The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, January 08, 1909, Image 4

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I Another I Muslin Underwear, White 1 The Corset With Graceful Lines. The Corset plays the most important patt in the new hipleus #owns. This new style idea is b? st attained by either the Nemo, W. It. or Madame Irene Corsets. One of * the new models in the Nemo is the i 1*411 re-building j model, which is very popular. In XV. It. Corsets, the Ke'hiun ?ri tlw? rlnvi i-iw 1 llililpsis . The Dl'U'eS ot" tllGSO IIUI'W fi,J . > I, l ... ..H 1 two makes range from S1.O0 to $T50 eaeli. The Madame t Irene is. the best of them all. It's worth every bit ot the price, which ranges from $;">.(>0 to $10.00. ^ Banister Shoes for Only $4.25. ji Stock taking time will happen at Mimiiaugli's in a < short while. To reduce our winter stock of Banister Shoes before taking1 stock we name a special price of i only $4:25 a pair. This offer includes $5.00, $5.50 and ! $*>.()() Banister shoes in patent kid, patent colt, vici kid, gun metal and boxcalf. All the latest models and best there is in men's footwear is represented in this offer at"!' $4.25. 11 These Silks Are Real Values. A new Silk Waist will give a decided change to one's dress in this mid-season. But anyway, these Silk values are just too good to he overlooked, for we offer : Black Taffeta Silk, :h> inches wide, good rustling quality and worth $1.25 a yard; special, yard, only $1.00 Beautiful quality Crepe de Chine, all evening shades, excellent values at 75c. and 08c. a yard. Cream and White 30-ineh Messa 1 ilie, every thread silk ?! absolutely guaranteed; special, yard, only $1.25 Mail Orders Filled Colui | Genuine Pert (CI - , JF- ; p _ Untouched I Peruv EE ' SIlUUiitltUlllltlimi)lUlilitlit!Ull!!lili!!lill!UllH?UtlUUlUUil _>j \ *xz~*i\zxcct^JLur-'i. ;??i-: iii. ir.. sr*i i-^sftsa??x?r6;ssBsa | THE ^ * m; ?*$</ fes/uru ^itocle/ , j ^ ** >. ar&sa4*.,.t ** J I * SJs JVom C/Jrc our? r/ to <C/i ecelk ff Ere^d, Rolls, H and Pies # 1 * ;i; In Any Quant i !: ^X/naA' cf/nit y; II | | H. A. MEYER, Pn j M Awwwtow tmmfmimmmmmi Week o Goods, Cloak and i M1MNAUGH Appreciated Value Our Tweed Tourist Coats for Indies ?en. They are made of beautiful matei :he handsomest Coats anywhere at frot Ladies' Cravenette Coats in light ts nents. They are dressy and keep out veil made and cfvlichlt/ tnlinr.>d Peir, Long black Coats, in both the plaii this season. The Coats are made of ex color and lustre. We have these Coats New Line of ! We have just received a brand new Coats. You know we have been out of line are all sizes and good values at, en Skirts at E: J. One of the best offeri \ cial discount sale of La .1 the offer is that of Serj \ latest styles; finishing: jk been offering all season rak The best Skirt value MX Skirts, well tailored, i and you could not get t $8.50; only M1MN/ mbia, - immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmromt avian Gua; by the Chemist or the cManufac TOBACCO )TTON TRUC1 ianGuano C orpor, CHARLESTON, S. C iimuiuuutuuuuumuiiuuuuuutu&uuuuuj WWVftWWWWWWWfc 11 ro-iuires a p certain acids wi juices to perfect j mat is wnai ivu gt.'vler thai dige fT\ . t'f.l II you will , t /j,, ft t v ' tie while \ on \% I < j^>aKerij vj> dim-sn : y?.i * '* I indigent ion. Ilo j digest ion, if v&ui CI . Kodol digests all '/vA'/'.V /Y>/' v],? nut to take, acts ^ ^ Dr. I". 