The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, March 05, 1909, Image 5

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^ A( Exquisite Waists I Newest Oper We received last week a shipment Spring styles. They are beautifully mac certainly swell. Prices $6.00 to $10.0( The New Monogram ' We have a beautiful line of the ne) gram. These waists have the new styl Directoire effect collar. They are lace fact, they are the advance Spring styles range from, each $5 to $10. Newest Style W An extremely new waist is the net 1 ored embroidered dots and persian b. Mousquetaire. The colors are white an at $3.50 to $5.00. Mall / t t*/i 1IAMII V/ I U VI CI WHITE WASE GOO We quote a number of special valt week. You can always depend on this kind at the lowest prices. White Madras for men's shirts, 36 next week at the yard Persian lawn, 45 inches wide and fered at a special price this week of, th Madras, 27 inches wide, in stripes 35c value offered for the yard T ucked madras, 27 inches wide week at only, the yard Pure linen sheeting, full 90 inches worth $1.00 a yard; offered at the yard Checked Dimity, 27 inches wide, < ing from, the yard These goods are worth double the M*??1 O"4" > * J Genuir M wwmihtinnumumumumm A 'PHONE GIRL'S COUP, tlx "Carl, this is dreadful." th< "Calm yourself, Gretchen. Try to an, throw It off your mind. If you can't |<>\ you will land In a lunatic asylum." j,,M "Rut to think of Helnrlch being put ed to death and he innocent of the liei crime! Mow can 1 throw tlint olf my j mind? We must Dud a way to get ids ' sec new evidence before the court." jes "That Is impossible, sweetheart. dot We have had the last, rehearsing of the case, and it is closed. Do try to ; ,u,! make up your mind to bear it. You will not only lose your reason, but she make me lose mine. No judge or he; court can now help us to save your wo brother." w h "Could not the emperor?" dm "The emperor cannot interfere in law frdKPfl UoeiHoo I* b - ?? ^voiuco, IV WUIIIU lit" tillpossible to get an audience with "Not on a matter of life and death?" "Unquestionably. Suppose every vie p convicted prisoner or bis friends < m could interview the emperor about his case. He would have not time for his llui legitimate duties. Besides, the . courts have exclusive control of such ; livl matters." Probably the latter The lover went away. Than Marie see HYolbel, u friend of Oretr^en's, came in. Marie waa employed In the cen- 1 qui F tral office of the Berlin Telephone. She not only knew of Oretchen's trou- I tha bJr- bu' -j/flred Iroxn It herself "arl, Ph' L dvanced ( for Spring Wear n , , . ulcdlcSI Lll of Opera Waists in the latest Je of embroidery and laces and are ' We say unfit: > Waists are Lovely. , , . u .vest Lingerie Waists?the Monoand nest?trie grt e Mousquetaire sleeves and high ^ ^ , . and embroidery trimmed. In ttte oOtlXll. WC I *. and are certainly lovelv. Prices . ? - are right in every Waists in Net. ter Suits and a I waists we are showing in the col- Come here and cl ands. The sleeves are the new d ecru. They are excellent value them at all reasoi Hilled. j tseaui 3 ^isriD We are showi ?. Princess and Rinp i- These Dresses are "jT'^CSS Filet and Irish, S I JL""' shades, i rices rai T .TTTH^ 'tn "u'ri: ;r'-'t,,osl 1 IN > these d? esses are exc-lient . , , ... And The lace is ?f ill.' nuw? ies in White and wash goods this ... . . . , . . ? , ... lliese dr. s es n r theprett store for the best goods of this Tb new one piece k inches wide, a bargain offer for'are hand embroide-ed Tht 25c. are made with the new Pai a very sheer