The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, January 10, 1908, Image 3

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1 J. E. Woodruff, 1 ? Successor to W. J. RUTHERFORD & CO. i Lime, Portland and | g Rosendale Cement, 1 P Cor, Washington and Rey= || | nolds Sts. a? 2b Telephone 83. AUGUSTA, CiA. fjfc TTT /~V T^V II T i > TmT-i -w WUUJJ iVlAJNTJiiLy From Cheapest Up Send for our FREE Mantel Catalogue, which shows large, full page llustrations and full description of our complete line of WOOD MANTELS. We carry a complete stock of ORATES and TILINU all the time. We can also name Factory Prices on Stoves, Sheet Metals anil Electric Fixtures LEE A. LORICK & BRO. COLUMBIA, S C If IKttP IN TWO B nBnf^ Is tlic only ftonuinent dealer, K BpP \ . ftSyf I who lias cut any statutes In the Bj B III ifnTnf.ITJ ' ' f' R?*Vy l south? the statues of Dr. Irvine, B BISKm 1^1 ,r^rs* McCoy, Mrs. Carw le, Miss K I'TCl Fi'iV \'Xk: a limberlake and Capt. Ward, B B ll I!' 13 : JgmnrfJ Confederate Monuments,(Ireen- B B 1 - - ville, S. C. and (ireensboro, tla , I BBIlf V 1|| are works of his own hand. Any N BUlr "11 ; j-? \4^1 conlemPla*'nK nr?V work in his B I g' ' unr ii |? Jlne would do well to purchase ' V/A COR* WASHINGTON & ELLIS I AA ,\A AAAA AAAA A-AAA AAAA AA \A AAAA AAAA AAAA AA<V PfiW For everything good to eat, fresh 3> and up-to-date go to >> ?g ID 1*0 tJfOS. Batesburg, S. C. -$> ftA AA AAAA AAAA AA AAAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA a A A AAA V RfW Prs RTSftPPR RWWs RpP?^ PPPfl ftPrvo^P Jv THE PALME 110 NATIONAL BANK of Coininbia, S. C The largestDEROSITORY in SOUTH CAROLINA for funds of the " 'NITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Capital Owns 250,01)0 .00 $ <1)0,000 00 U. S. Bonds 100,000.00 S. C. Bonds We want business an J will g'vo onr best attention to every trans action entrusted to us. "f *" in our savings Department W or ee utr.iM 11 - * it an i :i : p-rparc.i t in.'.t the ie.;uii*C!' o ;?: ;r ' .'roniptl^ *.i.t ifi^iaci- ril . I" . I * r i. . i " Matthews L i l;ic. t . il, \ . I.. . ?? iv?_ i i?.>. !.? nonir- ir. A iii.v JMiici I i ' >. t !? I i" IndiN iie-l'res(. XV'tstuii & Aytvtck Attorney Safety Lock [taxes for Kent. THE CHARLESTON REHODELED AND NEWLY FURNISHED. Army and Navy Headquarters LOCAL AND LONO DISTANCE TELEPHONES IN ROOMS Steam Meat, Electric Lights, Electric Elevators, ROOMS Singly and En Suite. Cuisine Unexcelled. RIDDOCK & BYRNS, Proprietors. CHARLESTON, S. C II I ..I I I, ,<V *? * "* " ; v. A, :,S- V i* *~vVw T~ - I /m ^ _ - ? - -. I' M,w ?sV>..y ' *' '. V-- # i {*-;?? . S r-?-~| i '. C.A *5. ' > -V i&yL-l-W7VM tC* t'^V\ C* *. ' ' ' - ' 1 L : AJ . ..?? .&?<*> * Bigger Cotton Yields Per Acre If The value of commercial fertilizers has fya been demonstrated over and over again by ^ :'; "r both government and private comparative >j\ frA^' * tests. We stand ready to demonstrate to % you at any time that the surest way to "in- 3 ^ crease your yields per acre" is to use If* Vuyinia-Carofina | |L Fertilizers Jg K'/-, ^ h n R- J- Redding, former Diroctnrof the Cicor- a jfcutf . gia Ixp Station, is authority for the statement that y'Y "experiments made at this station show that well rig /' balanced commercial fertilizer applied to one acre //& ?^{vj&fa of land, and well cultivated, may l?e reasonably ex pcctcd to prt 'ucc an increase of yield of set d wU'l /'-v' cotton. At t e present price of cotton this would 3 rm '// mean a large e\oa \ 10M (for both lint and seed), // , after deducting the price foi fcrtili/er." / S'.r:.s,V/,'*A You'll find reports of ntany other comparative ? tests, together with nut- h valuable information con- iJjF \ cern'nK land culture in the new Virginia-Carolina V5?:>r;V/y' Year Hook or Alinan.x. Ask you local fertilizer dealer for a cpv- or we'll send you one Jji 1 free, if you write our nearest sales office. y'j i _ jbj1 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. /' I< i< hnmnd, Va. Duiham, N. C. n V ,'j / Noilolk, Va. Cti.uliston, S. C. B >>!f I1 hX ?! tw CMumhii. S.C. Hiltint." . Md. fir J:.' '? V .