f YO i I How can This whetht I In orde I have a wt actly the made thai ly throug; We hav goods hav any other "I ha FOU] ours "The P 500 p j| four r Do you Then y< i, don't use E for them, hanclscme don't spei I, please yot i i hc :? l'irst,it wears 10 to 15 yearsit nnly eost $120. n gallon ? Tl the h st they have ever used ? sixP a thousand a^e Its eeri tin's facts. Ilolman-Culluot.il PaU^burtf. L.\M PAINT Ay. 1 %' i ^ ''W? < o* 't/1V" 8 if o J&. Sfc? A& f# \IV. T T $S-'sz if > "4$fl li w m '-jtf *'" *1 * ?* # .%!/ U are j Armc that be if you d way: nything you i V w w * ^ AV ^ * 4* :i _yi.ru ^ci h r to secure the ma ill balanced, mecha quantities of plar t it will not give tl h the growing sea e numerous testirr re made from 1-4 t s--like these four i ve used other bran R BALES TO THE Brands. Armour is m '.ch 1 iounds per acre of brands." need that ex du need Armour's them. In fact, th If you use them i profit over. Wh tcl your money-=yo a. Any o: The L. D. Cull impton Hendrix a W U ?s, 1 of tlie stomach, such as -j>econd , , heart hum. sour stcmach a 'lil 't> in^ri.K^as. Kod .1 contains Fourth j M'' :s found in a health) tify to Kodol is pleasant to ta tlwc.Co* guaranteed to give relief uts. ' here hv Dr. F. B. (lunter'.s 1 ur Sprin 71/J _ ^ men n 't us ha\ r. v*i#, ,%.i^ ;/\\. 't * /4rtVv '#IV 4 wammmmmmmmmm paying f J ti >ur rert on't buy them? ibsolutely need, 2 or not. ximum yield from you inically perfect fertilize it food required by ? lese up all at one time, son. That's ARMOUE lonials stating that th 0 1-3 more cotton per 1 nstances: ids on the same soil and 1 PLOW MORE when I J. T. Craig, Bu Detter at 400 pounds pe: any other I used out 0 3. N. BraJdy, Sti tra four bales to Fertilizers==-and pay fc at's the very reason wl they pay for themselv* en you buy Arrmur's iu invest it-and the rati f the following dealers v lum Co., Batesburg, S. ind H. F. Hendrix, Let arvf I OVM1 O'foM C '' ' L flvennnelo I ct'lil I>iaO(iei? I'lll.i lor abdUt a ) ' p ' j and tilt*v give better satisfaction tl met be'cli-| any pill I ever sold. TLere are a < . tbe same |,.I) people here who have used tl stomach.. aiMj they Rive perfect satlsfactioi ike It is ; every ?ase. 1 have used them my and is sold with tine results." Sold by l)r F drugstore. | Counter's Drug Store. rv C3 H n ^ VIV/LIIU^ Bovs is N< Exhibtion. the SeJectic e Have l?\ A 3D . 'e Your Op ). GULLUBI Batesburg, .11# .% I * * ' - / l'v ' * ? i v 5rv ijjf 1 t TUB BATBSBURO ADVOCATE BKi?ipss or |(|c ilizers ||| i'ou pay for, Iif r land you must I ir containing ex >'our crop and so I l?jj? but continuous- B 52 I Li O. e users of our 1 icre than with 1 f three or ^ Indigestion mu ,,, ^ II strengthen the Lllmore, (jra. E nerves with Dr. t f ^ EjJ and then see h< the plOW ? I aBa'n return. IvS aey nerves can >r them if you J| ly you do pay H LTl^.ul es and leave a I? "p T"atls of these ailmc Fertilizers you weak inside ?i ifii 3 are sure to if vill supply you. m nr^&tx"e_ He was at hi II C C* E& politics for an 1 ,5 V II1C, tlin situation I olarnrl >* tv?n K 1 * ' HV IneiphU "V ?r?ms* immMM#' !' >iH! i'?? f - f'l b b' li't M'C b: j( V^Al UChOkA, U11U li fear f reliable remedy tiiat will move the wlm ? ( Iran /bowels. Kennedy's Laxative Cough I loz- jSyrup acts gently yet promptly on the Loliee and si lem 1 bowels and allays inflammation at tlie deceived Mrs. i same time. It is pleasant to take and lieve deceive j " it is especially recommended for child- . .rr~in Qf self ren. as it tastes nearly as good as * K . . B. maple sugar. Sold by Dr. F. U. Gun- ' oiTee is ma< ter's Drug Store. grains, malt. I Minute?no 20 - ?afe, sure little jjsSbfc; F. B. Cu titer's Time for "si millinery stori & 2^^ book. r tor f? > L.