Women's Rea Tailored We are still receiving new tailc brought some exceedingly new garr able color and shade in stylish garn find every suit reasonably priced, a I Wash Suits We have a most complete line on sale .new one-piece wash suits nm colors. Some styles are plain, othe embroideries. Prices are very low. We also offer beautiful wash garments. There are none handson $20 to $40. New Peter Th( We are selling those very stylii are the latest ideas in one-piece dres Bedford cords in all the newest col range from $20 to $40. Mail Ord Wash Skit We offer a choice line of newt prices. They are made of rep and ; $3.50 to $6.00 Swell Paraso "A sun shade for every gown," ply means that it is quite correct to match your different suits and gov And we have the parasols. Th been such a galaxy of beautiful sur Conceivable shade with or without F every one is a rare value at t'tom $2.1 Mail Ordi n/i _ * * man uraers ummmmmmmmmmmtr b 1 Genui cE ?1 ?s g t/p' b""" " ThimilUlittUilitiUiiimiUUU Near Death in Din Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me rntense suffering." she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death All temedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick reliei and a cure so Dcrm.-inpnt thnt l have not been troubled in twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives in Big Bond Pa. It works wonders in Coughs and colds, sore lungs, hemorrhages, LaGrippe, asthma, croup, whooping cough and all bronchial affections. SOc. anil $1.00 Trial bottle free.' Guaranteed by All druggists. (]KO, HEM. '1 IMMKltM A S. .1. Wm. Thurmond Thmioad & Tiiniueriiiaii ATTORNKYfi-A I-LAW. I Will practice in all Hit' State am* tJ S. (Courts. Citi/ens RankltiilK., llatesburg, S. C i Mimnau gl " ? I dy-For-Wears. | }fe, J Coat Suits There isi ired coat suits. The last shipment COlTlDl^t^ nents to our store. Every conceiv- ^ lents can be found here, and you will y ^0 ri0W 1 t from $20 to $50. ^ J x Unexcelled. We offer f , , w v. ii dress; Mot of good wash suits. We have placed ide of linen and rep in white and all vypirlej of rs beautifully trimmed in laces and ' $0.50 to $15.00. 0 <1 ^ ^ suits of crown embroidery?elaborate ler or more stylish. Offered at fromjniOSl ilttf'ci exquisite g >mpson Dresses- WV also sh Peter Thompson dresses. They 110W S V IC ;ses. They are made of serges and ors. Come and see them. Prices. ers Filled. We have T . . and are of I ts Just m. Newest 1 ;st wash skirts at most moderate j ^ 1.25 quali strikingly stylish. Price* range from buttings i j; o yard Is for bprmg. * , Ribbon s is fashions decree this year. It sim- ~ voy?H flflFf use parasols of different colois to ^ > UH* rns. | YVe have ere has never before in Columbia <4*1 AA 1 shades as we are offering. Every *\l 'ersian borders is shown here. And \ GlVOL Cl( oo ?o $12.50. the gradua ers Tilled. Filled Jy Columbia, immmmfnmmmmmnmimimHroHtmmmnw 1.3fl,^ Peruviai Jtw> ... *>'' ' f -L Untouched by the Chen i K. > g|p For TOE COTTOr g*TT PeruvianGua /**' .w.. CHARLES lUllUUUlitlllliiUltlltlUilUlUlUUiiiUUUUiUiiiiiHii Solilisr Rnlks Death Plot. I'lte l-ltrid tilaw . j was seen in the red It seemed to J. A. Stone, a civil war and body of the little veteran, of Kemp, Tex., that a plot Adams, of Henrietta. 1 existed between a desperate lung Fhpdu Jr?.m. e<;fema li i .v . years, defied all retnt trouble and the grave to cause hi*,?,,.,, ,hc best doctors, t death. I contiacted a stubborn cold . poisoned bloo'.l had "he writes, "that developed a cough lungs and nothing cot that stuck to me, in spite of allreme "But," writes his mc dies; for years. My weight ran down bottles ot Electric iiitt. to 130 pounds. Then I began to use ly cured him." For t Dr. King's New Discovery. I now zema. salt rheum, s< weigh 178 pounds." For severe Colds, blood disorders and obstinate Coughs. Hemorrhages Klectric Bitter- is sui Asthma, and to prevent Pneumonia 50c. Guarantee! 1 by all it's unravaled. 