The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, January 08, 1909, Image 2

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f 1ATESBURG ADVOCATE A Tri-County Paper K M. KMRRS BAYLY bl>. ANB PRfP BATbSBURO, S. C. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION MYRT fl.00 Six Months ?50 cents Mnthree months subscriptions taken. HI Entered at the P: O., at Batesburg, jf S, C.? aa second-class matter, Feb. 14, !? !. g* All Copy sent In must be written ? a one side only. J{ When changing address always give old post office otherwise change wHJ not be made. ? Advertising Rates One Inch One Year $5.00 One Inch Six Months $3.00 One Inch Three Months $2 00 First page double the above amounts. Local Insertions 25cts per inch. First Page Readers lOcts per line. Read- ? era to take run of paper Sets per " Line. TttURSBAY, Jan 8. 1909. Are you starting the New Year/ right? How many good resolutions have you broken already? _ ^ood deeds bring large rewards. Au. approaching legislature please . i in take notice. _____________________ w As gossip predominates at an "af- m ternoon tea" so does deceit at a or . . m poem party. T1 A printer is one of the few men at in the world that always makes an w impression and leaves his mark. at ? - an -j. U] This is the time of year when the tl merchant needs all the money he tl can get and those doing a time business are sorely tried to make a| ends meet. h tc The school children and college tl students have had a gala time for s] the past fortnight and going back to school and discipline is not a li pleasant thought. tl si Cc^rr ! getting bettr he bac>- ne of. the panu seen s navt jiuv t :. money ir no 'V U ' 1 I'l US 90. ft J_ For all practical purposes a great t deal of our life is shortened each >s year by reason of the hours and days m that are wasted and which cannot be j recalled. It is not to be expected that every moment will be put to highest use, but the willful waste of time so -- to often seen is worse than willful waste vt of money. ti< - . ?- - yi< It is a wise person who looks ahead and plans accordingly. It prevents sal that worry and confusion which is always the experience of those who in leave things to the last minute and 1 ^ tin who by so doing disappoint them- by i selves and others by the imperfect character of their work. Perhaps new year resolutions would be better kept if we made fewer of them. In the fervor of 1 good intentions which possesses many people at the beginning of act the year, some make resolutions on y?l everything, little and big. When c,^ the fervor passes and one realizes Kb the difficulty and even impossibility ' of keeping all of them, the bars are km let down and the good resolutions scatter in every direction. Far bet- ; | ter make but one or two resolutions covering what is essential in one's j life, and then spare no effort to keep arc them. 'yc ______________ 01 APPROPRIATE A (lUOI> TitINO Every now and then the Lord in- (luil vests an individual with a distinctive talent that in his "putting to the K??: exchange" proves a boon to human:ty far beyond our powers of apprc- f,i , ciation. "CC( tal It is said that a man needs to have S|)0l children of his own before he can ^ learn to appreciate the little "imps." So it is with a great many other sure :hings. they must be brought home stor EAL ESTATE BARGAINS Improved Town Lots. | Fa Lands. J Three elegant "arms witl^fn r\ i tour mi lee of Batenj^axOnG nice ilOUSe | well watered. Igood , state of eu]rtifvat*ioii. A flCl lOt/ 1- acres Isplendidwafetfr powt'r can be ^ developed^!! one. 1 l^atesbarg tor Tract 1 contains 33 acres and 1 *11 4- *' a~^rCTOln house, ile Or Will traae Tract No. 2contains 172acres and 11 new dwelling. OV ta^m Icind. Tract No. 3 contains 125 acres and comfortable house. Terms ol'sale One-Fourth . (WSI1. balance on time scPrompt Service. en red by iuortu'a?:o<?rpr(MiiiWith us it is a quick sale and a cheap price. If you want to buy, let us know what you want, 'e'll