&M.I-UB1 Viv is sold l'or $1.05 i - sold from tli1 . gallon. Buy 4j $ PAINT and n ;S|jk si i oil. and y %ClX '11 Paint at a c< jBYgl l > ue m 2 mil 4R& Hdrte. io, 1 : A .ents. Tj},^ Why do the; people who go rriv ; "merry makei ?n the f: M&h; I ent architect, | >au Franciscc jgjgj? I all that has hi Jters as a toni for everybody ; liver and kidi . , j anf* e^lc'enl 1 2Srgj? j Hprinn medic: Bist'scountei j unequaleci. >inion' #Wcat #Wonk Kidney Nerves The K Sumach, find tl %i* Itself, but In thi sJSgjy/yS and strengthen 1 a m-diclne ?p< ( VTV> controlling nerv I oki* la (utile. It is I A A Wbz w? w Thrush Cure?Caustic Blister?Quid Purgative Fever Medicines?Colic an worm and condition Powders. Prescriptions filled at all hour and day. We use only the pur est drugs. All prescriptions a carefully compounded by licet and college graduate. Courteot attention given everybody. idgell Drug ( J. M. R1DQELI iat when the Stomach This is what Hon. Jake Moire weaken, Dyspepsia or Warden of Ge >rgia, says of Ko at always follow. But, Dyspepsia: "E. C. D iWitt& se same weak inside Chicago, 111.?Dear Sirs?I ha . Shoop's Restorative, fered more than twcuty yea aw quickly health will indigestion. About eighteen Weak Heart and Kid- ago 1 had grown so much worsi ? - l.J ? .1: ??. - . -? ttiw uv; aiu;ii^Liituwu uuuiu nut ui^^ai d ui u?b UL UUi Lorative, where Heart and could not retain anything ion, or Kiduey weak- stomach. 1 lost 25 lbs.; in fact Don't drug the Stom- up ray raind that 1 could not ate the Heart or Kid- a short time, when a friend wrong. Go to the cause recommended Kodol. 1 consei nt8. Strengthen the* Irnse him and 1 wa ervcs with Dr. Shoop' now weigh mort d get well. A simph life and am ii surely tell. Gunter' r many years. a bottle con i lioping that hu ? Kernel " 1 Yours ver s club, and bad talke Atlanta, Aug. hour and a half. "That - \ F' B- ?UQfcer' in a nutshell," he d< nlrtPA ? 1 TI nu ,-rvv,r. " ' f%y fLftt ft nut London .. >?ani>ftna*8 jkho what, struck her, -no wl.se ' ??? ,?V' l>r- ShOOD 'VGrippe or acu * Dr-SHooP ? He.H box of prcvent irvc It olplnB hot. I ,wls thi, ,orl Shorn, and will I be , . . supreme contv iny one And then* \ r . 1V . ndy Cold Cure real ColTee in it. HeaUl , . . * . . s certainly o le from pure toastec . . . inst 25 cents nuts etc. Made in a . . . a c l'reventics, re IU .V 111 ICU IVIHi"" nds 25c. Dreher Bros. ? no quinine, no laxativ ing harsh nor sickening. Pn< would never appear if ear e busy little Taft im- were always broken. Safe a ning hour |t>y gathering for feverish children. 18 Pr le day from every open 25c. Gnuter s Drug Store. tie Early Risers, small, Mis BurK,ar3 s liver pills. Sold by Dr. Drugstore. Lilt,c Boy <,n toy sh?P>" bank safer prlng openlag" of the Salesman-Absolutely. my ? and papa's pocket- n' 1 11 w0" into it. But 1 want one that pa raadv for use. mama can * break ainto 1 ? PaINT semi-mixed Weekly, per gallon.Linseed oil e barrel for cents a gallons L.&M. PUBE ? - ... nix with it 3 gallons lin- ' ta'esburg L.H !' I f * ^4 "* y call a group f st niil j i out on a d'lefii p.>- c ii. n Pos For Everybody 7^^ 7 of the best j ill Coulter, a prom: - every cnterp in the Delberi Building |2 "it is as easv ' *ays: ; > /?'!> fk*M oniy u'sc J, jen said of Electric l it |rV c medicine. It is good | "1 7i It corrects stoma.