f YC M j is How C? II whetl iln ore I have a a actly th made th ly throu We h; goods hi any oth< F01 our ? "Tt ' 500 H fou 1 Do yo fj Then I don't us fnv fVim Ehandscr don't sp please y | ** V * * , ! ' ? ; ( : /I i [ ' . t. ? :?I'Mrst.it wears 10to 15 yen it only cost #120. a gallon ? the b .'st they have ever use slxl' i n thousand ajjcdts these facts. Holman-Cullum Patesburtf. L.\M PAINT , OKI O " *2 KZ m ( m it ii ?1 m m v> ^ IV-" I Alfe # r 'M . ku uafti Ik*. >U are payir Armour F tn that be if you don't buy ther s way: Anything you absolutely ter yeu get it or not. lev to secure the maximum yield i .veil balanced, mechanically perfec e quantities of plant food requi lat it will not give these up all at gh the growing season. That's . ave numerous testimonials stating ave made from 1-4 to 1-3 more col ars?like these four instances: lave used other brands on the san UR BALES TO THE PLOW MOR s Brands. J. T. I le Armour is much better at 400 p pounds per acre of any other I us r brands." 3. N. B u need that extra four b< you need Armour's Fertilizers?a ;e them. In fact, that's the very n. If you use them they pay for ne profit over. When you buy A encl your money-=you invest it?ar ou. Any of the following The L. D. Cullum Co., Bate lampton Hendrix and H. F. Her VV U Urtnf I Avin /vf ^ * irs?Second ot l lu> slomu,|>, such as dyspepsia,! an(j gjve ^ Third it heart burn, sour stomach and ?>e!c?i- : uny pill I ever s " 1 Iur of gas. Kodol contains the same j en people hero d ?Fourth j ncu-s found in a healthy stomach., and they give p certify to Kodol is pleasant to take. It is every > ase. 1 ha Hdwe.Co' | mjaranteed to Rive relief and is sold j w'th tine results Aytnts. i . re hy Dr. F. B.Banter's Drug.Stre. i Gunter's Drug ! )ur Spring Clol Men & Bov s i o? ? *1 i on Exhibti ? : HI _A. et us have You ri L. D. COL Bate v*!*, **M. *?* * TUB BATB3BUR ' J I" ' [ ; BHBOHHittflaHHBHl ig fi.r ertilizers 11? need, you pay for, from your land you must f /lAr?fomiv>nc AV >\J 1U Ulli/ut/i- CA" ired by your crop and so one time, but continuousARMOUR'S. that the users of our :ton per acre than with le soil and have made E when I used ArmUraig, Buckhead, Ga. >ounds per acre than :ed out of three or raJdy, Stillmore, Ga. lies to the plow ? ud pay for them if you reason why you do pay themselves and leave a .rmour's Fertilizers you id the returns are sure to f dealers will supply you. sburg, S. C. idrix, Leesville, S. C. c? r* J - t#*' 0 :jt ?wmmmmmm \ In , !-ays . '''car fill b > .: (hat lilLii ? V . ?... * HV M.v> is lor about a year ^reliable remedy that will rt otter satisfaction than f bowels. Kennedy's Laxative old. TLere are a doz- J Syrup acts gently yet promptl; who have used them 'bowels and allays inflamraatio mn in 1 same time- 11 is pieesant to t satisiaction j it is especially recommended fc ve used them myself! ren, as it tastes nearly as t, Sold by Dr F. II. I maple sugar. Sold by Dr. F. Store. | Ur's "rUK Store:hing for :s Now on. ection the e Ever i* Opinion. LUM CO. sburg, S. C. :Q ADVOCATE a Ii? AMBER CAN a *? HORSE-CATTLE AND POI I am Black Man's Medicate 0$ There is no excuse for hav ^ stock when Ridgell Drug ( ? complete stock of cattle pc nary Remedies. A full line of International St Da?VF/I A lrt/\ C ?