BATESBURQ' ADVOCATE A Tri-County Paper N* ROQERS BAYLY fcD. AND PROP. BAThSBURCl, S. C. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year SI. 00 Six Months SDcents No three months subscriptions taken. No mil presented for over due subscriptions All Copy sent In must be written on one side only. When changing address always give old post office otherwise change will not be made. Advertising Rates One Inch One Year $5.00 One Inch Six Months $3.00 One Inch Three Months $2.00 First page double the above amounts, i Local Insertions 25cts per inch. First Page Readers lOcts per line. Read rs to take run of pap^r 5cts per | Llndtrf : '? r i ' ' ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1908. Batesburg has light? all night no* and a great convenience it is too. But very few change* have been made in any of our lirms so far this year. If there were no newspapers and no ?women how on earth would we know what happens. Next Christmas will be the last for Teddy bears The naxt animal we hope will be a j ick rabbit. Ira Hicks the weather profit predicts for this raonth:-sncw birds, snow balling and sleigh riding. Cotton is moving very slowly and the farmers are still holding out foi that fifteen cent crcp which lias been promised them. It will not be necessary to make so many good resolutions in the State of Georgia next year if the prohibition stib holds good. There is trouble ahead for the new governor of Kentucky if the "Night Riders" persist in their deptcdatiorip. He is a man that w ill not tolerate such doipgs. 'PI II .I* I ) Vl ! I lill/l.l Vl. Ail At' V ll-n? 1 iiz> ? fin, i ' u. ' ? iiuvi v/1 na: . has taken a strong jjJ^Uorm In llu race against Latimer for lite l:nit< > States senate. Any one who lias care fully read his views on the several important questions of the hour cannot but see if elected lie will make some radical changes. Tres. Fidey of the Southern has decided to give the South the benolii of the two and one half cent rate notwithstanding he thinks it very detrimental to the present progress ol railroading. He 1? a man who tries to please the people and ha'e every thing work In harmony. Augustans do not want lo admit that tlie North Augusta dispensary is iiomg siicn a grand business, they would rather have the people iniagim that the 5)6 bars closed on the first ol this month were merely ornaments to the city by the river and that ther people kept them up just to draw trade. This is to warn all unsuspecting young men of the fact that for twelve years to come there will not be another "leap-year." It is uuite true the | poor girls should should have their s Innings as they only hive as a rule the i chance once In four years, and It would not be more than right togive ( them a catch-as catch-can chance ' considering it V;ill be so long before ^ c tbey will have the same opportunity. But be on your guard my boys lest they get you before you are fully aware of toe fact, 'l imes arc | Lard and luxuries high and it is a foregone conclusion that wives (the |>cst of them) have a way of getting 'money out of a fellow even when a court of law cannot accomplish the I Eame act. You need not worry ab;>u! the same idrls tfivintf you trouble twelve years hence. In our Issue of last week we made > mention of a county treasurer beinK Bhort in his accounts. .Since that'time it develops that the treasurer bad the money to maketfood and the faftlt was mostly In the book-Keeping. Is it any wonder that the books of our county treasurers phould ?et twisted when 30.1 take the palary they receive into consideration? K - - ' For Instance tbe treasurer of LexluKtou county, one of the largest iu the state receives but fl)00 per year out of which he has to pay for a clerk, transportatiou from place to place to collect taxes, and whenever absent from Ins otllee he has to pay a man to take his place aud be responsible for that man under bis bond, besides paying for his own b>nd. This oltlce is the most responsible in the county and us it carries a greater trust with it, and yet it commands the smallest salary. After tire above expenses ari deducted a little mare than $700 is left. Tile work attached to this olllce i3 full of detail, owing to the fact that an itemized account should be rendered the Comptroller Genera, at very short Intervals which in itself requires a great amjunt of flgureing and verif> ing. The legislator shouui by all means look into this niattei and make the salary in proportion to the trust and work attached to the office. COUNTY ELECTION KnTiinnnn imin rtujuuumj vuiu. COUNTY BOARD DECIDES AGAINST CALHOUN COUNTY AN APPEAL IS VERY LIKELY ALLEGED IRREGULARITIES AT VARIOUS PRECIS CIS GROUNDS roa decision. ihe decision in full. Orangeburg, January 2.?The count) board of canvassers after spending twe d'ys bearing testimony and evidence, ioday declared the Calhoun Count) election illegal, nail and void. The hoard is composed of John S bowman, Jr., chairman; W. B. FogU and T. J. Ilart. The decision of the board' which was unanimous, is as follows: ' We find some irregularities in sev eral books, such as voting outside o right precinct, not demanding propci prooi in payment 01 taxes, etc., DUi we tind there are not enough of thesi nebula iango I Ik result o ; his clei *' We I ui t ha,i, aiioi , .