piece of goods, of- shades at. each e yard 15c, Then we have a beat! and checks, sheer quality, regular are leading and ' he making 25c. est lhinj>s for spring vvtar. and worth 25c a yard; offered this \ t2 1-2 yards > wide and well 2>pt only 79c. x ] , x_ l ;xcellent qualities at prices rang- INC. XL \\ > v K \V0 C ioc.to25c.iand Fancy Materials price asked. /|/| I ri/i 1 ? ? "'ill SO Co/ nml ;\'i immmmmmmmmmfmnmmmfnmmmmmntmmmmHif le Peruvian Gt Untouched by the Chemist or thecM. |||| For TOBACCC fc- COTTON TRl Ip Peruvian Guano Cor j UHAKLtb i UIN, S. C. UUUUkUlt> UUUUilUUUUitUUUUUIftUiUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIUtMU i condemned, and Marie nan ueen phone and give it to yon Sta> at i;Iimv tool children together, and, al- 1 home, never going even lor a minute ,|ifivi, nigh they had not spoken of love t where I can't reach yon." tl no one suspected them of being Marie kissed her friend and went , 'ei-8, still Marie hid a secret in iter away. She had caught an idea. The you j <nt. Site alone knew that she lov- question remained. Would site get an ejro Carl. Hut she must not display j opportunity to work it out? There ,)u.'n r frelin :s as her sist? r did. might be a penalty attached to what tj,e "Marie, said (iiettlien, I must sin- proposed to do, Init what was that room tin' . i.peror. Carl s his ma- compared with a chance to save the t\ < not help i ? If lie won'U. I lire or the man she loved. h.|(l , j'l believe it. He lias the p.-?rer In a few days, when C.retchen was do almost anytliing. I am i re lio endeavoring to get her mind off the p|l( i a kind heart." tragedy by doing some housework, whom larie pondered. "It seems to me.'" there was a ring at the telephone. e(j a said presently, "that a woman's Taking up the receiver, she heard a an j, mi is more susceptible to pity end woman's voice ask: I amj j] uhl he easier intliienced, especially . 's .v?11 baroness?" reopei en what is asked conflicts with Nou arc began Orelchcn. an(j j ty." "The emnress." 1 was r 'But tlie emperor l? .to. ? woman." nrott lmn trembled. | Ma, Tint ntpmtt la. " ? N"' >'?"r 1 "m " ???* 1 Bin l.aa ah,, tl.o power"- barotteea. I am only a poor at, Yea. m tantieme the emperor." . brother lata been eontente,I to ,hr.? Will, bat we eannol eel to. titter. "',,11, for a crime he did no, con,,..It. cttlletl w wlili her any more with the "?? Uvea me Ibis oitporltiall. to Ore,el . ask you lo help to save hi?n. 1 l?eR ; recciv V think possibly I may manage ,hi,t >m,r w]? ??>Pl?ro the j ,nonli ? 1 emperor to use his influence to give 0f i( , You a poor glil working f< ; your a" opportunity to get the new , fenS(, |?K get me a., int-. vi- wi h the ' ,<?of ,lint he% ,s death , ... j rtrir, ,,11 your majesty, how you would fe< I tr When !'i#Iv in t .if* k;i nofiniM' . , . . , . . .... one dear to von were about to be , was r Sometimes I have great power to " ,!. * . al. a at . i ,, nllln" Killed. Wlllell tire the attention of great p opto. . ,, ,,,, , ,, .... . , ^ .,9 ; ii 11 r. I his is singular, said the voice or weddi What do you mean? i !1 me ? ? i i he empress nt> if to herself. Ihen. ' '. . , . ,in 1 f'tlve me your brother's name, my . . have riven you hope. I.ive on . ' At ' _ , ' , 1 pom a i l and t win " it for the preeenf If t "? > n v 'II c.ijl j 'ods for SP] f Suits in the South. We w iglv that we have the largest ses ever of and every line of Ladies' Tailored Suits in Roses, but year. We store full of new Sui:s andtheyj You simply can not find bet- iwh line to select from nnvwhere 1 Mat om a rare collects n. We