> m a q# v/wuvi e? maur iano *jlwiv 'uui I 1$ erinary remedies including 1 I mm Thrush Cure?Caustic Blister?I I Purgative Fever Medicines?Col I lo worm and condition Powders. V B& Prescriptions filled at all I R and day. We use only the K lift est drugs. All prescriptio carefully compounded by I Ift and college graduate. Cour 1 lii attention given everybody 111 Ridgell Drug !? J. M. RID< I Remember that when the Stomach Tliis is what Hon. Jake nerves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia or Warden of Ga >rgia. says Indigestion must always follow. But, Dyspepsia: "E. C. D jV\ strengthen these same weak inside Chicago, III.?Dear Sirs nerves with Dr. Slioop's Restorative, fered more than twent and then see how quickly health will indigestion. About eigl again return. Weak Heart and Kid- ago I had grown so muct ney nerves can also be strengthened could not digest a crust with the Restorative, where Heart and could not retain an pains, palpitation, or Kidney weak- stomach. 1 lost 2o lbs.; i ness is found. Don't drug the Stom- up ray mind that 1 cou ach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kid- a short time, when a I neys. That is wrong. Go to the cause recommended Kodol. I of these ailments. Strengthen thee . lease him and weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop' w. oow weigl Restorative 'and get well. A simph 1 " life and single test will surely tell. Gunter' r many j Drugstore. ^ a bottl ? : l' hoping tl Tha Kernel j6d-. Youl I He was at his club, and had talke Atlanta, politics for an hour and a naif. "That - ? the situation in a nutshell/' he di H O t tV?r? AIooa *TToo *' ov Ht ' re 1 a thornier to is leare-. ... jBft V>i.ut:"?Umdon L "a ,wants aee l | Cob's. I ;ie?l " ' ' 111 ' iaPt wiHp | kin* ,! ,n, struck her. I ' \ I''- ' ( - , .VIP w" - ? i't >u ] C. I: kin ws fine C off.-e j irt,. i ,,i? m.i.a . ' ' l?v Dr. b u O,* UtfcOlA* UKU IJU I Ul , .juitvij Ul 1.1? ^ i "coui/h ,1,m a batch of Dr. Shoop'a "Healt Grippe o pontile Coffee" and serve it piping [hot. I box of Pi n at the deceived Mrs. Shorn. and will I Ik* >w is this akc and lieve deceive any one And there I supreme rood "as n?l u tfrain ?* rea' Coffee in it. Heal;I ,Kiy Cold B. Guu- Coffee is made from pure toaster s c<:rtai grains, malt, nuts etc. Made in a i!,stMinute?no 20 to 30 minutes tedious I reventi ~T"T~ boiling. 11 pounds 25c. Drelier Bros. u no quinine, noli t ing harsh nor sickening would never appear i A* vtv How doth the busy little Taft ira- were always broken. S; # prove each shining liour |by gathering for feverish children. 4 delegates all the day from every open 25c. Gnuter's Drug Stor tag Oower. ________ "vPffsF DeWitt's Little Early Risers, small, ... nurB.|.r .jAIA* safe, sure little liver pills. Sold by Dr. _ SSI F. B. Hunter's Drug Store. , L?"lc Boy (in toy s hank safe? Time for "spring opening" of the talesman?Absolutely. millinery stores and papa's pocket- man- warrant >ou Li into it. <*si36* book. u . , But I want one th; | Paint ready for use. mama cau i break *i L.&M, PURE PaINT semi-mixed Weekl>'is sold for |1.65 per gallon.Linseed oil jMafr is soil from the barrel for 61 cents a 1 " gallon. Buy 4 gall ins L.&M. PUBK * ?^jUv, PAINT and mix with it 3 gallons Ifn- jiASS? s? <-* i oil, and you then make 7 g?il?>ns ,vM.-v 1,1 Pa'd at a cost only ^,120 p i g;,lio l ? .ne in 2 mi mi t os" Ilolm.u i.:.u:ii , i IId*e. CO , Ha'esfour*' L.M ! i | A.OIlLS. _ fffv ? Why do they call a group <>f stupid people who go out on a d lefi \ . c _. " , "merry makers"? If I ^ Good For Everybody jT cf tjlc ] a&?V,# Mr. Norman R Codter. a prom .