*> 01 u llu> Should iho new county not win it will mean that the whole mailer wiil liave to he tfone over a^ain?petitions, nirveys, election and all -shmid they *enew their litfht fur tnc new countv Messrs Wm C. NVo'fe ar.d Col. W. >. 1 lei bert of I he local bar made the I.-hi for he ipposition and .dr. It. II ?Velsh of Columbia and \V. F. Huyck >f St. Matthews opposed in behalf of ,hc new county, CANDIDATE FOR THE SENATE. )EFINITr:LY ANNOUNCED THAT FORMER GOV. EVANS WILL BE IN RACE FORLAT IMER'S SEAT. Spartanburg. Jan. 7.?'That Ex Gov. lolin Gary Evans is In Columbia for i final conference with his friends be 'ore announcing bis candidacy for the United States Senate was the anlouncemenl made here tonight. It las ba :n definitely decided that he will enter the race and his announce ncnt will be rrade tomorrow accord ng to his friends here. WODUT REMOTE : THE DISPENSART. AUGUSTA CITY COUNCIL PETITIONS THE LEGISLATURE. mn flnim n r\ u uimmn n 1U 5LMJ UUMITIfib HERE. CLAIMED THAT TVE SALE Of LIQUOR IN NORTH AUGUSTA IS DEFEATING THE GEORGIA LAW. Augusta, Ga., Jan. 0.?Finding it impossible to kill the North Augusta dispensary by putting a toll on the bridge connecting Augusta with North Augusta, city council tonight decided by strong resolution to take the mat ter up direct with the South Carol! na legislature. Three committeemen and the mayor will appear before the legislature. The resolutions adopted follow: 'Whereas, the State of Georgia has enacted a prohibition law, prohibiting the sale of liquor within the cotiiincs of the said State; and "Whereas, the city of Augusta Is a municipal corporation within the said State or Georgia, and by virtue of said law in the territory covered by the said city of Augusta tr.e sale of liquor is prohibited: and "Whereas, the Stale of South Carolina, an adjoining State to the State of Georgia, has enacted a iocai option dispensary system. whereby each county is allowed t l?e option of dccid' inn whether dispensaries shall be ' established within its territory; and > 'Whereas, the county of Aiken, in the State of South Carolina, is separated from t he Slate of Georgia by the Savannah river at Augusta; and f "Whereas, the county board of dispensers of the county of Aiken has 5 secii fit, under the power given them under the recent local option dispell" sary act of the State of South Carof lina, known as the Oarey-Cothran act r to estabiesb a dispensary at the foot of t!>e bridge located only a few hundred I'ltr'1" from tV-- " r 'and "Whereas the location f said din! p^i|sa, w 1 the - g < : lie, : with'luiit restriction at said point is e-?so luteiy destructive of tlie effect to be ^ obtained by the prohibition law of the State of Georgia; and "Whereas, the State of South Caro1 lina and the State of Georgia have ? ever acted in unison for the common good of each other; and f t< wi, ?. ucican, imj: esLaunsninent 01 a dispensary at this point tends to nullify, >f not absolutely destroy, the In! tcntion of the prohibition law of Georgia; be it > '-Resolved, That the city council of - Augusta do have addressed to the leg' islature of South Carolina a memorial selling forth the preambles herein 1 contaimd. and petitioning tliat honorable body for llie reasons herein 1 before set forth to so amend the law nov> in operation in that State as to not destroy completely the desires of the people of Georgia, as evinced by ihe overwhelming majority of its ehosen reprcsenta-uves, that the sale of liquor should be forever prohibited in its con lines, and tc send to the legislature of South Carolina a committee from this body to present that memorial and to irge that the State of South Carolina grant to this municipality relief from what will apparently be a c i.dith n of unmixed evil." SOME HANDSOME CALENDERS. The Georgia Railroad Bank of Augusta (la , has sent to its customers a verv handsome and unique calendar. It is made of crystaloid and bound on the corners with silver clasps, the Calender nronor i?j fr:imwl wlili ? hroir/.c silver eintos>ed frame. An excellent picture of the handsome bank building with a li>t of llie director" tills up the left hand pcriim of the work of art The Hamilton Brown Shoe Co , has Issued a very striking calender disputing a western girl in action. She is c'ressed in the western style with pistol in belt, cow puneher lint and leather suit. 