The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, January 08, 1909, Image 3

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?gg . m j.i f hub , i \Ti I or HC I All I Th< Mati iv mi j~)u. ijsjn \j v*i.r)y about ! 5 I dyspepsia or indigestion, fnr worry V only tends to make you men- nervous ! Besides you don't have to worry any ! more about what you cat, because Kedol for Dyspepsia ami Indigestion will digest any and all food at any . _ and all tiiues ICod ?l is guaranteed to give prompt, re 1 i? f. Sold by I?r. F. It. Hunter's Drug Store. stand b , see. W tor Plac 'Abou L. M. MITCHELL PT\ I sho Physician am? Sukuyon. gratulat Hatesburg, 't. C. "Your cuthusiti Otllee 11 on re 1 come t 8 tu II a. in. 'I Sba * to 8 p. iii she saiil 7 :80 to H u oi W ray a place ? - time in pipe he | Ok. J. A. WATSON furrows Karly Dentist. the trail lee tern Bntusburg, S. (7. where I; vious so ;:c? in Telepnoiie Building. to his I Norrls, At itidge Spring Kvery Thursday There of an h< story of Paint Ready for Use. IV '*'11 Waterhi L. ?It M. 1'IIKK PA I N 1" se ui-mixid he had is sold for $1 (?."> per gallon. Linseed oil is sold from the barrel for 00 cents " ' lom a gallon. Buy I gallons I. & M PUBK (|OW'n I, PA 1 NT and mix with it Oga.lmslin sliorth seed oil, and vou then in ike 7 gallons forth to of paint at a cost of only $1 2o per gallon. Done in ~ minutes. Molnnm- At thi Cullum Ildwc. Co., Batesburg L. & M. noon Al Paint Agents. ing-roon Perna tlie iuri ways hi barrett jones. ' club or attoknhy at, lhlt ll few wet BATEAItURG, S. U. to 8eo ? the hou Careful attention tfiven to ail busiuoR ever a happen* lfimsT National Hank Kuimhko u(. () I pSaius tic only ly seem ft wa AFTER 8:< V10A Its experience mill ,i,v,) hl Ions of users <?f L. & M. I'M NTS, claim;?1< irst. ii wears lo { > 1"? years? poasesa< Second, it only costs a gallon ami the Third, its the best they have . v?! liberal, used?Fourth, sixteen thousand a Hut n i?ents certify to these facs llolinaii presenci Cullum 11dwe Co.. Ratesi.urv. Ij. A w M. l'nipl .4cents looked < this afl< U?o\i?h HMgam JU H. l BH !** ISTA JESOUD Fine Stock a COME AND L< s First to Buy C thews an LEESV I -'; #; V ? _ 11 ?? I ^ ueen red or yellow. SI j 9 6 IT P ; g* ' only loft Colchester thl? oiorn- six I Jkttf W w AJI M ing.' Ik* cried. 'I thought it. was not h- ison ing Ios*> tlian ray duty to come at othe (By Thomas Cobb. "" vn n^" ton need not have inconvenienced shot yourself. Amabel answered. pear '1 haven't,' he continued: 'hut I pact .ntinued from last issue.) '"'' '?*"*. I'""llne- 1 ,v''ln""1 p' congratulate her. you know. appt 'SheY not at home.' the etween hint and fortune, >ou 'Then I shall have to come again,' i the hat lime do you go t o Gloucus- he said. root e?' she asked. T-ao is awav trom Ixmdon.' A t tour o'clock tomorrow, 1 sup- I'M congratulate her through Call you.' ho retorted. 'I rather like doing "V uId like to he the first to con- things through you. Amabel.' 'I e you.' she said. 'Pauline and my mother are staying 'D congratulations won't be very ftt Uorsetnere.' she explained. 'They ed i istic," answered Wrav 'May have been away since Wednesday. So 'N 0 you afterwards?' I am alone.' 'D II be home about five o'clock,' That's immensely jolly, cried Horn- bom I. <ird, and taking a chair, he stayed halt 'V on leaving her rooui, sought an hour, dwelling for the most part Miss to smoke in lie sat a long the enjoyment he anticipated dur- At the deserted hilliard-room. his 'ng the ensuing three weeks. she Id lirmly between tiis teeth. 