The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, January 08, 1909, Image 5

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Sale Starts Thursday January 14. S35,0( ??? 1 ' .1 Underwear. i Men's and Boy's Dress HEAVY. and Work Shirts. < .<M.) Wrights I'ndorsliirts: Drawers 75c $1.25 Manhassett Shirt 89c j 1.00 Silver 79c o. 1 loavy Fleeched Yaeg- ! 75c Cato " 47c 'ltdershirts and Draw-! 50c " 39c :U(> 35c Work " 29c i Camels I lair and Wool 440 < ts and Drawers $1.15 ? Hosiery. 0 Genuine Scrivene Drawers 79c 10c Ladic's Men's and Children's Hoys Heavy Fleeced Shirts 5c' 7c and 8c< drawers 23c 15c Ladies 12c 25c " 19c K) Lightweight Wool Shirts '^c rawers $2.35 50c " 40c 85c 65c K) Men's and Ladies' Oneita $L00 75c j. Suits 79c '-SO " $1.19 4 Union Suits 40c Clothing and Pants. , ... - in In point of style, workmanship Children s Union Suits 19c * .7 K and comprehensiveness of stocks ..... ? ... we sidestep for no concern in or outLadie s Vest & Drawers 40c , , ,,, , side of the State. We have unLadies V est & Drawers 22c fHnchingly made up our minds to - ..rr make a clean sweep of every vestige jYlillinery. ,... , . , ; \ . J of this stock and have made prices greatest values ever offered : lower than you have ever known Pattern Hats will go at 1-2 Clothing to sell for before, nd Less. One lQt Suits worth from ntervals during the sale we $5-00 to $6.50 goes at $3.89 ] t on our Famous 10c. and 1c. One lot is maiked $*.25 and j consists of all $9.00 Suits ?-??- 1 1 ^ " is marked 6.25 llOCS Slaughtered One lot is marked $^.25 and y pair of Shoes in the store consists of all $10.00 and ng Crossetts, Stetsons. Queen $12.50 Suits. ' A lr?t aninrrat $10.75 t and Ohan s onoes i.ou i.iu t 3.75 2.00 " 2.50 " 1.87 ver $3.50 and $4 1.98 3.25 " 3.50 " 2.65 n's $2.50 Shoes 1.90 5.00 " 6.00 " 3.50 3.00 Special 2.48 , , Quality $4 Shoes 3.45 3.50 Shoes 2.85 Overcoats. 3.00 " 2.48 $12.50 Values $9.50 ar $2.50 Shoes 1.98 10.00 " 8.00 ' 2.00 " 1.69 7.50 " 6.50 1.75 - 1.39 5.00 " 3.50 1.50 1.19 3.50 Rubber Interlined Coats 1.25 " 98c goat 2.50 ;s of Children's Shoes cut in 2.00 Rubber Interlined Pop proportion. Coats go at 1.50 1.50 as above 1.20 Men's Neckwear. 1.25 as above 98c j-|Cb u;Uc j The above Coats are all fresh and 3^c j clean and cannot be bought at the j 3C P'actory today at the prices quoted 10c abovcBLE DAMASK. $1.25 Pme Buys' Overcoats. Damask 90c. $1.00 Pine 75c. 60c Pine Linen 44c. Ages 4 years to 17 years, at New ne Linen 29c. 25c Pine Linen York prices. 75c to $3.50. I Every Hat /Must Go. No matter what the Loss00 Hats $2.25 5) " 1-75 00 " 1.48 50 and si.25 Hats 98c- ( 00 Hats 59c, Blankets $7.;i/Woul Blankets $5.50 1 yf s.oo i.75 yy 3.50 " " 2.75 2.50 " " 1.75 l.SOCitton " I.lU BATESBl 7.-c 48c. , !, ? ?J? BITTEN DRU )0.00 Stock Sale Starts T 14th, at and Continues Until ? 11 p. rHE MIGHTIEST MONE LAUNCHED I CARO Stock Riddance, Quick, Dc Object. Fearless Price of Profits. A Tc Cost is th< Fierce selling, eager buyii stock will be the outcome. It is not a sale of odds a Nothing is reserved. Every offered at. and below, the net could procure. Every item is a rare bar, tremendous saving of cold cs Cancel all other engager ing, building and household 8 miss this Great Carnival of E It is the sale you have b< waiting for. With us the season is o\ gone. There have been many s ever equaled this, in amount lowness of prices. We should not be doing ( patrons were we not to let it way. Of course it is impossible of articles in such an aggrep will serve as finger post. ' /litten kDrij * JRG, ' GOODS CO'S hi a Sacrifl hursday, Jan. Sample ? 