15. (fiinle Dakes * _ [Li LOO I ;t; T0N!%v,j I itV. -B v ' Don't CIi i ^ . A ru 111.I 1 /-ljMJist/fit on <1 ironnt ot v )pec id!(/. -k 1)r. Ki, * ^ j wuild hive prev V I fonst 11> .t iun, ci oprietor. g ZZ";,' f Bargain Skirt, Silk, Matting 'S this week. s in Ladies' Cloaks. 1 are perhaps the best Coats of the sea~|U *ials arid are certainly swell. They are I'" n $12.00 to $35,00. \\[[ in are certainly neat and serviceable garboth rain and cold. These Coats are M s< es are $15.00 and $25.00. a n and. braided models, are very popular! " cedent quality material that holds its ? at from $12.50 to $25.00 !? Sweater Coats i" i' line of Ladies' anil Misses' Sweater i, these goods for several weeks. In this x tch, $3.50 and $4.00. / V *actly 1-4 OfL ngs at Mirnnaugh's this week is our speidies' Skirts. One of the hest values in ?e aiid Mohair Skirts, well made in the ^ s without compare--same skirts we've i for $15.00 now only $11.25. in the city is our Panama and Voile neatly trimmed with good materials-- ; :he same Skirt elsewhere for less than $0,50 k I YIJVJU I *3 South Can wwnwniwk , s,gn ?h" ?e^tH. j Mexicans, When III. Abandon All I Hope of Recovery When Dove's j ( Song is Heard. ^ Iff J Hoys. what's 111? mallei ' Fever? JL rlhr ^ j,t^ ''U' ,,1>II Thai's i lu* song i ho doves sing | - ^ down in Old .Mexico win n a i%ui\, | '.Ti lias pneumonia, ami alinos: invariably , - ?In lies down, lefm.-s to swallow tin ~ niedleiiii- pi?--.i il . i i\ the p 1:>. . inn, , j 11 r s r* - ' resigns hin 11 . itui in a -I > lew weeks lie di> i'l ,.ov? how- , ?"ff ever, sing the son; i:i .-pa.; 223 Dr. Charles M Cunning! ,n a <b nI I SlS III tins eit has II e n I 11 "111ed from a nip throng, i domain 1225 | oi President Diaz, and !. iell .one ! interesting ihiii" ahoiit the . uaitlt j eustoius oi' tie nati\e-t i It is a tradition anion:' tin- Mi-xlK?<?* J calls that oin e the t'ever a. .-i.a latiy* | ing an attael. ot pm union t ;/ 22$ 1 them it is ueees.-ariiy tai l, aid he -?3 eanse ol this .,11 niedii im e all ?^ physicians are rein ,1 am! i ..? \\i22S I ran usual I > dies tin do\ . m in."1 the story ol death in its v., ;. 1 eoo- ; j * ing, aeeording to the beliet ?! the | | #" 11 j 22S natives, and innn> who has 1 < u " ?? seized with tl 1 , 1 w I *j| might have rer-mmed ha,a ml< 233 , ed owing to their belief in 1. 11.. 11 ilion. That i. the reason, 1 .aid, why pneumonia 1. fatal to , . , ny luiuuuuuuurc J", Mexico and wa. in the Nation ! I'alace, the eat 01 government ,\1- ' opef combination Of 'bough Old Mexii o has tin 1 a.ur 01 ti. natural (lljicailve be,ng " u dyspepsia cure. And oni ,fl thM 1,1 ' :,:i" on,y' ilol is-a perfectdl- "r '"'"V ,, , , . |lower, and the one man is Pi.sideiit i Sts till I lie fof <1 you (tz take Ktidol for a lit "Wunl is gii.n out that certain II lio lot g'Pt bi\e in- and muni- pal otl'u i. I have then cotildiiT havei been elected," sn s in Cimuingliani, v\ could you Irive in- ; "but really they have only hen up "food were to digest?'! pointed, for Din/ and his lollea.Mu you ea?. D is pleas-' we h that onl> the friend. <>i il promptly. Sold by president arc el.osen Im oilier rite r's Drug S'oie. governmeni is more l>\ tin military i than In the neonle. 