<**'> j... i : J",1 isn? Q.CO Have just fin ^ A full and cc I y m tention given i y 9 o ny iy ft ?? I) | Batesburg, [The Batesburg Advocate. r? ^ s< t< Subscription Rates, In Advance: Due Yoar 60c. c 011 Months? 25c. 1 ftbtered at the Batesburg, S C. Post v (MB*? as Second Class Mail Matter. A P No attention paid to correspond- o ace that is not signed by sender's ? orrect name. L f When sending: In change of address alway give your old post office. N. ROGERS BAYLY, Ed. & Prop i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, >906. A nr. el and Manning tor Governor. , Vote for one! e Be sure and vote Tuesday for the men of your choice. s Wharton and Sullivan for Railroad { Commissioner. Vote for the one you | think will give us the best depots and ( the lowest freight rates. , * i . L.'.it )* T> IB OC* I ?W VMMU 1A4Q MOliiVV A UVJUH*/ The most important offices in our itate and county arc yet to be filled. Xm't forget to go to the polls on 'uMday. Tuesday you will have the last opirtnnity to vote for the men of your oice for two years. Be suro and *i. iko use of it! The cotton season is at hand and it will not be long beforo the fleecy sta- ( pis will be seen on every wagon that Comes to town. Tnat was a great compliment that those 800 voters of South Carolina paid Adam Crane Jones, of Newberry, on the 28th of August. In those $50.00 cards in the Columbia State and the Sunday News and Courier, Adam Crane Jones, of Newberry, saifl he would be elected Governor of South Carolina if his friends would stand by him. They did it about 8oo strong out of 100,0$0 Our old true and tried friend, Frank Shealy, "was running some." He got 2404 against 002 for both of hl9 opponents. It reminds us of the noke Smith land slide in Georgia. dam Crane Jones, candidate for Governor, slapped the face of his opponent, Mr, Joel E. Brunson, a one armed man, of whom there has never jbeen a stain cast upon his name and an honest prohibitionist, in preference to spitting In Ills face, On election day, the people of Sooth Carolina Scratched his name to the tune of about 1)9,200 times. A just rebuke. ? * Dr. E, J. Ktheredge, of Leesvllle, o who has ably represented the people t of Lexington county in the State Leg t lalaturo for one term, is now asking c the people to re-elect him to that of- I flee. The life and character of this r worthy young man Is well known to d the people of this county. ITc is a ^ vigorous fighter for the principles of 6 Tight and la a ceaseless worker. His f< High, christian character, his clean ? ME Al % ished moving into < * implete line of ever . to prescriptions. GUN iCurri in Mia Hmup anri hia nhliitv trv I irvc the people, should commend him a the favorable consideration of cvry voter in Lexington county next 'uesilsy. In the race for County Auditor we visit to say that one of the oandlclates, ir. W. I), Dent, of IJrookland, is ersonally known to us. In our issue f August 24, we published an cnlorsement from the people of his lome town, setting forth his peculiar itness for the duties of the oflice. His life in the past has been clean . hat he Is possessed of all the qualifications that it takes to fill the otlice s not doubted, and coming into the ace a perfect stranger, outside of his lomctown, and the vote he received 11 the first election is indeed a compliment to the man who is now askng the suffrage of his fellow citizens >Vc trust that he will receive the lupport that he so Justly deservesCol. J. II. Wharton, who is in the lecond primary fbr re-election to the ifliceof Railroad Commissioner, has icrved the people of South Carolina faithfully for the past six years in the jfllce to which he now aspires lie is kn old soldier who fonirHt - mvWIIU terra, or even a third term, would not halt repay him lor the many acts of kindness he has shown to his fellowman. Head the card of an old Confed erate Soldier in another column. Col Wharton is big-hearted and truetrue to the principles of right and a strong tighter against all wrong. We feel that it is but Just that this man should receive your thoughtful consideration nexc Tuesday, and we believe that the people of Houth Carolina would do honor to themselves and to Lhe Commonwealth by electing Col. J. II. Wharton to a second term on the Railroad Commission. CAMPAIGN PREDICTIONS. Taking the gubernatorial vote as in licatlve of popular opinion, we And Lhat the dispensary vote exceeded that of the anti-dispensary as reprejented by Ansel, by over 0,500 votes. The straight prohibition vote amount td to something over 10,000. Conceding that the dispensary and anli dispensary vote in tho