TERROR CA BT TOBAl WAR. SIGHT RIDERS WAD lliwn ITT TT xiitliillU Uiil TO FARME! CONDITIONS WORS EVER. MANY PLANTERS ARE 1NG THEIR TOBACCO OTHERS PREPAR1N IEAVE THE STAT Lexington, Kv.,Marcn 2. of warning letters and visit riders many farmers in m the 12 counties in white bu co region arc destroying t beds, and at the picsent than one-third of the norm have been started. In mai huge signs have been ereel ingsand in high places lie ing the intention of the fa plant a crop tins season K ditlicultv of making a livi (amines in case lite uecisi no tobacco is adhered to, farmers are preparing to in States, wliilo many farm o placed their property the i the avowed purp .se of le; tucky. The murder of Farmer Nicholas county ycst 'rdi raids in Woodford and oil Jast week have increased lu announcing their cb-ti to go else where the tena that it will he impossib! from the proceeds of er t| wheat and corn. In the in igliborhood of many farmers have receive ing letters with \\i ich wc powder and poison, and ar have been placed at thrcai Conditions throughout t. declared to be worse it >w time sincj the tobacc wi BOARD Or EQUAI The Countv Bo?ud of was in session Tuesday, regular routine work. V< peals were made and in ; instance the township I sustained, which shows tli of the county ussr. K Congarec?T. .1. Roof. Town Rrookland ? A I) Fork?John II.w healy. ar t-s. greya E THAN and furnished excellent no a!*, which I were served by two charming duugli- ^ offer .>0 lers. There was a similar place, ' jd.28 gei v et. though not so famous, hack <>r the . . . ,, DESTROY" village of Buttermilk Falls, kept, by a . BEDS" lone Spelhui n. On a memorable Bit I IG TO "irdoy afternoon, Fit/, anil slipped YV are offvi down there on pleasure bent. 1 was :*>c ?ior.()e. 'E. in citizen's clothes, itself Ja scr'ous in- 8eo- All 30 It fraction of the regulations. Mrs Hpellman was out visiting when we li you want ?because arrived, hut came in soon afterward, wc would adv sfrom night divested herself of her line visiting dollars iu you early all of K?wn 111,(1 krot to work preparing the , dinner we had ordered Fit/, chanced ire) o c to sec her gown and bonnet lying on ' "'^evei ,lieir tobaco ^j10 be(j? .U)(j imnu.(ijately got into hiv.nii. We time fewer them, without saying "by vour leave.' at $.\00 lal number The four seated buggy, with thedrivny counties or, was in front of the house: we jump ?* < fine b'acl . ., ed in and ordered the driver to take us wai i from ,t( on U1 1 to'Benny's: while Fiiz and I indulged your orders fc arby cleelar- ln s,,mc r:lthcr amorous demonstra* is :re. rmer not to tions. Arrived at Benny's we went edi/.ing the 'hst to the bar and ordered a hot *" ? ng for their l,l,nch apiece; the crew of a schooner lying at the v/harf were in tlic loom, i in to laise suciiicd sur|>rise U I EJ " property at gy it j8 not good Tor it. jg Casl Evety fruit tree you set out makes h ^ n cun.stilwlt jour f,irm woi li many dollars mare. Kh Casl Set out. a few tins yeai. Due Every sucker draws something from Ka Due '''ay! ir the life ol the tree. Uvt Due i" 1* >'i. Leave none to weaken your orchard. Rfl son. Trees received in a frozen or dried kk out condition should he buried for a BB l! Kidgell while in the ground io thaw out ant Kg * O"' moisten. f? Int. ^liujl In making up and sending the seed raj ACCI order early, bifora the rush begins, Cap one is sure t o recei ve prompt at tention 18 Sui*| taphart. and got the belter selection Hlkl,i^ht- Hope you pruned t he grapevines las ?