1TTEN 1 WH m J The B< ^ To more fi spl of of its supe w whole day be dkib - HI the above da ^ mount of eac |p draw one ticl the papers. Oct. 20th, ar ||| This is no c the purpose c w later. Our p JTLl UIHJ, ICCtl concern will 1 VVc will at all ities and Prices ?!? ? you could have ~^j|| difference. Come to our st out the order and < Bion was again eiccuin pension com jnissioruT. I>r. n. F. Wvnian va< leeted to succeed Dr. II. H. Wyniar as surgeon. The meeting wis well attended, and was a Lmost auccessfu gathering Mr. w. M. Wooley, president of the Aiken county branch or the < ottor Growers' association has called a meeting "f the association to be held Jn the court house on Wednesday, Bepl. lii. This will lie an important ? .1 ~ 1 1 * 1 - - - - jnrciiiiR nuu uu nit- idimuro are requested to be present. ?State. ECZEMA and PI I E CURE FREE Kf1?w?ng What it was to suffer, I will Rive FRIil- OF CHAROH, to any afflicted a positive cure for fcczema,Salt U lie tun, l.ryajp. elaa, Fife* and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer. Write F IV. Wilhfcina, 400 Manhattan Aveue, New York, enclose Stamp. w * ? *** Wp s*&- ^ *$$? /$?> ^ AIKEN DOCTORS IN SESSION Aiken. Sept 4?Tin; Aiken Count; lUedlral association met here tester flav with hi members present. A inns Interesting programme had been ar ranged After partaking of a cieligh fill dinner, consisting of barbecue 9f\n.. 4 i . l\nel\ /?t /i - ' tuant v*iu^u Wil5 II1UCI enjoyed, the members repaired to th< meeting room and devoted a hal hour to business, after which a ver, Jstvrestinff sciont ilit* paper 011 tl i 'History and cause.-; of malarial fever was read by Dr. .1, It a. Whitloek lie pave the most recent ideas, show Idk' that mosquitoes and bedbug Wei probably the moat prolific eausi Of this dreaded disease; also that fou fir was a frequent cause. The sub Ject was discussed by a number o J.ho doctors. The Aiken county pensioners met 1u tlx* court house yesterday Air.h I>r D. F. Wyman as presiding oillccr Messrs Joseph' r. llaviyal. \V. M Fo Icy, .1. 10. Murray were re elected t( the board and Mr. (Icorge C. Kdmon >klest and ed by illy and effectively i >rior stocks and mon tween Tuesday, Sep tes will be given?k< h days sales written cet, which will repre Customers having t: id receive the full ar ;atch penny scheme >f getting the correc 'resent stocks in all < ir/i r? cr f- r\ C?1t AVifv\/^nrt XUL tllC OllUi L/llCk5k) 1 be made. hazards maintain our repi . If you buy anything at ai bought the same article foi ore and we will make the c< jrder the goods for you--Iet DEATH OF MR GEORGE MOSELEY. i! PROMINENT AIKEN CITIZEN PASS, ES AWAY AT HIS COUNTRY HOME. 1 Aiken, Sept. f?.- Mr. George Mos'* eley,one of the most pr< ininent citizens (>f Aiken county, died at his ^ home near Wnite Pond yesterday e morning. r. Mnaeley was Co years ' (>ld at the time of ids death. A wife " and several children .survive him. Mr. Moseley served through thct ivil war s as a private In Company II. Four? leenlh r glment of South Carolina volunteers, commanded by ('apt. w. ' M. Jordan of Aiken, lie was wound . ed at Gaines' mill, and never fully | r< coveted his former good health. I The Interment took place yesterday ' afternoon near his home. A lai>e ' J number of friends and old comradrsj lu arms at tended ttie t) dy to tt> last renting place State. : MR. J. A. MITCHELL l AN OLD CONFEDERATE SOLDIER I DIED AT HIS ROME NEAR HERE RATIinnAV WTlin r | ? -'wm i;nun I 111VIJUL 1 Mr. J. A. Mitchell, a prosperous1 , fanner and old Confederate soldier, died at his home near town Saturday at the age of about 70 years. Mr. Mitchell had been a great Sllf_ fr ier for several months and hisde-l mise was not a surprise to his friends, i He fought during the war between the states and was badly wounded, from wliicfe he never linally recover en. Thus another old soldier has passed away and it will not be long Is-forc they all will have crossed the river. T1 DRY i INQ G< Most Libc Any Coin idvertise, this Great ey saving Bargains; t. 11th and Saturda; eeping a copy of sar i thereon, in a hat, f sent the days sales 1 ickets for goods bou nount in cash, but an idea, resultir t addresses of all 01 departments surpasi of the