'Wlien do you expect Mrs. Ven- qulr< lining his forehead. aides?'asked Amabel presently. was on Tuesday morning ho took ' ?ni on my way to Waterloo to trutl 11 to London, and from Water- meet her.' he said. I sent the ear- Bi linns was driven to the hotel ringe olf first. By .love, it's time I to t le tiad stayed during hi> pro- started.' tie addon, taking his watch read journ. i hence lie paid a visit from his trouser pocket. ed. tailor, and afterwards to Mr 'Ar?' yoti going to Mrs. Bishop's 'Y his solicitor at Clifford's Inn. dance on Friday? she asked. she i he endured a ban quarter 'Bather! the Jur. listening to Norris's brief mother and Pauline are coming intei a shameful life, of a shocking ' home on Thursday for the express H Norrls had identified Mrs. i 1"" pose of taking me.' said Amabel. said, mse's body at tne inquest; I ''hit 1 don't suppose Pauline will go the seen to her burial; and now I when if comes to the point. She Sli for instructions concerning i always shirks that house.' prist bstone. I 'Well. I don't wonder,'ho answered: ly s turning to the hotel, Wray sat | nnd having said good-bye. Bernard Besi > a late luncheon, and very ,r" Gloucester Place and took a cab lious afterwards it was time to set ,n Waterloo station just Gloucester Place. \mahel sat down by the open win- Hon CHAPTED VI *'ow "lid gazed out at the street. Bern- ing oe o clock lhat Tuesday after- ai d's visit had made an agreeable j to a nabel was alone in the draw- diversion; but sin- was beginning to lor n 1 when Bernard arrived. f?el rather lonely again, when a ban- I 'I rd Venables appeared to be in son* popped a few dears away said, nest spirits This was not al- Bhc saw a man alight. pa> the driv- not Is condition; mere were days rr- and "'"nee dubiously at the near- W ic refused to handle a golf est house. He appeared to he in lie i a erieket bat. doubt about the number. mid< le had come to Ixmdon on a \mabel was struck by something a draw 'ks' visit, and naturally hoped lim? unaccustomed in his appear- sligl i great deal of Amabel: not at an(v- ,,f' wore a Jf'oeey. new tall hat, near ise in Gloucester Place, how- a collar like Bernard's, and rouse- Al t least, when Mrs Catlicart fiuently of the correct shape, an ordi ever id to be at home nary white silk necktie: but his , He * Id not blame Mrs Oat heart; short-tailed black coat looked strange. | whai cursed bis fate, which certain* whilst his rather tight, blue -serge | Ama ed sufficiently contrnrious. trousers were a little short ... the she s difficult to sec the slightest lo&? an<* *>??*>' about the Km, le prospoct. unless .loan should ,lis fac? was striking if . nly he- slst, igain, a possibility which he rausc <>f i,s <*epP bronzo- v,>t if was ? ?"*l: taw reason to count upon He thln ,aco- wl,h somewhat delicate whei >d nothing besides his pay futures Amabel had an excellent V presents of which she was opportunity to inspect him as ho asko stood staring in perplexity at the | tone ow that ho stood in Amabel's bouse?. j ^ p the hopelessness ?r his Shr arr,ved a? ,bo conclusion that mile as forgotten lie thought she he was a hnn(,fioni0 n,an- aM'1 m>t ,on , wi,h >von more enticing than usual n,(I to 1,0 interesting. His dark hair. V crnoon in her light blue ir.s k ? ,s lnir- waR ft H,tl? fizzled. hut . don his ..pinion would, urobwhi* ,,,B mouaucho was jiuite hro/va. -an* I l< URLOA : v, MTT i 1UU Good Bj II THEM OV j< { he Pick of ( Soukni IJ jE, S. O. 'V;' '*} .i'*i, v > / 1 ' V tWiMl /. Hr l? rsWKVv TtEMIfffiHa ' i**4*'?.