The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, January 10, 1908, Image 4

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hi -m w t H wo ^ In order t< ^ Merchand: I M( lH And will c Wlium if IHANGIS 10 MEET. 'J (I:lla Wheeler Wilcox, in New York, American.) , }\ They ware a little group of men and v women sitting about a dinner table in , a lovely metropolitan home one night ,, recently. Four men and four women, all trav- , clcrs, readers and thinkers, and the ;l arts, the professions, ft auce and so- | cial experience and qualities were all r represented in the coterie. n They were discussing the ever old a and always new subject of the. rcla-||t t ions of the sexi sin domestic and so-J A cial life, and the growing frequency < f divorce and scandals in America. I () seemed to toe majority of the littigroup that civilized society was degei crating, but another recalled the Ho- s man period, where women frequent > j married ten husbands, and cited tin ? case of one win), according to reliable y history, married her twenty-third bus ,j band, lie hunself having possessed twenty-one wiv-s. The dt-nene aey of the (ierman Court q was referred lo as a sign of I lie deca- sl deneeof the present cm: but then it t. was rcmemheicd that Neio and t'aligula, reigning Einuerors. comDclled _ it the populace to pay them honor while d they Haunted their own degraded hah its in the eyes of the world, unpunish > cd by law. Nero invited his friend?- f< to dine and in tlie prcseiice of the bus ?l hands descanted upon t he favors the wives had been compellc'l to bestow L| upon the Emperor, and the cowed and ? servile husbands listened and allowed the monster to k'o forth alive from his a banqueting hall. d Surely the world has advanced since that era, for no monarch could walk a the st reets in any count ry of ( ho world 11 to-day (unless indeed, we except Tur ,tl key), who had so outraged t he moral ti principles of decency and justic Then the misfortunes which havi le befallen little ^ii-1 s at the bands <1 c; men of position and wealth caino un w tier discussion, and there was a union t of thought and sentiment anions the ir ladies wlncli made the four voice- ti speak as one. ik Whereupon, when an interval of of Silence came, permitting a man to lit- f hi tor a word, one spake: \\ "You women liave not the .slightest 1<> comprehension of what men endure in di the way of persistent temptation from dc lliis same class of little ^ii Is," he said cv II Jtuisn. i r ^ Dry Good: And in fa( ifjfr of the sak 8 This is w have 1 PARENTS GUARD YOUR; DAUGHTERS THE PRESENT GENERATION IS TOO ! 1AMIL1AR Wlfii STRANGERS t $5, rth of < AT ( 3 raise the ready C ise at absolutely C )NDAY, ontinue all the we le stock consists o: s, Notions, Hats, i Groceries, Har it, articles too nun ; will be SPOT i nn TPolrn Vvn+ if ia J HV UIVV WUU 1U i)J to raise the money J. c. c 'There exist in every American i-it^ nd in many lesser towns of Oiir lam lundrcds of fcirls from the ;uc o wclveta twenty, who have been a! owed absolute license by their paient roni the time they weic old cnontfl ,o play mi (lie si reels and at I end i uli ic schools, until their nhnds are a iold and tlieir ideas of life as merer lary as those of hardened and deprav id women. These little girls, will hortskirts and hanging liuir. frequen lie streets at will, loitering on thci > ay from scho il, and shop, and factory .ml witII deliberate intention pursm nen w ho possess automobi les or win it in citih windows They plan hemselves in tlie automobiles, in fact nd when the owner appears, gree im with a bold laugh, and '(live us ; idc. Mister, p.ease.' 1 have knowi his to occur to more tliu.ii one man nr. known men to be assailed by vol :ys of invectives when tlie little girl: 'ere almost forcillv put out of Lht ir and sent upon their way disai oinied." It was a bachelor who spoke: a uacl lor whoso n:tmo so far ha* been una* lilcd by scandal, and another backt ir and a b nedict added their test ioiiy to a knowJed^e of similar events leant ime, the ladie; aaain ehoruser! heir united opinion that l lie man win mid not combat such temptations ceded a conservator appoint