-h, p (Off VlllL icy disorders in a prompt c manner and builds up tli ttSfS cctric bitters is tlie best Is thrre any rca ine ever sold over a drug- W James M. Sv ; as a blood puritieritis L acre of \ lrgi He gathered 50c at All drug stores. acre,and there v ? &y This is the exper planters. Careful \ !/ 1 1 H vise of high grade r\ 1 f\ &\T C &*- *urc,y "incrcasc y?ut 1\IU11VY3 fir prejudiced authorise J Sf Virginia-Carolina Fa ?. mlr point to ?o.k m??, I ? col;.y ?' whic'>may idneya. like the HL Art. and the Ml irer dealer, or from ( leir weakness, not In the organ K\ An interesting pic e norves thAt control and guide ?V, / them. Dr. Shoop's Restorativeis Wy. \\ cotton will be four ilically prepared to reach these \\ es To doctor the Kidney* alone. ??g!k\\ VIrtrint'i fore ? waste of timo, and of money as " irguua-Cdru aches or is weak. If the urine n'tu"kD\ ; and strong, if you have symptoms e .u.mi n s < lor distressing or 0-o ah, ,, Dr. Shoop s Restorative a month? d?and see what It can and will iggist recommend and sell Shoop's lj_i | l Sip*' 1^1 WmSSLT, !& mm '' v> writ ?r? ?t. ^ (Y POWDERS. SB 1 alt Brick. Brj joor and puny iflfcll prny carry a rand Veterl- 9^n Food and Poultry 31 1 I of Dr. Whites' VetVhite's Cough.Cure 1 k Healeing Cure? 9KJ id Kidney Cure and s, both r.ight xl 1 est and fresh- SB I cc u rately and x8 >?\ lsed druggist xl i is and prompt SH >1 MM Company 3 L, Ph.Q., Proprietor 31 PatachnHm C C* VVJ Kf %M 1 ^a , State No Use to Die. dol For Co., of ve suf- "I have found out that there Is no rs from use to die of lung trouble as long as months you can get Dr. King 8 New Discovery,' 2 that I says Mrs. J. P. White, of Rushboro, ii bread Fa. "I would not be alive today only : on m v for lllat wonderful medicine. I 1 mad" loosens up a cough quicker than and live but thing else, and cures lung disease of mine eveu after the case Is pronounced nted to hopeless." This most reliable remedy s better for coughs and colds, lagrlppe, asthma i than 1 bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold una better der guarantee at All Druggists. 50o. Kodol and *1.00 Trial bottle free. stantly. inanity y truly, 'My wife," began Hlclcs, "dropped 10 1904. in to see me at the office today and" ? p Drug "Sorry, old man," interrupted Wicks, "but my wife held me up be*rr ; T V Vxn: T ran't detid you a -C n.iic 1 audard & Times, wi, The; went in to dinner together. &?| .ry- >Uit>l.aaa shc.wlsyi j \ nil* to draw htm out- Finally she be* . J ; i^an t- t-..' nooks, and b.e beoame re- fl I , 'sponsive "And Hugo?" She asked. M tp Cold you like uis styier" "on, yes, * ics will he replied; "I ?ind him intensely In( , teresting. I've read a number of his L . >w\Wa 11 Tlion qmIta/I van cl'^PCG in ^ Tablets rea(* 'Ninety-three?" <4No, I've-er . only read three. 1 didn't know he prctly had written 80 many." member e, nothaumonia ly colds Tickling ordry Coughs vrlU qulckyl nd sure loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough eventics Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing Is tjliR mountainous shrub give the curative properties to Dr. '.Shoop's Cough Cure. 1 it t le It: ca,ms the cotigh, and heals the i break 8enslt*ve bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh pa and USC(J to injure or suppress. Demand iarper s I>r. Shoop's. Take no other. Gunter's Drug Store. . A. 5uiirniiii ia ijiif The Greatest sible Cotton Crop |j possible quality, is the aim of jhR| (rising cotton planter. And as rolling down hill" if you