crops, we ha\ itation as leaders, in Style tiy time, and find aftcrwai r Iess-=make a claim on us tmiparison and if we do not ting us pay you when the jj Batesbui ILAWSON ADDISON KILLS TWO WOIflEN. GAVE THEM ORDERSROT TO ATTEND CHURCH. TRAGEDY NEAR LOW' DVI7IT T n It 1 V JLIiIj. Chester, i-epl 1.?laiw.son Addison, (olond, killed Matilda McMastet and M;?n) it-1 laiscll, also colored, fast nip'lit, asthetrio were on their way Ionic from church. The tragedy occurred in tIn! public road, about one mile t rt in Lowvyville Ir. ihe neighborhood of the l>r. Kpps Atkinson plantation I The McMaster, woman, who was Ad jdisons paramour, and her sister, Ma; mio Halscll. had gone to church continy to Addison's orders, and the .traged) foil i\ved. As t he congrt gal ion were wending f t...t - - , .m il v,.ij Momcwaru. tney were start[ led by four shots tired in rapid succession. 'I 1 icy at oner wont to the : spot from win mt i ho shots s? emod | t<> come, and found thr two women' cold in death. The sheriff and his! ' deputies were nt once summoned and, , took 11 if trail, but although poss< have boon scouring tiie country ail day lonif, not bin# i?as boon seen of tiie fugitive ?\ comi away. isiiio* Schei HE BATESBURO ADVOCA' GOODS OODS , " A 1 J ? ? mi Auven 3ern in M< Department Storewe will return to e1 y, Oct. 13th. To ea< ne ourselves. On IV rom which Mr. W. 1 that will be returned ght, on this day will lg from deep?boon i ar patrons, and the s, by far, any pre vie re bought heavier tf is, Qualrtls, that Weh Express ? for the . home n sening prove to your satisfaction ;oods come. rcr l NEGRO 102 YEARS OLD ATTEMPTS MURDER. St. George, Sept. U.--Magistrate .1. \\ Cummin^s of llarlcy ville, cumj mitted Lo jail today < aesar Slicppard, C horecl, a^ed 102 years, chanced with attempts and threats to kill Mr. W. Iniin^er. a n spertahle white citizen of I ln> llorl... ..ill.. i~.. n.l ~ * ?n 11 (*i i vj ? 11 %r. aci". i iuii ui 111 is i;t ?n 111 \ This old nepr.ihas already served live t-rms in i he penitentiary for various (Ileuses, including hog stealing. He has already expressed a willingness lo l.o sent to the penlleniiary, and upon his retuin eaeli time expresses himself as hi in^ highly pleased with his trip, and 01 his auv to jail todaj he lold the e iiistahle in whose buggy lie was riding t ) p eai.edi ive a little faster as lie ?;is anxii us to pet there, ami that en his last trip he was made n (trustee) ' trusty" at Clemsoii college, wiiere tie Croked and waited on th "beys." The State. Ci Tir^T*. .. ' t' A M en a. r* rmm ISS1M L'JSES UUflTEST IN SALUDA. I AS A RESULT FOUR CANDIDATES HAVE TO RUN OVER FOR THE HOUSE. Thefixecutivo Committee has?loc-ius showing, lan usual, and prices ABOUT MA! ave several of their catalogu * Co's., and Chicago business nerchants in town drawing < the value of your own land 1 that we can and do give yoi Carolina. A Gouil ling. It Is related l?y Professor Bell tliat ' when a friend of Ids was traveling 1 abroad lie one morning tools out bis ' purse tq see If It eontalued sulllelent * change for a day's Jaunt be Intended i making. He dei>urted from bis lodg- * lugs, leaving a trusted dog behind, ? When he dined he tools out his purse 1 to pay and found he bad lost a gold ' coin from It. On returning lioiue in t the evening his servant Informed hlin that the dog seemed very ill, as they > could not Induce him to eat anything. \ He went at unco to bis favor'te. and as 1 soon as ho entered the room the faith- ' ful creature ran to him, deposited the r gold coin at bis fe? t and then devoured \ the food placed for ldin with great a eagerness. The truth was that the n gentleman had dropped the coin in the j, morning. The dog had picked It up p and kept It in bis mouth, fearing even v to eat lest he should lose Ids master's property before nil opportunity was af- p forded him to restore It.?Chambers' j c i.......... i / Orlul" <>( rrmcdit ilreml. jThe origin of tlio Viennese broad ' H shaped like a eroseent, which Is found t. In most places on the continent, dates t. hack to the time when the Austrian D capital was being besieged by the Turks under the terrible (irnnd Vizier Kara Mus^-pha, and as the.v failed to take the city