The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, March 19, 1909, Image 1

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\ . '.1 K * * TFe BATESBURG ADVOCATE A TRI-COUNTY PAPER. 5 TAULIS -I) 1901 BATESBURG, S. C., FRIDAY, MARCH. 19, n>09. $1.00 PER ANNUM tr > a'""H a Kb/ Send ym I Collet | GEORGb | A t apil -/ Undivii $ Vi H:J{ 1 ^wEf'SH w 111' i ???:? ** kn<>v aaesa BBBBH i '3Bibb ujiir?*--. . v-T^rjiU! ki'i'l" f-* & (rs- XN ' '! ?J m* ! - ?*?S ^ V*, vsr v** v*v v* <?* o> 4* \l THi; FINE Ki.-paiiiWat j' and alI Sil vcrwa i " I have a I ii-yHr . 44 t urn out lirst cla work <4uarantet'i !-:VKS TKSTKI) :Z TI'.F PKRFK( T ^ C 3 4* C. 1 41 t fifVrTftKj MAPK uun i; i" lilaUii O -J , ! _ LV. .. 4 \ i HUfM/i! J 54 C?p?l V ! "" rmm t i All i.c Iciv iii^ visit.; \ ' ':\\ ' 11 pi'ii tiic \ ii voe ?' i * in moil 1.Hin .011 01 before |>I I'lll'O Wi'l'Ii. Mr J no. i Cullum 01 n Spring was a recent visiloi Mrs Artht : VV.-i ks 01 A Wednesday in town Mr M L Woodward ; Ktlu: '*d: sptseveral Johnston this v. :ek. Mr W A Ni. 1! ot AUar.t a visitor to hi. daayhti r Cullum this week. Mis I- K Rrazell and lit: rer Sa n ot (. Mimi.'in :? hei parents Mr and Mrs \ Rev. N N !vi! ton has *roni t iin nvi le. Mi ira t (>n wet it tc this v.'t k 011 bnsint ss, M>* ; M's ! ( Shinty retry wen: e. ?n our str< nesday. MI Rosa R: yell was a Ridge Sy. inj. 1 ttesdny. M W I l.<. . \H i?it YY i. a^cni vv at M >nett \ on ' ,Mr Tin mp n o; Antler pu st o! His istoi Mrs Wi Mr N 1< 11 'vly and littU Kunicc sperr don '.ay in 1 Mr Press Sei^ler of K the gust of 1) vV V l imit Mesdamcs Go >. Hell Ti Coiwdl Cullum and A C X Tuesday in Anj osta. Mr Clifton Civ h' >;i <. wood who op.ct . \; \ here iva here sevtn ! ol.: \ *rd ID OUR A if 1 I lions to I RAILROA DBANKT m^usta, Ga. I ; Lai - - - S:?iiii,()oi).(in y i led I'rolits s i I n,oou.ou ^ 1 U'SINKSS SOLICITKl). ^ 1 >wm m mi I I II ? mim i i. n .i ^ii.. ! 1 i ALL BANK DLPOSIIORS oi nicii l>\ :iny iin'iiiK Many wo- t liii vi' I'ouinl out how much bettor njg t ... Wv r;ui iiiroiml lor t lit'i rrxpmtiit uivjs ^ i i.nh paying 1 ?> ele-eU instead ot ( Thr\ don't have to worry nhout their money has none. They ? ! i\ 1 (li> ?*1 ?t iiimiiiiI . -? s - The - J CITIZENS BANK ?i of Batesbur^c, >. C. ffl 1 A* t c< deposit s t'l'oi |1 W< >! i(M). I louse- i 'IS ;is W'l'li ;i> lill ; i .< ss W(>1 M?* 11 will ^ , in account Immv has many advan- 5$? ' % < pay I |mm* cent. quarterly on ^ ' 11<?'S 1 )(M )(>si I S. 1 V/m pay .) pt M* cent. <>n t i 111? ? r( i 11 'JJ ; of deposit. 5^ o M' WORKMANSHIP ? dies and ('locks, Knives, forks e plated and 1 nadnas <0tod as new jJ and Dull Department that can 4j ss work on short notice and all 4) I- 41 HIKE WD DhASSiA 1 i'll 10 D /.ft SATISFACTION IS ( .\{ A\TK1) X .. JONES, 11 Batesburg, S. C. jj t O"* .yr 4^ ?SS 4 /OV 4h. ^ 4i \ I 9 \t* **? ^ yC Vfj> v?* vf* Vi.* "?0 v-<? ?-Jp ?*P Sf? Su^ | 'PT I ^aVC H?wartl loturnet 1 Wedkju s . iicsi: iv io :vi i e Spring. |-He. r?xi Bounds of Beneitsvilb- is in ' town for sometime. Miss Ruth Cooner spent the week ?Wi end the guest o> Mrs N R Bailey. j" \ 1 e iiiii-r Mr anil Mrs Fred C Cullum retur ' i\ sen liny ned from Columbia Friday, i iniis<ia.v Mr J D Rawl spent Wednesday at Wards. ear Ridge Mr Philips Boatwright of Monetta here. was here .ken spent | Mrs Sallie Jones has returned from a delightful visit to Wards and Ridge Spring. uul D F ; days at1 Mr Graver Holsteiti returned to jhis home in Monetta Tuesday. ! Mr and Mrs A C Gunterof Dennis: ,i G.i. was . . , . . ..ii < j v.;v in in town shopping Wednesday ] Mrs i' I*. Misses Rlsie and Ora Black of {Blacks were iccent visitors here, tie (laugh-1 i Mrs black and da ighter of Monv lsiung V I Kuvij verc 111 town l-'esdav. j Mi Claude Sawyer ot Monetta was returned i . 