get it. If you want to sell, see us, we'll sell it. Batesburg Real Estate Co., W. J. McCARTHA, Manager OliO BE.LL TIMMHRMAN, Attorney Batesburg, S. C, , . ^oonlu This is just the '.itne of the year i us before we can become deeply > 1 us oeiuic c when you arc ns<*t likely to contract terested. Our purpose however a severe cold and vou should always calling attention to McKanna's! have Kennedy's Lnxativ, ? - " j *... i up handy, especially i*?r the children onderful cures for the whiskey and u lusU,g near]>. as ^(C(J as maple ^ orphine habit is to interest not ar. It cures the coid by uentlt nx.vily drunkards, but every man. wo- ,nK the bowels through its . ? , . , . principle, and at the same lime it is an and child within our range, soothliuf f?r throat irritation, thereby lis is a thing that can be appropri- stepping tlie-cuuffh. Sold by Dr. ed in the uplift of humanity if we 1 * ?unlei s L,UV Store. ill give it the place and consider- . pifipABBAfir UP i n ' ion that it deserves and sieze A DiU uAlJHAut] liLAu pon every opportunity to advise ? fallen to avail themselves of SALUDA MAN DAISES ONE THAT lis means of restoration. WEIGHED 16 POUNDS Just now while so many of us are gitatcd over the question of pro& I he largest cabbage ever seen in ibition we might lend our in uence t^cse parts was rajse(j j j__ iward reforming the "old topers" too Werts, of Saluda County, and was lose whom the prohibitionist de- sent to the Observer office on Satpairs of reaching. urday, and can now be seen in the Already thousands of wrecked Observer window. It weighed be, j a *ore lbe outer leoves were stripped ves have been restored and homes ofl fifteen pounds?a little less than lat were once iinnec as re- t^at nQw jtg measurement now alt of the drink habit have been three feet and ten inch^-c A p< * :: nvi.v j. p I ! . gion appropriates all good things, nrgl. ei of the occasional pains in the lerefore McKanna's Three Day (*ck, slight rheumatic pains, in the haci , slight rheumatic pains, urinary iquor Cure if used with good in- disorders, ntc. Delay in such cases is :ntions or religiously appropriated, dangerous. I'J'uke DeW'iii's Kidney . , ( and itlaiMcr Pilts. The) are for a boon to humanity worthy ?t wt)l ,?ck. bllrkaclle. ,?1U0),L|C iore consideration than we are now pains and all kidney and bladder troub ving ;t le. Soothing and antiseptic Regular size 5oc. Sold by Dr, F. 1? G unler's " ; Drug store. The tender leaves of a harmless ng-healing mountainous shruh. give 1I7T1*7 4 Tin Tin m a minivr i Dr. Shoop's Gougn Remedy its mar AIKEN* AUGUSTA NEW :lous curative proper! i> s. Tighi jkllng or distressing coughs, quickly ?> A T\ 3ld to ' he healing soothing action liUilil/ this splendid prescription?Dr. WORK BEGUN ON NEW CEMENTntaiotng 110 opium, chloroform., or GRAVEL ROAD. her harmful drugs, mothers should safety always demand Dr Shoop's. other remedies are offered, tell The Augusta-Aiken Highway Asem No Be your own ju Jge. Sold soc;ation has already raised five Gunter s Diug Store. thousand dollars for the construction of the highway between AugusAll the news of three counties in ta ant^ Aiken, and work is now in Advocate. progress on the portions of the high" | way which will have to be built ! through the woods and fields. There Phere, D no Quinine, nothing what- I about five miles of road that will >r harsh or sickeaing In Prevcnlics i have t? be constructed outright i esc li'tlc < andy Co d Cure I ablets ; through the territory between Belve- ' a*bv maRlc A r?w --a,Ml|clereamlLa , and the Associ. ' ir threatening Cold is Broken. ' an- . . , . . , i ike in taste Prcventics p'ease the a^iod wants this portion completed | Idrcn?and they break the fevei- before any others. The greater j uess, always. And least "f nil's | part of the road between Augusta 1 nomy. A large box 4H I'rov^nt i?-s j antj A.iken iS in good COiiciition, and j r,cents. Ask your (Insist. He ; theref0re does not require working ?ws: Sold by (J'inter's I>r g S|i.r?