by assault they dccUhnl q to dig a passage under the walls and I ,, so penetrate Into the town. In the day- I p time tho noise of the siege made the ! p sound of the tunneling Inaudible, and t) at nighttime the defenders of the eJ place were asleep, all but the sentries ,.j and tho bakers. It was the bakers (j who, as they linked the bread for the g, garrison, heard the pickaxes of tho t>, miners coming nearer and nearer and K( gave the alarm. In the lighting tho j. linkers' association took their sliaro p, with the utmost bravery, and as a re- G, ward for their services the emperor In gave them permission to make a spe- \ 1.1 eliil ? nk?* shaped like the Turkish orescent.?London Skotoli. i w ?> for rent ;;; Stftre now occ ipled by Hunter's k> Drug Store. Apply to F. H. Hunter. ? 5ANY I tne JbJver ? [istory! nay come, see, am or this entire pu every article pur< e will place ticke it of the First Nat it of this date will 1 fson, not later t ;he reasons above ler plans that wil never before nam L ORDERS HOUSE, les, and say nothing of ? houses, at the same tin Jowi\ the markets for yo n favor of real estate in i i better values for less i *" Orluln of Word*. To Milun Is owed tho word "mill itery," a milliner having boon origiua y a Milliner, an importer of femlnlu inery from Milan, Just as a "eordwalc m\" shoemaker, was a worker la "coi louan," leather from Cortlova. It 1 unions to note how many words huvi omo from the Keo?fnphlenl nanus o lorthern Italy. There is, for'lnstanet 'llorin." the eolu of Florence, and "pis ol," from Pistoja. I>r. Johnson saiil that the word "Job vys "a low word now much In use, o vhieli 1 e.innot tell the etymology." 1 s supposed to be really identleal witl 'Ko'-." a mouthful or morsel. Pcpyi eeords how " ;iy lord" said to him, " v 111 do you all the ooil jobs I can,' tml l'epys himself speaks of Tannic! is "hitherto used as a Jobb to do i Jnducss to some lord." Hut the slm ile motiosyllnhie ugliness of the wort vas too much for Johnson. Many words of most august souuc nove to be of (jnlte eommonphue an esuy wiilmi utu'im to their origins Finnnee" Is l^-ally only "settllnjjf tip.' dterally it Is Just "emllnK" and was ormorly used In that very sliuph ense In the Kn^llsh lau^iuiKe. Then il ame to signify settling up with n reilitor ami acquired tlio special sense f ransom. The Interior of llir Iaxrtli. A froqueut remark Is that mankind wells on a tlilu crust cnclrellnjc >i lolten mass and that the Journey ol fo Is nraet ally on a lire hall incased i a fragile shell that has cooled and nit, as 11 cools further, contracts wltli irtiii|ur ho shocks. Much virtue in loto.io, if tin* purpose Is to elevate ie lialr am! induce colt! thrills ami Doseilesh. The internal hre of the irth is an Inference ami, in any largo use, historically harmless If true, crsoiis who worry over cosmic probms might also keep awake of nights I'er the palpuhle truth that the earth oves through space without any visile means of support. On the planet ;e the plain marks of epochs of ice as ell as of intense heat. Scientists tree that glacial ages will come lain, Imt geology teaches that they o gradual uu?l of llinlteil extent geo nphlcully. ? St. I-ouls t>lobe-lieuioat. \ V. - n i QIV= | \ tiiirvinf- 2^ -^^vvmpu" H d be convinced || rchase for one ^ chased between w its with .the a- fjf ;ional Bank, will && )e given through M: nan Saturday, |||| stated and for - * 1 be announced W ed by a retail jjj| building up Giant ie weakening your aia ur produce and les1 distant state. money we will make A W V W <\N Y1 Onoe n XonI of I'lrnten. Luudy, In the ltrlstol chaunel, Ik nil 1. island where one may see an earthe quake at any time. There Is nothing i- alarming al>*ut these "earthquakes," - however. They are simply certain cu a lious crevasses In the west of the is* c land, which the local people call hj f that name. I.undy In former centuries >, was a notorious nest of pirates. In i- Kln? Henry III.'s time William . A full attendance is desired to consider business of prime interest to Veterans, lly order U. X. (5untor, Commander. T. I>. V11 lard, Adjutant. FOR RP.NT ?Store now occupied by Hunter's Drujc Store. Apply to F. II. Hunter. - *? 4. * . |? I a