|} ;r* month or last November. J1'done now !. lleiidrix. the vin? s will b'eed but perhaps 1! s 22 P()|i< inamaker "better late than never ! |H |SSU' prings and Many a man who str ongly ??l>j-?cts l< Bp* Totn represent- pumping water f n a half d' /m cows, ? 4 ct.d chair 111 i 11 ks 11 aliing of .silting aiound forj L.C?IS had'a dav pumping his neighbors fts-'j D()li( Lexington Squallzatloa A '"a? . three nn.es of good fence. "f"1' Just hold on to yourself till the land IliJAIf! is dry enough to work without being as. A. ii. tlilAlU , gg Jno li T fY IN There are fewer red noses among I swi ^ . S. ' farmers I ban among any other class ( f ] fii j$ TlON People 011 earth. Keep out of the stock market; it is |afl A^'m* ' r tilled with snares and pit falls and is no place tor an honest man. ?0 ma ('eo steer clear of store debts They are ?~? Y mortgages on tin- future i.iwinKCnni ' ijj and M.T. P?und interest. charge of I>on't think you can carry the world ltinK' 'Tin- wn your KhouMers. ' ive t lie ;cslof the folks a chauee to lift \%i;h you I in a dilli- 'p lOlllt' blurts "Til Kennedy's iinel hing *? Laxative s I). Kan I o Cough Syrup ,1 . the po- Relieves Colds by working them out We mv (-r iii? of ,he system throu?h a copious and action entrust ' healthy action of the bowels. ,on I each. Relieves coughs by cleansing the ,v e pay t p > seems to mucous membranes of the throat, chest or under a and bronchial tubes. 0 u tf ar.c 01 uiiuli 0 ,r customers vidved art "As Peasant to the taste lolly is a . os M?P,e Sugar" Wilie Jones, I of emtio! - Children Like It> 1'lios. Taylor For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try lilty DeWItis Kidney and Bladder PI1U Sure and Safe ft ~ r THE BATESBURH ADVOCATE FITZMAURICR'S Laos ! Arch Store, Columbia, S. C. ds, Notions, Clothing and Furnishings, Art ^Iiiaroc M"**: ? " """ - ? ? v%|uwi vo} ana ^i aits of Batesburg and the people of Sou to Carolina we bid you lis store wherein is kepi a stock of the above Roods second to value and worth. Wo send samples ou approbation and prepay L-h to your nearest cxpiess cilice If you purchase $5 00 by mall * SPECIALS IN DRESS GOODS DEPT 1 to 40 inch reversible Mohair for skirts in browns, navys, i tin I blac:; and white at f?0e. the yard, the regular price 7*>c SILKS SILKS pieces oriental water proof silk for suits and waist in all colors inches, if you are out in r.?it> it makes no difference, you don't at) l awn a. 121 fie yard worth -Oo. the tinest, value y< u ever saw LINEN DEPT. ring HO inch all 1 in *n sheeting at SOc. the $1.00 kind Our 25c > A yd. for all liuen for suits and waists are the boot values you will iches. Samples on application. CLOTHING AND FURNISHINQ'S. , a nice 2 piece suit in black imperial serge or navy fancy worsted Lf ise you to Co.il or let us send you one. We can save you 3 to 5 mhy r suit. All our clothing union made. BOY'S AND YOUNG HEN'S SUITS. liip kind and will wear better than any you ever had.lYioi $2.00 can give jou a grand luue serge knee pants for a b ty say 12 to 10 ; SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAIST. k voile skirts elegantly trimm;d and full width. Any size you .95 to $15.08 eacii and chiitou pauamas for $1.00 each. Send us ir anything you want, we have goods and price. Your caster liat I hl^ Imitfili _______ VBi . " 'mItf , S SECOND ANNUAL ! flpp;.;? SOUTHEASTERN 1 IN I I P I: I The Uli " 3 -* fe?l Division _ Bh Associallt Insurance Company | =s? JADTAMDiinn < 1 niMJUKVJ) 1 KevBt*< r'EAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1007 B a riiic . ^ * INCOME Is "ld lrT: - . ^ _ of- IB sores, and miums $o2,/35.85 tlM, ,N ,.