1 u 'on out streets this week. j Mr led Jones of Samaria was here > /a us ttsta j Monday. Mr J P Bu/.hardt of Wards was a! of Mollis j recent visitor here, cets Wed- 1 Mr I. K Raw. visited Columbia, ' Allendale and Charleston last week ' ' . 11 /\?* / ? 1 j on business. i Mr C:v(!i Guiiicr >! Seivern was lne.v,!a\ I ;n l(nvn Monday. u Mr C 1. Jo .< ; spont Sunday in son's '',l Columbia jp 11 Cooner. . , ; Miss Giace lhrnilkill of Ridge, c daughter Spring .vas the guts'. of Mrs M S 3 Columbia. Rutland Wednesday. j ii urclci w as Miss I .udie Fa 11a w of Wagner has terman. arrived and will spend >ome time I a here n in merman 11 one spent FOR RENT w !)> g house, five rooms with j Cireeu- j.r . .fi, new Baptist Church at j, , as a boy jr.)(i.O per nton'h. " ''l< M and Alice Jones OVERTl REV. W. T. HUNDLEY "IN ITIATES" HIS DEACONS. On the evening of the 8th inst your humble servant had the pleasure of being present at a "Fruit Supper" and "Smoker" given by Rev. W. T. Hundley to his deacons it the home of Mrs. Fannie B. Hartley. Bro. Hundley had iust returned from Florida and brought with him \ variety of rare and delicious fruits ind cigars. His heart was beating lorm.di for it was just like him to nvite an unworthy set to enjoy the *ood things with him. Our pastor Iocs not believe in half way dcings ind being a man of extraordinary aste and culture we were nccessarly initiated in some respects on this occasion. Everything was most tastefully ind elecnnt-K* iTrinnn.l 1?;? uuuii(;v.w am.1 ' UClIlg something to eat ? delighted the ;rude spirits of all visitors present. Bro. Hundley is a wise man. His leart and mind are filled with an ntense desire to elevate the worldly astes of his people and he has r.ade a good start in the right diection?down his deacons throats. Grape fruit, pineapple, oranges. :ake anil ten cents cigars will bring them out when nothing else will. My own taste for grape fruit was so much cultivated that 1 went down town a day or two afterwards and bought three but before I could get out of town Ira Carson who was ah so at the feast made me divide with him?"Between me and you and the gate post"?if I was Bro Hundley I would not waste much time on l)r. Ridged for I see he is smoking"01d Va. Cheroots" right on He'll never break him and if he die he would spoil a good fainter foi he makes two hales of otto a tc the acre and six ears ot corn to tht stalk In farming like politics he is .1 i^v.. n_v,i cAtepi me sin 01 omission to plant enough acres and stalks Will Cooncrand Bro. II. T. Wright being men of business and accustomed to chewing lead pencils fell tc eating grape fruit as though i1 were an every day occurrence. As sure as I live I mean to buy i box a piece of these "Throw at the Monkey" cigars for Albert Jones md brother J. C. Glover to practice c?9 ?j) r>) I V i Si I 11 i tig 1 ?' ' 'II ^ security. I i j)f? ?l eel Kill I I ^ IV fs I 1 ?go \ ei 11 lin'Ul < Mil" st'cx'U ll? ! t {i-i 1 <i I m i.'-i 11?" c 1 i M'i'l I est; ft i( litis sci'\ ? (I u p u l;il*?4? an (C, is nolle toil j_M A people nt BA I I .- r-0p on. Because he kept his mouth stop ed up all the time with fruit and i g a 1 s, brother J. W. Cooner hincd as the star guest oi the eve 'PPro. V\. 15. llite was not theie nd I am very sorry that I have othing more to write about,?ex ept to say that we stand ready and 'illing at any time to let brother Iundley off for another vacation in lorida. 