second primary vill remain about tnat same proportion, the question is where the 10,000 >rohibltlon votes will go. We believe i majority will go to the state dispenlary system as Mr. Manning reprelents it. We are reliably Informed that Mr. llrunson, who received neary 10,00 votes, believes in the state lispensary as Mr. Manning would and vill have it, if elected, in preference to the county or license system. Mr. irunson doubtless voices tho sentl ncnt of a great majority who voted or him. They are all prohibitionists, traight, pure, without any political ir other entanglements, without any fs or ands or huts about it. But seeng that they cannot now obtain rhat they want, as intelligent patriotic men they will vote for what they hink will conduce more to sobriety, >cace, law and order. It Is inconeivable almost that they would aign themselves with tho hcense-baroom element, and the defeat of the ispensary means tho ultimate triimph of that element. Hence, we >elieve a majority of tlioin will vote or Manning practically insuring h^, lection. Columbia ltecord. > j-qea. .... lt,E WW) Dur new, large and u ything kept in a firs TUB'S BE SORE TO VOTE TUESDAY. Next .Tuesday, the 11th of Setitom ber, the second primary will be held 1 and it is the duty of every man that is old enough to vote to go to the pulls and cast his ballot for the men of his choice. In the State election there is three offices to be tilled, that of Governor, Attorney-General and Railroad Commissioner. For Governor Ansel and ^ Manning arc making the second race; for Altomay-Oencral f.yon and Ragsdale; for Railroad Commissioner, Wharton and Sullivan. These are f the most important offices of our State Government, and It is your F duty to help to elect one of these candidates. Vote for the principles you think are right and just. We are not i/niiii' tn (oil vmi tlirn utli t linco onl_ umns how you must vote. We have i our preference; there are men in the race that we would like tosec elected, but we accord to our readers the same privilege which arc accorded to every man in this great and proud State of ours. But we urge you, in the name of good government, to exercise the high privilege which is extended you ^ and vote on September litis fur the nan of your choice. ? ? "It ncxingion. bor supervisor, one or J the most important oflices in the oounty, Mr. 3eo. A.1 Sliealy, or Edmund, and Mr. (J. II. lvoon, of the Dutch Fork, are making the race. For County Commissioner, Messrsl). II. ] Craft and W. T. Craps are out foj the office. For Auditor, Mr. W D. Dent, of New Brookland, and Mr. M. P. Lindler, of the Fork, are lighting for the place. These are all 110 doubt j good men and are well known to most readers of The AdvocateIn the county as in the State, we have our preference, but wc are not _ going to say how you must vote, but we want to impress upon your minds that the moat important otlices are li yet to be lilled, and next Tuesday will ' oe uie time lor you to maae your g choice. He sure and turnout Tuesday 1 and vote like men. Don't let the idea get into your minds that, our State is going to the bad and every time you 4 cast your vote it makes matters worse. Tliis is tho great trouble now, you fail to exorcise the great privilege that is accorded to every citizen of this broad land; you fail to go to the ballot box and cast your votes as free men for those principles of government which, in yonr judgment, you honestly think will redown to the betterment of your County and 8tate. KvrresBURO aDv^ca^ nn p-to-date store, nex t class.apothecary D R 0 ( I I [IT . J J'_ j weuaing Presents. JTERLING SILVER, CUT GLASS, 1ANDPAINTED CHINAJ -INE CLOCKS and BRONZES. 4 c t fine stock on hand to select,] Iron, aid New Goods arriving My, 7e have a Msorae stock ol fino Tftmnlttw )ont My yoor presents Deior seeii oar pods. P. H. Lachicotte & Company, 1 JEWELERS. ] 424 Main St., Columbia South Carolina. Tholr Almonco K*|iln 1 nril. During an uci'ltuunlous debute la the i lOtise shortly before the civil war Mr. ' 'otter of Wisconsin inado some very harp stricture** on Mr. Prvor of Vlrluln. The result was a challenge from 'ryor to tight u duel, which Potter i iromptly accepted, naming as terms J ?owlo knives at five paces, terms vhlch he well knew l'ryor would not , laro to accept, as he wmh n siunll man, ( irlille Potter was n wo trains or thought nt the snmo t [mo. When highly developed tbls pow- h r enables Its possessor subconscious t to find words expressing a tlnmyht h Iready formed wldlo at the same time r Imping the next thought period in ) ousclous preparation. An instance Is (l Iveu