(1 Test 7.463.20 ,S? $70,199.05 H , r DISBURSEMENTS H -r1Tr th Claims less reinsurance $ 7,000.00 H JJj V es Voided 3,722.04 S3 imission & Ag'cy Expenses 23,548.81 J lical Fees and Inspections 3.427.50 T P'ting, Sta'ry. 3.704.62 B Whe rie Office Expenses 8,65g.62 S rrinti es and Licenses 2,006.37 jk il disbursements $52,068 96 H to be si "'ss of Receipts nj er disbursement 18,130.09 ||j $70,199.05 || fi^ed ASSL I S B DriiiTiTi tgage Loans $86,790.00 li at Int. & other ? drugs, t. Bearing Assets 27.761.08 M obtain li in Office and in Banks 1 1,881.86 B i from Agents 6,160.92 S* Our I and Accrued Int. 2,465.04 fl : : and Deferred Premiums 5,781.91 f; $140,840.81 Bj have 3 LIABILITIES B p ,t cy Reserve (net) $36,838.00 S> Paid in Advance 448.70 ft* Keep -ued Expenses 875.00 ital Stock 100,000.00 W TH I ilus 2,679.11 B p $140,840.81 B 1 INSURANCE STATEMENT. K Leeaviu NO AMOUNT cies in force Dec. 31, 1906 674 $1,268,175 Kj LCCS^ ed and Revived 725 1,171,150 B il 1399 2,439.325 B CQ 240 394,850 pleas intli :ies in Force Dee. 31, '07, 1159 $2,044,475 lake. Sol< 70 of Assets for every $1.00 of Liability^ DIRECTORS 81 Aliss |.u 1 wkheH S. J. Simpson Kg SCamstres . Cleveland Aug W Smith Law A. L- White B ,ou,ul at 11 .Montgomery L. I*. Carrlngton Ejl J Rond. Elliot Lstes pSjl ? OFFICERS. H (;r; l-stes, President Jno. II. Cleveland, 2nd Vlce-I'res. Li I'wiche'l, Vice President Win. 11. Valentine, Sec -Treas. Ml.DIC \L DIRECTORS. B TIII'ltM Dean, M. D. Geo. W. Meinitsh, M. I). Sifes18fifewin j?ra--n I Offlce HI; PALMETTO NATIONAL BANK DR of Columbia, S. C ()IJW.t. , At Ridge i'OSITORY in SOUTH CAROLINA for funds of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. (Jtt ,)>N Ii.i/el Salve wns and c >ollnc $400,000 00 U. S. Bonds liv !)r. 1?\ l> IUU.OOO.OU S. C. Bonds ' >n* hmiiiess anJ will g v ' ?'J!* he it attention to every trans etl to u- ISAK r cent on deposits in our savings Department It A' 'ally situated and are prepared to meet the requirements o ' ,iM'f " llt1? promptly and satisfactorily. Kikst Nati I'rest J. I'. /Matthews Cashier. Vice-I'rest. W. M.tiihbes, Jr. Asst.Cashier 2nd. Vic-l'rest. Weston A Ay cock Attorneys. /\ciVOC Safety Lock Boxes for Kent. i H.A. TAYLOR, COLL s a better and larger stock of ever before. ^ $2^00 \ er for c pay his Morris Chair worth $8.50 on Leather for only $5.00 /s* ;V ">? /*? -Vi .T5M q "X-V "'4 ;> .X5? -Nft ? ?jff v5* mj& '*> 'jt? 'J& '. ? /? *!> 'tCJ v? 'j0 ?> '/? ** r ]& ?jff DIVISION or LEX-r w!?Lv?V.rwIURMAN'Tm. I;x Solicitor, | GTOH UOilNTY. ^eneu. s. c. Edgef Mr. V/. J. Hatcher, ion 111 't iiih ,.1- l.ppt-r Johnston, S. ( of LlU* l-i \ i,;, 1 baptist- ,, , ' m will nu* t at Samaria ^ dear sil .? i Saturday for. the tilth In reply tc 1 March ltios. -relative to the Da1 j.t. Saw\er, | installed at my hon Clerk I'nion. one uavis is giving t Healer III ttl6 World. f&F Superior tO U stariiirii, of ivisi Uayinoud, have seen. Before >8*."i have ii-cd Huckion's fBrent gas plant, a Ive for several years, on my pest, but it did nc .min.1, .and ...hor ..brtih.le The Davlg lg easlly laid it tlu best healer in . iuse It I,, with ureal and as it uses lump I my veteriii.iry business.