**! olacU eyebrows almost mot ' T"n fortunately.' he said, le ."judged ilia lie must lie m arly ! can give hor any message fo Toet in height, tall save in compar- you * with Bernard, who made most ! fear that will hanllv cori'? ' h r men look liort. Hut this man's j answered "1 want to see Pauline pei re was more closely Unit, his , sonally.' llders were higher, and his ap- ; 'Hut it she is out of town ' ancp seemed generally more com- 1 '1 shall he glad if you will give ra ' her address." said Wray. esently. making up his mind he Why do you want to see her?' d? oacdied the house; Amabel h ?a.rd manded Amabel. bell ring, and a few minutes later They were both standing, but Wra parlor-maid opened the drawing- negligently rested his hand on th n door. back of a chair, looking whimsicall gentleman wants to Bee Miss into her eyes. Heart, niisb.' *1 wonder whether sisters are usua i ho is he?' ' |y confidantes,' he suggested, don't know,' said the girl. *1 have heard Pauline mention you idn't you inquire his name? as?- name, said Amabel. Vmabei. 'Recently?' 0. miss.' 'It was not very long ago.' id you say my sister was not at 'Then I suppose you know ' e?' 'I know.' she interrupted, 'how wel es. miss, and then he asked for advised you were to leave Knglan ? Catheart's address.' , about two years ago." liabol hesitated a few moments; 'And to return now.' he said, quit could not conceive who could re- cheerfully e Pauline's address, ard nothing 'Not at all.' further from her mind than the 'Then you did not expeot me?" h 1. asked, with an air of surprise. it she had nothing in particular 'Expect you! That was the la? lo nothing very interesting to thing in the world.' . and her curiosity was awaken- "I imagined Mrs. Cathoart would te von." said Wray. ou may as well ask his name,' Amabel's dignity, which she fel suggested, and the servant quitted very anxious to maintain, now b< room, to reappear after a short came merged in astonishment, "val. 'I wrote to her. you know,' he ad is name in Mr.!' she j ded , and Amabel tried not to betray 'Von wrote to my mother!' slightest sign of surprise. 'Certainly.' le felt, however, very deeply stir- 'She did not receive your letter. A ?d. Mr. Waterhouso had certain- least, she did not mention it to Pan elected an inopportune moment, ine. Perhaps it miscarried,' sai dos, lie had really no right to the Amabel. >e. and on tlie whole it might be Letters don't often go astray.' h as well that Pauline was at answered. 'Besides, another poste jeniere. For a while she stood ga/.- by the same mail to my solicitor ha out of the window, doubting how bei n delivered. However,' be said ct. but finally she faced the par 'that hardly matters if you will giv iiaid nbruptly again. me Pauline's address.' will see Mr Waterhouso.' she I shall not do that.' said Amabel. , and she became conscious of a 'Why not7' he demanded, disagreeable excitement. 'My sist r will he home on Thur: ray entered with a serious face, day morning, the day after tomorrow saw Amabel awaiting him in tne if you wish to see her.' Amahel ar He of tlie room, her small figure gwered. m to its full height, her eyebrows 'es. I do," he insisted, itlv lifted. She bowed with her Wray then took bis hand off th est approach to hauteur chair, and stepped towards the dooi jout her visitor's manner, how- but Amabel's curiosity was not to b , there was nothing like stiffness controlled. teemed to regard lier with some- '1 shall venture to come again o i provoking amusement. In fact Thursday,' said Wray. hoi iooxed pretty and youthful: 'Why? why did you write to m M'Oinctl tn ho playing a part mother. Mr. Waterhouse?" she e> have heard Pauline speak of her claimed. r.' he said, a little unceremonl- 'To tell her of the death ' lint 1 think you wore away 'Of your wife!'cried Amabel a I \ .is here before." 'Yes.' he said. on wished to s e liss C.itlicart. i She began to regard his visit fror d Amabel, it her 1110*. distant I ar entirely different point of view The affair looked extremely serious. 