have > Uut trices. t ? r\ 1 Mai .vening* Dresses. im> -piece Lingerie Dresses in the les (hat are lovely creations, if beautifully inserted bands of shad^ehs are all white and all leading tory offer n $10.00 to $30.00. wearWewa Dresses of Habutai Silk. The materials of pajr ; exquisitely trimmed with lace inserted. ?s There are very near all shades in stock, esi values ever offered tor $30.00 Wee $ ate certainly swell. The waists in part 25c. to 75 re Mousquetaire. lace and tucked, skirts We h We have these Iresses in the newest thatweof $20.00 Forc tment of Messaline Dresses. The styles at, thespt that can he had. They are simply the new- Coat, each is * $35.00 >kirt Offer. 1 Now i finest skirts m Voile, Panama and size > aced on sale at each $9-00 work in ei W ' >>. uth Caroling WWWWMj? LAST OF THE SLAVERS. ,,,"^'7,', 23 I was llrst malt- of tho Mary t!ooii- "u* '?K 2T* win of Philadelphia when tlio strung- t ho'' J % /"X ,'-sl ,l,inB '? all alaring life hup- been Kon I ? W pened. \V< were on the banks of bundle of ~ -"--I Newfoundland, (he home of the fog '? 22' king, and the mist had cotne down on J0"'* '' lu|1 he ami hit , , as thicker than 1 liad ever seen it. It ?- v% (I 2?? last..| so long without lifting that the servath.ii ?a plain lost :ill traces of reckoning. 1 "? niiiu.tes .rer 22, We were off Halitaw. Cape Race or or about II 222 Cape Iticlou, we didn't know which. ary island ?*^ ! ii>;111 > lie concluded to drop an an- rica. The -3 clior and wait. which led ^ Then was a i onside;able swell roll- on board ing beneath us, hut of course no wind, the vessel 2^ | That would hav? blown away the fog. The pe ?^ ' "tie night the watch heard the sound slavers \v> ??3 ' ol a distant I>?-! 1. Cor an hour it goes of y 9* 53 ' ,0N?d faintly, then \ery slowly he- roast to tli \m yf 22| ! canto more distinct. It was evident- castle we J X. a I^V. 23 'v ''""'h'S toward us. It must be which wat "3 drifting, for there was no wind to won't com 23 of steam. At last the hell tolled ills- terpreted i till sails, and we could hear no sound wished to auilly within a cable'* length of us. 'he crew t 23 We began to bt anxious and rang slaves. 1! i.| ^3 our own bell to let the stranger know u> kill him ^(1 r H I 1f)T -3 in liet captain's 23 was little chance of lie: crew being cabin. Tb able to turn her, for there was no This indie 23 wind, hut they might atielioi She anchor wit ' 23 | was 1 omitrr so slowly as not lo hint toiind no 3 much Ir on fouling except for the captali iuuuuuuuuuiuuuuil ,::: .. __ s! o 1 ! he let down >11 l! 1 titer, while the there might he a terrible clash. groes a sti 1.oil to. ?ni .ni* <J|" si glial excited 110 reply, e:;<ept cable, 1.11 Jin part of the government In :ii ''-lling ?' 'ho '"'11, whi o eoniinu- "" 'he ?hi; which the emperor administers. ''(l constantly. rearing those on the wir,> w??' am sorry for you and will help apl'i "aching vessel had not lieir.l lis, lt? 1 self in f I tan." Ut' hied a gun. Hut this elicited noth- 'a'n '> tehen gave her brother's name, '"v Presently we could hear the !M"1 died thanked the empress, hung up " tolling right beside its and now And so ceiver and danced all around the HIU* 'hen something black would ap- ' "oate< But soon she began to he de- l'oar not twenty feet from us, hover '-v " driflc cut again, though now that she 'here for a few minutes, then disap- 'v 'uriiing he empress' promise to try to l'oar. "me it came near enough for northern e Iter she did not despair. "s distinguisli the side of a ship. th?n caugli lie.Vt fhlv I III. ill.l.m I.. I ... \Vc VM.