ed, and, a mariied man, a feathery coal ano|y attached with macadamizc<l nu nt would lie an appropriate gift o protect him from the chill winds fier nivin^ the little nirls then rive, ' What would you think," asked up cf the ladies, ''of a woman win Jiincl her ear occupied by two or hree alt raetive youu^ m n. an I eon mted to di i ve them about, and t real hem to dinner, rallier than disat oiiit litem? Would the fact thai liev nersuerl her. and 'tensed:i i l.t \ husband's wounded pride and conli once?" And then, of course, tlie di.set on ion andered into the eternal channel ol ic different code of conduct of moi Is le.ited l?y custom, if not by n: ire, for mar. and woman, Hut, ineiin. line,'o stray ;iw;ij ait ave the little parly to end their d i?.ion so. they may. does not th hole sutij ait so unpleasantly l>efolic public eye for many months seen i hark back to he li,st source of al un^s, TIIK lJA UKNTS? It cannot * denied that scores, it not hundreds. I) d<l and vicious young girls are t' found in every A in -i lcau city today lien not vicious, their boldness and ud manners and slangy language in cite the ease wuli which tliey mat iscend to vie.-. One meets tlx n crywlii-re; as frciciciilly us coining ,000 1A AH C :ost "ash, I offer my entir ost. The sale will c M. JAN. ek. Come early and f Caps, Shoes d ware. Crocker v. - ' ' 7 Men and Boy's nerous to mention. CASH a matter of busines , and this is my me ii nvFi BATESBU f out of school wiili their hooks as from I shop or factory; aui again, a little old f or and a little cmre subdued in man - ^ ncr, but scarcely m >ru in deportment, s j in the Summer hotels and walking the i i heaeli of seashore tesorbs What are; - j the American parents thinking about, s that such utter indifference is shown in the matter of guarding their girlsV ^ ( Would it not be well to establish a li CBN SO Il> Hll? i'OK PARKNi'S In I i America? I r And wouid it not be well to restrict , | the much vaunted liberty of the young u | mul l i ri r >! An American gentlemen, old enough t to be the lather of a pretty girl of six , teen, was on the point of goin,' to her I, rescue recently in a trolley ear, where i she was ogled and ( penly given cause j j for annoyance, If not. fear, by three : young foreieners. before the man had - entered into a fracas with the young s rowdies, he was liorriiied lo see the ; American school girl smile cncourag > ingly at their familiarities. Some thing is wrong in our whole] system of i; educat ion here in this Land of the > Free. i Why not look into the]cdiises of so i much shame and crime; and why not doaliltl.* common sense systematic I training of I'A WnAMY? Many of those parents were country Inrn and bred, and knew nothing of the snares and temptations which . surround t he latest generat ions. They believe I heir girls will "t'ome out all I right." a*, they did-and consider a few childish "llirtaticns" and frivolities as only nat oral diversiens of youth. I'hoy are unconscious of the fact lhat uuwnure id America today exists the safe, simple life, which surrounded the eail'er generations. Motor cars and l rot leys, newspapers. magazines I and vaudi villes have e u iied the life ( of the metropolis into remote plaees, a n hall Lieu allurements. d.msters iikI vices Tea' n parents to guard iheir girls! Keform must begin at home. STORM IN NORTH CAROLINA. WIND'REACHES VELOCITY OF 76 MILES PER HOUR ON THE COAST-SOME DAMAGE REPORTED. halt igh, N. r., Pin. 7?A special i from Moon e id City, N. Ch, to The No.v< )<! nh, fiver tonight .