1'he Other One SEMENTi - REV. N. K. BURTON AND ' HIS LEXINGTON CALL Reference was made a week ago \ to the fact that Rev. N. N. Burton ' I had been called to the pastorate of the Lexington, (Jh. Baptist church. . For four or live years ending in l s9l Mr Burton served as general missionary of the State Board, in Lexington Association. Early in 1892 he f accepted a pastnrnate in Oarlington c county and was succeded in the j Lexington work late lam en .ed Rev. ^ N . G. Cooner under whose labors c the church at Lexington was oiga- ; nized and of which ht. for a time. v was pastor, the church though small a is in iTfiod rnnrlitinn nvcollont ! " ? ? - . * I prospects for growth ulor.g lines tj It is a pleasing coincidence thai while t Mr. Cooner suceedcd Mr. Burton as l( missionary, now after an interval of v fifteen years Mr. Burton cotud be- s come pastor of the church coi ituted by Mr. Cooner. Both men w members of Batesburg Baptist hurch, i and like David and .Jonathan wo ithe (i warmest of personal friends e Mr. Burton will preach only half ] the time at Lexington or two Sen- j< days in each month and wilt continue ] to make hi. home in Batesbur , where , ; he is loved by all It's people t( MRS SUSANNAH PADGETT J DEAD t, l. c Saluda, March ic - Mrs. Susannah , s I i i Padgett. wife ol the Kev. M. D. Pad- , 11 ... r gett, died at hex 1. cue near Mt. Will- i . r ( ing at 7 tonight. Mr^ Padgett has . been quite ill tor several weeks and despite all medical attention has j gradually grown worse. M, and Mrs j Padgett have been married for 51 ^ years in April r.nd hey u. ! en looking iJ:ward to tixe anniversary . , of their marriage that they might j . celebrate their golden wedding. It t , was their purpose to have done tiris , . on the fiftieih aninversry but an . ... i . j * affliction in the family at the time ; x } pi evented it. . The funeral will be held at Sardis j [ church, this county, Wednesday. f I'OK BALE Asparagus roots. Now is the time 1 to plant. E. P. Boatwright Monetta ' S. C. V.teP> xi.-O* 0>?s9 1 H I: F i R S I > 11 ! i 11 < lo| m f>i I i iiu iii< i u * \ in ? < i ii t ;t I ;i nil si i f >111- :m l he i ix i. The si A T I O N A i.. sii | M'i'i lit ?M n Is am I i > ;i 111 i 11 1 111?' fs ;s! h I < I i reel < ;T l ?' :-t *s I x > l :? ss 111? 11. riii< B A N K il dished <t\cr v y<-.n?. during \v I he I ?anl\ i n?? | ?u i >! ie t;t it h I u 11 \ <1 | >!'? ?s| )e|'? ?|| s business. The iii ?< m I fi ?r niir cuiiDt iy eiist?nner T B S B U_R ( FIRST ASPARAGUS SHIP- C WENT. Jc Ridge Spring, March 15.? The first shipment ot aspara ;u tor this (j. season was made bv Mr. h. 1. Car- j1( wile on the '< o'clock express Sat- a, ttrday. ;s Toe asparapiis crop tor the past three years has proved to be the most remunerative of all the cropc grown on'he mr. ... "Ridge" c< tion. ^ i >-lT W1 WINS ARMY APPOINT-jS MENT. Jit. J. S. FOX GOES TO FOHT WORTH, TEXAS, ASHRST LIEUTENANT g In the recent examinations hekl or commissions in the medical corps >f the United States army. Dr. J. S. 4ox, one of the surgeons at the St. V] 'rancis Xavier Hospital, was a sucessful contestant, and the war de>artment has notified him that he nil be commissioned a first lieutennt. and will be ordered to proceed o a post in the west. One htin- '' il'Prl ilnrtr.ic Inni; fli?> pvimi'natinii or the appointments, but only thireen were successful. Kr. Fox. /ho will be one of the youngest urgeons in the army, was high up 1 the list of the fortunate ones. k'u Dr. Fox is a son of the late Dr. co '. S. Fox. of Batesburg, who was a *IV listinguishcd surgeon in the Confecl- wo rate army. He is a nephew of Mr, ^lo . I . Fox, of that town. Dr. Fox 2{) years of age. and was born in tn< latesburg, S. C. After completing ca lie high school at that place he en- ,n( ered Richmond, Va.. and was there or three years, when he entered the Clt /fedical College at Baltimore. Four- an' een months ago he came to Char- 113 sston to accept an appointment as inc of the house surgeons of the St. 110 Mancis Xaviei infirmary, and during ac lis stay in this city has made a fine ca ecord for himself and now has 101 nany friends here. l,J When seen yesterdaj Dr. Fox ;tated that he had not yet received lis commission, but expected it ra' luring the early part of the week. A' \s scon as this important paper ar-, D. "ives he will leave here for Fort Sam da TAVOO ofofl/.n W f , M.