|-|? I.II II II I I' Ctl'flill fl.f 1)01 e it so the case had been tried rnceiv- awlillt*. f. aring that wo would clash " summons to the palace. Tin m wi,,t Granger; then we caught a awa> aml itervlew occurred between him sllnqee of her stern under our bow- requiem f? lie emperor, which resulted in a sl,(> 1,a(l ovldenth passed us. ss waa 1 uing of the ease in question, At eight bells the next morning the ,lnt u n the end the condemned man f?K 'i:i,>d. There was no sign of land, 1("iRcr Six it-quitted. but on our starboard quartc i was a ",u> ^''s le Kroihel had succeeded in get- barkentine without sails. Iter foiemast ro,,p aa<' ' lersell assigned to a field which "< lolling with the wan \ wind 1*ortt ised the empress' private line; pram; up. and lising sail, we made plenty of e< the first time tlie empress was toward In r. When v. e eanc neat her an<l aftei" Marie connected her with cajdain sent a boat's new to in- hride a set icn. Marie wailed, expecting to \esli. i. qnaiitit> o e her dismissal hut when a ^ ' : ; ' ' ,'11" l,:"' * ' - n s'"x i had passed and nothing came dent!.. . - 1 : . whib ' .u die concluded that luce her of- ' ' '> ' . > ' t! had over had tolling it i concerned a malt of life and ' '"t < w - 'h I I < . woman, !'" iter majesty iuul pardoned It. and v.. . ; o s in ihc door of , ,a>;1 ,'H" the prisoner we.; released there >! * ? nin'n eabi to limi that. It loln- Mexi jreat rejoicing by two families, was in a I h and, notwithwas celelirated hv a double '"in.. ,!n an ? ings liie vessel ng.? Helen Inglehart. hail i . I hud not rolled out L_rr;w We 1 i I I'd oi ihi- log book for the 11 1 I ?'ni> nM.,? nf thrPH " was dated 1h - ?? RING & ur Slrong, Sturdy Rose Bushes for 25c. atest Rose Bush offer ever made to the peo>Iumhia. ill sell next week some of the finest one-year-old growing Rofered in Columbia. These Roses are grown on their own roots, Rose will be true to name and color. These arc not dormant growing when you buy them and will positively bloom this have three different packages as follows: Collection No. 1. nan Cochet pink. 1 Etoile de Lyon?red. ite Bougere white. 1 Kathryn Mermet?pink. Collection No. 1 lame Welche?yellow. 1 Hermosa-pink. chess de Brabrant?pink. 1 Rainbow?streaked (crimson and pink.) Collection No. 3. Climbing' Rose3. ie 1 Tpnriette?red 1 I _ - VjUV Willie, chel Neil--yello\v. 1 Gloria de Dijon?cream and salmon. Price 25c. a Package. Good Values in Gloves. ave just received a new line of 16-Button Silk Gloves in all rhey are worth $1.50 a pair, but we offer them as an introducat, the pair $1.00 lso have a complete and new line of Kid Gloves for Spring e have all shades in the best Gloves you can buy at from, the $1.00 to $3.00 Notion Department. iffer next week Hair Barretts in all colors, regular values at from c. each, at, each 15c. to 50c. iave a beautiful line of Hair Goods in Switches, Puffs, Rats, etc. fer you at prices lower than you would pay elsewhere, imbroidery work we offer Coat's Embroidery Cotton, all colors, >ol 5c. s Darning Cotton 2 spools for 5c. Mail Orders Pilled. *uy Window Shades Here, is the time to buy your Window Shades. We have any kind ou want and in all the leading colors, at from 25c. up. r special order Window Shade Department we make any size, olor shade you want and make them right. We guarantee our ,-ery particular. Our prices are very low. I _ a a vi w 1 5 H >w Cl I. 1 oacic ^ ' love letters from a woman tfsT^OI^O"IST *r^>' attain ila- last dated not *~aK? i- tin- log began, told us that (v /jnZ\ RflllP Pdillt! Hon. * wife must have made the IMP" bU1^ n , ' n. wedding trip. The last ob- PyY^. CBFj SCSiy SKlH, C^5?V?'