-ay-.: "tin most severe storm since 18J!) ( Ins prevail il here today since ti o'clock this morning. "The wiii'I has been blowing at a , rate not less t ban 7 > inil -s per hour. Considerable damage has been done here, (specially to boats and launches, ] yachts, etc. There has been no!; 'iliilding rep rled blown down. Every < mic via- mole or le s interested in the 1 loathig property here The Norfolk J & Southern railroad bridge, a mile | long, lietween Moorehead City and I >g? I n linn A+* commence ^ 13 | . avoid the Clothing, ^ The terms s- 1 8 Hi K | IRG, S. C. H Beaufort, two or three spans being thrown out (if line by the swift cur rent. The loss here will he consider able. "At Beaufort it is rumored thaL' evcrv dock -- U.IM nmvuuusv Ull II',, water front lias been taken away b1 the storm. Several boats are reported a total lass. No reports have been received yet. from the life saving >t,a Hon, but coasters claim this storm has done unt-old damage on the North Carolina coast. Tonight the storm has moderated .somewhat. It is blowing from west southwest." AIKEN DELEGATION MEETS MATTERS FOR LEGISLATIVE CONSIDERATION BROUGHT OP AND CONSIDERED > Aiken, .lan. 8. ?Ad interesting meet ng of the Aiken county delegation was held at 1 he court house Monday. J.imes F. Bvrnes nlaoori li?rr>,... n.n delegation the plan for changing the comity government, abolishing the su pervisor'a ollice and dividing the coun ty into districts, each district to elect a commissioner, who t< aether w ill e n stitutc Llie board of county c >inrnis sioncrs. The proposed change met witli the approval of Llie meeting, 1 >r VV. E. Mealing. Messrs. Get/en, .1 dm Young and U 1\ Seigler making talks favortng the plan. Mr. E. J. Craig requested the dele gallon to vote to abolish the immigra tion bureau. The only expression as to t he lien law was from Mr. W. M Foley, w Ijo stated lie hoped that it would lie re pealed Mr. J. C llarrigal favored levying a tax on vehicles. I>ors? s, mules and b cycles, the money to be expended f>i good roads. Senator Toole stab d that he led been requested to introduce a bill licensing the carrying of pistols. There was no disc .ssion as to this proposi tion. ! NV. M. Smoak, E>q , introduced a res rvlill ion imiliirv i.?.? ' '' - "* ' uiuiiun v inn"a-iik tut-* canuinacy <>l ('apt. Claude 10. Sawyer for the judge ahip. whicti was seconded l>y Kepre seniative W. J. *\ ade, .1 r. The resolu lion was unanimously adopted. MUST SERVE SEN TENGE. (I vernor Ansel has refused to giant a pardon to Clarence Thrailkill, of Salud'i. e. iiinl v vuI><. ? J, ....W u nun m'l Villi; ;i t hit e years' sentence tor manslan?h ter. it will be recalled tlnii youiiK 1'tiraiIk111 and his father, Morgan Thrailkill, killed youn^ Hen Hurtoi at Monetta two years a*o. At the trill the father was convicted ot nun rter and is now serving a life sentence in tlie Male penitentiary. The son was convicted of manslaughter and entenced to serve three years on the comity chaiiiKanK. A i urc for riisery. "I havt loin d a cure for lhemi?ei\ inahiria puhon pro luces, ' says l? \>, ol l.ouellur, S "It se.ii'?< Kh'ct rlc Hit ter.-, and comes inonr. n hott 'es. 11 breaks up a case of eld I jr a t'i ions at tack in almost, no l inn . It. |>iit s yellow j uindice clean 0111 [>r commission." This ^reat tonic nedicine and blood purifier nives juick relief in all stomac.i, liver and tldney complaints and the misery of ame hack. Sold under H'larantee at til dru|{ stores. What will Divid GUARANTEES VERSl | ESTIM/ i HA large percentage of the life insurance (lining the past thirly ycais has been written paying, plans. Some of these policies ha ve p 1 while others have contained a provision for tl dends." to he accumulated during periods cf 10 be tl en apportioned and distributed. '1 tie issued on a 20-year basis. Naturally, when presenting these "Defei consideration of prospective Insurers, the ag< "protits," to he realized in future by the polie; possible, and in most instances they were larg lias been that, in a majority of cases when tl lias been reached, the actual returns to polic; of the 'estimated future results" furnished in some instances these settlements have L oiiginai "estimates.1' This disappointing rea the companies writing and the insurers acce contained no guarantees as to the amount ol 9? profits. fey] The only obligation resting on the compai St, lias been an agreement on the part of the com ?+ tliose "accumulations" at a given time--usua ^ to pay over to each policyholder his share might be This form ot agreement between tl Kj- allowed" the management unrestricted cor Tr accumulation period. Luring this time the ' g?' accumulations, has lieen used to defray all ma It provided for, and many of iliem wholly unc.illc Lji These unneces-ary outlays liave been made at hv reducing the amount of tlieir "allotment" ments are manifestly unfair to the insured. 