< < Vy-V -A . .a tt. Atlanta, O.i. t > ! (' ? .vfftjf i: ' 1 ?"'Savannah,(la. M nt imry, Ata. tUtf t \ V C ' Memphis, Ti rn. A Jfojjf ?5?s4, V,;V Shrcvrpnrt, I a. .rltaaaBr ' * v n ij *$'tilsS?3r? , ,f ^ > ? ? JT A [ W. M. JENKINS f Tin Roofing and 5 Guttering, } All kinds of Sheet Metal Work, Roof I Repaired and Painted. | Stove Repairing My Specialty. ! 450 Broad St. Phone 2438 AUGUSTA GA. J. H. SCHROEDER, 02 Broad St. < Augusta, Oa Dealer In Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes, premptattention given to mall orders Liquors from $1.50 up to $4.00 per gallon. GIVE ME A TRIAL ! 60 YEARS' ^llj^M^EX PE R1E NC E 'IgAHflF Trade MARKS ^BRHSv' Designs "fTT^^ Copyrights Ac. Anyone Headline n sketch mid deMrlnllnn may quickly useorlinn opinion froo whether Mil Inrcnlion In pmtinlily pitenlnlilo. Communications strlctly contldcul inl. HANDBOOK on I'ateiita out froo. Oldest ii col icy for micurlnif patents. Patents taken lliroiicli Munn .V Co. receive nut iff, without chnrite. Ill tlio Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.areost clrculnihoi of any sclentIDe Journal. Terms, 93 a jvnr; iinir menu us, fi. eoldUyull iicwHdealera. MUNN & Co.36'0"'"-' New York Brnuch Ofllco. 625 K St., WnshltiKtoti. D. C. Rtnk Foolishness. 'VVIicn attacked 'jy a cough or cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine than l)r. Kind's New Discovery." says C. o. Eldridgc, or Empire, Ga. "I ha\e used New Discovery seven years and 1 know it is tlie best remedy on earth for coughs and c ids, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. Mv cliildren are subject to croup, lilt New Discovery quickly cures every attack." Known tlie world over as tlie King of throat and lung remedies, Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 60c. and fl.00 Trial bottle free "nitTTtui m iinir DA11 9 DliAvA MORGAN. A number of joarsago when there were stretches of wild prairie in North Iowa, v lien log cabins of the backwoodsman still nestled here and there in the shelter of *ome thickly wooded hillside, Hert Pamela used to take his four horse team, big covered wagon breaking plow, and each summer -u rt on a t ip li ;h" . .iko as. All j - mi ij? r ! - .?! il w t!i< breakinr. Ip'i v, mc in to the ne xt :?as I : !,* .>!'. was ii.she.1 Some! lines: v i |i lei ' I >i ku LU fore the season would end; oilier times he would travel across Iowa without more than half a dozen stops. While wjrkinu in the western nart. I of the St ate one summer, "Dan"?as! In* was familiarly known, came across a Morgan colt that just struck his fancy. She was less than a year old at that time yet she showed an unusual aptitude for learning. As Dan's work kept him at that place for nearly four weiks, he and the Morgan colt bteinie quite good friends. 11er gentle, playful disposition togel her with ner extreme beauty, suited Dan especially well, so he made up his iniltd to buy iter and take in*r with him. When Dan was at work "Trilby" ?for that, was the name lie gave her ?would roam about the Held, grazing when and where she pleased. Dan j soon taught Iter to corneal his call, and it was not long before she would place her hoof in his hand in response toll's command, "Shake." She also learned to 'rot in a circle around him to lie down and to rear her hind legs at his command. Another little trick hich sh s h i i I v ? ? I n K-ijlf an 1 WE ARE WHOLESAI GL I:ully prepared to s and FACTORIES prices. Send us ycur estimates for PLATE GLASS ai L0R1CK a n ? INCORIM Wholesale Hardware | : ?3 . .COLUMBI BEST HOTEL S. F. WHEI i COLUMI HI Establi Tl i md If * 11 r r m, W- c 1 TH] one which pleased l>an very m was that of whinnying when any approached her. Hy the time t were ready to return in the fall 1 by had also learned to travel a! beside the team without being tie< lOach spring she went off with D; outfit, followed it all summer, came back with it in the fall. At three years of age she was a i ariio. wp'-i p i? < ;> thirteen hi.ndretl p'/t if ? na a deer. Her black- < i va.vs in ei e l hue mane h nearly half way to the ground, nicely arched neck, her clean cut i ar.d quivering pink uostrils sp >ke refinement, while out of her br voc tl icIioiI uniril. and viirnr. Late one afternoon, as Din making Lis home ward trip aft< successful summer's work, he stoj in a fair sited town lay in supi for the rest of the journey, a