*' showed latitude 23 degrees * i?ir PilTlIllP? ffVi'tv ' i north, longitude 18.20 cast, llllllUua. 100 miles south of tlie Cans and oft the coast of Af- |j jj Cures above troubles, AI*e ship's Intats were gone, us to believe that everyone so Eczema and Rheumatism, lest U. except the woman had left g g and made for the land. ' I'-REIriod, iKf?4. was when the ere running the last car- For twenty five years liolanic IWo ad negroes from the African Palm (t> It. 15 ), has been curing \?;t u- United States. In the fore |> *i??\'sai?ds of sutTeiers fiorn i' , . Secondary or Tertiarv IHood I'mson found a scrap of paper on and all forms of blood and shin I >b ; written. "The old man eases, Cancer, Rheumatism and 10c tent; do the job." We in- zetna. We solicit the most obstinate this to mean that the men cases, because 15. It It cures where ah force the captain to take a'!"e fall** If >bu litlVe aches and pains ishorc to secure a cargo of 1,1 ??ck or Joints. Mucus I'u'ch , . . ,. es in mouth, Sore thr at, I'linpli . e declined, and they were Conper-t'olored Sp >|h, Ulcis n ai. I. All this accounts f<if ?>?> .. . ... ? - ] pun 01 i in* I > >ci v, or ri> Imm , wife being locked in his falling out. Itc-lung, waterv l> is'?. . ie port anchor was gone, or open humors li'su gs or Puppies, ated that the ship was at Eczema, Boils Swe.lingi, l.i p ten the crew left her. We S(ms' lak? lV. lV 1 * kl"? ' ''' . , poison, nut kcs I he luo.>d pure and mi., evidence to show whether completely changing ilie cut tie hod 1 was killed or went with into a clean, liealt li> c cable had evidently part- tog every sore or pimnb s and stooping s blown offshore. Probably all aches, pains and itching, curing men were ashore after Tic- I he worst case ol Biood 1 uisoi , 1,1a u ? )' i" (', L''111 and brok.P.11.h<: m HOT AN Lt^BLOU IJ HALM ( It. H. H) tely the captain was killed is pleasant and safe to take; c >mpuscd l>, and during the melee his of pure Botanic ingredients. It purito the cabin and locked ties and enriches the blood It. H It. Possibly she may have strengthens the erves and builds un < berth, faint from fright, kl;11 (',(,)WV i ' '' ,, Ml 1'Elt LrltLL ItOTI'LE, v\!Hidi, , rections for home cup . it was that this wuniann SATII'LI: SKT PRI-li by writing to I no one knew where. Like- BLOOD I1ALM CO., lo Bio d Balm d southwest ward eventual- Building, Atlanta, (la. When writ northward, possibly to the ?ng for sample give name of jour nd of the Atlantic ocean, trouble, If you kno.v. it winds or currents which nth again to where we The rope to the bell rotted . the waves tolled with It a . Kodo' lor Dyspepsia and In Iiges r this bride whose happl- tion is a combination of the natural *o short lived. digestive juices with necessary aci Is, was destined to float no and it actually digests the food you h ii derelict so near the eat?no matter what kind of food it intic steamers between Eu- maybe. It does the ordinary work America was a men?c? ia .f .l. .. . ol inc siomacn. so tnat t>y taking a mutely we had on hoard little Kodol every now and then you unbHRtables to destroy her, cannot possibly have indigestion or giving the l>ody of the an form Qf stomach trouble. Sold i burial we placed a large . y y R Guntcr Drug Store. f gunpowder In the hold, ' ' v match, then, getting into pulled away, the hell still rFlnO A fl \/APM f'O -equlein. Presently n flame -Lilt' xxtA V wt/CL ^ waters trembled, and the slavers sank to the hot- Sj / X ? ^ Jl.UU e for The Advocate now. Per Year.