1'hev have a ii - good soldiery, ami tin* naii\? Ixi I" -Mti;d'a-d Id Iijvi* it ilia I. |'. Uiu hi tin < 11 i;i 111 i. ii. ii \ i 11 '^JTuV: OO it., nati'ii. ol old .Mt-xiro !1 ;nl,!? ? ! * < ' (! ; 111 11 * i tin pun i?' ol w.'aiin. I X'f ' ;} ( 'i. i In ii i t llif,i. i \ i ! i la tli. ot 'yr- ' * J{ i Hitinmer. on .11*.iii- -i la'. Cunnlnglia ii . . *. ,v i' s i , '? j I'tiotogriiphiid a group <; llnii,o iu V . ..' ' * ' ; ti-ey Si" 't"' 1111 i!"(' ,v i : 'I t ll( IIIS(-l Vi s ill t I i I V. ill 111 1111 ( )\ I'll till -till 111 Ii t Ill-Oil; I he* a Divorce i ii. ? i i v r. i in i quaSI\ a ill I >'1 f-'ai.J <1 <t v ,j, Hijiuii . if tli* 1: 'I t? m|v t ai i I. ?! I ,M iil;u ,.U( ? , . . , , 'K S Nev. I'*' I'i.l>( 'l h. ilri vcxm'.x loadiii ; lie eiltetl i'. 'Hit') i"i < .National Palace. ia. t id .i '.i ing us'11 -1' Iriil l>r?M i Ji D'li latin .villi nibbles! oi. .> . la* ill-temper, Mop-! ot. ai iti mo t pit. an : . . wi'h l eadaclnv, e >n?|Ut r j lo ??. joint ?>t > :. rii ani,11 (InixvjoD. Giving. and Other Big Values at 'retty Waists for Right Now Wear. \W li;i\c recently reeeived a shipment of Tailored aisis. These waists are "st riot ly tailored" and are everyue w ell made. These waists are t he most popular stylos f the day. Th?\v'are made of Linen and Linene and are s;eellent values at s l .ii.7, | .7.'? and &T50. We also have new 1 angerie Waists with the new \lousilet a i re sleeves and I)iret oi re ? ? >1 lar; beaut iI'll 1 ly ta iIoreel; une plain and others with hand-embroidered fronts nd laee t ri mined; excel lent values at from S.'i to^in. Two Special Matting Offers. We have two good bargains in Matting t h is week. One I them :s our ntler of ijr> rolls of China Matting, an extra ood grade for I 7>e a yard, laid on your floor for only, I I *1 | 1 ?> ? . . . . . . . . . i ? i -jv;. We alst > li;ive r?o ml Is of (M i i i ?a Mat t injr, jgood quality, d?ghest colors and patterns, and very select tor Mac. a ard, which wc will put down for you at. yard, only MOe. Mid Don't Forget Window Shades rhen in t he carpet department hunting these Matting ?argains. W e are still making w indow shades as you rant them and when you want them. We make any i/.e, st yle. color and price shade you want and make it nod. W'e use t lie best materials. W e ^e|l shades from ir?o. up. ?? - 1 We a re a Iso otl'eri ng>" si?me St erl i 11 *.? Low -1 'rice l?a trains n Muslin I nderwear. White liood* and Imperial Loup Moth. /Wail Orders Filled ?lina. President Melon Orphans |! 1:':: ;,ll> 'oiiKiiter.iof \;uiuii pur- . Hundreds of orphans have been |.OM . iiiut a, no one ha: yei n. nv | ,K.lpod by the lMesident of Hie Indusjied another use tor their It nee bones ' i ?,. it . .. I rial and Orpuan s !Iouio at Macon , I In". ar> thrown unto tin diiv. \un s ,, . . . tad form a rude vnvemcni ' \ ^ who write?: " vVo have uied Elec on a festival dav the e. . .aid of 'ric l!,tUMS 111 ,his *"Stitutlon for Italian. a small JK., went mne years. It lms proved a moat exLhrotiKli the streetH ill : v.: diav n eellent modtcino ior Stomach, Liver :\ ; i i. iiit ui o\i*ii . j 11; 11. i 11 .. pill in- and Kidney troubles Wo regard it -<]iit -?? in-. , a-. Oiie<?f the be?t family medicines on I): I ' III li i i:ll: 111 ill.-it i. Ho:- earth"' It iltV'l't I Uti'S 'llO Vital 01'ntijiai|iiillii. win ri ui Mil' ! i. . gatt-i, pnri'ies tli" blood. aids diges1,1 Vv,"h ! " 'in'' \m li'.in ii fit ij, i. cr.-ates appcl it c. To strengthen ' "''i ' "ii"1' near thai iii. f. it [mild ii11 dim. j.ale, weak childAil "" "" P''rpose sff a nin.