\jy I.uvil, *- V.AU1 UiV. guuiv^n VX^ai^lirt* edinthe orders of the war depart- 11 nent. There are at present several roups of the 3rd field artillery re^i iicnt stationed at this-important posi : i< vhich is considere i to he one ot the in; rtosi a; rec '>!e arnty post! in h? i?; south. <1' >.. '. 1i- . r _ i ) If ... ? < t viteie ! t i Ul he Army hie ti. a". . . ? ;< r a )ci'i >cl i! I'i.'ht hi dev. and i.t Jouricr. .v D -i>? r S.>.-.9V n r> I \ h tei I :'v fo i Ul' a bunk ^ i!?-i i< >s ji (?ix I w< frc r lat an h i-> I ?;i nk. j 1 ' : op idle. w.'ll th. 1 j to L I WC i i to, A i Sc Iti<'h linn* /p ami built a co Ni?r\ i < ' z i ca s .1 lid 1 lie ^ a11 f va . A ot Il \ u;i O' v>--0* >??> 1.^5 an A DIP OWNER MEETING. It ill! There will be a meeting of general its imrs Conner camp No '>3b Satin op ly April 3rd at 3 o'clock P. M. in wV ie rear of the Citizens Hank to be l'u" :ld for the purpose of Rcorginizing 111 ul otlu r purposes. A full attei dance requested. U. X. Gunter com\V. P. Cullum adjutant FOR RENT 5 room house for rent. Central 1 1 art u the town. Nice garden. Appl\ to 1 1. Hart.? | LL FAY iOUTH'S ADVANCES TO HELP NA- ' TION LOGAN OF SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL CONGRESS' GUESTS. 1 I unq rsse IM.EY'S OPTIMISTIC ** VIEW cd I tESIDENT OF SOUTHERN BE- LA LARES THi? SECTION NEEBS anci ONLY DEVELOPMENT TO ! OVERSHADOW PRESENT PROGRESS. ' pre* Washington, March 15.?Distin- ni( ished men from every part of the untry, jurists senators representaes and leaders of the business rid, attended a dinner tonight in j:|jj nor of Col. John M. Parker of ^ :w Orleans, President of the Sou:rn Commecial congress. 1 he ocsion reflected ir. a marked decree i rapid strides which the congicss Sotr s made since it was lunched in this pro! y three months ago. as a potent * '1(; d vigorous agency lor a greater :m i , it w; tion through a greater South. ^ou This slogan was the key-note of- next table speeches prophetic of the purf hievements to follow the igorous ,s^s 1 mpaginof the congress in its missr of revealing to the whole country w South's wonderful resources. Addresses were delivered by W. uHj . Pinley, president of theSouthern ilway: senator Jos. YV. Johnston of labama. Former Senator Henry G. L Avis. Representatives Jos. F Rans- & ne 11 of Louisiana, Reprc entative Sr.e sbert L. Henry of Texas and others ^ ios. G. Boggs of Baltimore was tow ast mast*r. the "Our Southern section is a land |1?n :h in natural resources and abound- b pro) m oppGiluni v declared Mr. arra t.lcy, thesplen . iic<. rdoi accom- thei i. mad? b its people in turf liiuing an agricultural, industrial y*-0 , is si i c ... al r: .pire upon tnc ,,'j^ left by war is atx assurance of pos i.vtici . .ogress yer io come, k VI Odd I RAT 10hi 01- P0S3I- J BiLi TIES "What has alreally been aceom- " isi.cvi may be teguarded as little ne than a demos;ration of the ex- c^,u it of the Southern soils' mines and a> ri" rests, and of the possibilities of Dl rersit'ieM countr.'. Vh e doing cir full pat; ;or the deveh merit of > j 1 cir m: lioi., the Soiiif.crn peo;nc \%K\ jlcome the el tieient and industrious d. the )m otner sections, and tiom other s j1( ids. The man with money to invest es C d the man seekim profitable em- lAi oyment will cut... .it. . abudance of reP iportunities. In ia>_. i o not believe V'^'; at in any other section oi thecoun- j?cjv ' can a man who is not afraid to > T i irk find conditions more favorable j mat r his advancement than in the cial. nithern States. -ro1 r . .... was It. is the mission o: tae ooutnern met nimerctal congress to voi> c the . A 11 of the South 'or men of < ipitul j d enterprise to aid in the most ad- ryj,. ntagcoi.s utilization o its manifold ' (i\\ sources. In my opinion the success |;n the organization will depend ind'-!::< 1 .U 1 ftll ry large measure upoi the plan -y, loped tot its work. It will of course I n to supply tiit most complete ert< d detailed iunormation that can be ol . itained as to the advantage and re-' Mr.. * .. ' I gv, ti es ot each locality. is in the tield oi disseminat!m* r' J l v ormation as to tae South and 1 on resources and iov loianun public -jinion as to thee e< tn>?mi< >Oiicies (jui] lich are essential to the highest day ^ree o! prosperity i. ti. u;h nitu i Commercial i< nq.; s innv a : 1; A )st efficiently Bak and :iODK ISLAND K: Id CHICK- quit KNS. Eggs from thoroughbied, tirst ^ cmuun chicken. A (X) IS ' V f'Si . are . \ . o. 11 < Of I ice. v YOU 1,000.00 BRIDGE GRAFT. rERED TO SUPERVISOR UNCORD TO GO ON WiTH STEEL BRIDGE CONTRACT he Advocate has learned from uestionable authority that a repntative of the bridge company ling contract to build a bridge rthe Saluda river, has approachsupervisor Langford and offerlim ON E THOUSAND DOLKS to go on with the contract keep out of court, upervisor langford told the repntative very emphatically that vould only talk to him in the | >ence of his lawyer. SPENSARf CASE ON APRIL 5 TED STAVES SUPREME COURT HLL RENDER DECISION ON THAT DAY /ashington, March 15.?The In Carolina dispensary case will lably be decided on April 5. ease was recently argued in the red States Supreme Court, and as announced today that the rt would take a recess from Monday until April 5, for the aose of considering several cathar have recently been argued, dispensary case is among these, not known vet who will write opinion. ARGED WITH SOLICITING HANDS exington, March 15-?Will Lorick :gro, was arrested by Dupetv riff Miller en Friday night upon arrant sworn out by Mr. W. W. re. a lumber manufacturer of this n, charging Lorick with violating law governing the soliciting of ds from one State to another. It lid that Lorick had secured the nise of several negroes and was nging to secure transporation for rt to go to Florida to work on a >entine farm. So far no effort has n made to secure his release. It tated that he denies the charge ough the proof seems to be quite itive. EPISCOPAL SERVICES ev. Royal Shannonhouse will 1 services in the Methodist rch Sunday morning next at 11 i. Public cordially invited. WUV wruro ij u ti it, & tl U LI D IV 0 ge Spring, Mch. 15. Special?A ghtful evening was vouchsafed Ridge Spring people at the doI auditorium recently by Miss jwynn, Andrews, Cromer and sv Watson. The school child00 added much to the enterment aiul the music by Messrs. ritt an i Bryan and Miss Lucy cards was well rendered. 'he play as given was "Not a i :u the 1 ouse." and was appre )ly received by a good crowd ii whose attendance a neat sum real'/.ed for school improvelt. t.e social function Tuesday afm .. by Mrs. Gerald Watson anil as. Jones in honor of Misses .u Amite.vs and Cromer, was enjoyable affair. An elegant ..eon was provided and clelightfruit punch lavishly served by ,-es Coy Wood and Olive Miller. ^ most delightful affair was the . rt.tiniug n We ir.esdav evening 1 number of guests at Mr and W 11 Stuckev in honor of Miss i S'o ekey. lr. I.. S Watkins moved Moniiuo his splendid new residen- e Mien street. he altable Mr E. E. Ware of urn and Co. was in town Tues placing a van of handsome turre tor Mrs L. S. Watkins. ? birthday party at Mrs. A. C. er's Monet ta was much enjoyed M>. !' ikcr was the recipient ot e a nv nber ot gifts in honor of o casion. A luncheon was itiiy served by the fair hostess t mimhet cl appreciative quests. ,ii. i d Mrs. Kyh and daughter 1 "cl ? Spring foi a protracted F. D. P.