|jf On accoui on Bug,rfes. ^ K- P. Guano D were 16.00 now 1 fH Stalk ("utters we Pug cut price on j Jit 126.00. Gut pric "^jp balcei' P. P- m IIP He sure to see me i ill fjf iy to -V-ife |||? ^ ? - - - ... - ... The Best Fertilize That the yield of corn from the avt creased bv intelligent and lit.oral itiii demonstrated. Large crops of good t o land well, using the right kind and qu and proper cultivation. Virginia- C Fertilh will greatly "inctease your yield per a In some cases remarkable results h .\f your lerti of other companies' goods, that it woul brands, were they given flee and p t in I say to be a fact. I made a test on the land your fertilizer and on the othei i/.cr, same grade; the land received t / kept a correct account of the antrum a>iJOO mot e from the lot: J ? u : Fertiliser than / did off the other h< corn from the land on tvhi, h / used iv (Write today to nearest oftVe r f t Company for a free copv of the : n\v Almn?..o f..ll ll... . C I I. . 1 f\I III.III.IV., Hill t?i dig I'liJM V.IHI.INI' planters and farmers; <>r ask your torti 1 17 rrj i nia- Caro li n a Sates Offices " MM Ku hmo: !, Va. -A? Norfolk, Va. BWI^gFertilizer Columbia, S. C. C'Ki Atlanta. f?n ***" I PLANTER'S FEi \ - k 11 i 11: what ho t 111! i k s < i y ir I m ?i i-a |? 11 i i' I-!, .i < > \ ! "> ? ? ' . -n i'. \ I | P-anier's Fc? j Phosphat CliAk. J;S i ifp> IIcWhaiisvo-.tr mvoritc p mtu/ < i.mail on toast. And yours? 11 Maples on . 70 pold picee ,v i icapo Daily Nov. 67 \ I,/ I A.11 announcer te and is certainl; A true history Liquor Habit, af death from "Hea We offer apr< Our patients a Send your friends or i jjj We know that we ca I 206' Main St. I The Mel Bibb?is?? ?Mditta .JlKflPffw wBKWtVHRBfslljBVWSinD UTf.aft? Rutland's it of rem od ling my bu Wagons and Harness istributers were $9.00 now $7.< 2.50. Cotton and Corn Planter re 33.00 now 25.00. iaints. Paint your he use now e on surrey steel tire were 125 ail wagons at less than first co : before you buy anything in rn E Rut1 a witiiy ? ; I rtili/er, ^oud'sccd arolina r< of c vn or any other crop. i 1 . J Ciiui.tv, ! ii.,\\tius: " Wortls I 1 |i I I !i I; is i''mI! , so'"ar ahe *.tl -- M I I <1 ; | a: i: to t: ,e other 1 I tla- fi -M. I t an prove what lg *-J five a< rc?. 1 tiscil on one half W r h. ' i not her t nr,jinny's fertil- I Vqij Avq P'ktf : same cultivation every time. " "" # ' ff >>:< >:< v ! not <]/ fitch h(t!f I How can that be II yc i 'a to I in a Thlt way: ! Jf. J t /<>! / time - ii > Hllli.il I Anything you ebsolt /) > / '}i rr " {? In order to secure the V - , ,?i Sj anted, mechanically perle i' . "i **(>'! r 'A ^ ncniknl gt reQuired by your crop and l'.Hi'.l | .,rmer Yt liooli or I continuously throutjh the I iin, jiuliceil iim.niuUiuli lor | izrr or.iUrlora copy. ... THE PLOW MOKE w Chemical Co. W opyoun?dth.t?i Then you need Armoi a Sales Offices 1 In fact, that's the very rea Durham, N.C. (or themselves and leave Charleston, S C. t 11 i ii i >t > I { IS I SI \ < J f) QTU i'7 t \ \. a 7. J_. M. S-* B ft ^ K-/. 