(|ov,? ,K.?p,e iL has n0 ion ion oi i tii* country linn lie made 1 i? . . i . ' i h i I. I* sL for ! male complaints. lie iiip iiiiiioii.s tor. New , _ .. ,, , <>n!\ 5oc it) all druggists. lurli 111' i;1111 Net.. islm.-.u in a Slice of !?read. T'1-.a A /l \mnn t~n ?aU(1 aI,. Slinu u, i lie rui voccite liiuk ilia) if dit > make a good loaf. y_ dial is all dial i required of diem fl 4 ft I \ l'i ci in It i off-hand mncli I nom islum m there is in a slit', of ^ ? ' bread The information is valnalilc v mi S ) V., ;;|\cil ] V^v VpQV I )r i'i itiiklln White, ol tin llarvaitl v^-t- J- v^CCA. Mi'tlicttl School, rccntI., dellv.'i'ctl a . li't'inrc in which lie stale.! dial one sli(.> ill ' ii ill in I hall' . ... ?><|.ii\.i A Horrible Hold lip. leu I in a nlr.'e o: baked honn r'? oi . , . , ? \ I., lit It ii yc. ! * a ,11 in) In ollitl a glads oi null.. I -j egg . three slices t ;' , . ... . or : onntoti beef, t ; oyntt ... eitpa of was "In Id up In IiIm work, health and i . a, 1 - apples i' oi n or liappiiit ss by wltal was believed to be wo 1 ananas. hopcles . I lisil III pi i'.ill," WlilftS W, |{. In Ill's- day s of " I.... fond ii is |4il .;i.,of W'a hiigton.N L "lit hist as well to he primed wit i facts, , .. , . ... t ... ... ... . . no,, a . . 1 ol I < i net 11.'> aid ticat . .i |?o n adll> seen bow dm. In for- , . , , nil I, Will lie woiiil . I. i.a i; it: ntt'iif from Vt I ill (lectors, but found who , u;lil 1. ad vi : : iii ilm ioeaI ' i.o Iiei ji 1 i 11 lie n - d Mr. K i tig 8 No cap. i . I )ra v. tin . i, ut.anion to hi eovry at. I was w In ii v cured by six the statement, mid he i sure o com. I bottles, lie is a well man today." It's inent on ii to your nd vantage. These j . n , .....i a, ....... , , ..... , , , [ on leu to relieve ami i no surest cure little item* help ania/ingh in r?.is11 < ' ,, I,. MaiM/im foi weak or sore lungs Hemorrhages, Coughs, and i'olds, bronchitis, I aAverago i t-ngth of Life. Hrippu. Asthma, and all I'r.uieblal afThe in mi who li\ till he more feet ions Site and $ I. :i rial bottle than a century old and the child who : r. (J ua I aulecd by ali druggists, dies in infancy are alike Inelndrtl in tile law of avi : i>;<\ The hahtnee "'her chalices a- it \\ < . (ii.o. bKi.i. . j.MMieitw .?s n pe(?|de living at the age , W m. T.n umosu. 1 "Iii '.'*..'11 I Will live t ill. .gC ,,'V TlmriiioiiA & Tiiniiieioiiin i > 111 > l? will bo 11 vi in; .ii . ' ?ici tilt I> ? a? ! ?. A i '10 l bo w vrra.t man 4 ?T< u N k v - a s - i.a w . '" > tnko il ":i,; 1 Will iivaotlct In all the Han a .? u a 1 to live at i '. t'n.l . . N >; , .......... 21 v,i" a' " mu,(1|c, S C 11 . <?;ii? In earn ami 1? <>i i n?se i.'j-s how lu? livrs will <i:(torinino whc.her 1..' will hnv?> ;i lonrt.i J i r< ..,r | \. |, . , | , tip, -.s IvWitls shortor lit''. ??"< will . . , ,,j% ,/ ' infallibly wml; out within , ,? r, of |ivv|. |)||K '" } "'ny ,m ,.i . s, i.v in i\ K <;???.A notvl 11. l.fl.'t.'ri<?lo;-isi l)r 1 loon I'.oi trnn.l claim thai he ha? <ii; i.vorrd a much more |>ow*. iTu! ( ruin as .. ciirp for jmMii.K.niji than Subscribe for 1 he Acvocate now. now in iihc It i; a bactericidal, ?i;| ^ ,,e, year, not an anlitnxh agent. The old. st Hoinan f'aihollc College ,. ? ?in iho t'nitod Staj. h i r.ermautown 1 *^ ^ * J VtluY Poll.go, fleorgftown, 1). C. i ;U?Lty Stop Hia1 llOiiflh,