-: . . q worKingf but the portion which must be con! structed will be b?gun at once. S LAXATIVE HONEY and TAH 1 President J. C. Lamar, of the Asso- | E LIEVEB COUGH, .NO COCO* j that before the ^ q? r .our stomach. I it-art. or K,. !,he ,ourist season therc wil1 be a weak, try at h a>t, a few <h,sv- > splendid road between Augusta and ?f l>r Shoop's Itestorative 1 e ti\e , Aiken, although they will not b? i .en (lays only the io-.ii 11 wi.l mm- able to equip it in as thoroughly as a->ou. A few eon's w ii cover the they would wish, but by next winj t. And here is : y iie.p > n .m > A A L-klv. Dr. S.ioopdoesn't. .In, !tl?!ter thc, AuK"sta-Alken cement-gravu.ach, nor slim,ilale Iho 11 ear I or : e' r''''1 w'" ?ne o! the best in .be Ineys. Dr. shoop's Itest ra-i-ej ointry. l direct Iv to the weak and failing i _ . its i'IhcIi organ li'is ils o'\ n e??n-i .... .. ... tl.av^ lire L.iddn * ling i.eive. When these nor*-s , i ie depending organs mn>: of " ' r'' ' hums, putting ;sd I y falter. Tuis plni\ >.?t vi- " I,M' lhwl leu's Arnica truth, el.arly tel.* ?i.v I-. s *< d i . - i f hem. 11 aoon drives | op S Itestoral i vi is so un v?mmh1 s "" P;,i". I ' iMn-.seild-, Wounds, ( s?-f nl 1 is suoc *si is i^ji i j Ml, i '_,ii l s a nd i r ?i 11 s e? ri 11 a great est A ling drnggnits even lirTi* o giv? healer, (j ? ,i> cui's SkIii hi options 9 t: i versa I preference A test will ' l'(' s- ' 'crs. 1 elona; best l ic'i. Sold hv c.tnt. iv nun*' Psle cure made. Relief Is Instant 2fn ^ e. j at all (irutfw'ht!?. I A T When in laic the Lyric Theate The Home of High Class a New and Beautiful Movinj Comedians?Sin; thing is New and Up-to-I)at< I -tetireing Room, Ladies Ms Everything to Make Ou ive and For ything Good to Fat nt! Up-to-!)ate, go to XD3 ' BROS. BATESBURO, S. C. SBMH Witt?I III n lllili 1 rt"JTi ssj -re?I * ttr UVt Ifflifc L i e"t"5' i>iL; IV ooking f< I ^ The a s. ^ perfect >' ,.j fe'jp.... } to good 4 r LZr~ ) " ';?! ^ $10.00,5 --It. :fi f j. ,\ $25'?* | fit - -~K A i? yoi i . . ' nobby Sui flg^V Jflfc nislilngs, e Kir "M?* Cop) right ly by" SchaHV. Mar-: E amps I < '.ndies sufter ngoi&fcs CTOry month. jf I tliink. Is it natural.? lEnipluit i-jj| i ly?XO! Tlfcn tnalfe up your R > cure this needless Buffering I j* J 82 p ill Help You ? | "I s' jars" writes Mrs, Saraft ?T. TTo?- % _ kins, of C !<1 had i'oinale trouble and woul<l P * nearly or ith. My back tail side would jf?> 'i Eiain, I tried csorything to ?b (1 at lasi be^an io take Cardui. |? jusework witli GASO nud I give i* the health I enjoy/' (Try. Columbia ir Your Headquarters. nd Up-to-Date Vaudeville. g Pictures Changed Daily. \ gers?Dancerse. Well Heated and Comfortabletin in Attendance, Telephone and r Patrons Comfortable. LYRIC. $ ly at 3 P. M, Ten Cents. Wilie Jones, Prest. J. P. Matthews Cashier. T.J Selbels Vice-Prest. W. M. Qitbes, Jr. Asst. Cashier. Iios. Taylor 2nd. Vice-Prest. THIH I'ALMfi'lTO NATIONAL BANK of Columbia, S. C United Stutei Government, Stale of South Carolina, County of Richland, and City Depository. ! CAPITAL $>50.000.00 ASShTS $2,0*49,758.23 Solicits Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals ler either Commercial or Savings Accounts. \ R ES( UT K P E*. LI A B1LI T1ES. Loans $ 881,385 , r.s liondi 589,400.00 Capital Stock paid in * 250,000.00 8() Bonds. 8ecui ities, etc 'Jl Surplus and Profits 89,057.44 Hanking House. Vault, Circulation 237,500.0o ??" ?nd Hanks and !' S Proa- discounts 95,150.00 Riir.-r 210 513.30 Deposits 1,448,005.50 " <M,"> !li" !'4 *2.0(15,vliei ||I8 8WMMMH1 H|| If s % ? ?i r/2 r9 ^ i h * = - i , m3 i |sf= w i o a, ? | ? u y.\.. t, J~2 j' ft it * (M>3 3 ? o>3 i $ v1 i c/h 1 ~ p fe i | .is 3 s ? | i 1 .11 i : | 3s 1 U t = 5 p-< < i 1 i - ^ 5 - 1 p r. o ? pb ie-; mim w&&xmsmbmutkli jk l /vip! v 1!() i pl bkst ho 11:1 - in thh ci'h , s. r. wiilllpk, prop Columbia. s. a. Mr* rhh (il'ignari) brick work . i iks- !> j.!v . :i th j ni 'u ket. < ?idcr 111'cmi w i 111 ciisp?i tell. C ' ) ' . i A ? i ' I\ , "" * / ?. C.