'I lie coloring Is cxccl|lent and makes a very noticcabla pic B s ^hi I ^iom mm ture. It is se e E, \ Cullum Co. The Citizen: tesbur t has issued ca car as j i their custom. -y hav . two kinds. One > .1 prett . girl in the blooi" ood an t freshness and tl esents little hoy giving doK h , the henetit of t tie It \?ng '?v i ' t number from the standpoint of Illustrations. In addition to Flag's sir itinn cover design, there is a lull-pax reproduction if W. Balfour Ker painting "Forgotten." It lepresent a winter farm scene, the house an barn in tiie distance, and the old fam ily horse standing drearilr by the pat lure bars, ankle deep in the fallio snow?forgotten. Dr. Male's Monthly Talk is on th 'subject of ''New Year's Wishes, .lack London contributes the first let of his important series of first-ban impressions I for which (lie Woman rlome Companion sent htm around th world: it is the record of a nrarveloti adventure atm?ngthe lepers of Moloka In the January number begins a serie of programs and selections of I he musi of to day of the great muslc-lovh; nations. The January program whlc is American, is supplemented by th music and words o two songs by ("lay ton Johns, hints as to the making of i I Mil TP! a ruji WteT w* 5 ill-' 1L O t' ! fi I 11JU, A juiyuuiiu iu uuhDlb* WILCOX, PARK IN THE-PINES AN] HAMPTON TERRACE DEBARRED. Columbia. S.C., Jan . 6.?Attorne General Lyon tonight rendered t Governor Ansel an opinion, based oi Auditor West's report, on Wilcox Pines and Hampton Ter race Hotels. Neither of them will st cure dispensary rights, in Hie Wilcox a restaurant is conducted. Section 1 of the act would be violated if a dis pensary were put there. As to th l'ark-in-the.Pines and the llampto; Terrace sections 12 and 29 would b vio.'ated, because of the location c the hotels and because of 'dnnkin in the rooms' which wotld likely fo low. THE JANUARY WOMAN'S ROM COMPANION. The Woman's Home Companion fo January begins well with a handsorn and showy cover design by Jan.t Montiromerv b'lainr It is a notnh! HHMHMB I Happy New Wishing you all a ha New Year and thanking eac liberal patronage during liciting a share of your 1 ^ . 4- V> 4 4 M ^ t 4 ? ^ ever y uii-Liig j.xi uur j. ?iit: Horses, Mules, Bugg Coffins and Harness , Pair earth, and Caskets, thre nection, also Hardware. Mr. L. D. Brabham w: me this year and we propo interest to deal 7/ith us. M. -I : Start the New 1 y d a >r '8 There is nothing that i Li uiu neiiauie hoi D We will save you monc. \ o D ifinnc hirrnric : V/ Curtains, Sewii Furniture and < ;> ; Thorn a ' Broadway - CCC CCC; ?: Z> C- C L program, by Madame Nordica, and instructions as to the rendering of each " piece on the program by tlie composer e themselves. is Anions the Hction is an important e instalment of Mrs Elizabeth Ktuart i- Phelps' yrcat novel, 'ThoUKh Life Us ^ t- Do Part:" "The Adjusted Honeye moon,*'by Anne Earner; "A Lesson t 's in Consequence." by Mary Wilhclmina s Hastings: "Hose Mary," a Quaker j* d love story by Carrie litnt Latta, and f "The Lamps of I'ysche," bv Z >na Gale, autiior of tire new popular novels | ' The Loves of IMeas and Kiiaire." K A n interesting feature of tins issue * of the Companion is a new department: e entitled''Teens and Twenties," con-I* ?? ducted tiy Lucy Norma i. The horticultural authority, Samuel Armstrong " Hamilton, contributes a valuable arti- j cle on' Plants for the Winter Win's dow," Anna Steele hiehardson's de- | e parlment for The Uirl Who Gams Her us () vn Living is as valuable as ever, as | t is Mrs Sangsler s Home Page. A new departure is a St udy of Three s Important Micct-.'sful I'lajs. by An:ie c 1' acock K 11 Free. e Our price list for dyeing ai d clean. ing ee. Old clothes made new. C. Laundry and I'ye Worr ;an Jroto tho inn hHrinii lift. k>a v? v WA W V tA V V igs, Mattings, rriages, Office sic. ton Co. UGUSTA, GA. :>cc-cec>c-e -c-ce<>c1 " GKO. RKM.TIMMKRMAN. I. W M. THURMOND. TIIIJKMONI) ?t '1'IMMKHMAN. ATTOKKKY8-A r-I.AW. Will practice in all the State am* U. S. Courts. Ollke in Kautrinan Lkiilding, Lexington, S. C. BAkRETT JONES, ATTOllNKY AT I.AW. BATES BUItO, S. C. Careful attention tfiven to ail busines. . Fikst National Ha\k Buildino IJp Staiks. L. M. MITCH ELL I'llyrician am- sciho'on. Bateshur^, S. C. Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. in. 9 to 3 p. in. 7 :30 to 9 |>. m, E. L. AS BILL. / t Arnon r? r> r\ /L - 4 ' - ..vivi iigj aim vAiuiinciiur at UIW LKKSVILLK. S. C AV* business uiven careful atl-ent? ji? Advocate $1 per year l>R. I. A. WATSON. Dkntiht, BMtvsburg, S. O. < in Telepnmir Building, At Ridge Spring Kvcry Thursday