8 a. xi. E?s $25 Suits $16.50 S Sfl1 ' V. J^n Z^m t Serges J Belts " ! $1.00 Be V - Sa j SALE EVER IN V RN |~ \ 1 25c Colg 'LIN, 10c Pcrfi der 25c Amn scisn Complete is the 15c Decc / " j | * . 15c Vase Cut nmhilation iscToot )tal I ird of S mm L?ng e Me at g $3.50 Glc ESSE? - - Chamc $3.00 ng a plete clearance of $1.50 $1.00 1 ! 50c Woo nd e shop worn stuff. iterr ry department is $2,50 Co Q ( ) ual ' >ome going at 1-2, 1.50 i /\r? I A Lll*-' ' icl > ftlUG. . towels 5. towels IS ga , and represents a ~~ i regular p nei !-track your farm-'Jew< iffa ou cannot afford to We for the b !afj ; ing price i Silver do / i i . dollars d ?en c tor, asking about, L 1 w ?er- you it is not half throui selecti $20. QC , . , 12.50 umi but none have 7.50 of andise involved or $15.i 10.1 aur > the public or our <> be in every possible 21 Thtse ed only t : to t ate the thousands CR0C r#?f?dincrK ratio; ;ho following list LAC 1.50 Va C % ^ Jot C ompanu SOUTH CARD i ve several very desirable 35c Tricot Flannels, 30 in. in H iuits for Ladies, which we all colors 22c H at just half the former 35c Shackins, Cashmere 36 in 11 new Styles and Materials. all colors now 22c fl ;, Long Coats, $12.50 36-inch French Flannels, La- fl uits, Prince Chap. style in dies Cloth & Mohairs, in all and Broadcloth $8.50 colors, 50c values, now 38c | " " 50 inch all wool Broadcloth " at Bargain Prices, value $1.00, now 69c I lts 60c Brilliantines, in black, white fl and colors, reduced to 43c S s 10c $1-25 silk and wool Henriet- I fr--' j * tas, Poplins, Serges, Voiles, I Specials. Brilliantines, Plaid Suitings, I . u j it Panamas and Broadcloths, at 87 1-2 ates Talcum Powder 17c ? m , ~ , n 50c Mercenzed Brocades for lmed Ialcum Pow- . . c waistings 25c ,r , t> j ? 98c Rain Proof Cloth 69c I tens Talcum Powder . 19c Plsud Broadcloth 50-inch 69c I .rated Crepe Paper 10c Percales, red. garnet and _ I hjBrtishes Wc ?"k and w00' P,aids I ^ ine Toilet Soa 15c Flannelettes /11 l-2c I I ? U? 6 l-2c Calicos / 4 l-2c t I and Short Gloves. 8c Calicos 6c 1 j REAT REDUCTIONS. ^ j2 ^ j! \ 1 ? $162 Best Heavy Outings 8 and 8 1-2c J 1 and Cashmere ^Oc ?"d de ] Corsets $ 1.15 Taffeta and Peaude Soie 1 ,r!ets $1.00 Plaid silks in all col- j|l| ors and combinations 79c I 1.15 __ 'v.139H oo oc riaia suks in an colors i ; 1 com iT nation.:; 55c ! I - lationa 39c i White and Red Fkmne. 35c 5c. 50c towels 38c. 25c 130c 23c nn . ?_ - ? 'C. tuc toweis 15C. 125c 19c - 40-inch Sea Island 4 3-4c and Embroideries at 1-3 off 40-in Heavy " " 10c value 6 3-4c rice. Thousands of yards. dry Cut Glass and Silverware. have an immense selection in this department that came too late loliday trade. It must be sold regardless of cost or former sellIf you are interested in Solid or First Class Plated Jewelry or ' not miss this opportunity as the nimble sixpence will do a uty. '..' .adies' and Childrens' Cloaks. e have kept up our stock in this department ?hout the entire season and have a splendid ion to offer. i Cloaks $12.50. $15.00 Cloaks $10.00 0.00. 10.00 44 7.00 5.00. 5.00 44 3.00 Big Reduction in Skirts. JO Skirts $10.00. $12.50 Skirts $8.75. JO 44 7.50. 8.50 " 6.00. 50 " 4.75. 5.00 " 3.75. 50 " 2.60. 2.50 " 1.98. [X) " 1.50. 1.00 " 69c. skirls come in all the new and wanted materials and are sacrific>ecause we don't care to carry them into the next season, KERY, GLASS & TINWARE. In this department some ex' good values are offered. iE CURTAINS. $3.50 Values $2.50. $2.00 Values $1.50 lues 95c. Ladies' Silk and Fancy Waist. S5.nn Waist $8.50 JS.5U 1,^0 2.5() " 1.75 ^ 1 11^1 A, ^ .50 ;><)< 88c. . , !.? >'V! ' "-^