usually the case, there were a nun of persons standing in front of st re at which Dan had stooped. . for amusement, Dan ran his h along Trilby's neck and whisper word or two as he passed into jst'ire. Immed.atelv she laid do There was considerable talk am tin: bystanders about a wornout sick horse. Finally one man even lured so far as to step out to exan As he touched her head. Trilby ga low whinny. A sharp, short whi answered from the store and Tr was upon her feet so quick that man who had been bending over went sprawling in the dust. A | eral lauRh from the crowd ^rei hiin as he got up and watched trot over to playfully tease the o .E DISTRIBUTORS OF ASS sell MERCHANTS at lowest current your orders, also delivered prices on id MIRRORS. .1 /m i r r ^ a LI LUWKAlNtr: JRATHD. COLUMBIA, S. C [A HOTEL. . , IN THE CITY HLER, Prop. 131A S. C shed 1882 IE L. D. se. Lumbe We desire to call > ? < o tne character lise. n all of our sto lothing but Higl arry NO Second: Id Stocks. m t\ G L. 1), ?? I?? ! * uch horses. one As I)nn was preparing to drive awa> bey a tall, (lark stranger with small Ml twitching eyes, and thin blue lipsacong coaled him with "What'll you take j. fer tliet colt, pard?" an's "Oh, guess 1 won't sell her, can't and ' spare her you see," was Dan's evasive ! reply. Well, I've got a nae one down at leat I I the barn I'll trade for her," persisted ling the stranger. I mds , 'an assured liim that he was not ? trader, ano aTtera few moments drove ung ( 1 ol? leaving the strangir with ar. in , orersing desire to obtain that colt. ICU u About a mile or so rrom tow.. L?a or ighl 11 ^ for tl,e atl a sheltered place w here there was plenty of grass. After he had had his s'ipper and the w as horses had finished grazing he fastenir a ed the four, two at each end of the >ped Wagon, then crawled in and rolled up jlies in jiis blankets. The weather was s is . just cool enough to discourage the at uber tacks of the mosquitoes and other inl,ie sects, so tlie horses were quiet and Just pan so,,n feu asleep. ianfl In the middle of the night he found ed a himself propped up or. one elbow, half Mie awake listening for something, he WU? 1/ IIPW ii.\t A f 1? ^?**" > v ? M w *? (JihV* V/ 11^ Lll IIU W 'ontf fully awakened by a low whinny from an(1 up the road. Half suspiciously he vcu* crawled tc the back end of the wagon nine and pushed as'de the tljp of the cover, ve a There, some thirty or forty rods up stle tlie road silhoutted ogainst the sky. ilb>y Dan saw the foims of the tall, lank ' lhfc stranger and?Trilby. He sprang ber from the wagon, uttering a shrill ?en- s%lilstle. Haidiy had the notes reach2ted ed Trilby's ears till she reared up in Her the air and gave a tremendous lounge tfcer forward. Whether from fright or ? surprise, the stranger dropped the rope and ran. Dan's only weapon was the neckycke which lie had unconsciously picked up, so he contented himself with conjecturing as to what would have happened had he been better armed. Trilby came tearing down Lire road I frightened at the cuiious proceedings and urged en by the dang h>tf rope which kept ilicking her breast, and chin. As she reached I)an sha paused, blowing loudly, every muscle quivering with excitement' He removed the halter, and as lie stood stroking her silky mane concluded that she had pa d him well for the time he had spent in training her. From that time on Trilby had even more care than before and became ieven a greater pel. Tills was interrupted, however, when the fall after she was live years old. Dan bought an interest in a threshing out,tit. Horses were scarce aod Dan was forced to break Trilby in on the row?f. Uu t Incorpor: I sr and Co special attenti of our Mercha res you will fi h Class Goods.V ? 7 ' s, Samples or o C ULLB M vas a careful driver, however, and by 1 fre juent changes soon had her doing ' uer share of the work. During the next ten years Trilby was on the power a good share of th time, for Dan bought a well drilling uuuii, wrucn tie ran with it when he was not threshing. Dan used to |say ] that she seemed to enjoy that work. Anyhow It did not worry her, lor she was always sleek and |fat. On;' fa'! T>a- nls partre*- bouph'' i a steax engine- tlic first in tliat sec | | tiuu?to r.'plac. * wornout pow| er. With tile . vent of the ? 