5oc. and $1.00. Trial > bottle tree. Guaranteed by all drug- ' Hates!,urrf. s. <\ fl ^ao^arks..,^^ o.aj ?? ? H report cu ;ility. * A||!,,? II ..lira- STRICTtY CONFIDENTIAL. ""? < "lll,M ex.-lumvely .Surpaaiiiitf relerei k I., u u > I . ^'"I,-awake inventor* fhon'ol 0 ill v it. 111. H Ixxik on I tow tooMniiintiit Sell I a . . on ... I trillion* will pay.llow to/. t p 1 to o J). III. ^ valuuMeInformal ion. S nKrw h's Spring re , J/ie Shirt Ji f/zs/s Voa my t'l another store in the Carolinas 9 a iine of Ladies' Spring: Waists as nay be found herebeautiful waists of lingerie in whi isquetaire sleeves; beautifully i nly, each place on sale other beautiful wais ctively made at from $2-50 up ;race of riebe Irish lace at cirt? ^ellino* nl hp?* umicic ? _ ? ^ t. i w ciioic v/i v, v i y and every one is offered at lowes ew Dress (ioods for Spri : a store full of newest dress good; fering for instance: Voile 50 inches wide, in all the tv, offered at, the yard 50 inch: s wide, regular $1.00 goo triped Batiste sells regularly at $1 ;red here, at the yard a full line of cream serges at the j jt batiste is very pretty; we have ting' dots at, the yard \IMNA8 TCiH' 3 S 3 I ^ the yodi QC Marion of and Morgan wf "N S**% similar positi JUdI 1U - '"""Jloreon CUI * -* ii?* i:Oj of young Co nj always in tin ^ career was ft 25 approach a 1* "list or the cManufactarer d t'or'nei 23 ??f his musket US handed a win ^2 ' was durii "J A ?2 Hal leek again i /A & I & I 3 iu,ii tl,a' Mo ^ w-Ilalleek's real 25 harassing lit J TRl TriC i the'-ivenuL1'! i 1 I\U VjI\ 3 he kept open : over them to ?^ must he |hm, "5 telegra] I'.. a station Cj ing ilie army orporation I X ** the two-story ,T RT or- 3 telegraph and )^i Nt S. C. ^ ow- om> 1,1 in his office ' ::a>iiiUiaiiiiiUliiiUUiUiUiUUUlUUiiUFC "/ sll|,|,11it's sc the window p ?? - stood a man ~ covering him of Doom II Saved Ills Us. The( face hands th?ll8ht I'd lose my leg," the pistol to i son of H. M writes J. A. Swenson. Watertown, ,ion 8,1(1 or(Jei o ii t i on tim , , sash, venable a. Mis awlul Wis., hen years of eczema, that 15 (>lin i)0(, in t had, for five doctors could not cure, had at last "I'm John 1 ai.cs and oai- ]ajtf me Up Then Bucklen's Arnica Morgan usm .\ho said the 1 ? ,l,is fashion. affoore i Viic oalve cured it sound and well. In- ... , diiecieci las si hie way of ! ild save him. fallible for skin eruptions, eczema ther, "seven salt rheum, boils, fever sores, burn;. .veanwhile ers complete- scalds, cuts and piles. 2f;c at all rounded by Ci eruptions, Ec- druggists. Morgan put ! !>res and all th,i. ke>'- who rheumatism x <>na,,,e' lr?m? Onlv l,,on withdruggists ' Wvl'SON h('on warned ^ wore making i ^ Dentist WM walt,n* " i^^nnr same t<> ad\ ItfH Batesburg. S. C. grapher sent had gone oft ? ' sffelfc Offi e in relcphonc Building. and an order : ,v'' nuuuler for tl At Kidge : pring Ever. '1 ,rsda\ Now. there & though he Is . I'llOlO, for llee M tL ouiiNtss the i legraph I'atCllt I>laCllW V , in-n. v "??nentn awak< .? \vi it In E Subscrib; for 1 lie Ailvo- t) irteen years ' ? hurry, bu Pn Pift v cale now. $1 per year. x hin y ^ I t'o- rssion of inrton, D. C.JI .Hmr.Ue Vena mind and hai telegraph out 1 Open y[ Wc have the i effects; point Des that carries! 3 we do. Any Ladies tailor Lace Collars' j Collars and C te and fancy ind stylishly Our showing m-j Qfr most complete an stylas. The trimm /. * .no better values a ts of lingerie p to those of crk Satin Foularc We have the new. conceivable and t ni-irpe We offer abs r'' in all leading shad and black at, the We have Bla ~ . utely all pure silk s for spring- Satin FalIies, shadings; price, tl new shades Rajah Silk in q?c here at' the yard ds, only, the Japonic\Si" 85c ( Chi??on Pliss i i all shades, at the 00 and l-2o ,, , 89c and 98c Most rard 85c andj^^^ Mercerized cl all colors in Colored batis Scotch Zephj Economy line suits, the yard S outh Carolina. HG TELEGRAPHER. room. His circuit the revolutionary war an^ wah confined t of the civil war occupy "as bi^ enou*h to , , ' knew the dot and I ons in history. General fa(her wa8 a priHOn started on his military he heard his moth uimauder ot a company ] less Morgan had nfederates and operated 1 graph in order to e middle southwest. His ' a trap and destro; ill of daring. Ho would tended for the Fnh nioa picket, assuming to Jimmie got an id officer, reprimand hint wires nassed withi ?ligence, get possession : window before entt and thus capture single '?w. He told his ale picket post. I intended to do, an tg the campaign of Gen. | took his pla\ st Quaker guns at Cor- brush to one end o rgan was operating in ^lu' line wire and in western Tennessee, i cult by means of a tes of communication, ''tg to the ground, r important service. An , Vl 8'*>d connect U fed. That means that 1 '<* didi t know tin I communication must nor wliat station t< intl the supplies passing Hll there was eotui the men at the front l?w, then clicked: ^ t? fj CTftii noro. i in?) ik pit office at mr town or \ times. it was hea on tlie railroad supply- tions up the road, before Corinth, was in ?f 'he train was ad1 in Venable, who lived j One man heard it ly on the upper floor of i n?t intended. Thai station building, the crate operating in 1 ticket office being be- Tinimie's room. H< ght when Venable was the key when he sending the dispatches clicked and knew tl get a heavy train load outwitted him. lie uifh he beard a tap on niander, and a sean anc. booking up, there limmie's hairbrush in Confederate uniform bug trom the main with the muzzle of liis the story. Going t; ifficer had tapped with covered Jimmie's t attract Venahle's at ten- w?s the first t< ed him to throw up the Jimniie was still ui did so, and the officer i "Have you been the window. j Hon to the enemy?' Morgan," he said. i "Yes. 1 have." sai ally declared himself in He did not know t It was the best ims- service he had remh striking an enemy with he hail done some his cause the station was sur- "Ho yon know wh onfederate cavalrymen. ' He bovs who are si lis own telegrapher at sun. began to telegraph Hie "No." had been in commuiii- "Well. It's someth The conductor had 'hit In this case that the Confederates bright, brave little < i raid .-it the region and him somethinj :> be assured# that it was f,e drew a roll of ance. Morgan's tele- from his pocket, pic] a dispatch that Morgan Iar not? and handec in an easterly direction "H-m!" said Jinn signed by a Union coin- contemptuously. .n ?rol? 1 ' nltort SUufac is a hero to this stojy, plaster." This poa asleep in his bed above "?ed during the wai office. lint a flatter Morgan laughed, t *s hint, lieing not over proenbacks, douhtlei old, ho doesn't awake e>'- ar*(l- handing a I t his mother helps him ho>'. went dowi i that the station la In away, followed by h tht dreaded Morgan. Having the tri hit was of a scienliflr wards received a mi rl already a miniature froni thp United Sta 'fit in his own little Norman P. White. ^ ^ ^ ll ~ -wI I Beautiful Nets. i 1 largest and best stock of nets in the State, plain button I prit and "Fish Nets" from 25c to $2.50 I Neckwear " 1 effect Hemstitched Collars the latest toings' at 25c \ I Dutch stvles jabots, to match 25c to $2,50 'uff Sets for coat suits, 74c to $2.50 j ively Shirt Waist Suits 1 of Lingerie one piece Dresses, or shirt waist suits, is the 1 ywhere. These garments are well made and of the latest ings of lace and embroidery are exquisite. You can find ?nywhere' at from $6.50 to $25.00 I . sttiest Silks in the City j Is are all the range. They are proper for early spring, est designs in all colors anb shandings at, the yard 85c ? ? ? ? ? $1.19 olutely all-Silk (No Mixture) Messaline, 36 inches wide ies, as wisterir, heilo, violet pink, old rose, cream, whits, yard . $1.25 ick Satin Raiah the swellest novelty in black silk absolat, the yard $1.39 36 inches wide; are strictly new and come in the latest le yard $1.75 all colors the newest goods for Spring Suits offered 49c : can be oad here in the popular shades at, the yard only I 25c 1 e in the newest materials for daiuty evening Dresses, in 1 yard 19c Desirable Wash Goods. atea in fifty different patterns with or without w.aw.., d solids, best quality, the yard 15c. ^axnbravs in blue, will wash and not fade. 12 l-2c. te in 10 and 12 yard patterns $1.89 'rs, beautiful patterns, the yard 19c :n in all colors, just what you want for skirts and coat 15c Mail Orders Filled ( Es H;:' iIBM fill ffil 1 line alphabet. HI* J**J |?