0' | I ; t 11 i.. Ir,: Ili.'i! lii.ri'yyuiir ' e= . . tii hr I J tag j ) "I I I I IM I . S3 ' 1 S I'?1 i{(J 1 uis VI lei 11. ? rtslizer & J e L'?- 'i'HH CiUIGI .. S. C. (S - - 1 he b ord iar easier lor some i?. > uess COUJMBI i J His face Socked natural and nent of this ch wacter is usuali v expressing it more delicately of t he majority of cases when tor having wrought every othe ivi fOnilnvp" hi if v\;hiohva%7 wp,k i) v I Vy 1 I V i i VI i I V ?? ' ilOI\ V ? V V LiU *J I itical, scientific' individual tree fter iiaving been with us are a relatives to us,atul t hey will ictiirn wit a n cure the worst ease and can convince vc Columbia, S. fitted up with KANNA 3 I lav Clef lg ikling- musi h n c roo and Robes A;-so bi< JO. Howard Gi 1 i ;ribui 's were 15.00 n h'.OO. Te and pay for i 'all. '.00 now 100-00- ' prjce o >st. Get a bottl ; kills y line; your pri e ;he gc V j f * r? I 1* I JUJ5I II n d, ing for Armour's | ?;? a don't buy thetu? ittly ncad, you pay lor, whvthcr : I maximum yield from your land you H ""I 1 ct fertiliter. containing exactly the q H so ir.ade that It will not Rive these 1 trowing reason. That's AKMOUR H i j( stirr.onlajs stating that the users of n per acre than with any others ?hk< V I I I r l>r?n*.? ?. ? A IU ?-T nd Up=to=()ate, ?0 to jkn s s i? ers filled with dNnatch. I \ ? -- S C ' ' ' ' > * It . 1- : WK nPAl his friends said that death Iv the "Mantle of Charity't , than if it were said, his dee e simply, "Heart Failure' is :r kind of failure in the man' le direct cause of that heart itment for acute and chronic .bsolutely cured and they sta; renewed energy, hi tler men and sober >n with letters from Senators. Doctors, c a xi it a on i yj i ^ 5 k r\r\j a v every convenience to cure tl - LIQUOR Cui ; Up Sal( in so will give extre ?: cut in farm implerr tors were 6.00 now 4.25. Cot xas Middle Bursters were 5. Cut price on Surrey, Rubber n surrey, steel tire were *85 , every insect that crawls on >ods. ess, Batesburg, S. G PvaOAPn p!rattso' r ^ ^ ^ ^ A ? i ney come iik< \ TTI i t xt n the n,Kht droppl J\ | jj I j\ |of feet from high u catch themselves stern run*, off clive im :j ltM9 or twice, then coil ese arrivals aid dopaitui-s. as like a thunderbolt as time and conned* ns are given formation ami are tail gliaiat t ed A quotation from the unusua N OT l> ' I lifiUN ft. ?1 decoying hawks, which is #<;s *?-<| splendidly illustrated articles lulumbia !).3"?P UO'p f. 25l big March issue of amden 10 Wp T.0"p <5 21a / I unlet 1225a 9.1"p *.4">i RECRE/ ialeigh 12 20a ll^a orletm.uth 7.30afi40p q Th; u . h fi tichnromj i .lHa > o a < -?p ^ Yashingion 10.281 H .">0a H .'lap numbers at the regular pric hi I' i more 11 40 t 9 o?a 9 52 p pcrb issue of an outdoor ma 'lliiad* Jpliia 1 -I.lp l-.l^p l.olp it contains magnificent full-' ?'t w 1 o Is I -Op _ 1-ip X.