The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, March 19, 1909, Image 6

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'--- -ggg?? ? I We 1 I Atten | here # ?* I Our ? are her I you. I We Think I up BETTE # * White Goods, M on and will continue Specials tor this S; 32 in. lawn remnants at 7c- worth 10 32 in line nants worth 16 2-3 at 12 1-2 Piques are again very stylish. We have them at 1( white black and all staple colors. White and colored linetie suiting with borders Makes swell suits. Full size white counterpanes. 79c, $1.00. 1.25. 1. are exceedingly good values and cannot be duplicatec Ladies full size nicely trimmed night gowns w night gowns sale price -SOc. 1.25 night gowns. ->al night gowns sale price 1.45. 25c corset covers 15c 39c corset covers 25 69 10 pes. jacquard madras waisting worth fully 12 Among our staples in white lawn carried throng! Nos. 1077 at 10c; 944 at 12 1-2; 916 at 15; 93 at l( 10c; 2005 at 12 1-2; 1102 at 16 2-3; 800 at 25c. O ized 47 inch batiste at 35c is a beauty and worth full; No 50 long cloth at 10c; 61 at 12 1 2c. No 15 at 15; 233 at 20c. No 14 round thread butchers liner sheer linen lawn at 48c; 112 38c. No. 100 irish front 35c; 160 at 55c. Beautiful in finish, even in texture. No. 63 irish round thread art l.ncn, lull bleached 72 in. soft finish pure linen sheeting 88c. "0 in linen sheeting $1.00 The above besides many others are values that c< at the prices we quote. Fruit ol the loom bleaching, to- this sale. 8 I-2c day. Words are not at our c for you to come and let us If we fail to den by the VALUES, th< WHITTEl x^i|^ IfP W ^^f^ii|^ iij Desire Tc ition to o 1 a rge Se I ec *e, and we \ tll6 of ifcilsd Bates! 4 4 4. 4 4.4 44 4 4 4 44 4.4.4 i>~ V.SO" "OftO" OHJVV VJBV> S/.4>V? VJ? S!T*v> MB'. wsu v ., m m v.,. uslin Underwear, La dies through this month. B,e' You are cordially invit india linen rem . marvelous and undispc ). IS. 20 and 25c. in ,c u , Spring Goods. at 15c the yard. The newest, the best, li 50. 2.00 and 2.50 iat our price. 0t is here. With an eve i orth 50c 39c. 69c. c ,..ricc i no 1.08 ]iave madc selections the c ccr-et covers 50c. and the peer of any in th i.2c ,oo 12 an(i j-|ie prjces wj|] flelia'i tout the season are 1 ). No 10 persian at Come in--look ovet this vast m No. si n;ercer questions, compare, then judge io f 50c. nainsook at 10; 20-1 While most prices are regular, ; i at '25c. No. il l celling a great many goods at ab( ing linen '25c; 120 at the d' umiliei. I his sale will continue throug and son finish 50c. new spring stocks in every depart soft tmish pure j(1 good dependable merchandise. . , connections, by entirely eliminati innoi be duphcau-a spl>( cas|) thc.,.(.,)v savin, our customers. limited oniy first ommand to describe (lie beauty, fl show you. lonstrate our FULL APi'P in we have W ASHED a LI N DRY QOO tion of Sp vail be g;!a< and Children Eh O RE >urg, S. C. Waist, Laces, EHtnbroidt ed t.o compare and inspect th itubly supreme showing of ne :io latest, the cream of the marl eagle fo your purse and taste v\ equal m any in the larger eiti* 's sect ion. The fabrics, the weav< it* you. tock, feel lln goods, icst the quality, a r yourself :nd not tut for this sale, von will fin J we i\ >111 what most merchants pay at wholes* h this month--Come or you'll he sorry. O meiit is complete, anil as rich as a gold mi We have strengthened our New York huyii iiv,; ilrumnur1" and buying and selling for n gs of h) to 25 per cent., all of which goes lie values and completeness of LCIATION of YOUR P I'KTIME in the MK1RC/ DS COM PA PECIAL ! GOODS | < * 4| ring Goods i 1 to show I 4 # *? ? 41 All .11 Au . ^ ciliotumg mows 1 #: -m co. i ^s' 4 4 41 4 4 ^SSS-S44444444 44444 4 LE cries, Neckwear, Htc., is now | Special sale 10 Dozen $100 Kid (iloves at SOc. IS, This is the famous Broadway Kid Glove that we have sold and w ; guaranteed for eleven years. It is an imported glove and on account of the increased duty on kid i gloves, making it cost at retail, in the future $1.25 the pair. The import; er will discontinue handling it and has closed out the residue of stocks on hand to old customers at sacrifice prices. Our allotment was just 10 dozen and we will have no more. ^0 I Our assortment of long and short silk gloves in all colors are comi plete. ^gj Laces and [Embroideries. ^ In this department we are showing the best line we have ever offered. A look will convince you that we can save you fully 33 1-3 per cent. Our line represents all the newest designs from European markets from 1 in. up to 45 in. flouncing. Special sales of over 500 pieces ranging in value from 5c to 19c, all on table at 5c. Special lots on 10c table worth double the amount, ire Net Waist, Silk net. linene and lawn Tailor made and Directoire lie style 50c to $5.00 Matting UP 10 pes. 25c matting for this sale, 20c. dC Standard Calicos 4c. 50in. Sea Island 5c. Coats spool cotton sale tl? price 4c. 1 case 7c Ginghams for this sale 5c. 1 case maplewove solid and fancy madras, 12 l-2c values, 10c. to Our 10c line of ginghams cannot be equaled. 10 pes. 12 1-2 india Linen .09 50 pes 15c Persian lawn 10c. The above are specials bought for this sale. our magnificent stocks, it is necessary \ST and FU I URF BUSINESS UNTILE BUSINESS. lNY, BATES BURG, S. C *