*' pounds Ol Carbide at All druiruisis. than the fine or c used by the former i EPaYTHING- penses of this maoh the other machine t. [n Drugs. :re ceUern you have a pre- ( on filled, you want) : I are that pure drugsi , uru .U WE ARE WHOLI id--When they aret by our Licensed! ist, with our pure; Fully prepare the best results art 1 ^ prices. Sent ed. your estimab Line of Fatent Med-1 FLAT E GLA are complete. We LORICK a Torse, Cattle and l! v Po\vdei>. i Wholesale Hardware us in mind ? ? CROSSON I*********** ?di id rn j>K I?< 1 e's Popular Dru^ists. ^^ Ville, S. C. % Successor to W. $ Lime, V Pitt's Lif i: ii ly Uisers. ; r^v ? Ule pills. ' ;;i easy t jjg KOSCSlU I by Dr. W P. Suiitor Urutf V v. , . cor, Wash NOTICh |fj I1( ttie I-aliaw. experienced ?) I elcpllOllC s after .M.tjIi . >t., will he -^2 ic residence of .Mrs. Josie 2 J8 4t. wool . MM. I'm v *T WW ' r, ON I > .V 1 IMMKKMAN h 1*0111 i Toknkv? *. i -1 . Send for our FRI;li Alante c? jn ...; uui u ; ;il! itions and full deacripf.ior. ^ c,,,lu We carry a complete stock of < in Kaiilfma nMmki, also name Factory Prices on Lexington, S. <'. ^ Cloves, Sheet Ale : I. \. WATSON. I pp A I I I 'KNT 1ST, i-*" lin^sluirjf, >. <'. i. ielcpiioiif liuildfnc. cat Spring Hwry Thursday VillVs Car'holi/cti Witch . i! !-> I)<- 11iM. soot hill*.' ' . II * hi- old &?>??? ?? & . (iiiiitfi s |)r iji Store. .y, SIATIOMikS, ri-:TT joNtis. o AN,) fni!M:v ai ' vw ^ yot arc Ioj n>r.i u<;. s. r ft novel in Souven ution ^,'iven toatlbusiiu-vs. . W/ll c ON A i. Hank urn.pin . . . j. \\ | llrSrA.us. *g Col ui "Ite S5 ^ WKWANTA dlc * , OSe???fi6C-?e< per year i v^i1 IMBIA, S. C. Furniture this Spring Line Porch Rockers .25 up to $4.50 each i of Real Leather and >n Leather. Cheaper y dealer in the State, rniture. Organs, Stoves sfrigerators. You can ttle each month until r. my person who reads ivertisement that will o my store and buy vorth of Furniture eith:ash or on credit I will Railroad fare home. . .u^ ? l< A VVAQE IR.-IAN Cc n.viMI-R VI AN. Saluda, S C Lexington, 3. C. ield, 8. C. March 13th, 1908. N J ? your favor of recent date, /is Ascetylene eras machine ise in 1907 I will say: That entire satisfaction, and is ny other gas machine that I usin? the Davis I had a difnd considered one among the )t compare with the Davis. charged, is very simple, carbide, the same number of lasts for a much longer time rusned carbide, which was nachine owned by me. The exine are not half so much as hat 1 owned, and the lights Very truly, J. William Thurman. ?a??no?rntwmmmm ?mwn ? ESAIJE DISTRIBUTORS OF GLASS :cl to sell MERCHANTS ^lES at lowest current I us your orders, also es for delivered prices on SSand MIRRORS. n d LOW RANGE MCORPOR ATED. COLUMBIA, S. C. Woodruff, I J. RUTHERFORD & CO 3 ^rtland and |g ale Cement, S lington and Rey- %. >ids Sts. || AlIOUSTA, OA. d? mmtmtmmwkmimk * ) MANTELS Cheapest Up 1 Catalogue, which shows large, full page i of our compl te line of WOOL) MANTELS. URATES and TILINti all the time. We can tats and Electric Fixtures J RICK & BRO. UJVUllA, S C ?? ?3? ? ???? NKWSDIiAI.KRS $ druggists x king for something ir POST CARDS write O sON GIBBES g nhia, S. C. M FEW LIVE SALESMEN. ^ ? $???&?????????