| LfJ U!l 1HI I ier downstairs. hut ^ t\ A T r* /\ *T fl pr say that doubt- , AT UlOUIN " captured the tele tlTmuZ n. ? n ' VSrTp.' decoy a train into BOIIC iSlIlSj C(U1" &%(. [$\ > the supplies in- Ofl gg^ gg^jy Still, /W'.V ) I ??.Tho telegraph **&>) PUQDlOS. ' FKlkV I n ten t'eet of his .. ,, _ ^ ^ .. . , ? 1 . _ B. B B. Cures above troubles, Al-e I ring the office tie- I mother whet he so bc/enin amt Rheumatism, Test B. I d she helped hint. 1 wire, tied a hair- B. B. rrout: I it. threw it over FKfcH completed his < ir- Fot twentj five years Botanic Blood I lead pipe extend- B-?ln? (P. H. li }, lias been curing y*-ar- I it didn't make a H ih usattdR of auffeierwfiom Prltnarj I in but it sit diced cotular> or Tertiary Blond Poison . an. , f hikI all fot tits ol 'lead and >kin I ?is> calls ?,r stations ,,lSes c.., t,., HiP U.nulPm and Ed tall. He watted ./t |sn \? t. ,i v. j 11most obstinate larative quiet ho- casts*, lit cause ? B It cures where alt "P. station. Mor- ahe falls, li vt it have .icttee and pnlna 1 ,v' !.c o\ 'iH,'1 4i! Mucus Pa'ch rd at several stu- I481" 1 " , ' , Pimule> , , . ('mint r- nlond Spots. Ijrc'-..!-"nPl( "? and the conductor pu, ,, ,ir or eyebrow's vised of it at on. e. s. I' i i?^ int. lulling, waterv blisters j for whom it was ..i op< r. umo's K'-si g-or Pintphts of l was the Confed- Eczeltia. Pol is Swc lings, Eat it g the office below sores, take II B. B. It kiils the , was sitting near " mt? '?" l,'t.h " 'J P?rc and r'.d), , . ..., coinp'ohlv < hanging the entire body heard the words .llloMn cVi,h5 c . dII ion. healhat some one had u jf evt'ty M'ie i.i pi inn Us aid slopping notified his com- ?ui|?chta. p n s and Helling, curing r-h was made, and the voisl c.'s?-< t Uiood Poison, llheu* was seen dang- nialistt; oi I?cy.cii dis- ol Jurc U Latlil. ?^red|cnt?. It purllevice 1 he gen- fies and < hiiche- th" blood B. H B. o enter the room, strength* ns the erv? g and builds up t his key. the hr l.c down s>stent. DRUWGI sending infornta- $1 PKIt l? ? BH l'< HOI ' LE, with dl' he asked reetlons f?>r home cure. d Jimmie nroudlv 1 SAflPLE SET FREE by writing to d Jimmie proudly. BL??OD BALM CO., 16 Bio d Balm he extent of the Bunding, Atlanta, Cia. When writ ^red. hut was sine jn^, for sample give name of your thing valuable to trouble, if you kno .v V ' Horehound Mullien and Tar cures s ,IS " '' ' that cough and cold. Nothing like | it in the world. Try it. Large bottle ing very terrible J 25 cents. the boy ts very Why suffer from LaGrippe. Take ^hap, and we will one bottle of Horehound Mullien E for candy. ancj Tar and if it does not cure that Confederate hills COugh ask for your money back and. ked out a ten do!- yOU wiH get it. Don't be deceived l it to Jtnimie. just as g00d medicine. Just use rnie looking at it Qne hottle 0f Horehound Mullien lain t woit i .< an(^ f^urrayS> anj you will nevtal'^currency" w as er take any other cough medicine. - in lieu of silver. All the ingredients of Horehound ook out a roll of Mullien and Tar are vegetable and us captured mon- you can make no mistake in using it Sve-dollar note to for young and old. Try it. Only 25 istairs and rod? - cents. All druggists handle Horelia troopers. I hound Mullien and Tar. If not send tin Jimmie after- oc; pntc t\ IrAct * r\ T~\? ? jch larger reward vvr yruK tea goveroment - C? follJmb,a they will send you one bottle express paid. < j \ ?