Louie CuMum, Grace Ridgell, E lith Spann. REV. E. K HARDIN TO PREACH SL'NDAY. ? i Rev. E. K. Hardin, conference missionary evangelist, will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday 0 morning at 11 o'clock and again in 3 the evening at 8.30 o'clock. He s will also preach at Providence in the afternoon at 4.30. Mr. Hardin is well known to Hatesburg, having lived here, and will doubtless be greeted with lor ere* or*rtrrr#?rYo f \r\nc CLEMSON COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT. We are in receipt of the following invitation to the 13th annual commencement of The Clemson Agricultural College: The faculty and senior class of the Clemson Agricultural College request the honour of your presence j at the thirteenth annual commencement June sixth to eight nineteen hundred and nine memorial hall. Mr J E Dean of Atlanta Ga is visiting friends here. Mr Jimmie Revis of Baltimore Md was the guest of Mr C L Jones this week. Deputy Sheriff S J Miller of Lexington was in town yesterday. Deputy Sheriff J M Padgett of Saluda was here yesterday. A jolly party went to Mr Peny Hall's pond fishing last Wednesday. We will say they had a fine time but will not mention the number of fish caught. Those in the party were: Mesdames llattie (Allium, Alice Hartley, Henrietta Timmerman Mr and Mrs J C Cullurn, Miss Katherine Cullum and little Master Eldridge MSED. NO. S5VS Report of the Condition of tie First National Bank of Batesburg, at Batesburg in the State of South Carolina, at the close of business, April 28th, 1909. Resources >ans and Discounts $111,434.31 ^erdrafts, secured and unsecured 85.73 S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 emiums on U. S. Bonds 500.00 >nds, Securities, etc 980.21 inking house, Furnitnre and Fixtures 14,181.04 her Heal Estate owned 10,509.19 re from National Banks (not reserve agents) 10,733.63 re from approved Reserve Agents 6,457.54 leeks and other Cash Items 201.19 otes of other National Banks 650.00 actional Paper Currency, Nickels and Cents 102.36 twful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 6,086.05 ;gal-tender notes 1,000.00 7,086.05 edemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent circulation 950.00 OTA I. 188.871.25 apital stock paid in 25,000.00 urplus fund , 6,000.00 ndivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid 9,901.88 ational Bank Notes outstanding 24,200.00 'ue to State and Private Banks and Bankers 24.38 idividval Deposits subject to check 75,222.05 ime Certificates of Deposit 28,481.93 /.ishier's Checks outstanding 41.01 Sills payable, including Certificates of Deposit Ji for money borrowed 20,000.00 OTAL 188,871.25 State ot South Carolina, County if Lexington, ss: I, Ira C. Carson, Cashier of the bove-named bank, do solemnly wear that the above statement is rue to the best of my knowledge nd belief. Ira C. Carson. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ne this 1st day of May, 1909. N. Rogers Bayly, Notary Public. CORRECT-ATTEST: T. B. Kernaghan, J. A. Whitten, W. L. Rawl, Directors. BIHS. FRANK SHEALY DOING WELL. SUE WAS OPERATED ON LAST WEDNESDAY BY DR. LFGRAND GUERttY TOR APPENDICITIS. At nine o'clock this ' Friday) morning the editor cahed up the Columbia Hospital to ascertain Mrs. Frank Shealy's condition. The authorities there state that Mrs. Shealy who was operated on for apendicilis on Wednesday morning is doing nicc'.y and that the operation was entirely successful. The danger period has passed.