'ell. 1 have come a goo 1 many 'Then you have come to?to ' s for ihiV purpose.' bo returned, To ask Pauline to marry me,' h a smile. answered, on have heard she is not In l.on 'But you?you can't.' cried Amabe ; 'You mustn't ' j 'Whv must n't 1?' he asked - <7_ ^1 'V L/JL/OI I argains. I % the Lot. I I ght Co. j I a u s quit TVPR V^TTTNTfl. 1 r -Rut please tell me why,' said VVra.v. Jul ? ii'Xl X X XXXXl \7 ? 1 "You see, you are too late.' Amabel ~ i i-iui'ieu exciieniv. I T "TV 1 r too later in Drugs. 1 'She Is already engaged to be mar- O 1 ried," said Amabel. 1 ? They stood staring at each other, 1 I a little ludicrously. When you have a pre- | 'How long Las Pauline boen en- 1 gaged?1 Le aakod. scription filled, you want I CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. 1 . ?i ! to be sure that pure drugs 1 , j 11soothes pain, it is cooling and aj-e used--When they are , healing. Good for cuts, burns, bruis- i r es and scratches, hut especially reef- fiRed by OUT Licensed ommtnded for piles-DeWitl's Carbo'ized Witch Hsi/.pI Falvc. S. ld by Druggist, With OUr pure Dr. F. H. Gurnet's Drug More drugs, the best results are d obtained. * liORHOl)NDri][\rr COUGH.b e MuLLIIN I ( \ and Our Line of Patent MedTAR Colds icines are complete. We ? jlTTOW have Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powders. [ Croup positively stopped in 2" mm- Keen us in mind It utcs, with I>r. -hoop's Jroup Remedy *^CCP *? minu m * One test alone will surely prove this truih. No vomit Ing, no dotre-s. A safe and pleasing syrup- 5oc. Sold by I THE CROSSON t DRUG CO. ; Heart Strength w I |a r* e Heart strength, or Heart Weakness, means Norve Utto V II lv? t7, W . Strength, or Nerve Weakness?nothing more. Pos1 Itlvely, not one weak heart in a hundred lis, In Its Bell, actually diaeaaed. It is almost always a ??????????????? hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. ' This obscure nerve?the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve ? y . _ p ?simply needs, and must ha vo. more power, more r-^ ItSEI 1 IN lOT A 11 iflS stability, more controlling, more governing ^ 1 ' strength. Without that tho Heart must continue . to (all. and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. T RW EERY DIAMONDS This clearly explains why. as a medicine. Dt. 1 r' >> r'ljU 1 ? xvjjei v_/Jin P'O, Bhoop's Restorative has In the past done so much , STKR I .1 \ ( i SIEVE R for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought I OiUivui.tu . ijjvxpn, the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat- \\* \T( '1 I RS ('1 'T (TEARS l- Ing heart distress. Dr. Bhoop's Rostoratlvc-thls ' v 1 1 popular prescription?Is alone directed to these A RT OOOOS weak and wasting nervo centers. It builds; ICstrengthens; it oners real, genuine heart help. ..... , . If you would have strong Hearts, strong dl- All New (11)11 IIIISOiUtftlV* ? restion, strengthen these nerves ? reestablish . r, them as needed, with | beautiful GOOdS. Come p in whenever you have . OIlUVjp O an opportunity. TJ ac4A1?A4ivD REMEMBER we only handle SOLID v <lAW3l\jrC?I>1 VC and Genuine Goods. If not conHUNTER'S DRUB STORE. venient to come in, send In yoar | Mail Order, which always has our Personal Attention, with a Guari ash! s 9 > laruc cup* from cacli 25c antee to Please Always glad to pack sue of Or Mi ?"!>'< Ileallli <"? IT? o. see yon at T now put In o 2"<c (lever silvered. ; ' '-No-Drln" r, tvop Str-i.-or * / % 7 A IV T , 3*i.vai> ukmb. Loo f< r it 1he sal 1* faction ot e Health CoiTce is. be-ides, most per- Jewolcw, Silversmiths and feet. Madn onlv fiom pore toasted Opticians, ^'^jl 1 cereals, malt, nuts. etc. Sold by <\>p. Main and Hampton Btft. Prober Rros ^ COLUMBIA, S. C. |