BATESBURG AD' A Tri-County N* ROGERS BAYLY ht>. BATbSBURG, S PUBLISHED EVERY TERMS OF SUBSCU One Year Six Months No three monthssubscrli viio uinuur commanding a would have fallen the blarr thing gone wrong. At the tho Admiral was sick in hi: greater part of the trip and must also go largely to the captains and crews. So much for the mechan the expedition. But it is the credit of the squadron touches every officer and enl that the vessels were well feted at every port where ped, entertained with all functions from breakfasts fights and receptions to car out of the 20,000 men, all of i shore liberty at one time o. there was not a case of diso havior and the officers and c clean records and a friend I brance with the authorities the public at every port they The cruise has shown tl American republics more of power of tire United States t have ever seen before, more t have ever seen of any other c< fact. International fnendsli ever been cemented all at southern continent. Perbr day we shall need them and it will be well worth the expi The Lucky Quarter, v Istheonevou pay out for Dr. King's New Life Pills bring you the health that's m< ious than jewels. Try them f ache, biliousness, constipatl malaria. If they disappoint prtce will be cheerfully refu Ai1 druggists. No oill presented for ovi scrlptions All Copy sent In mus / on one side only. ( When changing addr give old post office othei will not be made. Advertising t One Inch One Year One Inch Six Months One Inch Three Months First page double the abu Local Insertions 25cts p< Page Readers lOcts per ers to take run of pap Line. FRIDAY, MARCH 2i Cotton is still going grai and the farmers have all guessing caps. These balmy aays must effect upon the candidate nothing from them. Senator Tillman's spt methods of Roosevelt wl material for campaign pur The iirst act of Judge the Orangeburg Times-Dc to grant bail to a negro w ed another negro Th's is for the new Judge. The Augusta Chronicl now said thai ninety per Democrats in Congress Mr. Bryan." Tills sounds the New Yoik World's yi *'We shall enter Magda the morning. Ships and in better condition than Hampton Roads. Targ will begin immediately, ron is ready to go anyw p1"?" nr ar. ? ? - # ' * .S L'- 1 I' I i aiiuouion uu cue coast oi Wednesday n'ght. It wa commentary on the iueflk Navy" cf which so muc beard in the past few m battleships iiave practice their round-the-liemisph they have covered a little miles of the 14,000 mile rui folk to San Fra:. Cisco an last and longest leg of th Callao to Magdalena Hay four days inside the sch< And as Admlra! Evans r< have not heated a crankready to go into action necessary. A record? somewliac, thank you! This was the cruise tin was projected was )ooke< many quarters as an almosi ble undertaking. To Adm goes much of the credit, I 1\A Alll L_| lug a coating and the; it when it where it has been 1 upon in LJ itively the best thinj: t impossi- Pi the market, fluarc iral Evans 1-1 - satisfaction. 25c bot for lie was P| nd to him I.I ic liad anysair.e time H GUNT ? cabin the P| t";!cr;"i' S NEW DRl,r< individual ril icai aid ? Opposite Depot I no less to m j|Pi||g lwrm'r jpnFg Twmi' (iincl this Jl JLiMiiE SiUihiifc "iiiUiiiE dLMiLE iated man) " ! eomed and fitted ^ they stop- ^ For everything good tc sorts of a r.m |DreherBro; -vhom had another; rdcrly be- * *" ;rews leit y re memand. the g&j w ^ touched. $3j ^ kle South I the seaban they B hau thej Your Pulleys, Belting, >ur.try in El- Piping, Paint, Machii lips