by Scott's amanuensis, who re- l ttes that while dictating the novelist j ,'ould sometimes search through a i ook, finding and rending a passage, iul thus keeping two trains of loughts going simultaneously. The muuuensls discovered the fUct that j cott was doing double work In his , ( abx through the occasional occurrence i the dictation of a word which did ( ot lit In the seutencc, but four or live t nes farther on the place where the j rord belonged would tuvuutt. , - ' ii in iillci a 11 u l 11 tiiu uiou >uu vote iui V get elected or not, you will feel the a better for having done your duty. (1 Again, we ask you, in the name of ? good government, and In the name of your County and State, to go to the polls next Tuesday and cast your bal- i lots for that which you think is right ? and just. * It is a well known medical fact that " e pine rosin is most effective in the treat ment of diseases of the bladder and !l kidneys. SulTercrs from backache and " other troubles due to family action of g the kif'eys unci rciu-i in ino use 01 " T Pine-ules. $1.00 buys ;50 days treat- |, ment. Sold by Tlm-nions Bros. a Subscribe for The Advo- s cate. 50 cents a year in u advance. u m "Tew t to the First Nations store. Cool drinks c 1 STOF For the next thirty with each $10.00 pure tiful Oil Painting, Wa are beautiful subjects We have new gooch ire keeping our stocl nake it interesting fo See us before buy in the l A Tnr? ? "(JUT I Beginning Saturday big cut price on Milbu nns until Opt i 1cit this ? V*A W V/ v? mak^ loom for the Fa You will also draw i bought during this sal Don't forget to see ing at 25cts. One car load of Wo1 ly reduced prices. Nc you can get these spe( see me while you are i; * - w llKnloM Wnlcr. Thtyjtev. Samuel I VCers was the man J A 1 vho made t'onnectleut's Mm* laws fa- Rider nous by their publication In b'.s his- with ory ?f that stnte. In that Interesting Moor 'oltnne tin* following original bit of handi lateral history is to la- found; "In tin* more, 'onnectlciit river, 2 miles from Long ,lul l" sluml Hound, is a narrow of live yards they inly, formed by two shelving inoun- wash ulna of solid roek, whose tops lntef- coin?, -ej>t tin- clouds. Through this chasm ' ?h?an ire compelled to pass all the waters j elenn vhleh In the time of lloods bury the . v tort hern country, llero water Is eon- them lolldatcd without frost, by pressure, j tlroiu ty swiftness, between the plnehlng, NN"> iturdy rocks to such a degree of Indu- thiov 'atIon that an Iron erow floats sinootu- as!4 y down Its current. Here Iron, lead holes iml cork have one common weight; < r" ^ lere, steady as tlino and harder than narble, the stream passes, Irresistible rj.j f not swift as lightning." whirl ? I tljl> J PtrnK-ngrr Rivrntor*. i wax~ "He define tbat he built tho ilrst Itou >asfl?*ngor olovntorH used In this conn- ol tn :ry." as on "Nonncngel Tho Mississippi strain- 1 Justli Hints wore running and Mowing up vanl 'ogularly long twforo he uu>* Ihiiu."? collar I'UlUdclnht* ?* ?. ^ mul i I ercuy ST08I il Bank. >f all kinds and es IE, South mt. Wi days we will give ; hase, at our fumit iter Color or Paste i and good values. 3 coming in most ai : up to the minr r you in quality an g. You n r,in. in a/i vuujuu ' morning, Sept. 8t rn and Studebaker ; is to reduce mv la %s ill shipments i nice premium wi e. the regular 50c. wl yen Wire Fence to >w is the time for i hal bargains. Be s n town Mourn Councilor I'm Dirty. i.ililt of our own which wo con- A fur morn olonuly than eating vl$l our fingers la looked upon by tin; froi a as filthy that Is, washing our any * or fueo In a basin and, still Irrl taking a bath where the water 1m autl tinning. Tho cleaner wo become, "W say, the dirtier tho water wo tiro eon lag with must necessarily be wht , and eventually we step forth us tho Red from water which Is no longer yer A Moor to wash his hands has the rater poured from a vessel over n ci at.1 never "by any ehaneo dips Rlt Into the dirty water. The same Jan In their baths. The water Is gou ,11 over their bodies out of bright gru bowls and Hows away through sup In tho marble or tile lloor.- Mod Not octoty. awl liav Tho Harvard Oon, I iron cross burnished with gold j,u0 i Is over ono of the enframes to j)0 larvard college library (tJoru hall) >.j , tthe time of the 171*. siege of jHHt g taken from a Catholic chapand brought to Massachusetts* o of the spoils of victor)'. In 1^77 I'i n Wiiisor, the llbrariau of liarcollege library, found It In the j,a|, ' of the library and had It glided . ilaced hi the position which It now " ktM. . I ? .M I >5 to to ,vf ^ O 1 / \ O i \teu^