1 I'lilby was given an honorable dls-'( ouar%v> itiiu iuriiCu >uvu who &*>>- \ lure. It was a sweltering hot day, the 1 tirst of September, when the outtit ' was started up for the trial tun. the 1 engine ran fine and the separator hummed steadily until noon. After ( dinner. Dan speeded up the engine, <. just to see what she'd do," he said y It was still and the dust, hung over * the separator like a dense fog. One after another, the men sought the ( shade, panting for breath, and mop-'< ping the perspiration and dirt from J1 their faces. Finally Dan slowed down ' to the regular m )tlon and thus they j ran until quitting time. After the chores were finished, Dan | c mid not resist the temptation to i take an ear of c >rn down to Tiilby. lie went down to the gate and soundeJ her usual call, lie repeated it | several times hut received no answer. < lie thought that some accident had befallen her. for lie couid not remem ber a time when she had not answered his call, even though she were on the j opposite side of the pasture. He co eluded that he would go down below the groves, anyway, where lie could , get a view of the largo part of the pasture. There at the south edge he saw Trilby lying stretched out. At , first he thought she must be sick, and not until he was within a few feet of her did he truth dawn up >n htm. She had heard the hum ot the old separator and its familiar call had ' seemed imperious to her. There,hi lie gran, w h a circle the exact size of the one she u?ed to trayel in when on the power. Hut thesteadv steam engine, which needed no reUv. had been more than a match for her. She was d .'ad!?Kansas Farmer. A Higher Health Level. ' I have reached a higher health level since I began using Or. King'* i New Life Fills," writes iJacob Spring er, of West Franklin, Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right." if these pills you on trial, money will be refunded at ali drug stores, 2oc. ated 1904 on J "e I ,d' f m ALL co. I ! I###### J. S. RURAL CARRIERS CANNOT DELIVER I WHISKIES. POSTMASTER GEIERAL METER (ssties oti>f.r whim wm ? ?? wtvai. ft 1AIII PEjlVEHT HAHDL1VG IOF LIOrOESBT POSTMEN. Washington, Jan.3 Postmaster rie-iraml Merer has issued an order wnich bo* a direct bearing upon the prohibit ion movement. 7 lie ordei is j is follows: "It Is hereby ordered that It shall be a condition of any contract here ifter entered into for carrying the nails upon star, screen wagon, mail nessenger or special service route, .hat the contractor or carrier shall tot transport intoxicating liquor from >ne point to another unon sucb route *hile in the performance of mail ervice." The bids for star route service in I what is known a* the second section, somprising North Carolina, Wcuth Carolina, ? lorida, Georgia, Altoama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky, will be opened on Wednesday, J&n tary 15, and as a consequence begin ling on July 1, next, every contractor n the states ^mentioned will be pro nbitcd from carrying intoxicating iquors on ins route. The order will become effective at iiwi uuncic:, iu luany sections or cue county where It is necessary to install new and supplementary ser vice. It is believed that this order will meet the approval of a largo number of people, judging by the enormous number of complaints that have been sent to the department. EARLY MORNING FIRE. S. F. PERKY IS BURNED I0DT ADD STOCK OF GOODS COMPLETELY DESTROYED. On Tuesday morning about three o'clock lire was discovered In the atari of S. F. Perrv. The alarm was soon sent in and the volunteer tire department responded promptly. Notwithstanding the driving rain and large stream (if water from the fire hose the tire destroyed tlie entire stock of goods, consisting of general merchandise and gutted the building. The stock was partially Insured and so was th?- building, which Is owned by L. T. Perry. it Dees the Business. j Mr. K. K. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says cf Buck ten's Arnica halve "It docs the business; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and It healed it without leaving a scar behind,'1 2>c. at all drug stores. SI'S '