6g; unsatisfacloiy, as p-ist experience has amply ( The Southeastern Life Insurance Com pan. H to avoid all uncertainty in its policy contracts, [ffi "estimates" as to future protits. hut it will j Jgi figures all it proposes to do. An insurer in t day exactly what hi* policy will he worth twe MB will contain no estimates or promises, based but unconditional guarantees, based on prej H The Southeastern will only guarantee in us j t his L'liaranteA is linefeed l?v overe /l,,ll?r .. I to painhle in 'futures,*' tlie Soutlieastein's pc all ?hn wish clean, safe life insurance protec investment returns, llic policies ot tlle Soutl; as ?M)iial Li any and superior most coutrt companies A ttent ion is invited to t lie following tahli teed Results of a Southeastern policy as con other prominent companies. A careful exam Meient to Convince anyone of the superiority o Com pa i Plan, 20 Payment Life. Amount of Policy, $10,< Age at Issue, 35. Name of Company SOUTHEASTERN = 1 Mutual Life of N. Y. New York Life Equitable N. Y. Northwestern Milwaukee I Pnnn l cmi* iriuiuai, ? iiJiciucipillcl Phoenix Mutual, Hartford Aetna Life, Hartford Mutual Henefit, Newark Now England Mutual Union Central, Cincinnati I Note?In the above table suits at the end of 20 years is j Excepting the Southeastern?w that of any other company by in paid-up insurance, each of tl poses to return to the insured addition to the guaranteed vali S are in every instance estimated in the policy contracts to show ttapv 'Avn Qiihippf prmvpW fn f Vic vnvj ivj. v uu vv>v, vii v/ii vi j uvy li iv, management of the company ii If you will consider a prop* you wish an agency, address ELLIOTT ESTE SO 11T H H A LIF Insurance ( Sl'A HTANIiUJ i the ends Be? ' \ JS ^TES _ issued by American companies B on "rarLicipating," or dividend- B rovided for Annual Dividends, U ie payment of "Deferred Divl- HK ten, fifteen cr twenty years, and B majority of the latter have teen B rred Dividend" policies for the PS ?nt attempted to make these B y-iiolder, appear as attractive as B ejy overestimated. iheHnjual B ie dividend distribution peiiod B vholders have fji11 -n fur ?hnr? litem at the time they insured. 55 k'cii only 10 or 60 per anl. of the n lizatlon has been the result or B pling policy contracts which ' the proposed "dividends" or ties in reward to these dividends, B panjr to make an "allotment" of H lly, at the end of 20 years?ana ?6 cr said allotment, whatever that RR lie company and the insured lias H itrol of all profits during the B surplus" fund, created by these B .nner of expenditures not legally B d for and recklessly extravagant. jBB the expense of the policyholders, |3j of prolits. Much policy agree- 55 tiubusincss-like, and altogether ?] lemonstrated. ^R y. of Spartanburg, S. C. .proposes W It will therefore, make no Kj guarantee in its policies in plain Slj t.e southeastern will know to- SE nty years from now. His policy on future unknown experience, B >ent mathematical calculation. H tolicies what it knows it can do, H f its assets. To those who wish H nicies are not recommended. 'J'o tion. combined with guaranteed icasiern are ccntldetiily olfeied IE ict.s issued by oilier standard En I. showing the Actual Guaran- BB upareri with the policies ol ten *S ination of the (inures wi|l be suf- H f the Southeastern's contract. ( HI -'-1 ? Hfl H MSOtl I 300. Guarantees End of Twenty Years Ann'l Prem. Cash Paid up Policy 5361.30 $7,310. $13,570 383.40 5,390. 10,000t 383.40 5,390, 10,0001: 383.40 5,390. 10,000t Q7Q 1 A (2 AG/\ 1 f\ r\r\r\.'.. UJO IU U,Ui7U. lU,U*JUi 372.50 6.099. 10,000t 371.60 6,030. 10,000:!: 369.60 6,140. 10,000t 362.20 5,999. 10,000t 360.00 5,650. 10,000:}: 355.00 5,660. 10,000;: Wi'li 'estimated dividei.ds." the full Guaranteed Re?iven for each company, hose guarantee exceeds $1,170 in cash and $3,570 he above companies urocertain "dividends,1' in les. These -'dividends" I, no figures being given what they will be, and i future experience and ssuing the policy, osition f'orja policy or if 1 1 V^lUVIll VSTERN ;E Company Lid, S. (I ?mm -m*