- -I framing, reproduced from p o. ph. Flo; id t LimiM (I. d i \ *x . , Sunday moments ui outdoor recreatu No 84, Ye tr- Round Limited, d liiy Nowhere else will you find * No. I* 1 Tiila Fas a-- <1 -' '> jng articles illustrated cxclu Fasse.pe, en-emain in si .per t hol Kers. REC I i.00 a. Hi r l / r i trom the tact that the men 1 ' ' ^ ' have " Been Thetc" and c V.'1',' . your outdoor campaign, i vo 11 in el - | . ?n K , >4 ' i j i i'N e vvant TO" to become v()1| i J ; magazine and all iu helpful (ilumii'a i 05a 10.25i .li-p BUY THR flARCH N -..van all O in.t 1 oOp 2 lip NEWSDEALER'S. Ji.uk onvil v ' I ?u 1 I 'fit . .. ft Y RI: 11 - K* N MAIL "Xo. 42 Fh.rida Fast Mali, dm. Remember RECREAT1C 1 OC \ 1 NO fi" that will start you right and most of the outdoor seatoa. ? no r olutnbia "-..a' a m. orpDr ati/sxt ->j rive Savann tli 11.2 ? a iu RECREATION. 24 Vei eaboard Florida Limited trains 9S 1?? 1 no, exclusively I'uliman mi ip- A. ? . , nt, consisting nt drawing nx in About the lasi pi i-pets compart mem sm- pi-rs. oiuii grudge is in your t , dining ar and o v ition oar: -.i?.m. ______________ eper.s i Munil. i'.i m each ant ?f~v:Zhr -ytight K? ok Y*oar- Liini ic- ' d *4 I&k i pel" Now York to L.t iipo Was'. Prr** * *, _ *%,,'t oil t (Joluinbu.. dining o.i Y w lis ,tn.i Rio iUjorid. 11 .i in 1- i .- .1 o s- ^ i v i - if, i i roo jIi o ac bos Uns" iuti.on EE hi 8occ< d when evi .mm tmk iiiii \ i m jn nervous prostr ' - c " u 1:1 ' 1 '",l e ' weaknesses they ''s v is.: .mi.' 11 ii... remedy, as thousa tr ifl,. . a,,i i-? . w t .? S i;?f, STOMACH I : r \ <>)|| I-liia. S. ' . it is the best m over a drugg ) came from ''heart failure " hrown around the passing a ith was the result of a protra assigned as the cause of dea s life, kindly, as a fitting chr failing alcohoism without the use M v cured. inrougn :;iul inrough. re&dv tbegin in rscnal Attention, with a Guar* page plates'wortby of uulee to Please. Always glad to holographs of thrilling j tee yOU Ml. t SYLVAN BROS. reation b r.m?u. i , Silversmiths aud ?Ko wnte lo, it. p*e. Ol.ticiiUM, an start you planmdg ; ... , o,. jC'or. Miiiu ;uid ItaiiiptoiiStn. acquainted with the t O 1 J Nl R I A, S. O. lieu. UnBHR AT ANY IF HE CANNOT U. heCOUOHI 'SJP w^iJHCSj lAii. ti -J. ? j(b>2 t* V'K?ruPKf9| 4 *; A?# III e%ftSSVi >N is the only magazine g WfcW lyS^Wftill I [ help you to make the h eA_ ROUGHS Lr|Ct 50*&$t.00| , Address I trTRiALssnUntiE 1 *39.H St.. New Yodc./1 Sand AIL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES I ? \oi/AffA/vr??0 SAT/SFACrOBr I a Of? fusiness. ' " MEETZE RELEASED Lexington. March 15?'W. P. a ''3* 4f?**. Meetze the white man from New 3i ookland who wasarrested last week "rything o.so falls. :'i on the charRe ?f ?bta'ninS ation and female under false pretense from the Home are the supreme toang ;n this town, was released from nds nave testified. , LIVER AND custody on Saturday upon the payTROUBLE ment ot the amount of the transacedicine ever sold t:on ist's counter. IHM way of some un for tuna 1 icted spree of drunkness. th would show that the 1 nax, brought about his 1 ' dangerous hypoderm ics I ic over again. H