* every e cnl architect, in the Pelberl building f^*' "it is as ''V, j san Francisco, says: -I fully endorse Q^JT only use agagg all that has been said of Electric l'it ters as a tonic medicine. It is hjoI | j for everybody. It corrects stomach, |L .df/' liver and kidney disorders In a prompt ftjg is&rl and efficient manner and builds up th ffcltS fyj system." Electric hitters is the best ojgva Is there ai hS?! j upring medicine ever sold over a drug- James 1 jfjj gist's counter; as a blood puriticr it is 1He gat ||jKg | unewder and Veterl- I ock Food and Poultry I I and of Dr. Whites'VetOr. White's Cough .Cure ^uick Healeing Cure? I ic and Kidney Cure and hours, both night zHfl purest and fresh* SIS ns accurately and Sll licensed druggist 91 teous and prompt - * Company || jELL, Ph.G., Proprietor 98 I Batesburg, S. C. SI I M > )re, State No Use to Die. I of Kodol For 9 i it & Co. .of ^3^1 ?I lixve suf- "Ihavefouad out that there is no ly years from use to die of lung trouble as long as 9 iteen months you can get Dr. King a New Discovery/9 i worse that 1 sava Mrs. J. P. White, of Rushboro, 9 of corn bread Pa "I would not b3 alive today only 9 ytiling on mv for wonderful medicine. I 9 ii fact. 1 made loosens up a cough quicker than and Id not live but tiling else, and cures lung disease [riend of mine eveu after the case Is pronounced consented to hopeless." This most reliable remedy 1 was better for coughs and colds, lagrlppe, asthma 1 more than 1 bronchitis and hoarseness, Is sold unam in better (der guarantee at All D.'ugglsts. 50o. rears. Kodol and $1.00 Trial bottle free. e constantly. lat humanity rs very truly, "My wife," began Hicks, "dropped Aug. 10 1904. in to see me at the office today and" ? unter'? Drug "Sorry, old man," interrupted Wicks, "but my wife held me up be*cre T T. f* Vtv t -an*t !end you a icons."?'c- ioIIc Standard & Times, n \ me i icar.- j ns she viil! I'be, wentm to tiiouer together* .l v t -y -i? iai.anti s ;e Wecl it; \ai?? t>- i-v -vt. Fir ail, she be?( I _ . ? . ?:u i>wks. utri v.'i .-.'euame re* .J >.p. r- .v "A' Hue"?1' ssk.-d, i Jv ,r icute Cold yUU lik? 018 "OU, yes, ' event-ICS will be replied; "I find him Intensely infor an offer9 !'ve reads numttt of his confidence in Thau .he ?ked -H?TCjoa Cure Tablets rcf 'Nlnety th'-ec?" 'No, nly complete. <" '/ rea6 three- 1 dldot know he .ente-pretty "ad many." cs, remember ixative, nothPneumonla I early colds Tickling ordry Coughs will quickyl Lfc and sure loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough 8 Preventics Cure. And it is so thoroughly harme. less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves s, and tender stems of a lung healing hop)?Is this mountainous shrub give the curative properties to Dr. 1 Shoop's Cough Cure, mv little It: calntls tbe cough, and heals the won't breaw senslt,ve bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh it papa and use(! to injure or suppress. Demand nto ? Harper's Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Gunter's Drug Store. . _s.aa- l a, " i,\iA*rtUVffiTn'l til oil-Hit' The Greatest^^^^: ^ssible Cotton Crop Jr icst possible quality, is the aim of JBApsj nterprising cotton planter. And easy as rolling down hill" if you irginia- Carolina J Fertilizers ny reason why you cannot do just as well as Mr. jwj \i. Swint, of Chiplcy, Ga., who used 600 lbs. per IB Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers on his cotton crop? hered one and a half bales of cotton per Aja here were more bolls yet to open. experience of hundreds of other cotton agk \g?| rcful preparation of your soil, and liberal !&?'*? fjEa rade Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers will JrapB : your yields per acre." Numerous unlorities tell how it is done in the new . j&gjjg H na Farmers' Year Book or Almanac, li may be secured f rora your fertil- rty % 9 Erorn our nearest sales-office. a fl e found in this Year Book. |&j una Chemical ?'iy ?/ !? *5^*sS2?<... - * \> *