iiave J$jj Washers, Lime Cem ound the jSfc ins ?omc PLUMBINu I' we do, |A FR()JV enditurc. | SOUTHERN a box or H SL4jPU They S >re prec- Colum I or head frjV youuic It Means Mon inded at I V LOCATE Paper AND PROP. . c. FRIDAY LIPTION $1.00 4 SOcents fl IB er due sub- B B ?? vr A . t be written ess always 'wise change 151 have rent ,ve amounts. | T1 > 5? the New Fi 1 1 dually lower 1 | put on their 1 I I 11 , have their 1 s as we hear I 1 ecli on the 111 bo good poses. DeVore says I 'mocrat was I ^ ^ ho bad kill 1 Y , a bad start | I vr;;1:: MAi/p arc against | ^ l^V IX. 1L?r like one of irns. ? iave sele lena If ay in men are all on leaving et practice ' * ? ' T I i The squad- 1 JJL iV here on any if, ' f , 4 ^ i V 1 ?& c. >, enJcsv: I. > ; ;i y I i-( -f t . i Mexico on s a striking iiency of the h lias been onths. The illy linished j '** W ere cruise; I over 10,000 ' ' ? ^ m Q J? X i from Nord made the TT~~ e trip from | ^ ?dule time. sports, they O pin and are 2 VICTOR BIT) B at once if JjLJj Well, yes, Kills Busts and Ec +> 1 PORT m, vrjLl M ed the newly er rst National Bat ine of all goot JP-TO-DATE F1 in the 1 UR NICK THE HOi^ :cied a variety of arti neces TRIP TO BA i' i * t ;1 ii'" T C M ^ i4' ' 1. ' : \ Cj > \ A Ui ' lAHl VVOfiP COME AND SE )nrs9 the je\> 1SUI1112I331 JCEls I ^IC>C>C-C;ug POISON . jp j| %s. Dries leav [ | ^ y will not stay luuu i applied. Pos I | ^ ; of the kind in Lii& ^ mteed to give l|| ^ f l?? 01 I $ FR'S p| j STORE r II W 0 Jatesburg,S.C. y B "Milll! aX. - anfifTp. gTVTif JWI1 f -IWI('i: anvt fj'jl ;r -3.HHH,? 3.1,1,11,1/ t :H.i f- ^mliiliK 3,hull,t T.'ll' J "" jL. > eat, fresh &0 nd up-to-date go to iy 0 r-*, ^ ISatesburg, S. C. ^ *M MA* f a 16 16 (y li . , . M'O Packing, Pumps, yvO l c I Jol ts, N u t s a nd p/j I 0 ent, Plaster and l*k 0 1$ supplies mp \ ?" f STATES M < ^ CO. p it, . c. || |* ey to You. || M- *3XMhV it y i. ; y;- v;. >j ~.?f / 4O0WT w w ected store of fcKernag lk building and have opened k fimf r.nn hp fmmd in a JLKJ |jJLJLVt> \J\JL>S*k Kf\t 1\JF IXIX VI. III IXAND TEN CENT STORE argek" cities. ? ELS AND DIMES HE COMFORTAB Icles that wiiS fill the many little wai sary in every home in this whole coi LTESBUG TO VISIT MT C A Airv iT< A * J T~+ * r-rx. L, ,-MM; 5AVt YUUK MONEY. /ELER AND HUSTLER. JL>?3i LGSb&J ?c?c????<5?????????>??e??e?c??e????ec NOTICE! NOTICE! NOT] 100 K. P. Guano Distributors $.'.50 formerly $9. 50 Henderson Guano Distributors $1.75 formerl Moline Gotton and Corn Planter with Guano Dis $15.50. Moline Cotton and ('. Planter $12.50. Middle Busters and 1 kinds of plows in stock. Agents for Planet, . Cultivators. W BE FENCING. We have two cars ' ock of any kind you w bought it in big lots, h puts us where we can cheap as any body. LIME, ENT AND BRICK. We buy in car lots a; . iways have on hand wl need in this line. We can sell mere! . lime and cement cheap* you can buy in less inn car lots and will be glad 1 you prices in quanti PAINT 5, OILS AND BRUSHES. Let us figure w: h you on your paints for Spring ing. We can sell you a paint guaranteed f or live ready to go on your building at $1.15 per gaiion. We carry full line of every thing that goes with ; Come to see us or write, we will show you we ar< and will save you money. RUT LAN D ,3RABH AM BATES BURG, S. C. >' * ' I 9 han ne : u ft COfflpiuu 11 ! WILL ;? p WL^4 JEL? its so Lintry. f stoih r2*.S.C ??_J> / >C5 - - HS ????? ICE! .00. ; y $6.50. tributor ant, we sell as J iat you sr than to make ' paint1 years, i brush, e in line CO. m